Avatar of Love Dove


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Reject humanity, become a swamp witch
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2 yrs ago
Sometimes my phone freezes up and I accidentally end up on a strangers profile
2 yrs ago
The urge to not exist anymore gets stronger and stronger everyday man
2 yrs ago
Gonna be a busy weekend with birthdays and the Mothman festival. Replies might be a bit slower sorry
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3 yrs ago
Holy shit did I make through this week yet it's been a year at this point


About The Dove:


Let's see what else? I usually go by Love or Dove. I have been writing off and on, for at least twelve years. I'm a gamer, so feel free to talk to me about games. If I know them we can talk eachother's ears off. Especially Dragon Age. Or really anything, However, have issues playin fandoms sorry. I can be a bit of a chatty Cathy. I write for what I would call low to middle advanced. Post length is 3-6 paragraphs on average, but I've been known to post more though. It really depends on my level of interest. I usually stay to 1x1's because I like the level of connection, and can play both males and females.

Want to know something else about me? Pm me and ask, my darlings.

My Roleplays

My Universe
Save Me|Save Yourself|Save Us All, Just Give Me A Sign, Still Worth Fighting For, It Has Begun, Show Me The Truth

Other Rps:
This Fire Burns, Always| Bloodlines

My Favorite Peoples

These people are awesome and I love them so much. I would write with them anyday.

@SirensCall: This girl right here is so freaking awesome! Someone who I have written with for years, and has really became a true bff. She a wonderful writer. She always has a way to keep me on my toes with her twists and her characters witty come backs. Sometimes I don't know which I look forward to more, our chats or her replies to our roleplays. I love all of you, but if anyone deserves to be first, it's her

@POOHEAD189: Aww my sweet Poo. This man right here is a sweetheart ladies and gentlemen ❤. I really enjoy talking to him. He is funny, has awesome tastes in games, and likes talking to me even when I poof for a little while when busy. He always makes me happy. I'm lucky to have him as a friend, and that a stupid pun joke, got us talking.

Extra Stuffs

My Tictok

Most Recent Posts

Knox nodded a bit listening to Sal As he explained why everyone was so annoyed about the lesson. While it made sense, it seemed a bit insulting to a major piece of world history. His eyes glanced at the people Sal pointed out. Alex and Billie Sanders, making sure to note that for personal knowledge.

Once Regs class ended he kept in the seat not really being in a rush, until Aren got back to him, he had nowhere to go. A small chuckle coming from his lips as he watched his best friend being so brazenly hit on. It was a cute moment before chaos started.

Erin grumbled a bit as some guy pulled them back into the history class. "Da feck even is dat guy?” She asked Maggie and Ez after he went out to get more classmates to pull in out of the chaos.

“He's the cat that keeps wandering around.” Knox said from the seat he was still sitting in.

Cain laughed at Azura's words about skipping all her classes to sit in on his. “Now don't go getting me in trouble with the other teachers. Know for a fact Julian and Samantha would have my ass.” He joked back. Though honestly he would take it, it was nice to have one of his best friends back at the school.

All he could think when Juilan came to get him was how he was about over this bullshit, he was seriously thinking of setting up a meeting with Aren over Devin's bullshit. Put in motion Devin being expelled. It wasn't something that he liked to do. He had only done it twice in his years teaching here. If this thing he set up with Azura babysitting him didn't work. He would.

He didn't even try to stop Azura from running through the crowd to get in between the fight. Knowing there was no point with as much as she loved primal rage. While she and Reg tended to a very hurt Kajun, Cain dealt with the dumbass Devin.

Kajun wasn't in his right mind. He wasn't normally one to be violent or get into fights. But this mother fucker. It was taking all of Kajun's strength, that little bit of his control left not to rip Devin's throat out. The hand on his side made him hiss loudly at the girl touching him. Teeth bloody from ripping in Devin.

Then all of the sudden all of the rage and adrenaline was gone. With its disappearance was nothing but pain. His human form was definitely messed up. Both wrists were broken, probably a few of his ribs. His body sinking to the floor in pain. Fur wet with Devin's blood. When Reg asked what happened he growled showing his teeth as he looked towards Devin. Before the pain overtook him and he passed out.

Hades couldn't help but be worried about Demi coming here when a fight this brutal was going on in front of her. That weird motherly instinct kicking in that she felt towards Demi, Rebecca, and Billie. But at the same time she knew better, before like all her adopted daughters, Demi was strong.

Now all she needed to do was have a long chat with Aren about his little assistant. Because this stupid little man was nowhere as fit to take over as Samantha. Even if Lucifer told her to stay out of it.

“Sterling darling.” Hades said with an easy smile as he got her attention. Before looking at DeAndro and back to Sterling. “He isn't important. I think Julian is dealing with the aftermath of the fight. I haven't seen Randa or Maggie yet.”

This definitely seemed like a good time for him to come back to the school. Nothing better to return to than chaos. He had managed to catch the big fight between Devin and some shifter that beat his ass. “Serious, I feel like half da shit I've been hearin’ ‘bout. Wouldn't get dis bad if I hadn' been kicked out man.” The man with short black hair drawled out with his thick irish accent. Before taking the joint passed back from Robert.

After the fucking meeting with Aren and Juilan, he needed to get high. Because he was one more Don't do anything stupid Garret from being the asshole everyone knew he could be. He kept the last of the smoke keep in his lungs instead of blowing it out. “Dere ain’ nothin’ a good wrack in da back of da head or gettin’ someone high can’t fix.”

He let out a sigh as the joint burnt out, looking at Robert. “Speakin’ of people needin’ a wrack in da back of da head. I'm gonna go find Billie. Let her know I'm back.” He said giving Robert a pat on the back before heading towards Alex and Billie's dorm.

Molly's whole room smelt like blood, the coppery smell filling her nose. The furniture in her large dorm room pushed against the corners to make room for the large drawing in blood across the floor. After all, breaking someone out of the Hell cells wasn't an easy feat without going to Hell. And she couldn't do that. She also couldn't pass up Hades and Lucifer both being topside.

Her bare feet stepped carefully in the right spots for her spell, the blood wasn't herself, but the blood of Azrael's son and daughter made the spell stronger. Her lips moved to recite the spell as her magic pulled at the blood and power within it. Closing her eyes she used the blood magic to almost summon Azrael, though not to the school but somewhere on earth where he would be safe from the hell Knights.

Stepping into the center of the circle, she cut her own hand letting the blood drip to the center. Before opening the little vile of Azrael that he had sent as a necklace and dripping it into the center as well.

Andela “Andie” Fernsby

174|Seer - Vampire Hybrid|Sunshine

"Angry? Why would I be angry? It was going to happen anyway, I choose to see the good it did."

Pocketful of Sunshine

Jazlyn "Jaz" O'Connell

34|Witch (Possible Medium Hybrid)|Unset Soul|The Extrasensory

"You wouldn't believe the beautiful, and horrifying things I can see that normal people can't."


-Jaz is one of the last two children of a powerful bloodline. Known for producing witches and warlocks with strong control magics, good grips of soul magics, and even rumors of past necromancy. Which makes it a little awkward that after 34 years, she has yet to actually find the type of magic that is her calling.

-She is a rare thing called an extrasensory. Meaning that she could see things that normal people can't. She can see the effects of magic, magical barriers, the effects of events that have changed, things like that, and sometimes undo them. There is an assumption that a past relative on her father's side was a medium hybrid, and it was the cause. But it has always been angrily argued against in his family.

-For two years Jaz went missing and her family thought she was dead. They even had a funeral. She does not remember any of those two years. The only thing she remembers is a magical book, and waking up in a strange building with a dealer telling her he saved her. When she returned home her parents were dead. The only family she has left is her cousin Ava.
To say that Tony was coming back was a shock was definitely an understatement. As well as a disappointment. Both that he was coming back and in Aren for allowing it. Of course what did she know, apparently DeAndro was smarter than her to be made the next Arch Mage. Honestly though Tony was a hassle before Randa snapped at him and he would probably continue to be when he came back. Samantha couldn't help but sigh a little bit at how busy Aren was. Though she understood of course. It sucked a little that she wasn't able to help him more, plus she really had more time to talk to him those last few days. She had no idea who this family he was hinting at coming in was but Harlow got quiet at the thought of it so she assumed he probably did. Oh well she would see after Aren was done with his meetings.

Once she and Julian got to his office she asked if he thought they were gonna hire more teachers. She agreed that it would be wise to try and find more, the less case load on them better and while she didn't mind having so many to look over. It would definitely be less off her shoulders. “Plus usually we have a one in three turn over rate it seems.” She said, sighing a little before nodding when he spoke about Reg. She was really thankful for him, the shifter race honestly took up as much of the school as dragons. “I know you would, honestly having Reg take over the Shifters and us talking Janet to be the school's alpha has helped a lot.” She said taking a glass of tea.

“My day has been pretty good thankfully. Other than showing that angel around, it's been uneventful.” She said smiling a little, the uneventful days would get so few and far between as the year went on. She tried to enjoy it while she could. When Juilan confirmed her fears that the fight in the gym was over Brooke she sighed. Though she had tried so hard to help her last year, she too was powerless on the fact there was never any proof. “He is only going to get worse with Tony coming back. But I'm so glad someone finally kicked his ass over Brooke. Poor girl.” She said shaking her head though it was nice to know Long had Colten for detention for this. The mention of the Scottsons coming back made her frown. “Honestly not excited for that one to come back either.”

When Julian got the paper that was slid under the door and excitedly showed her, she took it from him looking over it as he spoke. She smiled to herself a little. Yes, she remembered him telling her the story of Sterling some time last year. He was as passionate in his pride for the boy as when he talked about his nephew Zed. She could help the soft look she gave him as he stared off after talking excitedly about him coming to the school. She didn't get a chance to say anything before the bell rang interrupting their lunch. Sam gathered up the empty trays. “I can't wait, I'll get to meet both your nephews I hear so much about.” She said before turning and giving his arm a soft squeeze and leaving his office.

Iris gave a genuine smile when Miles said that he liked Samantha. A lot of students had issues with her and her take no shit personality. She was Iris's friend though, so it was nice when people saw that wasn't all she was. Plus Iris was pretty sure from the things she said that Sam had dated on both sides of the wars. “Well I can talk to the teacher's aid for you too, if you want. She is really cool and I'm sure she wouldn't mind.” Iris said, trying to be reassuring. Sure she was going to leave out the part about Billie being a demon, but Billie had a reputation for being civil with the fallen angels.

It was so nice to have someone to talk to that didn't try to shut her up or get annoyed when she rambled on. When he said she could try to enchant him when the time came she smiled. “Really? Oh I'm not sure if it would work with you being an angel.” She said with a thoughtful look. “But if it could, that would be amazeballs.”

It wasn't very long before the bell rang and she gathered up her things, before walking to class with him. “You really need a bag for your stuff. I have been doing bookkeeping for the school store since its witch ran. I can get you a deal if you want. Um…just don't tell Molly if you meet her.” She offered, because seeing Kajun up ahead of them.

“Oh!” She looked excitedly at Miles. “Hey Kajun! Hold up!”

Kajun looked behind him to see who was trying to get his attention, before slowing down so she and her friend could catch up to him. “Hey Iris, what's up?”

Iris smiled as they caught up. “Hi hi! Nothing much, I just wanted to introduce you to my new friend, Miles. He's new this year. Miles, this is Kajun. He's the leader of the shifter group.”

Kajun chuckled at the excitement in Iris’s voice. “Nice to meet you man. I promise the school isn't usually this much of a drama filled shit show.” He said, before getting shoulder checked on the other side. He frowned seeing it was Devin, heading into the same class.

“How the shit is he even back up to go to class?” Iris said snapping Kajun attention back, and he just sighed and muttered something about being too tired for this.

Looking towards the waterfall that he motioned to Brooke chuckled a bit. From what she knew about Kajun, those kinds of stories were how a lot of people had met him. He agreed that her place in the tree was peaceful and she smiled. She knew it was of course, but it was nice to hear someone else say her tree was peaceful. He asked how her arm was and she nodded a bit at his response. “Okay, if you wouldn't mind helping me down. I'd appreciate it.”

If it wasn't for the fact Brooke knew he didn't even know who she was before today, his answer about having eachothers back would have made her back down. Of course though he didn't know she existed before the gym thing, and she barely him. Still she asked him out before she lost what little nerve she had. He said yes and she let out a tiny squeak without noticing it before looking at him, to see him blushing. The blush mixed with his aura was so adorable, and she smiled at him kicking her legs a bit more. “Oh um, I'm Brooke by the way.” She added realizing she still hadn't actually given him a name.

“Actually, my aunt showed it to me. I don't know if you knew her, Kajun said he didn't, her name's Emily. She's a monkey shifter, she left at the beginning of last year.” She waved a hand. “Anyway, she used to eat in that tree..” she pointed at a tree a few off from them “while she was at school. My first class of the year I had a vision that sent me into a fit and she brought me here so I could calm down and shift out. It was just so peaceful I claimed it as a lunch spot.” She said before realized he probably didn't want to know all of that.

Their peaceful quiet was interrupted by her watch beeping and she looked at it. “Can you help me down now?” Brooke asked and by the time Colten was on the ground the dulled sound of the bell ringing could be heard through the trees. Brooke blushed a little when he sat her down after catching her. “Thanks. What class do you have next?” She asked before turning to grab her bag while he answered. “Oh cool me too, I'll walk with you.”

Azura had surely no way to know just how thankful Cian was when she agreed to be his TA. His class wasn't an easy one to teach, or even to get through sometimes. Finding a reliable TA was very hard to do. “I really appreciate that Azura.” He said, before sighing at what she said about the drama. “I wish I could say it was just the beginning of the year drama. People that hate each other seeing the other again. All the crap we tell new years.” He said with a slight laugh. He shook his head. “They used to coexist here too, unfortunately the two female leaders hate each other. A piece of shit vampire that doesn't know what no means only makes it worse.” He pinched the bridge of his nose before clearly changing the subject. He had classes still and he didn't want to get himself upset.

Cian chuckled at how she reacted to him bringing up Aren trying to get Hades to teach. “Aren seems to really want her too.” He said before nodding a bit. “Well Lucifer is at the school for a visit. So I'm sure she will pop in too. Maybe you could help Aren sweet talk to her.”

He sighed, closing his eyes, he couldn't lie to Azura, she could see right through him. They had been friends for years. Still he felt bad bringing her into the drama and issues of his own. “I've definitely been better. Having you take the TA spot will definitely be a weight off my shoulders. And honestly if any of the vampires have an issue with it, they can fail my class. I don't feed into this stupid feud of theirs.” He said, when he opened his eyes they were red for a moment before they slowly faded back into green. “Not ta mention I have to find said vampire dat doesn't know what no means someone to follow him around. Actin like a fuckin new blood at his age.” Cian shook his head a little bit.

He looked at the clock as the bell rang, before looking at Azura. “Do you have plans or would you like to sit in on my class?”

Tiffany laughed a little bit at Billie's reaction. “I don't Jo and Will's mother swears it is better pleasure than men.” She joked before they parted ways and she went to see Long about the hoop she needed. Her eyes sparkled with excitement when he understood what she was meaning and pulled out the large hoop. “Yes, that's exactly what I was talking about. I only need one I think….but maybe two if you have them? Just in case?” She answered, before nodding when he said it would be out tomorrow afternoon. That was reasonable. “Oh I've never done that, I'll ask her if I get a chance. Thank you so much.”

Tiff smiled softly when Randa thanked her for the concern. “Of course.” She simply nodded when it was brought up that they were now in an alliance. She would be sure to send a message to the other fae while she was in this next class. They probably were expecting it already but even still.

“Grabbing ass?” She asked with a confused look on her face, before chuckling at the two of them. Though Randa’s compliment of her ass made her blush and give an awkward laugh. “Thanks.” That wasn't a compliment she wasn't used to getting from women.

She nodded a bit to what Billie said when Randa had left. “I see what you mean, I kind of enjoy it though.” She said before waving bye to her and heading to class.

Erin smiled a bit at Billie's reaction and nodded to her words. Oh he definitely was. Or at least she really hoped so. It would be such a shame for an ass like that to go to an ugly man. “Ye, would've got in earlier but I wasn’ gettin’ on one of these planes these humans have. Feck dat.” She answered before adding “Garret has ta have meetin’s before he can do classes.”

The teacher turned and got their attention, giving her a chance to get a better look at him. Before he spoke with that southern accent, Erin sighed, shaking her head. “Feckin A, I'm gonna be failin’ dis class.” She muttered to herself before looking at Billie's book.

“Mind sharin’ wit me? Still have to get mine.” When she agreed Erin looked at the page she was on, and sighed for a different reason. The rest of the class seemed to catch up around then because around then was when the rest of the room groaned too.

Knox smiled when the boy introduced himself, though he almost was hit by the hand offered to shake. “Nice to meet you, I'm Knox.” He answered just readjusting so he could shake the hand. He could tell by Sal's eyes that he was losing his vision, he definitely wasn't the first seer he had met, it was just easier that way.

“Oh?” He chuckled a little as Sal didn't really give him a chance to answer his ramblings. This little guy was just adorable. He nodded to Drake and Clary who was petting Kingsley. Little pet whore. “Nice to meet you both, I'm Knox.” He reintroduced before nodding to Clary saying Sal was a sweetheart. “I can tell.” He said to her, with a smile, before looking at Sal.

“Technically I'm not enrolled yet because my meeting with Aren got moved. I'm just sitting in the class.” He explained before Reg called everyone's attention and he saw Sal having trouble finding the page beside him. Reaching over he quietly turned the page for him before looking at the subject and back towards Reg.

He was a little surprised at the groans the subject matter brought through the class. “I thought we were on vampire werewolf wars. Everyone here has had this shit drilled in their heads.” One of the other students complained loudly, a dragon from the smell of him.

“Damn, they really don't care for demon history here do they.” Knox mumbled to himself.

A couple knocks to the door woke Logan from the nap he one hundred percent did not mean to take. He groaned, hurting a little bit from the way he laid spread all across the bed. “Yeah, yeah hold on.” He grumbled when more knocks came. Getting up he answered the door to see one of the siren girls from the music club he was in, and it took him a moment to remember her name. “Oh hey Chrissy, what's up?”

“Hey, um, the rest of the club noticed when you missed the whole fight in the gym and lunch….” The blonde hair beauty started.

“Wait, what fight?” He asked and when he didn't get an answer he chuckled slightly. “Eyes beautiful, eyes.” He said softly, making the girl blush and snap back to attention. “What fight?”

“Oh, one of the vampires grabbed a shifter girl in the gym and hurt her. So that hot hunky one kicked his ass.” She stated and Logan clicked his tongue at the news. “Then Jackie demanded Kajun make McHunk apologize, and that pissed Kajun off, he snapped at her.” She continued as Logan sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Anyway, Mike wanted me to make sure you were okay since you didn't show up to the club room either.”

Logan took a deep breath before opening his eyes. It wasn't Chrissy's fault all of this happened and he wasn't going to take it out on her. “Yeah, yeah, I just passed out for a little while.” He chuckled lightly though his eyes were crimson giving away his anger. “Do me a favor and let Mike know I'm gonna go ahead and get something to eat so he can start without me. I'm fourth anyway.” The girl nodded and headed off and Logan sighed. Now to find where he threw his shirt when he thought it was trying to kill him.

By the time he had got himself something to bring with him to eat and got to the club room he was the last to practice. Though their club president wasn't too terribly upset. Mike was a vampire that had a love for the cello and when Logan explained what happened. Mike was more interested in the weed that Logan high than the fact he was late. Since the club rooms were so far from the classrooms, their practices always ended a few minutes before the next period. So he was a little thankful Kajun was getting out of class around the time he was walking through the halls

Maybe Logan would be able to patch up whatever he had missed, stop the issue before it became one. Or at least that was the hope until he got distracted by Devin, being the piece of shit he was. Attacking Kajun, hitting him in the back of the head with his books. Kajun got up quicker than Devin must have expected and grabbed Devin and started punching him.

Well fuck. Logan made his way to watch Kajun kick Devin’s ass, he had no intention of breaking up the fight. Plus there were already a few people running to get teachers. He got to the front of the crowd as Kajun was pulling Devins teeth out of his arm. They didn't even get all the way out before Kajun pulled him off, bashed Devin head into the hard floor. Leaving a large and deep bleeding gash down Kajun's arm. Though from the look of Kajun, Logan was pretty sure he had lost it already by then and didn't feel it. He was already starting to rage shift, when Devin reached up grabbing Kajun's wrist and Logan heard the break. Only for Kajun to grab his head with the other hand and bash his head into the floor again. He saw one of Devin's friends start to go to get involved, but he stopped when he saw Logan shake his head. No, this was what Devin wanted. Plus there were more shifter eyes on the vampires more than their leader.

The sound of high heels echoed slightly in the empty halls of the school, as the woman with short black hair walked through the halls towards the Arch Mage's office. Her gray eyes weren't even watching where she was going but glued to her phone as she looked through her emails on her phone. Even when she was top side, she had businesses to keep track of after all.

The girl with wavy brown hair behind her was quite the opposite. Her brown eyes looked over everything they pasted, peaking in the class windows from a distance as they walked by. Both out of curiosity and nervousness. She had never been top side. Now here she was in a school uniform, with a bag full of books for classes she had signed up for. “You know…” Her voice filled the silence. “I'm not saying I have second thoughts about this or nothing but….maybe I should have stayed with the hounds and cats.”

“The hounds and cats will be fine, Demi. Besides, you were right before. You need this, it's good for both you and the hounds you train to experience Earth.” Hades said reassuringly as they continued walking.

“True, but what if Lucifer needs me. Then I'll be stuck here.”

“And I'll come get you dear.”

“You are so busy though, I don't think you would have the time. Then..” Demi was stopped but almost bumping into the woman she was following.

Hades stopped and sighed before turning and putting a hand on Demi's head. “Stop worrying, you proved you are worthy of working close to Lucifer despite everything. You can handle Earth, of all things.” She said softly, getting a smile from Demi before turning and going back to her work. Once they got to the office she came to a stop. “Go ahead and tell the secretary you're here for your meeting. I'll be in after I get through this inventory report.”

It only took Demi a few moments to come back and Hades raised a brow at the annoyed looking girl. “I guess my meeting has been moved to sometime tomorrow.”

“Some time tomorrow?”

“Yeah, I guess Aren will come find me. I even told him that Aren had set up the meeting himself, and his response was. I know, Aren sets a lot of them up and moved them last minute.” Hades laughed and put her phone away before heading into the office. From the greeting she got, Aren must have given the heads up that she would be coming.

“I would be doing better if the girl I brought me didn't have her meeting moved without notice.” She answered, still keeping her tone polite. When he gave her the same excuse as Demi, only nicer and not blaming Aren for the miss up. “Hmm oh nooo, I get it.” She said with clear fake pity before looking at Aren's door when it opened. Smiling when he saw and greeted her. “Aren dear, it's so good to see you.” She said, kissing both of his cheeks.

“Well I brought Demi in for her meeting, but apparently you changed the meeting time for some time tomorrow. Since…what was he telling you?” She glanced back at Demi for a moment. “Aren set up a lot of meetings and moved them last minute.” She glanced at the paper on DeAndro's desk with the meeting times. “And not important ones too from the notes….” She looked at the guy behind the desk and shook her head. This was who they set up to take over after Aren? Right?

Once Demi was in her meeting Hades stepped back outside, honestly she needed away from the fool behind that desk. If she did Lucifer's paperwork like that, all hell would literally break loose. The halls were pretty full now, though she probably had missed hearing the bell over Aren and DeAndro. The students pretty much moved around her other than giving weird or shocked looks though, so at least she didn't have to move out of the way. Her name being said pulled her attention from her phone though, a bored look on her face before seeing it was Billie.

“Billie.” She said with a smile before hugging her and kissing both of her cheeks. “Pos eísai agápi mou?” She asked, letting her go. Though she didn't get to enjoy the moment very long before four of the teachers ran through the students, Samantha ran into Aren's office and back out with Aren. Then Billie took off too. Sighing, she went back into the office and took DeAndro's. “Well come on, you're going to be the Arch Mage next aren't you?” She said before pulling him out of the office and where they had headed.

It wasn't clear if it was the class itself, or the subject. But either way Erin was sure that history class had been three periods long at least. She gave a little wave to Billie when she asked if she wanted her to wait. “Nah, I havta talk ta the teacher anyway.” She answered as she took her time to gather up her things, she wanted to wait until the class cleared one. Once it was down to her and one other guy in the back she headed up to the teacher's desk.

“Hey dere, I'm Erin.” She said when he looked at her. “I was lat’ gettin’ her a day. Aren told me he had ya set a book back fer me and ta get yest’rdays homework.” She told him, before looking at the cat now sitting on his desk and letting it snuff her before petting it. Though her eyes were definitely on the cat. She took the book from him when he handed it to her nodding along at the homework assignment he told her about.

“Ya hav’ a really nice accent. Wer’ are ya from?” She asked when he had finished telling her. Absentmindedly picking up the nameplate on his desk. When he answered the question she smiled a bit. “Ya know, I wouldn’ mind her'in’ da accent over dinne’ some time. Somethin’ ta think about mayb’.” She said before turning and heading out of the class before she gave into the urge to see if he was laughing behind her.

Needless to say when she came out to Ez and Maggie waiting for her, she sighed loudly putting her head on Ez’s arm. “I'm such A feckin dumbass.” She said before telling them what she had done as they started to walk. “I swear though, I don’ care if I pass or fail that hist’ry class. I'm gonn’ enjoy. Swear ta Lucifer I'd give dat man's ass an A+.” She chuckled before seeing Julian coming toward them in a hurry. But it was the name he called to get his help with some fight that made her almost freeze.

Maxwell (Max) Yutts [Host]

245|Specter|The Sanzaru

Max often very shy and quiet, thus it isn't usually actually him that you will meet first. More often he is found when it is calm and quiet and no one is trying to talk to him as much. If you actually do gain the trust of the others, who are extremely protective of Max, he might come out more often around you. Max is a very caring and funny person, even if his jokes are quietly said.

As a specter Max as has almost the same gifts as other spirits. The others sharing his body only have the basics. As he was born a specter Max still fully has his soul, thus unlike the other he does have to sleep. And while he can't go through walls and floors, he can go invisible to the point of hiding his aura, and move faster than even a vampire. The same things hurt him as ghosts but he can't actually be banished. As a sanzaru host, Max is effected by the tones and true feelings of the people around. A unfortunate issue that sometimes will make people think he has switched when he hasn't.

Max originally came to the school to help Professor Kane with a class about his rare abilities. As a pay back for Atlas, but the Professor Head for ghost is going talk them into staying.

Theo -
25|Main Control|See

Theo is often the one that people meet, he is usually the one that stays in control. Loyal, protective, smooth, people person, and....a little stupid. These are very good ways to describe Theo. It is a little amusing how smooth he is to the others, since he is ace. Usually he will get someone interested and switch to Atlas or Max and get them laid. The easiest way to tell if its Theo is the fact he has tinted glasses (which Max wears). Unlike most people think, Theo is not blind because of what he is. Instead he sees auras so brightly that it hurts his eyes, which the glasses dull down to where he can see the actual person.

Calibur -
18|"Voice" Of Reason|Speak

Calibur is Max's smartest personality, thus the voice of reason despite she has no voice at all. She is also the most generous of the personalities. Never one to turn down helping others, at no limit if they actually need it. Much to everyone's annoyance. She is not one to make mad as she will steal your voice from you to have her own. Or switch out and leave you stick without one. Even in Max's body, she is a lady, treat her with respect.

Atlas -
Age Unknown|They/Them|Hear

Atlas while not shy presay, isnt the biggest people person. They are the hear "monkey" and while Atlas can hear things going on around them just fine. They have trouble hearing people talking to them and have to read lips. Thus Atlas is the one that comes out more when Max has to focus. If they like you though, they are the sweet clingy but not the type that will carry you're books to class because they look too heavy. But also be the awkward while cuddling type despite being comfy as hell. Atlas has the reverse ability, they can make you hear things that are impossible to hear. It's a quiet but peaceful world they usually live it.


Aura Reading
Realms IV
Ancient Languages and Dialects
Co-Existing with Other Supernaturals

Demi Murney

590|Demon(Shadow)-Shifter(Hellcat) Hybrid|The Newbie

Demi is cynical and pessimistic type of person, she has little trust for new people or belief in them. While that has a tendency to piss some people off, it says a lot about the people she calls her friends. Though despite those little flaws in her outlook she is a fairly...pleasant person to be around. She does have a well deserved reputation for being a hot headed bitch. Also her dominating personality can be seen as intimating to "weak willed maroons with no backbone" but really that was just how she was raised. Despite the fact that she often times doubts her own abilities, Demi is a very hardworking talented woman.

Born on earth, Demi was brought to hell and raised there after her mother died giving birth to her. She has not been to earth since her birth. She was raised by her father, who wasn't around a lot and was a very odd mix of both a strict and uncaring parent. He taught her a lot about her demonic powers when he was around, however it was Demi who taught herself, after many painful years, how to get her shifting talents under control. Because of this she was old enough by the time she learned, she actually is one of the very few shifters that can take on the shape of hell beasts.

In her early 200's her father was caught working with Azrael, where some of the families that were found to have members working with him tried to cut ties and hide it, she didn't. Instead she went to Lucifer asking to work for him as a trainer for the hellhounds and cats in hell, to prove that her families name wouldn't be ruined because of her father. Over the years she has proven time and time again that she is nothing like her father and she in very skilled at her job, which she loves. Though lately she has been wanting to branch out more and see where she was born. Hades suggested a school and signed her up for it.


Ancient Languages and Dialects
Co-Existing with Humans
Ancient Literature
Co-Existing with Other Supernaturals

Harper (Sanders) Edison

790|Demon (Mind)|The Restless

Harper is the son of Thelona, the mind archdemon, and Azrael Sanders. Harper is rather unknown member of the Sanders family. Due to the fact that his mother was pretty much on the run from the cells when he was born, Harper was raised on the top side and moving around every year. Right now he still wonders around England (where he grew up), Ireland, and France. Finding it sort of uncomfortable to actually stay in one place for very long. Not to mention with his job it pays well to go where the money is.

Despite the fact Azrael was actually made aware of his birth, Harper doesn't know him well at all. Having only came to see him three times while he was locked away. And technically the first time he had been visiting his mother. It was also in the first time meeting his father that he met his aunt Neria and half brother Marcel. While he hasn't met any other of that side of his family, he actually does really good at keeping in touch with both of them. Him and Marcel growing to be good friends. Not meeting his other family members hasn't been for lack of wanting to as much as not really putting the effort in. He knows of them, Neria keeping him updated when she can. He figures that he will meet them in travel or Marcel will talk him into it when he meets them like he wants. That said he does know and is a good uncle to the kids from the siblings he grew up with.

Harper is the type of person who is patient, until hes not. He definitely has a temper that he works hard to control. Not really in a violent sense, as much of a he knows what he could do if not in control way. To the point of learning to go in his own mind and stay there until he calms down. Though when he loses his patience it's in a big way. It isn't hard to see his mother in him. Because of this he forces himself to hold a more carefree personality. Trying not to focus on stressful situations and live his life to the fullest. He definitely has the Sanders loyalty streak, when he finds someone that he likes to hang around, he'll go to the end to protect them. He also has the Sanders smart mouth and sense of humor, edging on both dark and corny.


Botany and Alchemy IV
Ancient Languages and Dialects
Controlling and Protecting the Mind IV(CPM)
Ancient Literature
Co-Existing with Other Supernaturals


Overcoming Rage (Saturday Class)


176|Vampire-Witch Hybrid|Dark Soul|Cassandra's Daughter|The "Good" Twin

Mamma raised a southern belle, not a bitch. Watch that tone darlin'.

Mamma's Broken Heart - Miranda Lambert
Issack sighed as he walked around the party, eyes looking over all the party goers. Checkov was off welcoming guests. He had not brought any of his council with him, and his daughter was probably off making an embarrassing fool of herself, as children do. This was fine though, Issack had his own plans once Checkov announced their official alliance. So seeing all the people that would come to see Helena off to marriage wasn't a terrible thing.

His eyes caught sight of Dana and Penelope drinking and laughing obnoxiously. While he had no real feelings towards Dana, he honestly hated Penelope. No small part of the reason being that he had tried to charm her, and was turned down, very rudely. Though what took his attention as he got closer was the fact Penelope's daughter was laughing along with them. Wine glass in hand. "Honesty Penelope," He said taking the wine glass from the mer child "you're so much of an alcoholic you're going to let your own child drink?"

"'Cuse you!" Penelope started before Alina cut her off and started laying into him.

"Thank you, Cass helped me pick it out." Isabella said as Helena held her at arm length to look at her dress. She had been so excited to see Helena that she barely noticed the men with her, and apologized for interrupting the conversation they were having. Smiling a little as the two of them chuckled.

Oh so this was Lucas, she hadn't got a chance to officially meet him yet, she looked him over as he spoke. "It's nice to finally meet you too. I can't believe it took this long." She said with a soft smile before giving a small curtsy in response to his bow before turning her attention to Cade. Her smile widening a bit and a blush came to her cheeks when he took her hand and kissed it. "Oh…the pleasure is mine. I'm Isabella." She said, softly taking her hand back from him. Helena had told her stories about Lucas and Cade and the trouble they got into before, but he definitely had her attention now. "Oh and this is my bodyguard, Eve." She gestured to Eve.

Eve smiled a bit and nodded her head. "Good to see you both again."

"Some wine for me too please." She asked before letting her eyes roam over Cade as he walked away. He definitely was nice to look at in a suit, with a nice smile, and all those tattoos. Helena got her attention away from him as she took her arm and she smiled at Helena again, light blush for getting caught.

"Hi Helena. You're father said he'd meet you later." Eve said with a smile and light chuckle. "Thank you, I guess Cass picked mine out too?" She honestly didn't know for sure, while she loved the dress, they were more Izzy's thing then hers. Though she frowned a touch when asked how she was, Issack had threatened her life yet again before the party if she lost Izzy again. "I've definitely been better." She answered, giving Isabella a look. She was happy to hear that the West Coven was starting to come back together, she really did miss her home.

Izzy smiled at Helena when she talked about the West and how it was starting to come together. It was really nice to see her friend so happy and proud of something. "Who knows once everything is taken care of, and calms down on my end. We can take a trip over there to see it."

"Or you can just ask Issack, Helena, he'd see it as a chance to suck up" Eve muttered behind them loud enough for only them to hear.

Izzy giggled a bit at what Eve said before nodding a bit. "That is a fair point. He is convinced you are going to take this from your dad. Are you hoping to take some of the witches and vampires back from here?" She asked in still hushed tones.

"Oh I've been great this week at least. I just came back from sneaking South with Cass. It was a great week. Probably not my smartest move but I was shut in my room the whole time I was visiting here before, so it seemed only far." She said with a rebellious smirk, she always hated the way her father treated her like a fragile doll. Lord forbid they found out she had magic!! She lowered her voice a bit. "Met Cass's wolf friend, which I hope you don't mind I invited." She said, touching Helena's arm. "I thought it might be useful for you and Lucas." She sighed, back to usual volume. "Other than that, just put away somewhere safe." She said with an eye roll as they slowly made their way into the party room.

"Thank you." She said softly when the men caught back up with them and she took the wine glass handed to her. Not even getting to take a sip before the sound of loud laughter turned into grumpy scolding, and Izzy let out a loud sigh letting go of Helena as she saw her father was the one getting scolded. "Fuck. Excuse me." She said not even blinking as she felt Eve take her glass as she started towards her father, though she was taking her time a little enjoying her father being scolded by Alina.

"Father" She said loudly as she got closer to them, cutting whatever retort he was going to make and dig himself in deeper, off. "look, Shaun is over there, why don't you go talk to him." She said redirecting her father like one would a toddler, not that it would matter because he took the chance to leave as soon as she gave it. "I'm so sorry about my father miss Alina, he is a bit of a moron." She apologized as she took her glass from Eve and offered it to her.

Niko hadn't moved very far from the witches that he had followed into the ballroom, when Cass found him again. Sipping his wine quickly as he watched the vampires around him. "It's fine darlin', I jus' followed Mercy around until she ran off on me too." He said with a laugh, before raising a brow as he turned before seeing Lia and blinking before smiling a bit at what Cass whispered in his ear. It had been years since he had seen Lia, and she was one of the few people outside his pack that he considered a pack member without actually being one.

"Look at you all mad' up." He responded to Lia once she came over before hugging her back, unable to hide the slight wiggle before he let her go. "I've been pret'y good. My pack is the second larges', 'pparently Cass and the little eastern vampire girl has brough' me here for alliance talks." He humbly bragged a bit. "How'e you been?" He asked.

Lia brought up Aless, and Niko gave a knowing look. He got this question from Aless every once and awhile too. At least now he would be able to answer them. He looked at the witch watching them and nodded to her a bit, before looking back at Lia. "Don' mind them darlin', their my witches." He reassured. "And it's been a coupl' weeks but she stops in to check on me. Yells at me for not eatin' righ', asks 'bout you and brings me witches to help." Niko answered with a smile, aside from getting yelled at every now and again, the visits from Aless always made him happy.

"So this is where you'e been hidin' then? If it wasn't for Cass tellin' me she saw you when she went up north I would be worr'ed." He said with a laugh trying to change what he was sure was a sad topic. Nodding a bit as he listened to Lia tell what had happened to get her here. Not to lie, it raised his opinion of Checkov even more too. Not a lot of other people were as accepting of Lia back then. "Eh, who likes vampires anyway." He chuckled before smiling as Lia talked about this Mitch man. Because he knew Lia well enough to know that look she got talking about him.

He didn't really get time to respond before Cass came back with Lia's bodyguard. "Nice to meet you. Good to see Lia is bein' kept safe." He said offering a hand which Mitch took after a moment with a smile.

"Right?" Kat asked when Atty said he even couldn't tell the castle was usually dark and dreary. It really was a huge surprise. She smiled when he agreed to get drinks with her, she knew the whine would calm her nerves. The woman that met them on the way to the drink table was very pretty and nice. "Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if she did." Kat said with a laugh and offered her hand. "It's nice to meet you Mercy, and it's Kat please." She looked at Atty when he didn't do anything but stare at her. "And this is my bodyguard and friend Atticus." She added nudging him a bit before side glancing at Atty as he responded. "Sorry, right. I'm Atticus."

She nodded a bit when Mercy talked about the whine, it was something she seemed really passionate about and it made Kat smile. It was kind of adorable. "Oh thank you." She said, taking the whine handed to her. Before nodding at Atty's words about sweets. "We really do, my teacher Lia bakes enough to feed an army a lot." She said before making a small face. "I tried once but I almost burned the cottage down." Kat joked before looking at Atty as he whispered in her ear. She glanced at the men looking at Atty, looking them over, and when the blonde one whispered to the other one. Kat moved her hand where she was holding Atty's hand and glared at the dark haired one still staring for a moment before they headed off.

"Your dress is really pretty." She complimented Mercy, keeping the conversation lightly going until Atty came back to her so it didn't look weird for them to stand there. Once Mercy left them she turned to Atty with a worried look. "It's alright but are you okay?" She asked before nodding a bit. "Yeah that sounds good, then maybe find where Lia and Mitch wandered off to?"


800|Vampire|"The Mother"

"Awww, aren't you a sweet little brainless thing? Tell me sug, what makes you think my metaphorical dick isn't bigger?
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