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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Plot: One day, you're busy with your normal life, thinking that this day would be the same like the past days. However, it all changes when you discover a strange sight after a single meteor shower. Instead of a meteorite you would find after a shower, you find a character you could recognize from some form of media. Why are they turning up into real life? Only one way to find out, even if it takes forever.
Normal Character Sheet:

Canon Character Sheet:
I'll post my characters later, a little tired right now. ^^"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Charlotte Lowell
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Occupation: Student / Part Time Cashier
Personality: Charlotte is the type to never back down from anything, even if she would be running into some consequences. She also keeps to her word, being a very trustworthy person.
Background: Charlotte's parents are divorced, so she lives to two places, her mother's house and her father's apartment. She didn't want to get herself involved with whatever her parents were cross at, as she didn't want to make it worse for them. However, Charlotte only looked forward on her future, focusing on school and doing her best at her part-time job. Though, just to give her some pastime, Charlotte does play a bit of online games to ease her mind.
Other: Charlotte has acrophobia (fear of heights) and arachnophobia (fear of spiders).

Name: Elize Lutus
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Origin: Tales of Xillia
Abilities/Weapons: Elize is a gifted Spirit Arte channeler, along with Teepo as her "booster." The link between Elize and Teepo is that great that her Spirit Artes are almost at a prodigal level. Her weapon of choice is a staff used for her Spirit Artes.
Personality: Due to not knowing much of her past and being tormented by the townspeople of Hamil, Elize is shy and quiet, and that her only friend at the time was Teepo. Even if she is a child, her maturity is enough to understand later subjects that children her age wouldn't understand.
Background: At a very young age, Elize's parents were killed by a horde of monsters, and she was poached off as an orphan to a laboratory to test out "boosters." Apparently, she and her booster, Teepo, had a remarkable link among the other children at this laboratory, but a man named Jiao raided the facility, also taking Elize and Teepo under his wing. However, as Jiao became busy with military needs, Elize was left alone at Hamil, tormented by the townspeople for having a booster, which was considered cursed technology. For the most time of her life, Elize lived in an abandoned house not too far from Hamil, but then met the group of Jude and Milla, and joined them on their journey for Milla's mission.
Other: As Teepo is her "booster," Teepo is prone to say whatever is on Elize's mind due to their link.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Dante Black
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Occupation: Student/ Amateur Web Comic Creator/ Youtube Content Producer / Deviantart Commissions Artist
Personality: Dante is reserved, yet at the same time laid back. He doesn't like to ask for help, preferring to keep troubles to himself, to handle on his own. This is because he feels vulnerable if he has to ask people for help. Coming from a childhood which he dislikes very much, he will try to keep his personal life to himself as much as possible. Dante is relatively friendly in public, but prefers to stay quiet most of the time, preferring to stay in his house, he is a bit reclusive sometimes. He has a hidden temper from when he was a delinquent, which is hard to trigger, only when he has reached his breaking point, in which he will get very violent and angry.
Background: In his young years, Dante was a very spoiled and rude kid, who constantly got into trouble and picked fights with anyone who so much as gave him a dirty look. This was also partially because his silver hair was constantly made fun of. He eventually became the leader of a small gang of kids, terrorizing his local neighborhood for a long time. One day, however, he was dethroned and betrayed by his gang, and beaten badly, being in the hospital for 6 months. It was during that time that he realized that he had been a terrible kid, and that being in a gang was pointless and could get you killed. After he was released, he swore off being a bad kid forever and started focusing his life on one of his hobbies, drawing, and in the future he eventually became the owner of an Amateur Web Comic, and started a YouTube Career as well as a commissions career on Deviantart.
Other: In his free time, Dante watches Anime and plays Video Games, he likes to nap and takes walks when he can.

Name: Son Gohan
Age: 11
Gender: Male
Origin: Dragon Ball Z
Abilities/Weapons: KI manipulation, which is his own power, his life force. He has mastered this, giving him the ability to fly, and shoot energy beams. Gohan has the ability to turn into a Super Saiyan 1 & 2, powerful body transformations which raise his strength and turn his hair gold, bleach blond when not powering up. He has mastered his Super Saiyan 1 form, and can stay in it for as long as he likes.
Personality: Gohan is a pure-hearted, shy boy who would never willingly fight someone unless for fun and sparring, he has a bond with all of his friends who he wishes to protect always. Gohan one day hopes to be a great scholar, despite in his past hating studying and wanting to play and fight with his father. However, when angered, Gohan will power up to Super Saiyan 2, and be rather menacing and cocky, only hoping for revenge for a wrongdoing.
Background: Gohan grew up in the mountains with Goku and his mother, Chi-Chi. He was named after Goku's human grandfather, Gohan who found Goku and raised him after he crash landed on Earth. Gohan had a peaceful life while he was young and studied and played, however, he eventually had to train to fight evil aliens, Saiyans who were actually the same race as Goku, and Gohan, being a half-breed. Over the years, Gohan has fought many enemies, his most recent enemy being Cell, a perfect Android designed to kill Goku. Gohan defeated him, and after his dad's sacrifice after Cell was going to blow himself up and destroy the planet, Gohan had been living in peace ever since.
Other: Gohan has a huge appetite, like most saiyans do, and is also quite smart.
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