Alright, so I've been thinking about possible changes.
1) No more points for losses. Learn from the loss. Losing and gaining points HAS skewed the data, and made it purely amount of matches(For example; LeeRoy had a win, and a loss, and was ahead of me though I beat him. In other options, People who lose get their points and are higher than others, despite losing.)
2) You'll get 10% of the losers total at the end of the fight. Instead of a solid 100 points(though for most, that'll probably be it anyway until more points are doled out). Loser loses nothing in the exchange. It won't ruin quality of fights, because, you still have to win the fights. You can start 100, but if you don't win any you gets no points.
3) Run the gauntlet, instead iof fighting the same people fight everyone(for example, Melon is running his second fight against IN.) In general, it's not an issue, but if some can't get fights, they can't advance. Skally has been here since day 1, thereabouts, and hasn't had a ranked fight yet. Lots of lip service though, but lips don't bring points.
4) This one has to happen.
@Innue, you have to wrap up the first round. I know, I know, i gave you complete control over it, as I will all hosts, but the tournament was slated to start in May and now the matches are two months old. I was planning on having it done in August, so we don't go from one tournament to another. So yeah, please move it along.
5) The four way is still on, I just need to find a body for it. Or, I can just turn it into a three way worth 150.
Remember guys, story isn't required but you have multiple avenues. The HQ, for instance. Think outside of the box to get fights. As usual, you guys can discuss these, but they'll probably end up being added.