Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
Avatar of Kael Taiyou

Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Realm of Paradox

Injya: Right behind ya!

Winter District – Train Station

((Time for more skipping))

Music: Life is on you

Fael, together with Marie, Hugh, Thomas, Hibiki and surprisingly even Ragna where at the station, waiting for a certain train to arrive. The young boy kept looking at the letter he received from his childhood friend.

Hugh: Someone is eager here.

Fael: I guess…

Marie: Well, I’m kinda anxious myself as well.

Hibiki: She must’ve been a very nice friend right?

Fael: Yeah. And according to how she writes her letters, she hasn’t changed that much.

Hugh: Damn straight.

Thomas: Oh hey, the train is here.

A few seconds passed, and the train stopped, the doors opened and people started to leave it.

Hibiki: So, where is she?

Fael: If you see someone with blue hair…it’s not Hugh. And it's not Mr. Kakeru either. ((Both Fael and Hibiki studied with Kakeru Satsuki, a blue haired boy.))

Thomas: *holds a laugh.*

Meanwhile, inside the train

Rina: So, this is the Multilopolis “She” keeps talking about. This really looks like a big city. Hopefully I don’t get lost.

Asuka: Then, You're going ahead of us right?

Rina: Yeah. See you around. I'm quite excited to explore the city.

Now, back outside

Sayaka: We’re here! And it was worth the wait.

???2: Hihihi! So, is the city is like you remember?

Sayaka: Actually, this is my first time at the station. But I can tell you the atmosphere is still the same.

???2: I see.

???3: *Sightseeing*

Sayaka: Now, where that guy might be?

Fael: Excuse me miss, I happen to find a letter with your name in it. Is it yours?

Sayaka: Why of course, thank you very much…FAEL!

Music: The Person who is near

Fael and Hugh: SAYAKA-CHAN!

Maria: Such synchrony!

Marie: There you are.

Sayaka: Man, you guys really don’t look like you changed.

Hugh: Same with you jerk.

Fael: Should I say welcome back or nice to meet you again?

Sayaka: Anything you feel comfortable with.

Hibiki and Pink-Haired girl: Wow, you guys really get along well.

Hibiki and Pink-Haired girl: Eh?

Sayaka: Oh yeah, let me introduce you, this is your replacement. Her name is Madoka Kaname.

Madoka: Don’t say replacement.

Fael: She’s kinda right. I wasn’t around, so she needed to find someone to annoy.

Madoka: Eeehhh…

Black-Haired Girl: Don't bully her too much.

Sayaka: Continuing on, the grumpy girl over there is Homura Akemi.

Homura: Pleased to meet you.

Hugh: (Damn her voice is low.) Excuse, could you speak up a bit.

Marie: (She didn’t even bat an eyelid to the grumpy girl part.)

Homura: No.

Hugh: Okay... *Sad violin plays while Hugh looks at the ground.* ((just the first 5 seconds))

Sayaka: And of course, for those who doesn’t know me, I’m Sayaka Miki.

Hibiki: Nice to meet you Sayaka-chan.

Fael: Well, MY TURN! For you two that doesn’t know, these are Hugh and Marie, my friends for life.

Hugh: Top o' the morning to ya, ladies!

Marie: Hello there, hopefully, you’ll enjoy your stay (Hopefully…)

Fael: Here is Thomas, a recent, but strong friendship.

Thomas: Thomas Millard from the World Crossers Guild, at your disposal.

Fael: Hibiki, one of the people that helped me to walk on the right path and a very nice friend.

Music: Everyday Fantasy

Hibiki: Hiya! My name is Hibiki Tachibana, 15 years...

Fael: O-okay, no need for the full intro.

Sayaka: Aww.

Fael: It’s too overwhelming, trust me.

Sayaka: So, who’s the tall guy in the red jacket? He's been quiet ever since we got here...just like Homura.

Madoka: And a….sword?

Fael: This grumpy pants here is called Ragna the Bloodedge.

Ragna: *looking away, but still hearing the conversation* Who is grumpy pants?

Sayaka: And apparently, he looks short tempered. Way diferent than Homura...there goes my good impression.

Ragna: Shut up!

Hugh: By the way Rags…what are you doing here?

Ragna: Don’t call me that. And i'm on an errand.

Ragna: *low tone* Damn, that many people leaving the train and still no sight of “them” yet.

Thomas: Did Lyzer shove you another weird assignment?

Ragna: Yes, though this time, it’s not that weird.

Thomas: Mind if you fill me in?

Ragna: Not now, you need to hang out with your friends.

Thomas: Okay…if you somehow want some backup, I’ll be around.

Homura: Is he from this guild too?

Hugh: You actually nailed it.

Homura: I see.

Hibiki: So, where should we go first?

Sayaka: Well…we did make reservations at the Sunshine Hotel for the summer so…How about you guys take us there?

Fael: Us take you there? Are You afraid you might get lost?

Sayaka: Oi, I still remember a lot about the city. Besides, WE’RE guiding Madoka and Homura.

Madoka: I’m counting on you.

Fael: If you say so.

Asuka: Did someone mention Stoner Sunshine Hotel?

Maria: We made reservations there too.

Ragna: (There they are. Kinda convenient. Why they didn't get out of the train sooner?)

Asuka: Sorry there Sayaka...Maria had the idea to bring to much luggage.

Maria: What? It was you!

Fael: Who they are?

Sayaka: I met them in the train. They are Asuka Miyamura and Maria Shinzaki.

Asuka: Nice to meet you guys.

Thomas: Here, let me help you with the baggage.

Asuka: Ah, you don't need to.

Thomas: Please, i insist.

Asuka: W-Well...if you say so...Anyway, as Maria said, we made reservations there, but don't know exactly where it is.

Maria: Besides, after we heard some stuff about the city, I believe it’s better if we stick to a big group.

Asuka: C’mon Maria, don’t tell me you’re afraid of some bandits.

Music: Art of War

Fael: Don’t underestimate this city.

Asuka: Eh?

Fael: This place is not to be underestimated, no matter how much powerful you are.

Asuka: But…

Fael: DO i make myself CLEAR?

Asuka: R-Roger Captain.

Fael: Good, I don’t want over-confident people getting soft now.

Homura: ...

*music changes back to the previous one*

Sayaka: Wow.

Fael: What?

Sayaka: For a moment there, you sounded like Homura.

Fael: Really? Am I that serious looking?

Hibiki: Your game face told us enough.

Fael: Ahahahaha…

Hugh: So, are you all ready?

Madoka: Please, lead the way!

Multilopolis Meadow

Music: Over Ace

Mana: I don’t have nice memories of this place…

Sergios: Mana…
Lyzer: Don’t worry, this time, Masaki is here with his own machine.

Masaki: Just leave this with me and Cybuster. Also, get as much combat data as you want.
Lyzer: Anyway, I had to modify the Blue and Yellow frames to be one pilot only. The Blue being the long ranged unit and the Yellow being the close ranged. Their general appearence is mostly the same, but i plan i modify them after the test. But I believe you two knew that already.

Mana: *in the yellow frame* Um…Yeah.

Sergios: *in the blue frame* Sure, of course we knew.
Lyzer: …

Masaki: So, where’s Shuren?
Lyzer: She’s on the guild solving some paperwork while preparing to go to the festival. Oh, and one more thing, the Military contacted me and said they are sending a new model to this place.

Masaki: Wait, I thought that only you knew to make robots
Lyzer: I thought so as well…which is why I want to see what exactly they made.

Masaki: Heh, knowing Shu, he probably shared some-
Lyzer: No he didn’t.

Masaki: (Oh yeah, I forgot she’s someone that was fooled by him… There's no way i can convince her that Shu is not to be trusted.)
Lyzer: I believe he’s going to arrive shortly...Wait, I’m picking up a signal.

Sergios: Is it him?
Lyzer: Well well…it looks strange, but the signature is similar to a certain part of Kael…which means…this guy might be one of those dimensional travelers.

Masaki: Okay, this is getting strange; don’t tell me the pilot is someone like Kael?
Lyzer: Yes. If I’m correct, most of the Dimensional Travelers have a similar signature, probably due to well…being able to do exactly that.

Masaki: …

Music – Black Stranger

Suddenly, a huge portal of darkness appears on the sky, from it, a black giant mech slowly floats to the ground, facing Cybuster.

Masaki: !!!

Asakim: You’re more interesting up close.

Masaki: What?

Asakim: Now, let’s start!

Asakim: Discalibur! I’ll judge your crimes!

Shurouga flies at bliding speeds, slicing Cybuster.

Masaki: Urgh….What the hell?
Lyzer: (That speed…it’s on par with Cybuster?)

Masaki: Then it’s my turn! I'll show how sharp Discutter is!

Cybuster counters Shurouga with a similar attack

Asakim: Heh, impressive.

Masaki: What’s with you? Attacking me without warning!

Asakim: I’m the one the military sent. Name’s Asakim Dowin.
Lyzer: …

Asakim: You must be Doctor Lyzer Spinel right?
Lyzer: Exactly. Thanks for coming, but don’t attack your allies before the test period has started.

Asakim: I was just curious. And before you ask, I’m not allowed to answer any questions pertaining this machine.
Lyzer: …

Masaki: …

Sergios: (There’s something ominous about this guy…)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
Avatar of MagusDream

MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Summer Area: Outside the Scarlet Devil Mansion

BGM: Last Remote

Magio: Damnit...

Lilly: You seem really unhappy. Did something go wrong?

Magio: I was supposed to pick a friend from Yasoinaba at the Train Station but Remilia HAD to hold me here.

Necrox: Well, we could pick her now.

Magio: No, we can't! Worse than not going to something is to go there LATE!

Necrox: Talk about... a logic that doesn't make a minimum of sense...

Magio's phone started to ring. He knew that it was her, so he picked up the phone, disappointed.

Magio: Hi, Rise...

Rise: Magio-san, I can't seem to find you. Are you coming?

Magio: I'm sorry, Rise, but I'll be too late when I reach there. I'm here at the Summer Area, where you'll probably be staying.
Rise: Oh, really? No problem. I'll try to find my way to there.

Magio: But I was supposed to pick you up...

Rise: Hey, don't be sad. Things can go wrong. I'll try to see my way to there, so we'll be able to meet each other.
Magio: ... At the very least, I can try.

Rise: I'll hang up now. See you!

She hang up and Magio put his cellphone on his pockets, just to hear it once again.

Satori: Magio?

Magio: What is it now...?

Satori: There's someone here at school, claiming to be your daughter. But it isn't either Solaria or Lunaria.

Magio: And let me guess... I have to go, right?

Satori: Yes. We'll be at the main gate, waiting with her.

Satori quickly hang up the phone and Magio put it back at his pocket, sighing hardly.

Magio: What a nice way to start a free day...

Lilly: If you wish, we can wait your friend at the hotel she'll be staying.

Magio: No... I'll call her again...

Then, his cellphone rang once again. It was an unknown number, so he picked it up.

Magio: Hello?

Laharl: HAAAHAHAHAHA~!! Finally!!

Magio: Laharl?!

Lilly and Necrox: Wait, it's Laharl at the phone?!

Laharl: Now, listen up, Magio. I'll give you one hour to meet me at the shrine up in the Spring Zone!

Magio: What?! What did I become now?! The Flash?!

Laharl: Since I'm kind enough, I'll give you 30 minutes as a plus. But only 30!

Magio: Laharl, my hands are tied here! Can't we meet later?!

Laharl: NO!! You're forcing me to go to a shrine again!!

Magio: But you're the one who-

Laharl: No, no!! The Overlord's words are absolute!! I'll be waiting for you!!


After hearing that maniacal laughter, Magio hang up the phone and threw it in the air. Filled with frustration, he tossed a bomb and exploded the phone into bits.

Necrox: ... We have a reserve terminal, right?

Lilly: Yes.

Magio: AGH!! Could this day get even worse?!

Lilly: Now you don't have any reason to deny our help.

Necrox: Even if you had, we wouldn't listen.

Magio: But-

Lilly: Come on, go and resolve those other problems and leave your friend to us.

Magio: Even if I do, I don't know where she'll be staying!

Necrox: Ever heard of that Sunshine Hotel? That place is the best between those hotels, so I'm sure she'll be staying there.

Magio: ... Look, I'll seriously make this up for you two later. But thank you.

Necrox: Just go already. You know how Satori and Laharl are really stubborn.

Magio nodded and quickly took flight. Although he flied normally, he called his magical broom to fly even more faster. Lilly picked up the remnants of Magio's old phone.

Lilly: We'll take it to Nitori later.

Necrox: Will she even want this trash?

Lilly: She's a kappa. She won't refuse it.

Winter District: Train Station

Seraph and Garrit arrived at the station, only to see everyone leaving. He stood quiet and passed by them.

Seraph: Now, where's he?

BGM: Milanor Sortie -Arranged-

???: Yo, Seraph!

Jumping from the tree, a familiar figure came next to Seraph. A rather noisy person, but ne that can be a good company.

Silver Wolf of the Crescent Moon

Milanor: Dude, you haven't changed a single bit!

Seraph: You're one to talk, Milanor.
Milanor: Man, this city is big. But I'm sure that in one day, I'll have at the back of my hand.

Seraph: I don't doubt that. Just don't go thieving or I'll have my blade at you.
Milanor: Oh, you wanna spar? I'm up for it!

Seraph: I don't want it now, Milanor...
???: Brother! Milanor!
Milanor: Wait, what?

BGM: Yggdra Sortie -Arranged-

Holy Princess of Justice
Yggdra Yuril Artwaltz

Seraph: Yggdra?!
Yggdra: Well, will you look at this? These brings back the moments from before... even though they were not nice.
Milanor: Yggdra, what the hell are you doing here?! Remember that you're the queen of Fantasinia?!
Yggdra: I know... but I could not help myself.

Seraph: Sister...
Yggdra: I am sorry, but I had to visit you. I just had to!

Seraph: I hope that no one will miss you that much... Durant must be going all crazy right now...
Milanor: Talk about troublesome...

Garrit: Your sister and your friend?

Seraph: I was just waiting him. She came by surprise. Milanor, Yggdra, this is Garrit, an Admiral from Heaven.
Yggdra: Please to meet you.
Milanor: Yo!

Garrit: (So different...)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
Avatar of Kael Taiyou

Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

((Oh shit, Nepgear is not going to like that :| ))

Winter Distric Streets

Music: Silent

On their way to the Winter-Spring frontier, Hugh noticed that Ragna kept looking through diferent directions.

Hugh: Sooo…still spacing out Ragna?

Ragna: I was never spacing out in the first place.

Thomas: Don’t push his buttons too much Hugh…

Hugh: Alright…Say Fael and Marie, do you want to visit Karin in the military hospital after this?

Fael: Sure. I mean, if she's still there.

Sayaka: Did something happen to her?

Hugh: Well, she nearly defeated a dangerous criminal, but he managed to escape, and she’s recovering now.

Sayaka: Oh…That sucks…

Homura: Sayaka…Did your family left this city because it was getting too dangerous?

Sayaka: I guess…I never asked too much about it. But I remember being very disappointed that we had to leave.

Fael: Well, Sayaka’s family was acquainted with many other powerful families… but since the Miki Family has no abilities whatsoever, I believe they were recommended to leave. At the time, city wasn’t in a good position to call it safe.

Sayaka: (If you only knew…But then again, this place probably won’t need me…)

Fael: Sayaka?

Sayaka: Huh?

Fael: Are you worried?

Sayaka: Kinda…

Fael: Well, I’ll not tell you to calm down. I can't promise that you'll be safe, but we'll do our best to keep you and the girls safe.

Homura: …

Homura briefly sees a familiar silhouete when she looks at Fael. She shooks her head in denial.

Homura: (Why am I having these flashes? Those times are already over…)

Asuka: Hey.

Homura: Hm?

Asuka: You came here for vacation too right?

Homura: Mostly to accompany my friend. I don’t have that many places I’m interested into.

Asuka: I see. She’s a close one right?

Homura: …

Asuka: It’s the same with me and Asuka, we’re glued like…bubble gum, right?

Maria: Y-Yeah, that’s right.

Music: Don't think, just run

Fael: So anway guys, did you notice something?

Marie: Now that you mentioned it, I did.

Madoka: What?

Asuka: Something that doesn’t know where to hide.

Sayaka: Seems interesting.

Fael: Hm?

Sayaka: I-I mean...it's starting to get dangerous right?

Fael: Yeah. Hibiki, take the girls to a safe place.

Hibiki: Alright, do your best.

Thomas: Say Ragna, this has something to do with your, errand.

Ragna: This IS the errand, it had to do with these two girls.

Asuka: Us?

Maria: But why?

Ragna: You’ll see.

Autumn Place Streets

Alan: I'm still not fully recovered yet huh?
???: So, there you are.

Alan: Hmph...

He shot a heat wave at the person who was hiding in the shadows. He couldn't tell if he hit or not. Suddenly, he got kicked in the back, sending him to a wall.

Music: Jet Black Eyes

Alan: What?

Ayame: Nice to finally meet you, Alan Flare. I'm Ayame Blaise, Hall Monitor from Multilopolis Spring School.

Alan: Hoh? And what a hall monitor is doing coming at a place like this? Shouldn't you be at school?

Ayame: There's no class today. It's festival day.

Alan: I see. When you stay too much in prision, you lose the sight of time. We don't celebrates such things as festivals in there.

Ayame: You wouldn't anyway, you're too busy hurting your own comrades to care.

Alan: I can't help. I need someone to best me after all...Only Hisao did that...and i believe his son will do the same. So i have no business with you. It needs to be either him or that Platinum woman.

Ayame: No deal. The one you're chasing happens to be a student in the school i stay, and the Platinum woman happens to be Karin. A girl who's been struggling for her life due to her powers. I won't let any of them fight you, because i'm here to defeat you. As a Hall Monitor, it's my duty to protect those important to me.

Alan: Heh...Important people huh? So idealistic...

Music: King Queen of Hearts

Ayame: It's better being idealistic than being bloodthirsty!

Ayame dashed foward at high speeds, hitting Alan with rapid fire kicks and a flaming palm slash.

Alan: Urgh...

Ayame: You won't escape me, ALAN!

Alan: Hmph!

He parries one of her attacks, then hits a heat-powered uppercut, launching Ayame to the air. Then, he grab her hair and slams her on the ground, then kicks her to a wall.

Ayame: Argh...

Alan: I might be injured...but this is how i can enjoy the fights to the fullest...when i'm at the inch of my life.

Ayame: (Just like Barry told me...) Inch of life you say?

Music: Overcoming Burning Hatred

Ayame: Then...i'll extract that inch of yours with my own hand!

Ayame powers up. Alan tries to blast her with heat waves, but aparently, none of the shots works.

Alan: What?

She dashes foward, blocking another heat blast with her left arm, then, her right arm burns intensily.


She hits an explosive palm strike on Alan Flare. He feels as if his entire body is burning, with the worse part being on where he was hit on the attack.

Ayame: Just be down already. (I shouldn't use too much strenght...he might get killed...)

Alan: You're not that bad...Such an amazing move...You could've defeated me with this...

Ayame: !!!

**Music stops**

Alan: Your mission is to capture me, not to kill. That's why your attack didn't work as you expected, because you're not allowed to off me. *grabs Ayame forearm*

Ayame: AAAAAH!!!

Alan: I'll teach you to take risks instead of holding back in your attack. I'm not that weak as you think i am right now!

With a chop, Alan breaks Ayame's forearm, making her scream in pain.

Alan: This is your penality. You had the advantage because i'm still wounded from my last fight, but since you thought your attack would kill me, you held back thinking i would faint with that strenght.

Ayame: Aaaargh....

Alan: This is my parting gift...HEAT INFERNO!

Ayame was able to tank the attack, but she fell on the ground anyway, holding firmly her right arm.

Alan: I wonder if she would give me a good fight if i was at my peak...

He walked away slowly. Ayame was trying her best to get up. She made an oath to not let Fael and Karina fight Alan, so she kept struggling to get up before losing sight of him. Then, some people walked in.

Lyna: ...Accept this.

Ayame: Urgh...

Music: Battlefield

Suddenly, Ayame was hit by a healing wave, most of the pain in her body was gone except for her broken arm, but even that was slowing going away, Ayame managed to get up and scream.

Ayame: ALAN!!!

Alan: What?


She fired a stream of flames in the form of a sword, since it was only with one hand, it was at half power, but it managed to send Alan away.

Alan: Gargh!!!

Andressa: I don't know what's happening here, but i think i should cheer for the blonde girl right?

Lyna: (Mister Alan...)

Alan: That face...

Ayame: Hey...where are do you think you're going?

Alan: As much as i'd like to fight more, i need to run....

Ayame: Heh...in the end, you break your goddamn standarts...get back here...

Alan: You can say whatever you want, i have my own reasons to run this time.

Lyna: Wait...I need to heal your arm better.

Ayame: Get away...this doesn't involve you...

Alan flees, Andressa tries to chase him, but Lyna interrupts her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
Avatar of MagusDream

MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 11 mos ago

((I'm still thinking on a plot to put Kaguya in, so I can kick her ass... but I can't think of anything that won't be close to Imperishable Night! T_T... Also, what did you meant by Nepgear not liking what?))

Summer Area Streets

Necrox and Lilly kept walking at the streets towards the Sunshine Hotel, where they guessed that Magio's friend would be staying.

BGM: Wind God Girl

???: Whenever I move, I was always wondering with myself... "What the Toadstool Triplets are doing in a time like this?"

Necrox: No...
???: After all, they are important figures to all the people. So where would they be? What would it be so important for them to vanish. So, I leave to do my duty as a reporter.

Lilly: Oh god...
???: And now, my search is complete! And the full story will be revealed!

The Traditional Reporter of Fantasy
Aya Shameimaru

Aya: I, Aya Shameimaru, will not give up on covering this quest as our heroes battle fiercely through all barriers that prevent them to keep going forward!!

Necrox: If there's something more annoying than paparazzi, I name the tengus from Gensokyo.

Aya: Hey, I'm just doing my work, you know! Also, who wouldn't like to read about your adventures?

Lilly: Aya, we don't want to be the heroes of Multilopolis or some kind of famous figures. All that we want is to resolve this situation and bring peace.

Aya: Wow, how heroic! Glad that I managed to write that sentence while you were talking!

Necrox: ... It's useless, she won't listen.

Lilly: At least, she won't pick a fight with us...

Aya: In that, you're right. I don't plan to fight anyone, I just want some good pictures.

Necrox: But what's the need of pictures when the articles is a complete shit?

Aya: Humans don't read the articles. They're too busy to compute the article text into their brains. In the end, all that matters is how good the picture is.

Necrox: ... At least half of the journalists in the Multiverse just facepalmed after hearing what you just said.

Lilly: Also, aren't you underestimating humans? How can you say that we don't read the articles?

Aya: You're an exception because you're a bookworm. Go ask the more common humans and you'll see that they don't read absolutely nothing of the text.

Necrox: Alright, Aya. Have you done everything you need with us? We're in a hurry, you know.

Aya: Oh, really?! Did something happen?! Is there an enemy in the town that you must defeat?!

Lilly: Personal business, Aya.

Aya: Really? Oh, that's perfect! I can already see it!

Aya: "The Personal Life of the Toadstool Triplets"... Ahh, it'll sell billions and it'll definitely give me the Newspaper Convention this year!!

Necrox: ... Oh, fucking damnit...

Aya: OK, let's start the questions! Where are you going?! What will you do once you reach the place you're going?!

Lilly: Am I right to say that Magio was lucky to have these sudden errands?
Necrox: ... Damn right you are...

Spring Zone: Hakurei Shrine

Reimu kept cleaning the road to her shrine as the cherry petals kept falling off.

Reimu: I do admit that they are beautiful, but why so many? This just gives me more work to do...
???: Haaaaah... almost there...

Reimu: Hmmm? Who would it be?

BGM: Lord Laharl's Hymn (Instrumental)

Laharl: Haaaah... haaaaaaaah... managed... to do it...

Reimu: Oh, it's you. That loud demon from the other day.
Laharl: Just... a second...

Reimu: Why didn't you used the aerial lift?

Laharl: Aerial... lift?!

Reimu: Yeah. Since the stairway is really big, they decided to put an aerial lift.

Reimu showed to Laharl the shrine's point of the aerial lift.

Laharl: Damnit!! Etna said it was not working!!

Reimu: No, it was always working.

Laharl: Then the next time warn me!!

Reimu: Do I look like I have to obey you?!

Laharl: Obviously! Everyone shall obey the great Overlord of the Netherworld!

Reimu: Whatever. What are you doing here, anyway?

Laharl: I'm going to meet Magio here!

Reimu: Oh, I see. Well, just don't go doing whatever you want in my shrine.

Laharl: Fool, I don't obey your orders!!

Reimu: If you don't want to be blown up and exorcised by me, you should listen to my advice.

Reimu: And could you please stop being loud? There's a guest at my shrine and he likes silence.

Laharl: Why would I? Give me a good reason to why I should be-

Before he could finish his sentence, Reimu taped Laharl mouth with an amulet. She sighed and returned to do her duties as he kept making noises.

School: Main Gate

???: Lemme go!! I gotta find Pops!!

Satori: Hold on a moment...

Rinnosuke: Is he going to take much longer to appear? We can't hold her forever...

Magio: Alright, here I am-

BGM: Romantic Children

???: Pops!! *hugs Magio*

Magio: Wah!

???: You big dork!! I missed ya so much!!
Magio: Wait... you're...

The Delinquent of the 4 Princesses

Magio: Hybrid...

Hybrid: You leave me with that kappa jerk and go out, having fun with everyone! Do you even know how alone I was?!

Magio: Sorry, sorry... I just needed Nitori to make some adjustments in you.

Magio: And... kappa jerk?! Hybrid, she just fixed you!

Hybrid: Well, it ain't my fault! She's the one who put this thingies on me and left me like this!

Magio: Did she coded you to be a delinquent?

Hybrid: Dunno. You might wanna ask her.

Rinnosuke: At least, you two are reunited. You should be happy, Magio.

Magio: Happy I am, but I didn't thought that Hybrid would be like this.

Hybrid: You don't like me, Pops...?

Magio: I didn't said that. And you're my daughter, so obviously I love you, Hybrid...

Hybrid: I love you too, Pops!!

Magio: Oww... but please, don't be that loud...

Hybrid: Oh... OK.

Rinnosuke: I'm going to call Polaris, Magio. She'll be happy to see Hybrid.

Rinnosuke and Satori left to call Polaris, so the sisters could be reunited. Hybrid kept hugging Magio tightly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
Avatar of Kael Taiyou

Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Winter District - Winter-Spring Frontier

Music: Feel the Quantum Brainwaves

Unknown Soldier: Heh, noticed us huh?

Suddenly, a group of men dressed in some kind of black soldier outfit surrounded the group.

Ragna: A certain someone has already anticipated your arrival.
Unknown Soldier: Damn that Lyzer…she keeps talking too much...

Hugh: You guys know her? She’s not the kind to make public appearances.
Unknown Soldier: Just handle us the two girls with psychic powers and we’ll let you free.

Asuka: WHAT? How did you…

Ragna: Hey hey, you should know by now we have no intentions on doing that, DUST!

Thomas: DUST? You mean that pharmaceutics chain that has been involved in some controversial experiments? (At least according to Lyzer.)
DUST Soldier: Heh, she told you a lot…but no matter, prepared to be taken down.

Marie: (He looks way too much confident...) Guys, stay alert, I think something is fishy in here.

Fael: Alright then Marie, I’m counting on you to get that fish. (And suddenly, I imagine Akina calling me out for this silly pun.)

Resisting the urge to facepalm himself, Fael starts the attack, Hugh backing up him with his speed. Ragna attacked as well, Asuka and Marie were also defending themselves, since the bigger numbers where aimed at them.

Hibiki: Okay, I believe this is a safe place, but just to be sure, I’ll take you three to the hotel.

Madoka: B-But…

Homura: I know how you feel Madoka, but this isn’t our fight.

Madoka: …

Sayaka: Exactly, now let’s hurry.

Madoka: (Sayaka-chan...she looks like she's the one that most wants to go...) …

Hibiki: Just trust them okay?

Madoka nods silently, then continues on to the hotel. Back the group, they didn’t manage to diminish the number of DUST Soldiers that much.

Music: Previous Notice

Hugh: Tch, stand still dammit.

Ragna: Kurgh, these guys know what they are doing…

Fael: They are fighting almost like an Elite Army.

Asuka: W-what’s exactly that?

Fael: A group formed of 100 powerful soldiers that are deployed on the battlefield to be able to defeat a single, powerful enemy. And trust me, they are not cannon fodder.

Maria: Seems a little too absurd, I mean, these guys come from a pharmaceutics chain.

Ragna: Pretty annoying. Guess i know why they are so confident.

Hugh: Alright, let’s attack with more power.

Fael used his Hi-Divine Punisher while Hugh used the Thunder Burst Knuckle, Ragna used a Dead Spike Wave, while Thomas attacked them at high speeds, Asuka teleported and dealt a powerful blow at the same time on the soldiers while Maria backed her up.

DUST Soldier: (Heh, our numbers started to diminish for real…but no matter, we meant to do that.) NOW, Launch the Restriction Wire!

Marie: The what?

From the place where supposed reinforcements of the soldiers where hidden, was shot two wire with some kind of plug attached to them, it hit Asuka and Maria at the same time.

Asuka: Ow, this stings…
DUST Soldier: You’re ours.

Suddenly, it started to give some electric discharge on the two girls, that paralyzed their use of psychic power.

Asuka and Maria: AAAAAAARGH!

Marie: No!

Fael: Damn…get out of the way!

With a powerful energy swing, Fael knocked out some soldiers, but it was at this time that the reinforcement decided to enter, blocking their path to Asuka and Maria, who were being pulled by the wires.

Ragna: Tch, so this is why they were so confident.

Marie: I should have noticed.

Thomas: We have to defeat them and fast.

Suddenly, the Dust soldiers shot a barrage of energy shots at the group, locking them in defensive position.

Fael: Urgh, they are too many of them…

Hugh: We’re not going to make it in time?
DUST Soldiers: If you listened to us sooner, you wouldn’t have to suffer from your powerlessness.
???: WAIT!!!

A familiar sword was thrown, cutting the wires paralyzing Asuka and Maria.

DUST Soldier: W-what? Where are you? Show yourself!

Fael: It can’t be…

From the top of a nearby building, a loud voice echoed through the street the current battle was taking place, where everyone stopped to listen.

Music: Emissary from the Sky

???: In order to atone for one’s past, one must reach from within yourself, know your sins, and walk a path of right justice. People call this Repentance! ((He’s talking about Lyzer))
DUST Soldier: You…Who are you!

Rom Stol: You don’t deserve to know my name!

Rom then, jumps and then lands close to his sword


Then he shoots a beam to the soldiers that were blocking Fael’s party.

Rom Stol: Where there are darkness there’s also light! Where there’s evil there’s also justice! Emissary of Heavens has arrived.

Music: Machie Robo's Triumph

Fael: You saved me once again. Thanks!

Rom Stol: You’re welcome.

Hugh: You met him already?

Fael: Yeah, he helped me to protect the hospital.

Ragna: That explains why there wasn’t anybody there when Uni and I got there.

Asuka: Urgh…

Rom Stol: Are you okay?

Asuka: I’ll be fine…but I won’t forgive those guys who tried to kidnap me and Maria.

Hugh: That’s the spirit, I’m fed up with them as well, let’s go guys!

Fael, Ragna and Thomas: RIGHT!
DUST Soldier: Damn…everyone, all-out attack!

Music: Path to certain victory






Asuka: Soul Reflection!

Fael, Thomas and Ragna used their ranged attacks, while Hugh, Rom, Thomas and Asuka, reaching from behind the soldiers, and attacked them with their moves.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
Avatar of MagusDream

MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Summer Area Streets

Necrox, Lilly and Aya walked together. They weren't that far from the Sunshine Hotel, but the trip seemed to be extremely long and boring since the tengu reporter didn't stopped with her questions.

Aya: So, details about the incident? What are you going to do next? What is Peach even wanting?

Lilly: This is almost worse than having someone right at your ear saying "Are we there yet?" repeatedly

Necrox: At least, we're near the hotel. We won't have any problem except for her.

BGM: CPS2 Originals: Lilith

???: Neeeeeecrooooox~!!

Aya: Aaaah!! Voices out of nowhere!! I have to hide so I can get a good photo!!

Aya quickly dashed behind a pole a little far from them and prepared her camera.

Lilly: Is someone calling for you?

Necrox: Ugh... Yes...

A dark hole opened at the ground near them and a girl came from it. Red bats appeared out of nowhere and formed her wings. Soon, it revealed a succubus. One that Necrox didn't wished to see.

The Succubus that can't hold Excitement
Lilith Aensland

Lilith: Heeey, Necrox! I want some fun! Let's have some fun!

Necrox: I don't want some childish roundabout between creatures of the night. Can't we leave that for the dark time?

Lilith: But I'm bored! Bored! And as a succubus, I can't get bored!

Necrox: Go play with your sister, then. She never refuses a good brawl.

Lilith: If she was at home, I would have already asked her to play with me! Why do you think I'm calling you?

Necrox: Oh, for hell's sake, where the heck did Morrigan went to, now?!

Lilith: I don't know. Maybe she went to talk with Demitri or someone else.

Lilith: But enough of talking about sister! Let's play now!
Necrox: Hell no! Nuh-uh!

Lilith: Awww, why are you being so boring today?!

Necrox: Effing damnit... fine, fine, I'll go, I'll go!!

Lilith: Yaaaaay!!

Lilith: Say... she's your sister, right?

Lilly: Y-Yes, I'm his sister.

Lilith: Hmmm... you don't look so fun like Necrox so I'll leave you out.

Lilly: O-OK...? (Should I feel angry for hearing that or relieved since I don't have to fight a succubus?)

Lilith: Buuuuut... I don't wanna fight heeeeereee...

Necrox: Then wheeeeere do you waaaant to goooo, daaaamniiit?

Lilith: That abandoned place at the Autumn Place. It's really cool.

Necrox: OK, OK, let's go there and finish this BS already...

Lilith: Yiiipeee~!! I'll meet you there!!

A dark hole opened under Lilith and she started to dive into it. While diving, she waved to Necrox and Lilly.

Necrox: Me and my devil connections... why am I the one to be struck with this effing unluckyness...

Lilly: Do you really have to go?

Necrox: If I don't, she'll start enticing the workers. And we don't want that, do we?

Lilly: Absolutely not.

Necrox: I won't take that long. I'll just put up a nice, good and quick fight with her.

Lilly: Good luck. And have fun, creature of the night.

Necrox blinked and became a swarm of bats, since he didn't wanted to be noticed by anyone who knew him.

*BGM ends*

Lilly: Aya, you can come out now.

Aya: Aww, it's just a succubus. I'll never get a good article out of this.

Lilly: And our life is some extraordinary article?!

Aya: Of course!! Now, back to the questions!

Lilly: ... Sometimes, I wish I could be more like Necrox...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
Avatar of Kael Taiyou

Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Winter District - Spring-Winter Frontier

Marie: Alright, let me check this...

Asuka: Check what?

Marie examines the place where Asuka got hit with the restriction wire. There was a burn mark on the spot due to the eletric shock, but nothing too serious.

Marie: Don't worry, it's just a flesh wound.

Asuka: I see...

Thomas: Are you okay?

Asuka: I already told you, i'll be fine. Anyway...i should've really followed Fael's advice.

Fael: ...

Marie: ...

Hugh: Okay guys, no self blaming. Those shits got us by surprise, that's all. Now let's just relax and go to the hotel, right?

Marie: Hugh...

Ragna: It is what he said. Anyway, where's that armored guy?

Thomas: He's gone.

Asuka: I couldn't even say thanks properly.

Fael: Maybe he has his own stuff to take care too...

Asuka: Ah, Maria. Are you okay?

Maria: Yeah...that was a bit scary though...

Thomas: Guess you'll have a lot of explaining to do Ragna.

Ragna: At the hotel. I'll explain everything there.

Spring Zone - Near the school

Hibiki: Whew...I guess we ran enough...

Madoka: Huff...Huff...

Sayaka: We ran pretty far huh?

Homura: ...

Hibiki: Yeah...Oh hey, I didn't knew we were this close to the school already.

Sayaka: Do you study here?

Hibiki: Fael does. I study somewhere else.

Sayaka: Oh...Anyway, since we're here, how about we check it out. Just a peek.

Hibiki: Alright then, follow me.

Autumn Place Streets

Ayame: ...

Lyna: There, all patched up. Your arm will be fine by tomorrow.

Ayame: Eh? Really?

Lyna: Yes! I'm not kidding.

Ayame: I see...thanks.

Andressa: So, her arm will keep healing even if you're not nearby? That's amazing.

Ayame: Well...I'll be gone now. Have a nice day.

Ayame leaves the place by jumping the buildings.

Andressa: Guess i don't have to worry about getting hurt.

Lyna: Just fight like you normally do. Don't rely on me all the time.

Andressa: Oh, i see.

Lyna: Anyway...don't you think Evilkruss is a little quiet?

Evilkruss: I'm here.

Andressa: You just missed something awesome.

Evilkruss: More awesome than my boss? I doubt it.

Andressa: But seriously...

Evilkruss: I'm just feeling a chill all of a sudden...

Ren: Hi Kruzie!

Evilkruss: I KNEW IT! Oh, and don't you say that you prissy kid!

Ren: Just kidding. It's just, since Alin is not here...

Evilkruss: Shut up...and before you ask, my boss is still not around.

Nena: Then, we'll stick close to you once again until we find me.

Evilkruss: I deserve this...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
Avatar of MagusDream

MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 11 mos ago

School: Front Gate

Soon, Rinnosuke and Satori came back with Polaris. As she saw he sister, Polaris' eyes filled with tears.

Hybrid: Sis!!

Polaris: Ah!! Hybrid!!

Polaris ran and hugged Hybrid tightly. She remembered about her and always missed her sister.

Polaris: Oh, Sister... I thought... that I would never see you again...

Hybrid: Worry no more, 'cuz I'm here to stay now!

Polaris: Thank goodness. No more being split apart from a sister. My older sister...

Hybrid: Yup! So smile.

Polaris: I will.

Rinnosuke hided his face behind Satori so they wouldn't be able to see that he was actually crying. She gave a small laugh. Magio let one tear fell from his eye and then looked at the distance, aiming at the Hakurei Shrine.

Magio: Well, I gotta get going. I have a meeting at the Hakurei Shrine.

Hybrid: Really? Then I'm coming with ya!

Polaris: I will too!

Magio: If you two insist... then let's go.

Autumn Place: Shikaisen Casino ((Sorry, I just couldn't resist!))

Mokou was flying towards the Autumn Place, one of the 4 parts of Multilopolis she rarely has even stepped. Of course, the first stop that she did wasn't the most normal...

BGM: Legend of the Great Gods (Urban Legend in Limbo)

Mokou: Wait, what?!
???: A visitor?!

Shikaisen from Ancient Japan
Mononobe no Futo

Futo: Ah, Mokou! Thou art here to play some coins?

Mokou: What the heck is this? Why a casino?

Futo: Art thou disagreeing with the idea of a casino?

Mokou: I didn't said that! What I mean is... why you taoists would make a casino?

Futo: For glory! For victory! So the sun can shine and smile upon the Prince!

Mokou: ... Did Miko even agreed to this idea...?

Futo: The Prince hath completely agreed! Thy worriness is no more than a hinderance.

Futo: Now, how many chips dost thou want? And I remind you, there hast a line behind thee.

Mokou looked behind her and Futo was right: a line of workers appeared out of nowhere.

Mokou: Wait a minute, how did so many workers appeared all at once?!

Futo: Art thou playing the donkey? How many chips dost thee wishes?!

Mokou: I'm not going inside that casino!

Futo: Oh, thy heart refuses to see the magnificence of the casino!

Futo: Thou worries too much. A simple play of blackjack shall enlighten thy mind.

Mokou: How is blackjack going to enlighten me?

Futo: ... Art thou going to speak the number of chips now?

Mokou: I don't want any!

Futo: Then move on, heretic! Thy unpure heart cannot see the brilliance and enlightenment behind the heated rounds of poker!

Mokou walked away as Futo kept welcoming the workers and giving them chips. She looked behind, back to the casino and sighed hard.

Mokou: If poker is going to do something, that would be eating my wallet...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
Avatar of Kael Taiyou

Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

((The what Casino?))

Spring Zone Streets

Music: Our most important time

Hazama: Man, this place makes my heart skip a beat no matter how much i look at it.

Karina: Yeah, this place is beautiful.

Hazama: Did you know that the Cherry Blossom trees can symbolyze death?

Lunamaria: Um...Yeah...I did... (Why did he bring that up?) ((Because it's Hazama.))

Hazama: Sorry, that was a bit weird...i won't do it again.

Fael: K-Karin?

Marie: Luna is here too.

Karina: You guys!

Hugh: Hi Karin. You left the hospital earlier than i thought.

Karina: Well...by body still hurts a bit, but i'm very durable...

Fael: I see...

Fael touches Karina's forehead. She was a bit startled by it. Then she noticed that he had a blank look on his face.

Fael: Your skin is cold.

Karina: I get that a lot...

Fael: I'm sorry...

Karina: Y-You don't need to say that...Hey, now that i'm here, how about i accompany you? You're coming too right Luna?

Lunamaria: Ah...Yes, i do. Mister Ha....Where he's gone to?

Ragna: What?

Lunamaria: There was someone else with us...

Karina: Yeah...He was just here...Was he so eager to see the city that he decided to leave?

Hugh: Maybe, who knows?

Ragna: Whatever.

As they left, Hazama decided to leave his hiding place.

Hazama: Man...that was a close one...good thing the little puppy isn't a literal one...he's just accurate on the barking part. Now i know why she told be to be discreet and low profile as possible.

School - Guild's Tent

Uni: Oh hey! Look who's over there again.

Kael: Did you drop something Hibiki? Where are the others.

Hibiki: They had some trouble on the way, but they are fine.

Sayaka: It's just that someone is eager to see this school. That someone being me.

Madoka: Hopefully, we're not being a bother.

Nepgear: Oh no, of course not!

Kael: I guess it's safe to assume this was the friend Fael was talking about.

Hibiki: Yep! Sayaka, Madoka and Homura are going to spend some time in the city.

*music pauses*

At the entrance, Amilia was about to enter, but decided to hind behind a wall once she saw the three girls.

Amilia: It can't be...they really came here. Just like my sister told me...W-What should i do? I never expected to meet them now...

Amilia seeing kinda unerved by the presence of Sayaka, Madoka and Homura. She kept comtemplating if she would stay or leave, as she really wanted to meet Nepgear.

Nepgear: Um? Amilia, what are you doing here?

Amilia: Ah! Err...Um...I...

Uni: Hey, it's that girl from yersterday that you presented to us when Friday came as well. Amilia right? ((Yesterday, Friday...))

Amilia: Yes, that's me...Amilia Tsuki.

Madoka: Nice to meet you Miss Amilia.

Amilia: J-Just Amilia is fine.

Sayaka: You're all sweaty, is something the matter?

Amilia: I...

Homura: Everyone, i think it's best not to overwhelm her with questions. (We won't get nothing of her like this. She looks so confused as to what to do that she might break down. Not because we're being to nosy.)

*music resumes*

Nepgear: Yeah, i guess you're right, sorry Amilia...

Amilia: It's fine, i met Friday earlier and she said that you were here, so i decided to pay a visit.

Nepgear: Oh, you met her? Where she was going exactly?

Amilia: The Hakurei Shrine.

Kael: (Oh yeah, i need to visit that place sometime.)

Nepgear: I see. So, you're excited about the festival?

Amilia: Yes...My sister doesn't mind me being there.

Hibiki: Well, it seems they'll be a bit busy for us right now.

Sayaka: Don't worry, i already took my peek.

Hibiki and the visitors left, Amilia saw them leaving as she listened to Nepgear speaking about the festival.

Amilia: (What will happen from now on?)

Winter District - Streets

Music: Monkeys Spinning Monkeys

Rina: Oh my...i knew i should've learned how to fly before coming here...This place is huge.

Rina: What should i do? Should i call "her"?

Rina: Yes, i'll do that. I said that i would call her if i arrived at this place. I guess this is why i had to took the train, the DM Teleporter was in maintenance, so when i got to this world, i ended up in the wrong place.

Rina was thirsty, so she entered in the first restaurant she could see. It was pretty luxuous. She felt even more overwhelmed. She quickly took a seat at the counter and waited to being attended by the bartender.

Rina: Hopefully, no one is looking at me. I bumped in a few chairs on my way here.
???: Um...Is that seat occupied?

Rina: Oh, no. You can sit there.
???: I see, thank you.

Rina: You're wel-

Music: Legend of Zero

Then, Rina noticed who she was talking to.

Rina: (Already?)

Suzaku: Master! Bring me a Scotch! I don't even care if the festival didn't begin yet. I'm going to get wasted now.

Rina: (Is she that alcoholic?)

Suzaku: Why am i requesting something so chic anyway? I can probably settle with sake of whiskey.

Rina: You like to get drunk at the start of the day?

Suzaku: Hm?

Rina: Err...I mean...

Suzaku: You're right. I'm mostly a night person, so it doesn't really bother me at all.

Rina: I-I see... (Darn, i'm too nervous, if i try to phone "her" now, she's going to suspect.)

Suddenly, a beeping sound was coming from Rina. It sounded familiar to Suzaku.

Suzaku: What is that?

Rina: GAH! Nothing! *punches her ear*

Suzaku: I could've swear i've heard that before...

Rina: Heard what? I think you might been hearing things...
Bartender: Here's your milk.

Rina: T-Thanks...

Suzaku: Nope, because it's persistent.
Bartender: Here's your Scotch.

Suzaku: Oh~! Thankies!

Rina: Now it's my chance.

Rina presses an invisible button in order to hang out the call. But ended up answering it instead.

Midori: Midori here, status report.

Rina: (Bad timing senpai...I was supposed to phone you...)

Suzaku: Oh...it stopped...

Rina: Really?

Midori: Really what? Also, i believe that voice is from Suzaku.

Suzaku: You know what, i guess you're right, maybe i was hearing things.

Rina: Whew...

Suzaku and Midori: What are you sighing for?

Rina: Err...

Suzaku: Is something the matter?

Midori: Try making actual sense.

Rina: (I can't...currently i'm talking to two of the most powerful Dimensional Warriors the Multiverse has ever known. One of them is the very criminal i'm looking for, but she doesn't know me, so i can't really speak with Midori right now, because it might blown my cover.) I-I said that because i can satisfy my thirst with this milk.

Suzaku: Ooooooh...Okay, carry on.

Rina: Sure... (Now i'm clear.)

Midori: I guess i'm starting to understand what's happening...

Then, when Rina started to drink down her milk, she felt someone pulling a device out of her ear.

Music: Darkness

???: Well, would you look at that, a Dimensional Communicator.

Suzaku: What?

Rina: (Shit!)

Midori: What just happened.
???: And this model....Hmmm...

Suzaku: What about it.
???: It's similar to what most freelancers uses. Like me. I got one but it's a bit outdated.

Suzaku: Oh, freelancers...okay, i actually was worried for a second there.

Sasha: I'm Sasha by the way, can i take a seat close to my fellow Dimensional Travelers?

Suzaku: Sure, why not?

Rina: It'd be great.

Sasha gives Rina back her communicator, Midori decided to stay silent to hear their whole convesation. Rina just couldn't believe that her cover wasn't blown.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
Avatar of Kael Taiyou

Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Winter District - Restaurant

Music: Man in Black

There's been an akward silence after a while. Rina, now less nervous than before, but with her heart still beating fast, was planning her next move. She had already finished her glass of milk, but was trying to find an excuse to get up from her chair so that she can talk with Midori without it looking suspicious.

Midori: These two, they are still clueless that it's me on the other side of the line. But they are probably still on to you so...Try going to the bathroom.

Rina: (Why didn't i think of that before?) Um...

Suzaku: So, who was calling you?

Rina: What?

Midori: Darn Suzaku...always being annoying...

Suzaku: I mean, i'd had to be something important that you had to hide it from me.

Rina: Ah...Well...

Midori: Say it is your mom.

Rina: It was my senpai.

Midori: MORON!

Sasha: Senpai? So...it's like your teacher or something? I mean, because freelancers doesn't belong to any fancy organizations like that.

Rina: Y-Yes...something like that. I just didn't think it needed to involve you.

Suzaku: Oooh...

Rina: So anyway...

Sasha: What are your names? I mean, i introduced myself earlier so...

Suzaku: I'm Kuro Suzaku. Though, I use Suzaku as my first name. I'm one of those traditional girls.

Sasha: Ah, i see...Nice name.

Suzaku: (She doesn't look surprised...i mean...i must be pretty wanted around the Multiverse.)

Sasha: I'm just someone that does odd jobs here and there. I think i've vaguely heard your name somewhere.

Suzaku: Oh...And what about you little girl?

Rina: R-Rina Genbu...

Suzaku: What's your occupation?

Midori: It will be hard to dodge this one question.

Rina: I'm a Holy Hunter.

Suzaku: Oh?

Rina: I've adapted a vampire hunting techniques to my fighting style.

Rina then, summons her weapon, it looked like a plain looking sword, but it was actually a whip blade.

Rina: I have a shape-shifting weapon that doubles as a whip that can extend to great lenghts and stab enemies with full force. I call it Reacher of the Skies.

Suzaku: Oh! Amazing! Your senpai teached that to you?

Rina: Well, she teached me mostly to use my DM Aura.

Sasha: A self taught huh? Those can be the most unpredicatble if they know what they are doing.

Suzaku: So, you're a kind of monster hunter right?

Rina: Yes! (Maybe i should be glad that their expeculations are helping me to keep on with my cover.)

Suzaku: Well, that kind of job is kinda hard for freelancers. While they do have a good network of informations, if would be best if you joined some Multiversal Agency.

Rina: Hmmmm...I haven't really thought about that.

Suzaku: And what about you Sasha? Do someone that works in oddjobs has something fancy like Rina's? Like, a shape-shifting mop?

Sasha: I have but....it's not something i can show in public.

Suzaku: What can be worse than summoning a sword?

Sasha: This!

Sasha briefly summons a scythe, Suzaku jumped in surprise, and so did Rina.

Sasha: It sacrifices shape-shifiting for a better compatibility with my powers and DM Aura. Plus, it gives me a barrier jacket like those Magical Device users.

Suzaku: Well...that's certainly amazing!

Sasha: Some of my odd jobs involve cleaning some bandits and stuff from robbing some transport ship. You know, small jobs that these organizations can't bother themseves with.

Rina: Oh... (Really?)

Midori: She's right, our duty is to maintain balance. We don't bother with small scale crimes.

Sasha: Now it's your turn Miss Suzaku.

Suzaku: Well, since you only heard vaguely about me, i'll tell you. I have two pistols that can turn into knives, two machines guns that i barely use and my personal favorites, the Twin Blaster Rifle.

Sasha: Oh, i heard about those. That weapon is like, the most powerful DM Weapon ever made. It's power output is amazing.

Suzaku: You're right, though, there's someone that can match me in that department.

Midori: Hmph...

Rina: Anyway...girls...I need to go to the bathroom now.

Suzaku: Oh...did we hold you up?

Rina: Yes.

Sasha: Alright then, sorry about that.

Midori: Finally...

As she got in the bathroom, she slumped into a wall, about to cry.

Rina: Midori senpai...i can see time itself...

Midori: You're not a Newtype...but i guess you might be after this.

Rina: No...i didn't develop nothing like this...It's just the sensation to escape such a dangerous situation that's drainning my soul.

Midori: Calm down...Anywaym you didn't give me a status report yet.


Midori: Oh...yeah, sorry...

Rina: Anyway...i need a map.

Midori: Ah yes...i'm sending one to you right now. Over and out.

Midori hangs up the call, then requests that a map of Multilopolis is uploaded to Rina, she recieves it on her communicator, generating some kind of holographic map.

Spring Zone - Spring-Summer Frontier

Music: Wind Breezing through

As the girls were about to traverse the frontier, the group managed to catch up with them.

Madoka: It's good to see everyone is safe.

Asuka: Nothing we couldn't handle.

Marie: (She's trying to hide the fact that we nearly got captured.)

Hugh: I can't believe you girls let us reach you.

Asuka: And we were so kind to give you some minutes of advantage.

Sayaka: Nah, i was just making sure everyone didn't get lost.

Hibiki: But...i'm the one guiding yo-

Sayaka: It's not because the city changed a lot or something.

Fael: Alright Sayaka-chan, whatever you say.

Karina: Sayaka? You mean THE Sayaka Miki?

Sayaka: Yes. Wait...i know those eyes...Karin?

Karina: Yeah, it's me. It's been a while.

Sayaka: Yup! You don't look that frail anymore.

Karina: But i still am.

Fael: ...

Madoka: Oh?

Karina: C'mon Fael, don't need to do that face wenever i bring that up.

Sayaka: Bring what up?

Karina: I don't want to talk about it right now. Can we just go to the hotel? Today is festival day so we shouldn't get glum all the time.

Fael: Karin...

Homura: She got a point.

Sayaka: Fine, i won't ask further.

Then, they resumed their walk to the hotel.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Spring Zone: Hakurei Shrine

BGM: Mystic Oriental Love Consulting (2nd Card Arrange)

After some time flying, Magio, Hybrid and Polaris managed to reach the shrine. As they landed, Reimu stopped cleaning a little bit and went to receive them.

Reimu: Hey, look who it is! Magio, Polaris and...

Hybrid: Name's Hybrid. Pops' oldest daughter, got it?

Reimu: R-Right, right, I already knew that... I just... took a time to remember.

Polaris: I am sorry that I left so suddenly Miss Reimu, but I ended up finding somewhere to say so I would not bother you.
Reimu: You were contraditory right there, but it's fine...

Magio: Reimu, did some demon came here? Small, blue-haired, has antennae and it's really loud?

Reimu: Oh, he came, but I don't know where he went.

Magio: Damnit...

Hybrid: Hey, Pops. Is that twerp right there?

As they looked, Laharl was sleeping under a cherry tree. Magio went to him, kneeled next to the sleeping Overlord and poked him to wake him up.

Laharl: ... Grr, alright!! Who dares to wake me when I'm-

Magio: Hey, Mr. Sleepyhead.

Laharl: G-GAH!! M-Magio?! What are you doing here?!

Magio: I came here just like you asked me to.

Both got up. Laharl looked away from Magio since he didn't want to answer Magio's next question while looking at him.

Magio: So... what you called me for?

Laharl: ... Well... I called you here, b-because I... *mumble*

Magio: Laharl, I can't hear you.


Those words were quite a surprise for Magio. The much that he knew about Laharl was enough to say that he wouldn't miss anybody except for his lost family, Sicily... and somehow, Etna and Flonne.

Magio: Wait, is this a joke? Are you seriously saying that you, who never cares about one person, wanted to see me?

Laharl: Obviously not! Why the hell I would return to a shrine if not for seeing you?!

Magio: Hey, why did you choose the shrine anyway? You could have picked another place to meet me, you know.

Laharl: *looks away again* W-Well, to be honest... I chose the temple because... *mumble* *mumble*

Magio: Laharl...


Magio and the others laughed a little as Laharl got even more embarassed of his failure and looked away.

Reimu: Aww, but isn't that cute? He missed you.

Reimu: But anyway, most of the people who comes to Multilopolis are after you for some reason or another.

Magio: Talk me about it. I can't even breathe right without having to know that someone is after me.

Polaris: Umm... Miss Reimu, where is Miss Kokoro? She is usually around here, helping you.

Magio: Now that you mentioned, I've noticed the shrine is awfully quiet somehow. Where she went, Reimu?

Reimu: I said to her that she could go to wherever she wished today. She mentioned something about visiting the Summer Area, since she wanted to go there.

Hybrid: Ohh, this Summer Area place sounds nice! I wanna go there, Pops!

Polaris: I am interested in visiting it too.
Magio: Well, I have things to do there, so why not? I think I still have time...

Laharl: Then let's go! Full march to the Summer Area!!

Magio: Wait, you have things to do there?

Laharl: No. But I'm going with you!

Magio: Laharl, this seriously isn't a good idea and you didn't brought it on the best time possible.

Laharl: But this wasn't any idea! I AM going with you!!

Hybrid: ... Yo, Pops.

Magio: What?

Hybrid: Leave the twerp to me! If he does something weird, I'll just smack him good!

Laharl: Ha! As if you had any power to defeat me!!

Hybrid: Oh, ya challenging me now?! I'm on it!!

Laharl: Haaaahahahaha!! You'll rue the day you ever thought on challenging me, the Overlord of the Netherworld!

Hybrid: Alright! Pops, you and Sis can go ahead without me. I'll take some time.

Magio: If you say so. Be careful, Hybrid.

Magio: (And thank you. You saved my bacon.)

Magio and Polaris left for the Summer Area. Hybrid held her pistol and her stake and looked directly at Laharl, who looked directly at him.

Reimu: (I just hope that Mr. Seimei isn't thinking of me as a failure of a shrine maiden...)

Summer Area: In Front of the Sunshine Hotel

Lilly and Aya managed to reach the hotel's entrance. As they looked through the windows, the place seemed to be really exquisite.

Lilly: My goodness, talk about luxury. I don't think I could afford a room at this place.

Aya: But you are a princess. You have a castle.

Lilly: Even so, that doesn't mean I'm rich!

Aya: But isn't your dress something that only princesses would wear?

Lilly: Yeah, if people didn't mistook it. How many times do you think that I had to hear people saying that I was on my pajamas?

Aya: Well, it sure looks like pajamas...

From the skies, Kokoro came down near them.

Kokoro: Hi, Lilly!

Lilly: Doing a visit to the Summer Area, Kokoro?

Kokoro: Of course! And since I saw you from the sky, I decided to come and say hi.

Aya: I'm here too, you know.

Kokoro: You tengu are everywhere, so I don't need to say hi to you.

Aya: Hey, I resent that!!

Kokoro: Whatever...

School: Track Field

Agni: And this is the track field.

Magnum: Wow, this is a pretty big place.

Agni: Yeah. Even I get lost here and I'm not kidding.

Magnum: Hahahaha.

Magnum: ... Hmmm? Hey, is that girl-

BGM: The Doll Maker of Bucuresti

What Agni and Magnum saw was Alice, laying at the ground with her head turned to the red concrete of the track field. They ran to her.

Agni: Hey, are you OK?

Alice: Y-Yeah, I was just sleeping...

Agni: You sound like you were crying.

Alice: ... Possibly I was.

Alice: But you wouldn't believe me even if I told you.

Magnum: Trust me, the much we both saw is unbelievable too...

Alice: Even so, I don't feel like sharing anything. I'll just go back to Summer Lydian...

Agni: So, you're not from this school. That's why I never saw you around before.

Agni: Do you want us to take you there?

Alice: ... There's no need to. I can go back there by myself.

Magnum: Hey, we're just trying to help you.

Agni: Well... then can we go there with you?

Alice: Eh? Why?

Agni: I want to see it. The other school in Multilopolis.

Alice: ... Just don't hold me back. You two can fly?

Agni: Sure we do! *jumps on Warp Star*

Magnum: That isn't a problem! *starts floating*

Alice: ... Then follow me.

Alice started to fly towards the direction where Summer Lydian is located, being followed by Agni and Magnum.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Summer Area - Sunshine Hotel Entrance

Karina: Hey, isn't that Lilly?

Marie: Yeah, it is her.

Hugh: Heeeey! Lilly!

Thomas: As you can see, we got quite a big group.

Asuka: Hi~!

Sayaka: Another friend of yours?

Fael: Yeah.

Madoka: Mister Fael sure does have a lot of them.

Fael: Please, just Fael.

Ragna: So, how about you girls go to the room?

Maria: Alright...

Ragna: Not you two.

Asuka: Eh? Why not?

Ragna: I'll explain shortly.

Sayaka: Well, you guys take care of the complicated stuff. We'll join shortly once we settle in our room.

Fael: Alright, we'll be waiting.

The three girls entered the hotel and went to check their reservation.

Marie: So, what brings you here Lilly?

Winter District - Restaurant

Rina: I'm back girls, but just to pay for the milk.

Suzaku: So, you're going already?

Rina: Yeah. I have stuff to do, places to visit.

Sasha: I see, then enjoy your trip. So far, i already liked this city.

Rina: I will!

Rina leaves the place, Suzaku finishes her drink and also pays for it.

Sasha: Oh, so you're not getting that drunk?

Suzaku: Nah, not today anyway. Plus, since i'm a night girl, i'm going to sleep once i get home.

Sasha: Okay.

Suzaku: Alright then, bye.

Suzaku also leaves. Sasha finishes her cup of grape juice and pays it.

Sasha: So, a fugitive actually has a home? Where exactly? Well...it's none of my business.

Sasha: Time for me to get going as well.

Sasha is the last one to leave the restaurant. She could see Rina at a distance, but lost sight of Suzaku. Sasha then, takes flight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Doctor who

Doctor who

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Is beef it is beef.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
Avatar of MagusDream

MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Summer Area: In Front of the Sunshine Hotel

Lilly: Oh, I'm waiting for a friend of Magio in his behalf. He had somethings to do.

Kokoro: What somethings?

Lilly: I don't know exactly, but he went back to the school and to the Hakurei Shrine.

After that, Lilly looked at Aya, who was really quiet.

Lilly: Aya, you're awfully quiet... I'm not liking that...

Aya: (Oh my god, more people!! And they seem to know the Toadstool Triplets!!)

Aya: (This is going to worth a heck of a scoop! Alright, in three, two, one...)

BGM: 妖精たちの輪舞曲

But before Aya could even speak, Corin left the Sunshine Hotel's lobby and moved towards the group.

Corin: ...

Lilly: Corin? What are you doing here?
Corin: It does not matter. What matters here is that I am already taking my leave. I will not perturb you all.

Lilly: But no one said anything about you. If there's someone disturbing here, that's Aya.

Aya: Hey, I'm still here, you know!!

Corin: ... How dense. And you're supposed to be the Princess of Knowledge, but it seems that you're just another show-off...

Lilly: What?! Where did that came from?!

Corin: Just look at your friends. Tell me what you see.

Lilly looked to Fael and the others like Corin said. She kept looking but didn't found anything different.

Lilly: OK, what am I overlooking?

Corin: ... Discover it for yourself. I am leaving.

Kokoro: You're weird. Comes in like it's nothing and speaks confusing nonsense...

Corin: You two, the menreiki and the tengu.

Kokoro and Aya: What?
Corin: If I were you two, I would definitely take a distance from the Triplets until things can calm down. As I can see, we're not too much welcomed.

Kokoro: Speak for yourself. They're all my friends and I won't just let them be.

Aya: Well, I'm here on business.

Corin: ... Two more idiots. I better take my leave before I can lose my mind.

She passed through them, but Lilly held her parasol strongly. She wanted an explanation.

Lilly: I really don't like the way you're speaking. What are you hiding from me, Corin?

Corin: As I said, discover it for yourself. The truth about what I spoke will reveal essentually and in the position I'm currently in, I'm not allowed to speak or act in your journey.

Lilly: You're one of them, right? An Observer, just like Remilia.

Corin: So, she told about it. What a fool...
Lilly: Remilia said she's going to help us. What about you, Corin? Ally or enemy?
Corin: ... Bystander.

Lilly: Huh?

Corin: Repeating myself again, I'm not welcomed here for being from somewhere. That's the only hint I'll give you.

And Corin finally left walking back to the Scarlet Devil Mansion. What she knew already is that the Triplets' friends were starting to get aware of Gensokyo people who were related to them. She made sure to give them the impression that she knew about it.

Kokoro: Can we just ignore her? I didn't get one tiny bit of what she said...

Lilly: (... What did she meant with that? What am I supposed to already know from them?)

Autumn Place: Abandoned Factory Quarters

The bats arrived and became Necrox. Lilith was already waiting for him.

Lilith: OK!! Now that you came, we can have our fun!

Necrox: Alright, then. Let's be quick about this so I can return to-
???: Stop being such a worrywat!

Necrox: Huh? That voice...

Lilith: Hey, what's going on?

Necrox: Shh!! Just stay there and be quiet!

Necrox followed the direction of the voice and hid himself behind a wall. Lilith stood a little far away.

BGM: Ambidexterity

Schirach: Like I said, everything's ready. It'll be failproof, I assure you.

Eifer: This better be. Lady Peach wouldn't be happy if we failed.

Schirach: We don't have to worry about Lady Peach's possible unhappiness. We'll be able to desolate the Spring Zone in no time if we use my plan.

Eifer: You are underestimating vital facts, Schirach. Such as the Triplets and their friends.

Schirach: Them? Pffft. I wouldn't worry about them. I'll deal with those brats myself.
Eifer: ... If anything, I commend your stupid, reckless way to act.

Schirach: Things are on our side. Just you wait. The invasion of my Eggmets will work.

Eifer: Eggmets? All that you will use are Eggmets?!

Schirach: Army economy and a big number. What do you say?
Eifer: Relying on such puny things that almost can't know if there's an right or two lefts...

Schirach: The festival will definitely be a blast... but of bullets! They won't know what's coming for them!

Eifer: ...

Necrox slowly walked back to Lilith.

Necrox: The Schwarzkreuz... they're working for Peach...

Lilith: Hey, what's going on? Can we play now?

Necrox: Delay it for tonight. I have to go now.

Lilith: What?! Why?!

Necrox: This is more important than some little versus between us. Bye.

Necrox didn't even turn back into bats. He just bursted back into the sky, flying towards the Summer Area.

Lilith: Hnnngh... what a meanie... what should I do now?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
Avatar of Kael Taiyou

Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Summer Area: In Front of the Sunshine Hotel

Marie: (Is she talking about our suspicions?)

Thomas: D-Don't worry girls, you can stay as much as you want.

Fael: *Looking at Aya* Just you don't try anything funny.

Ragna: Anyway...

Hugh: Oh yeah, you have something to tell us isn't it Ragna?

Thomas: We'll be at the lobby, call us if you need.

Hibiki: You guys can go ahead. I want to speak with Lilly a little more.

Fael: Really?

Karina: Me too. It's not everyday i take a break from my trainning, so i must take this oportunity.

Fael: I see. Have fun you two.

As Fael, Hugh, Marie, Thomas, Ragna, Asuka and Maria entered the hotel, Karina looked behind her.

Karina: You can get out now Drake.

Drake: Ah!

Nicholas: You knew we were here?

Hibiki: You two?

Nicholas: Oh, hi Tachibana.

Drake: How did you know?

Karina: Well, i didn't identify you immidietaly, i just happened to feel my brother nearby.

Nicholas: Sis...You still remember my aura...

Karina: Sorry if i stay too much away from home.

Nicholas: It's okay...meeting you more than makes up for it.

Karina: I'm glad to hear it. Lilly, this is my brother Nicholas Platinum.

Nicholas: You can call me Nick if you want.

Karina: And this is Fael's cousin, Drake Celest.

Seila: Due to familly issues, they can't meet.

Drake: C-Cousin Seila?

Karina: What are you doing here?

Seila: I just happened to pass by, but didn't expect to meet such nostalgic faces in here.

Seila: Let me introduce myself properly, i'm Seila Lilly Yellow. Fael's Cousin from his mother's family. If you know Mina, then she must've at least mentioned me, since we make part of the same unit.

Autumn Place: Abandoned Factory Quarters

Andressa: We're here.

Lyna: This place is just as ominous as i heard about.

Evilkruss: Don't go chickening out little girl, or you'll just end like that guy that flew away very fast from here.

Andressa: What he said.

Lyna: Y-You guys really think that he was running away?

Evilkruss: With that speed, obviously. But not us, we're going to tackle this place down.

Andressa: Damn straight!

Lyna: (I can't keep up with these two.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
Avatar of MagusDream

MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Summer Area: Sunshine Hotel Entrance

Lilly: Well, she did mentioned about the existence of other members, but she never told me about their names. Even so, it's a pleasure to meet you all.

After saying that, Lilly felt a hand passing calmly in her neck.

Lilly: *shriek*!! Who is there?!
Milanor: Hey, if it isn't Lilly? How you've been doing?

Lilly: M-Milanor?!
Milanor: Bet you missed me, huh?

Seraph: 3... 2... 1...

BGM: A Popular Location

Lilly gave Milanor a strong slap that left a bright red hand mark at his cheek.

Lilly: YOU PERVERTED IDIOT JERK!! Don't go touching my neck like if it was normal!!
Milanor: Owww... I think I lost half of my jaw on that slap...

Seraph: You asked for it.

Lilly: Argh, damnit!! You have embarrased me in front of everyone, you idiot!
Yggdra: Lilly, calm down.

Lilly: Alright, calming down... calming down...

Kokoro: That was one heck of a slap...

BGM: Believe in Possibilities

After Kokoro's commentary, a comet-like figure just crashed on the street, not too far away from them. From the smoke, Magio came running towards them.

Magio: Haaah... Haaah... did... she came?!

Lilly: Not yet.

Magio: Thank goodness... so I'm not late...

Kokoro: You fell like a comet.

Aya: Nice that you pointed that out. We wouldn't manage to know without you.

Kokoro: Hey, shut up!

Seraph: ... Hasty as ever. You haven't changed on the slightest, Magio.

Magio: Seraph! Yggdra! Milanor! Didn't noticed that you three were here.

Magio: And neither this big amount of people...

Magio: Oh, hi Karina! Nice to see you again!

Lilly: Those with her are her brother Nicholas and Fael's cousins Drake and Seila.

Magio: Well, I'm Magio Toadstool, Lilly's brother. Nice to meet you all.
Lucifer: *appears* And I'm Lucifer, Pal's best companion!!

Magio: ... And, as a plus, he's a troublemaker.
Lucifer: Arrrgh, stop saying that, Pal!

Soon, Polaris came and landed near Magio, looking at him with a worried face.

Polaris: Father, are you alright?!

Magio: I am, don't worry.

Polaris: I see. I was worried.

Lilly: Oh, Polaris. You always worry too much.

Polaris: Aunt Lilly!

Polaris hugged Lilly. She hasn't seen her yet.

Lilly: Hehe, you're so adorable!

Polaris: Thank you.

Magio: This here is my daughter, Polaris.

Polaris: The pleasure is all mine, everyone.

Magio: Polaris, would you mind going in the lobby for a little bit?

Polaris: I will, Father.

Polaris entered in the lobby as Magio asked her to do it. What he wanted was to explain himself about her.

Magio: Alright. She's not technically my daughter. She's a living doll that I created and for me, she's a daughter.

Lilly: I think they will understand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
Avatar of Kael Taiyou

Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sunshine Hotel - Entrance

Music: Royal Capital

Drake: You gave life to a doll? That's amazing!

Karina: (Wait until you see the Dream World.)

Seila: We still didn't manage such a feat with our current knowledge of magic.

Nicholas: Still? You mean, people are actually trying?

Seila: Yes, but it's mostly failed attempts.

Hibiki: Miss Seila knows a lot.

Seila: Well, i must go now.

Karina: But...don't you want to see your cousin? He's at the hotel's lobby.

Seila: Worry not Karin. I talked with him yesterday. Also, i'm a hurry to meet someone so i think it's a better idea to meet at the festival.

Seila: So long everyone, and take good care of my cousin.

Sunshine Hotel - Lobby

Fael: How are the others?

Lunamaria: The girls already settled in their room.

Thomas: Okay then, while we wait for them here, we'll let Ragna speak now.

Ragna: Alright then…

Music: The world will tremble

Marie: So that explains why she knew and was prepared for their eventual appearance.

Fael: And the fact that Mana is under the guild’s protection.

Ragna: DUST knew two powerful psychic users would participate in the Autumn Tournament, and they wouldn’t let this chance slip away now, even if we knew about them...

Asuka: It’s just as Fael said…we mustn’t underestimate this city…

Maria: So, what do we do from now on?

Ragna: It is dangerous to leave the city right now, so you two have to stay at the guild until we do something about that organization.

Asuka: Eh? But what about our hotel room?

Ragna: Don't ask me. I guess Shuren knows how to deal with this issue.

Asuka: ...So, should we go now?

Ragna: Yes.

Sayaka: Hey, you guys aren’t leaving without us.

Hugh: Oh yeah, We have more newcomers to this city…and someone that doesn’t remember her way around.

Sayaka: Not you too Hugh.

Hugh: Yeah, I’m supporting Fael on this one.

Marie: Please, don’t...

Sayaka: Anyway, let’s just go, I’ll prove to you guys that I still know this city!

Thomas: No need to go that far. We need to drop Asuka and Maria at the guild first.

Asuka: We kinda want to explore the city as well, but I guess safety comes first huh?

Maria: (Asuka seems traumatized…but then again, this is pretty much the first time she’s been on life danger…and me too. I can’t hide that what happened was terrifying…)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
Avatar of MagusDream

MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Spring Zone: Abandoned Quarters

He was walking towards the street, looking at the abandoned houses. All that he had was a black bag. It was really quiet, until 2 soldiers appeared.

DUST Soldier #1: Halt right there! You're coming with us.
???: ...
DUST Soldier #2: So you'll collaborate with us. Good, now stand quiet as I will-

BGM: KDD-0063

???: Here. *throws sunglasses*
DUST Soldier #2: *gets hit* Gah! What the-

The soldier was hit as the man grabbed his sunglasses back and put inside his jacket. He started to combo the soldier using many punches and kicks. Fire started to come from his hands as he dashed back and them lunged forward, exploding the soldier with a final hit.

???: Do you understand now? Just get out of my way.
DUST Soldier #1: Tch... you damned NESTS project...

Angered Ignition

DUST Soldier #1: Reinforcements!!

Suddenly, more soldiers came and surrounded K'. He looked around as the soldiers were pointing their guns at him.

K': (Darn it... I'm surrounded. There's no way I'm getting out of this, being real...)

Soon, bullets started to fall down. As they touched the ground, they exploded, sending the soldiers a little away from them. The time left to move was enough to Azrel appear right behind K'.

Azrel: Ta-dah! Came for your rescue, K'!

K': What the hell...? Who the hell are you? And how the hell do you know about me?

Azrel: You're a project of NESTS, if I'm not wrong. Aren't you some guy they based from that Kyo Kusanagi... the supposed best fighter of the entire world?

K': Look, just shut your goddamn mouth, brat. I didn't came here to reminisce.

Azrel: Heh, noticed you're the sour kind of person. Maybe we can talk after we deal with these guys.

K': Or maybe I can go my way and you'll go yours, because I don't intend to join you in whatever the hell you're doing.

Azrel: Oh yeah? And with those DUST soldiers in your boot, do you honestly believe you can do something to not be involved?

K': Tch... I'll just burn those bastards and be done with.

Azrel: Holy frick. The old idea of going berserk. Seriously?

K': Well, smartass, instead of discussing my future, why don't you worry about the present?

Azrel: You never had to tell me anything. Those guys were done with ever since I put my foot here.
DUST Soldier: Attack them!! Now!!

The soldiers started to shoot right at them. Azrel dived into the shadows as K' used Black Out to move himself out of the way. Soon, both reappeared on different spaces and started to attack them.

Azrel: You better show me what you're made of! Here you go!! *blasts a group of soldiers towards K'*

K': You guys should never entered on my way! Heat Drive!!

With a fast movement after charging his flames, K' exploded the group of soldiers, leaving them all burned.

Azrel: Whoa, that was something! You truly are "Pure Violence"!

K': Can you just shut up, you squirt? Unless you want to end the way they ended...!

Azrel: Haaah... I'm starting to think that you'll make things even harder for me...

K': Your fault for getting in my way.

Azrel: We're in familiar territory, but I don't think we'll be able to defeat those guys. Let's move back.

K': And since when I started to obey you?

Azrel: Since the time I've stepped here. Now, just come.

Not having many choices, K' decided to follow Azrel to whatever they were heading to. The remaining DUST soldiers chased them while shooting.

Sunshine Hotel: Entrance

Magio: Goodbye!

Lilly: She seemed like a nice person. Well, Fael's a really nice person, so I don't doubt his family is nice too.

BGM: The Witches' Ball ~ Magus (Remastered)

Suddenly, they could hear a meow. As they looked, a cat was on a branch of a high tree, scared to get down.

Magio: Oh, look. The little boy managed to go up, but can't get down.

Lilly: That's... a black cat. I'm not superstitious, but...

Magio: Yeah, I know. I'll lend him a help from here.

Five silver rings appeared on Magio's right hand. From them, thin and almost invisible lines appeared as he shot them to the tree's branch. When they were attached to the branch, he started to move his fingers to create a shape with the line. In the end, they formed a small bridge. The cat started to walk in it until it reached Magio's arm.

Magio: *pets the cat's head* Awww... would you look at that? Who's the beautiful boy? Who is it?

Kokoro: I never knew you could do something like that!! I mean, I know about the free lines, but still...

Magio: That's some skill I've developed recently. I can shape those lines into something... sometimes.

Aya: Sometimes?

Magio: Yeah. It's not like I can create those forms every single time.

Lilly: Still, that's amazing.

Magio: Thanks. Oh, I guess I'm gonna let them pet the cat too.

As the little bridge of lines disappeared, Magio called some dolls by moving his fingers. They were all wearing long dresses and they had a long hair tied up with a ribbon. However, the color of the dresses, hair and ribbon were not equal.

Kokoro: Awww... your little dolls are so cute! I've always wanted one of them!

Lilly: Magio, didn't you make a doll of Kokoro the other day?

Magio: Oh, you're right! I forgot to give it! Here you go, Kokoro.

Magio took the doll from his pocket and showed it. It looked exactly like her, as he paid attention to every detail when he was making it. It even had a pair of small blue fans.

Kokoro: Magio, this is soooo like me!! Thank you soooo much!! I'm gonna treasure it forever!!

Magio: It was nothing. I love making dolls, it became a hobby of mine.

Aya: Wow, it's really like her. Even these details... it made look like you've created Kokoro!

Magio: I just didn't wanted it to be incomplete. By making something like this, exactly identical... it makes me feel like I know the person enough to be its friend.

Kokoro: Hehe!! Look, look!! It's dancing on my hand!

The Kokoro doll was making a Kagura dance, just like her real self does on festivals on Gensokyo.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
Avatar of Kael Taiyou

Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sunshine Hotel - Entrance

Drake: That is certainly nice.

Fael: Guys, we're back!

Drake: (Oh crap!)

Karina: Hey Look over there, it's the mayor!

Fael: Where?

Karina: (Now.)

Karina encases Drake in a block of ice and kicks him away. The Block was sliding on the sidewalk until it hit a wall, freeing Drake.

Drake: Ow...What just happened?

Then, Drake noticed he was far away from the group. He took the oportunity to go into hiding.

Hugh: No seriously, where's him?

Karina: Sorry, i saw that white haired guy and thought it was the mayor in disguise.

Baron: Really? Tell me more.

Karina: GAH!

Music: BL_93

Baron: I know that people can spot me easily, so i use my speed instead of trying to disguise myself.

Hugh: (Whoa! How did he get here?)

Fael: Mister Cid...

Baron: Look at you Fael Celest. You look like...

Fael: Just like my father...yeah, i hear that a lot.

Baron: I can see why. And it seems you amassed quite a group of friends. I guess that happens when you don't assume your responsability.

Fael: I'm fighting in my own way. Surely you understand that, since you never forced me to take part on the Four Familes group.

Baron: You're absolutely right.

Cid looks both sides, seeing that there was a lot of people. Then looks at his stopwatch.

Baron: Well, i must go, enjoy the festival!

In the same way he arrived, he warped away with his speed. Hugh still couldn't see him.

Lunamaria: I guess a guy like him doesn't need bodyguards.

Asuka: So, he's some kind of badass mayor like that Mike Haggar guy right? I guess the eyepatch tells everything.

Fael: Actually, he lost his eye to a disease, not in a fight. Mom told me that.

Asuka: Oh. (He still looks badass though.)

Ragna: So, should we go now?

Hibiki: Wait! We still have to wait for another friend to come.

Ragna: Excuse me?

Karina: We're waiting for someone else to come here. One of Magio's friends.

Fael: We are?

Karina: *pokes Fael with her elbow* Of course we are. Silly!

Fael: Well, i guess it won't hurt to wait a little more.

Ragna: I can't believe this...

Music: Lakeside

Suddenly, Asuka and Maria started to drag Ragna away.

Asuka: If you wanted company, why didn't you say so?

Maria: If they want to wait, they will wait.

Ragna: Gah! What are you two doing? Get off me!

Asuka: We're going ahead to this guild, have fun guys!

Thomas: We will! Be safe on your way there.

Sayaka: Heh. That Ragna guy sure does funny faces when upset.

Madoka: Huh?

Sayaka: What's wrong?

Madoka: Homura-chan is missing.

Sayaka: What? Why? There's no way she could get lost on her way here.

Marie: Try phoning her.

Sayaka: Okay!

Autumn Place Streets

Baron: Whew...I don't fight as often as before...
???: Your excellency.

A white haired girl also arrived at the place.

Cornelia: Captain Cornelia Sights, at your service.

Baron: What do you have to report me?

Cornelia: Alan Flare is still free.

Baron: I'm not surprised about that. He's one tough guy to take down.

Cornelia: But next time, i'll be the one to go after him.

Baron: I see. Take me with you next time. I want to talk with my old friend. It's been a while since we last chatted. At the time he was captured, i was still recovering from my eye surgery, and all that stuff happened to the Four Families group...and then, there was my election so...

Cornelia: Understood Sir.

Baron: Oh yeah, speaking of him, i believe he might go after Hisao Celest's child...Fael.

Homura: !!!

Cornelia: That's what i heard from the reports of the Prision Break Inci-

Baron: Wait...

Cornelia: What is it Sir?

The Baron threw a rapier at a tree.

Music: Black Shadow

Baron: It's not good to spy on others.

Homura: (He noticed me.)

Cornelia: Wait, there's someone in there?

Baron: My ears never fooled me. Now show yourself.

Homura left her hiding spot with her hands in the air. Since the mayor had his sights on her, she couldn't do any quick movements.

Homura: ...

Cornelia: A kid? She looks like a student.

Baron: Is that so?

Homura: Um...I heard there was some fighting over here...I often take shortcuts around these parts so i was worried that i would get involved.

Cornelia: I see. I guess it's normal for girls of your age be this curious, but you shouldn't wander around withouta group of friends nearby, specially a place like the Autumn Place, where most of the works are...well at their jobs, so this place can be quite deserted. You better either find a better shortcut or just go the long way.

Homura: Yes, i'll do that. Now if you excuse me.

She bows to them two, then turns away, immidietaly changing her expression. She just needed to be away for their field of view. However, the Mayor wasn't done with her yet.

Music: Mysteries

Baron: Young girl!

Homura: !!!

Baron: What do you think of the situation of this city?

Homura: Huh?

Cornelia: Sir?

Baron: Am i doing a good job on the safety of this place?

Homura: Well...i haven't had trouble so far. But i guess not a lot of people are having the same luck as me. I can't really say for sure.

Baron: I see.

Homura: You think you're doing your best for this place right?

Baron: I'm not sure...but i want to do more...way more than it is right now. All of these conflicts, all of these mysteries...i want to bring an end to them with these hands. It is my heartfelt promise to everyone.

Cornelia: And it is thanks to that promise that not only me, but many people are serving the mayor with dedication. To make this a better place.

Homura: That's nice to hear.

Baron: It's not only the military. A lot of civilians are helping out. They are fighting for this place. And you fight as well.

Homura: Eh?

Baron: What are you hiding behind your back?

Homura: Tch! (He noticed i have a gun in here?)

Baron: I suspected as much. When i spoke with Fael, i do believe i saw other people using the same uniform as yours. When i looked both sides, you had already dissapeared, but i didn't take a good glance on you when i was talking with them until i decided to leave. Plus for someone that managed to sneak up on me for a few minutes is quite the feat.

Cornelia: Sir! Should i take her in?

He says nothing, he just turns his back and walks away some steps.

Baron: Captain, what's the status on the security of the Cherry Blossom Square?

Cornelia: Your Excelency, Sir...why do you want to know that right now?

Baron: Just answer my question. That's an order.

Cornelia: R-Right... The Secret Police is taking care of it. It's well reinforced.

Baron: I see. We don't want this festival to end like the one in the past year.

Homura: Huh?

Baron: Now let's go back.

Cornelia: Sir!

She started to follow Cid, with a confused look on her face.

Cornelia: Sir, why are you doing this?

Baron: I don't know...i just couldn't stay quiet. Maybe that girl has something to fight for. Just like us.

Homura: (Ending up like last year....Does this means the festival will be attacked? But why? If that's the case...then...)

Baron: Oh, almost forgot!

He pulls his rapier out of the tree, then takes a closer look at Homura.

Baron: Good! I didn't hurt you accidentaly. Have a nice day!

Then, they take their separate paths.

Summer Area - Skies

Suzaku was flying up. It didn't look like she was going to leave the city. Just that she ws pretty high in the air. She was thinking about the new friends she made.

Suzaku: If we were on diferent terms...maybe i would've introduced them to Akina.

The girl shooks her head.

Suzaku: No...I cut my ties with that organization...Akina and me have nothing more between us...

She stays silent for some seconds

Suzaku: Sigh...

Then, Suzaku notices something, from very far away, she could see a black haired boy.

Suzaku: It can't be...

Erasing any plan she had on her mind, Suzaku dived in to his location, however, her leg was grabbed by something.

Music: Impatience

Suzaku: What?


Rina threw Suzaku to a Dimensional Portal. Suzaku used her Dimensional Drive to avoid being teleported away against her will.

Rina: Oh, you're going in!

Then, she managed to kick Suzaku forcefully into the portal. Had she not attacked by surprise, this tactic wouldn't work on Suzaku, who was startled by the identity of her attacker. She kept dragging her in the Dimensional Tunnel until they arrived at their destination.

Bloody Grasslands

Suzaku: Gah...

Rina: I have found her.

Midori: Good, i'm counting on you.

Suzaku: What the hell? You're pretty good, i didn't notice you at all!

Rina: Well actually...i wasn't following you. It just happened that our same destination was the Sunshine Hotel. When i noticed you diving down, i quickly got to a building and waited for the perfect oportunity to fish you. And since i can't fly, i had to put the portal to the ground, to make it easier to push you into it.

Suzaku: So...I got caught by pure amateur luck?

Midori: That's exactly it!

Music: Elegant Force

Suddenly, a hologram with Midori has showed up.

Rina: Um...Why don't you give me some credit?

Midori: Silence, the adults are talking.

Suzaku: I should've expected as much.

Midori: You've lost your edge, Suzaku.

Suzaku: Tell me something i don't know, stupid!

Midori: And you got prone to more insulting as well...Maybe i like you more like this.

Suzaku: Hmphm...I don't know if i should be happy about that.

Midori: But regardless, we must stop you before you harm more people.

Suzaku: We'll see about that. Show me what you got Rina.

Rina: Miss Suzaku...

Suddenly, a red haired man showed up.

Suzaku: You're...Anza's Butler.

Midori: Anza?

Rina: What?

Jirmis: Lady Suzaku, i'll hold her back. Go back to My Lady's side. You'll have other oportunities to meet your brother, now go!

Suzaku: A-Alright...

She went through the same portal he used. Then, it closed up.

Rina: No!

Midori: Forget about Suzaku. For now, let's focus on this man.

Jirmis: It's a pleasure to meet the protectors of the multiverse. Hopefully, you'll join on M'Lady's festivities.

Midori: I hardly call what she does festivities. Rina, mow him down.

Rina: A-Alright!
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
Avatar of MagusDream

MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Sunshine Hotel: Entrance

???: Magio-saaaaan!!

Lilly: Is that her, Magio?

Magio: Rise!!

Magio ran and gave Rise a hug.

Rise: Wow, Magio-san, you certainly grew up. You're really beautiful now.

Magio: Aww, stop. You're making me blush.

Rise: If I never found Senpai so attractive, I would definitely love you.
Magio: ... Now you really broke me.

Rise: Are those your friends, Magio-san?

Magio: Yeah, there's a lot of them.

Rise: I see. That's really nice, but I never thought you would have so many people around...

Magio: I'm the social type, you know. I can't stand not having friends.

Rise: I can see that too.

The two laughed a little. Of course, there was someone that wasn't liking the scene.

Lilly: They do seem really close.

Kokoro: Close too much for my liking...

Lilly: Oh...

Aya: I don't get it. What did you meant by that?

Kokoro: Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Ignore that I'm here.

Kokoro turned her face, trying to ignore the scene. She wasn't liking that.

Magio: Say, you're making a show on Summer, right?

Rise: That's right. Remember me to give you and to your friends VIP tickets to my show.

Rise: Now, Magio-san, I'll go to the lobby. I'm kinda tired of walking so much.

Magio: Why didn't you called a limousine or something?

Rise: That's what my manager said, but I'm trying to be a normal girl for a change. But I've never imagined that the distance would be too much!

Magio: You say that, but you know you can't. You're an idol, someone will recognize you.
Rise: That already happened.

Magio: I knew it. But anyway, I won't take your time. In fact, I'll help you with your baggage.

Kokoro: (WHAT?!)

Magio called some dolls to carry Rise's baggage. Lilly kept thinking if she would find strange, but Rise seemed to perfectly accept the fact that flying dolls were helping her.

Rise: Why, that's so nice of you, Magio-san. Then, let's get going.

Rise: Well, it's nice to meet you all, friends of Magio-san!

Magio: I'll be back in one second, everyone.

Both Rise and Magio entered on the lobby.

Lilly: She seems to be a nice person.

Kokoro: Another rival has appeared... but I won't lose! You guys, mark my words!

Aya: Won't lose... what, exactly?

Kokoro: Just mark my words and it'll be fine!!
Milanor: Magio has some weird contacts. Then again, the guy's a total weirdo.

Seraph: He does seem to have changed, though.
Yggdra: At the very least, he's really happy with life.

Seraph: (That's because you don't know the story.)
Yggdra: Well, we'll be going now. Goodbye, Seraph, Lilly and everyone.
Milanor: I'll see ya later for our date, Lilly!

Lilly: There will be no date!!

Seraph: You have no fear, do you?

Yggdra and Milanor entered at the hotel too.

Spring Zone: Abandoned Quarters

BGM: KDD-0063 still playing

Azrel and K' kept running while evading the bullets coming from the soldiers.

K': Damn... those idiots just won't quit!

Azrel: We're near my hideout. Once we reach it, we'll be safe.

As they ran, Ariel waved to them froma distance.

Ariel: Mr. Azrel, over here!

Azrel: What in the world are you-

Ariel: Hurry!

The two ran to her position and stopped in front of her. The soldiers stopped shooting and just ran to them.

Ariel: Mr. Jinheki, now!

And on the rooftop of a building, Jinheki held a scroll he had from his village. The scriptures from it started to shine as he used the techniques from it.

Jinheki: Art of the Illusions - Transmigration Wall!

An invisible wall appeared right in front of them. The soldiers marched in, being teleported to somewhere else.

BGM: Youthful Lunch

Azrel: Alright, we've done it.

Ariel: Mr. Azrel, are you alright?

Azrel: Yeah... but what happened to you, girl?

Ariel: W-Well... I had the idea to change my clothes, since I believe I am not fit to be a nun anymore...

Jinheki: I bought those for her. What do you think?

Azrel: Couldn't you buy something more appropriate?

Jinheki: Hey, this cost really big, you know? The shops' prices are big and our bounties are unable to buy some more "appropriate"!

Azrel: Aaaah... you just don't want to admit that you're a perv.

Jinheki: W-What?! That's pure BS!! I'm not a perv!!

Ariel: Now, now, please stop. You might bother our guest.

Azrel turned back to K'. He seemed bothered, as usual, and ready to leave.

K': ... I'm not a guest. I'm already leaving.

Azrel: And where do you plan to go?

K': Why do you sound so concerned? It doesn't matter to you what I do!

Azrel: Those DUST soldiers are on the boot for ex-projects of NESTS and some other people. If you really want to live in peace, you should follow my advice and come with me, K'.

K': ...

Ariel: Mr... K', right? It will be only for a short time. I am sure that this soldiers will soon be dealt with.

Ariel: Our plans have nothing to do with those soldiers, so we will be leaving them to the authorities.

K': ...

Jinheki: Dude, they could be really away or they could be in the next quarter. I don't know where they went, so it's unsafe to say that after you leave here, you won't be encountering trouble. We don't even know if they have planned reinfo-

K': Fine, fine, I got already since the moment the girl spoke, dumbass. Shit...

Azrel: Then, let's go to the hideout for now. Follow us.

Jinheki got down from the rooftop and, with Azrel and Ariel, led K' to their hideout.
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