All Approved Characters will be added to the list of names in Approved Hider. My characters are listed below.
Name: Michael Alexander Smith
Gender: male
Age: 32
Personality: Hard working, determined, and skilled in many areas from hard labor to even gun repair, building, and more. Has worked every day in the bar since it opened, come hell or high water or in this case zombies.
Mele weapons: machete kept on his back, large bowie knife on his hip.
Ranged weapons: 9mm Glock with a small stockpile, also in a pinch has an AK-47 for emergencies.
90 Jeep Cherokee named Black Betty
Pets: A German Sheppard named Roxy

Gear: Based out of a bar stocked with food, backup generators, and solar panels, currently working on a water purifying system with available materials in the bar. Food remaining for a couple more weeks at most with current occupants in the bar.
Faction Name: Broken Thorn (leader/owner of bar)
Faction Information: Location- Broken Thorn Bar is located in a small city outside of Tallahassee Florida He is the owner of the bar and the head bartender. He was working with the bar open when all hell broke loose and barricaded the doors. He only let in his waitress who had just moved to the area and knew nowhere else safe to bunker down.
Number in group: 2 (including himself)
Gender: male
Age: 32
Personality: Hard working, determined, and skilled in many areas from hard labor to even gun repair, building, and more. Has worked every day in the bar since it opened, come hell or high water or in this case zombies.

Mele weapons: machete kept on his back, large bowie knife on his hip.
Ranged weapons: 9mm Glock with a small stockpile, also in a pinch has an AK-47 for emergencies.

Pets: A German Sheppard named Roxy

Gear: Based out of a bar stocked with food, backup generators, and solar panels, currently working on a water purifying system with available materials in the bar. Food remaining for a couple more weeks at most with current occupants in the bar.
Faction Name: Broken Thorn (leader/owner of bar)
Faction Information: Location- Broken Thorn Bar is located in a small city outside of Tallahassee Florida He is the owner of the bar and the head bartender. He was working with the bar open when all hell broke loose and barricaded the doors. He only let in his waitress who had just moved to the area and knew nowhere else safe to bunker down.
Number in group: 2 (including himself)
Name: Daphney McAdams
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Personality: once a bubbly, very outgoing person before the world ended, now is in and out of waves of fear and panic worrying about her family living away with no way of reaching them and for her safety. She is forever grateful for Michael but she doesn't date men.
Mele weapons: a butcher knife from the kitchen with a sheath
Ranged weapons: Has Michaels back up 9mm bareta.
vehicle: does not have her own personal vehicle
her cat Dante
Gear: backpack with clothes, brought all of her canned goods from her home when she left for the bar. She also brought plenty of cat food for her cat. rope, ammo, rations, and camping gear to make a fire if needed.
Faction Name: Broken Thorn
Faction Information: Broken Thorn Bar is located in a small city outside of Tallahassee Florida. She just moved to FL from Ireland 5 months before after getting dual citizenship. She had nowhere to bunker down knowing her apartment would be a death trap. She made it to the bar and her boss let her stay.
Number in group: 1 of 2
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Personality: once a bubbly, very outgoing person before the world ended, now is in and out of waves of fear and panic worrying about her family living away with no way of reaching them and for her safety. She is forever grateful for Michael but she doesn't date men.

Mele weapons: a butcher knife from the kitchen with a sheath
Ranged weapons: Has Michaels back up 9mm bareta.
vehicle: does not have her own personal vehicle

Gear: backpack with clothes, brought all of her canned goods from her home when she left for the bar. She also brought plenty of cat food for her cat. rope, ammo, rations, and camping gear to make a fire if needed.
Faction Name: Broken Thorn
Faction Information: Broken Thorn Bar is located in a small city outside of Tallahassee Florida. She just moved to FL from Ireland 5 months before after getting dual citizenship. She had nowhere to bunker down knowing her apartment would be a death trap. She made it to the bar and her boss let her stay.
Number in group: 1 of 2