Name: Ysabella Mei
Age: 500 {Appears early-mid 20s}
Gender: Female
Ysabella gives off that spoiled, rich girl vibe however she is no stranger to work. Very proud of her heritage, she is quick to anger if insulted and not opposed to taking physical measures to prove it. Despite her entitled view on life, Ysabella can also be quite kind and caring toward others. 500 years of life has given her a sort of intelligence complex, making her easily irritable when she doesn't know the answer to something. As intelligent as she is, the secrets modern technology elude her, hence why she choses to inhabit the slowly evolving town of Teneber. Ysabella is practical but not cold, she sees things for how they are but will listen to the oppinions of others willingly. She is not one to have her decisions changed on a whim, but she is not inflexible either. The most surprising thing about Ysabella, though, would be her sense of humor. Usually wearing a straight, dignified face, Ysabella doesn't usally come across as the joking type, however her sense of humor is in a league of its own.
The only surviving daughter of Affonso and Livia Mei, Ysabella grew up in household with two overprotective parents. She was the only surviving girl in a set of twin girls, but not the only survivng child. Her two elder brothers were much older than her, having already reached their blood lust a few decades before she was even born. The middle child was a mean soul, always teasing and picking on her for being so frail and spoiled. The eldest, however, first taught Ysabella the meaning of compassion and then helped her develope her skills with Illusion to counter her brother's taunts. Over the years the siblings have grown quite close, finding mutual respect and understanding for each other.
After the death of Livia, the family remained in contact but drifted their separate ways. Most staying in Europe, Ysabella was the one to move farthest away to America.
Animal Form:
Psychic Strength: Illusion
Other: Ysabella is Italian, though her accent has faded over the years spent in America.
She enjoys dressing in gothic style clothing and drinking red wine, but secretly loves to sing.