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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"No, silly. You have to stay here and rest for a moment. I'm sure our friend here can drop that off and come back." Xusin relaxed a little bit, just to get a sudden head hit from whatever was burning. One thing for certain, it brought back color to her face in but the blink of an eye. Xusin sat up some, regaining some conscious capacity.

"Could you open your hand, for a moment?" Xusin was just about to comply. Her injured hand lifted off the dock ever so slightly, and even turned to face the palm up when suddenly from nowhere... "My fair lady, I wish to only know the name of a lady so beautiful." Just as quickly as her face had lost the red hue, it regained it again, once more uniting her face and dress in crimson color.

The human was speaking to her! And so flirtaceously! Xusin knew humans flirted for many reasons, and normally during her studies on them could identify why and how and more, based on patterns in social structures. Now however, under the spotlight, Xusin felt a flutter in her chest that made logical thought much more difficult. The bloodied hand that she was going to bare for the gnome to see lifted instead to her face, covering her lips out of embarassment. Xusin acted even more out of character, going so far as to reveal her own identity.

Im Xusin. she was suddenly very soft spoken. She hardly knew how to react to the human, and nearly all judgement was draining and fast.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Isabeau kept a safe distance from the ruckus at the docks, but continued to glance their way every now and again, keeping an eye on the happenings. She couldn't see much of what was going on until all of a sudden ... "Clear the fuck out!", she heard the man say in a threatening tone, and for the most part, the crowd cleared away. She had no intentions of making any enemies just yet, but figured it would be a good idea to be in the know, just in case.

She also kept an eye on the pretty boy and his two companions. So perhaps they weren't picking on him? Hmm ... The boy may know them, but it's obvious they don't know him...her thoughts trailed off with a wrinkle of her nose. She slowly and cautiously made her way closer to the trio, not sure what to expect. Were they friends or foes? She had a thing for not killing children, and this one seemed innocent enough, she hoped. There were too many guards around for anyone to act stupid. But now she was curious, and just had to know what she was dealing with. Her hands slipped into her pockets as she casually strolled about the square towards them, weaving in and out of the crowd. She had to be careful. She had gotten so used to creeping in the shadows, but this wasn't the time or place for theatrics or anything that might draw suspicion to her. With an eye wandering over to the docs every so often, she made her way over to a merchant booth near the pretty boy, his companion and the child, just in time to see the boy extend a half eaten piece of bread. Looking puzzled at the lint covered bread, her attention had now become fixed on the three. She leaned her side on the booth behind her, her hands still pocketted, looking as casual as can be as she watched them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Cassius Dennis

Sitting at a stool on a boat headed for Waeldeshore, Cassius had heard of whispers and hearsay from all over the land about how Waeldeshore was going to be set aflame. Cassius being one of the more curious individuals and noting that this will hone his skill, he had set off and had gotten a trip for a fair price on a ship on it's way to trade to Waeldeshore.

The ship smelt of decay and rot filled the air, but Cassius didn't really care too much as the smell was well known to him. Breaking off his thought were apparently pirates 'taking' over the ship, with the said pirates screaming at the passengers to scream at them and get down or they will get killed. Through shrieks and screams, Cassius only sighed and pulling his sword from it's beautiful home. Three of the 'pirates' had noticed this, "YOU, DROP THAT NO-" one of them started screaming when Cassius suddenly appeared behind him, and hitting his head with the hilt knocking him out.

The other two became wide eyed when they saw the glitter of his long sword and its embellishment. "N- No way, the wandering swordsman?" the other said with a low voice, then promptly being knocked out by the blunt side of the sword. The final one swiping at his left arm but only grazing Cassius, and with a glare the third pirate dropped his sword and prostrated incoherently saying to spare his life. With another sigh, Cassius put the sword back to its holster and sat back down on his stool with the passengers just shocked and slowly started cheering and thanking him. "I don't need any thanks." he said before he started contemplating again.

Finally arriving at the port of Waeldeshore, most of the passengers had thanked him and even the sailors wanted to give back his fair price but Cassius just denied it and gave it back to them. "It's alright, just make sure to properly hand those felons to the whoever is in charge here." Placing his hood back on his head, he looked onward to Waeldeshore. Cassius raised his eyebrows to the amount of patrol and guards mugging about. So they have heard the rumors he thought to himself as a bit more blood spilled from his left arm, Damn it was deeper than I thought he continued as he began looking around for an apothecary of some kind.

Grabbing a small fabric he had in his pouch, he made a pseudo-bandage that covered the seeping wound, and again began looking for some sort healer, when he hears a threatening shout as he was walking through the docks. "Clear the fuck out." this menacing shout had caught the eye of Cassius, and he looked towards the sound and found people scattering away. After the people have all scuttled away, there were only a few individuals left, a gnome, a relatively fierce looking guy and a woman.

Not one for proper etiquette or manners, Cassius cannot read the situation properly as he stepped right above the fierce looking man and not noticing the bleeding woman and asked, "Would you people kindly point me to a nearby healer of some sort?"

@notdeadyet @The Fated Fallen @ElitestPotato
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As the lady pulled her hand towards her face, Tirarrian grabbed it. She hissed through her teeth, "Ooooh! That looks nasty!"

I'm Xusin the lady said, though not to the Gnome. She seemed enamoured with the man. For the first time, Tirarrian appraised the man. He kept himself well, and clearly valued practicality over look, as his short hair and neat beard testified towards. Perhaps most notable of all was the man's scar, extending across his face and over his crippled eye. It almost gave him a quite threatening look if he tried.

It was at this point another armoured man walked up, this one younger and with a cloak.
"Would you people kindly point me to a nearby healer of some sort?" he said, wrapping up his arm

Tirarrian stared wide eyed, before forcefully gesturing the Xusin's hand, and gesturing to the man's arm, hoping that said it all
"What? Is there an epidemic of limb injuries in this place? Is it infectious? Should I be worried?"
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Elitestpotato
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"Im Xusin."
Edict's mind searched his years of study for the name. Again, he is too focused to notice ongoing events, completely not noticing the other man that approaches.

"Xusin... Fallen Angel. Demon.", is what his brain told him. But... This woman before him... This is no demon. Demons are known to shape shift, but he cannot recall Xusin being a shape shifter. In fact, she's a lesser demon. She doesn't have enough power to show up in the physical world without help. Xusin... The fallen angel that was enamored with humanity. Explains why she is looking at him so dreamily. Why and how is she on earth though? Snapping back into reality he realizes that there is blood seemingly pouring out of at least two limbs.

The Witch Hunter peers around and notices a sign: "Maria's Medicines and Sundries". That would probably work.
He turns back towards Xusin.
"M'lady, if you would be so kind as to follow me so that we can have that hand looked at.", Edict says, standing and offering his hand to Xusin.

"Gnome, I suggest you coming along too. You would be a great help. And I suppose whoever the fuck that is", Edict gestures to the other man, "can come too."
Edict does not know the reason for Xusin's appearance here but he does know that someone probably summoned her. He also doesn't know how she got in this current form. However, he plans to find out.
@notdeadyet @The Fated Fallen @Inertia
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ryciera
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Ryciera Metaphorical Artist

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Piper stared long and hard at the lint-covered, hairy piece of bread, letting a moment of silence beat between them. When she'd had enough time to gather her thoughts, she flicked her gaze between the child and food, and came to the realization that that bread was the most glorious gift she could ever have the privilege of receiving. Forget the fact that he was offering it to Joey. She leaned forward to snatch it from the boy's hand. Anything of Joey's was also hers. Her fingers thoughtlessly plucked at the bits of fuzz that clung to her breakfast, and when she was satisfied, she took a large bite, muttering something gleeful through a full mouth.

"Joey." she swallowed her bite and cocked her head toward the child, "Boy's fed, yeh? Seems t'be likin' ye qui' a bit." initially oblivious of the woman watching her, "Got bread 'e jess carries 'roun'n th'like. Figgers 'e likes y'a lo'. Think s'the beads?" she wiggled her fingers in the air as if they were a cat batting the strands, "Figger s'gotta be'at." her gaze snapped back to the child. If he had bread, what else was he hiding in those pockets of his? She took another slow bite of the snack and accidentally spat a few flecks out of her mouth, "Laddie." she wiped a hand across her lips, "Y'talk a'tall?" and, at that moment while she was staring at the child, a figure past him stood out in the daylight. She watched Isabeau from her peripheral vision, betraying no acknowledgement of the woman's staring.

The redhead brought herself to her full height again (which wasn't much to brag about) and gestured to Joey with the bread, "S'pose y'wanna go fer a walk. S'a nice day for it, aye?" The girl struggled to hide her sudden discomfort. She cast a glance about the street--a subtle way to determine if her gut instinct was right. It definitely felt like they were still being watched, "This little lad really likes ye. 'e know yer a sailor?" she gestured to the docks nearby, "Wanna show 'im yer shep?" It looked like the docks had mostly cleared out anyway. This was a prime opportunity.

(( @Plecy @IcePezz @Strafe ))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Plecy
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Plecy Flinger of Sarcasm

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Joseph took to the offering without quite as much enthusiasm. He raised a hand but ultimately let it hang as he made out the bread's finer... Details. Did he really want to touch that? He couldn't let himself sink that low. There was a long, disturbed pause from the man-- Too long, as it turns out, as an all-too-familiar, all-too-grubby hand snatched the bread out of sight. He was used to that by now, but it didn't stop him from scoffing and shaking his head as he straightened back up. "You'll get sick." He warned absently as he folded his arms over his chest. They could do better than spoiled bread from a child, he just knew they could.

He left the thought, begrudgingly, when his name was called, and he quirked a brow at Piper, all muffled words and stuffed cheeks. He'd learned to translate by now. "Foulin' bread, that's all it is. Lad's hardly carrying loaves fresh from the oven." He just had to correct her at first, before he drew his attention down to the bizarre little boy in the spotlight. He couldn't have much, could he? Joseph looked him up and down and twisted at a bead-adorned strand of hair. "Ha! Boy might just have quality tastes. ...Figure he would'a said somethin' by now. Hm. Lad with a broken voice, few things more tragic." He couldn't help but make light of it. Joseph glanced between the two before he settled on Piper and waggled his brows. He caught an odd glance, but thought little of it. Did something else just catch her eye? Hm.

He found himself peering at Jason out of the corner of his eye. It was hard what to make of the silent boy. Was he a thief offering food as an apology, or was he just a little brain addled? How could you even tell with mutes? "A walk? What's--..." He could spot her unease from a mile off if he had to. He'd seen it too often. His lips twitched into a thin line and he peered suddenly over his shoulder. Quite the crowd, some more shiftily dressed than others. Even a woman all in dark leathers, he'd keep an eye on her. It all put him ill at ease, but he assured himself that they hadn't done anything wrong... At least today. "...My ship." He repeated shortly after her. Piper was in his gaze now, and a tinge of disappointment was evident in his expression. He knew what she was suggesting. Children. Had they come so low as to rifle through the pockets of children? He pursed his lips at her and shook his head faintly. He wanted a crate of cargo, not the contents of a boy's pockets. How could a man make his fortune on that?

"...Grand idea." He let out after a pause. "But you get to keep an eye on our tight-lipped friend, y'don't want him running off." He clapped her on the shoulder as he took the front of the group, and with a spin on his heel he peered back at them. He gave that woman, Isabeau, in the distance a pausing glance. He told himself to wait to see if she followed. Piper's schemes were low, but all the worse if somebody caught them in the act. Hells, he couldn't imagine the shame. "...Show him real quick. Then we gotta' do what I told you about earlier." He relented with that, glancing between Piper and the boy. Without further delay, he jerked his head over his shoulder and turned with. Off he went en route to the docks, on the lookout for delightfully unattended cargo.

@Ryciera @IcePezz @Strafe

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The general feel of the current conversation seemed that everybody wanted to make their way to the apothecary shop. Xusin's mind went to fear. Would the apothecary requir payment? She had no money of human currency yet though! She had fallen off the boat long before recieving payment for her swabbing. Thusly, Xusin's brain raked up a different thought, to save herself from a possibly expensive medical bill.

"Arent you supposed to buy a lady a drink before inquiring her medical records?" Genius! A few minutes, maybe even a full hour in there and I can get back to the boat. It was a shame this man frightened her so. Xusin loved humans, but this one had such a pressing and assertive personality that it wa actually intimidating! She needed to find a way to free herself from his captivating effects long enough to thibk out what she needed to do.

Then again... What did she need to do? She had long since run from Jaltheor, and didnt have a personal agenda to fullfill.. Sooo... "Id be glad to join you for one or two after the four of us go to the apothecary." Genius yet again. I just wont leave myself alone with him. With the four of us together, there ought not to be too much trouble... Hopefully. But... Xusin's pupiless eyes settled upon the newer man, whose name she didnt know, though it was impossible to tell she was looking at him. This brought to mind, she didnt know ANYBODY's names, accept of coarse edict, the... Hunter. Cold shivers ran down Xusin's spine as she thought of what he might hunt.

My hand does sting a bit from the salt and all.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tirarrian stood up, which bought her up to the new man's waist

"If we go into the bar I can get some alcohol to disinfect the wound. Correction; wounds. I'm no doctor, but I should be able to apply some bandages and clean the wounds."

The Gnome looked towards the lady. "Can you walk?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Cassius Dennis

Being zoned out of the conversation of the three individuals. Cassius only knows that the viscous looking man had a mouth to him, the Gnome was a bit squeamish and the woman was an oddity. His arm started to bleed profusely again Deeper than I thought huh. The city gave of a feeling of closeness and Cassius could only smile at the rather homey feel. He even noticed a few just talking and teasing one another, Cassius had only been around people who distrusted and greed in their eyes, though he never really minded, it was a nice change of pace.

Snapping out of his thoughts was the Gnome lady talked about disinfecting the wound with bottle, and with her asking the other lady if she could walk. "Oh, my name if any of you are wondering, my name is Dennis, Cassius Dennis. Nice to meet you." he said to them while doing a swift and rather deep bow. "I am just looking for worthy swordsman to test my skills."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Strafe
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Strafe drnt drnt drnt

Member Seen 18 days ago


He watched the woman snatch the bread with resigned horror. That was a gift for Sir Joffridus... how could she… He looked on sadly as her greasy lips wrapped around the bread.

But then his pointed ears suddenly perked up when he felt a strange presence. It drew all of his attention, and he didn’t hear whatever else the two said. He turned directly to see her, by the merchant’s stand, not noticing that he was staring. She was intimidating, but not scary, and was staring back at him with piercingly beautiful eyes.

As Joffridus and his companion began to move towards the docks, Jason hesistantly plodded along after them, still peering over at Isabeau.

@IcePezz @Ryciera @Plecy
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

She couldn't peel her eyes from the boy. Something shook inside her, shook her down to her very core, forcing goose pimples to rise from her flesh. There was something about this kid. She had no idea what it was, but she could feel it. He was different somehow, and it wasn't his half-elf heritage or his seemingly inability to speak.

She didn't realize she was staring and even more that he was staring right back at her, it was as if she was lost in his gaze, contemplating what it was she was actually looking at.

It wasn't until they turned towards the docks that her gaze broke from his. Her face reddened and for that one brief moment, she felt afraid. She was her lands greatest assassin, killed countless during her employment in the Guild. She was skilled at being cold and calculating, despite the passion burning inside her. And yet, here she was, only a shell of that woman, as fear crept into her veins. Not of the boy persay, but of the unknown, of what she felt from him.

Was it her destiny to follow? She didn't usually care much for that word. She believed in making her own destiny. But she couldn't help the feeling, the one that had been gnawing at her since she first saw the trio. And so, without any care of being discovered, she followed them.

@Strafe @Ryciera @Plecy
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ryciera
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Ryciera Metaphorical Artist

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Righ', righ'." she shuffled along behind the two, making sure to keep the child between them. A hand idly went to her pocket, sliding in and touching the brass knuckles for assurance. She still felt eyes on the back of their heads, but dared not turn and look. An unsettled silence overcame her while she walked. She forced the worry from her mind and let her gaze briefly drop to her boots,

"Figger s'a nice shep, yeh?" were they still being followed? The girl struggled hard to listen for footsteps, but aside from her own, she couldn't distinguish the differences between a potential stalker and the stream of passers by. Her attention floated to the back of Joey's head, then past him, trying to discern where they were going. She stole a glance about the area, to the right, briefly behind-- oh shit, they were there!

She picked up the pace, brushing past the boy to return to Joey's side. Her voice fell softer than usual, but loud enough for the child to pick up if he was attentive, "T'the aft. Think a bravo?" a quick bat to his arm, "Don' look 'less yer quick, yeh?" her hands returned to her pockets. Why would someone be pursuing them? Did they know the plan? Could they take them if it came down to it? A thought crossed her mind, "Think they got sommit un'erneath that there cloak?" She fought back the nagging feeling that she'd seen metal somewhere on the woman, chalking it up to be a bracer or a buckle. No one would carry a weapon in broad daylight, would they?

Her gaze floated to the sword at Joey's hip--an answer to her own question.

(( @Plecy @IcePezz @Strafe ))
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Elitestpotato
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

A Walk Among the Questions

Annoyed, Edict quickly says, "M'lady, you need a doctor.", and gently but briskly picks Xusin up, fireman style.
"If you guys want to come then come the fuck on," Edict yells over his shoulder at the gnome and man as he walks toward Maria's Medicines and Sundries.

The Witch Hunter quickly decides to use these few moments alone he has with Xusin.
"Xusin,", he says quietly , looking down onto her face, "I know who and what you are. But don't worry, I won't hurt you. I just need to know why you are here... And how? Did someone summon you?", he finishes the sentence calmly, trying to be as sincere as possible.
@Inertia@The Fated Fallen@notdeadyet
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crazedm
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

“Finally, land!” is all that Harrow could think as he stepped off of the boat on the docks. He first thought was that he was on a mission and shouldn’t be around here any longer than necessary. However, he saw a tavern not far from where he stood “Well a quick pit stop never hurt anyone” he said to himself as a crooked smile crawled onto his face. He entered the Ugly Mug quickly and quietly not wanting to draw much attention to himself. He sat down at a small table not far from the bar hoping to hear any tips that could help him complete his mission. If nothing else some ale would really hit the spot. He ordered a pint and slowly savored the delicious liquid gold.

He sat for quite a while before his ears perked up as a woman two tables behind him started talking. “I heard he went into hiding after they put the bounty on him.” “Well he shouldn’t have messed with the family at least not one with deep pockets.” The man at the same table stated as he drank from his mug. Harrow was sure they meant his mark. The whole reason he was here was to find him and bring him to the Montiff family alive. He had no idea what he had done. All he needed to know is it was bad and he has a job to do. He finished his ale and payed his tab. He slowly got up and headed toward the two that were just talking.

Excuse me I couldn’t help but overhear what you two were just talking about a minute ago. Any chance you were talking about Blayne Amberglove?” They stared at him for what seemed like forever. “I take it you’re looking for him?” she said clearly annoyed. “That is correct and the quicker I find him the better.” They both looked at each other and he nodded towards the woman. “I don’t know for sure where he is but his sister Jadelyn works not far from here at Maria's Medicines and Sundries.” she said. “Thanks for the information I greatly appreciate it.” Harrow said as he started toward the door.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Elitestpotato@Inertia@The Fated Fallen

Just as Xusin was silently rewarding herself for a job wel done, she was scooped up off the ground, and briskly carried towards the medical shop. For fear of falling, her hands clung to Edict, her captor. Just as she thought he couldnt get any more terrifying, he called her name. "Xusin," he said to get her attention, but it was quiet. He only wanted her to hear him.

Xusin curled herself closer to Edict to hear the rest of what he was saying. Somehow it felt important. "I know who and what you are. But don't worry, I won't hurt you. I just need to know why you are here..."

WHAT?!? there was nothing but a scramble and fear in Xusin now. Her jaw dropped feintly, sucking in a huge gasp. Her gasp was cut short by the rest of the man's question. "And how? Did someone summon you?", Xusin paused momentarily, agknowledging the aspect that this man already knew the major details he was simply looking for her comformation. The only choice she had, however terrifying it might be, was complete honesty.

Xusin released one hands grip on the man's coat, and grabbed his shoulder, which was much more stable, then pulled herself closer still, and even tighter into his fireman grip. She pulled until her face was but a mere paper width from his own, that there was no physical way for the other 2 strangers to hear. When Xusin was close enough for speaking softly to be mistaken as a kiss, she wizpered softly so only edict could hear:

"Jaltheor..." then she closed her eyes, ad hid herself against the body of her captor, succumbing to whatever fate might await her. Silently she prayed to the creator, prayers of penance and apology. She prayed for the sun to set and rise again, and for the ocean to never find calamity, but above all she prayed for man, and their safe guidance through the hell which would aoon be unleashed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Plecy
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Plecy Flinger of Sarcasm

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

It wasn't a particularly long or eventful walk. Joseph's mind wandered. The little uncertainty from earlier left the usually talkative man quiet. They arrived at the docks in no time, and what a sight it was. Fresh ships, bizarre crowds... And the cargo! Oh, the cargo. What he'd give for an opportunity.

"Grandest there is." It was an idle response to Piper's oddly idle question. His pace slowed noticeably as he caught himself up in perusing for the finest set of cargo with the weariest set of sailors. One there, more over there... And they looked tired. He was spoiled for choice. Which one, which--

And with a hushed string of words and a smack at his arm, he was dragged back to reality. It took him a moment to process Piper's suspicion, and only through her urging did he quell the urge to snap around to face off the apparent skulk. He gave Piper a long look, studying, but she appeared earnest, worryingly so. "...They ain't gonna' try nothin'." He didn't sound as sure as he would have liked to, but all the same his eyes drifted to the crack between the two buildings dead ahead-- An alley. He caught sight of a sign. 'Maria's Medicines and Sundries.' At least that was morbidly reassuring, if this were to end completely terribly. Still, the thought of a fight never occurred to the man and his flighty nature, but confrontation? That was easy. "Figure we oughtta' ask them what they're after." And just like that, he sounded sure of himself again. He even cracked a faint, reassuring grin. What's the worst that could happen? "Follow me. An' keep the kid near, aye?"

His pace quickened to leave Piper just a step behind so he could lead. He slithered past the sailors and commoners alike in the way, and rudely half-pushed by a man lugging a whole woman over his shoulder. He couldn't help but question that. This town was always funny. He didn't let the thought keep him though, and as they reached the alley right alongside the shop, he slipped into its gloom, leaning against the nearest wall. He ushered Piper, and presumably the boy in as they arrived, urging them behind him. He tried to look casual or even relaxed, facing out to the comparatively bright street. So near to the edge was he that anybody who turned the corner too tight risked getting a face-full of... Well. His own face. But that was half of what he wanted. He wanted to see this skulk, figure out what they were about. What had they even done this time?

"Busy street when it's light out. Ain't gonna' be no weapons. Just--..." He spoke softly, addressing Piper's earlier concern, before trailing off. He shifted his head left and right, squinting into the farthest out crowds, just in case the apparent follower had caught on to his trick. He couldn't help but think that maybe this wasn't their lucky day.

(( @Ryciera @IcePezz @Strafe ))

(( @Elitestpotato @notdeadyet Didn't know whether to include you folks for such a minor interaction, but I couldn't think of a better way to spur action between our groups without seeming too contrived :P ))
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Isabeau was focused, perhaps a little too focused actually. She saw nothing but the boy, all else faded from view as it wasn't very important to her. If asked, she couldn't quite tell you why she was following them. At first it started out as concern for the boy, but it was more so just her curiosity now. Which was something that got her into trouble more times than she'd like to recount.

She trailed them all the way to the docks, and then something happened. She realized she wasn't being nearly as inconspicuous as she should have been when they turned and started heading away from the docks in that suspicious and rushed way. "Shit!" she cursed at herself as she took a step back. She needed to change up her strategy, otherwise she was only going to get herself killed ... most likely ... probably ... eventually. She chuckled to herself. "What, oh what is wrong with me?" she snickered. She glanced around her and up the buildings that surrounded them. With a long, and frustrated sigh, she slipped back into the crowd and wandered into a nearby alley.

Making sure that all was secure, she scaled the building. Their actions took her by surprise, but it was more because she wasn't paying too much attention to them. Rather all her energy was placed on the boy, which she scolded herself for as her fingers braced the uneven stone wall upon her ascend. Once at the top, she swiftly made her way across the rooftops in the direction she thought the three wandered off.

She should've let it go, she knew she should've. But why stop now? She was already pot committed. They already knew they were being followed. Of course, it could confuse them even more if she didn't pursue. The thoughts circled in her mind over and over as she made her way from building to building. Her curiosity was getting the best of her. But she had nothing else to do at the moment "... so why the hell not...".

Her thoughts came to an abrupt stop along with her steps as she found them in an alley way near ... she glanced at the sign ... 'Maria's Medicines and Sundries.' ... "What in the hells are they doing here?" she thought for a moment then chuckled softly "I am Izzy, the assassin, and I've come to finish you all off" she thought to herself mockingly. She meant them no harm, at least she didn't think she did, as long as they had no plans in harming the boy. "Well, I suppose then it is time that I stop skulking and either get to the point, or get dead" she shrugged.

With that, she made her way to the ground behind them, landing on her feet with a loud-ish thud. She tugged her hood off her head and raised her hands in the air as she made her way towards them.

((@Plecy @Ryciera @Strafe))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreenHood
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Marek plodded along the road towards the port town of Waeldeshore. He could just make out the town in the horizon from where he was now, and could hear the ship bells ringing, and he could swear it was the salt in the air that was making his left hand sting. At most, it might take someone another hour and a half to reach it from where he stood. For Marek, it took roughly twice that. Seven steps, and he stopped, clenched his left hand, reached into his coat pocket to draw his flintlock, and checked it over. Again, and again, and again. He lost count how many times how many times he did this, but it was always like this shortly after firing the gun. He'd check and check and check and dread and dread and dread the moment he would fire it next. His fears would be proven right, and it wouldn't fire. Or he'd be wrong, and it would crack and belch fire, sparks, and a lead ball. Then the weight of the world would lift off of his shoulders and he could breathe, and be free...until he reloaded it and the entire process started over.

As Marek drew closer to the town, he holstered his gun for a final time. Constantly fiddling and drawing a pistol was bound to be seen as, "odd," or "hostile," so he left it in his coat pocket, though it did nag at him from the back of his mind. Every guard, person, or even tent seemed to eye him with suspicion. Was that an amiable nod, or a signal? A greeting, or a tip? His hand clasped around the handle of his flintlock. The burnished wood and iron calmed his nerves, but only a little. He pushed his glasses up, and hunched his shoulders. His eyes focused on the road again, and he could hear his own heartbeat pound in his ears. He was sure to be caught. He was sure, he was sure, he was sure...

As Marek walked into the town through the main road, the most remarkable thing happened...absolutely nothing. No alarms, no strip-searches, no probing to find out if he knew magic. Perhaps...Perhaps he had overestimated their defenses just a little. But no one ever died from having a contingency plan. He may just write if off as luck, as anyone with paranoia might, or false information. Another weight lifted off his shoulders. He was in the town. Right. Phase two...would come after a quick detour. He lifted his left hand and clenched it. A long slash had been cauterized along his palm. Even mages weren't invincible on the road. Feared, yes. But still quite mortal.

Covered in dust from the road and with his hands in his pockets, he went from person to person to find a healer. Twice he's gotten the wrong directions, or had misinterpreted them, but eventually he was herded towards an alleged apothecary. Prideful as he was, he went reluctantly. No mundane gardener could match a mage's touch...but cauterizing was a crude way of healing. Effective, but crude, and often very painful for hours, if not days after.

Unfortunately for him, however there was...something of a crowd outside the apothecary's, "Maria's," as it was called. He hoped, for his hand's sake, that it wasn't a line. Marek trudged forward and forced a grin before waving vaguely to the assembled group, and then to Maria's door.

"This wouldn't be the line for the door, would it? I'd hate to collapse before I can get inside." He laughed, though the mirth of it didn't quite reach his bespectacled eyes.

((@notdeadyet@Elitestpotato@Inertia@The Fated Fallen
Dunno if Marek would be able to see the others in the alley, if they're there, so Iunno if I'm supposed to mention.))
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Strafe
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Strafe drnt drnt drnt

Member Seen 18 days ago


He continued plodding along behind Joffridus and the scary lady. They were a bit agitated, and kept talking about the lady with beautiful eyes who was following them. Jason wondered why that was a big deal. She didn’t seem like a bad person. Maybe she just wanted to be friends with Joffridus. Anyone would want to be friends with Joffridus, Jason thought.

They went to the docks, and Joffridus began scanning the ships. Jason wondered why he did that, but figured that a hero does what a hero does. It didn’t really matter anyways, because they suddenly turned back and went into an alley, giving Jason the chance to wonder why Joffridus would sneak around in an alley. Strange hero. Also, they were right by Jason’s home. Jason wondered if he’d have the chance to introduce Joffridus to his mother. She probably wouldn’t like him though, Jason thought. His mother didn’t seem like the kind of person who liked heroes.

Jason could sense that the cloaked lady was nearby, and sure enough, she landed on the ground behind them with a thud. She walked towards them slowly, taking off her hood, and raising her hands. Jason looked back toward Joffridus and the scary lady to see how they would react.

@IcePezz @Ryciera @Plecy


“Have a nice day, Mr. Elwidine,” Maria called sweetly from behind the shop counter. She watched the door close behind the departing dwarf, and began to straighten out the table display. Before the door could fully close however, she spotted an imposing figure in the distance. Several imposing figures, rather. Leading the pack was a tall, battle scarred man carrying an ornately dressed woman with a bloody hand.

“Oh dear,” Maria sighed, furrowing her brow. “This can’t possibly end well.”

She plastered on the politest smile she could twist her lips into, and conjured up the sweetest tone she could muster.

“Hello, and welcome to Maria’s Medicines and Sundries!”

@notdeadyet @Elitestpotato @Inertia @The Fated Fallen @GreenHood
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