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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Afina Retired Account

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Once Upon A Time….. No, that’s not it.

They call me Ishmael….Wrong setting.

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away…...Wait, no.

Let me start over….

Every story has a beginning but it seems that no matter where we begin there is always more to the beginning than we may know; things that unravel as each word is presented. This is one such story. But each story does have a place that is the catalyst, the spark that ignited the events to come and created the fire needed to continue. That is where we will begin.

Earth Tower – 3590

The day was like many others. The Tower had been quiet over the previous night, for the day that was just breaking dawn was to be a rather eventful one for them. One they had been bracing for. Today Silvia would leave home, for good, to start her final few months of training to be able to take control of her own tower on another planet. The crew of the Earth Tower had raised Silvia; she was more to them than just some high ranking talent. She was their friend, their little sister and they her family. The only she could remember. They were protective of her and none in the tower, no matter how volatile and vocal Silvia could be, wanted her to leave but GNC had spoken. When GNC speaks, you listen.

Silvia did not need the training; she all but ran Earth Tower for Tower Lead Crisin when it was down time but GNC was bureaucratic. Everything by the book and by the numbers. T-1 Silvia had not had enough time dealing with the foreign relations of other planets to be placed as a Tower Lead yet. Save some major catastrophe she would have to finish her training especially after all the trouble she had caused with various crews on other planets during her training over the years. Now as punishment from the GNC, she was being shipped off to train under the GNCs most loathed Tower Lead, Tristan.


The alarm started quietly as it did each morning, slowly adding volume and intensity before it suddenly rose from its place by the bed and went flying towards the wall. It crashing into the rough surface and shattering; pieces flying to the floor. Silence had been reachieved. A soft groan came from under the covers of the bed that was situated in the corner of the room. Slowly a head emerged; soft ebony locks with streaks of white could be seen framing a sleepy face that was accentuated with agitated eyes. “It’s too damn early…”a sharp voice echoed against the metal walls from a petite feminine figure. Silvia sat up and rubbed her eyes before rolling out of bed and dressing. Today she was leaving; her bags were packed by the door of her room, waiting for her with papers from the GNC documenting her transfer today. A harsh reminder from the uncaring corporation that she would leave her home today, perhaps for good.

Silvia, once dressed, sat on the edge of her bed as she pulled her boots on thinking to herself about everything that had lead up to this point. Sure, she could have not put the Tower Lead of Lirdem in the airlock of the substation of the moon Platrac, but he did try to grope her. She didn’t have to send the Head Of GNC Personnel from his cushy seat in the tower on Galax 284 right into the middle of an animal stampede, but he had refused to properly outfit the tower with enough high ranking talents to properly make sure that the local population was adequately taken care of. And she’d be damned if she would apologize for threatening to turn the Head Of Security for GNC’s mind to prehistoric sludge if he ever laid his hand on another child. Hell, she wasn’t going to apologize for any of it but GNC had its regulations and sadly all of the offenders had followed them. Silvia had not. Now it was time to ship off and she shuddered at the thought of working for Tower Lead Tristan for the planet Altenia.

Pompous, arrogant, loathed was the rumor floating around the GNC grape vine. It gave her an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach. She wondered if it was only being made worse by the nightmares she had been having off and on recently. Each one growing more intense as the nights passed. She hoped they would subside once she reached Altenia and was able to settle in. The fact she had to make another jump today didn’t sit well with her either. Talents, in general, did not like space travel. It wasn’t that they were fearful but to put their lives in the hands of another talent always sat wrong with them. They were of the opinion they could do it themselves, they didn’t need help, and they could do it better than the one in charge of the jump. The higher the rank, the higher the ego for most. For Silvia, she just hated the ego of most high ranking talents.

Shaking the thoughts out of her mind she rose from her place on the bed and walked over to the door, hitting the activation switch and it sliding open; the door moving into the metal face of the wall exposing the corridor on the other side and a male figure leaning back against the wall dressed in the tell-tale attire of the ranking security person of the tower. His arms crossed over his chest, with a tooth pick held lazily in his teeth as he smiled towards Silvia.

“Morning angel,” he said with a broad smile as he held his arms out to her. Silvia growled for a moment before rolling her eyes and walking over to him; resting her head against him as she gave him a hug, his arms encircling her as she did. She was so small against him but then again Silvia was small compared to most.

“Hey Marx,” Silvia said as she stood there, still hugging him, seemingly refusing to let go. Marx just stood there and let her. Marx had taken a liking to Silvia when she was young, they grew up together in the tower. His parents were a set of T-2’s that had adopted him when he was a baby and with Silvia being an orphan herself they bonded like brother and sister over the years. Silvia did not want to leave one of the few she considered true family and he did not want her to go.

“Ready?” he asked as he pulled back and ruffled her hair. Silvias eyes narrowed as his hand flew back and she smirked. “Okay, okay, no need to get rough,” he teased before stepping inside her room and grabbing her bags for her, slinging them over his shoulder. With his other hand he scooped her up and began to carry her effortlessly down the corridor towards the elevators.

“Put me down you oaf,” she sneered before smacking him on top of his head. Marx ignored her protests and just kept trudging on, finally setting her down when they reached the elevator itself. “Ugh, you!”

“Yes me, deal with it. I’ll carry you all the way to the docks if I want,” he said as he shot her a glance waiting for the doors to open. Silvia sighed, she didn’t want to fight with him and she knew he was just being playful. Marx was always this way with her. He teased he, messed with her but in the end she had seen him stand between her and many a bully as they were growing up protecting her until she could do so for herself.

The next moments seemed to whiz by in a blur. People coming up to Silvia as she made her way with Marx to the docking station for boarding; each one telling her good bye and good luck among other things. Their emotions were running wild and by the time Silvia reached her ship she had an enormous headache from all the free broadcasting of thought from the others. Thankfully the older woman standing at the walkway onto the transport ship was not. An older woman in simple but lush garb stood before her stoically.

“Are you ready?” the woman asked in a raspy voice that had come with age and decades of screaming at people for not doing their jobs up to the level she expected.

“As I will ever be Crisin,” Silvia stated flatly. Crisin was the Tower Lead for Earth and had raised Silvia since that fateful day she was recovered from beneath the wreckage of the mudslide that had claimed Silvias home and family when she was but three years of age.

“Very well, good travels,” was all Crisin said before she vanished from sight and appeared in her seat in the Towers Main Operating room. Crisin had never been one to show affection but the fact that she had even made a personal appearance was more than enough for Silvia. That was about as much as she could expect from Crisin, she wasn’t going to push for more from her surrogate mother.

“Okay, time to go Silvia,” Marx pipped in as he walked out of the ship, having put her bags up for her. He didn’t wait for Silvia to say anything; he just grabbed her and hugged her tight. “You take care of yourself and don’t take any shit from that bastard Tristan okay?” he said quickly before pulling back and looking at her. “Your crystal is already loaded.”

Silvia nodded and took a deep breath before walking onto the ship and finding her seat. The door closing once she was situated and the air lock hissing slightly as the engines powered up. The soft whine of the turbine humming through the ship as Silvia took a deep breath, she trusted Crisin to send the ship off well but she didn’t trust Tristan to catch it softly. He wasn’t exactly known for his flair of crystal enhanced traveled.

Up in the main operations room of the tower, the monitors scrolled through the launching procedures and the large screen in the center of the room flickered on. “Earth Tower Lead Crisin set to send Transport Vessel E-253 from Earth Crystal Port A-1 to Main Catch Point for the planet Alteria,” Crisin stated in a flat work tone as the ship itself lifted from the Earth dock and made its way to the assigned Crystal Port.

On the monitor a gruff set of eyes and cruel lips looked around nonsensically. “Very well,” the man said with a wave of his hand. “Altenia Tower Lead Tristan set to catch Transport Vessel E-253 from Earth Crystal Port A-1 to our main catch point,” Tristan said without a care. “Watch your throw Crisin.”

“Watch your catch Tristan, this one contains precious cargo,” Crisin hissed in the monitor before she focused on the job at hand. Tristan could be seen through the monitor with a sneer on his lips before the monitor went dark. “Ass,” was the last word that slipped from Crisin lips before the gentle song of her crystal could be heard radiating through the room. Crisins facial features went blank as the ship picked up speed and was suddenly gone from sight. A tunnel of light surrounded the vessel in Crisins mind and she held it tight until she felt Tristans catch at the Altenian Catch Point. Releasing her mental grasp on the ship Crisin leaned back in her chair and sighed. “I miss you already Silvia,” she whispered.

Altenian Tower

The ship came to a jarring halt as Tristan caught it, Silvia jutting forward in her seat slightly and growling under her breath. “For fuck sakes, a ten year old can catch a cargo cruiser with more flair than that,” she muttered as she righted herself in her seat and waited for the ship to dock proper on the planet itself inside the tower.

“Ship docked sir,” a male like creature said looking over the monitors. He stood nearly seven feet tall and looked more like a giant firefly than a human.

“Fine, take care of it Craig, you’re head of security,” Tristan spat before rising from his chair and making his way out of the Mor (main operations room) and headed to his private quarters. “Bring her too me once you’re finished,” was all he said before the doors closed.

“Fucking prick,” Craig said before shaking it off and taking a deep breath. “Well, MoR clear of Hurrican Tristan until next catch in 12 hours, relax everyone,” Craig said with a smile on his face. Several of the talents in the room started to laugh. They hated Tristan but Craig made working in the tower passable. Turning he faced his second in command Ailen. “Please head down to the docking port and get T-1 Silvia settled in please. She has floor assignment 42, the whole thing is hers due to her status as you know. Please make sure to make her comfortable. If you wish, you can have Gaia tag along, I am sure after that catch she could use some empathy. Gaia should be on shift now in the childrens infirmary as usual,” he said before pausing to gather the paper work for Ailen to give to Silvia and handing it over to him. “Once she is settled, take her to Tristan for the initial bitch fest that is likely to happen. If she survives that, then bring her to me for debriefing.”

Walking closer to Ailen he reached up and placed a hand on the mans shoulder and leaned in. “Then check on Srath in docking bay twelve, we need more supplies,” he whispered before righting himself and going back to his duties.

Brax'Na Village

Dawn had broken hours before in the village of the Brax’Na. The village of the Brax’Na was unlike all other settlements on Altenia. It wasn’t an advanced society, having pushed aside modern ways to hold tight to their heritage. One that was mostly unknown to the GNC due to the isolation the Brax’Na preferred to keep. They had some modern items and knew how to run GNC machinery to help find and dig out the crystals so the Singers could do their job. It was a good living, providing well for them. Well, it would have been if Tristan didn’t find every possible loophole in the system to keep the Brax’Na from receiving their payment and goods of trade in exchange for the work they did.

Due to the Brax’Na having no known talents they were not much of a threat in the eyes of the GNC and there for their complaints usually went to deaf ears. What the GNC and the Brax’Na did not know was that Tristan intercepted most communications and weeded out anything that would cause him anything more than a mild inconvenience. He enjoyed keeping the Brax’Na under his thumb, they were beneath him as far as he was concerned and if they were ever to rise up he felt confident that he could snub them out without issue; including their precious Jun’Krama.

The council came together early for the talks of the day. The talks as usual revolved around two things; Crystal Harvesting and the local Tower Lead Tristan. In the council room was filled with all the members including the Jun’Krama, the chief of the Brax’Na. The various leaders of the village were in an uproar. Another payment and another shipment of supplies was being held up by Tristan. Nothing had been left at the designated drop point that morning and their food supplies were running short.

“I have had it with that loathsome creature in his pristine tower,” one of the council members, Kre’lin bellowed as he rose from his seat and slammed his fist into the table. “We must take action! We are warriors! Not slaves!”

“And what would that do? Cause the annihilation of our kind? We do not possess the needed resources to take on a Tower, much less the GNC when they decide to retaliate if we for some reason were able to take the Tower,” an older Brax’Na member of the council growled from his seat.

“You are weak Ty’jin! Age has caused you to be fearful instead of fearless,” Kre’lin snapped towards the older man. Within a split second Ty’jin has risen from his chair and his sword was at the throat of Kre’lin.

“Do not doubt my skill young one. Age has not made me weak, it has made me cautious,” he said as he removed the sword from the mans throat and placed it back in its sheath before sitting back down in his seat. “Jun’Krama, we must speak with GNC once again and let them know what it going on.”

“That has done nothing in the past!” Kre’lin said as he rubbed his throat, a small trickle of blood coming from a razor slice. The rest of the council yelled and knocked the table in agreement.

“Perhaps, but we have to try. There is word of a new T-1 on the planet. Perhaps a changing of the guard is happening,” Ty’jin retorted quickly.

“A woman, what good would she be? We have no need of help from that kind. Talent or Woman!” Kre’lin bellowed.

Ignoring what Kre’lin said Ty’jin leaned closer to the Jun’Krama. “Perhaps it is time you made a personal appearance at the tower; a show of force that we will not stand for it anymore but not a show of war. Woman or not, anything would be better than that demon in the tower now. Even the Goddess of Chaos of herself,” Ty’jin said, referring to the very woman in their lore that had killed their strongest so long ago. The very reason Brax’Na hated woman and talents. “And being a woman, perhaps weak enough to not stand against you?” he said as he perked a brow and awaited word from the one they called their God Warrior.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ailen nodded to Craig, a smile of his face from what Craig said earlier. "Sure thing Craig, dont worry I will take good care of our new T1." He said. He hated Tristan just as much as anyone else did. He felt sorry for Silvia, what did she do to get put here. Yup that was this planet. Altenia was a place GNC sent people to punish them. Tristan believed he himself was sent here as punishment. Ailen would agree except he felt it was the other way around. Tristan was sent here to punish the planet. He waved friendly gesture as he left. Grabbing his jacket and hat, placing the hat on his head, as he walked out of the room. He took the elevator down to medical bay first. He heard rumors about Silvia. Interesting ones as well, from what he heard, she will be good friends to him and Craig.

A couple hours Earlier

Ailen laid in bed staring at the picture in the locket. His alarm went off and he calmly turned it off. Today they were receiving a new T1. What did this girl do to get herself sent here. She pissed off some high ranking GNC for sure. He sighed, closing his locket and rose up. He placed it around his neck and put on his pants and grabbed all the things that matched it. The jacket, hat, sword, and the side arm. He put the jacket on slightly and on his way began oiling the joints of his arm. Many asked about it and he always gave them the same answer. Tristan happened. If it wasnt for his pompous ass the little rebellion that cost him his arm wouldn't of happened. Luckily him and Craig made sure that shit didn't happen again. Once the adjustments and oiling to his arm was complete he slipped the metallic arm into its sleeve and then placed his hands in his pocket. "Good day Mr. Ailen!.. is it true we are getting a new T1?" He heard one of the other residents call to him. He smiled, word travels fast around here and to be truthful he was kinda excited to see a new face for once. "Looks like it Corporal... Oh I didn't get your report on my desk yet. Also, you don't need to write a book okay. Just keep it simple alright." He said. He then made it to the elevator and set it for the top floor. He made sure his jacket and hair was neat, he did not want first impressions to go to shit.

The now

He reached the child care center and poked his head in. "Hey Gaia!.. We have a new T1 at the tower want to join me in meeting with her?" He said waiting only for a little while and then exited. Expecting the little nymph to land and ride on his shoulder. He hit the button to open the elevator doors and stepped inside. He looked to the mirrors within. "What you think Gaia?... don't tell me I am going to screw this up?" He asked. A question popped up in his own head. Why was it so important to make this meeting work with Silvia? Wasn't be cause she was a girl or anything. There were plenty of women on the station. Perhaps it was the rumors? Well the rumors only talked of her exploits, not her looks or attitude or anything. Maybe because she was from Earth? It could be a number of things ,but one thing was for certain. In this tower friends were needed and he wanted to be the first one in line to become her new friend here. To show her that not everyone here is like Tristan. I hope she replaces the fucking asshole in the future. He also wished someone would nife the fucker in his sleep ,but that would never happen. Unless the Brax'Na attacked and Tristan died in the conflict. He was surprised they hadn't.

Ailen was beginning to think they should add another shipment of supplies to Srath's list and sneak supplies to the Brax'Na as well. It would calm things down. Even with the supplies they sent to the people, Tristan always found some way to screw the people over. The asshole always complained about people hating him ,but for fucksake if he wasn't such a douche he wouldn't be hated. He wouldn't be on this planet that was for sure.

The elevator door opening snapped him out of his thoughts and he exited the elevator. He adjusted the collar of his jacket and passed engineers on his way to the hangar where her ship waited. The engineers looked up and saw him and went back to work. He smiled and nodded to them. "Keep up the good work everyone." He then passed one Engineer and stopped him in the man's place. "Hey,.. Henry was it?" He asked.
"Yes, sir.. surprised you remembered." The man replied.
"Well it was you who helped design my arm. Between you and the doctors in medical bay I still stand here doing my job. Here,... as thanks." He flipped the guy a few coins. Just enough for the guy to have a meal that he didn't have to pay for. Ailen was known for many things on the station. One such thing was he gave a lot of respect for those under him. Despite himself being a T1 as well. Why was a T1 in second command in the military of a tower then a possible tower lead? He preferred this then that and his military prowess were best used in this job then as a head of a tower or a runner up. He left the man to his devices and proceeded to the hangar. He reached the doors and they slipped open and he walked through. He did not see much life in the hangar except a few engineers refueling the vessel that delivered them their new T1 to be trained by Tristan himself. Another reason why he wanted to give her a friend she could come to to relieve the stress he would give her. If rumors where true and she couldn't stand idiots or people with attitudes, Tristan being the epitome of assholeness would put a real stress on her.

He reached it finally standing a good few feet away from where the ramp will hit when she exits. His hands leaving his pockets and he prepared to greet her with a good old hand shake from his cybernetic arm. He wanted to see what her reaction would be from it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Salrynn
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Salrynn Pretty Reckless

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

It was early in the morning in this planet and Gaia was still asleep, well she was asleep until her alarm set off which woke the nymph up and shot right up from her bed, instantly looking for her precious flowers her brother gave her. She didn’t want to lose them out of her sight nor did she want something as precious as them stolen, she swung her little legs out the bed and got everything ready for work today.

‘Nnugh!! please don’t tell me they will play with me wings again’ she said out aloud to herself ‘I may have wings but that gives them no right to play with them asking how they sparkle!’ then Gaia would smile at how some of the kids took it in turns every day to sprinkle dust on her wings and smiled, she loved it when the kids do that because it shown that they share and they don’t even argue about it (until they want to pull her wings)

Finally getting ready she finally put on her jacket which she made special slits in them so her wings could get through and started to fly, she can’t fly for long however due to not having dust on them so she flew quickly to the ward- well the children's ward.

There the children sat, they were reading each others stories, playing games together or even just chatting about each other, along with various other things. Upon opening the door the children looked at her and all said in unison ‘GOOD MORNING EMPATH GAIA!’ Gaia just smiled and looked at the other workers, they always said this to all the workers, regardless if they first enter on the morning or afternoon.

Instantly Gaia got the clipboard and looked at all the names of the children like always, and looked at a girl with a ribbon in her hair; whose name was Olivia ‘Olivia sweetie, it’s your turn, would you like to put dust on my wings??’ Olivia beamed with delight and nodded, smiling as Gaia took out a pouch of her dust and opened it, letting Olivia pick up some by her fingers and sprinkling it on her wings, they finally sparkled and fluttered very beautifully. Thanking Olivia she took the pouch back and closed it, placing it into her jacket, then she heard Ailen’s voice.

‘Coming!!!!’ Gaia projected as she waved bye to the kids; ‘BYE EMPATH GAIA!’

Gaia was outside the ward, following Ailen via flying until they got into the elevator and she stopped the flying ‘hahhahaha! it’s up to them if you screw up or not, not I. But let’s hope Tristan doesn’t beat you!’ She grinned as she looked to him, he was a fine young man but she knew he could be nothing but trouble also… with his mindset anyway.

The elevator door opening she decided to keep quiet and just follow him on, since she knew she wasn’t as useful here. So deciding to keep quiet and follow Ailen was the best thing to do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Afina
Avatar of Afina

Afina Retired Account

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The doors of the transport vessel opened, the hiss of the air lock being released echoing through the hanger and a body flung out it as soon as the doors were open wide enough for one to fit through; the body of a male pilot landing hard on the receiving deck, coughing slightly as he tried to catch his breath. His body barely missing Ailen and Gaia as it happened. The light from the ship causing vision to be hard as a small statured female form emerged, silhouetted by the lighting. Slowly she came into view, such a small and petite woman but the look in her eyes was that of someone that might commit murder right at that moment. A single hand held out as the body of the pilot rose from its place and was slammed back into the ship, flying right over Silvias head.

“If you ever try to grab me again I will send you into deep space!” she spat as her bags hovered from the storage and rested softly onto the deck. “Now, get my fucking crystal and get the hell out of this Tower before I change my mind and decide to do it anyway!” she continued before taking a deep breath and walking further out of the ship. Glancing around she perked a brow. The place was much nicer than the Earth Tower, granted it was also much newer and in a better location to be of use to the GTC. “Not bad,” she mumbled under her breath before her eyes fell on Ailen and Gaia. Tilting her head to the side she walked over to them and forced a smile, though it really wasn’t working. She was in a bad mood from the catch, the come on and now her first action at the new tower was flinging a pilot around. So much for first impressions.

“T-1 Tower Lead In Training Silvia Adenias reporting for transfer to Altenia Tower from Earth Tower,” she said as she handed over the paper work for her transfer to Ailen. Thankfully the uniforms of the GTC made it easy to tell who was in charge and who wasn’t. Perking a brow a she looked over to Gaia. “And I thought I was small,” she let slip and then rolled her eyes at herself. “Sorry, my mouth tends to override common sense sometimes. No offense. Just not used to anyone being smaller than me wandering around a tower,” she tried to clarify as she rubbed her temples.

“Does that ass wipe Tristan always catch ships that hard or am I special?” she growled as her fingers went from her temples around to the back of her neck, it popping slightly as she did. Sighing inwardly, she realized she had just called their boss something unholy and grimaced. “Like I said, mouth overriding common sense.”

All are free to post at this moment, one post each max
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by EWillden
Avatar of EWillden

EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ailen rose a brow at the whole scene, looking to the fella and then followed as he was flown back into the transport. He smirked as the words left her mouth. I am going to like her, When she handed him the papers he stuffed them in a pocket within his jacket. He knew who she was. He then rose his cybernetic hand raising up. "No need to worry, also you can relax. No need to be so formal." He said. "As for Tristan, he is an asshole, don't worry your not the first and you won't be the last." He said. If that did not show her that everyone at this tower including the 2nd in command of the towers security, hated Tristan just as much as anyone else who had the unfortunate timing of meeting with him. He lowered the same hand in a offer to shake hers. "Pleasure to meet you, names Ailen." He then looked around her and towards the man getting her crystal making sure he wasn't in ear shot. "On my way here I forgot to stop by bay 12. You wouldn't mind coming with me right? Give you a little room to relieve that experience before you see Tristan." He asked.

Once she shook his hand or not. He turned around and smiled. "Don't mind Gaia, she is just a nymph." He said. Wow are all human hair styles like that or just Silvia's. Her face too, kinda cute. "Also don't ever worry about insulting the man. Everyone here does, especially once we know he isn't looking. A lot of things would be much enjoyable here if not for him." He said looking at the palm of his metallic hand and clenched it in a fist. "I swear the man's agenda is to piss off as many people he can before he dies." He lowered it and placed it back in his pocket. He began moving guiding her towards the Elevators. Once more he nodded to people who passed them. A lot of respect shown to him. A lot of smiles as well. Of course they respected him and Silvia was about to learn why once they reached bay 12. It was funny, before Srath it was always himself who delivered the supplies personally. However, he was caught by Craig and his boss did not dislike the idea. He only felt it was safer to have a outside party be the ones to do it. It made things better then they were.
Bay 12 wasn't all too far from their location.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Salrynn
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Salrynn Pretty Reckless

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Walking out she was the victim of a near-miss as a mans body literally lost his balance into the recieving deck and Gaia shook her head, she wasn’t a fan of bodies almost being slammed into her face and she would never be a fan of that either. The instance could have instantly ruined her wings and usually that pisses her off VERY quickly

Upon noticing the new T-1 Gaia instantly placed her hands on her hips and examined the young human, thinking to herself of how beautiful this human looked, she wondered how such a beautiful girl could handle Tristan and the other males here, assuming they would be as flirtatious as most men usually were.

As soon as the human girl made comments about how short Gaia was her cheeks instantly puffed up, instantly taking it as a insult ‘you make it sound like I am not allowed to be short!! HAAARUMPH!!!!’ She may be 100 but she is still technically a young adult in the nymph world, she was eventually eased by Ailen’s words. Even though she was short she keeps forgetting to tell others that she is a nymph, so she really was a rarity to be seen. Unlike gnomes, which she also gets mistakened for. She always hates getting kicked like a gnome would, sometimes when she does her wings get in the way and she usually beats the living daylights out of the targeted person who booted her in the first place.

Flying upwards she decided to introduce herself as she flew around Silvia ‘Well, I am Gaia-Elizabeth, I am an T-3 Empath. It is wonderful to meet you’ She smiled and landed on Silvia’s shoulder in a menacing manner as they walked over to the elevator ‘So, tell me… Have you seen a nymph before??’
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Afina
Avatar of Afina

Afina Retired Account

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

After a few moments, Silvia noted that her Crystal was being safely unloaded and moved to the towers main generators. It was odd in its shapes and cut but truly stunning to behold and it seemed fitting that someone as unique as Silvia would possess a crystal that seemed to mimic who she was. Eyes glazed over for a moment and the gem began to sing gently, the vibrations reverberating through the docks gently. Silvia blinked and the song faded away as quickly as it had come. It was odd, most talents had to have some type of physical connection or electronic link to use them. Even singers had to give a crystal a resonate flick of a finger against a crystal to make its song heard. Silvia only had to think and hers,called to her. Apparently one of the rumors about her being a unique talent were true.

Turning slightly she extended her hand to Ailen and shook the one he offered her. "Well that's good to know that he hasn't completely broken the crew but I honestly wouldn't get used to me being here. I have a feeling that if he is as bad as I have heard I will be shipped off world by the end of the evening. I do not hold my tongue," she said as she released his hand from the handshake. Silvia wasn't joking, her tone as serious as a Crystal Harmonic Storm. She wouldn't back down from Tristan, even if it meant she was shipped off to mine Crystal for the rest of her life. She could not tolerate cruelty or arrogance.

"Sure, why not," she said to Ailens inquiry if she would like to join him. She needed to learn the layout of the tower as it was and stretching her legs wouldn't hurt. As Gaia landed on her shoulder she perked a brow. "No, but I've read Peter Pan. You're Tinkerbell right," she said quickly. Her voice wasn't cruel, jest could be heard as she smiled over at the little one. "I am just not used to many cultures. Earth is rather isolated and I have met few of the other races," she followed up as she followed Ailen to the elevators and let him lead the way to Dock 12.

All may post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

When they reached the elevator and the doors closed. He let out a sigh. He took off his hat and folded it. Placing it in his pockets. "Hate these damned hats. Makes my ears really irritated after awhile." He said. So, Earth was completely devoid of races. She probably hasn't seen many of his kind either. He pressed the button to take the elevator to docking bay 12. He smiled at her words when she said she would likely be transferred. "Depends on how much GTS wants you to be trained here.... If he has to answer to someone. I just wish the GTS would just transfer him out. Probably would have if he didn't intercept every message sent out to GTS." He then turned and leaned on the elevator walls.

"So that rumor is true. You are very unique... I sometimes wonder what my life would have turned out if I had a black crystal." He said. To clarify his words he decided to explain them. "I am a T1 just like you. Problem is my race is very sensitive to the powers and magic that surrounds the crystals. We even have a larger chance to go insane using them for too long." The doors opened and he stepped out. Once more he lead them through the halls. The space elves ears exposed now but unlike the last floor the surveillance cameras were turned off and workers kept their eyes down. Not out of fear ,but because if they didnt see anything they shouldnt then they wouldnt need to report it. Once they reached it he saw Srath waiting outside his ship. As they approached Ailen removed from his jacket a envelope and proceeded to hand it to him. A signal for the loaders to bring the supplies on to the ship.

"Same routine Srath,... Deliver these supplies to the civilians of the towns. I thank you for doing this as always. You do not know how many uprises are prevented from us doing this." He said. To let Silvia in on what this was about he turned to her. "Tristan,... He likes to stop supply runs to the civilians down below. Me and Craig have hired Srath here to smuggle them out anyways." He did hope Silvia would not get transferred but Silvia wasn't the first that had and would not last. "It is a shame, i hope you do get to stay with us longer. A heart like yours Silvia is a rare sight." He said. He then sighed . "Plus your the most beautiful flower I have seen in a long while. There was only one girl that I felt was the most beautiful. Meeting you here, makes that two now." He added referring to his sister. Silvia has most likely heard that from many men. Probably not from someone who hasn't tried to grope her yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fatal Error 1337
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Fatal Error 1337 The Wrathful

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Every damn time." Srath pulled on the hull plate he just finished detaching from. It groaned, refusing to come free as it had fused with the frame from repeated re-entries, but it gave way to Sraths strength with a loud ping. Placing the heavy plate on the ground with a grunt he reached inside the exposed intake. "Every damn time I land here," He tried to force more of his large arm down the comparative small pipe. "They forget to clear the landing pad and I get some piece of scrap that's come of a junker stuck in the god damn intakes." He reached in further, having to bend at an awkward angle. "Then I've gotta reach in this tiny." He shoved his hand. "Fucking." He could feel something with the tips of his claws. "Hole!" With a last shove he grabbed a piece of scrap that had gotten wedged in the pipe. "Gotcha."

He wiggled the piece of debris free and pulled it from the pipe, he could feel the lip of the pipe scraping against this scaled arm. Once free he threw the scrap into the disposal chute. He pulled his data pad from his pocket to check the time, Ailen should have been there by now. Which worried Srath since he was usually very punctual, if Tristan found out they were running supplies to the Brax'Na he'd have his ship impounded. Then he'd find the not-exactly-legal items he'd acquired from his bounties over the years and Tristan could make his very long life miserable.

He briefly debated taking off but chided himself for overreacting, he decided to give Ailen a little more time. A minute later Ailen walked through the door with two others, a human woman he didn't recognize that barely came up to his waist and the small winged creature he'd seen around the tower was perched on her shoulder. Srath pushed off from his ship and took the letter Ailen held out. "It's my pleasure." He pulled the pad from his pocket once more, hitting a control the ramp opened to the cargo area of his ship.

When he heard Ailen explain what they were doing to the short woman, he sighed in annoyance. "I wish you wouldn't tell so many people what we were doing here." He spoke in a gravely voice. "Do you know how difficult Tristan could make life for us if he figures out what we're doing?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Salrynn
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Salrynn Pretty Reckless

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Gaia’s face puffed up once more and she wanted to rage… completely rage at what Silvia said, which was rather cute some of the other workers may have found. ‘ooooh!!! wait till I get you for that!!!’ not even realising it was just a joke. She decided to stay on Silvia’s shoulder anyway as her wings couldn’t carry her anymore flying wise and it wasn’t the best idea to walk at this time since there may be more bodies thrown at her excessively and she didn’t want to manually dodge them herself.

Crossing her arms and looking away she sighed, she sometimes hated this place. Not because of how the place works around here, well not at much because she is lucky she hardly sees Tristan, but because everyone here took the mick of her size and she hated it. Meanwhile she started daydreaming about all her times in the children's ward and instantly wished she was back there where the kids would make fun of her wings but not her size.

She instantly clicked back to reality when Ailen started his flirting and sighed, why couldn’t she have a guy flirt to her?? All the males seems to flirt with every other new girl that comes into this and not her, she found it completely stupid how the male mind works sometimes.

Just as the elevator doors opened Gaia stayed sitting on the new-comers shoulder, finding it rather comfy to do so until she started talking about what Srath does and floated down and flown around, examining everything. ‘ooooh…! I never been in here before!!!’ Gaia projected out in complete curiosity, finally investigating the ship quickly, disregarding EVERYTHING what they were all saying…

Yeah… She wasn’t paying attention today...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Afina Retired Account

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Silvia followed Ailen into the elevator and turned around to face the doors, standing there as she rested her hands on her hips and glancing around; perking a brow as he mentioned the hat. “Then why wear it?” Silvia muttered. She knew the regulations of GTC as well as anyone but she never understood the reason for many of them. There she stood in a mining suit from Earth, not the typical wear of a T-1. As Ailen went on about her training she shrugged. “It’s either here or the Crystal Fields, GTC has about had it with me and they ain’t seen nothing yet,” she growled as her eyes narrowed slightly. Shaking it off she tilted her head to the side slightly at his mention of being more sensitive to crystals and having to use other than a Black as a T-1. It was odd but not unheard of, she had researched all the ranking T-1 before coming but GTC liked to keep most files locked up and only gave base information.

Nodding as he mentioned the rumors, they flew around like flies over a dead beast within the GTC. A lot of that because the files were so secure and people were left wondering what really did happen where and when. “Oh, never believe rumors, they bite you in the ass,” she said as she stepped out of the elevator and followed Ailen over towards the ship; stopping in her tracks when her eyes fell on Strath. “Well aren’t you different,” she said as she began to walk around him. Silvia was not one to scare easy but startling her was a different story. She had met some races but not many. Srath was obviously one she hadn’t met. As she walked back around him she rose up, levitating slightly in midair so she could see him on equal eye level. Another quirk of Silvias that few Talents could pull off with ease. “Sorry to stare, first time and all,” she said as she looked at him before lowering herself back down and listening to what both Ailen and Srath had to say.

“He’s right you know,” Silvia said towards Ailen in reference to what Srath said. “For all you know those bastards at GTC flooded the grape vine with talk of me having a kind heart in hopes of you latching on to it and me uncovering any smuggling operations. Hell they might even be on their way now to lock the Tower down,” she smirked as she looked from one of them to the other. “I am just a bitch with an attitude,” she finished up as the smirk faded and she watched Gaia dart off. “That one is going to be a handful,” she muttered before turning her attention back to the both of them. “From now on, anything goes through me. Screw Tristan, you need something I’ll make it happen,” she said before her eyes narrowed and she looked at Ailen. “You, I want all blocked transmissions, all records of delayed shipments, everything you have on the little bugger. Video, paper, voice logs, all of it by the end of the week,” she said as she crossed her arms over her chest. “Got it?”

“And as far as my looks go, please keep it to yourself. No offense, I have bigger things to deal with right now than another man trying to get into my pants. The biggest is getting rid of Tristan.” Taking a deep breath she looked around for Gaia and then sighed deeply as she rubbed her temples. "I want that one reassigned from where ever she is as my personal empath since she seems to be in on this enough for you to trust her here. She can be put to good use if she is closer to me. Now, lets get me settled in and go meet the little priss."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ailen Sighed. She didn't have to take the compliment if she wanted. Getting into her pants wasn't even his intentions. He had much bigger things on his mind then women. Didn't stop him from complimenting them though. "Gaia,... Come along. Wouldn't want those on the receiving end of these supplies to think your a meal." He said. He then bowed his head to Srath and began moving away from the ship. No,... He was right about Silvia. Tristan wasn't the only one who could intercept transmissions. Speaking of the asshole. Time to go see him. From the way she talked,... This was going to be a long day. Day that made him want to punch Tristan in the face. Sadly that would end with him at the crystal mines. He wondered if there was any rumors about himself... The T1 who cant use a black crystal. His people learned first hand what those things did to their minds....

He felt his hand wander to hold onto his locket. He then released it tucking it back into its place. He looked to Silvia and then his eyes tried locate Gaia. "Careful where you look,... Wouldn't want to step on her." He said. If a comment on her size didn't get her to pop up then he wouldn't know what to do. He then proceeded to the elevator and would wait there for them. Once they regrouped he would take the elevator up. He was not eager to see Tristan again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Salrynn
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Salrynn Pretty Reckless

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Gaia popped back into reality again and flew out the ship after hearing Ailen’s comment ‘I am not SHORT!!!’ She cried out, how many times he has to repeat it, she wouldn’t know. But she does know that it is all in good intentions and that she does drift off to her daydreams now and then, getting lost in everything she can spot that is interesting in her points of view.

Sighing she noticed that she cried out aloud and pouted, looking down and apologised ‘Sorry Ailen, Silvia...’ Gaia bit her lower lip ashamed, she should be setting a good example for Silvia and be more mature for Ailen… But she just can’t help it.

She eventually flew to Ailen’s back in a piggy-back-esque state and got herself comfortable before allowing Ailen to set off on the way to meet up with Tristan the douchebag, as some of the other workers in the children's ward called him. Ofcourse she knew she couldn’t exactly say anything himself since she has only seen him twice when he was shouting out demanding for some empaths down the hallways.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fatal Error 1337
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Fatal Error 1337 The Wrathful

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Srath observed the woman called Silvia, she was obviously a powerful telekinetic the way she'd floated around him, and the way she forced herself into the lead of their little covert escapade told Srath almost everything about her. He'd always been good at figuring people out but she was making it easy, she used her power openly for a minor purpose and wielded her rank like a blunt object. She was making it clear she was in charge in a new environment and she was already finding useful people to surround herself. He was impressed.

As Ailen bowed away and made his way to the exit Srath called to him. "Ailen, if I have to pull one more piece scrap out of my ship from landing here, I'm going to make your head of maintenance eat it." He let a little annoyance flow into his voice, Ailen would know he wasn't being literal but he wanted him thinking he'd do something brash.

Srath gave a slight head bow to Silvia, "M'am." before turning to help the loading crew move the crates onto his ship, taking a large one from two loaders who seemed to be having trouble with the heavy contents. Of course the crate was heavy but he made a point of making it look like he wasn't inconvenienced, deciding to make a little power play of his own. Not having a rank with the GTC meant he had to use his large size and intimidating visage often when dealing with people he had no official power over and it'd kept him alive so far.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Afina Retired Account

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Silvia smiled towards Srath and returned the slight nod of head. “Srath, safe journey,” she said before following Ailen to the elevator and waiting for Gaia to join them. Once Gaia did Silvia stepped into the elevator and waited for Ailen to lead the way to Tristans quarters. Taking a deep breath, she prepared herself. Keeping quiet for now and stepping quickly off the lift as they reached Tristans floor. Each T-1 was assigned their own floor and it was all theirs. T-1 were far too valuable to the GTC to not give them as many perks as possible. This was one of them. As they came up to the door to his quarters Silvia held up at hand for them to stop as she stepped closer to the door and listened, placing a finger to her lips as she looked over towards the two in a gesture for them to be quiet.

She listened at the door and was surprised she could hear his voice. The walls were thick, to give such a rank privacy and yet the sounds of his grating voice came through. “Well, this will be interesting. Stay behind me,” she said as she pressed the access button and the doors slid open. As she stepped inside a mug of some hot beverage came flying towards her head. It stopped right before it reached her, changed course and went flying straight back towards Tristan. It whizzed by his head and crashed into the wall behind him. Silvia had not missed her mark, she had got his attention. Tristan spun around and glared at her.

“Who the hell!” he snapped before freezing in his place and crossing his arms over his chest. “Oh, you,” he growled. “You ever do that again and I will have you tossed off world!”

“Throw another latte at my head and next time I won’t miss,” she spat as she stepped closer.

“You little wench! How dare you talk to me in such in a manner! This is my tower!” he yelled at her.

“Me?!? How dare you act like this when you run a fucking tower! A Tower Lead should have better fucking manners Tristan!”

“You’re one to talk, I’ve heard of your outbursts Silvia! What’s your excuse to go off on people!?! Tell me that you pathetic excuse for a Talent.”

“I’m still in training. What’s your excuse you warthog faced buffoon!” she hissed as her eyes narrowed.

“You little…That’s it, get out of my tower and off my planet right now! Ailen, remove her from my sight!” Tristan commanded. Even though his skin was blue in hue, the red of anger was showing and he was looking to turn purple as his fists clenched. Silvia just smirked as she waved a finger in the air towards him.

“You can’t remove me you dolt. I have yet to break any GTC regulations. You’re stuck with me,” she said as she laughed slightly. This only angered Tristan even more. “And actually, until Ailen hands over my papers I have not been transferred. It means I am in limbo and am under no Tower Lead. As a T-1 that puts us on even grounds in the eyes of the GTC,” she laughed before walking over to Ailen and taking back her transfer papers; sticking into her pocket.

“Give me those!” Tristan demanded as he stepped closer to her. Silvia smirked and took a step towards him and he stopped. “Now!”

“I don’t think so. You see my transfer clearly states that I was to be transferred off Earth at a certain time and to arrive here at a certain time. But it does not state when I am supposed to start training and I have some vacation time built up,” she snarled and watched the anger grow in Tristans eyes to near lunatic proportions. “Yes, that’s it. I need a vacation. Ailen, please see that my things are taken to my room. I think it would be good for me to vacation here a while before I start. That’s a direct order. You know, meet the people, learn the lay of the tower, get out and meet the locals. Yes, that seems like a fine idea,” she said in a jovial voice she knew would just send the man into a rage and she was right. He began screaming in multiple languages, cussing her out in each of them as he stormed around the room like a spoiled brat turning over furniture.

“And as you know, when any T-1 of Tower Lead Position gives security an order on a planet they are assigned to, you must follow it before following any other order from another T-1. So, for now Ailen, you report to me, not Tristan. Understood?” she said as she turned and winked at Ailen and Gaia. “That goes for Gaia as well. She is to be transferred to be my personal Empath. To help me relax during my extended vacation,” Silvia followed up with.

“How dare you! You can’t!” Tristan spat as he threw a vase at the wall, shattering it.

“Oh yes I can, it is clearly stated in the GTC regulations. And as you know, that is all they care about,” she said as she looked at him and spun around on her heals to make her way out. “Good day,” she chuckled.

Tristan had had it and his eyes glazed over as he attempted to attack Silvias mind with a barrage of telepathic attacks meant to bring her to her knees. Silvia stopped in her place but she did not falter. Instead she stood there as her facial expression went blank, tilting her head to one side and then the other; the sound of her neck popping echoing through the now silent room. Turning slowly she looked at him and suddenly he flew back against the wall and landed in a crumpled heap on the ground.

“Regulation A-39867, A T-1 is never to use their abilities to attack another T-1. Abilities are only to be used in defense,” she said as she walked over to him and leaned down to look him in the face before she spat on him. “Ailen, write him up and bring me the paper work,” she said as she left the room. Waiting for Ailen and Gaia to join her and the doors to close before she said anything else. “That was step one.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ailen watched the scenario all play out. Witnessing the tower lead get thrown against the walk and slide down. Side from Silvia barking orders at him and then reminding him of her authority. Yes he knew her authority out ranked his and he knew she meant nothing personal. It was all used as ammunition to anger Tristan. However,... He decided to drop it from his mind. Seeing Tristan put in his place was rewarding. He saw a glass chanter with some wine and took it. Taking it with him to the elevator and closing it. "By the time he wakes up,... He wont remember he had this." He said...."Vacation,... To think I almost forgot what that was." He pressed the buttons once more. This time they would meet Craig. Silvia was interesting, but she still acted like a typical T-1 Lead even if she is in training. Perhaps she was different,... He had no idea. He just stood there and waited. He couldn't remember the last time he had a vacation. He was always too busy for one. Salvaging everything Tristan tried to destroy. Hopefully Silvia wouldnt treat everything like a toy. Like he did. It wasn't too long in the day and already he felt sore. It all coming from the same spot. Every time, it always started at his shoulders. He reached up to massage it slightly. He then checked his pockets and sighed. "Must have left them at my desk." He said. His doctor would give him an earful for this. He was on constant medication for his arm. The movies always made arms like his look cool. They never showed how stressful it was on the body it was to carry something so heavy. He sucked the pain in and swallowed it. He would just have to wait. "If the people of this tower did there job right. Your belongings should already be there." He said. As for the files she requested. He had to smirk a bit. "As for the files... I hope you like to read."

Once the elevator stopped which wasnt long after. He pressed the buttons to open the doors. " if you think Nymphs or Walking suitcases were strange. Wait until you me Craig. He still gives me the creeps." He tried to be cheerful despite it all. Mind over matter sometimes worked. He rose his crystal up in the air and looked at it with the light pouring into it. He then prayed to it. For some reason it felt like he talked to his sister through it sense the stone had the same color as her eyes. He then placed it back in his pocket.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Salrynn
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Salrynn Pretty Reckless

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Upon hearing Tristan’s voice Gaia laughed hesitantly, she did not want to see Tristan today… at all, she flew off Ailen’s back quickly and stayed outside the hallways to hear the arguing between Silvia and Tristan, she was not looking forward to hearing this... ‘Why are all T-1’s like this??’ she asked herself in hopes nobody could overhear them words which she just spoke out of her lips. Continuing to listen in she finally heard the words ‘warthog faced buffoon’ she couldn’t help but laugh… Maybe she could teach Tristan a few lessons of manners after all.

As soon as they exited the room Gaia flew above their heads to follow them to the elevator, she found it easier to fly then walk for obvious reasons, flying into the elevator while yawning in complete boredom.

While they were busy doing their thing in the elevator Gaia could remember the words ‘vacation’ whats a vacation, she thought to herself. Never remembering if she had one or not, so she decided to ask ‘umm, whats a vacation?’ she asked before the elevator doors opened, which was the cue for the three to get the hell out of the elevator.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Afina Retired Account

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Stepping into the elevator Silvia drew a deep breath and leaned back against the wall, rubbing her temples slightly as she did. Once the doors had closed she looked over at Ailen and smiled slightly but she looked almost sad. “I am so sorry,” she said quickly before lowering her hand and shoving them into her pockets. “I hate having to talk like that to people, especially those that know their job. I had to keep up the act in front of Tristan,” she said as she reached out and touched his good arm for a second before letting it fall to her side. “Thanks for not snapping back when I was,” she said with a wink. She had not been trying to be harsh to either Ailen or Gaia or to make them feel bad but she couldn’t risk letting Tristan see any type of weakness with her and had to make her believe that she was a force to be reckoned with.

“As far as a vacation, it won’t be. It will just give me time to get as much on the ass as possible before I make a move. He needs to be gone if half of what I have heard is true and from what I have already seen I think it is. I don’t want to report it in bits and pieces either that can be white washed away a little at a time. I want to hit the GTC with a complete scandal so they have no choice but to pull him from this tower,” she said quickly, trying to explain to them what she had on her mind. “This planet deserves better than Tristan.”

“What is a vacation?” she repeated when she heard Gaias question and Ailens comment about almost forgetting what it was she nodded. “Yeah, that’s one of those things where you don’t work and just enjoy yourself. Or so I have been told,” she said as she waited for the doors to open when they reached the designated floor. As she waited she noticed that Ailen seemed to be in some type of pain and looked at his arm as he massaged his shoulder and mentioned forgetting something. Looking down she reached into a small pocket that was on her leg and after a moment pulled out small star shaped crystal. Looking over to him she rose up telekinetically so she would be on his level.

“People get hurt a lot in the mines on Earth and our towers are old, they lose power a lot. So everyone that is a talent is taught some basic things,” she said as she reached out and rested her hand along the point where his shoulder met his neck. A warm sensation would be felt and the soreness would slowly fade a bit. Not much but enough to take the edge off for now. “One of my dearest friends, Marx, has an artificial leg. This helps him, hopefully it will you,” she said as she removed her hand and lowered herself back to the ground.

She watched him with the yellow crystal but pushed any thoughts about it aside, it was sad he couldn’t use a black crystal. He would be far better a Tower Lead for this planet than Tristan was from what she had seen. Sadly that wasn’t her choice. Even if she got rid of Tristan, there were no yellow Crystals large enough to power a throw and catch. Hearing about her things she nodded and leaned back against the elevator waiting.

“I expect I will meet a lot of people that will throw me for a loop out here. I guess I will have to wait and see. If he gives you the creeps I better brace myself,” she said before looking over to Gaia and smiled. “Want a lift?” she asked as she patted her shoulder. “As far as that little shit goes I figure any paper work or materials you have on the man are going to make me livid and want to just throw him out the top window of the tower myself. Hope I can keep it together so I don’t. Last thing I need is to be tossed out after him by GTC,” she said as she stepped out of the Elevator and waited for Ailen to lead the way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The warm sensation of her doing her magic on his shoulder helped him a lot. She then mentioned more about Tristan and tossing him out of the window. "If you decide to go with the idea of chucking him out the top floor. Make sure you let me know so I can watch. I got this arm because of that asshole. His denying of the supplies you saw, caused a uproar. I was sent to end it and lost my arm and something very special to me." He said. His sister was caught in that fight. T1 talents were always given whatever the fuck they wanted. Even him. His sister was allowed to live with him on his floor. He regretted taking her with him. Once more it was all because of Tristan as well as the GTS. They knew he was trouble but they did nothing. Ailen looked to Silvia. "You do not belong here,... Your too nice of a person. Everyone here has suffered because if him. Lets just hope the GTC listens to you." He said. He then sighed.

"You know what... Screw this shit." He said tearing his jacket off. He placed anything important in the jackets pockets and back into his pants pockets. He kept his badge and hooked it to his belt so people still knew his rank. With a light tank top on he stretched. Tossing the jacket aside. "I dont understand some regulations. Those things make it way too hot. With you as my new boss. Fuck it I aint wearing it." He then went to lean on the elevator. He then traced a thought. "Do you think I can't use a black crystal because I just have not found the right one that can synchronize with me to where I wont go insane... I mean they are kind of unique in each way right?... Like yours."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Salrynn
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Salrynn Pretty Reckless

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Gaia wasn’t paying attention to anything they were saying until Silvia got Gaia’s attention with her answer ‘That sounds so fun!!!!’ She cried out as she did a cartwheel in the air, showing off her more childish side, being in her own little world. She was always told to grow up and not act like a kid but it seems her childish behaviour may be why she was placed onto the children's ward in the first place.

After performing that little cartwheel she did another one annnnd another one, hearing the question of being offered a lift and her eyes widened… ‘Yes please!!!!’ she smiled and landed on her back, instantly nuzzling into her shoulder in content and a joyous behaviour. ‘mmm… Silvia… you smell nice!’ She commented while playing with Silvia’s hair, attempting to place it into a plait.

As she continued placing Silvia’s into one of her best plaits ever she noticed Ailen suddenly taking off his jacket and other various stuff off himself for no reason at all, well it was probably no reason to Gaia, she wasn’t paying attention as usual, but this time her concentration going fully into this plait which she was still preparing on Silvia’s soft hair.
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