Avatar of AntiRpRP


Recent Statuses

25 days ago
A reduction in Supply for ZAR will cause an increase in the value of the ZAR. (For more fun economics facts, microwave a fork.)
7 mos ago
Mind: If I leave for a month and come back there will probably be something interesting on this site for me.
11 mos ago
Getting someone new to RP with is like using a slot-machine ngl.
11 mos ago
It’s funny how this site tells you what people visit your profile. I see you.
12 mos ago
I wonder when I’ll lose my vision.


Hiiiiiiii~ Hiiiii~ hiiiii~ hiii~ hiiiiiii~ *blushes* ~ hiiii~ hiii~ Hiiiii~ hiiiii~ *looks away cutely* hiii~ hiiiiiii~ hiiii~ hiiii~ hiii~ hiiiiii~ hiiiii~ hi~ hiiii~ hi~ hi~~~~~~~ hiii~

Screw it, I’m keeping that in.

Well thats all I wrote.

Most Recent Posts

[4 months later flashforward]
A grey bureaucrat adjusts their glasses, sniffing their half-congested nose as they read over the transcript of all that occured within here. Picking up an old fashoned red stamp between their fingers, they bring its handle against the wiry metal frame of their desk, tapping it in a tuneless rythm as they consider the rather meager number of words. With a sigh, they bring the stamp firmly over the transcript, marking the page red before returning the stamp to its home on the red ink.

Two authoratative words rest half smudged on the print:

I modelled my character by mostly using the above, so I stole borrowed some aspects from it in terms of formatting.

Edits: Formatting and Grammar
@AntiRpRP Approved and I will work on the first post to try and restart this. Also are all your characters part of the same faction?

All my characters are apart of the same faction (The Star Spangled, detailed to a minor extent under Alex Ivanov’s profile)
Here be characters (4)

Edit1: Minor grammar tweaks, some added detail for clothing and faction.
I’m guessing having a character outside of the Possible Roles is fine, the list seems non-exhaustive.
Hey! I would like to join this, is there a character scaffold I can work off of? I just need some basic guidelines so I know how to make a detailed enough character.
Since you’ve allowed a squad of 3, a squad of 4 wouldn’t be too much of a stretch?

(Yes I’m aware no-one has spoken for 8 months, and the roleplay is likely dead but one can hope.)
Your eyes can't tell between the banning forum and the insulting forum.
When I’m finished, should I put my character(s) in here first so you can check them or do I dump them in the characters tab?
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