Damian Luv
Courtyard - Gymnasium
The young man had been lounging in the courtyard for his afternoon off of school, reading a book that both Isabella and Steven had recommended him to read in his free time when he wasn't with Jack cuddling, talking or just hanging out watching a movie. The wind picked up slightly, flipping the page of his novel before he was done and blowing long black bangs down into his face from where they had been settled on the edges of his vision while he'd been reading for the afternoon. It was looking like there would be a storm coming soon enough; Damian hoped that by then the two of them were back in their rooms and relaxing before the real rain. Neither of them had their own room so they rarely got to spend the night together without their respective room mate being there and stopping them from really being able to cuddle or kiss.
As he slipped his bookmark between the pages his phone vibrated and set off his ring tone, the beginning of one of his favourite songs, and he pulled the device out of his pocket to see a message notification floating on his lock screen. It was a message from his match, the famously hot, Jack Thomas. Sometimes Damian wondered how he had ever been matched with the one guy on campus that even the girls fawned over, many females not knowing that he was gay still, since Jack hadn't really shown him off before at any of his matches. Jack did several sports throughout the year unlike Damian who spent his time in rather feminine clubs like floral arrangements and fashion design, but it didn't look to him that Jack minded his mild girlishness.
Be there soon.
Jack often ended up at the gymnasium when he was upset or had done too much thinking recently, though he never asked Damian to come see him at those points in time. The male stood and tucked the book into his satchel before shouldering it and heading off to the gym. He had worn a pair of loose black jeans today, with a white t-shirt and a black sweater over top of his pale and lanky body. His collar was wrapped around his neck like always, settled over his tattoo and hidden beneath the hair that curled around the nape of his neck as always. He walked with careful and long strides, his back hunched slightly in dread of what it was that Jack had asked him to come for though he would never intentionally avoid or ignore his Match - Jack was possibly the most wonderful male he'd met in a very long time, aggressive, but still he tried.
Arriving at the gym Damian walked in with his sneakers on still and deliberately walked right over to where his boyfriend was beating on an old worn out punching bag from the storage. "What's up? Are you alright?" Damian stopped not too far away, his hands shoved in his pockets though his eyes and voice told of his worry for the male before him, his concern and his fear that something was about to go very, very wrong between them.

Outside of the Crescent Dormitory
The young woman nearly fell as she rounded the corner, coming to s top where she saw a young man holding the white cat in his arms; Virgil was struggling to get away when she stopped not too far away but turned to stare at her defiantly. "Really Virgil?" She stared right back at the cat with a hand planted on her hip before she finally raised her gaze and looked at the male who was holding her cat in his arms. He was dark haired, tall and handsome though the well bred young woman would never admit such a thing aloud. Her hair was messy and tangled again, her bangs falling in her eyes with other longer strands mixed into them though she didn't look embarrassed or shy for how she had appeared before the male. She would have to go back inside to take her cat back and fetch her things, since she lived alone in the room and didn't have a room mate with later classes to bring her cat up for her.
"He's mad at me because he got pushed off the bed last night."
The young woman held out her hands to the boy, not really looking at him as she waited for the cat to be put into her arms by the male who held the obviously annoyed tom-cat. His white fur was a stark contrast to Isabella's dark hair and black dress, her pale alabaster skin nearly matching the stark snow of the hairs that clung to the boys clothes. "May I have my cat?" The young woman asked the stranger, not stopping for greetings or pleasantries as she was already going to be late if she didn't go back and get her things. She needed to fix her hair and get all of the cat hair off of her dress again before going to her classes this morning, not to mention she was going to a poetry reading tonight and needed the extra time to work on her poems and the homework she was going to have to finish before it tonight. There was quite a bit to do for the goth girl tonight, though she may find another time to work on some of it.