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Blue Demon

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Once Upon a Time there was a girl named Javotte. She was the eldest of three children. The middle child was Meava. The youngest by far was Cinderella. When Chinderella was born Javotte was seven and Meava six. Not even Madame Dupont had expected herself capable of having any more children. The unexpected third child was more than the family could afford. For the Duponts were only minor royalty. Barely that at all. For their daughters to live a good life they were expected to marry above their station. And quickly or else. All the Duponts could do was to establish a sizable dowry so their girls might have a chance to marry into a richer family. Unfortunately for the unexpected third, there was no money left over by the time she was born. To make her a dowry money would have to be found from the two established dowries. Which would make sure none of the girls even got married by the right sort of men. And by that it would be a wealthy man. So Madam Dupont wasted nothing upon the new daughter. Instead she passed her off to one of the servants and did her best to wash her hands of poor Cinderella. Sir Dupont, wishing only the best for her children agreed it was far better to save the two eldest than to condemn all three to a life of misery. And so the Dupont scrapped a living out, waiting for suitors for their daughters. Yet day after day no one expressed any interest in the ladies, despite their sizable dowries. By the time Javotte was twelve, Madam Dupont was besides herself. She began to suffer foul mood that no one could bring her out of. Sir Dupont, unable to withstand his wife's mercurial moods went on extended tours to far off places leaving his daughters unprotected. With the absence of her husband, Madam Dupont grew worse. There were far more foul tempers than good. Javotte, the eldest tried her best to shield her sisters from her mother's wrath. Meava, the middle child was the worse affected. She found that by taking her mother's side she was spared the worst. And so Meava herself began changing into something cruel and harsh to her sisters. Javotte found the more she shielded Cinderella the worse it was for the youngest. But if she pretended that Cinderella didn't exist, the worst never quite came out. Sure the girl had to do unforgiving chores, but she was never physically harmed. It was a terrible price that Javotte paid to try and hold her family together. Something the fates seemed to mock because the harder she tried to make sure Meava didn't turn into terrible lady, the worse she became. Cinderella began to hate Javotte and Meava more than anything else. Even the servants took her side and turned their back upon her. And so it was that by her fifteenth year Javotte was alone. She had no one and she despaired. By her sixteenth year Javotte fell into a deep apathy which allowed her to be cruel like unto her mother and sister. By the time Cinderella was fifteen, Javotte twenty-two and still unwed. Her manner along with her family's was off putting to any potential suitor. At the age of twenty-three Madam Dupont received an invitation to the King's Ball. By this time Javotte said nothing when Cinderella was promptly and cruelly denied the chance to go. For her spirit had long since died. After the ball and the disappearance of the most beautiful lady there, her mother and sister were in an uproar. Madam Dupont hatched a scheme to get at least one of her two daughters wed, Cinderella had long ceased to be her blood. When Madam Dupont handed Javotte the knife to cut her heel off in order to fit into the glass slipper, the girl didn't object. The pain was terrible, but so had her life been such. Indeed, a part of her wished the deception to work for it would take her far away from her family. Barely daring to hope she went before the Prince, only to be found out because she continued to bleed. Javotte fled in tears and didn't remain to see her youngest sister get saved by the Prince. When the invitation came from their youngest sister to the wedding, the entire family went. Javotte had no idea what her littlest sister had in store for her life long tormentors. As the marriage carriage sailed down the street, Cinderella's fairy godmother granted her one last wish. Cinderella used it to punish her mother and sisters. Doves dive bombed the women, clawing and pecking at them until their eyes were gouged out. After that they were very much forgotten in Cinderella's tale of Happily Ever After. Javotte's sister died shortly after. Was it from shame, or blood loss, she never knew. Her mother's death was much more obvious. She killed herself in despair. Javotte cared too little to end her own life, nor to crawl away like a wounded animal and die. Sir Dupont took upon himself to make Javotte whole, or as whole as an eyeless scarred girl could be. Still, he wasted money away trying to find anyone who could reverse the damage. The money ran out before long. Javotte knew her father went to Cinderella to beg her for money. Javotte also knew they never got any. By the time Javotte was twenty five, she was quite accustomed to her blindness. Able to move about with ease. Even her butchered heels troubled her no more. It was that year something changed in her. One day when she was out at market with the last servant. Javotte stood as she always did, with a cloth wrapped around her empty eyes, slightly to the side of the road and out of the way, waiting. She rubbed the top of her walking cane as she listened to the sound around her. When quite unexpectedly someone pulled her cane away from her. Javotte cried out but none paid her any attention. They all knew who she was. Yet one wrinkled hand laid itself upon her arm. "Fret not." An old woman's voice instructed. "Here, you can have mine." "I could not." Javotte protested, yet the came was trust firmly into her hands and she couldn't find the old woman to return it. She asked the servant if she had seen an old lady but the woman had not. She could not ask anyone else for they all ignored her. All the way home Javotte felt the cane. It had a dove perched on the stick. The first emotion Javotte felt in a long time was anger. Anger at why someone would do that to her. Anger that hadn't she suffered enough? Yet the more she pondered it, Javotte changed. She embraced the change and feelings that she had so long denied. That night she wept for who she was and for her sisters. And yes, even her parent. The next morning Javotte announced she was going to visit Cinderella. Her father tried to talk her out of it, but Javotte insisted. So it was that morning that Javotte and her father secured audience with the Princess Cinderella. The girl the whole kingdom loved. Yet when she arrived she found the castle in a great state of disarray. People bustled everywhere and no one quite noticed her. "What is wrong?" Her father asked someone, for his voice was not directed at Javotte. A male voice answered that Sir Dupont needed to leave. At that point Javotte turned her finely tuned senses to what everyone else was saying. Cinderella was missing. Javotte let her father lead her away from the castle back to their crumbling home. When night fell Javotte went into the garden and cried for Cinderella's Fairy Godmother. She didn't think the fairy would answer but she had to try. Cinderella was important to her, if only so Javotte could finish moving on. "Javotte." The voice of the Fairy Godmother wasn't one she had heard before, but she knew it all the same. "Have you heard?" The woman asked. "I have." The Fairy concluded. "And I cannot find her." Javotte frowned. "You cannot? Is she dead then?" "Nay." The fairy cried adamantly. "But she is beyond me all the same." "Do not speak in riddles." Javotte chided. "Speak plainly so that I may understand." "I fear Cinderella is not in this world anymore." Javotte was about to get angry at this, for how was this plain speak. But the Fairy continued. "She is gone into a different one. I cannot follow her, for while she is not dead, she is beyond my magic." And so the Fairy explained to Javotte the concept of the worlds and of Fairy Tales. After the Fairy was finished Javotte spoke. "Then I will go after her." "But why?" The Fairy Godmother asked. "For she is my sister. And nothing can change that. I failed her once, I will not do so again." Plus, Javotte added silently, I need to tell her something. "Very well. I have but the power to send you to the next world. It is only something I can do once and only once. Once in the next world the task to finding where Cinderella is, is up to you." "I'm ready." Javotte said clutching the dove walking stick. Surely if she had her eyes with which to see the world would have changed about her. Yet the only difference came through her other senses. Suddenly it was sunny. The ground her underneath her slippered feet was hard like stone. The wind came from another direction and brought with it strange scents. "Hello?" Javotte called out. "Anyone there?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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Once Upon a Time there was a girl named Belle. She was the only child, born to a wealthy merchant and his beautiful wife. Both of her parents were hard workers, from hard working families, and despite their wealth they did their best to teach Belle the value of hard work. At the age of eight she started helping her father in the market at his stand, being the only child selfless enough to do such a thing in the rich town they lived in. Belle was adored by all of her father’s customers, something that soon he started to use for his own benefit. Belle was a common sight in the market place as she grew older. When she turned seventeen however, her mother Madam Leclair grew sick.

Over the next two years Belle's father spent almost every bit of their wealth to get his wife the treatment she needed, including Belle's dowry. But the doctors were unable to figure out what was wrong with her mother, and without their former wealth the three were forced to move to a small a farm house in a country side town. With barely enough money for them to live off of, Belle’s father took both the money for her dowry and education to reopen his market and restart their life. As he hunted for the furs and meat for the new stall, he left his young daughter to care for his dying wife, until the sad day she died.

After the death of Madam Leclair the two tried hard to get their life back together, and soon things started to even look as if they were getting better. Until one day while Monsieur Leclair was out hunting a great storm hit, driving him farther into the forest until he became lost. Belle of course was worried about her dear father, as he was the only person she cared for left. Not to mention that he was quite old at the time, and could easily die in the terribly cold rain. When he returned the next evening, she was so overjoyed, that she ran to greet him. When inquiring where he had been she got a dreadful story.

Cold, soaking wet, and still being driven father from home, he came upon a large castle. Where he found food laid out for him and shelter for the night however, never despite his looking could he found the master of the castle. In the morning when he went to leave, he picked but a single rose from the rosebush outside to bring to Belle, when a horrible beast rose from the bush. Claiming him to be ungrateful, despite the fact the beast had given him a shelter from the storm. As he begging for his life, claiming the rose was for his daughter, the beast made a deal. He would have his life, if he gave up her daughter.

Horrified, but given no chose, Belle was lead to the castle by her father. That is when she first met Beast, and despite his frighting appearance, he was quite kind to her. Over the four years she stayed in the beast's castle he did his best to make sure her every need was catered to. Food, clothing, the finest jewels, and whatever else she could want. Yet everynight he would ask her to marry him, and every night she would insist she could not.

One day after they ate dinner, he took her out to the patio of the castle and asked her to marry once more. This time however, the Beast asked Belle she could not give her hand to him in marriage something he had never thought to do. Causing Belle to pause, for there really was no true reason behind her refusal, she give him without hurting his feelings. As much as she liked beast as a friend, that was as far as her feelings went. The seer idea of marrying someone who looked as he did, was unthinkable to her. "It is that I cannot do such a thing, without my father’s blessing." She lied to him, knowing that if her father were ever to be asked he would refuse as well. Much to her relief he said that he understood, and the subject was dropped. Until the next morning over breakfast the beast gave Belle an offer she couldn't refuse, a chance to return home. If she asked her father to give him her hand, and she return that night.

When she returned home, her father was happy to see her, having made up our fortune while she had been staying at the castle. Belle was enjoying being home so much that as she laid her head down in her bed that night she completely had forgotten about her promise to return that night. As she slept she had a nightmare which woke her of the beast laying next to rosebushes, begging her to returning to him as he died. Grabbing one of her fathers horses, she made hast to the castle to found him by the bushes, and as she cried over his half dead body, saying she loved him and would marry him.

She broke the Beasts curse, one that had been laid upon him by an evil witch before he was even born. The next few weeks things were almost wonderful for the new lovers and were over ran with the wedding plans, the food, dress, and music as well as deciding who would be safe to invite to their wedding. Although Belle became as much an outcast as Adam, everyone wanted to see the Beast they before declared to be a monster, whoever was crazy enough to marry him get married. All that is besides her father, whom disowned her after she ran back to Adam.

The day before the wedding however, she woke by herself to strangely quiet room, compared to the normally loud room next to hers belonging to the prince she was going to marry. To her shock she could find Adam nowhere in the castle, not even the the servants knew where he could have possibly could have went. Both she and the servants searched the village looking for him, until nightfall when they were forced to return to the castle.

"Surely, he will return. There would be no way that Adam would leave me the day before our wedding." Belle said to Amelia one of the head servants of the castle, as she accompanied Belle to her room, holding the candle to light the dark halls. Worried as to where her love could have gone, she needed him. After all, he was the only one she still had that wanted to be in her life.

"Of course Madame, perhaps he has just gotten a case of cold feet. Surely you will awake in the morning, him in his bed. With a reason as to why he had left without a warning." Amelia reassured Belle shaking her head slightly as she laughed trying to lighten the mood. As Belle got to her room, the candle lit on her bedside table was blown out. In the early morning while Belle was eating her breakfast, the servants gathered out in the garden to discuss what could be done to found the Prince, as without him not only would there be no wedding, but they would all be out of a job. As Belle was not the mistress of the castle, she had no way to ensure their jobs.

“I couldn’t blame the Beast if he left to find a new wife. As I think we can all agree Belle is a dense in the head at times.” One of the male servants said rather loudly to the others. Only for one of the others to shhh him.

“Surely he would at least give the poor girl warning if he was to do such a thing Markus. I would think three weeks would give him the time to tell her.” The cook said crossing her arms at the man.

“Do none of you think that he is simply gone to one of the far away villages? The Master maybe a little cruel, but I doubt he would do such a thing as leave, Belle.” Amelia said her tone almost shaming the others before she sighed. “The poor thing hasn’t even said a word this morning.”

The strange sudden voice pulled the servants from their conversion making them to turn and look at the young blonde girl as she asked if there was anyone there. At first the five of them couldn’t not quite understand why she was standing but a few foots away, by the roses, yet couldn’t see them standing there. Markus was the first to realize she was blind. “Careful with your footing girl! Those roses were planted for the Mistress!” He yelled towards the stranger harshly, being the gardener he didn’t want to replace them.

”Markus have you no manners!” Amelia yelled at his rudeness before turning to the girl. ”Greeting Madame, please do excuse him. Are you lost? Would you like some breakfast? We have plenty.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Roses? Javotte truly hesitated as she hadn't had since she had become accustomed to her blindness. She inhaled against the breeze and thought to herself that the smell did not smell like roses. Cinderella's Godmother grossly failed to explain the concept of a different world. Javotte had pictured them like another country. But this was almost alien. All the small, simple things she used to orient herself had shifted.

"I would not step on your roses." Javotte immediately replied as soon as she got her bearings. She tilted her head towards the masculine voice. She didn't know what he looked like, but in her head she formed a mental image of a shorter man. Middle-aged. Possibly balding. He'd be browned from the sun, looking much like the plants he obviously cared for.

The next voice was a chiding female. She spoke with the same strange accent as the man. She was obvious either a higher ranking servant or the mistress. She was leaning towards the former because her words were slurred, like mush was in her mouth. She pictured a fatter woman to go with the kindly words. For in Javotte's life everyone who had shown kindness had been on the rather portly side with no apparent beauty.

"I am not lost." Javotte said then paused. "But perhaps I am. I know not where I am other than I am trespassing. For that I apologize. And you are most kind to offer breakfast. I wouldn't mind a few bites." Javotte would never turn down kindness, and who knew when she would again get the chance to eat in their strange world. Though if it was morning here, there would be a good chance she would get no sleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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“If you take a step forward you will be.” Markus argued with the stranger frowning a little as the sun shined down upon his bald head, making it a little harder to see the stranger tilt her head at him, before Amelia yelled at him for being rude.

Amelia smiled as the woman insisted she was not lost, only to decide that she was indeed lost after all. Of course the strange accent gave away the fact she was lost before the woman even admitted it. “There is no need for you to apologize Madame, for all guests are welcome to Le Château Rose.” She said calmly her tone still polite and kind. As the woman agreed to stay for breakfast it made her smile even more, and she made her way to help guide her inside. Amelia wasn’t a portly woman, however, she was on the older side in her early fifties. Even at her age she still was quite pretty, but she had been born in a poor family.

As she came up to the woman, Amelia placed a hand on the woman’s arm gently. “If I may Madame.” She said softly waiting for an answer before guiding the blonde towards the door to the castle. As she passed the other two she stopped for a second looking at Elaina, the chief, who was rather portly with blonde hair and flour covering the dress she wore. “Elaina, prepare some breakfast for our guest please.” She spoke calmly waiting for the woman to nod and turn towards the kitchen doors, before continuing to guide the blind girl into the castle, and through to the dining room.

Belle had been sitting in the dining for the last hour, and though she was eating, it was mostly little bites. Mainly to avoid the servants, the few she had talked to since yesterday, other than Markus, had been giving her a look of pity. As if it wasn’t hard enough for Adam to be gone, they all seemed to think they he had left her for someone else. However, she knew better, Adam loved her even after the curse was lifted. He wouldn’t just up and leave her like this, and he would surely come back. She really paid no mind to Amelia coming into the room until she started to speak. “Madame Belle, we have company.”

“Adam?” She said looking up at the servant hopefully, only to see the blind blonde being guided into the room.

Amelia cleared her throat uncomfortably, thinking perhaps she should have used the word guest. “No Madame, he isn’t back yet.’ She said sadly.

Belle sighed sadly at the news of no news before hiding behind a smile as she often did, before getting up the heels she wore clicked against the floor as she made her way over to her guest, normally she would curtsy but as the woman clearly would be unable to see the gesture, she simply place her hand upon hers for a moment. “Welcome to our castle, Madame. I am the Mistress, however please do call me Belle.” She said kindly before turning to Amelia. “You are having Elaina prepare a breakfast for our lovely guest yes?’ She asked smiling as Amelia nodded her head letting go of the blonde, for Belle to take her arm instead. “Wonderful, please do have a seat.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Javotte gracefully accepted the offer to lead her. He woman's hand was hot on her arm, yet it was another anchor. A tie to this place in the blackness. The young woman surreptitiously checked the cloth that covered her disfigurement. Satisfied it was in place and wouldn't move, she turned her attention to counting.

Javotte counted steps as they walked. Counted how many until the ground changed. How many until a door, a turn, a new voice. She placed smells with certain voices and the feel of wood under her feet. Kitchen. The food didn't smell quite the same, but she was beginning to truly comprehend what Cinderella's Fairy Godmother had meant by a different world.

The task of finding her wayward sister was suddenly daunting. It had seemed so easy in the cool darkness. But now, in this strange place, Javotte knew her task would be no simple thing. The woman leading her kept a firm pressure on her arm. The awkwardness of having to ask the woman to stop was the only thing that kept Javotte walking.

“Madame Belle, we have company.”

Javotte felt the woman slow and stop and followed suit. By the way the voice echoed she knew they were in a large room. Perhaps the dining hall. If this Belle was the Mistress of the castle it would make sense.


“No Madame, he isn’t back yet.’

Javotte fixed the voice into her mind. Madam Belle. Mistress of the Castle. And Adam must be either her lover or she hopes he will be. That would make Belle unmarried. After all, who thinks of their husband as company? Belle must be very wealthy to own such a large home. And filled with so many servants! Javotte's family was never so rich, but it felt almost like Cinderella's castle.

There was the soft sound of a chair moving. Foot steps neared and Belle touched Javotte's hand.
“Welcome to our castle, Madame. I am the Mistress, however please do call me Belle.”

"Thank you, Belle. I am Javotte DuPonte."

“You are having Elaina prepare a breakfast for our lovely guest yes? Wonderful, please do have a seat.”

If Javotte still had eyes should would have blinked. Belle obviously addressed the first to the woman escorting her, the Kindly woman. For she dropped Javotte's arm and moved off. The touch that replaced hers was cooler. Belle's. Javotte reached a hold of a chair and gave her thanks.

"I am sorry for intruding. I didn't mean to." Javotte made a face. "I... " Javotte paused. How does one explain they had been deposited in their garden by their sister's Fairy Godmother? Do they even have faeries here. Or magic for that matter? Perhaps they'd think her mad. "Well," She began again then sighed unhappily. "I'm looking for my sister." She finally settled upon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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Though the thought that perhaps Belle should have informed Javotte of her last name hadn't crossed her mind until then, thinking it only awkward to do so now, instead she smiled once more. "A pleasure Madame DuPonte." She answered softly before making sure that someone was making Javotte something to eat and helping her get to a seat.

"I am sorry for intruding. I didn't mean to."

"Oh please, do not be sorry. It is always nice to have guests." Belle said with slight laugh as she sat down nearly missing the face that Jarvotte made as she spoke. Or at least tried to speak, though her words seemed to be giving her trouble until Jarvotte finally settled upon saying she was looking for her sister. Belle raised an eyebrow finding it strange that it took her such a hard time saying such a simple thing. "Well that is quite sad that I have lost your sister. I'm afraid I haven't seen any guests other than you. Although we have been quite busy with wedding plans." Belle said and though it wasn't intentional her tone was slightly defensive.

For years even after her coming to the castle the claiming "the beast" stole their wives or children. It didn't seem as though she was accusing, but the subject of missing people was always a cause for her to be worried. As Amelia brought Jarvotte her plate Belle cleared her throat breaking the silence. "Perhaps some of the villagers know where, or have seen your sister." She said cheerfully again in tone. They hadn't been any help to her, but than again Jarvotte wasn't looking for someone hated.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

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Javotte was quite surprised how easily her explanation was accepted. Though Cinderella's Godmother did say each world had a story. Perhaps this world was centered on lost sisters. The thought almost make a hysterical laugh escape her lips. But she forced it down. She had had lots of practice with good manners.

Once the fit passed Javotte was able to detect the defensiveness in the woman's voice. She had heard of witches that ate children. And even of those who stole Maidens. Was this woman stealing people? She was thankful for the distraction of the food. Though now she was more worried about her own safety.

"Perhaps I will." Javotte said as she brushed a deft finger of the plate and the silverware. High class. Javotte confirmed. There was more silverware here than in her home. It was like dining at the castle.

""I am not from this area and I'm very much turned around." Javotte asked slowly. "Do many people go missing in this area?" As soon as she finished she worried that perhaps she should have asked about the wedding instead. But Cinderella was out there somewhere and she had promised to find her. And that mean she couldn't shy away from information.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 1 day ago

Belle gave a slight smile to Javotte as she said perhaps she would go to the village and search. After all she didn’t know this woman, perhaps she was lying about her sister. Or perhaps she was like the others, quick to judge and slow to forgive. I thought entered her mind that maybe she should inform her of the things that would be said about Adam now, pled his case to the new stranger before she went to the village and heard what she likely would. However, before she could, Javotte started speaking again and she took it as a sigh she should not.

“Not many, no. Often times people get lost in the forest because of the storms, and Adam gives them food and shelter. Then I see them back in the morning.” She said truthfully noticing the somewhat tenseness of her body and how slow her words were as she asked that question. “Lately there is only one person that hasn’t come home, but it has been years since this time.” She answered sadly before turning her attention to her food instead of going much farther into her answer.

“I must ask though, if you are not from the village or city, why is it that you believe she is here?” Belle asked after thinking about it for a moment, before then it hadn’t been much thought to her, someone looking for their sister seemed so simple that she had no real reason to question it. However, if she was from the city she would have known that no one really disappeared without returning home.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Javotte forced herself to continue to eat normally. She gently checked all the silverware before she changed utensils. She also checked which food she had left still and mentally gauged her path. Manners, manners, manners. What else do you rely on when you might get eaten by a witch?

As Belle continued to speak to Javotte, answering her many questions. At first her answer seemed logical then she added that yes, someone has gone missing. At first she hoped. If it was poor Ella, but no, it had been years. Javotte sighed and placed her silverware down. She couldn't see Belle, but she tilted her head, to hopefully be looking her, to where the woman's voice came from.

"I was told she could be found here from a reliable source." Javotte dropped her head away and sighed again. "Apparently it wasn't as reliable as I had wished if you have truly not seen her." She tensed ever so slightly in her seat waiting for the woman's next words. Most people relied on physical cues for lies and deception. Javotte found the voice told a lot more. If Belle had seen Cinderella and was lying about it, Javotte was sure she'd know with her next words.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 1 day ago

Belle watched as Javotte laid her silverware down looking at her, or perhaps if the girl could see she be looking at her. Though Javotte's head tilted a little to far to the left, Belle wouldn't be one to say anything to harm the girls feelings. Though she frowned a little at Javotte's answer, that a reliable source told her to come here. How lovely, now outsiders were sending people to the castle as well? She gave a soft sigh shaking her head a little.

How she wished that she knew where the girls sister was. If nothing else, to prove to whoever sent her that they wouldn't steal away Javotte's sister. Her eyes looked over at her guest who now hung her head, from what Belle thought to be sadness. Reaching across from her hand found Javotte's and she patted it softly hoping to comfort her in some way. As it truly was the best she could do. "I am sorry that I couldn't be more help. I wish that I had seen her sister so I could send her back to you." Belle said sadly before removing her hand. She always hated to see someone even a stranger sad something that had always annoyed

Their talk was interrupted by the sound of footsteps entering the dining hall. Amelia looked at Javotte for a moment before her eyes looked over at Belle confused. Belle shook her head, to keep her from asking what was wrong. "Are you finished eating Madams? Shall I take your plates?"

"Yes, Amelia." Belle said before looking at what was left on Javotte's plate, normally she would say something if one of her guests left food on their plate. Something that came from being poor for so many years, but she chose against it. "Are you finished Javotte?" Belle added as Amelia took her plate
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Javotte was startled by the touch. She couldn't help the slight flinch at it. It was startling. Yet compassionate. After her ordeal she knew patronizing or actions done just for show. How could she not? So it wasn't the touch itself that made her jump. It was the truth, and sincerity. Belle hadn't seen, not had anything to do with her sister. If Javotte had anymore doubts, the honesty and sadness in the woman's voice would have dispelled them.

"Thank you." Javotte said quietly. And she remained quiet until Belle spoke to her again. She had no real way of knowing how much was left uneaten upon her plate. Nor did she know how to react to the question. After so many years of other people largely making the decisions for her left her speechless. Still, they were waiting for an answer.

"Yes Madam." Javotte said finally. "Thank you."

Javotte lifted the napkin out of her lap and placed it upon the table. "I am truly thankful for your hospitality, but I must be going. You said there was a village nearby that I might try?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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Belle quickly removed her hand from Javotte's arm when she flinched away from her a little. The gesture was actually not just for show, she truly was trying to be comforting. However, it was becoming apparent her words were making things worse. Or at least it seemed like it was. She frowned and nodded as Jarvotte thanked her. She didn't say anything else either until Amelia came into the dining room to take their plates. Perhaps she should have stopped to think of the fact Jarvotte was unable to see if she was done with her plate. However, the thought never even entered her mind, as Jarvotte was the first blind person whom she had actually met, and she truly didn’t know how hungry the girl was.

As Amelia took their plates Belle took the napkin that lay on her lap and dapped her own mouth before sitting it on the table as well, as Jarvotte thanked her for her hospitality. Of course there really wasn’t much need for thanks, it was the proper thing for a mistress of the castle to do such things as entertain guests and make sure they had been feed before they left, even offer a place to stay if they had nowhere else. Belle nodded about to thank Jarvotte for her company, before she asked about the village.

Amelia let slip a snort of derision at the mention of trying for help from the village, the bunch of fools didn’t know their hand from their feet in her opinion. Having been working in the castle before Beast was even born, she knew full well how hateful and ignorant the towns people were. “I would not expect much from them, Madame.” She said before getting a dirty from Belle.

"Amelia! You are being rude, please just take the plates and leave.” Belle said both annoyed and saddened that she honestly doubted them able to be much help to Jarvotte either. Belle watched Amelia leave the room before turning her glaze back to her guest. "Please do excuse her Madame, she is still rather sore about the lack of help we have gotten from the town in finding my Adam.” She said sadly, fighting the urged to cry once more at the fact she would truly be alone if he didn’t return. ”However, I am sure they will be much more willing to help you. Perhaps even be willing to speak to you in the first place.” Belle finished her tone sounding hopeful.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

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Javotte would have blinked, if such a tell still worked for her, when Amelia snorted. Alas there was no time to interject as Belle began talking. When the Lady finished Javotte just sat there, processing what she had said. Cinderella's Fairy Godmother hadn't said anything about other people disappearing. Still, it wasn't something she could ignore. Not after she was sent here. Maybe Cinderella's Fairy Godmother knew more than she had told Javotte.

"Your Adam is missing?" Javotte asked hesitantly. "For how long?" Not that the answer would make a difference. Javotte had paid no head to gossip and so she didn't know for how long Cinderella had been missing before they went to the Castle. It could have been days or for just hours.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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Belle kept a hopeful smile on her face as her guest just sat there for a moment. However, she frowned a little at Jarvotte's question and nodded her head slowly although the girl clearly was unable to see her movements. "Yes, but he will come back. I know he will." Belle answered softly looking away from her guest, her voice breaking a little despite trying to keep herself from crying again. She should have guessed that such a question would have been asked, though she was so used to the subjected being changed whenever Adam came up with others. Much like with Jarvotte and her sister, Belle had no idea where to even start looking for Beast.

"He was done yesterday morning when I went to wake him." She answered still looking away from Jarovtte, before wiping away the moisture that started to form around the corners of her eyes. "The servants other than Ameila are saying he left me for another so he wouldn't have to marry me. But I know it cannot be true, he wouldn't leave me after I broke his curse. Let alone, leave his own castle." Belle finished opening up a little bit more than she intended to her guest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

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Javotte wasn't a dog. Which was a good thing or else you would have seen her ears perk up and a tail wag. Magic. There was magic here. That was the best thing she had heard since she had gotten here. If Cinderella's Fairy Godmother could use magic to find Cinderella, or rather fail to find her, than surely a Fairy here could help her. Just as long as she didn't go to the one who was curing people.

"He used to be cursed?" The blind woman asked innocently, trying to steer the conversation. And she didn't want to look too obvious. There was still always the chance of looking like a complete loon. Oh, I'm only asking because my sister got kidnapped from her universe yesterday and her fairy godmother sent me on what's looking like a wild goose chase through your universe. I was rather hoping I might have better luck talking to your absent fiance's godmother. Or godfather.

"I can't imagine who would do such a terrible thing." Javotte hoped she wasn't laying it on too thick. It had been quite a while since she had been in 'polite' society. Let alone deal with politics. Or gathering information without revealing why. Her sisters had always been better at covert than she. Meava would have had Belle eating out of her hands by now. Well, the Meava that didn't go crazy like their mother that was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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Belle dropped her hand away from her eye as Jarvotte, a frown playing on her face. She hadn’t meant to say that, it had just come out before her mind could stop her lips from spilling the words. Belle heisted to speak for a moment, shifting in her chair in the silence. “I…I shouldn’t have told you that.” She said in a soft almost whisper. Belle sighed a little at her own stupidity before she shook her head and answered her guest’s question. “Yes, he was. He is no longer, however. Surely even where you are from there are stories about, The Beast of Le Château Rose. Who steals women and children, I assure you this is not true if that is why whoever sent you here did. I am the only one he has taken, and I was happy to trade my life so my father could live. I was reason he took something from the castle.” She said her tone turning defensive.

Everyone always would judge Beast no matter how many times Belle tried to preach the truth, no one ever would listen to her, not even her father. Belle sighed softly sadly, knowing that the woman was likely not even listening anymore. “It is not his fault he was cursed before he was even born.”

Belle looked up at the next words that Jarvotte spoke surprising her. It was uncommon for any kindness or sympathy shown towards her prince. No normally this would be the time that the person she was speaking to would do one of three things. Laugh in her face calling her a moron, simply walk away, or if they were at the castle, push her out of the way and start searching the castle to find nothing. ”I…I'm sorry. What?” Belle said her tone giving away her surprise.

“I have never had anyone care enough to ask such a thing.” She answered after a moment of not speaking. “I do not know the whole story truly, Adam has tried to keep me from no such horrible things. He says that it was an enchantress who was in love with his father while he still ruled as king. So she tried to curse his wife, however she was pregnant and the curse laid on Adam instead.” She answered with a frown as she tried to recall the story he had told her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

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Javotte fiddled with her skirt. Her fingers pulling the fabric, then smoothing it back out again. The motion was hopefully hidden by the table, but she had no way of really knowing. Yet the anxiety she felt was too much for her to stop the nervous gesture. Belle had gone on the defensive, arguing that her Adam was a good man. And yet her own words were a contradiction. He steals women, but he doesn't. He stole Belle yet she doesn't count? The blind woman kept her mouth shut, perhaps wisely, letting the other woman spill her secrets. She seemed almost eager.

"An enchantress you say?" Javotte leaned back in her chair, having now received the tantalizing piece of information. She tried to wrap her mind around it.

Back home she had only heard of benevolent magic users. Like Cinderella's Fairy Godmother. Apparently that wasn't the case here. Which was truly a set back. She had hoped it would be easy. And so she found herself at a crossroads. Give up or continue down this hard path. To be frank, Javotte didn't imagine much would happen in this world. She saw herself quickly finding Cinderella. Upon the meeting she'd tell her younger sister her message and...

Then what? They'd still be trapped. No wonder her world was a Fairy Tale. She was a ninny. She had walked out of her own Fairy Tale. If there was a Happily Ever After it had been left at home. She wouldn't find it here. There was no easy path.

Javotte sighed heavily. "Have you not considered that this woman might be behind your Adam's disappearance?" The manipulative words were easier to find this time. Mostly because she believed them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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Belle nodded her head as Jarovtte spoke again. She hasn't even noticed the girls nervousness, nor the slight movement of her fingers under the table. Much to into her argument with more much herself, seeing how unlike everyone else. Jarvotte didn't even say anyone about her words, nor her story. Belle frowned a bit before talking. "That is what I have been told by Adam." She answered all of her defensiveness gone now, as she returned to her soft kind tone returning once more.

Though the woman's next question surprised Belle a little bit. Though it was logical, Belle never would have thought to go looking for Adam with the enchantress. "Truly, I had not thought of that." She answered slowly and thoughtfully. The idea that maybe Adam had been taken by the woman that cursed him was frightening really. The thought of what the evil woman could want from her Adam scared her even more. "That is actually frightening to think of. I would not even know where to look for her" Belle said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

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Javotte had to pursed her lips to keep the sign from escaping her lips. A sad, very, very, depressed sigh. Square two. She mentally told herself. But at least she wasn't back at square one. She knew her next path. Now it was up to her to tactfully leave with her new information.

"That is truly unfortunate. Your hospitality becomes you." Javotte inclined her head to where Belle's voice had last come from. "Thank you for the lovely meal. But I must be off. Every second I waste my sister gets further away."

Javotte pushed the heavy chair backwards. She might be blind, but she wasn't an invalid. She was more than able to get out of the seat by herself. Though if it wasn't so sturdy and wooden, it would have been much easier. Still, she wiggled out of the chair and stood. She smoothed her dress down and unfortunately had to wait. If it had been back home, she could have made it out of anywhere, including the castle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

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Jarvotte’s purse of the lips didn’t go unnoticed by Belle, and she almost felt the need to apologize for not being more helpful. Though she truly didn’t know any more than she had said about the enchantress, if Adam did in fact know where to find the woman, he would have kept it from Belle. Not that she ever would have thought to ask in the first place. In the moment of quietness before Jarvotte spoke again, Belle’s mind raced a little bit, the thought of this enchantress having her Adam only making her worries that much worse. Still when her guest spoke Belle looked up at her with a slight smile, and nodded her head.

“It was a pleasure, if you are still in the village and unable to find a place to rest tonight, you are welcome to return for the night.” She offered though she was quite sure that her guest would not return, it was still an offer Belle always made.

Belle easily pushed the chair back so that she could get out of the table, quite used to the thickness of the chairs, she didn’t have the same trouble that Jarvotte seemed to be having. Belle’s hand reached for the blind girls arm softly, and started to lead her outside. “Perhaps, I should have one of the servants see that you make it to the village without the worry of getting lost.” She said thoughtfully, the last she wanted was to actually be the reason that someone was lost.
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