Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by avawhat231
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Member Seen 28 days ago

Zensei Zaza

Zensei's blinding attack did work, but not for long. Zephyr quickly began transforming the white room into a simulated forest. Tree roots were growing all over the walls and saplings arose from the ground. Then from what seemed to come from nowhere, a branch pinned him against one of the root covered walls. Attempting to hinder everyone's vision in the room, he made all of the nature arise by negatively altering the gravity. Leaves, dirt, and other loose artifacts floated up, making it hard to see anything as Zephyr disappeared from his vision. He just wanted to buy time to squeeze out of the root that was wrapped around his rib cage. It wasn't long before he had already made progress, the root was now surrounding his waist. "If only my butt wasn't so big." He struggled to say, pushing down on the wood.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Mivuli
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nodah Listig

Nodah watched, as incantations spilled from Desdemona's mouth, the act both captivating and eerie. A chill ran up his spine; icy hands shuddered his shoulders. Was it no more a trick of the light, that coloured Desdemona's outline with shadows? “Necessary or not, a brutal fight is always fun,” she said. And before Nodah could reply, she leapt forward with her fist drawn back.

The demon was swift, but blinding, she was not. His hand rose in little more than a blink as though to intercept her fist. But with a quick spasm of his fingers, he increased the gravity around Desdemona's clenched palm, inches between their hands. He quirked his brow at Desdemona. For a demon necromancer, throwing punches seemed the least effective course of action to take. "Have you ever played paper to stone?" he asked conversationally, and curled his fingers to illustrate the analogy, wrapping a pushing force around Desdemona's fist, crushing down briefly on her hand.

As if he had been burned, Nodah suddenly released Desdemona from the grip of his gravity. The bone density of her fingers needed no addling with. He reached for his waist, fingers darting beneath the hem of his shirt to pluck a dagger from its sheathe. Its blade winked in the light. Precautions. Her chants had been warning enough; Nodah was prepared for Desdemona to soon summon ressurected corpses and the like upon him. He wrinkled his nose. He wondered if they would be decomposing, and slick with humus.

Nodah's eyes flashed ice-blue, as he whipped out his free hand, sending a pulse that whisked towards Desdemona's abdomen. He had performed similar tricks before, and with his most intense had sent muscled men flying backwards. With the protective barrier absorbing impact upon contact, he supposed no one would be sent careening across the room, but he could be fairly sure of leaving a dull ache or perhaps even a bruise if the blow of gravity found its mark.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Onyx
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Onyx Monochrome

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rowan Delacroix

Rowan shut her eyes while she drained her victim of his blood. She was enthralled by the richness of Leval's vital fluid, and she continued to silently consume it until she was restored to full health. However, she was separated smoothly from the human when a pulse was emitted from Leval's skin, exerting a mild force that nudged her away from him. Rowan did not put up much of a fight as she had started to regain her senses once she was disconnected from the other being. The remnants of his blood dribbled down the corner of her mouth and she hurriedly wiped her lips with the back of her hand. After realizing what she had just committed a wave of embarrassment passed over her, heating up her cheeks correspondingly. "A-Ah... what have I done?" Her voice shook as she looked down at her hand, furrowing her brows at the red stains that contrasted against her pale skin. "Not the first time I've been bit. Feel better?" Rowan lifted her head slowly to stare at Leval abjectly. She clenched her fists in her lap as she knelt on the floor. The vampire awkwardly cast her eyes away from the human.

"...I am terribly sorry for my brash actions. P-Please forgive me, I let my weakness get the better of me." Rowan mumbled nervously, rising from her position as she did so. She felt significantly better after consuming another's blood, but this instance was the first time she had tasted blood so distinctive in her lifetime. She quickly shook her head of such thoughts and nimbly made her way over to her cloak which was tossed over to the side of the room. Tugging it over her shoulders once again, she draped herself in the black cloth and pulled the hood over her head before gliding over to the door behind Leval. Her attention was caught by the makeshift bandage wrapped around the hand she had bit. Rowan quivered with guilt for a moment and reached both of her hands out to grab his loosely. She wrinkled her brows and met the gaze of the human, a look of remorse in her eyes. Pursing her lips, she reluctantly let go and approached the door. When she pushed it open, she squinted once she met the glaring rays of the sun passing through the tall windows of the training hall once again. She stepped to the side and held the door open. Rowan waited courteously for Leval to exit before closing it carefully behind him, and she watched as it disappeared back into the wall whence it came.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Meridian
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Meridian The Detective

Member Seen 4 mos ago


The forest plan had worked rather well. Unfortunately it had also obscured his vision, and although he could hear Zensei struggling, Zephyr couldn't see him. It had likely been pinned to the wall, so he brought down all the trees in the centre, shooting up vines against the walls to further restrain the pixie. They went up extremely quickly, and Zephyr hoped he'd managed to keep Zensei trapped. Catching sight of the tiny creature against a wall, he strode up to him to see if the vines had held.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NyxNyghtmare
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Dᴇsᴅᴇᴍᴏɴᴀ Cᴏʀᴄᴇʟʟᴀ

Sliding back, Desdemona winced in pain, putting a hand on her abdomen. She had a strong feeling that a punch wouldn’t work as an offensive maneuver, its focus was more to gather information on Nodah’s skills rather than injuring him.

During the counterattack, Desdemona managed to see a particular action Nodah does while he channels magic, the movement of his fingers. Whether it was for greater control or he couldn’t use magic without his hands, Desdemona figured regardless of its purpose she should aim to restrict any motions. “The shield will probably stop bones from breaking, but that doesn’t mean I can’t cause pain.” moving into a position to leap again, she mumbled a summoning chant. A swarm of bug like creatures formed behind Nodah. They’re weak in strength, but if bunched together they can be a good distraction.

Surround him.” she telepathically sent a command to the bugs and they proceeded to fly closer to Nodah. Charging forward, Desdemona looks for an opening to grab his wrists also noticing the dagger in one hand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by riplipkip

riplipkip Izuze

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nuna Mori

The whip had wrapped around Daichi's forearm, being his intention. In a light ridiculing manner, he orated, "Took you long enough. Did'ya get lost on your way here?" "Sorry, I got lost trying to find milk for you." The smug look the Nocturne had on his countenance portrayed his forecasted victory. "Let's make a little deal- you go all out during this fight and I'll refrain from using any magic. How does that sound?" "Sounds to me like you're afraid of what I can do." "-Not that I have a problem fighting you with full force." Halfway through his sentence, his eyes began shifting colors, corresponding with the ice that began to encase the vine he gripped. What was she to do now? This was her only attack that would chain into her onslaught. She thought of herself as a useless Druid, due to the circumstances she was under. Maybe I should submit. He is ranked A for a reason... These demeaning statements conquered her resolve to win. He reiterated with, "So? It's up to you, Nuna."

Time was running out, as the frost was virtually enveloping her arm. Maybe I lo- No. I refuse to accept that. Now the only issue confronting her was: ice and time. She had to think. Immediately. The ice had barely reached her fingertips as she thought, He should really consider how close he gets to a succubus.. With this rekindled spirit she replied, "I plan to fight you with my full power as well." She jerked her arm back, shattering the ice, but projecting herself forward, as well as the boy to her. Within his grasp, she made sure to make contact with his skin calming him, attempting to soothe any angst. Her hunger had grown from earlier, making it difficult to withdraw from her feed. It was time to subside her craving.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mischa looked up when he heard someone else enter the room. He saw a human sit down an attach something to his rollerskates 'so this must be Reas' he thought "I want to fight a full speed, you don't mind do you?" Reas said 'so he's going to move around a lot' Mischa thought as he stood up seeing Reas do the same and roll over to a wall sending a punch into it that sent a shockwave up the wall 'avoid being hit' he thought as he continued analyzing his opponent. if he's got speed and strength he's likely to be very melee oriented.

he pulled his rifle off of his back, lightning arced over the weapon as he charged a few rounds to start and he thought over his opponent 'so he's going to move quickly, he's likely got a strong or augmented melee, since we're enclosed in this room it'll be hard to keep away from him' he readied himself and his rifle and slipped into a stance that feigned balance in one direction. he looked at Reas and said "Ready"

"Great!" Reas said as he watched the electricity arc across the nocturn's rifle. wow this is gonna tough he thought as he charged Mischa glad his wheels were rubberized. As he charged Reas left behind a black smoke that began that began to fill the room attempting to blind the nocturn. A part of the smoke in a far corner of the room began morphing into a double of Reas and switched places with him as he dodged to the left expecting a blind attack through the illusionary smoke. The mimic continued going for a frontal attack while Reas moved around the back and aimed a powerful round house kick into the middle of Mischa back, 'the barrier should prevent him from getting too hurt' He Thought.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Ceira
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Ceira Totally Dead

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Kuroda Daichi

Daichi observed the succubus closely, keeping close watch over her slight changes in expression. By doing so, he gauged how much of an effect his intimidation was having on her. His crooked smile continued to spread to either side of his face, an almost crazed look forming in his eyes. The ice swept along the thick vine towards his foe at a painfully slow rate, increasing the tension in the room as he awaited her response. Just when the frost was about to glaze over her fingers, something snapped within Nuna that sent a jolt of excitement through the Nocturne; her sudden change of heart became prominent as her resolve to fight increased drastically. It triggered a reaction in Kuroda, and he knew she wasn't going to give up without putting up a fight. "I plan to fight you with my full power as well." As she said this, Nuna thrust her arm back in a swift motion. She used this impetus to demolish the shards and propel herself forward, dragging the cat to the middle of the room along with her.

Looks like I underestimated her. Kuroda narrowed his angular eyes at his opponent, wiping the smug look off his face to transition to a more serious expression. Within seconds, the succubus had him within her reach. However, he was not planning to let her have her way so easily. He planted his feet firmly on the ground and allowed her to place her hands on his neck, assuming that was the easiest source of skin contact for her. "You're craving for your power back, aren't you?" A blue spark emitted from his eyes once again, and the warm patch of skin she attempted to corrupt turned to ice as soon as she touched him. Daichi's pupils contracted into slits as they usually do when he is on high alert. Using the small window of time he created from his distraction, he lunged forward and twisted his wrist downward, aiming to drive the bone of his palm straight into Nuna's stomach with great speed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by riplipkip

riplipkip Izuze

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nuna Mori

What looked to be skin at her last glance, now was a frosted surface. "You're craving for your power back, aren't you?" With her hand still lingering around his neck, Daichi sought it as an opportunity to strike. With remarkable speed, as expected from the cat, his palm went by aiming for her stomach. The last thought she had before its impact was, Oh shi- She braced herself for the attack, allowing his palm to sink into her abdomen. She just had to sacrifice something for her bringer goal. As Kuroda's hand was impaling her, pushing her back, she caught grasped of it. With the time that interceded from his strike, she was grappled onto his arm, sure to feel his skin and administering her tranquilizing touch. She was sent flying quite the distance but made sure to bring him along. In a winded stance with her hand still clutching his forearm, she wearily stated, "What can I say? It's in my nature." She got closer to his face, preparing to suck the energy out of him with the suction of her kiss.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Mivuli
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nodah Listig

The blow sent Desdemona skidding, and he saw the flinch of pain. It was a small victory, one that Nodah blinked several times at. But soon enough, his attention was diverted. Bugs, he thought with a grimace as what looked like an entire colony materialised behind him, and began to circle him, coming closer and closer. Her offensive approaches are weak, Nodah thought. But she is one of the A-rank - this has naught to do with lack of skill, does it?

Nodah had no intention of letting the summoned insects invade his personal space. He would have to pick them up, he thought wearily, noticing with some alarm that Desdemona was lunging forward. But the insects would have to be taken care of first. Raising his arm, Nodah moved it to the right, turning blithely on the spot, as an invisible hand swept up the insects into a haphazard clump. He struck out his palm, to send the insects crashing into the opposite wall. Would they crumple to the floor, crushed and oozing, or rise again with angry humming vengeance? Nodah had little time to contemplate the question; Desdemona was a more pressing, and present matter.

Eyeing Desdemona's advance, Nodah considered delivering another pulse if she were to come too close. Close. An ominous feeling sank his heart at the very thought of Desdemona getting near to him. The idea, he liked not. Nodah skittered backwards slightly. But there was only so far he could go in an enclosed room. His right hand - gripping the knife - slid back, should he need to thrust forward. "You make a man sheepish with so direct an approach, Desdemona," he said, continuing to move restlessly, lightening his voice and the low chuckle that followed. But his eyes never left her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NyxNyghtmare
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Dᴇsᴅᴇᴍᴏɴᴀ Cᴏʀᴄᴇʟʟᴀ

The foe acted in an expected manner, sending the swarm crashing into a wall. "You make a man sheepish with so direct an approach, Desdemona," Nodah’s eyes not losing sight of her and his movements becoming more erratic. Desdemona lets her feet touch the ground allowing her body to move in a zigzag motion towards Nodah. With each step she directs the strengthening magic to her legs until they are completely shrouded in darkness.

Desdemona summons another horde this time surrounding her. Now within arm’s reach of Nodah, she moves with unreal speed to his side. “Go!” the bugs launch themselves from Desdemona’s body aiming for his hands and eyes. Simultaneously, Desdemona lifts her leg with great force towards the back of Nodah’s knee, hoping that he’ll be knocked down with a successful hit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Levythelevy
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Leval Lamrue

Rowan seemed not to resist as the barrier pushed her away. She wiped away the blood from her mouth and then seem to realize what she was doing. She knelt down, cheeks coloring. "A-Ah... what have I done?" She shifted her gaze from the streaks of red on her hands over to his face, the quickly averted her eyes away from him. "...I am terribly sorry for my brash actions. P-Please forgive me, I let my weakness get the better of me." She mumbled slightly and he had to strain to hear the faint sounds of her voice. Leval raised an eyebrow, "You needed the energy, no need to be sorry. It was my choice to lend you some blood." She rose up and quickly put her cloak on again. Then, she did something rather strange from Leval's perspective. She came over to him, stared at his hand briefly, then grasped it loosely in both of her hands. As she held it, her brow furrowed and she looked him in the eye. Leval couldn't tell what she was feeling exactly it seemed to be a mixture of guilt, hunger, concern, and a whole host of conflicting emotions in that one look. 'I may have done more harm than good.'

She released his hand delicately and went past him to the door. She held it open for him waiting to one side. Leval paused for a moment, standing straight with his left arm still dangling uselessly to one side. 'I'll have to go to the medbay for that. Seems the barrier doesn't do much for injuries sustained outside of its area of protection.' However, Leval's attention was on his right hand. His own bite mark still stung, but the mark of Rowan's teeth in his palm seemed almost numb. He moved his fingers experimentally, they all seemed to work so he let his concerns abate somewhat. He went outside, nodding at Rowan in thanks, and looked around the room. It was entirely empty, not a soul was present besides the holograms on the screens above. "I think we are the first ones finished." He turned just in time to see the door disappear into the wall. He glanced at Rowan, the sunlight coming down from the tall windows in the room seem to be bothering her. He gave an absentminded gesture, and floating umbrella without a handle above her head, bending the light slightly away so she could walk unimpeded.

His fatigue grew and he gestured over a shady part of the wall and slid down putting his knees up and resting his right arm on top of them, while his left still hung at his side. The drain of continued magical use was starting to get to him, he had only a small reserve left and still had the 3x3 battle to go. He yawned expansively and flicked the brown tuft of hair at the top of his head. "Well that was an interesting fight, I can't believe how fast you are. Does your hair always change like that?" He rolled his head against the wall turning slightly to look at her. "Listen about the blood, really not a big deal. Had a choice this time... knew the barrier would..." Leval's head fell forward onto his good arm and sleep took him right then and there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 19 days ago

Mischa stood ready as Reas charged, though he lost Reas in the cloud of smoke only for a moment before Reas reappeared still charging right at him though something seemed off about him, Mischa still darted sideways to avoid him and unwittingly dodged the attack from behind as well, he whirled around to face where he was and noticed that there was two Reas-ees now, one behind where he was and one in front, Mischa made a split-second decision to fire a lightning round at the one that had appeared behind him. thinking 'so this guy uses illusions too? or can he actually duplicate himself? better watch my back here'
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Mivuli
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nodah Listig

Desdemona moved, far more quickly than she had insofar. Yet another army of exoskeletal sellswords, Nodah thought with an internalised groan as they attacked his face and hands, a swarming veil threatening to rob his vision. Tedious. He raised his hands, feeling the first grotesque tickles of beating wings and miniscule limbs, and had just enough time to send another pulse at them when he felt his legs buckle beneath him, a sharp pain throbbing in the back of his thigh. His kneecaps cracked audibly against the floor, and Nodah grimaced his pain into the ground. Wasting no time, he flipped himself onto his back to stare at Desdemona, her legs a dark mass. He had felt that blow keenly through the protective barrier.

Nodah could repay the favour, but bringing Desdemona to the ground would not further the fight. Hovering his palms on either side of him inches above the floor, he sparked a gentle pulse that returned him nimbly to his feet, facing Desdemona. Stepping lightly away from her, he reached out for the gravity to weigh heavily down on Desdemona's feet, pinning her to the spot. He shrugged one shoulder apologetically at her, and tucked his hand away into his trouser pocket. "You will forgive me," he said. "I enjoy my duels without hand-to-hand combat, and twice already have you lunged for me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ceira
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Ceira Totally Dead

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Kuroda Daichi

Satisfaction loomed over Daichi when it appeared that his attack connected well with Nuna's torso. Once his hand made contact with her body, he ground his palm into her before shoving his arm forward with the intention to send her soaring across the room. However, his supposed triumph was impeded as he felt her hands latch onto his exposed forearm. A radiant wave of energy surged through him which induced a calming sensation that brought any form of hostility to a halt. Kuroda's eyes drooped as his pupils dilated once again, and his body fell limp as both creatures were propelled by the force of his strike. The sudden tug from the succubus carried enough momentum to swing the cat over her head and into the cushioned wall on the opposite side of the room, leaving him to take the brunt of the hit.

Dazed, he slid down onto the wooden panels of the floor after he involuntarily softened Nuna's collision with his chest. "What can I say? It's in my nature." Her shaky voice echoed throughout the white room, and she slowly advanced on the Nocturne; the succubus' fingers were still wrapped tightly around his wrist while she brought her face closer to his own. Nuna's lips were parted as she closed in on him, and he could already feel the energy seeping out of him. "-can't let a succubus get too close." he chimed in just before she closed the gap between their mouths. Daichi winked at her and granted her enough time to absorb a small sum of his life force before he clasped his free hand over the entirety of her face. "Keep an Essentia even further." He spoke lowly, an impish grin taking over his semblance. He loosened his grip on Nuna's head, and his irises formed a ring of white around the edges as a strong gust of wind pushed her backwards. The current expanded from his gloved hand in the form of a thick mist, and it proceeded to fill the room and hinder the vision of those dwelling within it. The temperature of the room dropped in conjunction with the vapor that Daichi had laced with rime.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NyxNyghtmare
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Dᴇsᴅᴇᴍᴏɴᴀ Cᴏʀᴄᴇʟʟᴀ

Desdemona’s kick had brought Nodah to the ground, but he reacted too fast for her to do anything else. Standing up, he pinned Desdemona’s feet to the floor. She figured she had enough strength to move against the gravitational pull, but her speed would decrease dramatically. “You will forgive me, I enjoy my duels without hand-to-hand combat, and twice already have you lunged for me.” Nodah says.

Stuck in that spot, Desdemona wondered was there really no way to beat him in close combat. If possible, it would require a lot of energy to counter the gravity. “It would’ve been nice to punch you in the face at least once.” she sighs dispelling the strengthening magic, her legs reverted to normal. Reaching into her jacket pocket, Desdemona takes out the folded piece of paper from earlier and throws it in the air. “Release!” the word caused a blast of energy to escape the paper, burning it in the process. A replica of the drawn summoning circle appeared underneath her, it was much bigger size.

Dark embers mixed with electric sparks seeped from the center, coiling around Desdemona. Purple skin began to form and a snakelike appearance was revealed. The being had gashes that flickered electricity covering its body. Facing Nodah, the snake hissed loudly.

Desdemona made a gun sign with her hand, moving it a shooting motion. The summon opened its mouth and fired a beam of lightning at Nodah.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Onyx
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Onyx Monochrome

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rowan Delacroix

Rowan held her hand up in front her forehead in an attempt to block out the strong rays of the sun streaming through the windows. "His shoulder was injured before the fight?" She made to tug her hood down over her face, but her discomfort was alleviated when an umbrella suddenly appeared and levitated a fair distance above her. She lowered her wrist from her eyes and looked over to Leval, who was already making his way carefully over to a shaded area of the deserted training hall. "Perhaps it would be better if you went to the medical wing now, rather than after the fight." The vampire removed her hood and glanced up at the parasol shielding her from the blazing light and back over at the injured human. With a sigh, she strode towards the wall he was perched under and timidly sat down beside him, leaving more than a few inches between them. "It appears that humans do not have the capability to regenerate as quickly as vampires." Rowan sat up with her back resting against the wall and her legs stretched out before her. She folded her hands neatly in her lap and pulled the large sleeve of her cloak over her wrist that still carried the red stain.

"Well that was an interesting fight, I can't believe how fast you are. Does your hair always change like that?" Leval spoke up once again, a hint of weariness in his voice. Rather than responding, Rowan nodded kept her gaze trained at the wall across the room. He chimed in once again, but his voice started to falter towards the end of his sentence. "Listen about the blood, really not a big deal. Had a choice this time... knew the barrier would..." From the corner of her eye, Rowan noticed his head droop onto his arm. "Did he faint?" She turned to face him completely with a look of concern on her face. Her angst subsided when she realized he had just gone to sleep. "Should I take him to the infirmary or leave him to rest?" She scooted a little closer to the human and knelt by his right side. "I shouldn't disturb him. It would be best to leave him to rest for now and seek out Mr. Fiji myself." Rowan stood up from her spot and brushed herself off. She stared making her way over to the portal, glancing over her shoulder at Leval every so often. "Is it really alright to leave him alone like this?"

She tapped the floating keys in the elevator to enter the main level of the school into the holographic device. "-It would be better for me to get Leval Lamrue some assistance; I'm afraid of how much blood he lost as a result of my foolish actions." The portal shook beneath her feet, but she clung to the railings to steady herself. Rowan soon found herself in the lobby, and her head was spinning as a result of the tremulous ride. She clutched the side of her face and staggered down the stairs towards the front desk where the receptive elf resided. "Mr. Fiji, there is an injured student in the Combat Training room who is in need of your aid. A human- Leval Lamrue, rank C..." Her voice shook, but she was determined to get Leval the help he needed. "Is that so? Alright, I'll send for some help to transport him to the infirmary. I assume it was a result of a rough battle, hmm?" The tall elf joked as he swiped his fingers across a holographic keyboard. Rowan remained silent as she lowered her eyes away from Yayo. "-Er, sorry... I was just poking fun. You can meet him in there in a little bit. It's on the 2nd floor, West Wing." The vampire bowed politely before making her way back to the portal. This time, she entered the keys "2-W" and was headed for the clinic.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by avawhat231
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Member Seen 28 days ago

Zensei Zaza

Freeing his waist from the tree branch, the trees in the room fell and vines shot up through the walls. "Oh shit." Zensei said in monotone. The first two vines wrapped around his wrists while the other two followed up by wrapping around his ankles, making his body form the shape of an 'X'.

In attempt to escape, he began gnawing at the vines. Making no progress and leaving a bad taste in his mouth, he gave up. Zephyr then appeared through some of the dirt that remained afloat. Zensei released the low gravity to make the dirt crumble onto the ground, the walls still stained a brown color. "I won't let you win that easily." He tiredly said, shifting the gravity to the side. Some of the vines on the right wall ripped off, stinging anyone that would get slapped by one. Zensei, though, still remained in bondage, barely shifting to the side.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Mivuli
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nodah Listig

Nodah watched as Desdemona struggled against the hold on her feet. As she relented, she said, "It would’ve been nice to punch you in the face at least once.” Nodah raised an inquisitive eyebrow at that. Desdemona then flung a piece of a paper in the air. Bewildered as a summoning circle traced itself into existence, Nodah was struck with an image of Desdemona tucking something away in the combat training hall. She does prepatory work ere her battles, this one, he though with distant approval, a snake that seemed to crinkle and hiss with lightning appearing before him. Nodah had just enough time to register Desdemona cocking an imaginary gun at him, before the snake's jaws parted almost hungrily. Nodah heard the first fire-crackles of electricity, swore he could smell singed flesh. Desperation and fear drying his mouth and leadening his tongue, Nodah leapt sideways, rolling forwards, to narrowly avoid the beam of lightning that roared past him.

He spun around, crouched to the floor, eyes flashing yellow at the snake. He liked this not. With hasty speed, he flicked his wrist, sending the dagger spiralling straight for the middle of the slithering reptile. He fully expected the blade to find its mark and pin it to the floor, if the summoned could not be killed. His aim alone was not half-bad, unaided by manipulation. His gaze flickered to Desdemona, ensuring she stayed rooted. He slipped another dagger from his belt. "Do you have another for me?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover4evah
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

A harsh pain spontaneously erupted upon her arm, rousing the young female from her blissful slumber and causing for her to jolt upwards from her bed. Still slightly drowsy, she brought her hand over to her right arm, then gently pressed upon the blue spot that pulsed with agony. Akujo inhaled sharply to muffle her inward yelp of distress and exhaled slowly to relieve that same injury.

Careful to lift her bruised body from her sleeping spot, she walked out from the room, remembering at the final moment to have her key card upon her person, and attempted to locate where a possible infirmary or clinic might be. It took several tries of talking to others for directions and following them as best as possible in order for her to finally be standing before the door of the health clinic.

Knocking upon its dark wood, she then opened the door to enter and was kindly received by the female elf working as the nurse. Upon seeing her wounds, she clicked her tongue. “Tsk, tsk, tsk. Oh dear, those bruises aren’t looking too good. How long have you been here?” The witch was about to reply with a proper answer before realizing that she hadn’t thought to keep track of the time that had passed since she arrived.

“Um, I’m sorry, I don’t know,” she meekly responded.

Seeing her slight discomfort, the worker lightly sighed before giving her a forgiving smile. “Well, you’re here now, so you don’t need to worry about it much. Take a seat on the cot over there, if you don’t mind.”

Akujo followed the finger that had been pointed over towards the small, purely white cot that had been set aside and set upon it as instructed. She had begun to kick her legs, one after another in a childish succession, when the doors burst open once more to reveal a vampire with worry and concern written upon her face. She had almost seemed to be searching for something, and when it wasn’t found, panic also arose upon the petite female’s features.

Not one to quietly observe while another suffered, Akujo called out to her. “Hello? You there, with the black hair. Are you okay?”
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