Avatar of themadhatter420


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10 yrs ago
Current Welcome to Wonderland! Its just down the nearest Rabbit Hole! Come on down and visit.
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10 yrs ago
Brand new to the site...still an amazing role-player :) dont be afraid to give me a chance.
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I am a weird person and can be a bit random at times but don't let that scare you away from role-playing with me. I find myself to be very creative as far as coming up with different story lines and creating new posts :) PM me if you ever want to rp and I can come up with something.

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Go ahead and make as many characters as you like or your own faction or base. Whatever you'd like

Had a feeling just wanted to confirm thank you
@AntiRpRP Approved and I will work on the first post to try and restart this. Also are all your characters part of the same faction?
Yeah with now little action this story is getting you can create as many characters as you can handle. I am going to look over mine and add some if need be and create the IC to see if that brings in more people. @AntiRpRP
@leopard wcue

I would be happy with dragon x dragon, cat x cat, mythical creature x human, animal x animal, I am able to play any gender or any species.
@leopard wcue Are you still looking for people to make stories with? There are quite a few listed on your ship ideas that I would be interested in trying out.
Sorry I had a tragic loss in my family. I am sorry I was gone as long as I was.

Teacher accepted and student as well but keep in mind with age it limits their ability to an extent. It would he in a small area around you in terms of electronics.
@Dark Light

I Have one i was asking if I could create a new secondary character.

Sorry I am on now to get the posts together.
@Dark Light

you never answered my question on making another character.
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