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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Drakel


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Demon Shinobi" said December 21, 2044

The members of the new Young Justice team were all together aboard the Watch Tower preparing to head to the new base which was finally finish. “Oh man I can’t wait to see it. Our own base of operations!” Nathaniel said cheerfully clad in his Kid Flash uniform. “What do you guys think?” He asked the rest of the group. “I’m especially interested in your opinions.” He added as he moved from one side of the group to the other landing in place between Amani and Elysia with one arm casually around each.

Before anyone could answer his fun was ruined as he was pulled away from the girls. “At least try to remain calm and behave.” His mother Rose, or rather Ravager, said calmly with a bit of a sigh.

“Aw come on. We’ve been waiting for 3 months for this. I can’t be the only one excited. And I know you’re glad I won’t be popping up in random odd places aboard the watch tower.” In the excitement he was speaking a bit faster than the pace of a normal person. But it was still understandable. Mostly.

“Alright Listen up.” The current Batman spoke giving that famous Batman look to them and keeping any trace of emotion off of what could be seen of his face. “You’ll each have your own room when we get there. Stay together. We’ll show you around. Test the security. I don’t want any mishaps.” He made this very clear. And after he finished he kind of focused his gaze on Nathaniel. It was pretty noticeable. Like he was the first expected to screw something up. Rose sighed before Batman turned to the computer to activate the zeta beam.

Nate whistled looking away as if he were innocent and had never done anything. Of course in the past week alone he’d pranked three league members, gotten into two fights and accidentally found himself in the woman’s changing room of the watch tower. Nobody believed it was an accident but it was. He’s end up being pushed through the door throughout the third fight nobody knew about. Well… That wasn’t true… A bunch of people knew, but most still thought he planned getting pushed into the changing room.

That wasn’t the point though! They were about to head to their new base! And all it would take was the push of a button. “3, 2, 1.” Batman counted down before it was pressed and they arrived in the middle of the new base. An uncharted island with little to know wild life other than a few birds and other smaller creatures. The reason for the lack of inhabitants in this beautiful island resort like place? It had been cleared out. The animals either sent to another habitat safely or zoos. Young heroes had a tendency to come across and on a few occasions adopt pets. So this was precautionary.

“Wow… Just… Wow…” Nathaniel said actually speechless for a moment. That was surprising. But the place was state of the art with the building itself on the center of the island. The building itself was similar structurally to the Hall of Justice on the outside. And hidden by the canapy of the forest around it. The inside however, wasn’t made to be a front. There was an underground holding area for any villains and such they might need to hold. Counting the holding area there were three levels. The upper level was comprised of a living area. Bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen and even a living room as well as a sort of lounge of sorts. They were teens after all. Sometimes they might just want to hang out if there wasn’t trouble. The mid and main level held the Zeta tubes, super computer connected to a private nearly unhackable server of course, training area, workout room, and a multitude of other small areas for the missions and mission planning. It was all just simply amazing.

"Dystopia" said Ember rolled his eyes, letting out a sarcastic snort. Not that he was very surprised with Kid Flash's attitude towards the girls, but still... Actually, Ember would have been more surprised if Kid Flash hadn't attempted to suffocate them with his attempt at game. Looking over the new base, Ember stuffed his hands into his olive jacket. He didn't really want to attempt it but he was pretty excited with the turn of events. A new base. It felt like their team was finally official, and... Gosh, Ember was definitely excited for this. They'd have an actual place to train and hang out. It was just awesome. There were no words to describe how absolutely awesome this was. "Just, wow..." He mumbled.

And there own rooms! Later Ember was definitely going to lock himself into his new room and do a happy dance or something. Maybe he'd even start reciting Shakespeare. Books! He needed to fill his home-away-from-home with scripts and Shakespeare. Then he'd have to sneak some Poe and Wilde away from his house and stuff them around the new base. There needed to be a book everywhere. So, if Ember was walking around and suddenly want to read, there's be some form of literature within reach. "Yeah, no mishaps." Ember agreed, glancing over at Kid Flash, raising his eyebrow jokingly. He was sure that no matter which Batman they were currently on, Batman was always going to be a no-nonsense kinda guy.

Ember was ready to explode with excitement as Batman started the countdown. The excitement suddenly turned to shock as the island was revealed. He wasn't actually sure why he was so shocked. It was probably for the best to put unruly teenagers with powers on an island where no one else could suffer from their shenanigans. Ember could totally be okay with this. Surely, there'd be wild life some-... Nope. Besides the few birds tweeting and chattering, there seemed to be no signs of any wild animals. Which was a real shame. He forced himself to look away from the island and focus on the base. The base that was overwhelming him with all the technology. "This must have been expensive." He murmured, simply awed.

"Alsoomse" said Elysia brushed her shoulder where Nathaniel had placed his hand on, the plain expression from earlier turned into a slight cringe of distaste. The boy was a bothersome one, loud, obnoxious, fast paced, she didn't like that, but Elysia can live with it.

Her right hand gripped the handle of her pink umbrella, the other hand was now concealed from the long sleeves of her yellow rain poncho, her posture slumped as Elysia followed the group with no question. Where can I take a nap? I'm very tired. I don't want to walk. Where can I sit? Her mind began to wander elsewhere and soon all noise was blocked from her ears. All the girl wanted to do was sleep, it didn't matter if she was on a gorgeous island or in a collapsing building with its foundations barely supporting the roof. If there is a bed, she will sleep with no questions asked.

She sat down on the floor while the others conversed, the floors were new... How comfy... Maybe a small nap wouldn't hurt? Elysia laid down and got herself adjusted onto the floor of their new residence. "Good night," Elysia rolled onto her stomach and buried her face into the sleeves of her rain poncho. The lazy girl had enough walking for one day, it was too much and too energy draining.
She didn't care about the island or the plants, or the base, or the animals, or anything of that matter, but it sure was nice to sleep on recently waxed floors.

"Saarebas" said Geb felt like was going to explode just being in the Watchtower, and knowing him that was a possibility. But the fact that he was about to be made part of a team of teenage superheroes just like him made him fell like he was on cloud nine, which he kind of was. He looked over at his soon to be roommates, smirking some at Kid Flash's attempt at flirting, with a huge Cheshire grin on his face that quite literally spread from ear to ear and was about to introduce himself before his attention was grabbed by Batman. Batman was one of the few people that Geb met that treated him as more than just some freak so when the man spoke his words carried weight with Geb. His inhuman grin shrunk back into a normal pair of lips when Batman announced their departure and started the countdown. He gave one more look around before he and the rest of the them were transported away.

Geb's jaw almost fell to the floor when he caught sight of his new home, he felt like it was something straight out of his dreams. He was already in love with the plant life he saw teeming around him, though was a bit put off from lake of wildlife. He pretty much had to pry himself away from the forest and follow the group, though his head did turn completely backwards to steal another quick glance. He let out a quick smirk as he watched one of the girls decide to doze off during the tour. "I think I'm going to like it here." He said to himself before following after Batman

"dreamingflowers" said Amani didn't even bother to hide the bored expression evident on her face. This speech about rules was boring and so was Batman. She hadn't really delved into the world of superheroes that much growing up. Of course she knew they existed but it wasn't until the Justice League found her that she started to get to know them. Suddenly they were everywhere, on the news, in the papers and now all around her. It had been overwhelming at first but she was starting to get used to it. She still didn't know why they had recruited her. Probably as bait she thought amused. Her powers weren't exactly on par with the rest of the League.

A rush of wind ruffled her hair and then she felt an arm snake around her shoulders casually. It was one of the boys of the team. The other girl didn't look very amused but Amani let out a pleasant giggle. He was talking so fast and moving from one place to another in the blink of an eye, it was really funny. She didn't catch his name so decided to dub him Spongebob after his bright yellow costume. Speaking of costumes, she needed to get one too. So for the remainder of Batman's speech she was thinking about several costume designs. Way more important than......

“3, 2, 1.”

Wait what?

They were in the most gorgeous place she had ever seen! One word, it was lush. The jungle, the beach and the sea........ Amani couldn't even remember the last time she'd been to the sea, or if she'd ever been there before. The water was beautiful and she was sure she would have remembered something like this. She didn't though and a day at the beach totally beat a boring tour of their new headquarters. They would have plenty of time to figure things out on their own. Amani didn't expect a team of newbie's to have much to do, because that's what they were. She didn't mind and locked arms with the speedster giving him a playful wink.
"I wish we could just skip to the fun part" She emphasized the word wish with a mischievous smile.

"BigPapaBelial" said A public park, somewhere in Seattle, Washington.

Yeah that's what it is. A place of concrete walkways, fountains, grass expanses and copses of trees. People jogging, having those picnics. Just a place to go and relax. And a place for some people to exercise.

This is what Alexandre Cortez is using it for, on a grassy section of the park he's going through the smooth, careful movements of a routine that is as much a part of his life as his past is. Long deep lunges, stretching his legs and muscles out as much as he can, full splits at the hip and groin, leaning way out over his leg both back and forward. To a passerby, it'd look like he's trying to lose the ability to father children with how far down he's going. Or perhaps on the path to breaking his own arms, or snapping his joints. What looks painful by turning his elbow back at the joint in the wrong direction is just part of his exercise. Standing back up he rolls his shoulders. Loosening up the rest of his muscles. After abit he takes up a fighting stance. And begins going through a kata. Quick, punishing punches, lashing kicks, elbows and knees flying. After abit the young man walks over to a small punching bag and a duffel bag lying n the ground near by. Picking up the punching bag he tosses it to the ground, and begins to go through a variety of ground fighting techniques. Elbows and knees, punches and grapples, maneuvering the bag to keep in practice.

This goes on for quite awhile, just working the basics. Muscles and joints, technique and power. Wiling away the time, until he can go to work.

Taking a moment from his exercise he takes a moment to get hydrated, and looks around the park. For a moment an eerie, almost evil grin graces his face. So many people here. He looks down into his bag, a matte black pistol, M9, nine millimeter times nineteen parabellum calibre. Loaded with hollow point rounds can kill a person up too one hundred and fifty meters with a good headshot. He chuckles a little and drinks a little more, a time and place for everything. And this wasn't the place, but it'd be fun to try. Just not right now. He instead decided to call his exercise over early, he had things to do to get ready for tonight. There is time to kill, and a time for killing.

"Mattmanganon" said Superboy, a name with two side, one is the side of the man who would grow to be a god, the blue angel as they called him, the other side... Mistrust, abuse, the prodigal son... Which would he be? Superboy was stood with the rest of the team as Batman addressed them. He was powerful, no doubt, but was he cut out for being in a team like this? He had been in a team, Dad and Tash... But they weren't like this, all military and the such. It had been a family dynamic. Could he be a family with these people?

Kid Flash, they had been on what Dad had called a "Playdate" a few times, they had got dressed up, raced into town beat up a few bad-guys, KF was a good man that he could count on in a pinch... But the others... The wolf-man and Spider-man... No idea who they were... There was a number of kids not even in costume. What the hell..?

After they were Zeta'd down to their new HQ, he looked around at it. "Wow... How do you pay for all this?" he asked Batman. He had the sneaking suspicion that this was a question that would go unanswered. He rolled his eyes as Kid Flash made for the ladies, but couldn't help but smile, he had the feeling that that kind of nature would be one of the binding factors of this team.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Drakel


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Demon Shinobi" said "Well maybe I can help make your wish come true." Nate said with a smirk before hearing his mother clear her throat. "You don't even know her name." Rose commented obviously a bit annoyed with her son's actions.

Batman looked over the group. As much as he'd loved to They had a long way to go. "Right now..." He said receiving a distress call over the Justice League comm system. "Right now all of the League members will be heading back to the watch tower. You'll have to explore and get things set up yourself." He said calmly. There was apparently a problem which needed their attention off Earth.

"Awww well... I guess you need to go mom." Nate said aloud before turning his attention back to Amani. "Why you... At least introduce yourself properly." She said before the older league members were Zeta'd out of there. Kid Flash "So. Shall I accompany your to the beach?" The speedster asked so glad that they were technically free. Free from the adults anyway. "In fact. I think we should all head down to the beach! Yeah that's it! We need to celebrate! This is a big day after all!" He then said as the idea popped into his head. "And I definitely need to celebrate meeting you." He said looking back to Amani.

(I feel the need to point out that Stry's Spider character is not a part of the team yet. Kay Matt?)
Meanwhile directly above Alexandre was his partner. The ever confident and stealthy Red X. "Glad you made the right choice with the gun. Wouldn't wanna have to knock some sense into ya after all." he said calmly keeping himself hidden from the civilians. "Now hurry and meet me in that alley over there. We have something to discuss." He than said before seeming to just disappear. Indeed he was waiting in an alley hidden by his suits cloaking function waiting for the man who he called partner. Still one would think it strange that even Red's partner didn't know his identity. He kept it tight under lock and key.

As he waited Red thought about this. They'd need to meet up at the apartment building they'd been using as a make shift HQ and then prepared properly for the next job. "Geez... Having to watch and make sure he doesn't give us unwanted attention or trouble is annoying." He said to himself as he remained calm and patient.

"Dystopia" said The beach. Kid Flash for some ridiculous reason thought the beach was a perfect place to celebrate. That was a lie though. The biggest lie Ember had ever heard. After all, a beach meant water. And Ember would love to pretend as long as he could that he wasn't stuck on some piece of ground floating on freaking water. He shifted his weight from foot-to-foot, trying to think of some excuse. Not that he was sure Kid Flash would mind because the less people meant the more Kid Flash and the Amani girl could... Snuggle... Or go swimming with a suspicious amount of clothes. Whatever it was people who were flirting did. Ember's knowledge of flirting was all from literature. He was almost one-hundred percent sure Romeo and Juliet was a guideline for what-not-to-do when you liked someone.

Thankfully someone else beat Ember to the excuses. "Yeah, yeah." Ember agreed with Void, awkwardly patting Void on the shoulder. "Someone spent too much money on this place. We might as well explore before we do something awful like exploring the beach?" He was trying to should convincing but it became more along the lines of nervous "Besides, there's probably awesome things inside here. Like books." Books! Who in their right mind could turn down the possibility of books?

Although, Ember really doubted that he would stay away from the beach if everyone else went. He definitely didn't want to be stuck alone in a massive building. What if there weren't any books? What if he was stuck awkwardly standing in a massive building all by his lonesome? Honestly, Ember would rather avoid that. So, if worse-came-to-worse, he'd just follow everyone to the beach and sit as far away from the water as he could. "But if you guys really want to go to the beach..." He mumbled.

"Drakel" said A teenaged kid, the age of seventeen walked among a large group of strangers, all he never met and hardly ever saw before, none of them he seen before. This teenager however wan not like the others and wore a thick black leathery armor that had almost metallic-like silver marking covering it. These markings were written in the ancient runic writings of the ages of old and they were ordered within various swirls, spikes, and they were drawn out of lines. All of this was hidden under a pitch black cloak that weighed heavily on the teenager’s shoulders. Unlike the armor the cloak had no form of markings or anything that signified any form of color upon its dark, void like darkness. The hood was up hiding what may appear to be a faceless mask that had the entire right side glow light blue markings that moved slowly to the left like a wave of its hidden magical energy as the silver, silk like yet metallic mask was moved deeper into the hood. There was no nose in the mask nor were there a mouth, just a faceless mask that held nothing on it but the magical runes that would glow and disappear and the two sockets for the teenage hero’s strange, almost snake like yet very different purple eyes. In the teenager’s hands were two large, brown, worn out, leathery travel bags, one of which jingled with the sound of coins that would shake within the bag for every step he took within the large tower within space.

The ground of the Watchtower was indeed an alloy but none that the teenaged boy knew about, it didn’t matter much however, a layer of translucent, blue-ish ice covered his bare feet as he walked in the Watchtower, leaving a small trail of footprints for every step he took. The air itself was equally as cold front the constant fanning and air conditioning that flown throughout the large area that the group was in. Even so he could not feel it even if he tried for this teenager’s lack of nervous system dulled that feeling too far. Looking to the side there was a large window that shown the emptiness of space and with one more step to the side he could see his home… his world all below him and so far away. By just looking at it he could tell that from where he is currently at that it is impossible for him to ever touch his home again… that he is now so close, yet also so far as well… A slight feeling of homesickness could be seen within his eyes and the kid could feel it within his own stomach as well. Looking around at the others he could see their excitement, their interest within everything this normally amazing place. Though for this individual the feeling was quite the opposite. He was confused as he stared at Earth’s marvelous features from such a far distance. He couldn’t comprehend how this large “tower” could be placed inside what he normally deemed as an endless void as space and was still kept afloat by nothingness… never falling back down onto earth… like it should have, or so he believed. This place was against every thought he ever had and every belief he was ever given but then again… he never knew much about this… void… nor did he ever talk with his master about it because he never had any interest in it… But now… It seemed as though he was in his own personal hell if it wasn’t for him being able to bring his treasures with him.

Closing his eyes the teenager reluctantly switched his eyes towards the strange fellow in the yellow uniform the teenager in the black cloak stared and watched him be pulled away from the girls. This individual ran at speeds that the masked teenager could barely see and follow with his eyes and mind. He was indeed fast and in the masked individual’s eyes, too playful for his own good. He watched as the obvious mother pulled him closer towards him and told him to behave. It was more than obvious to the masked individual that after a good day or so, he will play around again… but the thought of them fighting again was one that he would smile about. In his mind the masked individual scanned the other participants, all of them looked strong in their own ways and all of them had their own variety of skills and traits… which means all of them were indeed perfect matches against him if he wanted another good fight. He especially thought of various ways on how he could even fight the speeding teenager with yellow, skin-like clothes again. Thus far within the short time that he has been here the masked teen fought four times, two of which were against that teenager in the yellow tights. The first fight was interesting and was meant to be a simple spar but instead it turned out to be an all-out fight that the speedster won when his powers caught the cloaked teen by surprise, not to mention a small allergic reaction towards steel helped him win as well but the challenge did make it a tad more fun. The second fight however the masked kid won but in his own eyes there was no win or loss. The kid was pushed through a door in which a staff member of this “league of heroes” caught him and stopped the fight. The final fight however was against a League member in a nice private spar as well… one that the masked kid would always remember for in it there were lessons to be learned… lessons that encouraged him to stay in the team eagerly.

It did not take long before an individual man that was obviously older than all of the teens walked inside with a freakish cape and batwings. The smell of this individual screamed that he was covered in steel and a variety of other objects on him… but more importantly it screamed that this individual is in fact nothing more than another human being. No gifts of extra abilities could be seen or smelt on this individual… he was just, simply… normal. A normal guy wearing a freakish bat costume for no reason at all. This day masked teenager would have to saw was the most confusing one of his life… than again there were a lot of other individuals who also wore freakish costumes as well. Maybe this was the norm for where they were and are at… This, “Batlike man” told them to listen up and so the masked teen decided to listen to what he had to say. Each member of the group would have their own individual rooms and they would be given a tour of their new home, or so says the man in the bat suit. It didn’t take long before he heard the him count down from three and without any warning or a moment’s notice the teenager could see a bright white light flash before his very eyes, the kid let out a slight cry of pain as he rubbed his eyes as they slowly readjusted.

When his eyes readjusted and “fixed” themselves the teenager was shocked to see an island filled with wildlife of the trees that carried fruit and some herbs that laid on the ground. It was all very new to him yet strangely it all also made him feel more at home… his old home where he once lived with his teacher. Still though he was amazed by the sight, the natural beauties of earth, a place he thought he’d actually hardly ever see again since he was trapped in that damned tower for so long. He looked around scanning all of the colors, greens, reds, oranges, and browns surrounded him as he noticed a tree with Dragon fruit was near him as well. The sight was indeed amazing to him. Though the sight was easily killed as soon as he got a look at the structure that the group were going to be living in. The masked individual looked at all of the building’s features though for some strange reason, in the back of his mind the cloaked teen couldn’t help but feel that the building was indeed awkward to look at. In fact for some reason the teen could almost say that it was a rather “ugly” building over all. Of course there really was no real reason for this, it just was in his mind. The others looked amazed but he wasn’t, he felt sickened by just looking at it. He tried to think about why it was so ugly to him, noting every detail it had but still, for some reason he disliked it.

Again the bat suited man talked, interrupting the cloaked kid’s train of thought... however this time the teen noticed that the man wearing black was about to say something entirely different before an annoying high pitched beeping sound cut through his hears as the bat told them how they had to go out and adventure by themselves. The Teenager wearing the mask didn’t mind this much though before the bat-man and the woman left something strange was noted by the human… the kid in the yellow suit called her... “Mom”… For a second the masked individual stared at the yellow costumed kid before he began to walk away, holding his two bags with him… as he walked away from the group with one said from him throughout the entire day… [color=silver] "Mom…"[/color] That was the only word he said and as it slipped by his tongue his tone of voice was more than enough for him to know his own feelings. The word came out with a soft, silent and sad tone of voice as he pondered upon that exact word while he walked he gripped his bags tightly as he continued to walk into the wilderness alone.

"Stryder" said Beside a boy named Mason was a strange six tailed wolf with unnatural energy radiating off of her, she was called Moira. She looked at the boy that would be the new Kid Flash and shook her head, not at all amused by Kid Flash's attitude. "That child is indeed strange, why are you humans so odd?" Moira growled, her speech directed at Mason or as she called him, Void Wolf. "I'm not sure wolf-mother..." He said mentally, he was always happy to have someone with him who he could call his own mother. "I will be checking on you Mason..." The she-wolf spoke telepathically, a wolfish grin could easily be seen on her face. "I know...mother" He thought to her, his smile hidden behind his mask as he looked to his right, his smile vanishing when he had seen she was not there. He shrugged off his emotions, that wolf was the only thing he had left that had traces of his mother, he followed the others, staying a bit behind. Being teleported to a new surrounding was nothing short of disorienting, causing him to blink in surprise. "Just checking up on you, pup." Moira's voice echoed in his mind, she was always referring to him as her pup, she had been taking care of him long enough to call him such. Mason felt a soft feeling against his shoulder, he looked to his left to see the large wolf nuzzling it.

"Not in front of them please.." He said as he looked to the others who had gotten beamed in as well, being slight embarrassed by his "mother's" actions. "What? Am I an embrrassment?" She quipped, looking up at him, her smile would look like she was baring her teeth to anyone else but Mason knew the difference. "Yes wolf-mother, may you cease? Erm, please?" He spoke telepathically , realizing his manners were out the window, the last thing he wanted to do was offend her. The lupa nudged him one last time before walking off, she had long since picked up the scent of another wolf of ample strength, she trotted off in the direction of the scent trail.(There, now Wolf can say hello) Void Wolf diverted his attention to the girl sleeping om the ground, why and how could she be sleeping there of all places? Someone could easily step on her if they weren't attentive. He knelt down and tapped the girl with his finger, try to wake her.

"dreamingflowers" said Could they be this lucky?
Amani asked herself as she watched Batman and Ravager step into the Zeta machine to teleport to the Watch Tower. She hadn't heard Mr Spongebob wish for anything and neither did anyone else. Maybe it was her fault? But that wasn't possible, she couldn't grant her own wishes. Well beggars can't be choosers, whatever was responsible for this streak of luck had her eternal gratitude. This was too beautiful of a day to spend inside.

So Ravager was his mom?
She cringed slightly, suddenly very aware of her flirtatious ways. It might be hard to believe but it wasn't really her intention to flirt. It was just her way of socializing with other people. Too bad her dad and brothers had a hard time swallowing that. They were probably miles away on the other side of whichever ocean they were drifting. Despite that fact they were still pretty much in control of what she could and couldn't do. At least it felt that way. Maybe this was all a test and there were camera's everywhere. There had to be a reason why they agreed to let her go so easily. She knew she was being ridiculous but still slid her arm carefully away from the speedster and took a small step back. These things had a way of reaching her dad and it would be impossible for him or her brothers not to take it the wrong way. Good thing Kid Flash was fast.

"In fact. I think we should all head down to the beach! Yeah that's it! We need to celebrate! This is a big day after all!"
Amani smiled, happy to at least have Kid Flash join her.
"Your mom was right, I'm totally being rude."
She turned to face the group of other teen heroes.
"I'm Amani but you can call me Djinn, since we'll be using superhero names right?"
"Your wish is my command" She added with a slightly mysterious laugh, bowing dramatically.
"Just say the words and I'll snap my fingers and we'll be beach ready!"

A day on the beach sounded awesome but not everyone seemed to think so. She wanted to go but she also wanted everyone to have fun, not just herself.
"Or.....we could just stay in and grab a bite to eat?" She asked with a slightly nervous smile, folding her hands behind her back.
"I've been told I make mean waffles"
The best way she knew to get awkward introductions out of the way was to have lunch or dinner together and she would take any excuse to mess up someone else's kitchen.

"Alsoomse" said "Hrmph," Elysia grunted and slapped the boys hand away. The girl had been fast asleep, dreaming about... Well, sleeping. In her wake she thought about sleep, in her sleep she dreamt about sleep, a peculiar girl she was, always lazy and as plain as day. Too boring for company.
She felt so comfortable in her current position, but the tap of the boy's finger ruined it all. Elysia was forced to raise her head to give him a small stare, then a yawn. "What?" She murmured, her voice quiet and scratchy from her recent nap. The girl could sleep through a storm, but yet a small tap was sufficient enough to wake her from her slumber.
Everyone was so loud how dare he wake her up at the wrong time. "What is it?" She repeated herself, but she already knew the answer; Why are you asleep on the floor? Why are you taking a nap here of all the places you could choose from? Blah blah blah. All of the usual questions and glares she got.

Her eyes softened as she slowly blinked and yawned once more, she slowly began to sit up but she was hunched over as if she were still half asleep. With her eyes still locked on the boy, she extended her hand to pinch his nose, making sure she wasn't still dreaming -her hand being cold to the touch-, "oh," Elysia sighed and drew her hand back. She took her time trying to regain her senses, which consisted of her sitting and staring and smacking her lips together in a groggy manner.
She snuggled into her yellow rain poncho and keeled over, but quickly jerked as an attempt to keep awake.

"Saarebas" said A million thoughts ran through Geb's head, a very rare occurrence for the young hero, as he followed the group through their new base of operations. To put it simple he was in awe at all the technology, most of which he'd probably never understand the use of, that filled the massive building. But he was more interested in the six tailed wolf that followed them from the Watchtower and the boy it followed. He had to force himself from following after it as it left the group, no doubt to get use to it's new supposed home. Geb's attention was once again grabbed by Batman when he announced his and the other hero's, who Geb figured was Kid Flash's mother from the scoldings she keep giving him, departure. He gave a slight frown as the closes thing he had to a mentor was zapped away to help save the world yet again, but he quickly regain his smile as he turned to his new living mates.

"A beach day, huh? That sounds like fun, though I tend to fall apart around water." He smirked some at his own joke. Seeing every one wasn't on board with the beach idea Geb tried think of a new idea, not one of the boy's strong suits. Luckily he was saved from having to think when the girl Kid Flash was flirting with changed the subject. "Ooh, food sounds great right now. And if I know the league they don't cut corners when it comes to the kitchen." His mind was already running off with images of freshly cooked food, but he was able to get his attention back to the group after a moment or two. "Right, you guys have no idea who I am. Sorry about that." He apologized to the group in a joking tone. "Well since we going to be living together you all can call me Geb." He said with a friendly smile on his face. "Oh, right I need a super hero name don't I? hmm." He thought for a second before grinning. "Masquerade. That's it." He looked over everyone. "Well what about you guys?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Drakel


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Demon Shinobi" said Nathaniel got that for the most part the beach wasn't a good idea. And he understood. Though a bit disappointed he got that it wasn't everyone's thing. "Right right right." He said before pulling the cowl of his costume back so it hung back like a hoodie. "I'm Nathaniel." He formerly introduced himself. "You can call me Nathan, Nate, Nat, Kid Flash, that's my code name by the way, KF, The yellow flash although I think that name might be a little copyrighted." He speak fairly quick again as if just wanting to get through the introduction. Still it was understandable enough. Seeing the group seeming t just go off he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "Actually I think food sounds great." Of course food always did to him. His metabolism was fast as all hell and he was pretty sure he'd already gone through his breakfast.

"Maybe we can even learn a little more about each other. Nothing too big. Just some general stuff. Whatever someone is comfortable telling." Now he was a little more calm minded and wasn't focused on girls so he was actually being normal. Well... As normal as a super powered teen could be. "Oh and about the hero names Amani those would be more for missions. You know. On the job stuff to keep our identities a secret." He said smiling. "Oh... And since you're a Djinn that'll make rounding us all up in the kitchen that much easier." He laughed getting an idea. He thought for a moment. "Alright. I think I got it." He said before taking a small breath. "I wish you and I along with the rest of the members of our newly formed team were in the kitchen." He said thinking that would be a good enough wish. Still he couldn't be too sure, but he'd find out.

"By the way, as far as you know Ravager is my mother. And my father of course is the current Flash. You should also know my grandfather is a seriously bad dude. Well If you don't know already." He said giving the safe warning and bit of information. He didn't mind telling most things about himself. But there were things he wouldn't tell. Embarrassng or personal things. "Oh and I think we should try to be ready in case we need to head into action." He added calmly since it was always a possibility. Morning, noon or night. The whole 'evil doesn't sleep' thing was a bit cliche, but seemed to be true. Did those guys ever take a break?
Somewhere deep in the forest was a cave. Inside of the cave was a wolf laying down. He'd caught the new scents but being a part of the hero community he'd learned not to over react to new scents. Besides there were a few he knew. But he got a bad feeling from at least one or two of the scents and now... One was coming towards him? Another wolf? He stood up and shook himself off a bit before stretching and leaving the cage. Why would there be another wolf? He didn't understand. Maybe Sphere knew something about this. He couldn't be too sure.

"Dystopia" said Waffles! An even better idea. Not that now was really the time for breakfast food, but... Whatever. Waffles were inside where it was nice and dry. So, Amani's plan was sheer genius. "I like waffles." Ember agreed. A djinn. He was torn between thinking of Amani like the genie from Aladin or more along the lines of Puck from Midsummer Night's Dream. "Hey, Amani," Ember started because he just needed to know this. Wishes in any form of literature almost always went wrong. So, Ember definitely had questions before Amani granted Nate's wish and... Well, Ember didn't really want to wonder too long about what can go wrong with a wish to go to a kitchen. Probably too many things.

"So,Amani, do your wishes sometimes go bad? And let's say someone wished for us all to go enjoy some awesome waffles in the kitchen- hypothetically of course. Would you be able to sense that a wish is going to go bad or does it just happen..? Do you control what sort of bad it goes?" Because genies were always evil in literature. They always pretended to be helpful, little saints until someone was suffocating in outer space. Not that Ember was trying to be mean or something; he just thought finding a djinn was awesome and he could finally get real life answers. Besides, he was pretty sure a kitchen wish couldn't somehow turn into them all drowning in water... So, he wasn't that worried. Ember just enjoyed learning about things that were actually interesting. Seriously, where was he going to use Pi or imaginary numbers in the real world? Never! But knowing how a djinn works could totally be useful for future purposes.

Pulling one of his hands out of his pocket, he held it up in a small wave. If everyone else was introducing themselves, he might as well. "Ember." He said, pointing to himself. "It's just... Well, it's my name." His real name and his code name. It worked for both and he honestly doubted anything bad could happen by using his real name. As long as his face was covered when they did missions, Ember didn't see the big deal. Slowly, a flame started to surround his hand. "I don't fall apart in water, but I'm kind of a big baby in it." He explained, letting the flame disappear.

"BigPapaBelial" said Alexandre didn't show that he hadn't known that X had been above him. He honestly hadn't, his environmental awareness would have to be something he'd need to work on. He looked up at Red X in the tree for a moment, "I'll meet you there in a few minutes." He drank again, then fell to cleaning up his equipment, gathering up his punching bag, and duffel bag, sliding things within it so he didn't have to carry several things at once, the duffel just being big enough for him to slip the punching bag inside. Covering up the M9 in the bottom of it, out of sight, out of mind perhaps? He kept his water bottle out as he walked towards the gate out of the park, as non-chalant as someone could be. Just some kid, likely with a day off from school, with a big bag of who knows what on his back, just another nameless, faceless person on the streets. No one noticed a thing when he accidentally bumped into someone...and lifted a small wad of cash from the person's pocket. Grinning abit Alexandre hefted the eighty or so dollars, perfect, though he'd have to work on it, just a one off he decided to try and pull. Maybe something he could work on in the future.

After awhile Cortez reached the alley, a casual look around made sure that no one was watching him, the single police officer he saw was walking away from him. All was safe. In he went, just taking a short cut to his destination. But once he was far enough down the alley he ducked into hiding, and looked about, and whispered, knowing Red X would hear him, "What's so important that you came out in the light X? And watching over me like a hawk no less. I can control myself." He grinned a little, clenching his fists, "And don't ever think you can beat me so easily..." He waited, watching, listening, keeping his back to a wall inside the small alcove he stood in, trying his best to catch a glimpse of his "partner".

Yes partner. He barely knew Red X. They'd only just recently started working together, just after a small profile assassination Alexandre had pulled off. And suddenly here is Red X, saying they might be able to work together. and Alexandre "Pit Viper" Cortez decided to give it a whirl. And now here he is, standing in an alley, trying to get his costumed mysterious partner to fess up.

"Stryder" said Void Wolf viewed the strange girl as she sat up and still almost had fallen asleep, why was she so tired? He grabbed the girl and took the liberty of getting her to her feet, maybe if she stood she wouldn't sleep, at least that was what he thought anyway. [color=#0040FF]"It would not be wise to rest in such a place, perhaps you should find another area.."[/color] He suggested, looking down at her, his mask always made his stare menacing, hopefully it didn't frighten the female. He wondered where Moira had gone off to, he could sense, smell, and hear another wolf, he wondered who it was. The scent was so foreign to him, he was sure that Moira would go to identify it, with that he disconnected himself from her thoughts.


Moira's fur brushed against the green foliage of the forest as she walked through it, the unnatural energy she gave off seemed to drain the leaves and thick brush. She had only placed a since paw onto the barren area a few meters in front of her and the brown dirt that had yielded no evidence of plant life began to glow a teal color. Moments after, plant life began to sprout from the ground, glowing an odd teal hue before the energy dispersed and returned to the lupa. She sniffed the air for the scent she had been tracking, confirming to herself that she was on the right path, Moira continued her search of the unfamiliar wolf. She had been moving through a very tall field of grass, poking her head through the clearing she began to sniff the air once more, the scent had been emanating from the cave in front of her. She noticed the large and muscular male wolf, the sight surprised her, this wolf was visually powerful but how much more was there than eye foretold? She stepped out of the clearing completely to face the male, her six tails flared dangerously and her teeth bared, her whole body in an offensive posture. "Let us see if this forest is rightfully yours!" The female's voice boomed in the wolf's head, Moira was the queen of forests and not only that, this would be a way to test the male's mettle, Moira would not hold back.


Arachnid's danger sense had gone off while he was fairly close to the park, he kept himself out of view and hidden as he surveyed the area. Catching sight of a kid leaving the park with a duffel bag and a water bottle in hand, he kept his watch on him. His eyes narrowed when he saw the boy bump into another and in that moment pickpocket him. Obviously there was nothing normal about him as far as innocence went, but where could he have been heading? He began to trail the boy to an alley, silently following him, he stayed silent when he heard him speaking to someone but he didn't see anyone. He switched his vision from its natural sights to infared, he got a definite hot spot, someone else was there but who?

"Alsoomse" said Elysia felt his hand pull her up onto her feet, which gave her a slight jolt of energy, but the girl was still rather tired. She gripped her pink umbrella and slowly blinked at him as he spoke to her about resting spots, which she did not mind, but barely paid attention to. "Mhm..." Elysia mumbled and staggered around slightly, trying to keep her balance as an attempt to stay awake. "Apologies," she muttered, her head shaking a few times to regain full consciousness.

She inhaled deeply, finally feeling fully awake, yet a tired expression remained on her face. She pushed back some of her hair, "I'll be sleeping a lot in strange places... Sorry if I bothered you..." Elysia said, "I'm Hail. Er, Elysia."
Without question she grabbed his hand and shook it, to just get over a greeting without all of the complicated hello's.
"We're going to be a team, whoopty doo..." Elysia let go of his hand and made a few small gestures, her enthusiasm sounded sarcastic, but it was complicated for her to act out emotions correctly.

"Mattmanganon" said As they had dispersed to search the new base by themselves, annoyed that Batman had blanked him completely. He took out Motherbox and held it up to his head "Motherbox..." It spoke to him.

"Remain calm, Jaes, your heart-rate is elevated." it said. "Calm your nerves."

"Motherbox, i know i need to keep calm. But... This is all a little nuts... And i can't get the nagging feeling i'm betraying Dad and Tash, Yes, i know that's nuts..."

"It is irrational, but understandable behavior... Just remember that John wants this." it said "Now take 5 deep breaths" He did so before exhaling long and hard. "Your heartrate is back to normal." He sighed.

"Thanks." he said, then noticed that he had walked into the Kitchen to find someone saying they were good with Waffles. "If you're making Waffles, I'd like some." he said, putting Motherbox back on his belt.

"dreamingflowers" said "Right, got it"
She said with a smile when Kid Flash explained their super hero names were only used during missions. It made sense to keep their identities secret to the public. As cool as it might sound to be famous she wouldn't want to be known as a freak to the whole wide world. Back home she was already known as the weird girl who never had any friends over because of her crazy family. That''s why she already loved being on the island. It was going to be a fresh start and she could make her own rules. Having a room for herself was already a major plus. This was going to be awesome!

Her waffle idea seemed to go over well too.
Not bad for a first impression. She thought happily.

"Well I'm not a real djinn, or..........at least I hope I'm not"
As far as she knew she was human, only her powers were similar to that of the mysterious being. None of her relatives had superpowers and when they discovered what she could do they could only attribute it to the magical Djinn. To this day her father and brothers still believe she was a Djinn made flesh. Amani believed in most stories and superstitions but she couldn't wrap her around the idea of being a real life Djinn. It was too ridiculous for words. Why would she of all people be turned into one?

There were no stories in mythology which spoke about a human djinn, not one. She had read all of their stories not because she liked reading but she was looking for clues. After countless useless fairy tales she actually found something useful. A sort of rulebook and that is where her wish granting rules came from. It was kind of freaky knowing a thousand year old rule book applied to her powers. Maybe the League could help her find some answers when she was ready to know them. For now though she preferred to stay in the dark and just have fun with it.

"I wish you and I along with the rest of the members of our newly formed team were in the kitchen." Kid Flash chimed in cheerfully.
"That is something I can do" Amani was about to snap her fingers when another team called her name. She lowered her dramatically raised arms to listen. His questions made her think.
"Well...." She started, trying to simplify the complicated set of rules to something remotely simple.
"Wishes are tricky and I'm still figuring out some things but I can kind of guess when it's going to go bad"
"It's kind of hard to explain but I can feel it in my gut, like knowing something will go wrong"

Ember explained why water and him weren't best buddies. So that's why he didn't feel like spending the day at the beach. Completely understandable. She was glad KF and her hadn't peer pressured him into going with. Now to grant her first wish of the day.

"Volo Dari" A strange lower voice echoed after her own and Amani snapped her fingers whisking them off to the kitchen.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Reaper
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Reaper Slayer of Dreams

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"There you are! I've been looking all over for you! The rest of the team already left!" Artemis' exasperation was all too familiar as Rachel continued to train on the simulated grunts she was fighting, weaving in between them and striking them with very precise movements. "I can't believe you're late on your first day, Shadow."

The young heroine known as Shadow grunted as she whipped around to kick another virtual bad guy in the jaw. "I was early, actually. I left you a message." She replied flatly, ducking underneath a jab and countering with an uppercut to her opponent's chin. The simulation ended and Rachel headed right for the bench where she had left her duffel bag of clothes and fished out a towel, wiping off her sweat while her mentor checked her phone.

"So you did." Artemis sighed, smacking her head in resignation. It wasn't often that the archer would slip up like that. She must have been more nervous than Rachel was about her joining the team. In fact, the former assassin was anticipating hearing another lecture on how she would have to try to get along and they wouldn't reveal her past until the team was ready. Frankly, if a bunch of teenage upstarts couldn't look past her history from day one, she doubted they would do so after any amount time anyway. Still, she didn't bother arguing with Artemis - the "big shots" had all agreed it was time for her to work with equals with less supervision.

She grabbed her bag and headed out of the Hall of Justice's gym, shaking her head as Artemis led the way to the zeta tubes. "You know, they're going to find out sooner or later. I really don't know if hiding it will make them trust me any more when they finally do. People tend to take secrets personally. Especially when they're superheroes." Rachel started on the topic before Artemis could nag at her again.

"I know, but Batman decided it was for the best. Besides, they'll probably try to earn your trust and make friends with you and we all know how much you dislike that." Artemis replied with a chuckle. She scanned her palm and a bright flash of light later, they were in the Young Justice's new headquarters. "Cosy." Rachel commented monotonously as she followed Artemis in search of the rest. It didn't take them long, really, they were all in the kitchen.

"Here's a latecomer to the party. her name is-"

"I'm Shadow." Rachel interrupted, shooting her mentor a glare. The times when they treated her like a baby could get irritating. "Rachel, for those who buy into the don't-use-superhero-names-when-we're-alone thing." She dropped her duffel bag in the corner and sat herself on one of the stools, waiting for the next instruction. Would they be picking rooms? Had they already toured the house? She observed her future teammates from the corner of her eye, sizing them up. The yellow dude was obviously the new Kid Flash, she really didn't recognise anyone else though, not having been in isolation so long.

"Nice to meet you all, I suppose."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dystopia


Member Offline since relaunch

A feeling in her gut. That was reassuring. At least they wouldn't end up in some version of Jack and the Bean Stock thanks to her wish. "That's cool. Do you have to grant every wish or just the ones you want?" Because that was important. Ember needed to know that if they go sent on a mission together he needed to stay quite about what Amani was. After all, if she was forced to grant every wish, what would happen if an enemy got ahold of her? But Ember was pretty sure this was safe. They wouldn't have all been put on a team together without the Justice League thinking- Oh, never mind. Well, Ember could always hope.

"So, you said your other super powers was waffles?" Ember impugned. He wasn't really that hungry, but it'd be nice to sit down with most of his team and just get to know them. He could definitely relate this to his drama club at school. No matter how well they practiced their lines, the play really wouldn't come together unless the cast could work together seamlessly.

Ember turned towards the newcomer as she was delivered to the kitchen. "Whichever name you prefer." He said simply, shrugging. He'd call her Potato-McPotato if she wanted; it didn't really matter to him. A name should be something someone should be comfortable being called. "Ember." He explained, pointing to himself. "It's just my name." He paused, glancing over at Amani. The more for the brunch the better, right? "Amani's about to make waffles. You want to join us?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Drakel


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

His hood was low, hiding his eyes more than it already was underneath the mask as we walked. His face was still hidden by the hood as he took a deep breath, inhaling the clean, air of the forest. The trees of the forest held a strong smell due to droplets of water that were still on the leaves, the dirt was also dark and matches of mud could be spotted on the ground to the side of him. Closing his eyes to focus more on the sounds he could hear the chirping of the birds, the wind blowing onto the leaves of the forest and even the sound of flowing water of the forest. He was happier this way, alone as he walked in the forest.

Slowly the boy in black magical robes walked towards the sound of the flowing water, it wasn't strong like a river but more soft and gentle. Almost like a stream and the clean smell of mother nature was all around him as he continued to walk around in the forest until he reached the source of the sound, which to his surprise was indeed a river but it was flowing softly and silently through the island, fish of all types could be seen swimming in it.

He watched it and all of it's beauty, though still the one thought pierced his mid no matter how hard he tried to ignore it was that kid in the yellow tights. The team were trading names yet he on the other-hand had none. He never needed one or cared for one until now. He could feel a heavy burden on his chest as the realization of what a name actually means hit him. He had no individuality, unlike them... All his life he lived alone with his master and now this thought of being in a larger group, one which he couldn't even give them his own name even if he tried. The thought that ached the most however, was that he was alone. Alone without a parent or a family to call his own.

Shaking his head from such thoughts the black cloaked individual focused again on the simple pleasure of his view on the forest around him. He loved the thought of living on the island but hated the thought that he has to adapt quickly to his new home even though he hated it for some reason... it was very advanced and very... oddly shaped in comparison to his cave. Still though he needed to enjoy what he has.

The cloaked kid slowly moved his hand up to take off the mask though as soon as he managed to touch it with one of his fingers another very bright flash shot through his eyes and shortly after his eyes widened from the sheer shock of what he found. He was in a building of some sort, in an area with strange contraptions and a large counter... there were knives of all sorts and tools that he could associate as cooking utensils. He swiftly moved his hands to his sides as they caught on fire. He moved his head left and right trying to figure out what has happened, how he got there and why he was there to begin with. around him he could see the team again, in addition to some other members that he hadn't noticed before. Even so he wasn't in the mood or thought of talking to them as a team. He was scared now because he again was teleported into this room by force and the fact that it all happened so fast...His eyes stayed wide as he jumped backwards, hoping not to bump into anyone as he tried to back away to better assess the situation before him. He continued to look around the room with great haste as he stood ready to fight for his own self defense against the entire team if he had too.

After a quick scan he noticed quite a few things that he could take advantage of if needed. the room was spacious and he was right next to the walls as well so he didn't have to worry much about someone attacking him from behind. Slowly he lowered his hands as they ceased to be on fire. He kept his eyes on every member of the team and kept his back on the wall as he watched them from the short distance, hoping not to be noticed and not caring to talk to anyone from the team. The urge to bite his tail grew as his anxiety was secretly still there in the back of his mind, though still he barely managed to successfully ignore it as he kept his eye out on the many members of this team.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Geb was caught off guard to say the least when they were all teleported to the kitchen. It took him a few moments to figure out how to talk again. "That was... Awesome!" He exclaimed as he turned to Amani. "You can really grant wishes? You're so lucky!." He turned and looked over the group again with a grin on his face. He was about to ask what everyone else's powers when he was cut off by the new arrival. He smiled at her as she introduced herself, looking over at Ember as he informed her about names. He extended his arm out, quite literally since his arm stretched out five feet, to shake Rachel's hand. "Geb. You can call me Geb." He looked over at Artemis and his smile grew. "Oh were his my head. It is a real honor to meet you Artemis." As he said that the arm he had stretched split into two so that another hand was offered to Artemis as well.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WitchChild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Victor Cravos, known as Mindjack when he has the costume on, walked through the park as he had an argument with a 400 year old or something spirit in his head. Could be older though, who knows how time works in the spirit or whatever world.
”For the last time, I am not going to let you take over again. Last time I ended up passed out on the floor in my dormroom covered in Cheetos bags. I vomited orange for crying out loud”
”That was just that one time, fool. As if I’d do it again”
”And the time before that I had fractured ribs after a car accident and vomited up almost an entire bucket worth of chickenwings. What is it with you and the toxic fast food crap?”
”This time time produces so much food at such a short time and for so little”
”Of course it’s so little. They were practically throwing their stock at you because you look like a Japanese grim reaper with a burning magical sword threatening to decapitate them if they don’t do as you say”
The argument was like that until Vic felt something with his telepathic abilities. He felt the wills to stay undetected. He stopped the argument to be concluded at some other point. Vic walked off the road and behind a tree to strip. He already wore his costume underneath his clothing and placed his casual ones in the backpack he wore before placing the modified motorcycle helmet. It was lightweight and didn’t obscure his peripheral vision. With that done he tossed the backpack into the air and guided it into the tree so it wouldn’t be stolen at some point.

With that done he reached out with his telepathy and found the wills again, heading towards them by lifting himself off the ground and looking down. He saw an odd figure dressed in a white and black bodysuit. He decided to watch what would happen, getting on the roof nearby which allowed him to watch.
In the jungle of the Young Justice island was the girl that called herself Druid. She had light green skin and forest green hair that reached over her shoulder-blades and bloomed flowers of various colors. She was wearing casual clothing, no costume yet, just denim jeans and jacket with an orange t-shirt and sneakers. She was watching the plants around her as she reached out to them, making them grow and bloom. She was even gathering up spores and seeds from various plants and fungi. She loved it there. She loved the nature around her and the smell of it. She placed her hand on the tree she was sitting by and could feel the roots of it extend deep into the ground. She had a very weird idea and she made the roots of the tree grow towards other trees’ roots to merge with them, connecting them. She did the same with those trees and after 5 minutes of this she had half the island’s trees connected with eachother.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sayaka wondered around the island just to get a good look of the area, after wondering around for what seemed to be minutes or hours, she ended up making her way to the kitchen where everyone was, she looked at everyone that towered over her, she didn't say anything to them and just listened to their conversations while she blended in with the kitchen silently, she wasn't being shy she just didn't want to speak to anyone there, she went over to a nearby table and put her back pack on one of the chairs surrounding it and sat in the chair with her backpack hanging on it and just watched everyone with a blank face that soon turned to a bored face," Can someone tell me what's the next assignment going to be and when it is due ?" Sayaka asked in a calm and clear tone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

( Sorry for the double post )
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by dreamingflowers
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Member Seen 8 days ago

Phewww I'm glad we ended up in the right kitchen. Amani thought, letting out a relieved sigh. Sometimes her wishes weren't all that accurate. Luckily Kid Flash was smart enough to add specifics and avoided possible disaster. Now that they were all in one place she suddenly realized the team was pretty big. There were lots of people she hadn't notice when they were on the beach. Granted she hadn't been paying attention to much. During Batman's speech she had been killing time thinking of any number of cool costumes she would be wearing. Some of them were in costume, Kid Flash was obvious in his yellow tights and she suspected a few others were wearing a costume too. It would be pretty stupid if she thought someone was wearing a costume when they were in civies. Her emerald eyes wandered around the room going over every team member. There was a new girl who had entered the HQ with Artemis a former member of the first Young Justice team. Rachel was her name and she didn't seem very interested in socializing. Amani didn't know half of their names, but that would soon change once they had time to hang out with each other. Now was the perfect time actually, with no members of the Justice league keeping an eye on them.

The kitchen was just as high tech as the rest of their HQ. Three ovens no less, a counter she could sleep on and multiple fridges and cabinets, most likely stacked with a but load of food. So naturally or well natural for her she let out a squeal of delight when she opened them. There were kitchen appliances from every tell shop she'd ever watched and when she tried to find the flower she saw at least three different kinds. "Oh this is so awesome!" She was going to love this. Back home her kitchen was only large enough for two people to stand, you could barely move around. This kitchen had the size of a living room. She put a bag of flour, a carton of eggs, sugar and a jar of milk on the counter.

While she whisked everything together she turned to Ember carrying the bowl with her, splattering some of the batter onto the floor. "Woops, I'll get right on that"
"That's cool. Do you have to grant every wish or just the ones you want?" She finished whisking and put the bowl aside. "No thank God it doesn't work that way, imagine that I'd be like the genie from Aladin" "I decide whether I grant a wish or not, that much I can control"
With that she returned to the kitchen rummaging through the cabinets in search of the waffle iron. A few minutes later she found it though it was well out of her reach, in the top cabinet. What was up with this high ceiling and high everything in this place. Who would put kitchen appliances up there? She tried not to pout. "If you're making Waffles, I'd like some." One of the other guys said. He wore a shirt with superman's emblem on it and he was taller than her, he could fetch the waffle iron for her no problem. "You can have the first one, if you can get me that waffle iron up there" She pointed with a cheeky smile.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kid Flash was amazed. Silent and amazed. Although only for a moment. he looked around at those who were in the kitchen and smirked. "Well alright everyone! I don't wanna hear anything but cooking and possibly eating! We've got a meal to prepare and precious little time. Who knows when that..." He stopped when Artemis came in and even introduced a new face. "Well... He-llo." He said before shoot over to Rachel's side. "Pleased to meet you Rachel. Names Nathaniel." He went on with the introduction telling her what she could call him etc etc. He was so easily switched into girl mode. He laughed running his fingers through his hair since his mask was off and smiled. "So we're gonna eat. Hang out. Hey isn't Tigress needed with the League? Oh and we're gonna do the whole meet and greet and all that." He said adding in the part about the league's mission since Artemis was probably needed. And there was a a distress signal being sent to her.

"Oh yeah lemme make this a little easier." He said calmly. "This is Geb, The cooking beauty is Amani, this is Ember, Don't know this guy's name, but he seems pretty cool albeit a little on edge." He said laughing a little as he shot from each person to the next when he announced their respective names. When he got by the dragon boy by the wall he was quick to shoot away finally stopping by Jae. "And the one about to get the waffle pan is Superboy. The teen of steel. Sounds a little weird, but it'll catch on. Hopefully. Doesn't really mattter since he won't be a teen forever right?" He laughed a little bit before finally stopping. Anyone I didn't name I either don't know or just hasn't introduced themselves yet. It's understandable. I mean I tried to be social, but I guess my sheer awesomeness is too much to handle." He was cocky. Really cocky. Well not really, but that was how he behaved 95% of the time.

"Anyway, I was thinking maybe we should all go through roll call one more time when the food down. Introduce. Talk, Have fun. learn a little about each other." He smile before stopping his quick speech and movements. Maybe the suit wasn't proper eating material. He was gown with a gust of wind and soon returned in more casual clothes. A pair of jeans, a black t-shirt with a green checkered long sleeve shirt on over it with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His sneakers where primarily black with a green trim. Why the change? Why the green? He wore enough red and yellow so he didn't feel like it. He laughed. "So what's on everyone's minds? He asked now sitting in a chair looking around the room.
Wolf look at Moira and blinked a little confused. So you were the other wolf. He thought since it was obvious there was a telepathic connection. He didn't move even as she charged.Keeping his calm posture and demeanor he simply lifted his large paw and attempted to swat her away. I don't know who you are or why you're attacking me and I don't really care. But I suggest you knock it off. I don't have the time or patience for you. Wolf didn't seem to really care much about the situation at all. He didn't see her as a threat. or rather he didn't care if she was. He had better things to do. Like sleep.
Red X sighed pushing his would be partner off. "Go. We're done." He said having already stolen the gun and the money from him. He couldn't leave the guy with the weapon and he'd moved everything from the hide out already. He couldn't control the wild card. And even if he could it was too much work. Plus if Alexandre tried something he could stop him right now. He'd rigged the alley with a few traps. He went out of his stealth mode and looked around. "Alright. Gotta get ready for the xinothium heist." he said to himself calmly thinking he was alone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dystopia


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Ember shook his head. "I'll clean it up." Ember offered. Because if Amani was going to the trouble of cooking for all of them, the leas Ember could do was clean up a puddle of waffle mix. He searched through the kitchen until he found paper towels and quickly cleaned up the mess before anyone could slip on it. As Amani explained further how her wishes worked, Ember couldn't help but smile. "That's awesome. You can still keep your moral code." Which was awesome. Although Aladdin was an awesome mission and Ember wouldn't really mind reliving that movie. He wasn't sure if everyone would be fine with Young Justice: The Musical, so he kept his mouth shut on that one. "You like Aladdin? I have a bunch of those movies at home. I could always bring them back here." He offered. Because... what better way was there to bond with people than by watching Disney movies? He turned his attention to Kid Flash as he threw the paper towels away. "My mind? Honestly, now that Disney's been mentioned..." Because, seriously why not? What was the point of being in a team if you couldn't be yourself? "Young Justice: The Musical."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Reaper
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Reaper Slayer of Dreams

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

So this Kid Flash was an incorrigible flirt. Great. Rachel could already tell she would be getting I a lot of fights with him over her personal space already. Though he was a nice guy, including her immediately in the cooking and introducing her to the rest of the team.

"Thanks. It's nice to meet you all." She added with a smile. She had been training before this, so she was rather hungry right now. Still, it was better if she changed out first. Knowing this Nathaniel, her bared navel would likely be earning her stares from him and she'd rather not have to shoot him to get her point across.

"Food sounds great. I'll be back after I put my stuff in my room and change into something more comfortable." She left the kitchen and claimed her room, in the most isolated corner of the base. She removed her costume and changed out of her sports bra into a pair of jeans and a black tshirt under an unbuttoned red plaid shirt. She would have liked to simply wear a white T and a pair of shorts since she would be living her and wanted to be comfortable, but she didn't think Nathaniel would leave her alone long enough for her to keep her sanity.

She was back in the kitchen in twenty minutes, reclaiming her seat. She had her throwing knives tucked under her sleeves, just in case anyone got too close and made her uncomfortable.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sayaka just watched as Kid flash enthusiastically zoomed around the room telling some of the new people about the people he knew, she leaned on the table with her arm she was on and rested her cheek on a closed fist as she listened to him, then watched him, soon another girl sat down next to Sayaka, she didn't say anything to Rachel and just looked at her, soon Sayaka said something to break her silence, but it wasn't much just something simple, " Hello." Sayaka said hello to Rachel who was right next to her, Sayaka had her hands on the table looked at Kid Flash from a far." He's gonna be annoying but friendly." she said trying to start a conversation with Rachel. Sayaka leaned up right trying to keep her table manners.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Reaper
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Reaper Slayer of Dreams

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Rachel smiled at Sayaka. "Sure... As long as he doesn't use that super speed for anything... unsavoury." She replied with a smile and a conspiratory glance at the speedster. "I've never tried hitting a moving target at that speed with a throwing knife." She joked as she pulled her sleeve back a little to show the girl beside her she had something up her sleeve, quite literally.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sayaka just looked at Rachel's arm and to the knives, she saw her reflection in the blades," I would be hard to hit him when you have to use a knife, I may let you borrow this." Sayaka reached into her backpack that was hanging on the back of her chair and took out her rifle and placed it onto the table in front of them," it would be more accurate, and it would slow him down to the point when you can hit him with your knife. It doesn't fire bullets but small syringes with a traqulizer." she said to her in a mixed tone of cold and calm,
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

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Superboy waved to Artemis as she entered and was introduced "Hi." he said. He then looked up to see the Waffle-Iron on the top shelf. "Fine. But i don't fly." he said, picking up a stool and putting it down, before climbing up and getting the iron... Unfortunately, he was never good with balance, and thanks to a small spillage, his shoes were wet, slipping, he fell into a heap on the floor, a tile cracked as his Harder-than-steel skull made contact. "I'm fine." he said, getting up... Unfortunately, due to the trip the Iron had been thrown bellow him, and because he had had instinctively put his hand out to help cushion the landing, the waffle-iron was now a Superboys-hand-shaped-Pancake iron. "Ummm... Sorry..." he said, handing her the Iron.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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It took Geb a few moments to get his arm back to normal size, even longer to get rid of his third hand. Though Geb was more than happy to see everyone getting along, despite noticing the knives up Rachel's sleeve and the rifle being placed on the table by the other girl, he decided to slip away from the group for awhile. This may seem odd for Geb's upbeat personality but he didn't feel like eating knowing that he couldn't taste anything, a trait he tends to keep to himself. He also couldn't stop thinking about the jungle just outside, he had get out there. He inched his way from the group, holding back a laugh when Superboy fell, and quickly made his way out the building. He nearly melted, literally, when he got another look of the jungle in front of him, he practically jumped into the bushes as he headed in. He walked as slowly as he could, taking in every sound and sight he could. He didn't notice his form was slowly melting away so that his true self was shown, a brown grey mound that just barely resembled the silhouette person. He was so distracted by everything he didn't even see the green girl standing in front of him, causing him to bump into her sending both to the ground.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by dreamingflowers
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"Fine. But i don't fly." Amani smiled and watched as Superboy climbed up on the stool. "I don't fly either" She said, wondering if there was anyone on the team who could. Every team had at least one hero who could fly. It was a pretty nifty power to have, to go anywhere anytime you wanted. Then without warning Superboy slipped from the stool crashing to the floor loudly. Amani let out a surprised squeal and her eyes grew wide when she saw the cracked tiles at the spot where Superboy had hit his head. "Oh my God are you?" She started to panic and quickly kneeled down to see if he was hurt. Though true to his name and to her great relief the Teen of Steel was unharmed. The floor was probably in worse shape than he was.

A few pieces of marble stuck to the crushed waffle iron he handed her. He apologized but she quickly dismissed his apology. "No no" "I'm just glad your head doesn't look like this" She said with a relieved smile, laughing away the tension. Well so much for waffles, but she could just as easily turn them into pancakes. The iron was beyond saving and she carefully put it into one of the cabinets, pretending it never happened. "Right" She breathed, still a bit startled by Superboys's fall. "Pancakes it is then" Amani turned on the stove and started to bake four pancakes at a time quickly filling up the two plates standing ready.

She heard Ember mention he had some Disney movies back home, Aladdin being one of them. The Disney movies were essentially chickflicks for kids and she adored romantic films. "I love Aladdin, it was one of the only Disney movies I got to watch growing up" "My dad was pretty set against Westernized cartoons and stuff" She said with a shrug turning over the last pancake. When she finished she turned to the group with a questioning look. So can I just yell like I do at home? She thought feeling a bit awkward. She decided to let the smell of pancakes do the work for her and before long plates were being handed out and maple syrup drenched the hotcakes.
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