Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Damian Luv

Courtyard - Gymnasium

The young man had been lounging in the courtyard for his afternoon off of school, reading a book that both Isabella and Steven had recommended him to read in his free time when he wasn't with Jack cuddling, talking or just hanging out watching a movie. The wind picked up slightly, flipping the page of his novel before he was done and blowing long black bangs down into his face from where they had been settled on the edges of his vision while he'd been reading for the afternoon. It was looking like there would be a storm coming soon enough; Damian hoped that by then the two of them were back in their rooms and relaxing before the real rain. Neither of them had their own room so they rarely got to spend the night together without their respective room mate being there and stopping them from really being able to cuddle or kiss.

As he slipped his bookmark between the pages his phone vibrated and set off his ring tone, the beginning of one of his favourite songs, and he pulled the device out of his pocket to see a message notification floating on his lock screen. It was a message from his match, the famously hot, Jack Thomas. Sometimes Damian wondered how he had ever been matched with the one guy on campus that even the girls fawned over, many females not knowing that he was gay still, since Jack hadn't really shown him off before at any of his matches. Jack did several sports throughout the year unlike Damian who spent his time in rather feminine clubs like floral arrangements and fashion design, but it didn't look to him that Jack minded his mild girlishness.

Be there soon.

Jack often ended up at the gymnasium when he was upset or had done too much thinking recently, though he never asked Damian to come see him at those points in time. The male stood and tucked the book into his satchel before shouldering it and heading off to the gym. He had worn a pair of loose black jeans today, with a white t-shirt and a black sweater over top of his pale and lanky body. His collar was wrapped around his neck like always, settled over his tattoo and hidden beneath the hair that curled around the nape of his neck as always. He walked with careful and long strides, his back hunched slightly in dread of what it was that Jack had asked him to come for though he would never intentionally avoid or ignore his Match - Jack was possibly the most wonderful male he'd met in a very long time, aggressive, but still he tried.

Arriving at the gym Damian walked in with his sneakers on still and deliberately walked right over to where his boyfriend was beating on an old worn out punching bag from the storage. "What's up? Are you alright?" Damian stopped not too far away, his hands shoved in his pockets though his eyes and voice told of his worry for the male before him, his concern and his fear that something was about to go very, very wrong between them.


Outside of the Crescent Dormitory

The young woman nearly fell as she rounded the corner, coming to s top where she saw a young man holding the white cat in his arms; Virgil was struggling to get away when she stopped not too far away but turned to stare at her defiantly. "Really Virgil?" She stared right back at the cat with a hand planted on her hip before she finally raised her gaze and looked at the male who was holding her cat in his arms. He was dark haired, tall and handsome though the well bred young woman would never admit such a thing aloud. Her hair was messy and tangled again, her bangs falling in her eyes with other longer strands mixed into them though she didn't look embarrassed or shy for how she had appeared before the male. She would have to go back inside to take her cat back and fetch her things, since she lived alone in the room and didn't have a room mate with later classes to bring her cat up for her.

"He's mad at me because he got pushed off the bed last night."

The young woman held out her hands to the boy, not really looking at him as she waited for the cat to be put into her arms by the male who held the obviously annoyed tom-cat. His white fur was a stark contrast to Isabella's dark hair and black dress, her pale alabaster skin nearly matching the stark snow of the hairs that clung to the boys clothes. "May I have my cat?" The young woman asked the stranger, not stopping for greetings or pleasantries as she was already going to be late if she didn't go back and get her things. She needed to fix her hair and get all of the cat hair off of her dress again before going to her classes this morning, not to mention she was going to a poetry reading tonight and needed the extra time to work on her poems and the homework she was going to have to finish before it tonight. There was quite a bit to do for the goth girl tonight, though she may find another time to work on some of it.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Max Patel

Eclipse Dorm

As soon as Becca placed the plate in front of him, Max forgot all about what he was bothered about. He eagerly picked up the fork and began to chow down. Suddenly remembering his manners, he grabbed a napkin and wiped his mouth. "Oh sorry. Thanks for the meal, Becca. It's really good," he said, giving her a big smile as if to show that he truly meant it, which he did. "And why would I mind if you cooked for me everyday? I should be the one begging you to cook for me everyday."

Everything tasted good to Max, but then again it's been a while since he has had a nice, home-cooked meal like this. And Becca was willing to do this everyday? He could get used to this.

It wasn't long before he finished everything on his plate. There was not a single crumb left to be seen. Although he was already done eating, he decided to stay at the table and wait for Becca to finish eating as well, to be polite of course. "So," he began, trying to start a conversation. "We're finally living together. It feels kind of weird, huh?"

He made the mistake of making eye contact with the girl. He now was not able to release himself from her gentle, blue gaze. He felt his heart starting to beat harder and faster. But still he could not stop staring into her eyes. It has only been a year, but she has matured in that time. Or at least something has changed. Fortunately for him, the table was still between them and that prevented him from doing something he might have regretted.

(Sorry for the bad post XD and taking so long)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Knight of Doom
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Knight of Doom Slowly Becoming an Alcoholic

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Blake Greyson

Comet Dormitory

"Hey, I see you've been to the library again." Niall commented on Blake's stack of books. "Yea, I was just with Isabella. Also it's a lot easier to get a whole bunch of books at once rather than going to the library every day. Especially when one reads as much as I do." Blair shrugged. He could tell that his roommate was a bit more fidgety than usual, but he decided to brush it off. Not to be mean or anything, but at the moment Blake didn't care what drama was going on in his roommate's life. That was his deal not Blake's.

Blake dropped his stack of books on his desk and took out his wallet from his pocket before turning on his desk light. Then he grabbed one of the books off his pile and began to read. It was one that Isabella had recommended. It was about a young man and his adventures after getting lost on an island. It apparently had some interesting moral and philosophical views. So, ignoring his school work, Blake dived into the book head first becoming deeply absorbed. During times like this, it was difficult to get his attention. Blake's match, James, had many picture that he took of Blake in this state. Blake wasn't big on having his picture taken, but he could make an exception for James.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mivuli
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Outside of Crescent Dormitory

The first thing William noted of the girl was that she looked positively frazzled. The second was that she was incredibly pale, and that was no trick of the light. She asked for the return of the cat who'd run away in annoyance for being evicted off the bed, and William passed the cat over to her extended arms, surveying her carefully. If she was in a hurry, he wouldn't want to keep her. But if she needed a hand, well - William had two free.

Though, technically, he wasn't supposed to be there, on the grounds of the girls' dormitory. But so simple a transgression could hardly count against him too badly. Before she could turn on her heel and hurry off, however, William tucked his thumbs into his pockets. "If you don't mind me saying, you seem like you could use some help," he said in an off-hand way, an offer in itself. It occurred to him that he didn't know her name, and he figured the trade would be fair only if he introduced himself first. "My name is William, by the way. William Cresthall. May I know yours?"

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Knight of Doom
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Knight of Doom Slowly Becoming an Alcoholic

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kali Cross


Hey, Kali. I just got in and my roommates not around. What are you up to? Want to go grab some food? The text said. Kali smiled to herself. Heck yea, she wanted to grab some food. She was starving after that workout. It's almost as if he can read my mind. Kali giggled at her ridiculous thought. Then, she quickly grabbed her things and headed to the showers.

Definitely! I was just working out, so I need to take a quick shower. So on a scale of McDonalds to 5-star restaurant how fancy is the occasion? Kali typed out on her old slide phone, on her way. Questions like that are usually what most girls worried about while sitting in their room, but Kali just straight up asked them. No need to play guessing games when you can ask them and save the anxiety. By the time the text message sent, she was already in the shower room. It was fairly empty, as usual. Not many girls at this school took time out of their busy schedules to exercise. Maybe it was something to do with being a private school? Who knows?

Kali tossed her phone aside and jumped into a shower. As soon as she turned on the shower, Kali regretted her decision. While there weren't many girls at the gym, guys flooded the place. So naturally they use up all the hot water. The freezing water that cascaded down Kali's back felt good in the aspect that it cooled her down, but soon she was shivering. Kali thought back to the shower in her dorm. It almost always had hot water. But Kali didn't want to walk all they way back, in her sweaty, sticky form. So she showered as quickly as physically possible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by DisguisedDemon
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Dean Eaton

Comet-Out Front

Definitely! I was just working out, so I need to take a quick shower. So on a scale of McDonalds to 5-star restaurant how fancy is the occasion? Dean hums, not really having considered where they should go for food. It's always so relaxed with Kali, sometimes she decides and sometimes she'll let him, but it never feels like a problem. She's always been big in to working out and Dean kinda likes that, she's a great partner to go to the gym with. Definitely a motivator when he isn't feeling like working out.

Of course you were. I can always expect to find you at the gym. Just a step up from McDonalds, I figured we could grab some take out and then eat it back here. So don't worry much about what you're wearing. I'll meet you out front. Dean changes in to a black shirt with some dark jeans before heading for the front of the grounds. He's never considered being more with Kali, he doesn't think she thinks about it either. It was a mutual decision to keep this open.

"Hey, babe!" He calls when he finally spots her and opens his arms to give her a hug. "How's it been away from me? Any news on parties yet? I haven't heard anything, but I feel like I've been pretty out of the loop recently. You look good." He glances over her outfit with an appreciative hum.

Liam Hanway

Comet Dorm

Liam wanders the halls and glances in to rooms that have their doors open, checking what people are up to. He finally strolls across a room with a guy by himself, it doesn't look like there is more then one person set up in the room. He tries to figure out if he knows the guy that's in there and knocks lightly on the door. "James?" he asks, remembering seeing the guy around the school before. They don't really know each other well, but he's seen him before.

"How are you? Did your roommate move out with his match too or are you just waiting for a roommate?" It's not like he's upset with Max, he's excited for him to be getting serious with his relationship. Liam hasn't been matched yet, but he's not even sure if he wants to. He hates the idea of being told he should fall in love with the person that is chosen, but it takes a lot of the struggle of finding someone out of the way. Not that there aren't a few guys here he wouldn't mind getting with, matched or not. He eyes James' again and smiles at him gently. "I'm Liam, by the way. We haven't really talked before."

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kuroneko
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Kuroneko Daughter of Malkav

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Rebecca Callaghan

Eclipse Dorms

Rebecca couldn't help the glimmer of wry amusement she felt when Max mentioned how they were finally living together. It had taken months of subtle hints and polite requests before she'd managed to erode his will enough to get him to agree to the move. "I wouldn't say it's weird, just...different." She said between mouthfuls. "In a way I'm excited. This is an adventure." She certainly sounded earnest as she said this.

Noticing that Max had already finished his meal, Rebecca quickly finished off the last of hers and then stood up to clear away the dishes. She placed them in the kitchen sink, making a mental note to wash them later on. "So..." She said, leaning on the kitchen counter as she looked over at him. "Is there anything you'd like to do? I'm not really sure what the protocol is with new...roommates?" She ventured, unsure how exactly to label their relationship. Should she call him her Boyfriend? Her Match? "I'm happy with whatever you want to do..." She said, a little aimlessly, flip-flopping yet again between excited and nervous.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aspen Wren

Aspen Wren

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Niall Christianson

Comet Dormitory - Match Office

Niall could tell Blake was in his own little world inside the book now so he left him be, he needed to move anyhow. He still had on his boots from when he'd gotten here nearly three hours ago and simply hadn't bothered to take them off. He figured he might as well head to the match office and find his new match. Her name was Amanda and he prayed to the Moon that she would be the one he could finally take home to the pack. They were not all related but they were his family and his everything and he was their would-be King. He would rule them one day, perhaps with Amanda by his side if she could handle the wild that lived within him and within his pack.

So he strode out of their room offering a wave to Blake though he doubted he would even see it let alone notice he was gone for quite sometime. He kept his steps measured, as was customary to keep the beast within him in line. He was still young and he would appear this way for quite some time. If he were to marry a human his wife's aging would be tied to his own and would slow to match his or accelerate to match his own. He arrived rather quickly, when you're six foot six nearly six seven you do tend to arrive at places on foot rather quickly. Especially when you're a Lycan and might be moving a little faster than you should. Niall made sure to soothe the beast before he went inside. Settling down mentally and emotionally and removing any trace of the wolf before he entered the building. He opened the door and made his way inside.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ThatWeirdChick
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Amanda James
Cresent Dorms - Match Office

Amanda looked up at Magdaline with a small hopeful smile on her face.  "I'm gonna go into the medical field. I wanna be a PA, specifically. " She was happy to see that  her room mate wanted to start getting to know her. "Sure! Just let me finish-" Her phone started vibrating.  "Huh?" She picked it up and was a bit surprised. "Sorry, but my Match wants to meet me for the first time now. I gotta change and run over to the Match Office. Maybe we could maybe go out for some coffee or something when I get back?" She started digging through her bag and pulled out a light blue dress before running into the bathroom to change quickly. She grabbed her flats and jogged out after a few mintues.

She started off for the Match Office.  A million thoughts ran through her mind on the way there. Did she look ok?  Would he like her? Was he involved with someone else and want to just let her down before she got any ideas?  Hopefully she didn't talk too much around him or annoy him too much. She got to the front door, taking a deep breathe before going in. There were a few people inside, but only one guy was alone and seemed to be waiting for someone. Man...he was tall. She was only 5 foot 3.  She should have worn heels. Amanda glanced at her phone for what his name was before mustering up some courage to walk over to him.  "Hey, are you Niall?" The girl asked as she approached him.

@Stargenie44@Aspen Wren
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Outside of the Crescent Dormitory

With the cat back safely in her arms Isabella had turned to leave the male behind outside without so much as a thank you though he had spoken to her again. He was trying to be a gentleman, she could tell as he offered her his aide and she turned to look at him again, having not taken a single step away from him yet. "Where one cannot enter, it is safe to wait; patience is always rewarded." The young woman didn't wait for a response from the male and turned away from him, walking calmly back to the door and inside to bring her cat back up to her dorm room. It took her over ten minutes to walk back up with the struggling feline in her arms and gather her things; shutting the door quickly so that Virgil wouldn't be able to escape again.

While she was in her room she'd fixed her hair and gotten the cat hair off of her dress, the fabric purely black again in stark contrast to her pale skin. Black lips and long eyelashes added to her elegant features, framed by a fringe of natural raven black hair with locks falling on either side of her face. It was straight and long, the very tips coming to a stop at the small of her back and more often than not she'll pull it back in some sort of old, gothic style though today it was left long and flat; gleaming and soft. Walking back out of the dorm so glanced around to see if the male had really waited for her.


Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Knight of Doom
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Knight of Doom Slowly Becoming an Alcoholic

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kali Cross

Comet Dormatory - Front

When Kali stepped out of the shower, the first she did was check her phone. Of course you were. I can always expect to find you at the gym. Just a step up from McDonalds, I figured we could grab some take out and then eat it back here. So don't worry much about what you're wearing. I'll meet you out front. Kali laughed to herself at Dean's comment. He wasn't wrong, exercise was a stress reliever for Kali, so she did spend quite a bit of time there. With this new info, Kali threw on a loose white tanktop, with black skinny jeans, and black converse that she had with her. Then she threw her workout clothes in a bag along with her tennis shoes. Kali briskly walked towards Comet dorm, not wanting to make Dean wait. "Hey babe!" He called out to her. "Hey," She grinned, Kali really liked it when he called her babe. It was something about the way he said it that made Kali feel special. Of course she's probably not the only one he calls "babe", but he's the only one who has ever called her that.

"How's it been away from me? Any news on parties yet? I haven't heard anything, but I feel like I've been pretty out of the loop recently. You look good." He hummed, looking Kali over. "It's been pretty boring without you." Kali groaned. She hated being bored. "As for the parties, I heard that some high school third years where going to have a large party at one of the Eclipse dorms. I don't know the details or anyone going, but you interested?" Kali asked as they walked away from the dorm, she let Dean lead the way since she had no idea where they were going. Speaking of which, "Where are we going?" she asked, her gym bag swinging in her right hand. She didn't want to hit Dean, who was on her left, with it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aspen Wren

Aspen Wren

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Niall Chrstianson

Match Office

Niall stood waiting only a very few moments it seemed before he heard a set of footsteps outside. They were light footsteps, not harsh or upset but quick and almost excited sounding. However they hesitated before the sound of the door swishing open and the room filled with warmer outside air filled with different scents. He inhaled, definitely female, he kept his back turned as if he could not hear the girl, Amanda. He was grateful he had remembered to shave this morning now. He was almost a bit nervous but the beast pushed it aside, reminding him of who and what he was. He had soothed the wolf almost into a sleep but it had awoken, a constant presence in his mind and body.

He could feel the air stop as she hesitated before moving closer and speaking. "Hey, are you Niall?" came a lovely voice that reminded him of the soft coo of the doves that were frequent sights in his pack's territory. He was almost startled but kept his face calm. He pulled down the sleeves of the black t-shirt he had put on to hide what of his tattoos he could hide, sometimes they could startle people. He turned in a rather quick movement, spinning a bit on his heel to face the girl. He was so used to the women in his pack being at least slightly tall, around five foot ten, when he had to look nearly straight down he was a bit startled by how tiny this girl was. He was well over a foot taller than she was if not over a foot taller than she was. She was thin and almost delicate looking like a flower with long medium dark hair. He tried his best to keep his face as friendly as possible. He smiled down at her, "Yes, I am. You must be Amanda, it's nice to finally meet you. I'm sorry I couldn't be here earlier, I had a few things I needed to do."

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ThatWeirdChick
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Amanda James
Match Office

"It worked out ok, I was running a little late to get here." She smiled a little, rubbing the back of her neck. "First things first, I guarantee you that I am not 12, but, infact, 18." The shorter girl joke lightly. Her baby face usually got her held up and questioned before finally being allowed to go in. She inspected him and found that her Match was attractive physically. She could only dream that he had a personality to match. She wondered briefly what they should do before looking up at him again. She really should have worn heels. "Is there anything you want to do in particular? " She asked a little curiously.

Not much flew through her mind at the possibility of what they could do as a way to get to know each other. Maybe she should start a conversation about their interests. "So Niall, what do you like to do for fun?" She asked after a small silence had fallen over them. Maybe he was a writer like her and Magdaline. Or maybe they weren't his thing. She was sure she put no preference in the interviews she had conducted with the school online. Amanda felt the nervousness set in, and with that came the need to fill the silence. While she could resist the urge rather well, it didn't mean that she couldn't accidentally start talking too much. "I, uh, don't really know my way around yet, so I'm not too familiar with what we could do around here."

@Aspen Wren
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mivuli
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Outside of Crescent Dormitory

William didn't get her name, but instead, "Where one cannot enter, it is safe to wait; patience is always rewarded." Perplexion wrinkled his brow - was that a riddle he was meant to decipher? It's meaning was clear enough, but the manner in which it was conveyed...that confused him. By the time he managed to wipe the expression of his face however, the girl was gone, cat in tow. Rubbing the nape of his neck, William found a wall to lean against. She hadn't expressly told him to be gone, had mentioned patience, so wait he did, for ten minutes to pass.

When the girl appeared once more from the dorm, William pushed himself off the wall, his bag swinging behind him. Her hair - long and silken - brushed her lower back. Even from the distance, he could see pitch-black lips and long eyelashes as the girl's gaze panned the courtyard. He blinked momentarily at her, taking in the details of her appearance, before he could remember to gather his feet and take a few steps towards her, a gentle grin on his face. Looking over her belongings, he offered open palms, though he didn't expect to be handed any books. He was a stranger, after all, and she didn't seem to be the very trusting type. But no matter if so.

"You still haven't told me your name," he said, one side of his lips curling upwards in an almost teasing manner. Turning on his heel to face the gate of Crescent Dormitory, he nodded down the path. "Where are you headed?"

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aspen Wren

Aspen Wren

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Niall Christianson

Match Office

Niall released a rumbling chuckle that was a bit close to a growl for his taste but he watched her carefully, he could tell she was nervous. "It never crossed my mind that you were that young." He rumbled back at Amanda. Now that she had mentioned it he did note that she appeared very young but it was more a size thing rather than too much of a baby face. She was positively tiny. He thought for a moment that he could pack her for days on his back without tiring she was so tiny.

When she started to ask question he had a sudden need to soothe her, he could smell the nervousness now. Nervousness was something she would have to learn to hide if she were to come home with him. It excited his own wolf enough to make his steel his will and keep his wolf in check so that he would not scare her. "I like to hike and spend time in the woods on campus. I also am a leather-smith and tan animal hides and make clothes and other things." When she explained she was new and didn't really know where anything was just yet and what there was to do around campus he understood the feeling. "That's quite alright, I know my way around fairly well now. What do you think about going for a bit of a walk then getting something to eat?" He questioned trying to ease her nervousness.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ThatWeirdChick
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Amanda James
Match Office

He had to be half-giant or something. Not that it was a problem, she prefered guys on the taller side, but...his neck would hurt after a while of staring down at her. She felt bad for him, taking part of the blame in her mind. She raised an eyebrow and was a bit surprised.  "Liar, on the way in, some people asked if I was in middle school." She chuckled. "It's kind of a force of habit as well. Can't help it when I meet new people and it's not obvious that I am older than what most think based on my ever-so-youthful looks." She joked with a small giggle.

Amanda nodded as he answered her question. "I see. I like the woods here, never really went hiking before, as well as leather smithing. What else do you usually make with your leather?" Amanda mentally patted herself on the back for starting the conversation. His attempt at soothing her worked a little, she almost visibly calmed down at the mention of a walk and possible grabbing some food after. "Sounds like a great idea, Niall." She praised, turning on her heel. She was doing OK so far. He didn't seem annoyed either, so she had to be doing something right. She wondered what she would ask if there was another silence. Maybe his favorite food or maybe what his least favorite thing to do was.

@Aspen Wren
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Max Patel

Eclipse Dorms

"Is there anything you'd like to do?" I'm not really sure what the protocol is with new...roommates?"

Max snapped back into the conversation, finally breaking eye contact with Becca. "Uh... well I kind of wanted to unpack first," he said, getting up and pushing in his chair. He had intended to clear to the table but Becca had beat him to it. He walked back into his room and got a better look at it. Becca had already settled in apparently and he could tell that all of her stuff were already unpacked. Wait, so they were going to be sharing this room? He glanced over at the large, king-sized bed. They were going to be sleeping in the same bed?

He walked out of the bedroom and back into the kitchen. "Uh... Becca? Are you sure you want to be sleeping in the same room...? Are we ready for that?" he asked nervously, scratching his head with his left hand.

He supposed it's not that big of a deal if they don't do anything... But it would feel awkward. However, if she was okay with that arrangement, he would just deal with it. He was a bit shock at how quickly their relationship was going though.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VarionusNW
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VarionusNW Nobody In Particular

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Steven Rite

Comet Dormitory

Steven didn't really have much to do, and he liked it that way. He sat at his desk, headphones in, blasting every Tool album, in order, at full volume. He had been working on the same drawing for what seemed like the past hour, frustrated by the utter hatred he had for drawing animals."Why did i think this was a good idea?" Steven muttered to himself, while resting his forehead in his right hand and looking down at the pitiful excuse for realism. He had given himself a challenge, and wasted an hour failing at it, at least, that is what he felt. He sighed, ripping the pitiful drawing of a dog off the desk, crumpling it up, and tossing it into a small trashcan, nearly filled to the brim with reminders that Steven Rite couldn't draw dogs.

Steven took his phone off of his desk, where it lay playing the "sultry" sounds of Maynard, and turned off the music. For a while, he had been curious of who he would be matched with, but with the lack of any word about it, he had begun to lose hope. Though, Steven was confused as to why he was losing hope in it, as he had thought he had no interest in it in the first place. 'Maybe I'm just curious? Yea, that's it, just curious.' He thought to himself, while pacing around in complete silence. Steven didn't want to dwell on it to long, and so, he decided he needed some fresh air. He swiftly cleaned up his desk, aimed a few choice words at the trashcan of discontent, and left.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aspen Wren

Aspen Wren

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Niall Christianson

Match Office - Woods

Niall watched Amanda carefully, when she called him a liar he was quite startled. No one had ever called out him in such a manner, one simply did not call the heir to a pack as substantial as his own a liar to their face. He started to take offense and then remembered who he was dealing with. He was among humans and they said these things in jest to one another while Lycans did not do something of that nature unless they wanted a fight. Of course all of this took only moments to occur. "I would not think such a thing, I do not think they would pair me with someone so much younger than I am." Niall rumbled back at her with an easy smile. He tried to keep his face open and friendly, things were much less complicated with his own kind than with humans.

He took the step or so that would take him to the door and opened it, gesturing for her to move out the doorway in front of him. "I can make all variety of clothes or packs, even wallets and some of them I leave the hair on and sell them as hair on tanned pelts. They are very popular with some people. It is not a big deal really if you haven't been hiking before. We can just go for a walk today." He was rather easy going most of the time, especially here at the school where he was not constantly proving himself to have the strength to rule the pack. It was sort of nice but his role was so much less defined here. At home everyone had their place and things were much simpler.

He walked as slowly as he was able with his lengthy stride but made his way to the edge of the woods and then paused for a moment. He would take her on a trail to the lake and back. It was probably a mile round trip, nothing too strenuous he though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ThatWeirdChick
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Amanda James
Match Office - Woods

"You're right about the age thing, I guess." She stared up at him, thinking for a moment before chuckling. "You know, your face will get stuck like that if you keep forcing that smile on your face." Amanda stretched her arms a bit. "I won't take offense if you have a resting face at some point. "  She walked to the door nodding and thanking him as she walked out. "I take it you're a bit of a DIY kind of guy? I make jewelry for myself and others sometimes.  It keeps me occupied and I think it's a little more meaningful that way." She kept up with him, naturally being a fast walker. "It's such a beautiful day as well. " she thought out loud as she admired their surroundings, taking it all in with a small sigh. She really loved nature.

She watched him from the corner of her eye. Things seemed to be going well, at least to her. She felt that she could be herself around him and he seemed to kind of be relaxing, a bit tense still, but it was progress. She was still as nervous as ever, but she started to calm down a bit.  It was something about him. Probably how casual he was acting made her realize he wasn't necessarily going to judge her outright.  She watched the clouds as they went by, finding shapes in them and wondering what the weather would be like later. She knew it might rain later tonight but it was a small chance. Maybe if they didn't get back too late, her and Magdaline would be able to run and go out together.

@Aspen Wren
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