Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Trillovinum


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

(*intercepted public broadcast*)
Welcome to the Federal News Network. This is your host Tyba Botowoi.
“Good day viewers and welcome.”
“The federal world of Maro was shaken up yesterday when the news of the arrest of the billionaire businessman and philanthropist Dalko Hakani spread across the planet.
The famous entrepreneur and promotor of dozens of charitable foundations and other projects faces charges of treason and is said to have provided financial aid to terrorist cells all across the planet. Most recently his funding of the defence attorneys of infamous terrorist Kokar Opi brought him once again on the authorities’ radar.
While mister Halkani is now being held at an undisclosed location, he will be guaranteed a fair trial and the opportunity to defend himself against the charges brought against him.
Despite these assurances many thousands have already taken to the streets in cities across Maro to demand his immediate release, claiming mister Halkani is the victim of political backroom dealings by government officials who fear his popularity with the public.
The Maro government council had deployed extra police officers to make sure these protests continue in a peaceful manner and has released the following statement.
“It can indeed be hard to grasp that one so loved as Dalko Harkani could ever be suspected of the heinous acts of which he stands accused. But the truth of the matter is that no one is above the law, even those whom we all love dearly. With this said, the council has and always will allow peaceful protest against any of its decisions as we believe this is a fundamental right of any citizen of Maro. However, rest assured that our police services will take severe action against any and all who seek to abuse this right to indulge in violence or thievery. The safety of our citizens is our primary concern.”
Hopefully these events can continue on their current peaceful course but we will follow this matter closely all the same.

In other news, the council of Sifera has released a statement that it will continue to offer incentives for independent asteroid mining companies to begin operations in the system provided they use Sifera’s extensive refinery infrastructure to process the ores. The council has made this decision following the drastic decrease in unemployment since the start of the incentive campaign.

Lastly, actress Mop Vossi has scored an unexpected mass hit with her new music video ‘Visual Atraction’. With already over 2 billion copies sold across federal space, this marks a great success for the woman previously only known for her acting and extravagant lifestyle. We will bring you more information on this in our dedicated society broadcasts later today as well as a detailed report of the Toraval Rovers devastating losing streak this Hand-Egg season. Until then, this is Tyba Botowoi, signing off.

Federal standing order, broadcast to all fleets and public news outlets.

Given recent hostile alien activity around the home relay, the Federal council has ordered the dreadnaughts ‘Arch-Duke Duvalin’ and ‘Chairman Hoova’ to be pulled from standby and deployed to the fifth fleet to strengthen its defensive force on the home relay.
Furthermore, the council has ordered the fifth fleet dreadnaught ‘Prince Vasri Na Gora’ to begin active combat patrols in the outer sector.
Additionally, eight army carriers are to be deployed to the home relay to act as a rapid response force should any Kimo interests there be threatened.

Further information will follow concerning the identity of said army units and further information, on which ships are involved in operations.

Summary: The Kimo have deployed a dreadnaught and a sizeable escort to defend their ongoing secret project on Eden Prime. The Marines stationed to defend the research base there have already been withdrawn and replaced by army troops from 2 carriers with another 6 carriers remaining on standby across the home relay.
This operation has strengthened the Eden prime garrison to now include 1 dreadnaught, 2 fleet carriers, 2 army carriers, 8 cruisers and 20 frigates.

The public unrest on the important Federal world of Maro seems to continue to rise.

(I will add what I've discussed with Jangel later)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

//Saraphim Relay//

Bots of blue energy emerged from the nothingness around the relay, slowing down back into real space three corvettes emerged around the Pathway's Gate. For a moment they were alone, the three small warships slowly accelerating forward, their courses already locked in. But as they moved away from the Gate it happened. The fabric of space around the Gate buckled and tore in multiple places, as ship after ship begain to emerge, ships ranging from other corvettes to battle ships, even a dreadnought class emerged from the rips. In all a sizable battle group now sat around the Gate. Almost as one the prows of the ships turned towards the Saraphim Homeworld, and ignited their engines, and began advancing towards it as strike craft streamed out of the ships recessed hangers.

//Shadow of Release, Saraphim system//

Seri watched one of the holo maps on the bridge as the Dreadnaught translated back into real space, the fleet had made good time, both in the mustering and in the traversal of the Pathways. Now as the entered into the system no time was wasted, the formations came together and the fighters were being sent out to screen their approach, bombers breaking off to begin softening up targets on the planet's surface. The Exarch reached out to the map and flicking her hand moved its view from the fleet to that of the planet, and the war that was being fought on and around it. Multiple beacons emerged on the planets surface, hot-spots marked by the orbiting Hand, and each now considered an option for landing the Karilac forces near or on. The visuals of the burning planet made her slightly uneasy, not with the thought of war as that was a everyday fact of life for the Dominion, but the thought of Civil War. The Dominion had always been united since the Sisters, united in cause and against the howling dark, there had been quarrels and squabbles to be sure, but none that consumed a world in a fire against brothers and sisters. As she watched a small pinging interrupted her thoughts, turning she saw that a red light on the console was beginning to flash. Taking a deep breath she reached out and pressed it, immediately the pinging stopped and the map moved towards the back end of the emitter as another hologram appeared in front. "Sire, we have entered into the system and are now making our approach, all ships are on high alert and have been given permission to engage any hostile ships to begin relieving pressure on our allies and to begin any necessary bombardment. the space around the gate is clear enough for you to make entry." Seri said as she bowed slightly to the image of Veicc that emerged from the hologram.

Veicc grinned "Good work my Exarch, standby. Shipmaster, bring us in."

The image of the hologram wavered slightly as Veicc spoke, in that moment a rip larger than any that had been seen previously tore its way open, sending a shockwave of displaced mass effect partials rippling outwards. From the tear came a huge ship, its own near countless strikecraft launching as it came into system. Wasteing no time the hive ship ponderously turned its prow and advanced towards the homeworld, the ships of the battle group forming up around it.

"Begin landing troops, use Ventri pods to soften them up first. I will join in the landing, I wish to speak to Angelo personally. We end this soon Exarch. Veicc's voice was a steeled tone of authority as the fleet moved into range. The dull thumps of torpeedos launching and cannons opening fire began to fill the Shadow's bridge.


Summery: The Dominion has entered into the fray, securing the corridor from the relay to the planet and have begun to engage any hostile ship in orbit. Strike craft and bombers have begun running deep strikes and strafing runs ageinst the forces of the first brother as Dominion forces have begun landing in large stageing areas right on the edge of Angelo's territories. The Dominion has also begun to send Ventri Pods into large enemy camps (The pods are simply large drop pods filled with very hungry, but short lived Ventri) to begin to weaken the enemy's logistical support.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Saraphim, Fortress Blood Harvest

If someone was narrow minded enough to try and give the Nur'xal a stereotype, it would be that they were good at warfare. After thousands of years of ritual raids and battles to the death, the Nur'xal had learned the importance of being able to secure your base of operations with all haste. What had once been a simple clearing in the mountains had been turned into a fortified defensive position that promised any attacker was going to seriously regret picking the wrong side; Liberal uses of mines had blocked off all but one ground route that was being covered by machine gun nests, snipers and anti armor emplacements. A small trench network had already been dug and a second, larger one was already in the process near the entrance of the only safe path into the fortress. Anti air guns had also been placed around the base in order to ensure that the skies would not be turned against them.

The amount of armaments and weapons that was being ferried down to the planet from the fleet above might have seemed insane to the average civilian, but it did serve a different purpose beyond ensuring that the Nur'xal would be hard to remove from the planet. It also opened up room in the ships above the planet.

Today however was going to be a first through. With their foothold more or less secure, the first of the raiding parties was being sent out. Scouts had checked out a couple of the nearby settlements and had gotten a look at a few of the conflicts that were taking place. While the defending aliens seemed like a much greater challenge, at the moment the leadership had decided on gathering information before committing themselves to such a large assault; The target was going to one or more of the supply caravans that the attackers were using to ship resources to the battles. While individually they seemed to be weak, they tried to overcome that flaw but working together and protecting those unwilling to fight... They smelt of the Shepard Heresy. Such taint could not be allowed to stand!

Summary: The Nur'xal stronghold of Fortress Blood Harvest is well underway and is secure enough for them to start sending out raiding parties. Their target is going to be the supply lines owned by the civilian forces, with their goals to capture members of the alien race alive in order to start learning about them; strengths, weaknesses, language ect...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Lorenzo growled loudly as he heard more of the reports from his men that they were losing this battle to a bunch of civilians! he was pissed and as a result he has decided to go onto the battlefield himself and try to turn the tide of the war. However thanks to the deal that Angelo has made with the Dominion he felt it necessary to join his brothers in the fight. Angelo has flown towards the end of the battlefield help by one of the Dominion with his own men and started to set up a perimeter for a push against enemy lines so Angelo could finally take the fight directly to his brother. Angelo went to the end of the dugout and he pulled out his sword and shield My brothers and sisters! you have all fought hard the past few weeks, savior knows it hasn't been easy but you have all gotten us here! I follow your will the will of the people and until my dying breath I will not let my brother cause anymore bloodshed today we take the fight to him! Do it for your families! hoo-rah! do it for your future! hoo-rah! Do it so see peace again through these lands! hoo-rah! CHARGE!!! Angelo yelled as he pointed his sword at the enemy fort where his brother is said to be hiding as they made their push....

up on the moon...
Sir it seems that we have inbound forces" if its not my brothers I don't care but sir while it isn't your brothers it looks like other aliens are building some sort of fortress near our airspace that so? well that just means we need to figure out what its for now don't we. send some of our best men in and figure out if we should bribe them or shoot them "yes sir" He said getting some the spies Markus had at his disposal to infiltrate the fortress currently being built...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by caliban22
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caliban22 King of the badgers

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Trillovinum


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Security footage of Council chamber 10 15 B

"These filthy aliens shall be swept in ruin as We and our allies shall reclaim the universe for the Great Elder ones, so we shall be ushered into paradise by our lord the harbinger! Praise be to the Their Name!" *sounds of thousands cheerings.*
The recording of the Krall high chancellor ends now and the main screen of the room goes blank.

Chairman Nar Visato, who is seated at the head of the table closes her eyes and mumbles a few words to her gods before turning to the other people present.
“When it speaks of its elder gods, does it mean what I think it means?”
“If you mean the great evil, the reapers… then yes ma’am, I’m afraid it does.” Director Nel Hira of the Federal Intelligence Service responds.
“It would indeed seem so… the Shepard makes multiple mentions of a reaper named Harbinger. It would seem to be their leader as well.” Doctor Laman of the Tsoni institute adds.

The chairman looks down at her pad now, Which holds additional information.
“In that case what we just saw here was a declaration of war to all races of the galaxy… including us.”
“We would be ready for them ma’am… the home relay is unassailable.” High-Admiral Go Diras states but it doesn’t seem to please the Chairman.
“Even so High-Admiral, they have more fleets than just the fifth. We need to be ready. Order all standby dreadnaughts and other ships into ready status and all mothballed ships to standby.”
“I will make it happen Madam Chairman.” He makes a small bow and quickly starts typing up an order on his pad while the Chairman now turns to the Director and the doctor.
“Then I would count on your institute, doctor, to compose a message for these new aliens, the Karilac. They have attacked Krall ships over the Seraphian world as well as Nur’Xal raiders. Perhaps they could be persuaded to be our allies against both these threats…”
Councillor Nob of Maro interrupts her however.
“With all due respect Madam chairman, but contact with an alien race over matters of alliance is not a decision you may make alone… it requires a council vote…”
The Chairman seems a little offended by those words and provides a rather spirited rebuke.
“Then I take it you would rather see Kimo soldiers carry this inevitable fight alone then!? It is high time some of you realised we are not alone in this galaxy and no matter how powerful we may build our fleets, when a greater threat arrives, be they reapers or Krall or anything else, we will need the help of others! Just like Shepard had the Turians, Asari, Salarians and many more others…”
“Shepard fell…” the councillor tries to interject but the Chairman puts her back in her place.
“As will we if we stand alone! Remember the words of the great generals of old. ‘An enemy who thinks he is invincible is easiest to defeat’ for we will be that enemy to the Krall if we remain entrenched in the belief that we are ‘unassailable’ behind our relay!” she looks to the high admiral as well now.
“Come on dear lady… why do you resist our chairman’s notion, if you hate collaborating with aliens think of it this way: they’ll simply die in our stead.” Councillor Baron Na Milaski enters the discussion as well on the side of the Chairman. It does seem to silence the opposition from Maro’s councillor.
“Thank you baron…” the chairman bows her head slightly before continuing.
“Then lastly, things will still come to a council vote… but first, broadcast this alien message across all news channels. Have the people know we are under threat. Any panic that may cause is outweighed by the rallying effect it will have.”
“It will be done.” The baron responds before turning to Councillor Nob again.
“It may even help solve your little insurgency problem.” He chuckles, causing councillor Nob to ball her fist in anger.

With those things said, the chairman gets up.
“You all have your instructions now, see to them and I will await you all at the council session in two days. This meeting is adjourned.”
As everyone prepares to leave, director Nel Hira lingers a little.
“Director, I would have you come by my office later so we can go over an important matter in private… then afterwards we could potentially… tend to that other matter?” the chairman sends her a very subtle wink.
Director Nel Hira blushes now and smiles.
“Gladly, Madam chairman… gladly.”

Summary: the Kimo now consider the Krall to be a very serious threat and have mobilised nearly their full fleet potential to counter any possible strike from them.
Additionally, they have initiated contact with the Karilac in the hopes of gaining allies on the galactic stage.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Diplomatic message sent to Karilac forces over Seraphian homeworld.
The message is composed in the Seraphian main language since it was assumed that that was a tongue both the Kimo and Karilac understand.

“Honoured sentients,
The United Federation of Independent Star Systems greets Though it is a sad thing our races must meet in such circumstances as these.
No doubt you have intercepted the message of the Krall leadership to its people in which they rather unsubtly threaten every sentient race in the galaxy with destruction.
Even now, their fleets and troops move to make those words reality. Your forces will soon face them over the Seraphian homeworld and after that, we will both likely encounter them much closer to our own homes unless action is undertaken.

Simultaneously, the Nur’Xal rally more and more forces to embark upon their crusade against any and all who do not follow their twisted creed. They have already established a base on the Seraphian world and more will follow if they are left unchecked.

Therefore we extend to you our hand in friendship. Together we can stop these creatures and the ‘gods’ they follow. United, we can take on any threat better than if we were alone. Fewer lives would be lost as well as fewer ships and potentially even fewer colonies, should this impending war ever come to our doorstep.

We sincerely hope you consider our offer of friendship on behalf of our entire race.”

Included in this message are a series of communication frequencies and monitored dead-drop points for your use if you wish to reply. Additionally it includes a copy of the Krall leader’s message as well as detailed tactical information regarding the Krall fleet heading towards the Seraphian system.
The Kimo have also added a very basic summary of their species and culture to ease the diplomatic process.

Silence filled the command bridge of the Hive Ship, from the guards to the Shpmasters themselves no-one dared speak. All eyes were turned to one of two places, ether the display of the small probe that had been allowed to approach the fleet, or to the Prelate who had already donned his battle armor. The first broadcast from the Krall had caused a stir, but it had been expected, they were a single minded race always going on about their old gods. But this second transmission was new, few had heard of the Kimo even being spotted outside their area of influence without shots being exchanged. The prelate looked at the probe himself, as if it would yield it's secrets by force of will alone. As he glared at the desplay electric blue arcs jumped from finger to finger. "Shipmaster, contact the home-world. I want reinforcements to our eastern boarder, and I want the second wave in this system within the week, as well as a few more support ships to bolster numbers. Set watch on the gate, I do not want even the smallest strike craft to have access to it without our knowing about it, and prepare sensor probes I want this system locked down." Veicc stopped for a moment "And prepare a message probe, it would be rude not for us to reply. As they have just supplied us with something of great value, and in this coming war we may need this Friendship they offer."

Around an hour afterwords a small pyramidal probe shot out from the Hive ship, on its way to the relay and from there to the Kimo's drop point, its contents a single message.

"Those of the Sire Kimo.

We of the Dominion express our thanks at the information given to us on the Krall fleet, as it will be of great use in the coming engagement. We have already begun to take steps, so that they are met with an unexpected fight upon their arrival. But this is war, a new war, and we feel the tides of the Pathways reverberating with its drumbeats. We may not see well in harsh light, but we are not blind. This war is unlike all before it, even our past scourge wars that brought doom to many did not echo like this.

To this end we will offer our own hand as well, if only for this time, but the future is as fluid as the void and perhaps we will continue this friendship till the stars crumble to dust."


The Planets Surface, 6 hours later

They began at dusk, dark shapes of hundreds of Karilac soldiers weaving their way towards one of the strong point fortresses that had proven to be quite stubborn in recent days. Defensive guns flashed as they sought the soldiers in the darkening light, driving some to ground as the shielding failed under the sustained fire. One such soldier was a young Karilac of the name of Kiris. He clutched his shard rifle as he dove behind a ruined wall in an effort to break the guns line of sight. This worked for a time, though the vibrations that began to rattle his teeth told him that the gun had zeroed in at his location, his breath quickened and his Ventri began to buzz out of their holes in response to his heightened awareness. "What are we young one?" The deep, augmented voice caused Kiris to quickily turn his gaze to the right where a hulking figure in huge armor had lumbered towards him. It carried a large two handed blade, clutched in its right hand, and a heavy shard pistol in its left (with an obvious extended capacity magazine). It was followed by two of its fellows, both making use of large pole-arms with shard pistol secondaries.

"Im sorry sir what do you mean, what are we?" The question felt odd, the battlefield was no place for philosophy.

The figure turned towards the strong point "What do I mean. I mean what are we, what are you. We are the scourge, we do not falter , we do not relent, we push forwards to victory or death." The Hivegaurd took a lumber step forward, the defensive gun being trained on him the moment he did so, his shield dropping only to flicker back to life even under a relentless barrage. "Now come fight with us to the end. To whatever end." Kiris clutched his rifle, something resonated with him about that. He couldn't quite place it, but something told him to go on now, to take the wall and beyond. With a cry that resonated from his very soul, Kiris tore himself away from the wall and charged towards the fortress. Above gunships launched a barrage of implosion missiles straight into the wall, bursting it wide open.

Encased within his armor Veicc grinned, it takes only a small nudge with words and a spark of power to give will to a hero. He pushed his Hivegaurd armor forward, watching the young Karilac rage forward joined by his fellows as a humm rose from the field. Soon the young one was overcome by the wave of Ventri that had been released from the Dominon soldiers and was now pouring into the base.

That was when the screaming started. And it did not end until the Dominon had stormed the Strongpoint and cleansed it of the Older brothers forces.

Veicc walked into the courtyard after the battle, his guard behind. "Notify Angelo that we have secured this fortress and its hab sector, securing the eastern flank." Far off in the distance bight flashes of light streaked from space to the surface ending in brighter flashes of light "Also tell him that the enemy fall back positions are gone." A whimpering drew his attention, turning he saw one of the enemy solders limp out from behind a barricade. They clutched a twisted broken weapon like a club, and upon seeing the Prelate, let out a guttural scream and charged. Veicc sighed and lifted the now blood stained blade, its wieght like that of a single handed blade. With a grace that one would not expect from Hivegaurd armor Veicc maneuvered his large blade and caught the solders legs, effectively cutting straight through them. Bringing up his other hand as he completed the follow through he released a wave of force that slammed the soldiers body into the far wall. As he lumbered over to end it the Prelate grumbled to himself. "Humph. I should remind the new captain to be more thorough next time."

Summery: The Karilac have reciprocated the information on the Kimo culture and species information as a sign of goodwill. They have also called in a secondary fleet plus reinforcements, adding to their overall presence in space in a big way. They have also placed the Mass Effect gate on essentially a lock down state with probes and scouts so they know the minute anything enters system, as well as begging to send probes out around the system as a kind of sensor net. They have fully engaged the older brothers forces, and have begun to observe the Nur’Xal closely, waiting for their next move. They have also reinforced their border with the Krall.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Saraphim, Fortress Blood Harvest

The return of the raiding parties to Fortress Blood Harvest was a cause of much celebration.

While there had been losses due to the local birdmen's ability to fly and thus have an easier time scouting and detecting possible ambushes, few of the target groups had done a good job of it and had thus paid for their incompetent laziness. The defeat of one raiding party that had gotten spotted and overwhelmed by reinforcements was a small price to pay for the bounty that the others had managed to load up and bring back with them.

Almost all of the heavy artillery, shells, medicine, weapons and various other equipment that had been captured would be sent back to Tizca to be torn apart and studied in-depth but the real prize that had been claimed were the still living prisoners that had been captured. Some of the birdmen would be shipped back to the homeworlds as slaves to be studied or put to work while others would remain in the Fortress itself. Already the followers of Magus on the planet had prepared themselves to discover how to converse with the captives by learning their language and culture... A process that would be quick but painful for the prisoners they claimed. The few followers of Mortarion would also claim their share of the dead and dying, plans to study their bodies to discover what secrets they held making them giddy with excitement.

The recovered skulls of those raiders that had fallen, alongside the captured skulls of enemy warriors that had fallen in battle would be piled up on a rather plain looking, blood covered alter. With luck, Angron would be pleased enough with their tribute to give them his blessing.


Saraphim home system, Space

The warband Blood Harvest had earned the honor of being the first to set foot on alien soil and laid claim to it, establishing a foothold for future, reinforcing warbands to use. Today was such a day.

Much like warband Blood Harvest, ships started to appear out of the void at the edge of the system. Small scouting ships at first with larger ships following afterwards once the way was deemed clear in order to support them. Unlike with the first warband more and more ships kept appearing, quickly outnumbering the ships that were already stationed above the planet. At last, two capital ships came out of the darkness. With the leaders of warband Eye of Terror and warband Angron's Fire arrival, the joint fleet started to make its way to join their vanguard.

Summery: The raids on the supply lines were for the large part successful, with only one raiding party being defeated with heavy losses. Captured equipment and prisoners are being sent back to the home systems for study and other various purposes while prisoners are being selected from the stock being kept at Fortress Blood Harvest to be studied and... interrogated. The first order of business is translation and cultural understanding.

The warbands Eye of Terror and Angron's Fire have also arrived in system and are on route to join warband Blood Harvest in space and on the ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Angelo had his forces charge into the battlefield with renewed vigor Angelo soon following suit as a messenger informed him that the enemy flank was already taken by their allied forces and this cemented Angelo as the victor today as he told on of his captains to reinforce the right flank and bust through the walls as the main force breaks through the front. Soon Angelo joined in the fray and as a result he was fighting his heart out for his people as they charged the gates while the forces he sent to the flank were literally busting down the fortress wall with a battering ram and forcing their way in. Angelo charged with the main force effectively making his brothers forces retreat into the fortress. This moment of retreat was short lived as Angelo forced had the front gate opened and made a line to hold then Angelo main force as one would say "shut off escape and smash the enemies against the stone". Angelo's forces then regrouped when they took down the retreating forces and Angelo fought with his people inside the fortress until they got to the command center where his brother was hiding or rather just waiting. Its over brother give up and ill accept your surrender Angelo's brother laughed simply because I have lost my forces doesn't mean I wont fight you with everything I have he called out as he pulled out his duel swords and pointed one at Angelo as a challenge come on little brother show me you have what it takes He challenged and as much as Angelo knew this was pointless it denying would mean he would be portrayed as a cowered in future generations so Angelo told his forces to keep back as Angelo and his brother began their duel.

Lorenzo was the first to attack and with duel swords he was faster then one would expect from his heavy frame but Angelo was steadfast and made sure to hold keeping his shield up to defend against the blows that followed. Then when Angelo saw an opening he dashed to the side keeping his shield up then thrusting his sword which while surprising only resulted in him giving his brother a scratch on his shoulder looks like someone has been practicing he said laughing a little as the duel went on from their trading blows and Angelo staying on the defensive with his brothers speed but once he noticed his brother getting tired after a few moments he charged in and used a shield bash to get his brother off balance and effectively cut his arms deep enough that Lorenzo dropped his swords and make him drop to his knees his Angelo pointing his sword to his brothers neck and Lorenzo simply laughed smiling with a sad but proud smile guess you have gotten better Angelo gave a small nod I don't want to kill you, but you must relinquish all claims to the throne now and forever. Lorenzo laughed and nodded slightly knowing he was beat fairly and to do so otherwise would have tainted his honor I Lorenzo, herby swear fealty to our new emperor Angelo and I relinquish all ties to the throne Then Angelo supporters cheered loudly knowing the battle has been won...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by caliban22
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caliban22 King of the badgers

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Trillovinum


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

(*intercepted public broadcast*)
Welcome to the Federal News Network. This is your host Tyba Botowoi.
The United Federation of Independent Starsystems is at war with the alien faction known as the Krall republic.

Following the most recent and shocking threats from the Krall leadership, the Federation council has voted in an emergency session earlier today.
The result: a unanimous agreement to answer the alien threat with a formal declaration of war.

As of today, we are at war.

Reports are coming in from all over the Federation that military assets everywhere are being mobilised. It appears the military leadership intends to waste no time in preparing our defences as well as a more offensive strategy.
For more information on the subject we now go live to the ongoing council press conference:

Chairman Biko Ner Visato: “Welcome all, please be seated…”
Maro Newsfeed Reporter: “Madam Chairman, will the Federal navy deploy forces outside of Federation space? And if so, why? Don’t we have enough problems at home without risking military assets on dangerous deployments while we enjoy a superb defensive position?”
Council aide: “Please wait with your questions until after the admiral’s announcement.”
Chairman Biko Ner Visato: “No, it’s quite alright. I’ll answer this question. … I will use an historical example to illustrate my point. The Val Kotha Citadel on Soto, once it was considered the greatest fortification ever built, able to withstand any form of attack. For a time it did… forty years its enemies broke against its walls and forty years it remained ‘unassailable’ until one small weakness as discovered in one of its towers. That little crack brought the entire wall down and the Gan Kotha Kingdom the Citadel was meant to protect crumbled into dust. … And so I will not let our great Federation suffer the same fate. I will not have our mighty fleets stand idly by while our enemies search for the cracks in our walls! We will take the fight to them and show them that they made the greatest mistake in their history to declare war on our Federation! … We will maintain our walls of course and I guarantee you, no Krall ship will ever land on a Kimo world but we will not be lulled into a false sense of security either! Therefore I have given the order to mobilise the entire first fleet for immediate deployment beyond the home relay. They will leave by the end of the week and make sure the Krall know that our great Federation is not a sleeping dragon in its cave. We are very much awake dear people and we will not suffer any attack!”

Well there you have it people, the Federation is no sleeping dragon and will not have cracks in its walls. A very good thing to be sure.

Meanwhile, we here at the Federal News Network will keep you updated on any new developments the moment they occur.

Up next, professor Hakan No Val will shed more light on the culture and biology of our alien aggressors and after that we have an exclusive interview with retired admiral Vako Harn who will explain to us how the fleets will likely conduct their first actions.
For now though, this was Tyba Botowoi signing off.

(summary: the Kimo have officially declared war on the Krall Republic and have already begun mobilising additional forces.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

/Saraphim Homeworld, Karilac staging zone/

Veicc sat in his quarters inside the temporary HQ, its dim interior a welcomed change from the bright day of the planet. I had been an eventful few weeks, but even now it felt as if the climax of their reason here was yet to come. Outside the Karilac soldiers milled about, repairing equipment, tending to the wounded, but it was all done in quiet anticipation of the battle that was yep to come over their very heads. Even the prelate was not free from this anticipation, his normally calm mind was awash in possibilities and what ifs, consequently he toyed with the object in his hands, turning it over and over again. Slowly bringing it up to eye level Veicc looked at the object intently. It was a mask, made from some sort of bone it was intricately carved and seemed to misfitted for a Karilac's face, instead looking like it would fit better on that of a Saraphim. As he looked at the mask a hiss was heard as the door opposite opened as Seri strode in, state robes replaced the battle armor that had protected her form for the better part of the time on the planet "Sire, the transport is prepared we will leave whenever you are ready. I see that it has survived the trip and the fighting."

Veicc smiled "Aye that it has. I do hope that this bit of tradition goes over much better than the last, much less pain and more ceremony this time. Still we will never know if we dont get going right?" Standing Veicc's own robes swished as he set the mask down. Reaching to the end of his cot he picked up a slim half mask with two narrow slit in it, called "Blinders" by the soldier, he slid it on over his eyes to protect them from the bright sun. Picking up the ceremonial mask he motioned for Seri to lead the way after she had put on her own mask. "I do hope we get to see the coronation at least, I have found the practices of these Saraphim to be quite intriguing. Now tell me, what have our friends been up to and how can we hurt them?"

/High in Orbit above the Saraphim homeworld/

The shipmaster of the Hive Ship stared out into the void, his mind singing with that of the ship he looked with its sensors. Even now the clumsy Krall could be heard stamping across the system. As he looked the shipmaster felt another presence, that of the first officer of the ship "Shipmaster, group Nessa is almost in position, they may cut it close but they will be ready when the time comes."

The Shipmaster sighed, good news at least "and what of group Morra?"

"They accomplished what they were sent to do, but the lost the corvette "Eye biter" and its sister ship "Sweeper"ws hevely damaged by an accident. It has pulled back to repair and heal. But the cloud is up, and has spread to slightly larger than optimal.

"I suppose it will have to do. Now send a message to the fleet. Close ranks and prepare for combat, I want the dreadnaught and two of the battleships protecting our flanks as close support, they will join us in focus fire on the super ship, all other will be standard engagement. Prep all fighters as well, Tide formation. Then contact the Saraphim defense force, see if we could get and support from orbital platforms of land based cannons."

It didnt take long for the fleet to receive the message and move into action, closeing ranks the ships moved into large battle lines, all positioned for maximum firepower. The dreadnought settled in close proximity to the hive ships top as two battleships took the flanks. Soon after all the ships profiles became obscured as huge waves of fighters poured into space and began swarming around their home ships like angry insects. And thus they waited to unleash fury upon the Krall.


Summery: The Karilac have prepped for the Krall attack, and have set up a field of debris to slow down the Nur’Xal ships, not quite dense enough to pose a huge threat but large enough that it would cause inconvenience to go around as well as through.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

After Angelo had received a message from his younger brother saying he didn't want the throne and doesn't care about it as long as he did as he wanted Angelo nodded with the exception that he didn't try to spy on him and his brother made no promise which they both laughed about.

After a few hours Angelo went to his home in the palace and changed into the traditional royal garb his father used to wear and soon he went out into the balcony and an announcer called out ...and so, presenting our new emperor Angelo the 5 is now the rightful emperor of the kingdom! The announcer called as Angelo soon came into view and the people started to cheer for him and as such this was broadcast to many other channels including the federal news network. Once the crown was placed on Angelo head he left the balcony as everyone started to leave and Angelo soon left to the throne room and sat down on the throne where his father was ready to help his people like he promised...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by caliban22
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caliban22 King of the badgers

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Trillovinum


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Angron’s First; flagship of the united Nur’Xal fleet

The freshly anointed Grand-Warmaster Sif sat in her personal quarters contemplating the events of the past months. Her first trial at the hands of the sorcerers of Magus was perhaps her most trying of all. Granted, the next trial she faced had been that of Mortarion and while grand alchemist Medi did attempt to kill Sif by presenting her with a nigh impossible trial, she had still prevailed and attained an immunity to all know diseases and afflictions in the process. Unlike the grand sorcerer however, Medi had the sense to bow down to the new warmaster of Mortarion and accept her leadership of Mortarion’s chosen. He even fixed her eye that had been badly damaged after the test of Magus. After that, it was clear she would certainly become Grand-Warmaster of all the Nur’Xal and so Grand Princess Alanna offered only a mostly ceremonial test involving some minor esthetical surgery and the fighting of twenty of Fulgrim’s most elite champions, Alanna chief among them, though with the caveat that she not kill or permanently harm any of them. Luckily, none of the Fulgrim elite were able to stand against a biotic who could move across the field like mist and appear behind them at a whim.

Finally, Sif downed another glass of a stiff drink and immediately threw the empty vessel away to shatter on the floor.
“What is it love? Was the drink not pleasing enough?” Alanna’s voice now sounded from Sif’s bed. She had stayed with the now Grand-Warmaster as her regular bed companion and perhaps even a lover of sorts. A political ploy to stay as close to the true power as possible of course but Sif couldn’t argue that Alanna was the most skilled of all Nur’Xal when it came to the art of pleasure as well as the cracking of a whip, a trait Sif could only admire.

“No… it’s just that I can’t get drunk anymore after the procedures of the trial of Mortarion…” she sighed now.
“There are other pleasures available too you know… why don’t you come back to bed?” Alanna now asked, lying herself down atop the sheets in such a manner that would have driven anyone else mad with desire for her. Sif however, didn’t even look her way. She was too focussed.

“Your people’s fleets… when will they be ready?”
“Three days… you’ll have all of Fulgrim’s battlegroups at your disposal just as I promised…” Alanna sighed in response, unhappy that Sif didn’t come play with her.
“Good… they’ll join up with the rest of my warbands and those of the other gods. We’ll have the greatest armada any Nur’Xal has ever witnessed… and we’ll bring it all to bear on the birdmen…” Sif looked up at a Seraphian skull she had displayed above her door.
“... We’ll overwhelm them and then their bug friends are next, then the little men who think are giants and then the four eyes.”
“No shortage of enemies it seems…” Alanna now chuckled.
Sif now finally got up, sparking some biotic energy from her fingertips just for fun.
“Plenty for all of us… and when we’re done… the whole galaxy will know the truth… Our truth…”
Alanna just propped herself up now and gestured Sif to come over. The grand-warmaster then jumped her because nothing could incite more lust in her then the simple thought of the ultimate conquest and the idea of spreading the one true faith across the entire galaxy.

The settlement of Stargrove, Seraphian homeworld.

Raid-leader Gran pulled his blade from the corpse of a Seraphian militiaman and sighed.
“Such paltry resistance…” he grumbled just as a mortarion agent came by to inspect the fallen enemy’s corpse.

“Don’t you mean ‘poultry’ resistance?” the agent now grinned but Gran just grunted in response, unamused.

“A nice clean thrust through the heart… hmm… but what’s this…” the agent continued to examine the remains.

“He is clutching a grenade… hmm… was he willing to take his own life with that of his enemy? Hmm… he hehe… that would have been a trick most ‘fowl’…”

Gran got pretty angry now.
“One more stupid bird joke out of you and I’ll smash your ugly face in!” he bellowed.

“Oh, apologies, I meant no offence. I merely tried to…” the mortarion agent didn’t get a chance to finish before he was punched in the face so hard it knocked him on his ass.

“Thaff waffn’t a bffird jofffk!” he protested, clutching his painful jaw.

“I should have been clearer then…. SHUT UP!!!” Gran howled. He was furious by now. Honour and glory were supposed to be his for taking this settlement but he felt robbed of both.

All the resistance that had been offered here was that of about a dozen militia who held up in the town hall. They managed to kill three of his band before being themselves overrun and slaughtered to the man.

In the end, after this very poor fight, all they had to show for it was about three hundred terrified birdman civilians who would have to be kept alive to act as hostages in order to prevent the bugs and the little people from bombing the crap out of them.

Gran sighed very loudly once more and stared up to the sky. Hopefully his sister was fighting a better battle.

Krall supership, Seraphian homeworld orbit

“Where are the reinforcements!?” One of the raiders called out to his newly appointed leader, the Warrior-Prime Agassa.

“They’re not coming! Stop whining!” she screamed back while she pulled her sword free from the skull of a Krall trooper.
Just as she did, yet another from her party was cut down by the Krall troops that kept pouring in from seemingly everywhere.

The attack on the supership initially went extremely well. Only two of the hundred pods sent out didn’t make it aboard and the main hanger in which the boarding party landed was secured without a single casualty. But as soon as the element of surprise faded, things started to go terribly wrong. As the Nur’Xal force split up into four sections, the Krall rallied their troops and began counterattacking.

The force that was supposed to hold down the hanger until reinforcements could arrive was overrun and slaughtered to the last.
The raid-leader’s team made it to their objective and secured one of the ship’s broadside batteries. They were just about to turn the guns on the Krall fleet when both they and the Krall troopers sent to recapture the system were atomised when a blast from a Kimo dreadnaught tore massive chunk off the ship.
With the raid leader dead, command of the mission fell to his second in command but he was killed in a massive explosion shortly after along with most of his team when the krall deliberately overloaded the powersystems of the point defence guns he was supposed to take.
That only left Agassa’s team and they never even made it to their objective since they were caught off guard when a Krall sniper put a bolt in their team leader’s head.

Now, with less than a dozen able bodied troops left, including a mortarion agent by the name of Magan whose biotics had proven extremely useful, Agassa’s group was facing almost certain death.
Even as the ship was falling apart around them, the Krall kept throwing troops at them as if they were the only threat.

“We have to get out of here! There are escape pods nearby!” Magan now called out to her just before snapping a Krall trooper in half with a powerful biotic charge.

“And run like cowards!? Never! We’ll achieve our objective or die in the attempt!” Agassa howled back before running another Krall through.

“Graaah! You Agron fanatics have only one concept of strength! Fools.. sometimes to know when to retreat is a sign of strength in itself! Live now, crack more skulls later!” he called back, putting up a barrier to shield him and two others from a Krall grenade.

Agassa didn’t want to hear it at first but another one of her charge fell before her eyes, leaving her with a measly pack of five troops and an agent.

“Fine! We’ll get the hell out of here and continue the fight on the ground!” she finally gave in and led the charge towards the escape pods.

Another of her group was taken out when three Krall jumped him and tore him apart with their claws. Agassa decapitated the Krall guard by the pods and ordered what remained of her troop inside. A straggler didn’t make it however when she was hit in the leg. Agassa already took out her sword again to go back for her but Magan used his biotics to pull her inside the pod and launched it without another word.

“I could have saved her!” Agassa roared furiously.

Magan just took a step back and let her rage before taking the helm of the pod.

“Blasted alien technology… vile machine…” he mumbled after quickly punching in some coordinates and letting the auto pilot do the rest. And so, While Agassa raged some more about the shame of defeat, the Krall pod fell to the planet’s surface, carrying just her, three angron warriors and Magan, the mortarion agent.

(in short, the Nur'Xal have united at last and are comming for the Seraphian homeworld in force. The troops that are already there have begun attacking villages and towns and taking hostages as preperation for that invasion. Their planned boarding of the Krall supership however has ended in disaster)
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Trillovinum


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Security footage, executive communications room, dreadnaught Empress Delatti, flagship first fleet.

In the centre of the circular room is a round table with a number of chairs arrayed around it. Only three are occupied. Admiral Siri Kil Kratha, the commander of the first fleet, is seated in the centre between general Daku Ferran, commander of the first fleet’s supporting army group and high-operative Selu Dos Van, liaison with the Federation Intelligence Service.
Suddenly, three other chairs are filled by projected holograms of High-Admiral Go Diras, Chairman Ner Visato and director Nel-Hira. The chairman immediately opens the meeting.

“Ladies and gentlemen, where do we stand on our military operations?”

“As you would have all read in the initial reports, we have scored a great victory against the Krall, with several of their dreadnaughts destroyed along with dozens of smaller ships. For now they are fighting a desperate defensive battle in order to land as many ground troops as they can before their last orbital defences crumble…” Admiral Kil Kratha explains.

“Excellent work Admiral, excellent. Though I read here that the supership is still in operation?” the chairman looks to her information tablet briefly now.

“Indeed, though its engines have been disabled and our ships are currently shelling it from a safe distance… it is only a matter of time before its defences break. However significant they may be, no ship can withstand sustained fire from our dreadnaughts.”

“Excellent, Excellent… I want all remnants of their fleet wiped out. It would send the strongest message our Federation can possibly send: that even their superships are no match for us.” The chairman allowed herself a moment to break her normally reserved state and show some joy at the recent victory.

Director Nel-Hira now spoke up as well.
“Politically, this victory is of course extremely important as you all know but there is a further reason the destruction of every last Krall vessel and crew… You have probably already read the reports we have sent you and in that case you also know we cannot discuss this in any further detail on this channel. What I would like to say however, is that all care must be taken to avoid direct contact with Krall equipment, expired soldiers or any other debris. A grade 1 contaminant is no laughing matter ladies and gentlemen and we cannot afford any of our own to be exposed.”

High-Operative Dos Van now spoke.
“With all due respect my lady, given the information’s source… is it even reliable?”

“We have no reason to doubt the source high-operative and even if this were the case, it is better to be safe than to be sorry as they say. Grade 1 contaminants have the potential of destroying everything we have spent centuries building, it is a risk we cannot take.”

Admiral Kil Kratha now looked around the room an cleared her throat.
“It would drastically delay our recovery operations of enemy material however… time we could be sending researching our enemy’s weaknesses is being wasted while we wait for this ‘unmanned research and recovery ship’…”

Director Nel-Hira now gets a little bit annoyed.
“Admiral, like I said mere moments ago: we shall not discuss the details of this operation over this channel. As for your concerns, they have been noted but your orders still stand. No contact with Krall troops, their material or any debris from their ships until the research team gives you the all clear.”

The admiral simply nods now and remains silent.
General Ferran now opens up a small file on his pad and sends it to all involved in the meeting.
“In light of recent events I have taken the liberty of devising a new strategy to protect our ground troops from contamination. It would involve deployment of unmanned drones only to conduct strategic fighter interceptions and targeted ground strikes… I would also like to request permission to use our ‘Immolator’ ordinance on entrenched enemy positions. I am no scientist but I’d wager no contaminant could survive such high temperatures.”

The chairman seems quite happy with this strategy as well.
“Very good general, very good indeed. Sadly we cannot simply deploy our assets to the Seraphian homeworld without their express consent. It would not do to appear as invaders while we are in fact the opposite. We will be liberators to them. Unfortunately this means we will have to go through the needed diplomatic channels and these appear a bit slow… but regardless, keep your drones on standby for the second we receive permission, they need to be in the air and killing Krall.”

The general shows a faint smile on his face now and nods in agreement.

“Well then, I think this meeting is just about done then… ladies and gentlemen, you will have to excuse me for I need to prepare for the arrival of the Karilac embassy.”
The Chairman’s hologram already disappears.

“The chairman is indeed correct… so therefore I hereby call this meeting adjourned. Good luck out there people.” High-Admiral Go Diras concludes and those words end the call entirely.

(Summary: The Kimo have received information from their Karilac allies that Krall troops are using reaper upgraded weaponry which led the Kimo high command to brand all Krall combat personnel as an ‘indoctrination hazard’. While that information is classified towards everyone but those at the highest levels of the Kimo government and those responsible for reaper research, the Kimo troops in the field have been given strict orders not to interact with any Krall equipment or personnel. To justify that order, a lie has been constructed stating that Krall troops and equipment are potentially infected with an as of yet unknown ‘class 1 contaminant’. (a designation for civilisation ending biological, chemical or computerised agents)
The Tsoni institute has already deployed one of their specially designed ‘reaper researchers’, a completely unmanned remote controlled ship equipped with all manner of drones and robots. The ship is out of date as far as most operation systems are concerned since it is very old already but it would still be able to do the job I was made to do.

Lastly, the Kimo government has officially asked permission to deploy ground forces to the Seraphian homeworld to help fight the Krall that have landed there but is yet to receive a response. Kimo officials are also preparing to receive an embassy of the Karilac in their home system as well as send a delegation of their own to the Karilac homeworld.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Angelo soon found himself a little relaxed in his fathers throne and pretty proud of himself but it would only feel momentary as he soon saw his new advisor talk to him about what was happening throughout his home and it seemed that while he stopped his brother from taking the throne it seems the fighting isn't over yet. As it stands their are alien races trying to kill and capture his people so now he needed to find out a way to end this.

After a few moments of thought he came up with a plan. "Judas I need you to contact the Karilac ship and tell them that they have our support and when this is over we will discuss our trade route but until then we are still going to fight." Judas soon left to convey that message and Angelo turned to his military general "organize your forces and occupy the towns that are currently being attacked I want them defended but make sure that what you do does not impact their daily lives as soon as they see that the military is panicking its over." the general nodded and left to move his forces then Angelo turned to his vapor warrior leader "send your forces to scout out the aliens that are trying to take our people I want to know the enemy we are facing" Angelo said and he left with a few of his men to find the face of our enemy...
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Summery: The Karilac have begun to engage the Krall on the surface of the Saraphim's home-world, engaging in a scorched earth tactic they are more concerned with containing them till the Kimo begin air operations. In the south of the Home-world the Karilac have dispatched a significant force which, acting with the weeks of undetected surveillance, have launched a series of brutal surprise attacks.

In orbit the Karilac fleets have called in more reinforcements and have begun field repairs until repair ships arrive with the reinforcements, or they are given access to orbital stations. Still they have dedicated some ships to assist in the killing of the Super Ship.

Karilac emissaries have finally arrived in the Kimo's home system.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by caliban22
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caliban22 King of the badgers

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Trillovinum


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The settlement of Stargrove, Seraphian homeworld.

The sun had begun to rise above the once peaceful town and shed light upon the ruin it had become.
During the night, Karilac precision bombardment had levelled several buildings and the fierce fighting that followed had destroyed many more.

The Nur’Xal troops that occupied the town had been taken by surprise and had suffered near total casualties. Only four Agron warriors still remained, holed up in the council meeting room of the town hall where they had lined the walls with thirteen exhausted and terrified Seraphian civilians so no Karilac troops could breach their perimeter without risking innocent lives. It was only a matter of time though before they too would fall. The Karilac had already killed everyone else including their commander, raid-leader Gran and freed all of the other hostages.

One of the Nur’Xal troops was listening to a radio broadcast, another was making sure the prisoners were all still properly tied while the two others manned the barricade they had erected to block the main entrance to the room.
Suddenly, the radio operator jumped up and grabbed his axe.
“Brothers! Great news! The…” he started. Clearly he was about to announce something truly uplifting but he never had the chance since a loud crack could be heard before a slab of concrete fell on his head.
The remaining three now only saw that a large hole had formed in the roof. Seconds later, a swarm of Ventri came buzzing through. Before, the Nur’Xal had used napalm grenades, flamethrowers and flechette rifles to counter these creatures but none of those weapons could be used in the intensely close quarters they now found themselves in.

The little creatures bit and cut fiercely as the now panicked warriors tried to desperately shake them off. It was a hopeless struggle and soon the room became quiet again, safe for the crying and whimpering of some traumatised hostages. The Ventri calmed down again and quickly returned to their hosts while three figures jumped down through the hole in the roof to free the hostages.

The barricade was torn down and more Karilac entered the room to make sure the Seraphians were all safely led away.
“Not a single hostage has been killed and all hostiles neutralised.” One Karilac soldier announced to his superiors on the radio but he would swiftly have to adjust that statement as he heard a cough from beneath the rubble under the entry hole.

The Nur’xal radio operator was still alive, though very badly injured and just laughed at the Karilac squad that now trained all their weapons on him.

“You’re all dead meat! More of us are coming! More than you can ever imagine!” he bellowed while reaching for a grenade. He could never pull the pin though since the entire squad opened fire before he had even taken the weapon off his belt yet his words did resonate…

Dreadnaught Empress Delatti, flagship first fleet, Seraphian homeworld orbit

Admiral Kil Kratha sat in her command chair looking over the central display on the Empress Delatti’s bridge. She allowed herself a small smile while she looked over the images of the massive debris fields that once were the mighty Krall fleet.

The supership had crumbled under her fleet’s guns and the rest of their orbital forces had suffered a similar fate or retreated with heavy damage. Kimo and Karilac fighter patrols were now mopping up what little remained of the Krall while the dreadnaughts of the first fleet reformed the battle line to face the only remaining threat: the Nur’Xal.

The enemy was severely outnumbered and had only three dreadnaughts to oppose the first fleet’s fourteen and only about a quarter of the number of support craft. It would hardly be a battle at all and the Nur’Xal fleet faced utter annihilation if they chose to stay and fight.
Admiral Kil Kratha fully expected them to retreat as soon as her fleet advanced and regarded it as nothing more than a formality. She was just waiting for the order to come from central command when a far more troubling message reached her.

“Nur’Xal reinforcements imminent! ETA 18 hours. Fifth fleet advance elements fought harrying action against superior force with minimal casualties. Enemy casualties more severe but proportionally limited. Hostile force consists of 23 dreadnaught class, 256 cruiser class, 168 frigate class. (multiple troop carriers identified among cruiser class though exact number remains unknown) Orders are as follows, coordinate with Karilac and Seraphian forces to stage defensive operations, fifth fleet elements will mobilise to reinforce. ETA of first units 26 hours.”

The Admiral’s mouth fell open.
“Ensign, open a communications channel to the Karilac flagship this instant!”

(this isn't a full post, rather an update on the situation so all parties can properly respond to the immenent crisis)
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