Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter / Maybe Soldier Boy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hayden took his seat in the back row of the classroom, preparing himself for whatever the new English Lit teacher had in store. He wondered who they would even be, or if they would be halfway decent. The last teacher didn't last long, dealing with some of the more out of control students. New York City hoodlums tended to be some heavy souls, or so they all pretended. What they actually were, were poorly adjusted, out of control children.

Grumbling to himself, he glanced up from his desk, and smirked as his best friend Ember approached him, taking a seat directly in front of him, "The beauty. It stings!", he feigned a heart attack, throwing his head back with a soft giggle. Ember groaned, removing her jacket and tossing it at him. He caught it, as if he had seen this sort of hostility from her a million times, and draped it over the back of her seat.

"No one wants your dick, Rhodes. Get over yourself."

"Oh, I wasn't talking about you, princess. Look at that hot piece of ass…", he chimed, leaning in close to her face, and pointing one long slender finger toward the door, where one of the many cheerleader types strolled in, giving him a playful grin, "She wants it."

"In your dreams. She just wants money, which you only have when you remember to ask for it. Speaking of which, are we going to the party tonight, or no?"

"You're wanting me to go to a party? To what? Buy alcohol for everyone?", Hayden groaned, causing Ember to make a pouty face and nod her head.

The new teacher strolled in not too far behind the blonde, and sat his things on the desk up front.

"If you'll all take your seats and settle down, please. My name is Mr. Buckner. If you're a decent human being, in which I grow to trust, I'll let you call me Abe. Get on my bad side, and you can call me sir until the day you die. Alright? Good. Now…straight to the basics. I'm an easy guy to get along with. I let you be the guide of the class room, and if you're good to me, I continue being good to you. Treat me poorly, and trust me…I can do the same.", the teacher explained, causing Hayden to narrow his eyes, impressed. Mr. Buckner quickly caught a glimpse of all of the students, his eyes settling on Hayden and Ember, "I can see that we're all in a comfortable environment, with those we know. I wonder…should we have an ice breaker?"

"Oh no.", Ember groaned, turning her attention from Abe, back to Hayden's face. She examined his expression, all the way to his half open mouth, as he listened, "He's going to make us talk to these people."

"Shush.", Hayden snapped.

"I want everyone to pull out a piece of paper, and write down a few things about yourselves. First, I want you to write down a color, either red, blue, purple, or green. I want you to write down your plans for college, or whatever you plan to do after high school, and finally, I want you to write down one thing you'd like to improve about your high school career. Fold the paper and place it flat on your desk when you're finished."
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Something123


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alexander wasn’t really paying attention to the teacher when he walked in and started rambling. Placed comfortably in the back of the room, Alex was able to pay attention to what really mattered: some Tetris clone on his phone. When he heard the magic word--’paper,’--come from the teacher’s mouth, Alex regretfully slipped his phone into his pocket, mourning the high score he’d never be able to get, and looked up. Colors? Seriously? College? Was he supposed to be thinking about that now…? After highschool!? This was insane. “I’m not a fortune teller,” Alex muttered, looking down at the piece of paper he’d pulled out of his pack, and sighing as he clicked the pen in his left hand, twirling it as he considered the answers to the survey he’d been asked to fill out. “Uh… Green, I guess.” He said, scribbling it down on the paper in his barely legible handwriting.

Letting another breath through his lips, he scribbled down more words onto the paper: ‘College plans? Haven’t thought that far. Should probably get on that. Maybe I’ll just go to my parents’s college, I can probably get in pretty easy on their recommendation, you know.’ He decided, shaking his head as he thought about after highschool… What did he plan to do after all this ended? It was the most structure in his life: get up, go to school, go home. Every day, with work sprinkled in when he was needed at the restaurant, which was becoming more and more often. Placing the pen back onto the paper, he began to write again: ‘Come on, man. I haven’t even thought about college, you think I’ve thought about after high school? I guess that’s way closer, so I should probably get on that. I’ve always imagined I’ll just hang out in my parent’s basement and play videogames and watch movies and cartoons all day. Maybe get a lil high. Maybe not. Depends on the time of day. In reality, I’ll probably be shipped off to college, forced to work for a living and actually apply myself to make sure I get a job that doesn’t suck and isn’t fun so my parents aren’t, y’know, totally disappointed in me.’

He began to fold the slip of paper, when he remembered the last bit he was supposed to write down. One thing he’d like to improve about his high school career… This wasn’t really a career, was it? Shaking his head now, Alex quickly wrote down a few words. ‘I don’t know. I guess I could go for a couple more free periods, that might be pretty cool. Yeah… Free periods. And better lunches. Don’t you think we can afford better lunches here? I mean, I know I could, if I just took money from my mommy and daddy. But, yo, they feed us the worst food ever.’ He started to fold it again, then grinned and flattened the paper again, this time doodling on it.

Eventually, Alex was satisfied with the drawing, filling in the last few bits with the blue ink of his pen. He’d drawn a man sitting on a lake of ice, sawing a chunk out of it so he could get to ice fishing, with a tiny caption: ‘Hope this breaks the ice well ‘nuff.’ Perfect. Now he folded it and sat it on the edge of his desk, looking up at the teacher. “Kay, done. Now what?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Narcotic Dollie
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Narcotic Dollie Weasel Wrangler

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mia walked briskly down the hallway towards her first class of the morning, clutching at the strap of her book bag like it was a rosary. The students in the hallway gave her curious looks as she passed by; their gazes focused on her newly dyed purple tresses. While the dress code at this school was extremely relaxed at best, the administration still generally frowned on unnatural hair colors. Mia had convinced the principal that it was for a social experiment, so he’d let it slide for the time being. While the teenage liked her new look quite a lot, she was beginning to regret her latest fashion decision, as it drawing a bunch of unmerited attention.

Mia followed a blonde girl, who had apparently tried to drown herself in Coco Chanel No. 5 this morning, into her English Literature class and took a seat in the middle of the classroom. Normally, she would have sat in one of the back rows, but it was becoming increasingly crowed back there.

“Oh my God, Mia!” Exclaimed Amelia, a petite brunette girl whose mother worked at the hospital with Mia’s father. “What have you done to your hair?” the other girl asked woefully, stroking Mia’s violet locks as if mourning the death of her once beautiful hair.

“Knock it off,” Mia says, but there is no heat behind it and she lets the other teen continue to play with her hair. After a few seconds the teacher strolls in and introduces himself, before announcing that they all have to participate in an ice breaker activity. Mia bites her lip and tries to suppress a smile as she listens to her other classmates groan in protest. Rummaging through her book bag, the pale youth pulls out a spiral notebook, along with a pen, and begins the assignment.

‘Purple,’ she jots down for the first question, smiling at the how obvious an answer it was. ‘Translator for the CIA,’ she writes for the next question in small, precise letters. For the final question she stops, tapping her pencil softly against the desk top. The most important thing to Mia was bringing up her history grade, but she was pretty sure that they’d be required to read this out loud at some point, and she didn’t want a whole class to know she was struggling in what many people considered to be an easy subject. After another few moments of hesitation, Mia quickly scribbles, ‘To make new friends’, before folding the paper and laying it down on her desk.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stargenie44
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Stargenie44 I can see stars from here

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Darlene was sitting in the left corner near the window in the third seat when the new teacher walked in, She listened to him ramble on while she tapped her pen on the side of her desk. She grabbed a sheet of paper from her binder and wrote he name down, she stared at the paper for quite sometime forgetting the questions he wanted them to write already. She sighed to herself and just stared until she remembered him talking about colors " My Favorite colooor~ Turquoise" She said to herself while writing it down "Oh~ did he mean favorite color? Better put Red" She scribbled out her previous color and wrote down red instead, she also scribbled out her name since that was dumb, continuing on she thought about her plans for college, did she have any? She never really thought about it much, her parents are photographers and her brother wants to be an astronaut. She always thought about Business or maybe Human services, she wrote down both since she was unsure. Once she finished high school she'd stay at home and work till she got her car then, she'd apply for college and go off in the spring.

Finally remembering the last question she thought about what she could improve on, What exactly could she improve on? " What can I improve onn~ What can I improoove onn~~~?" She tapped her temple with the pen before finally writing. "I'd like to improve finding a way to have teachers create a got damn planner for homework, honestly one teacher assigns work not ALL and picks a day or two depending on the assignment, and once almost all students turn it in then the next teacher could do the same. Wouldn't just make my life easier but also the stereotypical genius Asians too, Thank you~" She placed her pen onto the desk and read over her paper to make sure things were right, her semi-neat handwriting with the occasional hearts and diamonds on her letters look okay. She folded her paper and pushed it to the side, not really caring if people were done or not she pulled out her phone and earbuds listening to her music. She looked around and saw a girl with purple hair and thought it looked nice on her, she leaned on her desk and waved her hand at the girl to get her attention " Excuse mee~ PSST~ pretty girl with the purple hair~ I like the color on you ... looks nice" She smiled slightly before sitting back into her desk normally.@Narcotic Dollie
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OfficerHeadbutt
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OfficerHeadbutt Child of the Fence

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Nathan Collins winced as daylight hit his eyes. He was not just waking up, he had just emerged from the subway station, and he had not enjoyed his first ever ride on the New York subway. It was not a trip he was looking forward to making every day. After moving from England his parents now lived outside of Manhattan, in a fancy house in Long Island. But as no other school would take him, and their new house was too far away they were paying for an apartment for him in Hell’s Kitchen, under specific rules of no parties and random spot-checks. He had to keep the place tidy, clean, and drug and alcohol free because they had keys, and could come and search his apartment when he wasn’t even there.

Once his eyes readjusted to the sunlight he checked the time. School started at 9am, and it was now 9:10, and he was still a 10 minute walk from the school.
“ Fuck’s sake...” he sighed under his breath. He wouldn’t particularly be bothered about being late if it weren’t for the fact this was his first day. He pulled a small tin from out of his bag, and opened it up. It was his cigarette case, of which it contained multiple roll ups he had pre-rolled the night before. He placed one to his lips and lit it, before putting the lighter and the case back into his bag. He continued down the busy streets to the school. As he saw the main gate but hadn’t quite reached it yet, he stopped, took the last few drags of his cigarette and stomped it out under his shoe. He placed a piece of chewing gum in his mouth, and pulled some deodorant from his bag, quickly spraying himself before dropping it back in his bag. He headed through the main gate and into the reception area, walking up to the main desk.

“ Hey, err, it’s my first day, I’m new here. I know I’m really late, but I need, like my timetable or whatever you call it?” He said to the receptionist.
“ Huh, English kid. Name?” The receptionist responded. Nathan gave her his name and she handed him some papers, which he rifled through to find his timetable. First lesson, English literature. It took him a further 10 minutes to find the room, by this time it was 9:35. He poked his head through the door, looking at the class, and the teacher, before stepping inside completely.

“ Uh, I’m sorry I’m so late, I’m just new to the school, new to the city. New to the whole country I suppose…” Nathan gave an awkward laugh. He looked around the class, seeing students whispering to each other, presumably about the new kid with the english accent. He looked back to the teacher.
“ Is there something you need to do, ‘cause I’m late, or do I just sit down? Is there somewhere you want me to sit, or do I just sit anywhere? Sorry, unsure how this whole thing works.” Nathan stood there at the front of the class awkwardly, unsure of what to do. He looked back at the students in the class, a few of them standing out. There was some emo looking dude joking around with a girl at the back. Another girl with bright purple hair and a mixed race girl sitting next to her. Was she mixed race or fully black but just light skinned? Probably not the first thing to ask if he spoke to her. Some other guy with long, frizzy hair. Hopefully one, some, or all of these people would be good to make friends with.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Venus
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Venus So long, and goodnight. ♡

Member Seen 28 days ago

Kellie had arrived a few minutes early to the English Lit classroom, looking perfectly casual with a button down light blue denim shirt, dark blue jean shorts, and matching red flats and tote bag, and leaving a trail of Flowerbomb perfume behind her. It was a habit of hers to arrive to classrooms early, which was always the best way to make sure she got the best seat: the first chair of the middle row of the classroom. She barely paid notice to her classmates, which mostly sat at the back of the classroom. Those were the ones to stay away from: the disruptive slackers who didn't really put much effort into their classes like she did. Call her conceited, but nothing mattered most to Kellie than good grades. That, and no boys, would be the ticket to a successful future without any unnecessary distractions. If there was something she wouldn't repeat, it was her parents' fate of becoming teen parents just after their high school graduation.

She had just enough time to neatly set her things on her desk (bright pink spiral notebook and a pen) when the teacher walked in. Kellie sat up straight and paid attention, completely in 'student mode'. As he began his introduction she quickly noticed he was new here, as it was the first time she had ever seen him around. His name was Mr. Buckner, and his first impression with Kellie was that he seemed to be pretty cool as long as you didn't get on his bad side, which she obviously didn't plan to. Mr. Buckner announced that he would start their first class with an icebreaker, and Kellie rolled her eyes in annoyance at the groan of most of her classmates. God, what is the big deal? It's just an icebreaker, not some homework, or worse... A group project. Kellie Anne despised group projects, as she was always the only one who did all the actual work while the others tended to slack off. She had to admit, sometimes it was only that way because of her perfectionism of doing everything exactly right, but what better way to get things done the right way than to do it oneself?

Kellie ripped a page out of her spiral notebook and placed it on top of her desk.Okay, so write down a color of the ones he mentioned... Since mint green wouldn't really be the right answer, I'll just write the next best thing. 'Green', Kellie wrote in her signature neat, curly handwriting. Plans for college... 'Start and finish my studies in Microbiology to eventually work as a research scientist.' Though her favorite class was Creative Writing because it gave her a chance to make her imagination and feelings go wild, she really wanted to pursue a career in scientific research. She had been part of the Science club in middle school, but hadn't joined any extracurricular activities in high school because of her babysitting job. Kellie shook her head to get her focus back on the current task. Okay, so What to improve in my high school career... Let's see... That really is a hard question! she thought deeply, resting her head on her left hand. It was certainly not a grades issue. She was a 4.0 student running for Valedictorian on her senior year, so what was really left to improve? I've got it. Kellie sat up straight and began to write: 'Improve my social skills and attend more school-related activities.' It was no question that those were the aspects she truly needed to improve. She was always so busy with school and work that she never had time to go to any activities, so this year she would do her best to make a balance.

Finished with the assigned activity, Kellie neatly folded the paper and set it on top of her desk. She looked around, and her eyes fell on none other than Jack Colt. A blush quickly made its way to her cheeks, turning them pink. Kellie quickly faced forward again and covered the side of her face he could see with her hand. Concentrating in this class would be hard if he was a part of it. She had crushed on him since he'd seen him last year on the first day of her sophomore year, and fate had made it so that Kellie had become best friends with his little sister Alice. Try as she may, but Kellie Anne hadn't been able to shake off the attraction that she felt for her best friend's older brother. It was a secret she hadn't confided in anyone, but that would be hard to keep having the guy in the same class as her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jack had been the first one in the room, his sister had something she'd had to be here early for on the first day so he got stuck sitting in English class bored all morning. His seat was towards the, middle of the room, decent place not to stand out and for him to work from. He'd gotten out his laptop and booted up a game, it didn't last long the other students arrived and soon so did the new teacher. He seemed tough enough to survive the place but time would tell as always with teachers, some broke others got mean and other stopped caring. He hoped the guy wouldn't be in the last column, teachers like that ruined schools.

He got to the save point and quit the game putting the laptop aside as the teacher explained he wanted to an icebreaker, great like they wouldn't be doing this eight times today already. Still it was an assignment so he got out a piece of paper and started on the assignment. 'Purple' he wrote down for his favorite color, he wrote down 'Announcer' as his career path after school deciding not to say anything more, the teacher shouldn't know he already had a career or that he was already set for life on the money front. For the last he decided it pretty easily 'Make some friends.' He added and with that he folded it and set it aside.

Jack never really cared about school, granted he did make C's and B's in the classes but that was thanks to good grades and the internet. Still he could improve if he cared, but his absences and traveling made it difficult but he did his best to maintain a decent grade point average. Still he had no friends at the school and he really had no way to changed that at the moment. So with a shrug he got his laptop back out and went back to his game.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Roecoon
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Roecoon Consumer of potatoes!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Xander had been on school grounds since about 4:30 am. Not out of effort of course but the exact opposite. He had taken his time last night to wander about the city, taking subways and seeing the sights until ...eventually he had found the school grounds where he proceeded to sleep at the front doors. He never really saw the need to rush so much in the morning. Mornings were for relaxing and taming hangovers. Xander had managed to meander into the class rather early, since he didn't know anyone anyways. He however did manage a short nap before the teacher barged in, score one for Xander!~

As soon as he heard the teacher's request of being seated Xander jerked his head up, rubbing his eyes and temples attempting to wake himself up. All he heard was something about a decent human being, someone named Abe, and ice breaker. Xander managed a half-assed grunt in response and grabbed his bag. He was listening to the teacher's questions while he rummaged through the bag for something to write on and something to write with. Xander pulled out a slightly crushed piece of paper with a small chicken doodled on it and ran it along the desk edge to try and smooth it out a bit. Then finally he somehow found a random blue colored pencil and decided it was good enough.

Xander mostly tried to focus on the question while he heard everyone writing, or talking about he really didn't care what, And the poor guy that was late on his first day. He had very seriously considered taking the teacher's requests literally, but he didn't seem like a bad guy, so not today. Alright, first question. One quick glance at his hand gave him all the info he needed. Blue. Yeah, Xander was gettin it done! Question two. Not to be there. Almost done, he thought about it for awhile then put More snacks. Crushed it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Narcotic Dollie
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Narcotic Dollie Weasel Wrangler

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

" Excuse mee~ PSST~ pretty girl with the purple hair~ I like the color on you ... looks nice.”

Mia turned around to find one of her classmates leaned over her desk, trying to catch her attention. The thing that stood out most about the other teenager was her big brown doe eyes. ’Like Bambi,’ Mia thought to herself, before shaking her head to clear the thought away. “Thank you,” she answered the other with a small grin. “It got a lot more attention than I thought it would,” she continued honestly, before wiping her hand on her blue jeans and sticking it out for a hand shake. “I’m Mia. What’s you--,”

“ Uh, I’m sorry I’m so late, I’m just new to the school, new to the city. New to the whole country I suppose…” laughed a curly headed newcomer. He had a British accent, which instantly peaked Mia’s interest. The small teen wondered if he knew any other languages, since he had lived so close to countries like France, Germany, and Italy. “Is there something you need to do, ‘cause I’m late, or do I just sit down? Is there somewhere you want me to sit, or do I just sit anywhere? Sorry, unsure how this whole thing works,” The boy asked, his eyes scanning the room quickly. When his eyes landed on her, she gave him a quick wave with her already raised hand and moved her chin in the direction of the vacant seat in front of her that was adjacent to the ginger boy playing games on his laptop.

“Sorry,” she murmured quietly, turning her gaze back to the other girl. “I’m Mia. What’s your name?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Stargenie44
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Stargenie44 I can see stars from here

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

@Narcotic Dollie@OfficerHeadbutt

Darlene pulled her ear bud out of one of her ears as she took notice to the British accent that filled the silent ass room and chuckled to herself " Hey man~" She said as she looked him over and shook her head before realizing the girl with the purple hair was introducing herself. She smiled and leaned back over as she shook her hand " My names Darlene~ So Mia with the purple hair aye? You're so far the only white chick I've seen pull off a full head of purple and not have the dyed scalp too haha~ I mean, purple is a majestic color and only the ones who think you look as great as I think you do are gonna stare at you honey ... you do have a head full of purple after all" She pulled her hand away in the middle of her conversation and grinned. She then reverted her attention back at the British dude and thought he was pretty loud guy, once or if he sat down in front of Mia she'd wave and introduce herself" So, what's you're name? I'm Darlene by the way" She pushed her wavy curls out of her face and behind her ears and got more comfortable in her seat.

Looking down at her phone she paused her music and took the other ea bud out and placed her things on the upper right of her desk. She hadn't thought about making anymore friends since she was pretty set on that but, these two were probably gonna be an exciting new bunch of people to consider being friends too. She straightened her shirt out and looked at them both now, trying to keep a decent conversation going till the teacher instructed them to do something else.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
Avatar of JustAnna

JustAnna Hunter / Maybe Soldier Boy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Abe stared around the room as the students scribbled, taking in the ones that seemed bothered, as well as the ones that seemed enthusiastic. Most students usually responded quite well to this assignment, as it gave them a chance to tell things about themselves. It gave them a chance to freely BE themselves.

As the rather british boy walked into the classroom, Abe smiled, waving his hand toward the seats in front of him, "Just take a seat. We're doing a small, short assignment to try and break up some of the comfort in the class room. The key to successfully learning, in such a large group of students, is learning more about those students. Don't be afraid to ask a neighbor for help.", he explained to him.

As he finished his explanation, he noticed that a few of the students weren't as excited about the assignment, which he was used to. One, in particular seemed grumbly about the assignment (Alexander), causing Abe's eyes to soften as he reached forward and snatched his paper from his desk, "I promise I'm not going to use your answers for any super spy activities, or mind games. It's simply an exercise."

As he slowly made his way down the isles, he took in a few features of some of the students, as well as the way they sat, held their hands, their nervous ticks, and simply the way their eyes stared at their paper. His experience told him a lot about people, from simple body language. As he approached the girl with the purple hair, he smiled, taking her paper, "Nice hair. It reminds me of the 80's. I bet you would have loved that era…or at least fit in nicely.", another girl chimed in about her hair, and he pointed, as if to accentuate what he was saying, and took her paper as well, "And make sure you keep at least one earbud out. You need an ear to hear."

He tapped the edge of her desk briskly, and kept moving toward the back. He reached the two 'lovebirds', as he would have assumed, and placed a hand on his hip staring down at Ember.

She quickly scribbled her answers down, rolling her eyes at how persistent he was being - as if he cared about them at all, and then folded her paper and held it up, between two fingers. Hayden quickly held his up, behind her, his smooth smile playing across his face.

"What's your name?", Abe asked Hayden, taking in the beautiful writing scrolled across the paper.

"I'm Hayden, sir. I'm pretty new…second semester here."

"Ah. Well…nice handwriting, Hayden. Turn around in your seat, please.", the last part of his sentence was directed at Ember, as he slapped the papers against her knee, and she reluctantly turned around in her seat, crossing her arms over her chest.

He continued making his way around, noticing both the student with the computer, and another who looked rather exhausted. He wondered if this tired student needed some coffee, or perhaps something interesting to wake him up. English Lit was a hard subject to wake people up with, especially this generation. Casting his eyes down at the floor, he moved on to the student with the computer, and tapped the side of it with the papers, "What game is that? I used to play games during classes in college. I learned pretty quickly that was a bad idea. I won't ask you not to, but I won't give breaks on tests for poor note taking, either. Just remember that, alright?"

And finally, he reached the front of the room, where he noticed a girl sitting rather refined. She seemed like a scholar, causing him to smirk. He picked up her paper, and having all of them in his hand, leaned against his desk in front of her, giving her a knowing smile. Turning away from this student, he held up the papers, and smiled.

"Welcome to the new year. That wasn't so bad, was it? Well…here's the bad news. Your answers are about to determine who your partners are going to be for the rest of this semester. This exercise is not meant to torture you, demean you, or anything of the sort. It's meant to bring you all together. It's to create an environment where EVERYONE can learn, and not just a certain, entitled group. So, the colors, are the colors of the groups. Some may be smaller than others, and some may be larger. If there's an odd man out, we will fill in spaces. Sound good? Alright. Let's get started."

"Shit, what did you put?", Ember turned, asking Hayden.

"I put Blue…you know my favorite color is blue."

"I put Purple…", she said with a long groan, "We're not going to be together!"

"For the Green Group…and since not many of you wrote your name on your paper, I am going to go by the order I picked them up. Greens are Alexander and Kellie. Blues are Xander and Hayden. Purples are Mia, Jack, and Ember. And our lone red is Darlene. So, why don't you…", he explained, pointing to the student who was late, "be with the red group. Throw the Red and purple together, and the blue and green together, and we have our groups."

He stopped to let it all sink in, hoping that the friends of the class didn't take it too hard. He couldn't exactly promise them they would love this idea, but he was sure they would learn. That's what he was here for.

(NPC's can be sort of dispersed throughout the groups as you see fit. I didn't say anything about them, because it's your choice what color they would choose.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OfficerHeadbutt
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OfficerHeadbutt Child of the Fence

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Nathan took a seat down at a chair, directly in front of the girl with purple hair. He had seen her, waving at him as he had been speaking. She seemed friendly enough. He sat down, and as the teacher passed by him to go to the back of the class he turned his seat sideways, and turned his seat sideways to the right, and turned his head to the right as well so that he was looking to the back of the class.

" So, what's you're name? I'm Darlene by the way" the girl sat next to the purple haired girl, the one who was either mixed race or just light skinned asked him.
“ Darlene? That’s a nice name. Can’t say it’s a name I’ve ever heard before. I’m Nathan, nice to meet you.” He said, smiling back at Darlene. “ And what’s your name then? Or can I just call you Barney the dinosaur?” He said as he turned his head to the other girl, making an obvious joke about her purple hair. He quickly regretted it as he didn’t want her to feel insulted.

“ I’m sorry, please don’t take that the wrong way. I only meant it as a joke. It looks really nice. Very unique.” He said, in an attempt to pull his foot out of his mouth. Nathan was a joker at heart, but he didn’t know these people yet, and he had no idea what they would or wouldn’t take offence at.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Narcotic Dollie
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Narcotic Dollie Weasel Wrangler

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

“So Mia with the purple hair aye? You're so far the only white chick I've seen pull off a full head of purple and not have the dyed scalp too haha~”

Mia laughed at Darlene’s statement before admitting, “Oh no ma’am, I totally dyed my scalp the first time. I had to scrub it in the shower for forty five minutes. I’m not that talented.” The new boy came over and sat down, and Mia sat back to watch as Darlene introduced herself.

The British boy introduced himself as Nathan, before turning to Mia and asking, “And what’s your name then? Or can I just call you Barney the dinosaur?” Mia bit her bottom lip to stop a smirk from forming and quirked an eyebrow as the other teen obviously tried to back pedal. “I’m sorry, please don’t take that the wrong way. I only meant it as a joke. It looks really nice. Very unique.”

“It’s fine. It was actually a pretty good joke,” the purple haired girl admitted. “Wasn't very British of you though. What would the queen say about your manners?” Mia joked, giving Nathan a playful wink before adding,"I'm Mia." Mr. Buckner chose that moment to come by a take up their assignments, pausing to compliment her hair as he did so. Mia blushed a little at that and coughed, trying to refocus on the ice breaker. The teacher informed them that their colors dictated who they would be working with, and then split them up into groups. Her group included Jack, Ember, and Darlene. “So, should we move around so we’re sitting next to the people in our color groups?” Mia asked Darlene and Nathan, before shooting a glance at the girl named Ember. She seemed very upset about having to move away from her boyfriend.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Roecoon
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Roecoon Consumer of potatoes!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Xander looked around for his new group-mates. He really didn't know what to think about Hayden. Xander wasn't really sure if he was the violent kinda person, or maybe a party-er. He didn't want to make any assumptions, so he just gave him an acknowledgement nod. Kellie well...he wasn't really sure they were going to get along. She seemed pretty serious about class, and Xander wasn't sure he could be serious about anything. Can't win them all right? She was hot though, so that's always a plus. Alex though man, he seemed like he'd be cool to just chill out with. Hey maybe later they could go wander around, that's always a good time.

He extended his hand towards Alex and said "Hey Broham, what's up?" Xander was hoping to get the whole awkward introduction thing over with. Hey, maybe they could all hang out and just have fun together. Who knows maybe they all go out and party after school. He looked over at Hayden. He had some pretty freaking cool tattoos. Xander was also hopeing they wouldn't have some weird group project thing to do later. I hate group projects, people always trying to get me to do things...fucking annoying. Of course if the teacher was going to bother doing this, there was probably no avoiding it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stargenie44
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Stargenie44 I can see stars from here

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@Narcotic Dollie@OfficerHeadbutt

Darlene nodded at Mr.Buckner as she had put her earbuds up already, she had felt pretty lone when she was the only red color but was happy to find out she could stay with Mia and Nathan. She smiled at Nathan and grinned " I actually thought Darlene would be a pretty average name ... or maybe just in America??" She thought for a moment and nodded " Yeah, maybe just America. But, nice to meet you too" She then looked at Mia after hearing him call her Barney, she held in her laugh and held her face up while resting her arms on the desk " That's why I'm afraid to dye my hair, I trained my hair to keep this curly pattern and that took tons of practice. So, I think if I dye it- it'll turn into an Afro again and I don't have time to look like a freaking 1970s soul train dancer" She replied back to Mia as she chuckled to herself once Nathan had apologized for his comment.

She looked around and looked at Ember and Jack and saw that they both were pretty "nice" looking, she didn't think Ember was the type to do things without the boy behind her so she might be shy? She then looked at Jack and thought he was a pretty nice looking guy, he might be mellow? " I think we can move over there? Unless they want to sit near us~" Darlene said while looking back at Mia.
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