Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Khat
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Khat The Perpetually Exhausted

Member Seen 6 mos ago

After a few hours of a bizarre dream of clowns turning into leprechauns riding unicycles Aria's eyes fluttered open. She did a few hard blinks to get her eyes into focus, then remembered she had her black out blinds down and that she was sleeping in the arms of a vampire. She then realised she had moved about in her sleep. She had her head rested on his chest. She moved back slightly and slowly as to not awake him but she wanted to see if she could see his face in this dark.

She could make out a little bit as her alarm clock was now glowing. She had it set to only show the time during the day as the light at night would keep her awake otherwise. She smiled softly as she looked him over. She was close enough now to see every little detail on his face, he looked very different from when he was awake. Now Alister looks peaceful and serene. Aria gently lifted her arm up to his face to move a stray hair. There. Better. She smiled then looked at the alarm clock and realised the time. She would end up being late for work if she didnt set off soon.

She slowly and carefully escaped his arms and gathered up some clothes and tiptoed out of the room. After getting dressed she wrote a note for Alister for in case he woke up before she got home. 'Gone to class. Be home in a few hours, Aria x' She left the note on a table not too far from the bedroom door before leaving in a hurry for her class.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hurley
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Hurley Rock Jumper

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alister laid in the bed, in the same position even as Aria awoke within his arms still. His body now warm and more comforting as he keeps a peaceful expression while sleeping away the day, deeply in dreams and the like. He didn't even notice Aria leaving as he still laid in the bed, mindlessly dreaming away.

Quite a few hours into the day, though before Aria's arrival. Alister's eyes shot open, even with sunlight still preying the town. He's up in a flash, quickly through the door and into the somewhat brighter livingroom. He shades his eyes briefly, remembering at least where he was and why. He slowly steps back into the bedroom, gazing after the darkned blinds as the light barely slips through. He clutches his fist in irritation, only being able to wait untill the sun eventually falls to night with his urgent demeanor. His gaze eventually falls down upon his fist, releasing his grip to peer into his hand, the first time he actually got to realise how much he had recovered in the night. His lip curling into a bare smirk, thinking of the curious and certainly mesmerizing Aria.

He sat himself down against the bed, resting his head gently as he started to merely wait.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Khat
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Khat The Perpetually Exhausted

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Aria couldnt seem to focus in class today. Her mind was still back at home with the vampire she was being host to. She wanted to tell her 'friend' in class because she was excited about it all. Not really her friend but they worked together on most projects as they got along and had a few of the same interests. However, she couldnt tell anyone about Alister. If she did she would of course end up being the death of him. She had a big jumper on today that covered up the puncture marks on her neck. She had to keep him a secret.

The class finished and she excitedly made her way home. It was still daylight, only 3:30pm. On her way home she stopped off at the store to get some groceries for her tea. Aria wasnt sure if vampires ate 'normal' food so made sure to get enough for them both, just in case. By the time she got home it was almost half past four. She made her way up the stairs in the apartment block she lived in. Once at her door she unlocked it and made her way in and dumped her bags as she closed the door and gave a sigh of relief. They werent heavy but carrying them a long way made her arms ache a little.

She looked around herself to see if Alister was awake yet. It didnt look that way. She made her way to her bedroom and poked her head inside to see if he was there still. She smiled as she saw him laid on her bed still.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hurley
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Hurley Rock Jumper

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alister had merely been idling in her home ever since he woke up, awaiting Aria to return from her classes as he himself sought only shelter within the comforts of her bedroom. Of course he was curious, not having had any proper contact with anyone... It had at least been a while. A while since he could be relaxed, not worried as opposed to wandering the night's veil in hunger and desparity. He had even found himself among his own kin, though severely smaller groups than his glory days. They were less... Refined, they were more like savages, having only violence and blinding pride. They wouldn't understand the value of words, how it's a fine sword that only need one's mind to sharpen it.

He looked down upon himself, resting merely on the soft beddings of Aria as his minds wandered. He looked rather bland if anything, besides his red eyes and fangs. He also put aside any other supernatural powers he might have too, but he really just seemed like a man in the crowd. He could only think of how he used to wander a great many lands when he was himself, his own body and form, scarred and unlike most men today.

Alister's gaze raised to the floor as he pushed away the deep thoughts, quirking at the sound of the front-door opening. He sniffed the air lightly, but then quickly realised Aria's arrival at last. His eyes soon met her's as he casually laid over the beddings, the usual akward smile as he raised a hand to gently wave. "Morning, dearest Aria."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Khat
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Khat The Perpetually Exhausted

Member Seen 6 mos ago

She smiled as her eyes adjusted to the dark room and saw him laying on her bed with a smile. Blushing slightly at the 'dearest' she giggled. "Morning for you perhaps, evening for me." She said in an almost teachers tone.

Aria walked fully into the room and closed the door behind her. Wandering over to the bed and sitting down she looked at Alister. "So, how is my favourite vampire doing today now hes had food and rest?" She asked still smiling at him. She wasnt generally a smiley person, but something about Alister just made Aria almost radiate. "Which, speaking of food, do you eat...y'know... 'normal' food?" She asked blushing a little as she put emphasis on 'normal'. She knew very little of vampires due to the government keeping anything about them all hush hush. So even the simplest things she wouldnt know and would have to ask. It made her feel stupid, but she enjoys learning. Her brain is almost sponge like when it comes to something she finds interesting. Alister is certainly a big interest to her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hurley
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Hurley Rock Jumper

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alister kept his akward smile, nodding a slight as he noticed the slowly fading light underneath the blinds. He leaned upwards to sit straight himself, pressing his hands against the soft bedding. He watched her walk further into the room, his eyes carrying a small glint of the red tint. "Grand.. Absolutely grand, as if I could stand up against the mightiest of warriors and not falter." He smirked a slight, clenching his fist lightly before her flickered his attenative gaze over Aria again. "Well... I am able to eat regular food, as dulled as my tastes have gotten.. But that doesn't give me any energy, the only thing I crave and truely need, is something I believe you got familiar with the other night." He uttered, shuffling closer to Aria as he slowly reached a few fingers to brush along her neck.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Khat
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Khat The Perpetually Exhausted

Member Seen 6 mos ago

As Alister touched her neck she felt breath get stuck in her throat. He was cold but it was far from unpleasant. She closed her eyes for a moment as memories flashed in her mind, remembering the feeling of his fangs sinking into her, pain, then euphoria. After aa few moments she looked up at him almost eagerly. "Are you hungry...for this?" She asked softly as she placed her hand on top of his on her neck. Her eyes never wavering from his.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hurley
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Hurley Rock Jumper

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alister smirked ever lightly, watching Aria in the dark. His eyes slowly wandering down over her neck, a pleasant thought of her sweet taste ran through his mind, addicting it was. He swallowed lightly, parting his lips slightly as he shuffled even closer towards Aria. His hand caressing her marks carefully, then letting his gaze flicker up into her eyes. "I... I'll always crave this." He uttered gently, feeling her fingers placed ontop of his own fingers. He turned slightly more towards her, facing her more directly. "Though I should treasure it dearly, not take your tender kindness for granted."

Alister sat there for a few long moments, slowly caressing her marks still. His darkned eyes gazing deeply into Aria's in the savoury glimpse of time. "Tell me, sweet Aria... Will you allow me to feast upon you once more?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Khat
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Khat The Perpetually Exhausted

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Aria smiled now knowing she had bought too much food. Oh well, she will just make it all and freeze some. She blushed at his request to feed on her. Aria nodded shyly before saying "You will always have my permission to feed on me, you need not ask, Alister." She said softly. "You are a friend, I will always do my up most best to help my friends out in any way I can. So if you ever need my blood. It is yours to take whenever you need it." She added smiling up at him sincerely. Aria was a very generous girl. The type to, if she saw a homeless person in the street to get them a nice big meal and clean clothes. That was for mere strangers. She didnt really have friends as she was always a loner, but if one needed her, she would be there within a heartbeat. She wanted to get Alister back to full health, so if that meant using her blood, so be it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hurley
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Hurley Rock Jumper

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alister swallowed deeply with another creeping urge forming within his un-beating soul, an instinctive smirk slowly twisting onto his lip as his attenative gaze remains affixed on her eyes. Soon enough his view lowers down onto the sweet allure of her neck, the tender flesh he had once bitten and savoured before. Only one reminder was enough to remember the addictive smell, taste and everything it was. The tempatation of regaining his vigor and energy, his overwhelming power that he once proudly lashed out in past times of his prime. But the older he gets, the more powerful he gets either way, but being depraved of the sweet tonic that drives him has clearly worn him into a mere shell.

"You're ever so kind, Aria. Ever so sweet, the gesture will be appreciated for ages to come, surely." The ever akward smile creeps forth like a frozen lake lazily melting away. "It warms me to know that we're friends, Aria.. But we barely know one another, surely time will correct that as well." The smile continued, though rusty as it was.

His other hand gently reached upwards to grasp Aria's shoulder, while his other gently sweeps down to her other. His fingers firmly clenching around her once more, slowly guiding her down onto the bed as he slowly leans himself slowly over her femenine form. He breathed deeply, though he didn't need to breathe at all. His gaze lingering upon her's as he nearly laid ontop of her on the bed. "There's plenty of things I want to tell you... My experiences, my un-life and other of my kin."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Khat
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Khat The Perpetually Exhausted

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Aria blushed as he laid himself pretty much on top of her. This was the closest she had ever been to someone else. She smiled as he spoke to her, wanting to tell her of his past. She liked the thought of getting to know more about him. In fact she felt a need, a want, to get to know of his past. When vampires werent hunted, when they were proud strong creatures that no one dare go against.

Aria gently reached a hand up to his cheek and caressed it gently, feeling his cold flesh against her warmth was rather nice and pleasing. She smiled at Alister again. "I'd like that, I want to know of your past." She said softly, still her hand on his cheek, she brushed away a few stray hairs. As she scanned his face she blushed once more, his eyes were... enchanting almost. Like she could look into them and all her fears would just melt away, like nothing in the world would scare her or hurt her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hurley
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Hurley Rock Jumper

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alister's lip curled lightly, watching Aria from above her as they laid upon her bed. His hands slowly slipping further out on the soft bedding as his crimson eyes gazed mesmerizingly into hers. The darkness just laying over them like a veil in the bedroom, feeling the warm touch of her palm as he rested his cheek gently against her wonderous caress. "Well... It's a long one, one wich stretches far into the past.. And I'm not sure how long will branch further. But perhaps it'll end on a good note.." He smirked lightly at his response. His dark hairs cascading from Aria's fingers easily with each brush.

"To perhaps start... I was born many many years ago... A nine-hundred and fifty-seven years ago.." His head leaned slowly closer, merely inches from one another as he gently slid a hand downwards to her neck once more, brushing over the soft skin. His hand then slowly brushing upwards to cup Aria's cheek ever tenderly, guiding her slightly to the side while he tilted in slowly to peck carefully against her chin. "It wasn't untill... a good thirty years after that, that I became what I am today."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Khat
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Khat The Perpetually Exhausted

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Aria looked at him in awe. "Well... wow, you are....pretty old." She giggled. "But you certainly don't look it. Are all vampires...um... handsome and beautiful? Or... is that just ...you" She blushed a deep shade of red, she wasn't used to giving such personal compliments. She felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up as she shuddered when Alisters lips connected with her skin. She felt tingles all over her body. "Please...tell me more about your past,and other vampires. I want to know everything" She whispered softly in response. Aria licked her lips gently as she felt them dry up a little from her hot breath. Something about this man just made her hot and flustered all over.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hurley
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Hurley Rock Jumper

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alister couldn't help but utter a gentle chuckle, a smirking ever in amusement of her response. "Well.. I quite am indeed." He added with the continued smirk, slowly slithering one hand down through the bedding to ever carefully brush against Aria's soft cheek. His fingertips brushing gently downwards her warm skin. "Well.. I don't look a day older than the day I turned, truely. We all just stop at that very point in our lives, and it's like time just stops... But everything around us still moves." He smirked with another deep and brief chuckle. "It might just be me... It might be more." His lip curled in slight amusement, softly brushing his lips further down her warm and soft neck. His tongue slowly brushing it's soft and wet texture along her warm skin. "But in comparison, Aria... Your beauty is other-wordly. Your warm and soft skin.. Your mesmerizing eyes.." He whispered gently.

"I was born in a land quite far away from here... I'm an Englishman to be precise... I was a christian at the time, a noble man with simple goals.. And I was thrown into the war that religion caused, the holy crusade to the far east. And within that battle... I would meet the first of this kin. I fell in battle trying to protect this person, I didn't know they were a powerful being... And as pity I suppose, they turned me to... settle the debt." He exhaled gently, a warm and moist air brushing over Aria's previous bite marks upon her neck.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Khat
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Khat The Perpetually Exhausted

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Aria took in a deep gasp as Alister licked her neck. She felt the blood rush to her head, her stomach doing somersaults, pulse now racing, blushing ever more at his compliments. "I-I see..." She managed - just barley. She felt a want, a craving, a need for his fangs to puncture her flesh now. Every breath of his she felt against her skin sent a shock wave over her entire body. When he licked her, she felt like she might go insane. Was he teasing her? Did he know this was tormenting her? Is he doing this purposefully or is he unaware? Either way, she couldn't last much longer.

Aria raised an arm and gripped his shoulder while her other snaked its way around his neck, pulling him closer to her. Giving him a silent plea for him to bite her. She had no idea what it was that made her need this so much but she enjoyed it regardless.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hurley
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Hurley Rock Jumper

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alister couldn't help but smirk as he laid over the woman, hearing her heart beating quickly, her gasps. It was oddly empowering to hear, even as her arms snaked around his shoulder and neck. He was gently pulled further towards into her warm embrace, but giving into her silent plea as his lips getly pushed against her delicate skin. The edge of his teeth softly pushing against her skin before piercing her gentle skin and flesh. A stinging pain surely as his teeth deeply set itself into her neck, the delicate blood trickling into his mouth. He licked over his teeth, feeling his tongue bathe in the delighted elixir of life as he suckled gently upon her neck, swallowing every mouthful as his arms slowly curled and wrapped tightly around Aria's delicate form. His embrace gentle, closing his eyes gently as he relished in the soft and warm moment of her embrace and neck.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Khat
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Khat The Perpetually Exhausted

Member Seen 6 mos ago

She gasped from pain as his fangs first pierced her skin but then the pain melted away. Her eyes glazed over. It was a very strange experience, there is nothing to compare it to. It felt wonderful, but not. It was painful but not. It was pleasurable, but not. It was so hard to describe. All she knew was that it made her feel ever closer to this vampire.

She let her arm fall from his shoulder. Her arm that was around his neck, she brushed her fingers through his hair softly. Her eyes closing as she relaxed more into his arms. Aria didnt have a clue what was washing over her while he was drinking her blood. Did this happen to everyone that fed vampires? It was like a haze. Everything was calm. She liked it. She didnt want him to ever let her go.

There was just something that seemed so intimate about being his live source. How his arms wrapped around her, his lips and tongue brushed softly against her neck before sharp fangs quickly pierced her. The feeling of her blood leaving her body, his tongue lapping it up and going into him to give him life. She couldn't be happier that this was happening to her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hurley
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Hurley Rock Jumper

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alister thuroughly enjoyed the experience, the warmth of Aria's flesh and skin.. The soft trickle of her blood being suckled onto his tongue and relished. He swallowed drop after drop, small mouthfuls as he did with gentle care feed from Aria's veins. He could hear everything, her rapidly beating heart, her heavy breath. Alister couldn't help but curl his arms tighter around the girl's form, pulling her deeper into the already intimate closeness.

It lasted for quite a while, his lips pressed against her neck, his teeth sunk deeply into her neck. But eventually he pulled back on his teeth, feeling her pulse dimming ever lightly. He tongue softly brushed over the two bitemarks that was left in it's wake, suckling the overflow of blood untill the wound would gently stop bleeding. His lips pressed softly against it, yet his arms remained tightly curled around her. "Aria... Thank you." He whispered softly into her ear.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Khat
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Khat The Perpetually Exhausted

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Aria felt Alister's arms tighten around her and it sent shudders down her spine. She had never been this close to someone before him and he just seemed to get closer and closer to her. There were tales of vampires and human relationships from a long time ago. They often said that you couldn't get much closer to a vampire. If he or she fed from you and let you live, then you were something special. Was that what Aria was to Alister? Was she special to him? They hadn't known each other very long. But that wasn't to say Alister hadn't picked her out some time ago, just waiting for the right moment to get to her alone.

She let out a slight gasp as he whispered into her ear. She wasn't expecting it. She tightened her arms around him, she couldn't possibly get him any closer at this moment. His touch, smell, breath on her neck. She couldn't seem to get enough of it. It sent her body into over drive, she tingled everywhere. She never wanted to be away from him. How has he done this? Was this some kind of vampire magic? Could they just do this sort of thing to humans? Or was it just him as a person that made her feel like this? She smiled and whispered back.

"You have nothing to thank me for."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hurley
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Hurley Rock Jumper

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alister breathed softly against her bruised neck, a rather calming and pleasant feeling coursing through him as he'd slowly been filled with strength and an indescribable warmth he had long forgotten over his lengthy lifespan. His mind didn't need to endlessly worry over what he might do to scrape by in that moment, his supposed unending hunger had been sated. Surely it was only for a moment until he felt it rush back, but there wasn't a need to think of that now. There was comfort, there wasn't a need to desperately cling to humanity, pretending and fooling people day by day.

Alister's gaze slowly flickered upwards at Aria's face, the adorable face being infatuated by what Alister was and is. Yet he didn't scare her off, she didn't turn on him the second she wandered out the door. Alister would even have had accepted his death at that point, just knowing the kindness of such a stranger was good enough to merely let himself slip and vanish, unmentioned in any of the current history books... At least with his current name. Whatever his reason for wanting to stay, they were more than just mundane.

"I do, Aria... I really do."

Alister smiled gently, slowly pushing his palms into the gentle bedding as he hovers slightly over her. His red eyes staring deeply into hers while they share the bed. His chest on top of hers while he could feel her heart beat, feel and hear the woman's warm breath. Alister eventually reached one of his hands, carefully reaching to brush through her soft locks, guiding it slowly along before slowly trailing it down to gently cup her cheek.

"Mm... Had I not been taken in by you at that time you did... I might've been at the mercy of someone less kind, someone less understanding."
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