Yer parents 're dead, yer house burned down and yer dog was kicked off a cliff. Revenge is a perfectly healthy way to cope, I think. How 'bout a refill on that ale?

Well, this development was slightly unexpected . . .

Well, this development was slightly unexpected . . .
ꝿ NAME: (the name of your character)
ꝿ RELATIONSHIP WITH [character name]: (Pick a Relationship and someone else's character)
ꝿ NEED: (your character's major goal)
ꝿ OBJECT: (a nifty thing your character possesses)
ꝿ DETAILS: (anything and everything you're inspired to write here)
ꝿ RELATIONSHIP WITH [character name]: (Pick a Relationship and someone else's character)
ꝿ NEED: (your character's major goal)
ꝿ OBJECT: (a nifty thing your character possesses)
ꝿ DETAILS: (anything and everything you're inspired to write here)
ꝿ NAME: Busker
ꝿ RELATIONSHIP WITH WINK: Busker's the owner of this fine establishment and Wink is his daughter and most incompetent employee.
ꝿ RELATIONSHIP WITH FATE: Fate is another of Busker's employees, whom he hired when Wink demanded help with the heavy lifting. Usually Fate so good at her job that Busker forgets she works there, but some nights he hides under the bar while she flies into a rage at the patrons.
ꝿ RELATIONSHIP WITH GHARLYC: Busker and Gharlyc go way back, when Busker was young and Gharlyc was still an endearingly heartless bastard. He cherishes memories of drunken stories and exploits of cruelty and power. He credits Gharlyc for teaching him the value of self-preservation and of using others to get what he wants.
ꝿ NEEDS: To wring as much money out of his drunken patrons as possible.
ꝿ OBJECT: Mounted troll's head hanging proudly over the hearth.
ꝿ DETAILS: Busker is middle-aged and balding, with a wide girth and a toadlike nose. He stands behind the bar most nights, listening to rambling stories and adding up tabs. He's quick with a compliment and a smile that never quite reaches his beady eyes.
BUSKER IS DEAD. Sort of. He walks around all right, and some part of his mind still recognizes Wink as his daughter, and he's not murderous at all. At least not yet. But he is definitely dead.
ꝿ NAME: Wink
ꝿ RELATIONSHIP WITH BUSKER: Wink is Busker's daughter. She's also the one who runs this dump, despite what Busker may claim.
ꝿ RELATIONSHIP WITH FATE: Wink and Fate both work at the Bawdy Dog; although technically they both equally work for Busker, Wink does not hesitate to order Fate to take care of the less savory chores. Despite this, Wink considers Fate as a friend and defends her unconditionally.
ꝿ NEEDS: To win the favor of a rich nobleman and run away with him.
ꝿ OBJECT: A rabbit's foot in her pocket.
ꝿ DETAILS: Wink isn't the prettiest in town, but she keeps her hair neat and her corset tight. She can be flirtatious one moment and coolly authoritative the next, especially when the tavern's well-being is threatened.
Wink is Busker's daughter. Right now her priority is to survive, and to make sure Busker doesn't hurt anyone.
ꝿ RELATIONSHIP WITH WINK: Busker's the owner of this fine establishment and Wink is his daughter and most incompetent employee.
ꝿ RELATIONSHIP WITH FATE: Fate is another of Busker's employees, whom he hired when Wink demanded help with the heavy lifting. Usually Fate so good at her job that Busker forgets she works there, but some nights he hides under the bar while she flies into a rage at the patrons.
ꝿ RELATIONSHIP WITH GHARLYC: Busker and Gharlyc go way back, when Busker was young and Gharlyc was still an endearingly heartless bastard. He cherishes memories of drunken stories and exploits of cruelty and power. He credits Gharlyc for teaching him the value of self-preservation and of using others to get what he wants.
ꝿ NEEDS: To wring as much money out of his drunken patrons as possible.
ꝿ OBJECT: Mounted troll's head hanging proudly over the hearth.
ꝿ DETAILS: Busker is middle-aged and balding, with a wide girth and a toadlike nose. He stands behind the bar most nights, listening to rambling stories and adding up tabs. He's quick with a compliment and a smile that never quite reaches his beady eyes.
BUSKER IS DEAD. Sort of. He walks around all right, and some part of his mind still recognizes Wink as his daughter, and he's not murderous at all. At least not yet. But he is definitely dead.
ꝿ NAME: Wink
ꝿ RELATIONSHIP WITH BUSKER: Wink is Busker's daughter. She's also the one who runs this dump, despite what Busker may claim.
ꝿ RELATIONSHIP WITH FATE: Wink and Fate both work at the Bawdy Dog; although technically they both equally work for Busker, Wink does not hesitate to order Fate to take care of the less savory chores. Despite this, Wink considers Fate as a friend and defends her unconditionally.
ꝿ NEEDS: To win the favor of a rich nobleman and run away with him.
ꝿ OBJECT: A rabbit's foot in her pocket.
ꝿ DETAILS: Wink isn't the prettiest in town, but she keeps her hair neat and her corset tight. She can be flirtatious one moment and coolly authoritative the next, especially when the tavern's well-being is threatened.
Wink is Busker's daughter. Right now her priority is to survive, and to make sure Busker doesn't hurt anyone.