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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Ysabella Mei
Age: 500 {Appears early-mid 20s}
Gender: Female

Ysabella gives off that spoiled, rich girl vibe however she is no stranger to work. Very proud of her heritage, she is quick to anger if insulted and not opposed to taking physical measures to prove it. Despite her entitled view on life, Ysabella can also be quite kind and caring toward others. 500 years of life has given her a sort of intelligence complex, making her easily irritable when she doesn't know the answer to something. As intelligent as she is, the secrets modern technology elude her, hence why she choses to inhabit the slowly evolving town of Teneber. Ysabella is practical but not cold, she sees things for how they are but will listen to the oppinions of others willingly. She is not one to have her decisions changed on a whim, but she is not inflexible either. The most surprising thing about Ysabella, though, would be her sense of humor. Usually wearing a straight, dignified face, Ysabella doesn't usally come across as the joking type, however her sense of humor is in a league of its own.

The only surviving daughter of Affonso and Livia Mei, Ysabella grew up in household with two overprotective parents. She was the only surviving girl in a set of twin girls, but not the only survivng child. Her two elder brothers were much older than her, having already reached their blood lust a few decades before she was even born. The middle child was a mean soul, always teasing and picking on her for being so frail and spoiled. The eldest, however, first taught Ysabella the meaning of compassion and then helped her develope her skills with Illusion to counter her brother's taunts. Over the years the siblings have grown quite close, finding mutual respect and understanding for each other.

After the death of Livia, the family remained in contact but drifted their separate ways. Most staying in Europe, Ysabella was the one to move farthest away to America.
Animal Form:

Psychic Strength: Illusion

Other: Ysabella is Italian, though her accent has faded over the years spent in America.
She enjoys dressing in gothic style clothing and drinking red wine, but secretly loves to sing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by corrosive


Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Austin Xavier Jones.
Age: Seventeen.
Gender: Male.
Personality: Austin was born with a natural enthusiasm for life, he was a bit of a golden boy from the start and he had big plans. With a natural intelligence and a love for nature and all it had to offer, Austin was made to be gentle and gentle was exactly what he was. Bursting with an exuberance and a seemingly never ending stamina, the boy was just made to embrace everything that life had to offer him.
With a natural need to help people and a warmth about him, Austin was easy to friend throughout school and had a natural need to be surrounded in friends. An extreme extrovert and full of pride in the things that he accomplishes, Austin is an overall nice guy but not dumb. The boy is clever and genuine in the way he solves problems, sometimes exceeding past what's expected of him.
Bio: Fairly normal with a single father who was very doting throughout Austin's life and nothing but pale memories of his mother. Very social and often seen with many groups of friends but not very close to any of them.
Animal Form: A wolf with white tipped ears.
Psychic Strength: Compulsion.
He's a Libra.
He owns a tabby cat named Rusty.
He likes to read and he plays soccer in his free time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Loki Saci-Pererê



Born with an aptitude for trickery and illusion, he is mischievous by nature. Having a naturally sharp intellect and astute mind. He likes to stir up trouble or even tease people to just bring out reactions, it's almost as necessary as drinking blood as he absolutely loves riling a reaction out of people seeing it as pure and funny. He can generally get along really well with people who can get past need to stir reactions out of people, and is generally a kind and mellow. He has a slight mistrust towards humans, seeing as they have no trust for vampires anyways.

He lives in a relatively normal home, roomy enough to fit in his sister and parents. His family gets along rather well, they share his natural trickery and teasing nature causing them to mesh relatively easy, his parents trust him enough to make his own decisions. He and his family had just recently moved in, so he does not know too much people right now.

Animal Form: Fox
Psychic Strength: Illusion
Dark Pine Green eyes.
Penchant to cook and reading when alone.
Has a pet dog called Roach.
Trains Taekwondo and Karate occasionally as hobbies.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AiyvaGuard
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AiyvaGuard Arisha the Spellsword

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Height| 4.12ft <> Weight| 112.3 <> Build| Athletic <> Edits| No piercings and her hair is brown.

Lizzy Fallex



Lonely, Lizzy has been abused for the majority of her life and doesn't accept that she is. She is too sympathetic to even report her parents and thus she always goes somewhere with a bruise. Lizzy can't accept her current state and is too afraid to accept...naive she is. Her only safety, her literal only safety is sound. The sound of her skin ripping apart and rain. Too damaged or too scarred to face her fears. Lizzy can't even speak to her friends anymore, beaten with purpose and yet no words leak from her mouth. Lizzy envy's others and puts herself in complete solitude while her parents beat her soul. ( If you don't actually understand this...Lizzy is overly sympathetic, naive, and really shy. )

She doesn't actually have a home; by law Lizzy has supposedly good parents though she rarely does ever actually sleep at her parents house. Lizzy's late mother had built a tree house within the forest. Knowing the dangers of the forest she stays at the tree-house for quite a while. At school Lizzy is the outcast lacking friends she tends to always be by herself. Staying away from others and doing her own thing. She isn't liked at school very much...Lizzy's parents are at times accused of animal abuse on their land. In all Lizzy's life...is okay? She doesn't have the best of parents or the best of friends but she manages by herself, knowing the risks within her life and knowing her choices.

Animal Form| N/A
Psychic Strength| N/A



She lives in a tree-house. The house itself having a retractable ladder and the interior designs of the house are basic...before her step mother and father her mother had decorated the tree house with bookshelves, bed, fridge, desk, cabinet, chest, and some many others that would suffice for living..for Lizzy. Though sadly the electrical generator is broken down and Lizzy's job currently provides for her 'house'.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by hoppiholla391
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hoppiholla391 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Victoria West
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Personality: Charming and friendly at first, Victoria is actually fairly cautious. She's not a compulsive liar, but she values privacy. Can be cold and controlling, and when she's truly angry, she's icy. She comes across as self-assured and confident, always looking to be on top, but actually is rather insecure about her abilities—she knows she's smart, charming, and talented, and uses these skills to her advantage, but she's afraid they'll be taken away at any moment. On the other hand, she's loyal to her true friends to the death. She also takes any secrets she's entrusted with to the grave. Trust is very important to her, but she trusts few—she's always waiting to be used. Because of this, she's secretly very lonely, as most of the people around her are social climbers and yes-men; she really wants real friends.
Bio: Victoria's home life is...cold, to say the least. Her mother and father are estranged, but for the sake of appearances live in the same house. They're fairly rich, and Victoria (somewhat) takes that for granted, but she finally couldn't take it anymore. After eighteen years of being used by one parent or the other to get back at the other, she's had enough, and managed to convince her parents to let her transfer to Teneber, where her aunt lives, so she's finishing her senior year there; away from her parents and all of her false 'friends.' Victoria also prefers talking people to her side rather than fighting them.
Animal Form:
A black cat with blue eyes. Depending on her mood when she transforms, this cat can be as small as a kitten or as large as a bobcat.
Psychic Strength: Compulsion; her victims rarely notice that something's 'off' about the sudden urge to do as she wishes.
-has a talent for dance and singing
-has a faint English accent
-athletic, but she's fast rather than particularly strong
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Jick Scott-Wilson Findle
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Jick is a suave, sophisticated young male who prides himself on traditionalism and family values. He is essentially what you'd get if you took a 1950s aristocrat and stuck him in the present year. Many of his older relatives often say he is 'wise beyond his years' and his penchant for reading novels that include hard information and topics make him seem a lot wiser than he actually is. He usually treats others less intelligent than him as minions or goons, but he does display some respect for others every now and again.
Jick is a transfer student from England who is detached from his family other than his uncle and auntie who live seperate from him a few houses a way. He has moved to America in the hopes that he can get a steady job and possibly a wife in order to achieve the true 'American dream'. He lives in an apartment alone and has only recently moved in.
Animal Form: An Owl
Psychic Strength: Compulsion
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Larfleeze
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Larfleeze 💎Golden Diamond💎

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jolyne Thawne



Personality: Jolyne is consistently manipulative and violently domineering, apparently lacking much conscience or empathy. She believes that power and domination are what makes a person strong, and as such will only help others if she has some personal gain at stake.

As Jolyne considers herself to be technically bisexual, she will openly offer herself to either gender using any method, as long as the person suits her present desires. Since she is selfishly interested in their capabilities, however, Jolyne is incapable of loving another person wholeheartedly.

Jolyne was marked by a distinct lack of empathy. Even as a child, she reacted with hostility when outperformed at even the most insignificant thing.
This behavior would characterize her relationship with her friends for many years. Although she could show sympathy toward them, she would never care for their feelings and would manipulate them as she saw fit. She also possessed good self-control, and could lie with a straight face with little-to-no physical reactions.

Ironically, for all her self-confidence and cruelty, she also desired for the most littlest admiration from her father, whom she emulated immensely.

Bio: Having grown up in an environment without a mother-figure, Jolyne had to be nothing less than perfect in her father's eyes just to earn any affection from him. Jolyne grew up to be narcissistic and confident. She relentlessly drilled herself toward perfection and settled for nothing less from herself. Eventually her father died, leaving only herself and her twin brother, Joseph.


Animal Form: An abormally large, venomous black spider, about the size of a human hand.
Psychic Strength: Compulsion
Other: Constantly carries a pack of Extra Spearmint chewing gum.
Hates pets and animals.
Jolyne lost her left eye in a childhood fight that went too far.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dirty Dan
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Dirty Dan boo

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Joseph Thawne

19. 20 soon.


Joseph, on the exterior, comes off as a stoic, cool-headed young man, preferring the use of his fists, rather than the use of his words - since words can easily be meaningless and useless, while action would forcefully change minds and inspire actions. He is tough;; seen as a rough-housing delinquent or rebel, while Joseph himself keeps an over-all neutral, disinterested personality, whilst managing to stay perceptive, intelligent, and very quick-witted. He's relatively fair and honest, although only loyal to those he deems safe enough to be loyal to, and despite his sister's personality, he's still rather protective over her, beating the asses of anyone that would attempt to harm her - even if she manages to get to them first. Despite his fierceness in battle, and his tough stoicness during other times, he still manages to be gentle in some aspects - such as walking old ladies across the street, or helping a cat out of the tree. However, since he hardly, if ever smiles or laughs - the most you being able to get out of him is a smirk or chuckle - most people are intimidated, and won't expect him to help them. Due to this, he mostly keeps to himself, and has learned not to expect thanks from unappreciative jackasses.

Joseph's home situation isn't good, let's just say that much. He has no father, never had a mother, and lives only with his sister, whom he doesn't really see all that much due to him working more than one job, mostly in the construction/carpenting business. He also works as a bouncer.

Animal Form: Abnormally large and black bear, being larger than even Joseph's human form - whom stands at 6'4. It weighs over a ton, but despite this, it's incredibly fast and naturally strong, which will only increase in training.
Psychic Strength: Illusion
Always wears his hat, which has no back part.
He usually has his hands in his pockets because it keeps them warm.
As a vampire, he won't use his fangs or claws [if any], preferring his fists. He didn't want to be a vampire in the first place. Possible problem later on?
He's a professional at multiple fighting styles, due to his hard life - and the many 'career' choices he's been through to support his one-person family. The styles are 'Boxing, Muay Thai, Dambe, and some arts of free-style Wrestling.'
He's very physically built and tall, which can make him very intimidating. However, it's has no fat, which doesn't make him seem brutish. His physique is all healthy muscle, compact and powerful.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raining
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Raining It's Always

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Shani Halabi
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Personality: Shani has a phlegmatic temperament. Just as she appears, calm and courteous on the exterior, she is also coordinated. Shani is one that attempts to consider the whole situation before making a decision, though based on empathy for the most part (ex. "Because it is the right thing to do, rather than it is fair."). She enjoys the company of others, as it gives her a chance to keep connected with the world around her. Despite her upstanding facade, which one may easily be led to believe, she does not mind quarrels as long as no serious harm is dealt. She is generally easy to approach, and can make a great conversationalist as time goes on, because of this it is very easy for her to gather information and spread it as she sees fit.

Bio: To quickly sum it up, Shani lived in a culturally diverse household and moved in order to satisfy her own needs of responsibility and learning. Now she lives in Teneber with a somewhat financially stable flat.

Animal Form: A crow
Psychic Strength: Compulsion

- She has five cats, all are overfed and too fat to even think about going outside.
- Her home is rather clean and well organized, which says a lot for someone who has a number of animals.
- Shani is a Virgo.
- Shani majors in History.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Mivuli
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Riley Fitzgerald
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Personality: Something short of a rebel, Riley will not mince her words for the comfort of another. Independent, free-spirited, and willing to play rough if the situation calls for it, she knows not what it means to fake a demure smile or cross her ankles at dinner parties. What you see is what you get, and Riley is as frank a person as you’ll ever meet. She’s got fire in her hair, and more so in her tongue. She speaks with a northern-UK drawl. At the same time, she laughs easily, and will protect fiercely the people she cares about. It’s easy to get on her good side, and she will vigorously make sure you know she finds you worthy.

Bio: Her parents divorced in her teens, and Riley lived with their mother for a time. She sometimes visits her father in his apartment in Boston. Now, she dwells in Teneber, alone, with the flighty stray dog that comes and goes. Though her parents’ divorce was a messy affair, Riley has come to terms with it, and she’s long since come to the decision that they are much happier for it. Riley’s mother has a stable job, and with a hefty – if somewhat guilty – allowance from her father, Riley is relatively financially-secure.


Animal Form: Panther

Psychic Strength: Illusion

Other: Riley does not wear cosmetics. Doesn’t even own a lipstick. Has befriended the stray dogs and cats along her street, and lets one especial mongrel spend the night sometimes.

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