Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Mokley
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Mokley aka windyfiend

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Yer parents 're dead, yer house burned down and yer dog was kicked off a cliff. Revenge is a perfectly healthy way to cope, I think. How 'bout a refill on that ale?

Well, this development was slightly unexpected . . .


ꝿ NAME: (the name of your character)

ꝿ RELATIONSHIP WITH [character name]: (Pick a Relationship and someone else's character)

ꝿ NEED: (your character's major goal)

ꝿ OBJECT: (a nifty thing your character possesses)

ꝿ DETAILS: (anything and everything you're inspired to write here)


ꝿ NAME: Busker

ꝿ RELATIONSHIP WITH WINK: Busker's the owner of this fine establishment and Wink is his daughter and most incompetent employee.

ꝿ RELATIONSHIP WITH FATE: Fate is another of Busker's employees, whom he hired when Wink demanded help with the heavy lifting. Usually Fate so good at her job that Busker forgets she works there, but some nights he hides under the bar while she flies into a rage at the patrons.

ꝿ RELATIONSHIP WITH GHARLYC: Busker and Gharlyc go way back, when Busker was young and Gharlyc was still an endearingly heartless bastard. He cherishes memories of drunken stories and exploits of cruelty and power. He credits Gharlyc for teaching him the value of self-preservation and of using others to get what he wants.

ꝿ NEEDS: To wring as much money out of his drunken patrons as possible.

ꝿ OBJECT: Mounted troll's head hanging proudly over the hearth.

ꝿ DETAILS: Busker is middle-aged and balding, with a wide girth and a toadlike nose. He stands behind the bar most nights, listening to rambling stories and adding up tabs. He's quick with a compliment and a smile that never quite reaches his beady eyes.

BUSKER IS DEAD. Sort of. He walks around all right, and some part of his mind still recognizes Wink as his daughter, and he's not murderous at all. At least not yet. But he is definitely dead.

ꝿ NAME: Wink

ꝿ RELATIONSHIP WITH BUSKER: Wink is Busker's daughter. She's also the one who runs this dump, despite what Busker may claim.

ꝿ RELATIONSHIP WITH FATE: Wink and Fate both work at the Bawdy Dog; although technically they both equally work for Busker, Wink does not hesitate to order Fate to take care of the less savory chores. Despite this, Wink considers Fate as a friend and defends her unconditionally.

ꝿ NEEDS: To win the favor of a rich nobleman and run away with him.

ꝿ OBJECT: A rabbit's foot in her pocket.

ꝿ DETAILS: Wink isn't the prettiest in town, but she keeps her hair neat and her corset tight. She can be flirtatious one moment and coolly authoritative the next, especially when the tavern's well-being is threatened.

Wink is Busker's daughter. Right now her priority is to survive, and to make sure Busker doesn't hurt anyone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by SilverWolfAngel
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SilverWolfAngel The closer you look / The less you see

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I can't seem to work out/decide on a Need, so for now, if that's alright, Fate just has a temporary goal, she will probably chose a real goal eventually.

NAME: Fate

RELATIONSHIP WITH WINK AND BUSKER: Fate works and lives at The Bawdy Dog, thanks to Wink’s not so soft heart, and constant requirement for an extra pair of working hands. @Mokley

NEED: She’s not quite sure yet, for the most part however her short time goal is indulging in brawls.
She reckons she’ll wing it for now, and find something uh… bigger to occupy her time, hopefully fairly soon.


DETAILS: Fate is a 16 year old Werewolf, able to shift at will, although the further from full moon it is, the harder and more painful it gets. New moon leaves her weak, and full moon induces a blood rage. The closer to full moon it is, the more violent she gets. Even in human form she is stronger than she looks, with stronger scenes, although there is the down side of sharing the same almost colorblindness as a normal wolf, all the time. Her eye is damaged, clawed scares sweeping through, and she suffers from a lack of depth perception.
This slightly impairs her fighting, as she can't judge the distance, this however she remedies by getting "up-close-and-personal" smashing them with either her fists or hammers. She keeps her fighting out of the tavern, most of the time. For 'blood moons' as she calls them, Fate disappears into the nearby woods, in the hope of lessening the number of humans she mauls, rather hunting game.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tricheus
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

NAME: Gharlyc

RELATIONSHIP WITH BUSKER: Busker and Gharlyc are old drinking buddies. They were pretty good friends, but that was many years ago.

NEED: To crush his enemies just to get a moment's peace.

OBJECT: Poisoned dagger

DETAILS: With a wide nose and perpetual bad breath, this middle aged dwarf is constantly looking around his shoulders with his large, almost lidless and bulging eyes. He has dark brown hair with silver streaks at the temples (too soon for his age). A shorter than average dwarf, Gharlyc fought his way through life by being faster and nastier than everyone else. Busker was Gharlyc's only friend. Has been away from town for 7 years, only to return just recently.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

ꝿ NAME: Fade

ꝿ RELATIONSHIP WITH FATE: The two were linked by a blood ritual by Fade's favourite priestess over three years ago, giving Fade the pros of the werewolf without the downside.
ꝿ RELATIONSHIP WITH Teldryen Sera: The Drow and the Painted Elf met a long while ago when the Drow was trespassing in his territory in search of a great Goliath of a beast she'd heard was hiding a treasure horde. The Painted Elf offered his assistance and helped her out - though they were by no means friends. She plans to bond with him and kill him as a great sacrifice to Lolth for sending such a splendid creature her way.

ꝿ NEEDS: To overindulge in forbidden rituals

ꝿ OBJECT: Cloak of Invisibility; a black wool cloak, trimmed in warm wolf's fur it allows her to become invisible after she's spoken the magic word in the proper tongue - Fade in elvish.

ꝿ DETAILS: A drow and rockseer elf halfbreed she was born to the Matron Mother of the second house of Menzobarranzan with skin a soft grey and eyes a deep purple, her hair as fair and white as either race. She's quick to smile and lie, but even faster on the draw and killing for her beloved Lolth, the Spider Queen. She is allied with a drow priestess below ground who she often visits, and she's come to town looking for her next victim. She's been bonded with many others and possess her own innate magical abilities, as well as blind fighting and infrared vision without even mentioning her archery skills.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


"She's after me. Guess I did some bad stuff."

"To rule on a throne of my enemies' skulls."

Demon Summoning

Milo is a young Siren. She appears to be mute, but she carries an ability, known to all sirens, that allows her to write on air, allowing for easy communication. But Milo had never been a normal Siren. Her mind had always been twisted. She had always rejoiced in suffering, leading her to be banished. But, Milo has gotten better. She's become less crazy, or at least has been able to hide better and enjoys food. Especially fish.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Pallas
Relationship with Milo: Pallas is a bounty hunter, with Milo as her bounty. There is a high price for Milo's head as she is known for the suffering she has brought onto others.
Relationship with @AgentFallenSoul's character/Seloria: Bounded together since she was young, Seloria is a protector, teacher, and important friend to Pallas.
Relationship with Edward: He hit on her one day in another tavern, which she mistakenly taken as him being friendly. They still get along with each other though and Pallas likes to think they are friends.
Needs: To be a hero by defeating all the horrible monsters that harm the innocent and poor.
Object: Dragonbane Blade
Detail: Pallas is young, new bounty hunter who is quickly going up the ranks. As soon as she turned 18, she took the Dragonbane blade her late father used during his adventuring days, and began her journey. Despite the reputation that bounty hunters have, she actually isn't in it for the money. She, of course, accepts payments for her kills, but just enough for her to survive. So far, she has only been doing smaller jobs, but hopes to one day rid the world of villains, one slash of her sword at a time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Strafe
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Strafe drnt drnt drnt

Member Seen 18 days ago

Name: Edward (Heir to the Hart-Ellington nobility and estate)

Needs: To see the world that he's been sheltered from, and woo as many lovely ladies as possible.

Object: hand cannon - sort of like an early primitive blunderbuss.

Detail: The cocky but intelligent 23 year old son of a rich nobleman, Edward has lived all of his life in the lap of luxury. Feeling cooped up in the world of the bourgeoisie however, Edward decided to flee his father's estate and see the world. On his way out, he managed to steal quite the hefty pouch of gold and one of his inventions, which he calls a hand cannon. As bright as he believes himself to be though, he's found that his refined upbringing and womanizing ways have not served him well on his journey so far.

(5'9", slim build, caucasian complexion, boyish, clean pretty face, blonde, blue eyed. Aristocratic wardrobe. Only difference is he always wears a top hat)

Relationship to Pallas: Met her at another tavern prior to the start of the narrative. Stricken by her confidence and ambition, Edward sought to get to know her better. To his surprise, Pallas returned his sentiments, and a wonderful evening was spent conversing with the young bounty hunter. Though the night ended without any sort of conclusion, Edward likes to think that something lovely could happen if they ever were to meet again.

Relationship to Ealdwine: Ealdwine took up residence at the house of Hart-Ellington as a musician and instructor when Edward was in his teenage years. He really didn't like him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Illogical Jim
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Illogical Jim A Bleedin Bard

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Ealdwine Silverstrings

Relationship to Edward: Ealdwine served the House of Hart-Ellington for several years as a musician and musical tutor, a position he received largely on the merit of being the son of one of the House's more notable retainers. Edward was his chief student, though their relationship was largely unproductive.

Needs: To write a song that will be sung for a thousand years after his death

Object: A finely-crafted lute, a gift from his departed father

Details: Well into middle age, Ealdwine's features still betray the handsomeness that marked him in his youth. His hair is light brown, streaked now with silver, and he is tall and lithe. Though often he broods on his poor fortune, now and again his blue eyes shine brightly with mirth. The rapier at his hip and the lute on his back show his profession as a bard and an adventurer, though he swears he is done delving into dusty dungeons, facing danger and pain for a mere pile of gold. But his tongue is sharp and his sword is sharper, and there is yet glory to be won.

He finds himself approaching the Bawdy Dog, fresh from a failed expedition into an already-looted tomb, hoping only for a drink, some company, and maybe a friendly audience for a song.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by NorthernGR
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NorthernGR Schrodinger's Roleplayer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

ꝿ NAME: Dirion Seryn

ꝿ RELATIONSHIP WITH BUSKER: Dirion has been bumming around The Bawdy Dog for around a week and a half. During this time he has become somewhat of a regular. More to the point, he has grown quite the tab. Half due to his new drinking problem and half because of Busker's "business" practices. Dirion now only has enough to pay for half the tab. Dirion holds a strong disdain for Busker because of the hole he put him in.

ꝿ RELATIONSHIP WITH PALLAS: Dirion has picked up chatter over time in the Dog (Read: Just a second ago/right before she walked in.) That Pallas is a bounty hunter. Now normally an innocent man has nothing to fear from a bounty hunter. But sadly this is not a normal kind of time. For all Dirion knows there is a sizable bounty on him just waiting to be plucked up... He was have to be careful around her.

ꝿ NEEDS: To find and crush his enemies because they destroyed his life.

ꝿ OBJECT: His and Brigen's rings.

ꝿ DETAILS: Dirion was raised by a sellsword named Victor starting at the age of eleven. This is because he was forced to leave his home due to unfortunate circumstances. During his time he was taught how to fight along moving without a sound and ehm.. Cajoling women. Much to his now distaste. Eventually Victor died and Dirion went out on his own. Soon finding... Her.
Dirion fell in love with the daughter of a noble that ruled over a nearby city. Her name was Brigen. The father didn't approve but they were planning to get married one way or another. After fighting with the Father over their marriage for a long time Dirion and Brigen argeed to elope. The night they planned to leave Dirion went to Brigen's bedroom to find her dead, strangled. By who he didn't know. A second later guards burst into her room and arrested Dirion for Brigen's murder. He managed to escape on his way to execution. Not soon after fleeing the city.
Now Dirion stews in The Bawdy Dog all day. He plans to soon launch an investigation to find who killed his love. Once he gets enough coin to hire some help. And.... And maybe after just one more bottle..

Dirion's hair is long and his features thin and sharp. While his haired is naturally blond he died it grey to disguise as an old man to help him flee the city. He did not take into account how hard the blasted dye would be to get out once he had gotten it in. While you can see fringes of blond hairs starting to poke out from the roots the majority of his hair is still grey. He covers himself in a bland brown cloak. Underneath hides some decent grade garb. Better than what a regular peasant would have, but no where near as good as something of a lord or nobles cloth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Keplo
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Keplo Non-Smoker / Certifiable Satirist

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by AgentFallenSoul
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AgentFallenSoul The Forsaken

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Relationship With Pallas:
She's been by Pallas side since the very child was born, in fact she was the person who held her first before handing her to her parents. Pallas's father has made her Pallas's teacher and companion, though when Pallas left, Seloria took it upon herself to follow Pallas and keep an Eye on her without her knowing...until now.

Relationship with Jarko:
The luckiest of the unlucky. Jargo tricked Seloria in a deal she presumed to be to her benefit only to have her eye taken as the demon's prize. Now the Seloria seeks revenge for the wrongs that Jarko did to her.

To train and teach others in times of great need and sorrow, to make sure her pact with someone is fulfilled

Starbreather's Talon

Seloria as a child was taken by Pallas's father before Pallas was born. At first it seemed he only wanted to take in the child because she was starving and abandoned but she would soon find out what her purpose was really for. For what she didn't know was that Pallas's father was a great warrior, from where they came from he was known as a man of 1,000 cuts. When he picked her up, he wanted an apprentice, one that would be easy to train and easy to mold, so he would need a young mind. A Mind like hers.

After years and years of training, Seloria became a great swordsmen, but at a cost, she could never take a life, her mind would not allow her. And so Pallas's father deemed her be the teacher to his disciples. From then on she become a guard and a teacher. When Pallas was born, Pallas's father put Seloria as her personal companion, to be her teacher. From then on she was always by her side, right until Pallas left. She was ordered to keep an eye on Pallas but to make sure that she wouldn't find out, until now that is.

Seloria has a very calming personality much of the time, like that of a mother or a grandmother, because of her experience as both a mother and grandmother. She learned to deal with a lot of problems and bickering and happens to have a very soothing voice that lets people calm down and almost want to sleep. She loves to go through problems with people and act like a mother or therapist giving her opinion on what they should do or say. She is over all the nicest when it comes to those sort of things and she loves helping others a lot. Even if they aren't the nicest she tries her best to help a lot of others with the problem, wether it be physical or mental she does her best to give her knowledge and smile at the person. Even arrancars would find her personality interesting as she wont fight them unless needed and would even help them depending on the task. As long as its not killing Seloria will help with almost, again almost, ever task. Though there are some boundries she will not cross, those involve her body, killing comrades, killing in general, hurting the wrong people. Those are the boundaries she will not cross even if her life is on the line and a sword is at her neck.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

NAME: Luca Petulengro

RELATIONSHIP WITH: Fate. He is constantly trying to sit her down for a 'Come to Jesus' meeting. He does this with most other people as well, but few are patient enough to listen.

NEED: His life goal is to fill seats in his church on Sunday. He's not a terribly complicated man.

OBJECT: A ratty old book. A church.

DETAILS: Luca is a soft spoken German man. Although very young for a priest, being in his late twenties, Luca owns and preaches at a small Catholic church down the way from the bar. He lives there full time, along with anyone else who happens to wander in. He can't, on his good conscience, turn someone away.

As a priest, Luca has taken a vow of celibacy. He promised to never get none ever.

Before coming to the church, Luca lived a hard life. He's not ashamed of it, nor is he secretive of it. In fact, the good priest has few secrets at all. Save for maybe one...

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Benjimus
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Benjimus Earth Bender

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Teldryen Sera
Relationship with [Fade]: Friend / intended victim, Fade has tricked Teldryen into thinking she was his friend but she is more interested in his ability to transform into great beasts. She wants to bind is power to herself and likely kill him afterwards.
Need: To overindulge in drink.
Object: Trapping Paralysis
Details: Teldryen is a painted elf, painted elves prefer a druidic lifestyle therefore they commonly live in forests. These elves live until they are 1000 years old and spend most of their time meditating in their groves. They are friendly enough but like seclusion. Teldryen is the exception though, not long after becoming a druid and mastering his transformation spells he moved to a city and began to indulge in gambling, drinking and fighting. He could transform into a bear and a medium sized dragon, he was not very intimidating in his human form but once he transformed he was very powerful. Teldryen was contacted but Fate years ago because she wanted his help with a quest. She needed a druid and Teldryen was happy to help. They became friends, or so Teldryen thought. Fate wanted his transformation but before she could obtain it, Teldryen was called away to another quest. Teldryen is currently 514 years old and is o his way to The Bawdy Dog to meet up with his old friend, Fate.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Nord
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

ꝿ NAME: Dr. Henri Vickers V

ꝿ RELATIONSHIP WITH BUSKER: Stumbled into Buskers little business one rainy Tuesday when Henri had accidentally turned a little girls tabby cat into a vicious cat-like fiend with claws long than the good Doctors own hands. Suffice to say, Henri needed a drink that day.

ꝿ NEEDS: To find the scientific formula resulting in the most perfectly buttered toast. Curing people of their ailments and other doctor type stuff is quite rewarding too... I guess.

ꝿ OBJECT: In one of his deepest pockets is a jar containing the severed hand of a former lover..

ꝿ DETAILS: Medium length, black, shaggy, unkempt hair that sticks out in every direction. White porcelain skin. A pair of green tinted goggles to protect his eyes from the 'glare'. He stands at just a little over 6 foot and has a some what athletic frame as "those escaped experiments won't catch themselves". His white lab coat looks almost new around the collar and shoulders, but becomes increasingly more dirty due to unknown substance stains and dirt toward the bottom, with the lower half of the coat mostly torn up and ripped. Under his coat he wears a black turtle-necked jumper accompanied by a pair of faded blue jeans. On his feat are some out of place black trainers, streaked with green.

His mother, the 'shrink', always said he was insane. 3 years of Jerry Jones' Amazing Psychiatry School for the Gifted sure showed her when he passed with flying colours.

He lives in an underground basement conducting his research. He isn't called the 5th because of his lineage.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Oni_
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Oni_ Moment In Flux

Member Seen 8 mos ago

ꝿ NAME: Rucks Kennithson

ꝿ RELATIONSHIP WITH FATE: Rucks likes to consider that he and Fate are drinking buddies, although it may very well be him doing all the drinking.

ꝿ NEED: To amass a hoard of forbidden lore.

ꝿ OBJECT: A Mystery Potion, picked up from slightly down the street.

ꝿ DETAILS:Rucks hasn't much to say about himself, he frequents the taverns after his many prosperous adventures looking for old tomes and scrolls. He's an excessive drinker (To the point where no one's even sure if it's possible for him to get drunk) and is also highly knowledgeable due to his excessive research.

Other than that he lives in some standard accommodation in a nearby town, but alot of the time he sort of just camps outside.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SyrianHamster
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Pelgrum Fitch

Relationship With Busk: Money Lender; Pelgrum is a money lender and a lawyer all in one, and it was he who provided Busk with the funds to make expensive maintenance repairs to the Bawdy Dog over the years - especially the time the thatch got torn off by a hapless wizardry apprentice trying to impress Wink.

To Over Indulge In: Wenches, Drink, Money.

Object: Teardrinker Catapult, used by a Far Eastern warlord to tear down orphanages.

Details: Pelgrum is a man of excess, that's pretty much all there is to it.
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