Tagged; @mivuli
The girl was bold, he found that he sort of liked her boldness and caught the edge of a smile once more as she spoke. He managed to ease away from some of his anxiety while he listened, her voice had a nice affect to it and there was just something about her. Normally he would have brushed it off as him being over assuming but she was interesting and he wasn't one to let an interesting person weasel away from him. He loved to talk and he'd been wandering all night in solitude and it had started to drain on him before she had showed up.
It was the kind of random thing that did well on his nerves and gave him a chance to finally stop panicking like a lonesome child. He noticed her handshake next, firm and assuring, he let himself flow into his natural drive to speak and to be heard. "Nah, nah. I came with my dad but he got worn out. I'm willing to bet that he went home for the night after stocking up on ridiculous amounts of junk food." a light laugh and a shake of his head. "I've just been hanging around, trying to decide whether to pack it up and go home myself. I've seen this festival a billion times. It's got good memories attached to it but I've been bored out of my brain."