Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Kho
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If you are amongst those whose Application was accepted, please post your CS, in a hider, here.

A Rather Important Announcement

We have let you wait long enough. Rtron and I have conversed. It was a long discussion. At times it wasn't a discussion at all, more of a constant barrage of accusations and insults and angry fist-shaking and vibes. I believe we set more world records for 'I'm this close to kicking you out of this RP any second now' in this conversation than has been uttered in the entirety of human history.

I would go so far as to say that, in all seriousness, we had a few Cuban Missile Crises and Able Archer 83s which had the RP's very existence hanging in the balance. But with much compromising and sacrificing, giving and taking, standing our ground and allowing the ground to move beneath us a bit, we managed to select our ten players. I would, first and foremost, like to apologise profusely to all those who couldn't make it. We set a limit for ourselves, this RP can only handle 10 players and no more, and we went to extraordinary lengths to stick by it. And we did. Thank you all for submitting your terrific CS's, they were all a pleasure to read, truly, and I would say that I'm already enjoying this RP more than I care to say - and we haven't even had an opening IC post yet.

To all those who got past our very stringent and Oxford-level application process, we thank you for your patience and congratulate you on your success. Now, without further ado, find below all the accepted characters and their respective players.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Vestec's Avatar

Appearance: Avatar

Abilities: Vestec's Avatar has all the abilities of the God of Chaos does, on a lesser level.

General abilities

-Super fast and super fast reflexes.

-Super strong.

-360 degree awareness for 5 feet around it

-Can summon weapons if it so desires.

-Chaos Magic to a degree no mortal possesses.

-Master in all forms of Magic.

-Can corrupt with a few seconds of touching whatever it wants to corrupt.

-Incredibly resistant to all forms of damage.

Abilities when Corruption is in control

-Instant corruption of whatever it touches.

-Very presence corrupts things slowly in a five foot radius.

-Gives up all other magical skill, aside from Chaos magic, for a degree of Dimok no mortal possesses.

Abilities when Violence is in control

-Crazy fast. Mortal(even dragons and heroes) and Demi-god eyes can't follow his movements.

-Crazy stronger. Most mortals are killed with a lazy back hand, and is able to easily punch through all types of barriers(Magical or not) and armor (Be they the toughest of dragon scales or the strongest of Steels), excluding those created by Demi-Gods(which take a small while), other Avatars (which take a while longer), or Gods (Which can't be pierced at all).

-Becomes nigh indestructible, but loses all magical abilities.

-Can see weaknesses in structures and defenses.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Frettzo Summary Lover

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by jetipster
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jetipster Not all those that wander are lost

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Hael
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ethan Starks
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Ethan Starks Hero of Tomorrow

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Venku
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Name: Sauranath

Alias: Dragon Of The Stars, The Great Dragon High Lord

Gender: Male ((He is a rare reptilian variant who can lay eggs. Azhi Dahaka is one of the inspirations of this Dragon. Azhi was a dragon, reptillian creature, so he could give birth, regardless of his male status or not))

Domain(s): Magic
Portfolio: Dragon
The power over all magic as a domain transmutes into the portfolio of a dragon. Dragons have many different strengths, from many different cultures and lately in many forms of media and games/literature and poems. Azhi Dahaka gives birth to countless monsters as a male dragon despite being, of course, being a male dragon. His life was spared by Marduk, instead of being slain, because if Azhi Dahaka was slain it would have flood the world with monsters and evil creatures. Every kind of dragon there is, That's Sauranath. Even on occasion, dinosaurs, with or without magical breath like fire, ice, fog, etcetera.

Alignment: Neutral Good ((He barely fits the model of a Neutral Good, but he's just been formed from out of nothingness, the Void. He will mature. Dragons grow stronger with age)).

Personality: The dragon monster sees the stars as his children. Whether there's a star god or not, there is mystical significance in this, and may manifest in IC actions, so there can be a star god alongside him with no conflict, but he can develop power over the Stars as a Portfolio/Domain later as well.


Musical Theme:

This dragon god is the essence of all things mighty as dragons are. The god of breath, the god of fire and dragons. He is intelligent, later, he will be more than intelligent, and will be very wise like an Asian dragon mingled with a ferocity towards evil as a European Dragon, rather than embracing evil. At first he could end up being petty and vengeful, but learns to turn towards justice of a council, teaching mortals to abstain from revenge. He will embody primal European Dragon's essence at first, devouring and eating from sacrifices of primitive societies, granting power, but later will become redeemed.

Even as a savage god, not knowing between good and evil, he is not wicked enough to cause suffering to souls in the spirit realm. Some of his aspects are already good even in his savage form. He can be a guardian creature for babies and children, and destroys wicked slayers of children.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 37 min ago

Name: Escre

Alias: The Warden, the Watcher, the Great Spirit

Gender: None

Domains/Portfolios: Life (Spirit)

Domains/Portfolio Description: As a god of Life, Escre can bring things to life, be they other gods' creations waiting for a spark, or injecting life into objects. While most gods can create life, Escre can do so far more quickly and in greater quantity. Its own body is made up of living armor and cloth, with a living weapon to boot. The only limit on Escre's ability to give life is its own creativity, which working with other gods to make sentient beings helps override.

As a Life god of Spirit, Escre can control spirits, pulling them out of living to store in its lantern. It can also modify spirits, which exerts an effect on their bodies as well. Consuming spirits effectively erases them from existence, and is seen as an ultimate punishment. By looking at spirits, Escre can understand them in the same way disassembling a motor to look at the component parts can help with understanding the whole. Looking at spirit can reveal if its holder is lying, and what the holder's capabilities are Though it cannot manipulate or erase the spirits of gods, it can better understand their abilities and honesty by looking at their own divine spirits.

Alignment: True neutral, though it can fluctuate greatly

Personality: Escre doesn't concern itself with ordinary emotion. Pride, goodness, evil, sin, righteousness, justice—none of it makes the typical mark on this being's persona. Only three things pique its interest: balance, knowledge, and karma. Escre is interested in learning about living things, about the variety of forms they take and actions they perform, and what shapes their spirits. It may perform acts of benevolence of malevolence on a whim, all for the sake of understanding. It is secretive in nature even as gods go, seldom even interacting with its fellow deities unless its cooperation is requested to bring to life new and fascinating things. Seemingly at random, Escre might bring down havoc and destruction upon someone for a small grievance, or let it and its domain sink to the brink of oblivion in a fit of indolence. Overall, Escre cares little for the machinations of the other gods.

When it comes to dealing with mortals, the beings that intrigue Escre the most with their culture and behavior, Escre can be unswervingly dedicated. It makes sure, through its careful observation, that no mortal rises to the level of the gods, but can also rise to defend the mortals should some wayward god let his or her emotions get the better of them and incite a tantrum of destruction. The followers of Escre are among the few things this god seemingly takes pleasure in, and will listen whenever one calls its name. Escre does not bind itself with notions of morality. Escre's creations, in particular, receive the Warden's favor, and is most jealously protective of them.

Appearance: Escre's most common form is a misshapen specter, half in armor and half in ghostly rags, holding a lantern abuzz with hundreds of tiny pinpoints of light in one hand, and a scythe in the other. If Escre wishes to walk the earth, he appears as a cloaked, hatted man with long, stringy hair, a grim, pale countenance, and soft features.

Musical Theme: Lifegiver and Nightwalker

Description: As the Great Spirit, Escre is enigmatic and fleeting, tough to get a grasp of physically and even harder mentally. Its strange relations to the concepts of emotion and intelligence make it often seem terrifying and, to some, the most pure form of evil, but Escre is capable of great benevolence as well. Its lack of patience for arrogance, cunning, and self-importance make some see it as an equalizer of sorts, and indeed Escre does endeavor to keep the world balanced, and to exact karma on those who have in one way or another earned it, but beneath it all lies an agenda that only one being knows.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pie Flavor
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Pie Flavor No ordinary Pie

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The Starlight Beauty - The Drawer in the Sky


Science - Atoms -> (Molecules)

Domains/Portfolio Description:
The domain of Science is the theory that explains the inner working of the universe up to the smallest scale and when manipulated it can create amazing things within time. The most simplest and basic form of the Science Domain takes place within the Atomic Portfolio where things such as planet and stars can be created despite them being from different Domains. The only fallback to the Science domain is the amount of time it takes to create such objects without help of other gods and the order of Portfolios that must be taken. Therefore, the next stage after the Atomic Portfolio is the Molecule Portfolio as it is the natural order of how the universe works in size.

Lawful Neutral

Evelynn is a goddess who only seeks progress in the development of the universe and the explanation of how everything works to everyone. However, she is a fickle god who is always working from one project onto another, without truly finishing these giant pieces of art. She despite her forgetfulness does not respect the chaos of breaking the laws of time and space by gods and will stop them at all cost in order to keep reality together. However, once the problem has been solved she holds no grudges as she understands that all of the gods all had all came from the same being, explaining how they were here right now. Repeated offenses would only make her more cautious of the offender and keep tabs on them, making sure that they wont break the laws of space and time. Besides that, she is a passive person who watches the other gods do their own thing who has an optimistic lookout for the future.


Musical Theme:
Evelynn's Theme

Detached from the other gods and always up into the clouds, Evelynn is a goddess who is an awkward gem of knowledge with no true place. Always marveling at the amazing art of Science, she is always doing her own thing yet always keeping an eye on the other gods and their work. She has a short attention-span and often looms from one creation onto another, often discovering new creations. When given something she cannot comprehend, she always tries to explain it in a way that makes sense for her how it can logically work. Despite her work shedule being scattered everywhere, she always manages to maintain a careful watch on other gods in case they are plotting anything that may bring concern to the rules of reality.

If the other gods would even take a look up into the night sky, they would discover the experiments of Evelynn with her gift to the universe being the night sky. It being decorated in brilliance of the many stars, which is her beautiful gift that may harbor other life naturally if they can survive without the assistance of a god. Her projects are always shifting as she does not only make planets, but decoration that makes the universe a place so amazing. Such as the Nebulae clouds in the sky, with light passing through the gaseous forms are turned into a flashing display of colors. Or maybe the soothing rings of ice that surround the distant world, that makes them so elegant with light bouncing of the rings shining magnificently. She is the harbinger of beauty however, she is also the bringer of harsh reality to mortals when the time is right.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Individual or Species (delete as appropriate)

Description: (What is the nature and behavioural habits of this/these life form(s) and its/their purpose?)

Physical or Conceptual (delete as appropriate)

Description: (Origin, Purpose.)

Planet Galbar


Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Connormon99w


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(Sorry 'bout that.)
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by SrslyAnArtist
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SrslyAnArtist Badass Bitch / Struggling to live

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Demigoddess, Ravenna
A secretive, mysterious figure of powerful draconic powers. She gathers powers from dragons of many different species, and can crush Heroes with ease, since although she's still a kind of low level demi goddess, she's a demigoddess, not a "Hero". She focuses her mind on the beauty of nature, the mind altering peace of the Stars and the Moon. She reflects the peaceful nature of dragon kind as opposes to her husbandman, Sauranath. Ravenna is fully female, while dragons are male and female, dragon males are disproportionate to females, 65/35, nowhere near as bad as some fictional disproportions, but Ravenna touched Sauranath's heart the most. . . she is the second oldest of all dragons other than Sauranath's most ancient dragon, Kahnamn. Ravenna took time to form since Sauranath was thinking of love and romance, not just raising a warrior. In a sense, Sauranath pulled from the Primordial nothingness that came before, and something odd occurred, she came forth in Sauranath's eyes as someone much more worthy than he.

Ravenna is a reflective figure, her mind is always on things that make the problems of life seem like nothing is there at all to stand in her way. She's far less prideful than other dragons.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

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