Name: Alexander Remington
Nickname: Alex
Age: 16
Birthday: November 17th
Power(s): Telekinesis, mind-reading/telepathy
Mutation?: None
Daniel Remington- Father, 42 years old
Francesca Remington- Mother, 41 years old
Emma Remington- Sister, 9 years old
Missing family members:
Skylar Remington, Sister, 18 years old
Leslie Remington, Sister,
Status: Student

Name: Alcina Rivers (Graves)
Nickname: Aly
Age: 16
Birthday: December 19
Power(s): Water manipulation and invisibility
Melanie Rivers- Aunt
Joseph Rivers- Uncle
Ariana Rivers- Sister
Unknown to Alcina and Ariana:
Damien Graves- Father
Mother deceased
Status: Student

Name: Jason Salvatore
Nickname: Jace
Age: 16
Birthday: July 5th
Power(s): Fire manipulation, persuasion
Mutation: Can withstand abnormally high temperatures
James Salvatore, Brother, 16
Cameron Salvatore, Brother, 20
Persephone Salvatore, Sister, 19 (?)
Jack Salvatore- Father, deceased
Susanna Salvatore- Mother, deceased
Status: Student

Name: Rosaline Gale(Housen)
Nickname: Rosie or Rose
Age: 15
Birthday: October 11th
Power(s): Forcefields, enhanced reflexes
Jocelyn Gale- Adoptive mother, 39
Benjamin Gale- Adoptive father, 39, MIA
Xavier Housen- Known brother
Reese Housen- Unknown sister
Vincent Housen-Unknown brother
Cassidy- Unknown adoptive sister
Scarlett- Unknown adoptive sister
Status: Student

Name: Riley Gardener
Nickname: None
Age: 16
Birthday: April 28th
Power(s): Enhanced strength, speed and laser generation
Walter Gardener- father, 50
Kelly Gardener- mother, deceased
Dalton Gardener- brother, 24
Status: Student at first

Name: Emma Remington
Nickname: Emmy
Birthday: September 20th
Power(s): Telekinesis
Family: Refer to Alex's
Status: Student

Name: Tobias Lightwood
Nickname: Toby
Age: 21
Birthday: May 3rd
Power(s): Superhuman speed, molecular generation
Bianca Lightwood- mother, 49, teacher in elementary section of Fernwood
Hector Lightwood- father, 54, high-ranking official amongst guardians
Lucy Lightwood- sister, 18
Status: Guardian
- double agent against superior
- does a lot of work with superior hunters

Name: Aidan Rider
Nickname: Nope
Age: 35
Birthday: February 27th
Power(s): Metal manipulation, lie-detecting
Amelia Rider- wife, 37
Levi Rider, son, 16
Genevieve Rider- daughter, 13
Myra Rider, daughter, 7
Status: Guardian

Name: Dalton Gardener
Nickname: Nope
Age: 24
Birthday: August 17th
Power(s): Shapeshifts into a wolf, enhanced strength, speed, hearing and smell
Family: Refer to Riley
Status: Guardian

Name: Lucy Lightwood
Nickname: Lu, Lulu
Birthday: March 19th
Power: Molecular regeneration, light
Family: Refer to Toby
Status: New Guardian
Superior Hunter

Name: Jessamine Calloway
Nickname: Jess, Jessie, Minnie
Age: 18
Birthday: July 7th
Power(s): Superhuman agility, tracking
Garrett Calloway- father, 38
Orabel Calloway - mother, supposely deceased

Name: Benjamin Gale
Age: 39
Power: Super enhanced senses and night vision
Family: Refer to Rose

Name: Damien Graves
Age: 40, looks younger
Power: Darkness manipulation, age manipulation
Family: Alcina and Ariana Graves- daughters

Name: Skylar Remington
Age: 20
Power: Energy manipulation
Family: Refer to Alex

Name: Felix Fang
Age: 17
Power: Illusions
Family: All have been dead for years

Name:Louis Ocean
Age: 17
Power: Immobilization
Family: ?

Name: Lindon Brown
Age: 16
Power: Plant manipulation
Family: ?

Name: Cameron Salvatore
Age: 24
Power: Bone manipulation
Family: Refer to Jason

Name: Xander Gray
Age: 19
Power: Power mimicry- limited to only people he has met and he must learn each one, works better the closer he is to the original owner of the power
Family: Parents deceased
Terraline and Raven Gray- younger sisters

Name: Garrett Calloway
Age: 38
Power: Empathy
Family: Refer to Jessamine

Name: Zakhaev Belikov
Age: 40
Power: Telepathy
Anastasia Knight- wife
Shay Knight- daughter
Seth Knight- son

Name: Lee
Age: ?
Power: Telekinesis, poison generation
Family: ?

Name: Jocelyn Gale
Age: 39
Power: Psychic ability that has been suppressed and forgotten about due to Ben.
Family: Refer to Rose

Name: Seth Knight
Age: 16
Power: Density Manipulation
Family: Refer to Zakhaev