Name: Logan Shropshire
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Occupation: Stable Master of Shropshire Stables
Appearance: Logan is 6'0" of muscle earned through the hard work as a stable master. Dark brown hair atop dark brown eyes, along with a bright, devious smile, Logan epitomizes the ideal male from Hackamore. He prefers to dress in dark, loose fitting work clothes that also show off his male form, and as always, wears sturdy field boots.
Personality: Logan has always known just how good looking and desirable he is. This has led him to become incredibly confident and vain. Every woman, of average or greater beauty, becomes a challenge for him to overcome. Years of practice with seduction, has made him quite adept at this, knowing when to be charming, aloof, apathetic, whatever works best to seduce the woman his eye desires.
He doesn't really make many friends, though he probably could if he so wanted. He just prefers to go it alone. When in a group of people, he often becomes the leader and center of attention, using the time to demean other men while highlighting himself and the women. He's quite sharp and practical, and very hardworking, and will accept pretty much any challenge thrown at him.
History: Logan was raised by his father, the owner of Shropshire Stables, and his mother, a local teacher. He had a good childhood, though he was even a loner back then. Every day after school, he'd come home and work with his father on the stables. He soon discovered by the sidelong glances, blushing faces, and giggling, that girls loved him. From that point on, he decided to see just how far he could push that desire.
When he came of age, he took over the management of Shropshire farms, his father settling in with just maintaining the breeding program. His parents urged him to find a nice girl to marry, but Logan found he could never settle down for just any woman. So, his life since then has been one feminine conquest after another, and improving his family's stables.
Other: N/A