Yeah, Ded is correct. If you are going to do something involving another players character, you would need to work that out with them beforehand. I do ask that (barring Marra's approval, you alter the post so that it wasn't Archangel that you stole the code from.
I do offer this suggestion as an alternative, both STRIKE and Midas Industries are working on advancements in AI (Midas Industries was going to start slowly introducing that in future posts) so you can say that you got it from either of them as opposed to Archangel. Again, barring Marra's approval
I do offer this suggestion as an alternative, both STRIKE and Midas Industries are working on advancements in AI (Midas Industries was going to start slowly introducing that in future posts) so you can say that you got it from either of them as opposed to Archangel. Again, barring Marra's approval