Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Name: Claribel Donner
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Crew Position: Captain
Race: Human

Appearance: Claribel isn't particularly tall at all, not even hitting average height. At the very least, her figure is good, though she's been known to curse her 'stupid boobs' when they get in the way. Her skin is a bit sun tanned, and she has wide purple eyes. Her hair is pink and long, covering her ears and going past her shoulders. Her preferred outfit is a pair of boots with shorts, a short sleeved shirt, and a light coat. She typically has her weapon, an iron rod more than a meter long, across her back for use.

Personality: Claribel is about as carefree as they come. When it comes to people, she is generally pretty dismissive of most, often right to their faces. Her rudeness doesn't stop there, as her honesty often comes to mouth before anything resembling restraint. She is also stubborn and single-minded: when she sets herself to something she's probably not stopping until it's done. She can be quite clever when she has the care for it: combat, for instance. She also tends to take some things for granted, as her upbringing wasn't exactly the most normal.

One thing she cannot stand is the mundane, thought not because she dislikes it, but because it doesn't stick in her brain at all. She seeks interesting people and situations, sometimes to the point of recklessness. One might even say that's what she lives for. She certainly has a bit of rebellious, teenage spirit, as she occasionally does things if she thinks something interesting will come out of it.

Backstory: Claribel has been familiar with the modern sea of pirates for a long time. It was only a month after the execution of Roger when she was born aboard the passenger vessel her parents managed. It had been a lucrative business, but with the onset of the Age of Pirates, Flors Donner found his business failing as the common folk were too afraid to move far past their homes any more. As he struggled, the answer came to his from the mouth of his wife, Isabel, who said something he'd never have considered with the safety of his wife and daughter to consider.

Flors Donner became a pirate. But with a wife and child he could not afford to take a bounty, so while he flew the black flag symbolizing freedom, he never pillaged or killed. No, he targeted those who stole his business, aiming at pirates. Not at first, of course: while he was one of the strongest men he'd known, and Isabel was getting better with a rifle for those worst case scenarios, not pirate could work alone. Flors went from razed town to razed town, sifting through the ashes to find those who'd the Marines failed, and relighting their fire. And so the Inferno Pirates sailed to the day where the sight of their flag would strike fear in the hearts of pirates and hope in the heart of the common man.

As for the baby on board, Claribel's childhood was spent among the sailors, learning their names and their stories, picking up some useful seafaring knowledge and skills to boot. After a while, that was: not because she was young when she was taught. When it came to combat she learned much quicker. But while the crew initially believe it to be a matter of interest, or talent, the truth would be learned later. Isabel had become stricken with grief upon learning of the death of her parents, news of which was relayed to Claribel. And yet, some hours later, Claribel was upset, not sure of why her mother was sad. After being told once more, she was satisfied, until the next morning, when Claribel was once more confused about her mother's mood. She known that her mother was sad, but she couldn't remember why.

After she'd forgotten the death of her grandparents yet again, Flors was getting concerned, and began to seek out some medical advice. Claribel had always been a bit absent minded, but this was a bit much. After some study, there was a hypothesis that seemed to fit what Flors knew of his daughter.

Claribel had a memory disorder. She could only remember things that were interesting to her the first time. Otherwise, she would need to be told repeatedly. Even then, however, she still risked forgetting again after a while.

Claribel certainly didn't forget that. She even got a bit worried: what kind of things had she forgotten? If something became boring to her, would she forget about it one day? She couldn't just decide what was genuinely interesting to her or not either. After some thinking, she finally concluded that if she was going to have problems remembering things, then she should just get as many interesting memories as she could.

Through her teenage years, Claribel would finally start helping a bit more out on the ship, mostly aiding in the sailing until age fifteen, where her father allowed her to start fighting alongside the rest of the crew, where she showed that she did have a good deal of strength. But once the novelty of that wore off, she was starting to get bored: she'd been on the boat for her entire life, after all. She had to come up with something.

Then, almost two years later, opportunity knocked. After a battle with pirates, the crew looted a Devil Fruit, and Flors sent the quartermaster to work on getting a buyer. Claribel wasn't having any of that though. In the dead of night, she went to where the Fruit was kept and ate as much as she could stomach (less than half) before leaving the rest and leaving the boat in the middle of the night, only leaving a note explaining that she'd left. Chances are they were going to be pissed, but Claribel was happy. Not that she was now free: she always had been. But now all the adventures and stories she'd had with them were good memories, and would probably never become boring, so she'd never forget them.

But now alone, she wanted to start her own crew, one with a bit more ambition. She needed a boat and a crew, but was at a loss as to where to start. In her wanderings, she found herself on Pol Topelia, deciding that this large island was where she was going to make her start. But she wasn't going to accept just any old mook on her crew: nope! What kind of Captain would she be if she forgot who worked for her?

Long Term Ambition: To see if raging across the sea on the way to becoming Pirate King is as fun as it sounds.

Medium Term Ambition: To form her pirate crew on Pol Topelia. (Note, this is not meant to be a good example for a Medium Ambition of your own. Ideally, yours should be more involved with Pol Topelia)

Devil Fruit: Echo Echo Fruit, Paramecia type. Upon eating it, Claribel has become an Echo human. This manifests itself into two main abilities.

The first is her improved perception: she has an easier time hearing the echos and reverberations left by other things, and has better hearing for it. However, it's dependent on conditions: it a crowded street, there's so much noise it's hard to focus on any particular noise, but in silent room, she can probably hear the fast heartbeat of a hiding person. Aside from mere perception, she can't do much with it. Being able to tell if someone is lying or not based on their heartbeat would be to difficult even in ideal conditions for instance. Focus is also important: in the heat of battle, differentiating sounds is certainly trickier.

Her other ability is to create echoes where there otherwise wouldn't have been any. The only requirement is that she must be near the origin of the noise. Then, with her hands, she can manipulate the air to recreate the sound, one of her hands emitting pulses of faint white light as she does so. It doesn't need to be identical, however, as she can also manipulate where it goes, though some applications of her ability are unbeknownst to her, she can make a sound pass back and forth over a person, making them hear one thing several times, or she can redirect the whole wave at once onto a single point, creating a much louder resonance in a small area, attacking the eardrums. However, every time she makes a sound repeat, it steadily decreases in volume, like any echo. Deaf opponents or any with ear protection are more resistant to her abilities, as they can't hear her misdirections.

Fighting Style: Claribel is quite strong in her own right, able to wield her rod weapon with a good amount of speed and strength. However, she often uses it in tandem with her Devil Fruit, disorienting the opponent by repeating or otherwise changing the sound of her attacks, or creating bursts of sound and focusing them onto a single point (usually an opponent's head).

Notable Equipment: A smooth iron rod, a bit more than a half a meter in length.

Skills: Having lived on a boat her whole life, Claribel is well versed in sailing.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tendo
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Tendo Lurking, always.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago




Crew Position


Vice isn't your ordinary woman. Since the very moment she was born, she stood out for three things ; her ashen hair, her snow white skin and her blue eyes. She grew into a beautiful woman of average height, with short hair, a slender physique and an obvious love of kimonos since they're practically the only thing she ever wears. She could easily play the girlish, fragile princess role if not for the katana always by her side.

Vice could be described as a social chameleon. She can be charismatic, cheerful, silly and pretty much anything if that gets her closer to her goal. That's her mask though, not her real self.

To be brutally honest, even Vice herself isn't sure of what kind of person she is. There is only a handful of people she trusts and around them she's usually quiet and relaxed with a peaceful smirk on her face. On the other hand, when on a mission or around people she doesn't know or like she is a cold and seething person, always calm but ready -and eager- to strike without mercy at a moment's notice.

Other than that, a trait which she is oblivious to is that she's probably the most literal person to ever exist. For example her revolutionary Commander, Alzac, still tells the story of how she gave him a crude drawing of her sword after he asked her to draw her blade in order to assess her skill, shortly after they met.

If you ask her about her past and you're lucky enough to get a serious answer, you'll learn that she was born a slave. Her parents were sold to a nobleman in Sabaody Archipelago and then taken to South Blue where she was born.

Deep into South Blue, Vice lived a somewhat good life -for a slave- with food and clean water and only a few beatings every month. However, she wasn't and still isn't the kind of person to accept fate, destiny or whatever you call it. While both her parents urged her to forget escaping and do her best to pass unnoticed, every day that passed she got stronger as she had convinced another slave, and old man who claimed to have been an infamous pirate worth 25 million beli to train her.

By the time she reached 16 years of age, she was stronger, faster and more agile than she could ever imagine. Yet that was only the beginning. She spent every day of the following year training and forming her escape plan and once she felt ready, she simply vanished without a word to anyone. She had no idea about the hell that would follow.

A few days after the escape, the slaver who owned her announced that he'd kill her parents within two hours unless she returned. And unfortunately, she did. The beating she received left her unconscious for days with only the old pirate looking after her since her parents had been sold. Three days later, she vanished again. The following night, she broke into the nobleman's mansion, stole his family's heirloom katana and roughed him up until he ordered all the slaves freed. She left the island with her new blade and the old man who said he knew where to go next.

The rest of her story she keeps for herself although what is known is that she joined a cell of Revolutionaries and carried out many missions in South Blue until some time three months ago when she joined a dojo in Pol Stictid for no apparent reason.

Long Term Ambition
Destroy the World Government.

Medium Term Ambition
Take down the tyrant, Dario Capper.

Fighting Style

Notable Equipment
Her katana, Izanami.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aldridge
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kohl Ortega



Crew Position:



Kohl stands at 6 feet tall, with a lean build to compliment his height. He has crimson red hair that is a distinct feature of his, along with the eye patch located over his right eye and the bandanna that is always wrapped around his forehead. His exposed eye is a light blue and his skin is a light tan. Kohl wears a black overcoat with red trimmings that are the same color as his hair. His pants are a dark grey to go along with his undershirt and his boots are the same black as his overcoat.

Kohl is a very shy and timid person. Generally too scared to approach others for conversation. Kohl has lived his life on the outside of all the crowds looking in. Wanting to be within the groups of people that passed by but too shy to even approach them. Kohl has lived a lonely life, only talking to people when he really needed too. Although Kohl is a very timid individual, he is very persistent. Never giving up on his dream of having a place he can call home with friends and family alongside him.

Kohl being the shy individual he is never really learned how to communicate with the people around him. Getting highly nervous around people, he normally stutters and mashes his words together. Stuttering and messing up his words doesn't help that he talks with a quiet tone most of the time and is rarely heard. Kohl hates being the center of attention, and the quirks he has when it comes to talking to people only embarrasses him to the point where he gets more attention from the people than he normally wanted, which only adds to his social anxiety.

Kohl had always been traveling with his father since he could remember. Town to town, Kohl and his father would repair ships in exchange for rides to the next town. Kohl and his father would go to sleep hungry and thirsty everyday. Barely making enough money to get food and water, they would ration them out everyday. One day while they were on board a pirate ship, Kohl could not sleep. He was too hungry to even close his eyes so he thought a little walk around the ship would get his mind off his stomach. Kohl was walking around when he stumbled upon it. A large chest in the center of a empty room. Kohl could only imagine what was in there, and the first thing that came to mind was gold. Kohl contemplated at first, knowing what his father would say if he got caught stealing, but he also knew his father and him worked hard for near to nothing; it just didn't seem fair to him. Kohl opened the chest in hopes of finding gold, but instead found a large fruit. Kohl started drooling at the mouth, his hunger overtaking his morals and he instantly started eating the fruit. The fruit was horrible, but he downed it anyways. With a semi full stomach now, Kohl went back to his sleeping spot and went to bed.

Kohl started to feel weird things a couple of days after he ate the fruit. Kohl would be doing simple repairs on a ship, and touch a simple piece of wood and it looked like his hand would turn like a solid piece of wood. Kohl would freak out, but when he looked down at his hand again it was normal. Kohl went on like this for a while, touch a rock and his hand would take on a rocky type of feature. Kohl started to analyze the situation and decided he made a terrible choice in eating that fruit. He knew what was going on, because of the pirate gossip going around about devil fruits that grant magical powers to whoever eats them. Kohl's hunger had taken over his mind at that point, and he didn't even think of the consequences when he ate the fruit. Kohl started to figure out his ability. He was able to touch the texture of something and transmit it around his body. He could touch a rock and his entire skin would turn into solid rock, and all he had to do to get it back to normal skin was to focus on how his skin used to feel before he changed it.

Kohl was only 15 when his father passed away, his father was sound asleep one night and never woke up in the morning. Kohl had no idea what to do, his father always took care of him. His father would be the one always finding work. Kohl was lonely, tired, hungry, thirsty, and broke in the middle of a town he didn't even know the name of. Kohl contemplated and mourned his father for a couple days, before doing what he does best. Which is look for work, and travel from town to town, barely getting by. It was what Kohl only knew at that point in his life.

Kohl is now 19 and on his way to Pol Topelia in a one way boat trip. Kohl has told himself since he was 15, that he will try and find a new family. Kohl tells himself at every stop that this will be the stop that he finds friends and family, but he never does. He doesn't even believe in that anymore in the back of his mind, but he keeps telling himself that in order to be motivated to last another day.

Long Term Ambition:
Find friends and family, a place to call home.

Medium Term Ambition:
Find work in Pol Topelia that can give him enough money to last till his next destination.

Devil Fruit:
Terra Terra Fruit - Paramecia -

Whenever Kohl touches an object such as a rock he can turn the texture of the rock into his skin. Giving himself a hard, nearly unbreakable rock fist. He can do this throughout his entire body as to make a sort of hard shield that could withstand a far greater blast than his normal flesh skin and bones could. Kohl takes on the properties of the said material he chooses, such as a diamond which is hard to be cut, but can easily be smashed.

Also Kohl can also pick up a item while in the form of a material and turn that item into a material, although be it reasonable. He couldn't turn a entire ship into rock or anything like that. Maybe he wanted to make a piece of wood into a large metal beam as to inflict more damage to the target. The use of this ability will only last a couple minutes after the item has been dropped from Kohl's hand, and it will return to its normal form.

Fighting Style:
Kohl is quite strong in his normal human form, normally taking and giving a beating a fair amount. Kohl greatly increases his versatility by using the materials around him to his advantage and giving him a upper hand in not only defensive but offensive capabilities.

Notable Equipment:
A two string bag of assorted tools, a small rock he keeps in the bag in case he needs a material to turn into.

Skilled repair man
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Crimson Lion
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Crimson Lion Watch Me Roar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alexander Storm, Dr. Storm



Crew Position:


A young man with jet black hair and equally black eyes. Alex usually wears a black suit with the collar popped up along with a white dress shirt with black gloves when not fighting and taking off the jacket and gloves while rolling up his sleeves when fighting. He exchanges the suit for a white doctor's coat when he gives people checkups.

Personality: He is socially awkward in a way, not knowing how to interact with people he just met in normal conversation which usually leads to him just staying silent. His quietness sometimes gives off an impression of arrogance and superiority, which gets him into trouble and often fights. He finds this trait of himself troublesome and is trying to fix it the best he can.

Alexander is a caring person who is always silently looking after others, helping anyone from complete strangers he sees on the streets to sometimes the enemy. He's very passionate about being a doctor, going so far as to travel the pirate infested seas in order to learn more and more about new medicines and healing techniques, and takes great pride in his work. He sees being a doctor as more of an honor then a profession, saying that the art of curing and healing other people is very righteous. Because of this mentality, he thinks very highly of other doctors.

Backstory: Alexander was born in Coastellia, a port town on the red line. He lived with his mother, Martha Storm who was a merchant and his father, Benjamin Storm, who was a pirate that went by the name of 'Boomerang Ben'. He began teaching Alex the basics to using a boomerang since Alex could walk and Alex quickly grew a liking to it. His father however left Alex and his mother abruptly when Alex was 5, heading towards the Grand Line with his crew in hopes of finding Gol D. Rogers rumored treasure. Alex was devastated by this, and decided to become stronger in the art of boomerang combat in hopes that he can one day leave home to find his father.

When he was only 7 years old, his mother died from a rare disease called Psychosairosis where the victim will first go insane before losing all sense of reality, the person's limbs slowly shut off one after another before the person’s heart stops abruptly. The sight of his mother's suffering to this ailment inspired Alex to become a doctor, hoping to find a cure to the horribly merciless disease and giving him a second reason to leave home.

After his mothers death he lived with his uncle, a fisherman who cared for Alex as if he were his own son. Alex spent his days training with his boomerang, or studying intensely since the passing of his mother. He would read any and all books about medicine he could get his hands on and skipped many grades, officially became a doctor at the young age of 14. The day after he graduated he immediately left his home, saying good bye to his uncle to travel the world in hopes of expanding his knowledge in medicine and one day find his father.

During his travels, Alex had realized that the sea was not kind to those who couldn't defend themselves. Alex's talent in using a boomerang as well as a multitude of gadgets and tools he created on his journey helped him survive on the open sea's. Early on, Alex noticed that he was somewhat defenseless in close quarters combat, and in response created his primary weapon being his trust Kukri/Boomerang hybrid, Scalpel.

He got by by working as a travelling doctor, going from port town to port town helping the sick. He stayed at each town for around a week before getting enough money to leave for the next town, gathering information about rumors rare medicines or anything about his father. After 6 years all that he's learned about his father is that he was part pirate crew that left for the grand line a year after leaving his mother but never returned.

Long Term Ambition: Alexander's reason for leaving home is tied to both of his parents. The first reason is to become one of the worlds greatest doctors, inspired from his mothers death, and the second is to find his father in order to ask him why he abandoned Alex's mother.

Medium Term Ambition: Alexander came to Pol Topelia because he had heard a rumor of a doctor that had found a cure for the illness his mother suffered from.

Fighting Style: Alex fights using many different long range weapons, from grenades to boomerangs. In close combat, he uses Scalpel as a dagger to defend himself before using one of his bombs to increase the distance between himself and his target.

Notable Equipment: Under his jacket, he wears a vest with pouches that are all filled with medical supplies as well as a multitude of tools and gadgets which currently include multiple collapsible boomerangs, grenades, smoke bombs, flash bombs, high frequency grenades and a knife.

On his back he carries his first and favorite weapon Scalpel, a boomerang shaped kukri made of a carbon alloy metal, making it light yet still somewhat sturdy. The blade part of the weapon is on the inside of the V shape and the center is empty, making a sort of handle on the weapon. Because of its shape, it works the same as any other boomerang except that that the blades as sharp as surgical tools, hence the name.

Skills: He is a prodigy doctor, knowing every bone and muscle in both the human and merman body and having the knowledge to treat almost any wound. Because he reads all the time, Alex has a random amount of knowledge on various thing ranging anything between the history of Gol D. Roger to the different types of birds.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Chester B. Arnold



Crew Position:


5'11 tall, roughly 200 pounds. Chester sports a muscular but fit build making him have a rather slender look. His hair is a shining blond and his eyes are piercingly golden, his has a bronze hue from all of the hours in the sun. He's what many would call 'pretty' and 'handsome' which he uses to his full advantage whenever he can.
Dressing nicely is one of his fortes, and will forgo food or water for clothes and rum if coin is tight.

The most notable part about Chesters personality is the look in his eye, the way he walks and how his breath smells. His entire being reeks of alcohol, sometimes he can barely walk straight or keep his eyes fully open. Slurring is also common practice and getting into trouble is even more common. While he is always absolutely wasted, he is still both intellectual and witty, but sometimes these traits are diminished by the grog in his veins.

He's a trickster who likes messing with people and going against what he's told. What he has in charm he lacks in discipline which was the reason he was kicked out of the Navy's Marine Corps when he was a private. A Casanova he's chasing skirts and bellis to buy himself another drink, and they're not mutually exclusive.
While he does seem to be a fun guy who only enjoys drinking and women, he can be quite crude and has been known to be quite the interregator with his knife and devil fruit power.

Suckmydick. (AKA WIP.)

Long Term Ambition:
Find One Piece and drink from it, as he is convinced that One Piece is the greatest grog in the world.

Medium Term Ambition:
Repay his debts to the mobster Don Calliote.

Devil Fruit:
Chester has eaten the Phase Phase fruit and is now a intangible human.

With the fruit's powers he is able to make himself, objects and potentially even other people that are in contact with him go through solid objects such as metals, wood and earth. However, while phasing he's not unable to move, allowing him to clear quite a lot of distance by going through objects. His powers allows him to only phase through foreing objects, which thus prevents him from leaving something inside of a object, like for instance becoming tangable inside of a wall, or putting his hand into someone's skull and breaking their brain, but still being able to phase foreign objects out of himself, such as bullets or poison.

Fighting Style:
He mostly backstabs people, using his fruit to gain the advantage in whatever way he can.

Notable Equipment:
Tanto and a katana.
He also carries a bronze necklace around his neck that has special meaning to him.

Flirting; Charm and wit makes him a great flirt, able to earn the favor of most.
Navigation; He's a pretty decent navigator, when he's sober enough to tell north from south.
Marine Tactics; His training as a marine private has given him insight into the Navy's strategies, allowing him to avoid capture.
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