You can call me Joe, I am a one-paragraph RPer who joined out of boredom. I think im interesting but im probably only slightly more interesting from the average ‘Joe’ (Hahahaha, get it? The ‘average Joe’ and my name is ‘joe’? It’s okay you can laugh).
My timezone is GMT+11, I’m not very active on this site but I try :)
I have no clue how to post Gifs on this website, they keep popping up as images, also I believe Gif is pronounced with a J sound like the G in ‘Giant’.
I enjoy strategy games, reading, National Anthems, emails, and eating. My favourite drink is water.
I hate useless/pointless questions, soft drinks, anything with too much sugar in it, and people not answering my stupid questions.
I just want to roleplay, I’ve never RPed in a group but I am open to it. To be frank, I just want to see that inbox icon in the top right to tell me I have a message. Is that sad? Maybe. Am I a sad person? A little.
I can write a paragraph (4-5 sentences) if need-be, I can even write 2 paragraphs, maybe even 3 paragraphs. If I’m especially deludedinspired and I’m handling multiple characters you could get 5 paragraphs.
I think most rp’s don’t come close to needing more than 5 sentences. I also prefer writing one-line responses; I believe that a characters intentions should be decipherable from their dialogue, notwithstanding complex things like lying.
Here’s how an ideal roleplay with me would go down, in terms of length of response:
[Roleplay Partner]: *Andrew looks at Julius in bewilderment* “Why the fuck would you eat an entire tin can?!” *He exclaims, half frightened, half curious.*
[Me:] *Julius von Hindeburg shrugs,* “I just thought it would taste good.” *He says as a lie, he ate the can as a play to assert dominance over the rest of the items in his pantry.*
[Roleplay partner]: *Andrew looks at Julius like he’s crazy* “What- how- why-… Forget it, we need to get you to the doctor before you get internal bleeding.”
[Me:] *Julius nods, sagely,* “Yes, I believe that is the right course of action, for I can already feel some organs shutting down.”
Keep in mind, I can write longer (If I really have to).
I have, I just find writing something long to be tedious. Things work better when they’re up to interpretation, it allows for creativity. Providing a characters *exact thoughts* also screws with things in the meta, if the person controlling a character knows something the character doesn’t know, the character will be influenced by the knowledge held by the writer. It’s also more exciting with less information, like I said earlier, your creativity fills in the gaps.
Maybe I’m misinterpreting what people mean by ‘a paragraph’, or not understanding what should be IN a paragraph. If there is a role playing sage out there who can lecture me on how to roleplay well, I would be more than happy to hear your wisdom.
[4 months later flashforward] A grey bureaucrat adjusts their glasses, sniffing their half-congested nose as they read over the transcript of all that occured within here. Picking up an old fashoned red stamp between their fingers, they bring its handle against the wiry metal frame of their desk, tapping it in a tuneless rythm as they consider the rather meager number of words. With a sigh, they bring the stamp firmly over the transcript, marking the page red before returning the stamp to its home on the red ink.
Two authoratative words rest half smudged on the print:
I modelled my character by mostly using the above, so I stole borrowed some aspects from it in terms of formatting.
Character Name: Alexander Bailiwick Age: 17 Gender: Male Role: Student
Personality: Speech of a textbook - Speaks to his friends about schoolwork, and little else. Scrutiniser - Considers the motivations of others carefully, aims to understand the motivations behind people. Slow to speak - Prefers to talk only when necessary, thinks small-talk is a waste of time. Satisfactory moral compass - Does what’s right, mostly. Blunt truth - Doesn’t like to lie or withold detail, although he knows when a white lie is appropriate. Made to fracture, not to shatter - Becomes aggressive and snaps at people if stressed or annoyed, but never breaks down.
Strengths: +Skilled at anything Academic. +Good at relaying information and providing advice/tutoring. +Critical thinker.
Weaknesses: -Short-fused. -Pedantic. -Physical subjects, artistic subjects, anything that doesn’t involve writing an essay or solving a formula. -A target of rumours and gossip.
Other Categories:
Academics: Study, study, study, study, repeat anything enough times and meaning is lost, but at least he remembers the content. Clock in Clock out Clock in Clock out Clock in Clock out, routine helps time go by, and the notes are constantly revised. All subjects are equal under Bailiwick, he has no preference.
Fun Facts: Rumoured psychopath - Completely untrue, but that won’t stop people from gossiping. Occult interest - Likes to read on past superstitions and beliefs. Doesn’t believe it, of course. Understands basic Esperanto, he learnt it for fun.
Exam Hall Situation: For essays, plans for a minute, then writes out 5 pages in 45 minutes. Multiple choice comes last. By the end of the exam their hand is quivering from all the writing. When he gets home he re-answers questions he thinks he got incorrect. Always gets above 90%, and considers anything less a failure for him.
Random Things he Does: Fast walker - keeps a marching tune in his head. Straight posture - You’d think he’s part of the military cadets. Randomly hums marching tunes.
Friends & School Life: Most of Alex’s friends are toppers and perfectionists, he is also well-regarded with the school faculty. Sometimes helps other students with their study. When asked if he likes someone: “I have no time for anything like that, especially with exams always close-by.”
How Peter Reacts to events: 100%: “Perfection.” 97%: “Swell, but what did I do wrong?” 93%: “Hmm, better allocate more time for this subject.” 87%: “This could end my whole academic record, what’s wrong with you, Alex?” Tutoring a friend: “Yes, the x co-ordinate can be found with pythagorus theorem, it’s just these two sides here, a 5 year old could do this.” Snapping at someone while tutoring: “Are you delusional? How could ‘1984’ be a critique on the Byzantine empire?!” Talking to a friend: “Yes, the teacher did say to review the key legislation. No I don’t think International Law will be included in the test.”
Misc Things: Aspires to do well, but what comes after school? He prefers not to think about it, it makes him deeply uncomfortable. Has two brothers, both happy-go-lucky good-for-nothings who dropped out of school early. His parents really put a lot of pressure on Alex to be the best of the 3 children.
Name: Alex Ivanov Gender: Male Age: 43 Personality: Blunt, and no-nonsense. He is used to fighting, being the ‘combat specialist’ of his group. Appearance: Dark-brown hair with fair skin, Alex is of a strong build. Alex wears military fatigues which are stolen, the previous owner’s name is torn off. Melee weapons: Fire-axe Ranged weapons: AK-12 Vehicle: Alex and his crew ride in a pickup truck. Pets: Alex and his crew do not have pets. Gear: Alex carries some MREs. Faction Name: The Star Spangled Faction Information: A collection of surviving police, military personnel, and gun-nuts currently residing in Woodville. The Faction Runs as a military-dictated democracy. Decisions are taken by high-ranking members of the previous US military and current militia force with little involvement from non-combatants. The faction is mostly unified, with any internal opposition cooperating out of necessity to survive. Number in group: 120+ NPCs, 4 Active Characters
Name: Peter Clement Gender: Male Age: 62 Personality: Cheerful, idealist, drunkard. Peter is always looking for ways to get others and himself smiling (or drunk). Appearance: Greying hair, face slightly crinkled. Peter is getting old, and so he looks that way. Despite his middle-old age and the apocalypse, Peter is a round man, having eaten a diet based primarily on SPAM, which has not been stopped by said apocalypse. He wears smart-casual, button-ups and the like. Melee weapons: N/A Ranged Weapons: Bear-spray. Vehicle: Rides with Alex in a pickup truck. Pets: N/A Gear: Peter carries MREs, water, ammo, medical equipment, maps, explosives, various tools, and of course, SPAM, in a large oversized hiking bag. He is practically a walking depot.
Name: Daisy Martin Gender: Female Age: 25 Personality: Having grown a familial relationship with Mr Clement, Daisy is a brash but optimistic young lady. Has a keen interest in using explosives. Appearance: Tanned, short, flat-nosed and with dull-blond hair, Daisy possesses a lean but athletic build. She wears a red shirt with overalls. Melee weapons: Hunting knife. Ranged weapons: Plastic-frame pistol. Vehicle: Rides with Alex. Pets: N/A Gear: Most valuably, carries a map (usually stored with Clement) of the local area, with key regions for scavenging mapped.
Name: Diego Flores Gender: Male Age: 20 Personality: Diego is a timid man, preferring to speak only when he thinks necessary. Having studied medicine before the apocalypse, he takes the role of the medic. Due to his lack of practical experience, he deals mostly with small injuries. Appearance: Thin, black-haired, pale-brown skin. Diego wears casual long-sleeve clothing but steers away from wearing white as he is more likely to get blood on it, being the medic. Melee weapons: Switchblade Ranged weapons: Snub-nosed revolver Vehicle: Rides with the rest. Pets: N/A Gear: Carries some emergency medical equipment at all times (adhesive, pain relief, etc.)
Edit1: Minor grammar tweaks, some added detail for clothing and faction.
Hey! I would like to join this, is there a character scaffold I can work off of? I just need some basic guidelines so I know how to make a detailed enough character.
Hiiiiiiii~ Hiiiii~ hiiiii~ hiii~ hiiiiiii~ *blushes* ~ hiiii~ hiii~ Hiiiii~ hiiiii~ *looks away cutely* hiii~ hiiiiiii~ hiiii~ hiiii~ hiii~ hiiiiii~ hiiiii~ hi~ hiiii~ hi~ hi~~~~~~~ hiii~
Screw it, I’m keeping that in.
You can call me Joe, I am a one-paragraph RPer who joined out of boredom. I think im interesting but im probably only slightly more interesting from the average ‘Joe’ (Hahahaha, get it? The ‘average Joe’ and my name is ‘joe’? It’s okay you can laugh).
[hider=Whats your timezone? How active are you?]
My timezone is GMT+11, I’m not very active on this site but I try :)
[hider=Side note on Gifs]
I have no clue how to post Gifs on this website, they keep popping up as images, also I believe Gif is pronounced with a J sound like the G in ‘Giant’.
[hider=What are your likes and Dislikes?]
I enjoy strategy games, reading, National Anthems, emails, and eating. My favourite drink is water.
I hate useless/pointless questions, soft drinks, anything with too much sugar in it, and people not answering my stupid questions.
[hider=So what do you expect from this site?]
I just want to roleplay, I’ve never RPed in a group but I am open to it. To be frank, I just want to see that inbox icon in the top right to tell me I have a message.
Is that sad? Maybe.
Am I a sad person? A little.
[hider=Give me more detail on your RP style]
I can write a paragraph (4-5 sentences) if need-be, I can even write 2 paragraphs, maybe even 3 paragraphs. If I’m especially [s]deluded[/s] [i]inspired[/i] and I’m handling multiple characters you could get 5 paragraphs.
I think most rp’s don’t come close to needing more than 5 sentences. I also prefer writing one-line responses; I believe that a characters intentions should be decipherable from their dialogue, notwithstanding complex things like lying.
Here’s how an ideal roleplay with me would go down, in terms of length of response:
[Roleplay Partner]:
*Andrew looks at Julius in bewilderment* “Why the fuck would you eat an entire tin can?!” *He exclaims, half frightened, half curious.*
*Julius von Hindeburg shrugs,* “I just thought it would taste good.” *He says as a lie, he ate the can as a play to assert dominance over the rest of the items in his pantry.*
[Roleplay partner]:
*Andrew looks at Julius like he’s crazy* “What- how- why-… Forget it, we need to get you to the doctor before you get internal bleeding.”
*Julius nods, sagely,* “Yes, I believe that is the right course of action, for I can already feel some organs shutting down.”
Keep in mind, I can write longer (If I [i]really[/i] have to).
[hider=Why haven't you come to terms with the fact that you might have gotten away with 1–line role playing in discord or Wattpad but stuff like that ain’t gonna go down well in this *Elite Roleplaying Association*?]
I have, I just find writing something long to be tedious. Things work better when they’re up to interpretation, it allows for creativity. Providing a characters *exact thoughts* also screws with things in the meta, if the person controlling a character knows something the character doesn’t know, the character will be influenced by the knowledge held by the writer. It’s also more exciting with less information, like I said earlier, your creativity fills in the gaps.
Maybe I’m misinterpreting what people mean by ‘a paragraph’, or not understanding what should be IN a paragraph. If there is a role playing sage out there who can lecture me on how to roleplay well, I would be more than happy to hear your wisdom.
[hider=I’m going to pretend I never visited your profile, Bye!]
Well thats all I wrote.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Hiiiiiiii~ Hiiiii~ hiiiii~ hiii~ hiiiiiii~ *blushes* ~ hiiii~ hiii~ Hiiiii~ hiiiii~ *looks away cutely* hiii~ hiiiiiii~ hiiii~ hiiii~ hiii~ hiiiiii~ hiiiii~ hi~ hiiii~ hi~ hi~~~~~~~ hiii~<br><br>Screw it, I’m keeping that in.<br><br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="WHO TF ARE YOU LMAOOOO">WHO TF ARE YOU LMAOOOO [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none">You can call me Joe, I am a one-paragraph RPer who joined out of boredom. I think im interesting but im probably only slightly more interesting from the average ‘Joe’ (Hahahaha, get it? The ‘average Joe’ and my name is ‘joe’? It’s okay you can laugh). <br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="Whats your timezone? How active are you?">Whats your timezone? How active are you? [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none">My timezone is GMT+11, I’m not very active on this site but I try :)</div></div><br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="Side note on Gifs">Side note on Gifs [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none">I have no clue how to post Gifs on this website, they keep popping up as images, also I believe Gif is pronounced with a J sound like the G in ‘Giant’.</div></div></div></div><br><br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="What are your likes and Dislikes?">What are your likes and Dislikes? [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none">I enjoy strategy games, reading, National Anthems, emails, and eating. My favourite drink is water.<br><br>I hate useless/pointless questions, soft drinks, anything with too much sugar in it, and people not answering my stupid questions.</div></div><br><br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="So what do you expect from this site?">So what do you expect from this site? [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none">I just want to roleplay, I’ve never RPed in a group but I am open to it. To be frank, I just want to see that inbox icon in the top right to tell me I have a message.<br>Is that sad? Maybe. <br>Am I a sad person? A little. <br><br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="Give me more detail on your RP style">Give me more detail on your RP style [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none">I can write a paragraph (4-5 sentences) if need-be, I can even write 2 paragraphs, maybe even 3 paragraphs. If I’m especially <span class="bb-s">deluded</span> <span class="bb-i">inspired</span> and I’m handling multiple characters you could get 5 paragraphs. <br><br> I think most rp’s don’t come close to needing more than 5 sentences. I also prefer writing one-line responses; I believe that a characters intentions should be decipherable from their dialogue, notwithstanding complex things like lying.<br><br>Here’s how an ideal roleplay with me would go down, in terms of length of response:<br><br>[Roleplay Partner]: <br>*Andrew looks at Julius in bewilderment* “Why the fuck would you eat an entire tin can?!” *He exclaims, half frightened, half curious.*<br><br>[Me:]<br>*Julius von Hindeburg shrugs,* “I just thought it would taste good.” *He says as a lie, he ate the can as a play to assert dominance over the rest of the items in his pantry.*<br><br>[Roleplay partner]:<br>*Andrew looks at Julius like he’s crazy* “What- how- why-… Forget it, we need to get you to the doctor before you get internal bleeding.”<br><br>[Me:]<br>*Julius nods, sagely,* “Yes, I believe that is the right course of action, for I can already feel some organs shutting down.”<br><br>Keep in mind, I can write longer (If I <span class="bb-i">really</span> have to).<br><br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="Why haven't you come to terms with the fact that you might have gotten away with 1–line role playing in discord or Wattpad but stuff like that ain’t gonna go down well in this *Elite Roleplaying Association*?">Why haven't you come to terms with the fact that you might have gotten away with 1–line role playing in discord or Wattpad but stuff like that ain’t gonna go down well in this *Elite Roleplaying Association*? [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none">I have, I just find writing something long to be tedious. Things work better when they’re up to interpretation, it allows for creativity. Providing a characters *exact thoughts* also screws with things in the meta, if the person controlling a character knows something the character doesn’t know, the character will be influenced by the knowledge held by the writer. It’s also more exciting with less information, like I said earlier, your creativity fills in the gaps.<br><br>Maybe I’m misinterpreting what people mean by ‘a paragraph’, or not understanding what should be IN a paragraph. If there is a role playing sage out there who can lecture me on how to roleplay well, I would be more than happy to hear your wisdom.</div></div></div></div></div></div><br><br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="I’m going to pretend I never visited your profile, Bye!">I’m going to pretend I never visited your profile, Bye! [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none">👋</div></div><br><br>Well thats all I wrote.</div>