Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Deathslawter
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Deathslawter The Atheist Reaper

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

James Doran smiled big as he rode the elevator up the old gym of Lumiose City, the largest City in all of the world of Pokemon! Normally the gym was reserved for those trying to get badges, but for the first time in years there is to a Tournament for players from all over the globe, all of them bringing 6 of their strongest and closest Pokemon. "We can do it, guys" James said, looking down at his different colored pokeballs.

Charizard's ball was gold with blue lightning stripes; Scizor's ball was a dark green with two red "eyes" on the top and bottom; Alakazam's purple pokeball was covered in grey shadows. Heracross and Magikarp are the last of James's personal collection not to have designed pokeballs: Heracross because James hasn't had the chance, and Magikarp because . . . he hasn't evolved yet.

When the elevator door finally opened, James saw that he was the only one there, and by the wave of eager staff to help him, he could tell he might be waiting for a week or two for the rest of the challengers to arrive. James laughed and calmed down the staff, saying he was fine; accepted a drink and V.I.P. room of his own; and let his pokemon out to relax (he had to walk to a nearby fountain to let his Magikarp swim around.)

"Relax now, guys. When everyone shows up, we will aim to win!" James laughed, petting Charzard's head. "I have faith in you guys." Then after a moment of thought, "But I may have to do something about Magikarp . . . "
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ryan stared at the elevator awkwardly. How in the name of Arceus was he going to fit all of his friends in there? He looked at his friends and sighed. "Okay, Typhon and I will go first. After that I'll come back down and get Ranna." Both Ranna and Typhon nodded at this. " After I get Ranna up I will come back for Oberon and Volcan. Then finally I will come back for Pulsar and Glitch. Are we clear on that?" Everyone nodded and Ryan got on the elevator.

A few minutes later the elevator dinged and the door opened at the hotel's lobby. Everyone came tumbling out and into a big heap on the floor. "You guys are the worst sometimes." Ryan muttered as he crawled out from the pile of Pokemon. The staff looked somewhat panicked and you could tell they wanted to protest the Pokemon being outside of their Pokeballs. One glare from Ryan halted any sort of complaint they may have had.

"I need a room. A big one preferably." The staff nodded and handed him his key. He saw some other Pokemon wandering around and deduced that other people were here. He didn't care though. He had no need to talk to others, he had his friends. "Come on guys, let's get to our room!" He called to his friends as they followed him to his room.

When he got settled he reflected on his journey to Lumiose City. He wasn't a very big fan of the place, this entire city used to be forest after all. Forest that was cut down so people could live their lives more comfortably and then complain about how expensive burgers are. It disgusted him a bit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Minimum

Minimum The Dark Briton

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As the lift went down for a third time it jolted at the end and his pokeball containing his gyarados fell out his pokeball carrier. Grumbling as he picked it up he ignored everyone looking for a big area of water.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 8 days ago

David smiles as he walked in his VIP room for this tournament. He remembers his brother being part of a similar one before he became champion. david decided to enter this tournament to honor his brother. He sat down and looked at the pokeballs containing his pokemon. There were some of his strongest. David smiled down and said "Were gonna win this tournament huh guys?"
His pokemon cheered in joy, at the idea. David smiles and laid down on the bed. He smiles and said "Lets go train." David returned his pokemon and went outside to the training area they had. He looked around for someone to battle
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Minimum

Minimum The Dark Briton

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

On his way to water he walked over thr trsining area. Noticing the other man there he turned around and looked at him with a stare asking do want to train?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 1 day ago

Artemis walked into the champion stadium for her sign up. She skipped as she looked around to see what she would be up against. There were quite a few strong fighters around her age that have already arrived. "Eevee!"... Artemis looked over on her shoulder to Princess nuzzling her softly. "Don't worry Princess. We can handle this crowd." She said laughing softly as she looked down on the pokeballs on her belt. She only had six balls because Princess never goes into a ball. She was caught as a family pet and travels with Artemis just for the companionship.

She walks up to the booth to register her pokemon. Houndoom, Kirlia, Empoleon, Liepard,Roserade, and Raichu. Each ball was designed differently from her painting them while she traveled all over the world. She smiled at her team as she knew she would be a tough compeditor. Her parents raised her to be. The staff even asked if she wanted to contact her family's gym and she declined. She instead went up to her room to put away her bags. She than headed down to the VIP section to hear what was all the fuss.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 8 days ago

David smiled at the VIP section/training area. He then stop hearing someone wanting to battle him to abattle. He turned to the challenger and smirked. "Sure why not? sounds like fun to me. Lets make it a three on three battle." David said "My Name is David Markova. Nice to meet you." He went to the training court and said "Hawlucha come out." The hawk-luchadore came out with a loud battle cry.
The pokemon slammed its fists together, and was ready to battle. He saw people began watching them now. "So who is your first pokemon?" He asked with a small smile. He smiled at his hawlucha. He remembered the time he caught Hawlucha. He remembered when his Hawlucha fought other pokemon. He favorite memory is when Hawlucha fought with him in the Johto League. His Hawlucha managed to bring down some tough pokemon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Minimum

Minimum The Dark Briton

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

He picked up his first pokeball he'd ever used and looked up. "Hey I'm Max, you too."
then to the ball he whispers "come on, don't fail me now" as he started getting angry over the smirk and the way he was talking to him.
as soon as he had talked to the ball a Giant Gyarados filled the room. He didn't expect to win, but if he did lose he wanted to lose fighting hard.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Minimum

Minimum The Dark Briton

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Deathslawter
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Deathslawter The Atheist Reaper

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

James saw an Eevee running around and an owner chasing her like no tomorrow. James laughed laid back with his pokemon in the VIP room, waiting on all the trainers to show up. Not long after, however, the owner of the Eevee walked into the room and smiled bright as though she had already won the tournament. James couldn't help but saying hello. "Hi, I'm James." Smiling, I add, "Welcome and good luck."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 8 days ago

David saw the gyradoes. The Pokemon looked strong. "Looks strings but your not scared huh Hawlucha?" He asked. The fiesty Pokemon let out a battle cry. "Alright Hawlucha use swords dance." Hawlucha closed its eyes as its attack increased. "Now go at it with Power-Up Punch."
Hawlucha dived toward Hyradoes attempting to slam its fist into it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ryan observed the fighting trainers and snorted. He looked at the one with the Eevee and smiled. She wasn't a total lost cause at least. Volcan took a glance at the one with the Gyrados and chuckled in his own unique way. " Yeah, the one with the Gyrados is screwed. He's way too uptight." Ryan agreed with Volcan. "He's offended over nothing. I doubt he'll make it very far in the tournament." Ryan continued as he talked to Volcan. "The one I'm interested in is the one with the Hawlucha. He has an air of experience. If I could get him to stop using the cages we might even be friends." He referred to the Pokeballs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Minimum

Minimum The Dark Briton

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As the Hawlucha used sword dance Max shouted out to Gyarados "Gyarados! Use dragon dance!" He only just finished by the time the opponent started power up punch. Quickly assessing what was happening Max yelled to Gyarados "Use Bounce Now Gyarados!" Gyarados did, dodging the attack and then slamming down on Hawlaucha.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 1 day ago


Aj smiled as she saw a man in the back her age welcoming her. "Thanks you as well. My name is Aj and this is Princess." She said as she held out her hand to shake with his. This was a tournament but it never hurt to try and make future Allies. "Where are you from?" She asked sitting down onto a near by seat and Princess jumped on her lap softly nuzzling up to her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 8 days ago

Hawlucha froze as te Gyradoes shot up and slammed down on the lunchadore bird. He cursed and said "Seismic Toss." Hawlucha clawed out as it lifted the oppenent Pokemon in the air and slammed it to the ground. He knew Gyradoes was gone be fast now due to dragon dance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Minimum

Minimum The Dark Briton

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As Hawlucha started seismic toss Max shouted "Gyarados use bounce! Then use aqua tail!" Gyarados just managed to leap into the air before he was tossed and as he crashed back down he immediately whipped his tail round at Hawlucha using aqua tail.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Deathslawter
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Deathslawter The Atheist Reaper

Member Seen 10 yrs ago


James smiled and pet Eevee on the head. "I'm James, and I come from a small town not to far from here." James look down at his pokeballs and let out his Charzard, who immediately lets out three balls of fire upwards and curls up at James feet like a huge cat. "This is Charzard . . . haven't really gotten around to names. I tried with charzard a few times and those were the only times he tried to burn me!" James laughs and pets his pokemons head. "How about you? Where are you and this little one from?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 8 days ago

David cursed as the Gyradoes used bounce again, slamming down on Hawlucha. The fighting flying type got up panting. david knew a few more hits would knock it out. He said "Alright Hawlucha use Sky Attack!" Hawlucha became cloaked in blue energy, and thanks to the power herb its attack was fully charged. Hawlucha cried out as it dived toward gyradoes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 1 day ago


Artemis pets his Charzard's head. "My parents run the gym in Vermilian City. Oh and Princess is the only one with a name. She is trained to be a pet not to fight though." She said nuzzling into Eevee as she climbed down onto her lap curling in ball. She pet her pet softly. "What other pokemon have you found on your travels?" She asked impressed he had such a well behaved charzard.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Deathslawter
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Deathslawter The Atheist Reaper

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

James looked around at the other trainers arriving and laughing at the pokemon battles going on around. "Well I have seen hundreds . . . but in total I've only captured around 32 . . . and the other four i have with me are Scizor, Heracross, Venusaur, and Alakazam. My fifth pokemon is something I might have to change out . . . want to go see what I mean?" James asks mysteriously, wondering if Artemis wanted to walk around with him.
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