Magdaline Fleur

A bud isn't just a bud, it becomes a flower and a flower can be noticed with enough water.
Sex/Gender Identity
Sexual/Romantic Preference
Straight/ Emotional Attraction/Demiromantic
School Year
College Second Year
LikesGoing to the movies
Trying new things
Spontaneous acivites
Quiet places
Feeling like she annoys people
HobbiesShe has grown an interest in short story writing, whenever she'd go out for drives or just take walks all her ideas just spill out and she'd write them down in a journal and create stories.
When she's not feeling inspired and just wanna lounge around she stays on Tumblr where she blogs things she finds relatable and funny and sometimes food with the occasional fashion ootws and make-up looks.
She also loves to DIY her own clothes and other really nerdy things like her notebooks or backpacks etc. She's been learning some new DIYs for her dorm room as well.
Failure, she has goals in her life just like almost everyone. She is very serious about her future and will be devastated if anyone or anything including herself gets in the way of her future.
PersonalityMagdaline is an observer, she doesn't initiate the first conversation and she isn't the type to judge from conclusion. She isn't quiet she just doesn't know what will happen if she decided to just act herself without knowing the consequences or the people around her. When she does loosen up she can be very silly and out-going, she loves getting to know others and she can be pretty loud.
When you first meet Magdaline she can be very quiet and too herself, everyone else can be talking while she watches those around her, she thinks too much, she thinks about how she'll be seen, she'll think about whether or not someone will like her or not and, she thinks if she says anything without thinking people will judge her. Though being quiet and shy is the last thing she is, its what she becomes when she isn't sure how to handle her surroundings.
Getting to know someone is why she only befriends one-two people at a time, she needs to make sure that the person she talks too is going to accept her odd nature and sometimes random slurs and spontaneous gestures. She can be very sarcastic and biased but she does care for the people she befriends and gets close too just as much as the next person, she isn't quick to judge and she'd rather hang out all night then stay inside.
Biography Magdaline is the oldest of two twin brothers, Her mother and step father are her greatest supporters in her life, she doesn't really communicate with her biological father but she does gift him on fathers day and his birthday. While growing up Magdaline loved seeing new places and going on vacations to new cities, she found this sense of wanderlust a inspiration.
Her father was once a great man but he had an affair with my Aunt or my mothers sister causing so much pain and separation within the family that my mother filed for divorce almost immediately, after the divorce was final and all the drama died down my mother made me stay with my Grandmother for at least two years,she said she was in too much pain to take care of me like she should.
By the time I was 14 my mother came back with a pregnant belly and a new man ... she said she couldn't take care me, but I found it so strange that she could go and start a new life and not include me, I decided not to say anything though since I know she was looking so much happier. My step-Father was very nice and supportive he showed up to all my school activities and helped me with many things when it came to school drama or just questions I needed some answers too, not too long after my mother gave birth to two twins named Aec and Axel. I'm a big sister now and so far my new life was starting to look right, until my father called me and told me that he was marrying My Aunt ... I told my mother and she nearly went insane laughing hysterically like she knew something so stupid would come knocking at our door. When I realized that my dad was being serious I lost all respect in him, I still loved him but I couldn't just see him in person, if I did? I'd probably do something I shouldn't of.
I rarely had friends, I had two best friends when I stayed with my Grandmother but once I left I hadn't had the desire to make new friends not after hearing about my dad marrying my Aunt, I decided to just focus on helping my family with the twins and working on my grades to get into a good college.
She isn't too keen on introducing herself as she gets nervous and fumble over her words, she rather likes it more when people speak first to her, she doesn't really like having big groups of friends as she's not very good with keeping more than one or two friendships, it makes things easier for her. She is a Aries/Pisces cusp her birthday falls on the border of water and fire signs so she can be a dreamer and a leader.
Her birthday is March 24.
@ThatWeirdChick @Avanhelsing@ViolentViolet