Realm of Paradox

Injya: Right behind ya!
Winter District – Train Station
((Time for more skipping))
Music: Life is on you
Fael, together with Marie, Hugh, Thomas, Hibiki and surprisingly even Ragna where at the station, waiting for a certain train to arrive. The young boy kept looking at the letter he received from his childhood friend.

Hugh: Someone is eager here.

Fael: I guess…

Marie: Well, I’m kinda anxious myself as well.

Hibiki: She must’ve been a very nice friend right?

Fael: Yeah. And according to how she writes her letters, she hasn’t changed that much.

Hugh: Damn straight.

Thomas: Oh hey, the train is here.
A few seconds passed, and the train stopped, the doors opened and people started to leave it.

Hibiki: So, where is she?

Fael: If you see someone with blue hair…it’s not Hugh. And it's not Mr. Kakeru either. ((Both Fael and Hibiki studied with Kakeru Satsuki, a blue haired boy.))

Thomas: *holds a laugh.*
Meanwhile, inside the train

Rina: So, this is the Multilopolis “She” keeps talking about. This really looks like a big city. Hopefully I don’t get lost.

Asuka: Then, You're going ahead of us right?

Rina: Yeah. See you around. I'm quite excited to explore the city.

Now, back outside
Sayaka: We’re here! And it was worth the wait.

???2: Hihihi! So, is the city is like you remember?

Sayaka: Actually, this is my first time at the station. But I can tell you the atmosphere is still the same.

???2: I see.

???3: *Sightseeing*

Sayaka: Now, where that guy might be?

Fael: Excuse me miss, I happen to find a letter with your name in it. Is it yours?

Sayaka: Why of course, thank you very much…FAEL!
Music: The Person who is near

Fael and Hugh: SAYAKA-CHAN!

Maria: Such synchrony!

Marie: There you are.

Sayaka: Man, you guys really don’t look like you changed.

Hugh: Same with you jerk.

Fael: Should I say welcome back or nice to meet you again?

Sayaka: Anything you feel comfortable with.

Hibiki and Pink-Haired girl: Wow, you guys really get along well.

Hibiki and Pink-Haired girl: Eh?

Sayaka: Oh yeah, let me introduce you, this is your replacement. Her name is Madoka Kaname.

Madoka: Don’t say replacement.

Fael: She’s kinda right. I wasn’t around, so she needed to find someone to annoy.

Madoka: Eeehhh…

Black-Haired Girl: Don't bully her too much.

Sayaka: Continuing on, the grumpy girl over there is Homura Akemi.

Homura: Pleased to meet you.

Hugh: (Damn her voice is low.) Excuse, could you speak up a bit.

Marie: (She didn’t even bat an eyelid to the grumpy girl part.)

Homura: No.

Hugh: Okay... *Sad violin plays while Hugh looks at the ground.* ((just the first 5 seconds))

Sayaka: And of course, for those who doesn’t know me, I’m Sayaka Miki.

Hibiki: Nice to meet you Sayaka-chan.

Fael: Well, MY TURN! For you two that doesn’t know, these are Hugh and Marie, my friends for life.

Hugh: Top o' the morning to ya, ladies!

Marie: Hello there, hopefully, you’ll enjoy your stay (Hopefully…)

Fael: Here is Thomas, a recent, but strong friendship.

Thomas: Thomas Millard from the World Crossers Guild, at your disposal.

Fael: Hibiki, one of the people that helped me to walk on the right path and a very nice friend.
Music: Everyday Fantasy

Hibiki: Hiya! My name is Hibiki Tachibana, 15 years...

Fael: O-okay, no need for the full intro.

Sayaka: Aww.

Fael: It’s too overwhelming, trust me.

Sayaka: So, who’s the tall guy in the red jacket? He's been quiet ever since we got here...just like Homura.

Madoka: And a….sword?

Fael: This grumpy pants here is called Ragna the Bloodedge.

Ragna: *looking away, but still hearing the conversation* Who is grumpy pants?

Sayaka: And apparently, he looks short tempered. Way diferent than Homura...there goes my good impression.

Ragna: Shut up!

Hugh: By the way Rags…what are you doing here?

Ragna: Don’t call me that. And i'm on an errand.

Ragna: *low tone* Damn, that many people leaving the train and still no sight of “them” yet.

Thomas: Did Lyzer shove you another weird assignment?

Ragna: Yes, though this time, it’s not that weird.

Thomas: Mind if you fill me in?

Ragna: Not now, you need to hang out with your friends.

Thomas: Okay…if you somehow want some backup, I’ll be around.

Homura: Is he from this guild too?

Hugh: You actually nailed it.

Homura: I see.

Hibiki: So, where should we go first?

Sayaka: Well…we did make reservations at the Sunshine Hotel for the summer so…How about you guys take us there?

Fael: Us take you there? Are You afraid you might get lost?

Sayaka: Oi, I still remember a lot about the city. Besides, WE’RE guiding Madoka and Homura.

Madoka: I’m counting on you.

Fael: If you say so.

Asuka: Did someone mention Stoner Sunshine Hotel?

Maria: We made reservations there too.

Ragna: (There they are. Kinda convenient. Why they didn't get out of the train sooner?)

Asuka: Sorry there Sayaka...Maria had the idea to bring to much luggage.

Maria: What? It was you!

Fael: Who they are?

Sayaka: I met them in the train. They are Asuka Miyamura and Maria Shinzaki.

Asuka: Nice to meet you guys.

Thomas: Here, let me help you with the baggage.

Asuka: Ah, you don't need to.

Thomas: Please, i insist.

Asuka: W-Well...if you say so...Anyway, as Maria said, we made reservations there, but don't know exactly where it is.

Maria: Besides, after we heard some stuff about the city, I believe it’s better if we stick to a big group.

Asuka: C’mon Maria, don’t tell me you’re afraid of some bandits.
Music: Art of War

Fael: Don’t underestimate this city.

Asuka: Eh?

Fael: This place is not to be underestimated, no matter how much powerful you are.

Asuka: But…

Fael: DO i make myself CLEAR?

Asuka: R-Roger Captain.

Fael: Good, I don’t want over-confident people getting soft now.

Homura: ...
*music changes back to the previous one*

Sayaka: Wow.

Fael: What?

Sayaka: For a moment there, you sounded like Homura.

Fael: Really? Am I that serious looking?

Hibiki: Your game face told us enough.

Fael: Ahahahaha…

Hugh: So, are you all ready?

Madoka: Please, lead the way!
Multilopolis Meadow
Music: Over Ace

Mana: I don’t have nice memories of this place…

Sergios: Mana…
Lyzer: Don’t worry, this time, Masaki is here with his own machine.

Masaki: Just leave this with me and Cybuster. Also, get as much combat data as you want.
Lyzer: Anyway, I had to modify the Blue and Yellow frames to be one pilot only. The Blue being the long ranged unit and the Yellow being the close ranged. Their general appearence is mostly the same, but i plan i modify them after the test. But I believe you two knew that already.

Mana: *in the yellow frame* Um…Yeah.

Sergios: *in the blue frame* Sure, of course we knew.
Lyzer: …

Masaki: So, where’s Shuren?
Lyzer: She’s on the guild solving some paperwork while preparing to go to the festival. Oh, and one more thing, the Military contacted me and said they are sending a new model to this place.

Masaki: Wait, I thought that only you knew to make robots
Lyzer: I thought so as well…which is why I want to see what exactly they made.

Masaki: Heh, knowing Shu, he probably shared some-
Lyzer: No he didn’t.

Masaki: (Oh yeah, I forgot she’s someone that was fooled by him… There's no way i can convince her that Shu is not to be trusted.)
Lyzer: I believe he’s going to arrive shortly...Wait, I’m picking up a signal.

Sergios: Is it him?
Lyzer: Well well…it looks strange, but the signature is similar to a certain part of Kael…which means…this guy might be one of those dimensional travelers.

Masaki: Okay, this is getting strange; don’t tell me the pilot is someone like Kael?
Lyzer: Yes. If I’m correct, most of the Dimensional Travelers have a similar signature, probably due to well…being able to do exactly that.

Masaki: …
Music – Black Stranger

Suddenly, a huge portal of darkness appears on the sky, from it, a black giant mech slowly floats to the ground, facing Cybuster.

Masaki: !!!

Asakim: You’re more interesting up close.

Masaki: What?

Asakim: Now, let’s start!

Asakim: Discalibur! I’ll judge your crimes!
Shurouga flies at bliding speeds, slicing Cybuster.

Masaki: Urgh….What the hell?
Lyzer: (That speed…it’s on par with Cybuster?)

Masaki: Then it’s my turn! I'll show how sharp Discutter is!
Cybuster counters Shurouga with a similar attack

Asakim: Heh, impressive.

Masaki: What’s with you? Attacking me without warning!

Asakim: I’m the one the military sent. Name’s Asakim Dowin.
Lyzer: …

Asakim: You must be Doctor Lyzer Spinel right?
Lyzer: Exactly. Thanks for coming, but don’t attack your allies before the test period has started.

Asakim: I was just curious. And before you ask, I’m not allowed to answer any questions pertaining this machine.
Lyzer: …

Masaki: …

Sergios: (There’s something ominous about this guy…)

Injya: Right behind ya!
Winter District – Train Station
((Time for more skipping))
Music: Life is on you
Fael, together with Marie, Hugh, Thomas, Hibiki and surprisingly even Ragna where at the station, waiting for a certain train to arrive. The young boy kept looking at the letter he received from his childhood friend.

Hugh: Someone is eager here.

Fael: I guess…

Marie: Well, I’m kinda anxious myself as well.

Hibiki: She must’ve been a very nice friend right?

Fael: Yeah. And according to how she writes her letters, she hasn’t changed that much.

Hugh: Damn straight.

Thomas: Oh hey, the train is here.
A few seconds passed, and the train stopped, the doors opened and people started to leave it.

Hibiki: So, where is she?

Fael: If you see someone with blue hair…it’s not Hugh. And it's not Mr. Kakeru either. ((Both Fael and Hibiki studied with Kakeru Satsuki, a blue haired boy.))

Thomas: *holds a laugh.*
Meanwhile, inside the train

Rina: So, this is the Multilopolis “She” keeps talking about. This really looks like a big city. Hopefully I don’t get lost.

Asuka: Then, You're going ahead of us right?

Rina: Yeah. See you around. I'm quite excited to explore the city.

Now, back outside
Sayaka: We’re here! And it was worth the wait.

???2: Hihihi! So, is the city is like you remember?

Sayaka: Actually, this is my first time at the station. But I can tell you the atmosphere is still the same.

???2: I see.

???3: *Sightseeing*

Sayaka: Now, where that guy might be?

Fael: Excuse me miss, I happen to find a letter with your name in it. Is it yours?

Sayaka: Why of course, thank you very much…FAEL!
Music: The Person who is near

Fael and Hugh: SAYAKA-CHAN!

Maria: Such synchrony!

Marie: There you are.

Sayaka: Man, you guys really don’t look like you changed.

Hugh: Same with you jerk.

Fael: Should I say welcome back or nice to meet you again?

Sayaka: Anything you feel comfortable with.

Hibiki and Pink-Haired girl: Wow, you guys really get along well.

Hibiki and Pink-Haired girl: Eh?

Sayaka: Oh yeah, let me introduce you, this is your replacement. Her name is Madoka Kaname.

Madoka: Don’t say replacement.

Fael: She’s kinda right. I wasn’t around, so she needed to find someone to annoy.

Madoka: Eeehhh…

Black-Haired Girl: Don't bully her too much.

Sayaka: Continuing on, the grumpy girl over there is Homura Akemi.

Homura: Pleased to meet you.

Hugh: (Damn her voice is low.) Excuse, could you speak up a bit.

Marie: (She didn’t even bat an eyelid to the grumpy girl part.)

Homura: No.

Hugh: Okay... *Sad violin plays while Hugh looks at the ground.* ((just the first 5 seconds))

Sayaka: And of course, for those who doesn’t know me, I’m Sayaka Miki.

Hibiki: Nice to meet you Sayaka-chan.

Fael: Well, MY TURN! For you two that doesn’t know, these are Hugh and Marie, my friends for life.

Hugh: Top o' the morning to ya, ladies!

Marie: Hello there, hopefully, you’ll enjoy your stay (Hopefully…)

Fael: Here is Thomas, a recent, but strong friendship.

Thomas: Thomas Millard from the World Crossers Guild, at your disposal.

Fael: Hibiki, one of the people that helped me to walk on the right path and a very nice friend.
Music: Everyday Fantasy

Hibiki: Hiya! My name is Hibiki Tachibana, 15 years...

Fael: O-okay, no need for the full intro.

Sayaka: Aww.

Fael: It’s too overwhelming, trust me.

Sayaka: So, who’s the tall guy in the red jacket? He's been quiet ever since we got here...just like Homura.

Madoka: And a….sword?

Fael: This grumpy pants here is called Ragna the Bloodedge.

Ragna: *looking away, but still hearing the conversation* Who is grumpy pants?

Sayaka: And apparently, he looks short tempered. Way diferent than Homura...there goes my good impression.

Ragna: Shut up!

Hugh: By the way Rags…what are you doing here?

Ragna: Don’t call me that. And i'm on an errand.

Ragna: *low tone* Damn, that many people leaving the train and still no sight of “them” yet.

Thomas: Did Lyzer shove you another weird assignment?

Ragna: Yes, though this time, it’s not that weird.

Thomas: Mind if you fill me in?

Ragna: Not now, you need to hang out with your friends.

Thomas: Okay…if you somehow want some backup, I’ll be around.

Homura: Is he from this guild too?

Hugh: You actually nailed it.

Homura: I see.

Hibiki: So, where should we go first?

Sayaka: Well…we did make reservations at the Sunshine Hotel for the summer so…How about you guys take us there?

Fael: Us take you there? Are You afraid you might get lost?

Sayaka: Oi, I still remember a lot about the city. Besides, WE’RE guiding Madoka and Homura.

Madoka: I’m counting on you.

Fael: If you say so.

Asuka: Did someone mention Stoner Sunshine Hotel?

Maria: We made reservations there too.

Ragna: (There they are. Kinda convenient. Why they didn't get out of the train sooner?)

Asuka: Sorry there Sayaka...Maria had the idea to bring to much luggage.

Maria: What? It was you!

Fael: Who they are?

Sayaka: I met them in the train. They are Asuka Miyamura and Maria Shinzaki.

Asuka: Nice to meet you guys.

Thomas: Here, let me help you with the baggage.

Asuka: Ah, you don't need to.

Thomas: Please, i insist.

Asuka: W-Well...if you say so...Anyway, as Maria said, we made reservations there, but don't know exactly where it is.

Maria: Besides, after we heard some stuff about the city, I believe it’s better if we stick to a big group.

Asuka: C’mon Maria, don’t tell me you’re afraid of some bandits.
Music: Art of War

Fael: Don’t underestimate this city.

Asuka: Eh?

Fael: This place is not to be underestimated, no matter how much powerful you are.

Asuka: But…

Fael: DO i make myself CLEAR?

Asuka: R-Roger Captain.

Fael: Good, I don’t want over-confident people getting soft now.

Homura: ...
*music changes back to the previous one*

Sayaka: Wow.

Fael: What?

Sayaka: For a moment there, you sounded like Homura.

Fael: Really? Am I that serious looking?

Hibiki: Your game face told us enough.

Fael: Ahahahaha…

Hugh: So, are you all ready?

Madoka: Please, lead the way!
Multilopolis Meadow
Music: Over Ace

Mana: I don’t have nice memories of this place…

Sergios: Mana…
Lyzer: Don’t worry, this time, Masaki is here with his own machine.

Masaki: Just leave this with me and Cybuster. Also, get as much combat data as you want.
Lyzer: Anyway, I had to modify the Blue and Yellow frames to be one pilot only. The Blue being the long ranged unit and the Yellow being the close ranged. Their general appearence is mostly the same, but i plan i modify them after the test. But I believe you two knew that already.

Mana: *in the yellow frame* Um…Yeah.

Sergios: *in the blue frame* Sure, of course we knew.
Lyzer: …

Masaki: So, where’s Shuren?
Lyzer: She’s on the guild solving some paperwork while preparing to go to the festival. Oh, and one more thing, the Military contacted me and said they are sending a new model to this place.

Masaki: Wait, I thought that only you knew to make robots
Lyzer: I thought so as well…which is why I want to see what exactly they made.

Masaki: Heh, knowing Shu, he probably shared some-
Lyzer: No he didn’t.

Masaki: (Oh yeah, I forgot she’s someone that was fooled by him… There's no way i can convince her that Shu is not to be trusted.)
Lyzer: I believe he’s going to arrive shortly...Wait, I’m picking up a signal.

Sergios: Is it him?
Lyzer: Well well…it looks strange, but the signature is similar to a certain part of Kael…which means…this guy might be one of those dimensional travelers.

Masaki: Okay, this is getting strange; don’t tell me the pilot is someone like Kael?
Lyzer: Yes. If I’m correct, most of the Dimensional Travelers have a similar signature, probably due to well…being able to do exactly that.

Masaki: …
Music – Black Stranger

Suddenly, a huge portal of darkness appears on the sky, from it, a black giant mech slowly floats to the ground, facing Cybuster.

Masaki: !!!

Asakim: You’re more interesting up close.

Masaki: What?

Asakim: Now, let’s start!

Asakim: Discalibur! I’ll judge your crimes!
Shurouga flies at bliding speeds, slicing Cybuster.

Masaki: Urgh….What the hell?
Lyzer: (That speed…it’s on par with Cybuster?)

Masaki: Then it’s my turn! I'll show how sharp Discutter is!
Cybuster counters Shurouga with a similar attack

Asakim: Heh, impressive.

Masaki: What’s with you? Attacking me without warning!

Asakim: I’m the one the military sent. Name’s Asakim Dowin.
Lyzer: …

Asakim: You must be Doctor Lyzer Spinel right?
Lyzer: Exactly. Thanks for coming, but don’t attack your allies before the test period has started.

Asakim: I was just curious. And before you ask, I’m not allowed to answer any questions pertaining this machine.
Lyzer: …

Masaki: …

Sergios: (There’s something ominous about this guy…)