Layel Ashblade

"No, Sire, I have no wish to rule. You may give that privilege to Lucatiel."
Sexual/Romantic PreferencePansexual
School YearCollege Year Two
Pro/Anti/Neutral Match
-Weapons Practice
-Tree climbing
Dislikes-Solid Pink Clothing
-People Who Leave Their Trash In The Forest
-Being Told Who To Be
HobbiesHiking, dancing, swimming.
FearsLosing His Loved Ones
PersonalityQuiet, Calm, Fierce, and Protective.
Layel isn't one to pick a fight, seeing as how he's always somewhere peaceful. "Being outside is relaxing, and almost nothing in nature will hurt you, unless you are the one to antagonize them," he is fond of saying. Most times he does not speak unless called on in classes, feels the need to say something, or wants to have a conversation with someone he considers to be a close friend. When he does somehow get into a fight, he is fierce and will usually try to end it quickly.if someone he cares about is being threatened in any way, he will take measure to ensure that those threats aren't carried out, whether it is a peace spell, or protective wards; he doesn't really approve of violence as the solution to everything.
BiographyBorn on the Spring Solstice, layel was always more attuned to nature than most, although he was not a Wood Elf. Even as a young lad, he expressed that he had no desire to rule to his father, preferring instead to pursue his hobbies and work on his Elemental control. When he was about five years old, his mother gave birth to his little sister, Lucatiel. After gazing upon his sisters peaceful face, he turned to his father with a serious expression.
"What is it, son?" Lord Adarë asked. "have you changed your mind about being heir?"
"No, Sire, I have no wish to rule," he replied. "You may give that privelage to Lucatiel." Lord Adarë smiled.
"Alright, Layel," he said. "But that does not mean you get to skip your lessons on how ruling works. your sister may need help from time to time, in the future." Layel grinned.
"I'll do my best, da."
When he turned thirteen, his father decided to send him to Ivy Wood Academy to mingle with other races.
ExtrasHe has a small piercing in each ear, despite his family's disapproval-although his parents don't really mind it.
Non-Human Information
SpeciesHigh Elf-Highly skilled in magics of every kind, although some skills are stronger than others. High Elves are the Elf version of Nobility.
Abilities-Control over Water and Wind
-Sword fighting -Skill in Progress-
-Hand-to-hand -Skill in Progress-
-Archery -Skill in Progress-
-Excellent Dancer
Elven Information
Rank within the Elvish CourtSon of the Chief Warlord, Warrior-Mage
Natural PowerControl over the Wind and Water.
Weapon]Magic staff that transfroms into a blade at will.