Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
Avatar of Love Dove

Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 22 days ago

Samantha couldn’t lie, this angel in front of her wasn’t topical of the angels that she had dealt with. She could tell from the fact that she had yet to be cut off from her explaining things already. The last angel that she had at the school, had cut her off already three times by now. Pouting that they didn’t have an angel adviser. Of course he hadn’t stayed here very long. No, he transferred only two weeks in. To the school in Canada. There might be some hope for this one. She doubted it though. Of course she kept these thoughts to herself. His question of how many more angels or angel breeds were in the school made her raise a brow in suspicion. Though it was soon replaced with a smile. Michael would have known the answer. So he was asking for himself, she decided. The fact oddly relaxed her actually. “I’m not able to give you the exact number. I’m sure that you understand. However, there are a few others. Mostly cross breeds at the moment. Most angel’s prefer the school in Canada or Russia.” Her smile turned into a more reassuring one. “But you aren’t alone here Mr. Hughes.”

Miles asked what questions she had, Sam picked up the paper that was his list of classes. It had the name of the professors and a run down of the class. As per usual. “I see that your second class is CoHumans with Ms. Edwards. Usually there are two reasons why someone that isn’t a natural or blood driven creature takes this class.” Sitting the paper down, she looked at Miles in front of her. “Have you ever been away from Heaven before now Mr. Hughes? And if so, has it been for very long? I teach CoExistence, it's a very rough class. I don’t want to have to worry about corrupting you.”


Heather smiled at Clary's reaction to her bringing up Cole. It was really adorable and she nodded a bit when she spoke about just meeting her. "Trust me Clar. When it comes to attention, it's the one thing I'm good at. She at least likes you." She said trying to be reassuring. The mention of the girl she liked before made her chuckle a bit. "Oh I remember. How could people forget her." That girl was lucky that Clary liked her, because Heather wanted to kill her. She had been soooo annoying. They had just gotten to the gym when one of the fae girls started attacking Devin, cussing him out. She clicked her tongue slightly. "Well the fae are always drama queens." She muttered before looking at Jo in the benches. "Though that does look pretty bad."

It wasn't long before the little brunette came over and Heather smiled a bit waving back. "Hi, I'm Heather." Soon Clary was squeaking and bouncing again and Heather chuckled. "I'll catch up with you later Clar." She said before going to find her partner. She had heard of the Zaddie girl before, yet hadn't met her. She did try to keep track of the succubi though. There was sort of a turf thing between the two races.

It wasn't hard to find her though. Mostly because she was in the far left corner of the gym having a heated conversation with a couple werewolves. "I assure you that if I WANTED to steal it. You wouldn't have known it was gone." The tattooed beauty with blue hair growled at the other two wolves. Both of which were growling back at her. "Who knows, maybe Roz stuck it up her ass with her personality. Ask her boyfriend. Or I can ask him tonight if she doesn't want to." The other two girls looked like they were about to start a fight but Long blew his whistle, and Heather watched all three of them whince.

It got them to pay enough to notice Heather standing there. The two girls growled something about this not being over before wandering off. Zaddie turned to look at Heather and raised an eyebrow before smirking as she looked her over. "I'm Zaddie. Can I help you cutie pie?" She asked, the change in demeanor surprising Heather a bit.

"I'm Heather, your gym partner." Heather said shaking the surprise off. She saw the demeanor change again in front of her again as the playful smirk turned into a happy smile. "Look, don't try your succubi shit on me and I won't use my lure on you. Deal?"

Zaddie's small happy smile turned into a full smile at the deal and she let out a soft laugh. "Sure" Zaddie wiggled a touch as she took Heather's hand "sounds like a deal. Come on let's run laps." She answered before pulling Heather towards the track.


Willow smiled a little bit when Maggie agreed to be her partner for the day. She blinked a bit at the realization that she hadn’t told her what her name was. One of those small things she always forgot about other races was the fact that they relayed on trading names right away a lot. “Oh, I’m sorry. I’m Willow, everyone just calls me Will though.” She looked over at the two girls staring at them as Maggie gestured over towards them, and smiled a little at the small waves between the two clear sisters. Though she didn’t have a chance to answer before the one boy came over and put his hand on her new friends shoulder. She tensed up slightly at the reaction it got, but from the way they started laughing, they were clearly friends.

Will smiled a bit as she watched the interaction between Joe and Maggie. Her little outburst was slightly cute honestly. When she apologized Will chuckled a bit. “That was cute.” She answered with a smile. “So sparring, that is that thing where you fake fight right? We can do that.”


Zach was very thankful that Colten and Kajun agreed to let them tag up with them. He would have to give Logan shit about this later. He shook his head. "Shit dude 450 is me as regular lifts."

Kajun smirked a little bit at the fact Colten rolled his eyes at his comment. It was funny because he wasn't lying though. He was very far from weak, but he was not showy muscular, like Colt. Plus they were friends so he could make jokes like that. Just like the joke that it was because he was a bear. He honestly didn't realize that he started purring when he saw the Ezria girl from shifting class. She was just so pretty though, and smelt nice. It was slightly more embarrassing that the other two noticed it. So he played it off like he didn't notice it.

As soon as Kajun and Zach got to their benches to start working out they both turned to look at whatever made Coten curse out. Kajun smiled a bit and waved back to Randa, while Zach couldn't help giving a more curious wave back. He had seen her work first person, he didn't really want to get involved in whatever this girl was doing. It didn't take long for Kajun to hear a voice that started him purring, despite trying to ignore the conversation. His eyes looking over at the brown haired beauty, his purring only getting louder when she glanced his way. It got to the point that he had to stop what he was doing because his whole body was on vibrate by the time that Long blew the whistle telling the girls to get back to their activities. He couldn't but frown a bit as the group of girls left with her, not giving him a chance to actually talk to her.


The wavy haired girl frowned to herself as she watched all of the other girls either find their partners or group up. That would be a lot easier if any of her friends other than the one she couldn't seem to find wasn't in one of the other gym periods. Also she had never even heard of this Dahlia girl that was supposed to be her partner. At this rate once Brooke managed to find Cole and her partner, she might have to open her stash after lunch.

Seeing the large group of girls gathered around the weight benches, she decided to check there as well. Cole wasn't one to really look at guys like pieces of meat either. Even still, she managed to catch sight of her with some girls talking, and started headed over. Damn Long, and his loud whistle. She held her ears a bit as they started ringing again. Damn post visions headaches too. "I can help you get rid of that headache, beautiful." She opened her eyes to see Devin talking to her as he passed to go to the office.

"And you can fuck off first too." Brooke answered, flipping him off only to get a laugh. She sighed to herself, great another year of him bugging her was coming. She had already seen it. She caught up with Cole as the two of them started heading off to do whatever. "Hey Cole? Do you mind if I group with you girl? I have no idea who the hell my partner is." She asked, ending with a small laugh.


Tiffany couldn't help but smile a bit as her crystal touched partner rumbled on a bit. Iris was kind of an adorable little witch. "Alright, but seriously little witch. Enough questions now, before you start getting annoying." She said and Iris blinked a bit. She was just kind of excited to have a race she didn't know much about as a partner.

"Oh shitsnacks, sorry I wasn't tryin' to be annoying." She said and Tiffany smiled a bit taking in the phase she used. It was a new one to her, and she kind of liked it, laughing a bit. Her attention was stolen though by the two girls randomly walking up to her. It wasn't something Tiff was really used to. Being flocked to. Usually even new Fae avoided her at first. She was "intimidating" or other words they were little bitches. Tiff raised her brow a bit looking them over as they stopped. As soon as the Randa girl spoke though she laughed, the defensive stance, almost dropping instantly.

"I'm glad someone else enjoyed watching the little tick suffer too. Gross being needs to keep his hands to himself." She answered with a small smile. She glanced at Billie as she was invited to join them sparing. "Um…." Iris spoke softly from behind Tiff, making them all glance at her. "I kinda don't wanna you know, die."

Tiffany smiled a little. "It's only play fighting, I'll be super easy on you little witch." Tiffany said, her voice getting a bit protective and reassuring. Which got Iris to kind of smile and nod, following them. "So it's a bit convenient, but I was going to try to talk to you at lunch." Tiffany admitted as to Billie as they walked. "Ask you to watch out for my sister since your brother made her kind of a vampire target." She added, her voice more concerned than anything else.

Tiffany was kind of surprised when Willow and her partner came over to join them. Will waving a bit and saying hello to them cheerfully. "Will, you know sparring is fighting right."

Willow frowned a bit to her sister, rolling her eyes. "Yes, I'm aware Tiffany. But my new friend wanted to do it."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SirensCall
Avatar of SirensCall

SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 22 days ago

Miles felt some relief rush over him when she was at least about to confirm he wasn't alone. This was such an abrupt reassignment, but Michael seemed very adamant it be him for some reason. He wasn't sure if that was good or bad. He could feel the sigh of relief come out and he gave a nervous chuckle. "Sorry, it's good to know. What little I've heard about this place, I almost expected to be either the only one or one of few. Just nice to know I'm not actually alone." he said. It was times like this he missed Dawn. She had assignments if her own though.

Her question made him sigh. "I've been away from Heaven before, but it's been a long time. About 300 years. If you teach coexistence, I'm sure you know all about the factions, after my last assignment I was put on duty in Heaven strictly. I actually requested to class because it might help me catch up to modern times." he admitted, and he gave her a slight smile. "You shouldn't have to worry about that." He made a face, "In all honesty with the way things have been, if I 'corrupted' it wouldn't be because of something like this. It would be because of the current state of things up there." He pointed up and shook his head. "But shouldn't really talk about that either."

"I do have one other question because I know I will probably need a tutor for at least one of these classes. Is there a succinct tutor list or is it easier to get with the teachers of each class for that?" he asked her.


Clary raised a brow at Heather's statement about the fae being drama queens. She didn't know, but she could tell there was some level of bitterness there. It didn't take long for Clary to be distracted with Ryan coming back, and once they got stretched out, they started running laps. Clary couldn't help her excitement, but when she looked around to see where Logan was, she saw he was nowhere. That made her pout a bit. Seeing as Ryan just got back, she was going to hang out with her tonight for a little bit and wanted to tell him so he wouldn't worry about where she was. It wasn't long before she saw Heather and her partner running laps. "Let's run with them!"

Ryan chuckled. "Alright." she said, and she slowed down with Clary so they could.

"Hi!" Clary smiled. "I'm Clary!"

Ryan smiled and chuckled. "Clar, be careful. We don't want to have to have Long go get Professor Morgan to get you out of the floor again." She waved to Heather's partner too. "I'm Ryan. Nice to meet you."

Clary gave a nervous chuckle. "Good point." she then looked to Heather. "I figured since we're all running laps, we could all run together!"

Ryan smiled. "Just be careful, she sometimes gets too hyper and will start phasing through things without realizing it."


Maggie smiled when Willow told her her name. "Your name is very pretty." She could see that Willow was about to answer her before Joe came over and scared her a bit. The exchange was short, but she watched as Joe walked over to his partner. She turned back to Willow and chuckled. "Thanks. We constantly do stuff like that to each other. Joe's been one of my best friends since I started here, and he has gotten very good at sneaking up on me and scaring me like that." she said. She nodded and smiled a bit. "I won't lie, I'm not that good with the whole sparring thing, but Randa says its a good way for me to work on my self-defense stuff. Plus, we usually just end up goofing off anyway."

When they got over to the mats, she saw that Willow was talking to the girl that Billie and Randa had been talking to. Maggie waved a little when Willow referred to her as her new friend. "Hi. I'm Maggie."

"I'm surprised you're over here, Mags." Randa said, "But glad you are."

"Between you and dad getting onto me about the self-defense stuff, I think I should." Maggie motioned between Randa and Billie. "Plus you two get onto me too, and so does Erin."

Randa shrugged a bit. "Has to be learned, Mags."

Maggie rolled her eyes and looked to Willow. "Wanna stretch first?"


Colten chuckled a little. "I've been doing bodybuilding stuff my whole life. Keeps me out of trouble most of the time." he said. He and Kajun had this long going thing over this whole thing, and he could only even roll his eyes anymore. It was funny though. At least he hadn't brought up the bear thing this time. Hearing Kajun purr just made him smile a little, the girl was pretty. He sighed a bit and nearly jumped out of his skin when Randa came over. He did have to say he was thankful though. Beatrice had been trying for a while now to get in bed with him, and he didn't want that level of crazy right now. He'd have to say thank you to Randa later for it.

Once Long blew the whistle and everyone left, he looked to Kajun and Zach. "Sorry about Randa. She was just helping me out a little." he said. He got up and added some more weight to the bar before he saw another girl walking over to Ezria and Cole. Looked like they would be doing weight training too, which didn't surprise him with Cole being in the group. She enjoyed the weight training from what Drake had said. He shook his head a little and noticed Devin leaving Long's office, but he went to lifting his weights. He had a lot of problems with him, and last year, had he not been trying to keep Randa from killing him, he might have. He shook his head a little and looked to Kajun. He saw the frown on his face, but he had only ever seen the girl with Cole in passing. It wasn't until he noticed that the girl Devin had been bugging was with them that it bothered him. The last thing Drake would need to worry about was Devin trying something with Cole, but then again, if that was in fact Ez, he hoped Devin wouldn't be stupid enough to go near them. Because Drake was bad about things when he was mad.

Colten laid back on the bench and started going again, barely realizing the amount of weight he had added until a slight burn came to his muscles.


Cole and Ezria broke away from the group of girls, still trying to decide what to do. "I feel like weight training would be best. Running is not good for me, and I don't like the whole sparring thing." Cole said, and Ezria nodded.

"Works for me, where do you want to start? I personally need to work on my core." she said, patting her stomach a little before the brunette girl came over. Ez had noticed Devin had been bugging her before she walked over, and she waved to her.

"Sure, Brooke. We're doing weight training." she said, "Brooke this is Ezria, Ez, this is Brooke."

Ez smiled, "Nice to meet you. Come on, let's get to work." she said, and Cole looked to Brooke as they headed over towards the exercise bikes.

"You good, man? Your eyes are doing that squinty thing like when you have a headache. I can try and take the edge off if you want." she said, "Helps Sal sometimes, but his visions have been getting longer and more intense here lately so it doesn't help as much as it used to."

Cole saw Ez grabbing a couple of smaller weights so she could use them while she used the bike, and she looked to Brooke. "Is he already giving you problems?" she asked, her eyes looking over to Devin. When Brooke answered her, she sighed and shook her head. "He gets dumber every year, I swear." Cole scanned the area around them. The one benching closest to them was Colten, and Ez was right there. Sal and Drake were working the squat machines behind them. That should deter him from coming over here, but Cole also knew how stupid Devin was. Maybe not first hand, but she had heard all about it.


Randa couldn't help the laugh when Tiffany called Devin a tick. "That is the most accurate description I've heard for him yet. A small, blood-sucking pest." she said. Billie chuckled and nodded.

"Very accurate." she said, and when Tiffany's partner spoke she chuckled. "Yeah, we tend to go kind of easy on each other. Unless we're like in the middle of a fight. Then we beat the piss out of each other, but it's too early in the year for us to be in the middle of a fight like that." Billie said, pointing between her and Randa. They both sort of laughed, but Billie looked to Tiffany when she said she wanted to talk to her at lunch.

The request was an easy one and Billie nodded. "Of course. I don't want anyone getting hurt over this retarded ass feud, but you know," her eyes trailed over to where Jackie was. "The dumbass 'leader' won't adhere to reason." she said. "I'll do my best to keep an eye on her."

"I got her back too." Randa said, and Billie looked to her. "You can't be everywhere B, plus, most of the vampires aren't actually stupid enough to start shit with me. But most is the main word." she said, and her eyes caught Devin. "Others of them are too stupid not to not lay low. Like sir ball-less over there."

Maggie giggled when she heard them talking. "Should have seen how bad she pissed him off in History."

Billie gave Randa a look and she shrugged. "What? I only passed a note to him asking him if he needed nuts to replace his. That Glenn might have some, but they'd be a little big for him."

Billie laughed. "You're terrible."

Randa shrugged, "I mean it's true. Pretty sure all of the girls in this school have more nuts than he does." She shook her head when Billie just laughed harder. "Help me stretch out some more before we start sparring please."
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
Avatar of Love Dove

Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 22 days ago

Samantha gave a soft smile when Mile let out a sigh of relief when she said he wasn't the only angel in the school. Granted almost none of them were full angels, but still she got it. No one wanted to be alone in a place like this. "Honestly a lot of people have that misconception. The few angels we have are definitely the more tolerant. Though we are known to have a lot of demons they follow the rules of hell." She said, hoping that it would be at least reassuring. His answer to her question definitely was. The last thing that she needed was a newly lowered angel coming in and getting themselves hurt or worse corrupted. Definitely not what the school needed either. "I do, yes." She answered when he mentioned factions. Before nodding a touch when he told her what would actually make him corrupt and said it wasn't a subject they needed to talk about.

"Well you've already met Iris, who is one of the tutors for my class. I know some of the other teachers would be able to suggest good tutors for their class. But if you would rather, there should be a list up in the library either today or tomorrow. The library is right off from your dorm area B." She answered his question, usually the library would wait two or three days. It kept nervous new students from grabbing up tutors time, when they did perfectly fine in the classes. After all, the tutors were often students too, they didn't have time to waste helping people who needed it "just in case". Samantha looked at her watch and stood gathering her papers. "It seems your gym period is almost over. I think this is your lunch period but would you like me to show you, your way to Ms. Wilson's class?"


Zaddie had to admit that as pretty as her new gym partner was. She was slow as fuck for such a skinny little thing. You would think she had never taken a gym class before in her life. Zaddie slowed down, to what felt like a speed walking pace for her. It wasn't too long before another set of girls slowed down to catch up with them, she let her eyes wash over the one that introduced herself first. Not getting the chance to reply back before the other one said something about her going through the floor.

"Hello lovely, I'm Zaddie." She finally said before looking at Ryan and smiling. "Hi, I think I had a few classes with you before." She added with a small wiggle, before looking back at Heather as Clary talked to her. Oh so they were friends with her. That made much more sense. For a moment she thought they were just super friendly or something.

Heather nodded a bit when Clary said something about joining them. She was kind of glad for the extra company. "Sounds great." She said trying to control her breath. Running was definitely not in her regular wheelhouse. Not to mention she could kind of see that her partner was getting annoyed with having to slow down more. At least with Clary there it wouldn't make keeping the pace as hard.

Zaddie chuckled a little when she was warned about Clary phasing off. The two of them were such a cute couple. "I'm glad I don't have that ability. I would get into so much more trouble than I already do."


Brooke smiled a little and waved at Ezria when Cole introduced them. "Hey, nice to meet you too." She said, before following them towards the bikes. She looked at Cole when she asked if she was okay and said she looked like she had a headache. "Yeah, I had a fit in Lit. That's why I wasn't in the second period. I was at the nurses office, because I couldn't shift back until a few minutes ago, it was so bad." She told her. Cole offered to take the edge off, and she smiled a little bit at her. "If you really don't mind, after class, that would be nice. I have ALD next class and I don't think I can deal with that shit right now."

She pulled her hair up as they headed towards the bikes. Usually when she came down to the gym after classes. She would be dressed a bit more comfortable and have her music blaring. But at least in class she knew everyone else was too busy to notice her still. She looked at Cole when she spoke again, before following her eyes to Davin and sighed.

"Yeah, I thought he would leave me alone because he didn't bug me at the beginning of the year party. I guess he got his room moved this year though. So he is in the same hallway as me this year." She shook her head. "I tried to complain to Aren but he had a guest all day yesterday." Brooke finished as she got on her bike beside Ezria before shaking her head. "He really does. I don't have a roommate this year so if he gets in my room this year he can't claim it's for my roommate." Last year he had weaseled his way into her room while she was in the shower. Because her roommate had a crush on him though, they said it was to hang out with him. Then made fun of him until he left the school when he came out.

"Still feel bad for Tommy." She added with a sad sigh. At least she knew that she was always safe around Cole though if need be. It wasn't why she was friends with her of course, but he did seem terrified of Cole. "Can we talk about something else though. I heard Chambliss kept up with your greenhouse during break."


Willow smiled when Maggie said her name was pretty. "Thank you." Then her friend came over and Will commented that they were cute together. She smiled when Maggie said that Joe had been one of her best friends since they started at the school. It must have been so great to have friends that were that close. "Oh that's so nice. I'm not really the closest with my friends here." She said kind of nodding to one of the group of girls that were moving away from the crowd watching some guys work out.

She smiled a bit when Maggie spoke about sparring. "I'm guessing that is your sister? I mean she's kind of right. I'm not one for fighting, but it's good to know how just in case." Will said before kind of chuckling. "Though I live in the forest, I'm sure it's different outside of it." She added before they got to the pats.


Iris smiled a little as she was reassured that they would be easy. Honestly Iris would be lying if she said she had any physical fighting skills. Let alone enough to fight a fae of any sort. She nodded a bit at the two other girls chuckling a bit, Tiff chuckling as well.

Her request wasn't the only thing she planned to talk to Billie about over lunch. However, she didn't know Iris very well. So she wasn't sure if she wanted to bring up the rest in front of her. She did clearly relax a bit when she said that she would watch Jo's back. It was a huge weight of worry off her back. Tiff looked towards Jackie when Billie spoke of her and frowned a bit. "Right, that's one of the reasons I want to talk to you later." She said before looking at Randa when she said she had Jo's back too and she nodded to her. "Thank you."

Tiff and Will both laughed as Randa talked about the note that she passed him in history class. "I mean I have to agree, I already drowned him twice." Tiff said laughing.

Will laughed a little too. "I'm sure Jo is loving the reactions for what she did too." She said before nodding at Maggie when she asked if she wanted to stretch first.

The short brunette smiled a bit as she left Long's office after him. He was one of her favorite teachers, even if he was friends with her brother. He was probably the most chill teacher in the whole school. He even put Maggie as her partner without her having to ask. The other students were still in the locker rooms and her brown eyes looked at the door for a moment before deciding to wait on the bleachers. Glancing at the red head waiting as well for a moment. She frowned a bit to herself seeing the bruise on the girl's neck. Hopefully that shit wasn't going to be a sign of how this year was going to go.

"I like your ear thingies." The redhead said kind of awkwardly after a moment, gesturing to her ears pierced multiple times.

"Thank you, my friends gave them to me." She said with a soft smile. "So I have to ask, sex or attack?" She asked, the girl looking confused before getting what she had meant.

"Um, attack because I said no."

"Get you some pepper spray. I don't care what race you are, that shit hurts." The brunette said, and the other girl smiled and nodded. "Then come and get me if you want. I'll kick their ass for you. I'm Erin."

"I'm Jordyn." Jo said, shaking the girl's hand when it was offered to her. She saw Alex come out of the locker room and she gathered her stuff as he headed towards.

Erin smiled a bit and waved a bit when she saw Alex coming towards them. The girl she had been talking to must have been his new girlfriend. Maggie had let her know in the letters that he wasn't with Ez anymore. "Hey Alex, Garret told me to tell you, if I saw you first, that he is gonna stop by tonight. He has to deal with Aren and shit first." She told him.

Once they finished talking, she heard Jordyn asking Alex what pepper spray was. It wasn't that much longer before she saw Ez and Maggie come out of the locker room and started towards them.


Brooke sighed a little bit as she left the locker room. Glad to be finally over the headache she was battling thanks to Cole. She didn't even really notice Davin coming up beside her until he spoke to her.

"You know, you can ride me like you did that bike any time." He spoke smirking at the fact that he made her jump ever so slightly at first.

Brooke signed as she kept walking trying to ignore him. Until she felt him try to pull on her arm a bit and she growled. She wasn't completely sure what he said, but what she caught was along the lines of him making sure she growled louder for him. "What part of leave me alone have you not fucking understood?! Fuck off and don't touch me!" She said, pulling her arm away. However, he had tightened his grasp, and pulled the other way causing a loud pop that seemed to almost echoed through the gym, or maybe it was just her ears. Honestly she couldnt tell, but the pain was definitely very real.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by SirensCall
Avatar of SirensCall

SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 22 days ago

Miles smiled a little. Hearing that the demons actually abided by the rules of Hell made him feel a lot better, strangely enough. He was also glad that they weren't in the middle of a war with the demons right now too because that gave demons free range for it mostly. This was definitely going to be a lot smoother of an assignment than he was used to, just from the small bits of information he had been given. She nodded when he mentioned the factions, and honestly, he was glad it sort of just got dropped. Heaven was not in a good way right now at all, and the civil war that had been brewing for the longest time was beginning to come to head. No one really wanted to be in Heaven right now.

When she answered about the tutors he nodded. "Thanks. I'll check it out when it gets out up then, just so I have a good idea on who to ask if I do need help." He said. When she offered to show him around a little, he nodded. "Yes please, at least knowing where Ms. Wilson's class is would help out a lot, if you really don't mind." He said.

She seemed like she had a lot going on at the moment, and he didn't want to take up anymore of her time, but he couldn't deny that he was.going to have issues the first few days in getting around the school. At least in a manner that made sense. "Again, thank you. So your class is my last class, right?" He asked, looking at his schedule.


Clary smiled as they all ran as a group. She was having a lot of trouble focusing at the moment as her hyperactivity got higher, and she was moving faster than she was running after a certain point. All Ryan could do was smile, and she nodded to Zaddie. "I was sure I had seen you before." She said. "Always nice to actually meet people you've seen before, especially when they're as nice as you."

As they ran, Ryan could see a bunch of girls watching guys work out and she rolled her eyes a little. She remembered when her brothers had that issue, and how more often than not girls would be her friend just to get to them. She was glad that they weren't here this year, but she did miss them. Ryan snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Clary give another nervous giggle.

"Sorry!" Clary called after someone.

"You just phased through them, didn't you?" Ryan laughed and Clary nodded.

"Better than knocking them down!" Clary laughed. She looked at Zaddie and giggled. "I don't get into trouble, but I have developed a bad habit of forgetting that doors exist and have seen things I can't unsee. Really have to remember to use doors now though with Logan rooming with me."

Ryan smiled. "Oh cool! Glad you got a good roommate. Not sure how well it'll work out with mine. I've got Beatrice this year."

Clary made a face. "I'm sure Logan won't mind you crashing with us if you need to. If Randa hadn't gotten her off of his ass when she did, he'd probably still be hiding from her. Then again, she's had to get her off a lot of people's asses."

Ryan nodded. "I know, she's already been bitching too." She shook her head. She looked at Heather and Zaddie. "So what are you guys doing after this period?"


Maggie couldn't help but to smile around Willow. She was so sweet, and she nodded. "Oh it's definitely different outside of the forest, but I usually have other ways of getting at people than fighting. Randa usually takes care of that stuff for me, but I agree, it doesn't hurt anything to be able to fight if it becomes necessary." She said. Billie, Randa, and Tiffany already seemed to be talking when they got over to them.

Billie nodded to Tiff. "Wanna just grab lunch and we can go talk in my dorm? Might be easier to talk without so much going on."

"Be way quieter that's for sure." Randa said as they all began stretching. When Devin got brought up again, she rolled her eyes. "Shit, could probably stab him in the face and he wouldn't get the hint."

Once gym was over and they began heading out of the locker rooms, Randa, Billie, and Tiff were all discussing lunch when they saw Ez and Maggie take off. Randa smiled when she saw Erin and waved a little. "Hey I'm going to-" she started but soon they heard a loud pop. Randa turned and saw Devin bothering a brunette girl, but what caught her attention more was Colten. He walked over and pulled Devin away from the girl and punched him clear across the face. A loud, low toned growl could be heard not long after and she saw Colten hit him again. "Shit. I gotta go." She said as she headed off that way.

Billie hadn't even fully processed what was going on yet, but she blinked. "I didn't expect that one to happen." She said. She noticed Drake right there, trying to get Colten to stop, but he got hit in the process. "Damn." She turned her head to Tiff. "Wanna wait and see how far this goes or do you just want to go ahead and slip out of here?"


Cole nodded a bit when Brooke said she'd accept the help with the headache after class. "Alright. It's no problem, really. You know if you need help with that kind of stuff, you can come find me whenever. I have no problem with it. May not be as good as other races at headache pains, but I can at least help some." She smiled. Once they got to working out on the bikes, she was glad at the change of topic too.

"Oh, I bet the greenhouse looks great with Chambliss having kept up with it." Ez said, and Cole nodded.

"It does. It looks super good and all the plants are very healthy. They enjoyed it when I went out and played my violin for them last night. Least it Seems they did." She said. She looked at Brooke. "If you wanna come out to the greenhouse with me after classes, I would definitely enjoy the company." She then looked to Ez. "I'd offer you too, but I know you're still settling back in. So anytime after that, come on by."

"Of course. Your greenhouse has always been one of the prettiest places on the grounds, and that's even including those enchanted rooms." Ez said with a smile.

After the class had ended, she helped Brooke out in the locker room, but when she headed out, she noticed some commotion going on. When she saw Brooke holding her arm after she backed away from Colten fighting… Devin? She walked over to her and saw Randa coming over. She knew Randa mostly in passing, but she also knew her through Drake. She looked up and saw Drake got hit trying to break up the fight between Colten and Devin, and when Randa got over to them, she looked at her. "Hey. Bring her over there." Randa said, pointing towards Erin, Maggie, and Ez. "You'll be out of the way, and with them, I at least know you guys are good."

Cole nodded and gently brought Brooke that way. "What happened? Do I need to heal your shoulder?"


Ez and Maggie happily walked out of the locker room, talking. It had been so long since Maggie had seen Ez that hanging out with her again would be fun. Especially with Erin coming back too. Speaking of Erin, once they got out of the locker room, Maggie spotted her. "She's here!" She smiled as she ran over and hugged Erin. "I missed you so fucking much!"

Ez laughed when she got over to them and hugged Erin too. "Me too. It's great we're all together again." She said. However, some commotion caught their attention and Maggie saw Randa heading in its direction. "Is that Colten?" Ez asked.

"Yeah but who is he… oh shit…" Maggie began before she saw who he had hit. "No wonder Randa is heading over there. Colten would kill Devin before anyone even had a chance to try."

"What happened though?" Ez asked, and soon Cole joined them with Brooke. The girl's arm was visibly sunken down. "That doesn't look good."

Maggie made a face. "No it doesn't. Do we need to take you to the nurse?"

They heard Cole ask what happened, and Maggie looked back over to where the fight was and saw that Randa had managed to get Colten to stop… for the moment.


Alex got out of the locker room first, as he usually did, and he was happy to see Jo was waiting for him. However, she was talking to someone and he smiled when he realized who it was. Erin. Good that meant Garret was somewhere around too. He waved when he saw Erin wave to him, and he nodded when he got over to them. "Hey Erin." He said. He nodded when she said that. "I won't be in until later tonight, B will be there with Randa though, so he'll be entertained for a while." He laughed.

Once Erin headed off, Alex heard Jo ask what pepper spray was and he gave an inquisitive look himself. "It's in a can of pressurized air and they take really hot peppers and concentrate their juices so it will spray out. Hurts like a motherfucker when you get sprayed in the face, especially the eyes. Most humans, especially females, carry it around as a form of defense. Why do you ask?" He answered.

It wasn't long after that when drama unfolded and somehow, Alex wasn't at all surprised that Devin was in the center of it. He was surprised by the fact that Colten was the one beating the shit out of him though. For as long as Alex had known Colten, while they weren't exactly close, he knew he was one of the calmest people he ever met. So to see him losing his shit was a little surprising. Alex shook his head a little. "Looks like he's gonna get his ass beat every day this year." He mumbled.


Coming out of the locker room, Colten sighed. He came out ahead of most of the guys, and he shook his head a little. He adjusted his bag on his shoulder as he began walking out, but he saw Devin bugging the girl he had been earlier. He could hear her clearly tell him to fuck off after trying to ignore him. However, once Devin grabbed hold of her, something snapped in Colten. Devin being… Devin, it didn't take much for his anger to rise quickly, but the sound of the pop that came when the girl tried to get away sent him over the edge. A low growl settled in the back of his throat.

He dropped his bag and walked over, grabbing Devin's wrist at a point that made him release his hold on the girl, and once he turned him, he clocked him clear in the jaw. "She said fuck off." He growled, but apparently Devin didn't get the point. Colten growled again, and he could feel his teeth changing, but he didn't care as he hit him again. And again. Colten could feel someone trying to grab his arm, but he reeled and punched them too. Today was not the day for that.

He went to hit Devin again when a small orange flame danced across his field of vision. He stopped and he looked at where the flame stopped and he saw Randa standing there. "Easy there, big guy." Her voice cut into his mind. "He's not worth it."

"Randa, he-" Colten started, but Devin went to say something again and with that last hit, Colten was almost certain he knocked him out. Another orange flame danced across his vision and he looked back at Randa.

"He's not worth it." Randa said. Colten went to turn again, but Randa brought her hands to his face and forced him to keep focused on her. "I get it. I do, but he's not worth it."

Long came over after that, and he shook his head. "McAddams, my office, now." He said.

Colten sighed and walked over and went to pick up his bag, but he saw Randa already had it. "I'm fine." He said, his voice still a low growl.

"Clearly." She said and she motioned for him to go ahead and she followed behind him into Long's office. Once they were in there, Long motioned for them to sit.

"I hope you realize you have detention, Colten." Long said and Colten nodded.

"I only acted because Devin wouldn't leave the girl alone, sir." He said. Long sighed a bit and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "You can ask the girl, or you know, anyone in the area. Her arm got popped out of place. Just because no one exactly saw it, doesn't mean there isn't proof."

"Would you like me to go get Aren?" Randa asked, and Long shook his head.

"No, but will you go see if Harlow is busy? Aren is busy right now, I'm sure, and Harlow would know better what to do without having DeAndro shove his nose in it." Long said. There was clearly some resentment there, but when Randa went to leave he said something else. "And get Ravenwood too, please."

"Alright. On it." Randa said. She looked at Colten. "Don't leave without me."

Colten nodded and rubbed his temples and then his jaw. Now that his teeth had returned to normal, his jaw was sore. "You know how my detention is, Colten. Besides, I was going to see if you could help set up the new equipment anyway."

Colten nodded and sighed. "What's going to be done about Devin?"

"Leave that to me, Harlow, and Ravenwood." Long said. "Just stay in here and finish calming down, I do agree that you should wait for Randa before you go anywhere else. I've never seen you lose it like that, and the fact she got you to come down some means she's probably your best bet to stick around for a while."

Colten just nodded and cradled his head in his hands.


Harlow sighed as he looked over the papers on his desk. More new students would be starting, and one of the names that came across his desk had him curious. Azura. She had attended school here before, and it made him wonder why she was suddenly coming back. He sighed when he heard a knock on his open door. He saw Randa standing there. "Hey." He said.

"Hey. Long asked me to come get you and Ravenwood. Devin has already started shit again and Abs beat his ass." She said, and he sighed. He got up and left his classroom before they stopped at Ravenwood's classroom. Harlow knocked and looked at him.

"Hey, Cian. Robert wanted to talk to us. Got a minute?" Harlow asked.

"Might want to make a minute if you don't. Just saying." Randa said.

"You're free to go." Harlow told her. She waved a little and headed off, and Harlow shook his head. "As if we all weren't stressed out enough…"

Harlow waited for Ravenwood and headed with him towards Long's office. "Did you see who is on the list of students to start tomorrow?" He asked. "I know Azura comes to visit on occasion, but I didn't expect to see her back on the student roster."

Harlow only asked him because he knew that Azura had been there before while Ravenwood was a teacher and had even taken his classes before. He also knew that they had gotten to be friends too, and he was certain that Azura likely kept contact with him over the years. Once they got to Long's office, he saw Randa coming out with Colten, and when they got in, he sat down.

"You needed to talk to us." Harlow said, and he could see the contemplation on Long's face.

"It's getting to the point, already, where if Lively continues to start his shit, I'm going to let him get killed." He said. "Colten, aside from Eskil, is one of the calmest students in the school, and he just sent Devin to the infirmary because he cannot grasp that when a girl says no, she means no. He's getting to the point where he is worse than Tony was."

Harlow's eyes flashed black at the name. He shook his head. "He's still a student, Robert. We can't just let him get killed, no matter how much drama he starts."

"I can't even put him in detention today, Julian! Even though he deserves it because, according to the rules, I had to give Colten detention for fighting him. He gets away scot free far too often." Long said before turning to Cian. "I only asked for you two because Aren is busy with this stack of new arrivals and DeAndro is useless."

Harlow looked at Ravenwood. "Any suggestions, Cian?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
Avatar of Love Dove

Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 22 days ago

Samantha nodded a little when he said that he would go look at the tutor list when it came up. "Just remember that the tutors are students too. They have homework also. So if you don't need them, please don't waste their time." She said, her tone taking that of a mother reminding a child to remember their coat in the winter. Not condescending. When he took her up on her offer to show him to Janet's class she smiled and gathered her things. "Of course not, I wouldn't want you to get lost." She said before they headed out of the office. He thanked her again after a moment and she looked at him. "You're very welcome. I actually needed to stop by her class anyway." Truthly she wasn't planning on going to see her until near the end of the day, but this worked too.

When Miles mentioned being in her end class she nodded a bit. "I believe so. My class, like gym class, is something that the whole school is required to take at one point." She answered, it was a bit of a pain in the ass sometimes but Sam took it more as a vote of confidence from Aren. "It doesn't look like you have any of the classes that I help with between my periods." She added glancing at the schedule he was looking at. "I will give you fair warning that I plan on seating you with a demon though."

Janet glanced up from the paperwork she was grading while she ate her lunch when the knock came at the door. Smiling a bit when she saw Sam, before glancing at the person beside her.

"Hey Janet, this is Miles. He's in your next class." Samantha said

Janet looked him over for a moment before smiling a bit. "Oh good, I thought you were bringing me someone else for lunch detention." She said, nodding towards a few girls that one of the teachers had dropped off for her to watch. "You must be one of the new students Aren warned me about. I hope you have gotten all of your books. I don't loan mine out anymore."

"How did you end up watching students that aren't even in your class?" Samantha asked with a small laugh.

Janet growled a little and rolled her eyes. "Don't even get me started Samantha. I'll tell you after classes." She answered, sort of side glancing at Miles.

Samantha nodded a little bit before looking at Miles. "Come on, I'll show you to the cafeteria so you have time to get lunch."


Zaddie chuckled at Ryan's notion that it was nice to actually meet her. "It's nice to actually meet you too." She said before glancing where Ryan was staring off at. Honestly she wasn't really one for watching people work out. Sure they worked out with the right machines. But they probably never did if left to their own devices. That was when it was hot for her. She glanced back in front of them just in time to see Clary phase through. She laughed looking back at the face that it got. The person she went through looked a mixture of confused and terrified. While their partner clearly missed all of what had happened.

Zaddie laughed at what she said about forgetting doors were a thing. "Oh yeah that would be so bad if you didn't notice the tie." Now she knew where she had seen Clary before. Last year before Logan was dating Jackie. She was almost in their room every night. She had seen Clary a few times in passing when she was leaving the room. "If you need someone to make sure she stops bitching I'm available. She avoids me like the plague." Zaddie offered with a laugh. She had beat the shit out of Beatrice the first year she was here.

Heather sighed a bit. "I sadly have to go visit one of my guys and get my homework." She said when Ryan asked what they were planning to do after this period.

Zaddie shook her head slightly. "I usually eat outside, because I don't really fit in with either of my races." She told Ryan, and when the offer to join her and Clary was given, she couldn't help but wiggle a bit. "I would love to."

Tiff would be lying if she said she didn't feel as tense after gym. Billie was more friendly than she had heard for sure. Plus sparring was always a stress relief for her. That little witch she had as a partner was a lot better of a fighter than she looked too. As she left the locker room with Billie and Randa, they discussed what the plan was for lunch. She agreed that the idea of going to Billie's room and having lunch was probably a good idea. That way they could actually talk without being bugged as much. She looked where Randa waved, she was going to go talk to her friend before the loud pop came from one of the want to be animal girls.

Tiff made a slight face, she definitely knew the sound and the way the girl's arm looked all too well. That was going to hurt like a bitch to pop back in. One of the other want to be animals didn't take it that well either. Because he started beating the shit out of Devin for it. "No shit, shifters never fight." Tiff said when she said Billie said she wasn't expecting it. She couldn't help a small snort when the other guy got punched before covering her mouth. She didn't mean to laugh, but it was kind of funny.

Billie asked if she wanted to see how the fight played out, and honestly she didn't really care for this fight that much. But also…."Hmm, we should at least stay long enough that your Randa doesn't get hurt too." she said, watching the fight play out a bit. Once Randa got the guy to calm down, and Long came over to them she looked to Billie. "Alright, lunch?"


Brooke smiled when she got invited to go to the greenhouse with Cole. Ez was right that it was even more beautiful than some of the enchanted rooms of the school. She had seen the one the shifters were allowed in even. The greenhouse bet it out. "Oh totally. The flowers and your violin are totally what I need today." Brooke said with a laugh. She looked to Ez when Cole said something about her having to still get settled in. "Hey, if you need any help moving things, I'm up for helping." She offered.

Once class was over, Brooke was feeling better because of Cole finally. Then Devin had to come over bugging her, but she hadn't actually expected him to pull her shoulder out of place. It hurt like a motherfucker too. Granted she had had her shoulder stuck popped out after shifting once or twice. Never pulled out though.

It took her a second to register what was happening when one of the guys pulled him loose from her and started punching him. The motion of him dropping her arm hurt it more but her attention was on the one taking up for her. He was clearly another shifter. She looked at Cole and the other girl when she told to take her towards the other group.


Erin smiled as she got her grounding as Maggie ran towards her, knowing that if she didn't Maggie would knock her over. She hugged her back laughing. "I missed you so fucking much too Mags." She said before smiling and hugging Ez too. "I missed you both so fucking much." She said, not really getting to do anything but smile at Ez's notion of the three of them being together again before the fight started.

"Holy shit, I've never seen Colten go after anyone before." She said, before looking at Maggie and raising a brow. "Why do I feel like I missed a lot? I didn't even know they knew each other." One of the girls brought another over to them that looked like they had really gotten hurt, and Erin could only guess she was the reason for the fight.

Brooke shook her head when Ez's friend asked if she needed to go to the nurse. She looked at Cole when she asked what happened. "I told Devin to fuck off, and when I tried to walk off he grabbed me and pulled my shoulder out of socket." She answered. "And then whoever that was pulled him away from me and beat his ass." She looked towards the guy that stepped in as he was followed into the office. "I hope he doesn't get into too much trouble."

Cole asked if she needed her to heal her and after a moment she nodded. 'I can shift it back. I get my joints stuck all the time. If you will make sure that it sets right." When Cole agreed Brooke forced her arm to shift just enough for there to be a sort of sick pop and she whimpered a little.

Erin watched the girl shift her arm back in place and once the other girl started healing her, Erin kind of smiled. "That was kind of badass. I'm Erin."

Brooke smiled a little. "Thanks, I'm Brooke." Once Cole was done healing her. Erin invited her and Cole to join them for lunch and Brooke shook her head a little bit. "I appreciate the offer, but after the day I've had. I think I'm going to get my lunch and eat it outside." She said her eyes catching the last glimpse for whoever was taking Devin to the nurses office. At least that meant she wouldn't have to deal with him following her out now. Her eyes caught Kajun finally heading out of the gym. "It was nice to meet all of you but I have to catch the Shifter leader real quick. Thanks again Cole." Brooke said before heading after him.

Kajun turned as he heard his name called, unable to help the annoyed look on his face. He was trying to keep his group out of this vampire shit again this year. Devin was making it really fucking hard already though. Not only had he hurt his friend, but he had hurt one of the girls that went back and forth in their group. He wasn't even upset about what Colt had done. Though once he saw it was Brooke he gave a soft smile. "Hey, are you alright?"

Brooke nodded a bit. "Yeah I was able to pop my arm back in and Cole was able to heal it." She said.

"That's good, I was going to check on you but you were with your friends." Kajun said.

"I just wanted to apologize, for a fight getting started over it. I know you have that thing about fighting."

Kajun blinked a bit before sighing. "You don't have anything to apologize for Brooke. You were the one that got hurt. Starting a fight and taking up for someone hurt are two different things." He said before giving her a soft pat on the head. She seemed happy with that answer since she headed off towards the lunch room. Kajun sighed slightly seeing the girl that had followed Colten into Long's office come back. His eyes caught Ezra, and he couldn't help but purr loudly. Blushing slightly he turned and headed towards the lunch room.


Jo nodded a bit when Alex told her what pepper spray was. "Erin told me that I should get some because it hurts every race." She explained. Jo looked at the fight when it started and sighed a bit. "While I'm glad to see him getting his ass kicked. There is no honor in an unfair fight." She said before shaking her head. "Do you want to watch this? Or can we go ahead and get lunch?" She asked, taking his hand.


Cian sighed as he looked over the papers from his first class. While Logan clearly high out of his mind was amusing. He was slightly worried about the challenge he planned on starting tomorrow. While he did it almost every year, he didn't feel confident that many of them would pass this year. Not to mention it was going to overlap with this test Aren wanted to do. He pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes, before hearing someone talking to him.

He didn't get to answer Julian before his niece said he should make a minute if he didn't have one. He raised a brow at her before getting up. Julian said something about being stressed enough and he sighed locking his classroom since there was blood inside. "And here I hoped that he didn't need me for drama." Cian said with a head shake before he followed Julian.

Cian nodded a bit. "I did, I'm surprised you got your nephew to agree to become a student finally." He said with a chuckle, before looking at Julian. "Yeah, I guess the Scottson's are adopted siblings of hers. Plus she wanted to get out of Hell for a while." He answered. "I'm glad that she's coming back. I'm thinking of asking her to be my TA."

He couldn't help the surprised look on his face when he saw Colten coming out of Long's office. Colten was the only student last year that Cian argued that didn't really need his class, and he passed him half way in the beginning of the year. Once they were in Robert's office he sat down and frowned about this being about Lively. Of fucking course it was. The boy was the bane of his existence. He had spent more time with Lively last year than any other student last year.

"Well since letting the boy get killed is off the table. First of all I'll take him for your detention today because I don't want him getting off scot free either." Cian said, frowning. Fuck that, tiffany one was against letting someone get off free for hurting a woman it was him. "I don't really know what to do outside of classes. I could try and try to get him a chaperone to follow him around like you do newly turned." He wasn't really sure who would be willing to do that though, hell even the other vampires hated Lively. He was just spitballing at this point.

"I can speak to Smith about it. Who was the girl he attacked?" He asked, and when Robert told him who, his eyes reddened. "Of course, she made multiple complaints about him last year but Aren couldn't get any proof."


This place was fucking confusing, if they were going to make a school out of a castle. You would think they would put up maps so you didn't get lost. Especially for the new students. Knox had made at least four rounds around the school he felt, before giving up and going by smell. Thankfully finding the plank that said History 501. He gave a little knock before heading into the classroom.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by SirensCall
Avatar of SirensCall

SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 22 days ago

Miles nodded. "I'll be sure to give the classes a good run before trying to use a tutor. It'll just be good to know who to go to if I need to." He said. He nodded again. "I appreciate that."

When he asked about her class, he nodded a bit. He remembered Aren saying that when they had talked before, but what caught his attention moreso was the fact that Kane told him he would be paired with a demon. That had potential to be problematic, but it also could be good too. He nodded. "Okay. Thanks for letting me know."

When they got to the classroom, he noticed a few girls already in there and he raised a brow. It wasn't until the other woman spoke that it was revealed that these were lunch detention kids. When Wilson spoke to him, he nodded. "I did. Do you mind if I set my books in here for now?" He asked her. When she said she didn't, he just set them on the shelf nearest the door so they weren't in the way. The interaction between Kane and Wilson made him raise a brow, but when Kane said she would show him to the cafeteria he smiled a little. "Nice meeting you, Ms. Wilson. See you in class." He said.

Truthfully, he hadn't realized he was hungry until Kane mentioned lunch. "How often do new students get lost here? This place is huge." He kind of laughed at the end, but there was truth in what he said. The school was huge, and had he not ran into that Clary girl, he may have never found her office at all. He noticed students filtering into the hallways not too long after and they were talking about something that had happened in gym from what he could tell.

"I know. The shifters tend to stay to themselves. For one to have started a fight is a big thing."

"It was Devin… he always has it coming. I mean… he did almost get killed last year. Had Billie not-"

The name made everything go amiss to him. It had to be coincidence. There was no way Michael would knowingly send him here if Billie Sanders were here. Especially given the failed assignment that had him out on duty in Heaven for so long… He wouldn't do that… right? He shook his head, and he noticed they were at the cafeteria. He thought Kane may have said something to him and he looked at her. "Huh? Sorry. Thanks for showing me here. See you in class later." He said. He got in a line to get something to eat, and after he did, he sat a table in the corner, but everything stopped for a minute when he saw her come in with another girl with dark hair. Billie was here.

"Fucking sick joke, Michael." He mumbled to himself as he tried to make sure he didn't get seen. As much as he wanted to talk to her, now wasn't the time nor the place.


Ryan had been zoned out, but when she looked back to see the look on the person's face she couldn't help but laugh. "She phased through me once. It was a very interesting experience." She laughed.

Clary nodded. "Yeah… I've done that more than once. Apologized profusely after, but Harriet always laughed it off. She might have always had someone over, but she was so understanding of things." She laughed. Clary frowned. "What is she bitching about already?"

"Not getting any?" Ryan guessed. "Honestly, I left last night when she got too bad and I ended up sleeping on that big rock by the lake."

Clary made a face. "Don't do that! Come find me next time, you can use my bed if that happens again, or we can find a place for you to sleep. You'll get sick that way."

Ryan smiled a little. "Thanks Clar." She looked at Zaddie. "Really? That would be awesome. I can normally deal with it, but since my brother isn't here anymore and I said I'd do a double room, it's an adjustment."

Ryan nodded to Heather. "Oh. That doesn't sound like fun."

Clary bounced a little. "I had lunch early, but I'll come hang out."

Ryan heard Zaddie's answer and smiled. "Well, you want to join us? We could still eat outside, it is a pretty day out, and I love being outside anyway."

Clary bounced more when Zaddie said she would. "Yay! New friend lunchtime is always fun!"

Ryan chuckled. When the class was over, she and Clary had taken a little longer in the locker room than usual, but that might have been a good thing. When Ryan went to leave, she saw a fight breaking out and she quickly ushered Clary back in the locker room. "Let's wait a minute. Someone is getting their ass kicked out there, and I know you don't like being around that stuff." She said.

Clary frowned a little. She looked around for Zaddie. "Did Zaddie already get out of the locker room?"

"I think so. I'll go find her. Meet us by the cafeteria, okay?" Ryan said. Clary nodded and phased through the walls to get out. Ryan left the locker room and she found Zaddie pretty quickly and let out a sigh of relief as the fight got broken up. "Hey!" She smiled. "I sent Clary ahead since she can go through walls and doesn't like fighting. She's going to meet us at the cafeteria."


Billie was glad that sparring was a bit more relieving than stressful, especially having Randa as her gym partner. However, the scene that unfolded was one she had definitely not expected. Especially Colten rearing back and hitting Drake, who took the punch about as well as one could. She noticed Tiff laugh a little at it, and she couldn't help the small laugh she let out either.

Randa has mentioned that Colten hated Devin, but never really gave a reason, she just knew it came about after their double date last year. She nodded. "Yeah. Randa knows how to calm Colten down, but I know how that fucking parasite he's beating down is." She said. Once things diffused, she nodded to Tiff.

"Lunch." She said. It was obvious to Billie that Randa would no longer be joining them, but she'd fill her in later. When they got to the cafeteria, Billie was surprised at how… empty it was, but she could hear everyone talking about what happened. She rolled her eyes a little. Yes what happened was shocking, but she was sure it was well deserved. The people behind them wouldn't shut up about it, and she turned.

"Hey. If you're going to talk, how about talking quietly. Some of us can't even think with how loud you're talking." She said. The girls nodded. It took her a minute to realize that they were both demons, and she sighed.

"Sorry, Billie." One said.

"Yeah, yeah. Just be quieter about it, okay?" She said. The girls nodded. Billie was only getting so irritated with it because this was how shit got started, and she didn't want that to happen. Once she and Tiff got their lunches, she sighed noticing how empty the hallways were. It was nice, and once they got to her dorm, Billie opened the door and motioned for Tiff to go in.

She sat on her bed and sighed. "So, where do we start?"


Maggie was so glad that Erin was back but before much longer the fight broke out and Maggie sighed. "You missed a hell of a lot." She said. "Yeah. They've… encountered each other. I'll tell you more later, it's a fucking shit storm."

Ez looked at Brooke, now kind of glad she had told her it wasn't so much moving stuff as it was just organizing it, but she still felt bad. And seeing how Colten had just punched Drake when he tried to break them up was just as crazy. When Brooke explained what happened, Ez's eyes reddened. "He is getting to be worse than Tony was." She mumbled.

Maggie smiles to the girl. "I don't think he will. Long knows Colten pretty well and knows he wouldn't have done something like this without reason." She said. "I'm Maggie, by the way."

Cole nodded. "Yeah, sis. It'll be alright." She helped her heal her arm, and when she declined the invitation to lunch, she nodded a bit. "You're still coming by the greenhouse later, right?" She asked before Brooke took off. Cole turned to them and smiled a little. "I need to go check on Drake, make sure he is alright. But thanks for the invite. I'll catch you guys later."

Ez nodded and waved a little. Once Cole headed off she sighed and looked at Maggie. "How much did we miss? I know Drake told me about some kind of feud?"

Maggie sighed as they began heading off. She noticed Ez looking at the guy that Brooke had gone to talk to before they headed off towards the cafeteria. "So you remember when Randa went full ass stupid and dated Tony a couple years ago? Billie had a similar lapse and started dating Devin." She said.

Ez ran a hand over her face. "Why?"

"That one Randa could answer better, but shit blew up. Alex almost killed Devin because he hurt Billie, and that's what caused this feud. Jackie wouldn't listen, plus she kind of hates Billie anyway, and yeah." Maggie answered. "But one good thing came of this whole feud."

"A good thing?" Ez asked.

Maggie nodded. "A big and bad enough fight broke out, and Glenn got kicked out."

Ez blinked. "That pain in the ass is gone?" She asked.

Maggie nodded. "Yeah. Another thing to ask Randa about. She got so bored last year between Billie not listening to her and with Erin and Garret gone, she started he shit up again. I think she might've had something to do with it."

When they made it to the cafeteria, Maggie scanned the room to see if Randa and Colten were in there. They weren't and she frowned a little. How bad was that going?


After finally being dismissed from Long's office, Colten looked at Randa as they stopped off at his dorm to drop his bag off before going to get lunch. "I really hope Kajun isn't too mad about it." He said, and Randa rubbed his back a little. He was still really tense, but soon they came across a very short girl with pretty long brunette hair. Randa raised a brow a little at how well this girl was navigating the school because she would remember seeing someone like her around.

"Hey, you know where Ci- I mean Ravenwood is?" She asked.

"In a meeting with other teachers. Hopefully it won't be too long." Randa answered. The girl nodded. "Gym office."

"Thanks!" The girl smiled. She watched the girl gently tap Colten's back before she left. "Chin up, buddy. Can't be that bad."

Randa and Colten both turned, watching the girl disappear when she turned into the next hall. They both turned to head off, and when Randa touched Colten's back she felt the tension gone, and she could see he looked a little more relaxed. "You good?"

"Yeah. After that girl touched my back, I just felt calm." He said. "It's weird."

"Very." Randa said as they headed towards the cafeteria. She saw Colten's gaze find Kajun and she patted his back. "I'll get your lunch, go sit."

Colten nodded. "Thanks, Ran."

Randa nodded and went and got in line. Colten sat by Kajun and sighed. "I'm sorry, man. I couldn't control it. I saw what was happening and I damn near went primal." He put his head in his hands. It was weird being this calm after being so close to primal rage, and he would have to find that girl later and thank her for whatever she did.

He noticed his lunch get set in front of him and Randa sat down with them. "Don't mind me, I just want to make sure he's good." She said.

Another hand on Colten's shoulder caused him to jump and he saw Drake there and he put his head down. "You have a hell of a hook, man." Drake laughed.

"I'm sorry."

"Dude, don't be. I knew what to expect. Just glad you seem calmer now. Cole said Brooke is outside if you wanted to check on her." Drake said. Colten gave a slow nod. "The girl…"

"Oh! Right." He said. Colten looked at Randa who was waving at Ez, Maggie, and Erin. "Oh darling babysitter, can I go?"

"You're a big boy, Abs. Unless you'd like a chaperone to go outside." Randa laughed. She saw the look he gave her. "Oh come on, you had to chaperone me a few times, you have to let me give you shit for finally having to be yours."

Drake shook his head and laughed. "Sal and Cole wanted to eat outside anyway, so I'm already heading that way."

Colten nodded. "I'm going to eat first. I feel weird."

Drake nodded. "See you out there then."

Randa got up and rubbed Colten's back. "Catch you later. I've got a little sister to see."

"Later." He said. He put his head down again. "If you want me to talk to bitchpire when that inevitably happens, just let me know. I will. You shouldn't have to for my fuck up." He said to Kajun, barely realizing what he said until after. "Fuck. I mean Jackie. I swear I've been around Randa too long."


Alex nodded. "Not a bad idea honestly, especially if you get taken off guard and can't think straight." Alex said. He nodded a bit at what she said, but he also knew Colten from when he and Randa dated. That guy wouldn't have done anything unless necessary or provoked. He shook his head. "Nah. Let's get going." He said. When she took his hand, he led her out of the gym the other way. He was glad they got to the cafeteria before the main crowd, but as people filtered in, he could hear the buzz about what had happened. This was only such a big thing, most likely, because of who was involved. Shifters, while a very large group, stayed out of shit and more often than not got looked over.

"Want to eat out in the courtyard?" Alex asked Jo after a bit. "It's a pretty day, and honestly, it's too loud in here for me to think right now."

When they got up, he noticed Billie and Tiffany in line together and he chuckled. "Looks like our sisters are getting along well." He said. While he didn't doubt that they would after very briefly meeting Tiff, it was still good to see.


Julian sighed as they headed off and nodded. "Not already anyway." He chuckled at what he said about his nephew. " Believe me, I was kind of surprised too, but with Randa and Maggie here too, I think that sold him on it." When he answered about Azura, he nodded. "I don't blame her for not wanting to be in Hell right now, Mark said it was a shit show. But it'll be good for you to have a TA again, how long has it been?"

When they got into Robert's office, and the situation was laid out, Julian could only shake his head. He noticed the look on Cian's face and sighed. Devin had been giving him issues since he started at the school.

Robert sighed when Cian asked about the girl, glad to hear that Cian would take him for detention. "Thank you. And it was Brooke Hatty."

It seemed to dishearten Cian slightly, but Robert sighed. "That might work, but even if someone volunteered, they'd have to realize how much work it will be for them. Lively is somehow worse than newly turned." He said. Soon he saw DeAndro come up to the door and knock quietly. "Yes?"

DeAndro sighed. "Oh good, three of you at once. Aren wanted me to bring you each these."

"Another new arrival?" Julian asked and the second he read the name.on the page his eyes blackened. His voice came out deeper than normal. "What?!"

DeAndro nodded. "It is why Aren wanted to meet with you sixth period." After that, DeAndro left and Robert raised a brow.

"You okay Julian?" He asked.

"Have you looked at the name?" Julian asked.

"Goodson? What the fuck?!" The ground shook slightly, but soon it stopped and Julian composed himself again. They both seemed slightly confused by it too, and Julian pinched his nose.

"Who wants to bet that he's going to ask me to tell Randa?" Julian sighed. He got up. "I'm sorry, I need to-"

"Punching bags are all set up." Robert said. Julian nodded, and when he left the room he nearly jumped at the sight of a short girl leaning against the wall on the opposite side of the door. Azura.

"Well that explains suddenly being calm." He muttered.

"Nice to see you too, Julian. Dad says hi." She smiled a little. Julian nodded and headed over to where the punching bags were, and Azura moved herself from the wall when she saw Cian come out. She ran her fingers through her hair and smiled at him. "You know, I was just going to smoke into your office, but I decided to not scare you this time."

Robert poked his head out and blinked a bit when he saw Azura. "Hello." He said.

"You're welcome, by the way. This place is a lot more ragey than my first go around. Already pulled from three people. New record." She said, and she looked to Cian. "Got some free time? I'm still waiting to talk to Aren again. We have to finish figuring out my classes and I still need a key to my dorm. Whoever brought my stuff in didn't have one, and I guess my roommate had to let them in."


Reginald sighed as he sat there grading papers, Kingsley curled up on his desk asleep. He reached over and gently scratched behind Kingsley's ears before his eyes glanced at the stack of papers for new arrivals. He had been warned that the first week was like this, but after DeAndro added another paper to the top of that file he wondered about the influx now. He shook his head before a knock came to his door and he saw Kingsley perk up.

"It's opened!" He called, not looking up when the door opened until he saw Kingsley jump off his desk and walk over and rub against the person's leg. He set down his own and got up and smiled. "I guess I should go through that pile finally. Good to see you, Knox. What are you doing here?" He asked.

Kingsley was purring very loudly as he kept rubbing up against Knox's leg. He meowed at him and Reg could on laugh at the interaction. "You know it's easier if you're in human form, King?"

The glare he got from the cat made him laughed, but soon Kingsley backed up and shifted back. "Plus you asked me to be in human form for the next class anyway." He yawned. "Good to see you, Knox."
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
Avatar of Love Dove

Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 22 days ago

Sam couldn't help but laugh a little bit at his question. "Actually, quite a lot. We tried to have maps in certain areas at one point. However, people kept destroying them. You should have a map with your papers though." She answered. The amount of times she had been asked that question is what made it funny to her though. There were second years that didn't even know their way around certain parts of the school. There were people that were in their last year here that had never even seen one of the enchanted rooms.

The chatter about the shifters getting into a fight in the gym made her frown and she sighed loudly. Miles said something to her and Sam shook her head. This was a possible annoying thing seeing that Shifters were a race group she was over. Not to mention the fact it had to do with the vampires, whom with the demons had been a thorn in all of the teachers' side. Once Miles left her side, Sam made her way to one of the stands and was handed food that she had ordered ahead of time. "Thanks Jessy." She said, taking it.

"No problem Sam, just so you know Julian and Aren haven't gotten theirs yet." She informed her and Sam shook her head a bit. Usually the two of them would have been here before she got here for sure, as she was usually the one with meetings between classes. The three of them usually tried to make sure they didn't get too overwhelmed to actually eat. "Do you know where they ordered from this morning?" She asked, before chuckling as Jessy gave her two to go trays with their names on each of them. "Thanks." She said before taking them and heading out of the cafeteria. At least she was sure that she knew where Aren was at, seeing that he was probably still in his meetings. Julian was probably going to be a little harder to find. Or maybe not as she glanced in the gym while passing it, she saw Cian talking to some small woman, and Julian hitting the punching bags further in. Of course. Shaking her head she headed toward Juilan.


Iris smiled a little as she got her lunch. One of the perks of being really nice to the staff in the school was the fact she got a little extra thrown in her lunch from time to time. Which was really nice since she had worked up a bit of an appetite after sparring in the gym with Tiff. Looking around the cafeteria she saw that the usual witch table was full up, and Molly wasn't even there yet.

Looking around to find another table instead of fusing with that table just to likely have to move. She saw the new boy from Samantha's office sitting by himself and smiled a little as she came up to the table. "Do you mind if I join you?"

Zaddie wasn't sure what exactly was going on when she left the locker room to one of the shifters clearly beating the shit out of Devin. But she definitely wasn't going to get involved in this. She worked hard out to get involved in the fights of others that didn't involve her. Because then there were sides that had to be picked and friendships lost. So she made her way through the gym and looked for Clary and Ryan so they could have lunch. Once she realized that neither of them were in the gym or hallway, she waited for them to come out.

She smiled a little bit as Ryan found her, giving a little wave. She said that Clary had gone ahead and headed into the cafeteria before them to avoid the fighting in the gym, and Zaddie nodded a bit. "I don't blame her though, I avoided the fight too." Zaddie said, before heading off to the cafeteria with her. It wasn't long before the hallways filled with people talking about the fight and Zaddie kind of sighed. "I feel bad for whoever that shifter was. I don't really know the shifter leader, but I've been friends with Jackie for years. And she can be such an utter bitch about things."


Tiffany was a little glad to see that Randa had broken up the fight. Not that she didn't think the girl could but she totally saw her probably getting hit by accident too. When Billie agreed to lunch Tiff nodded and headed to the oddly still empty cafeteria. Of course the fight had been all the gossip throughout the hallways and was now all of the cafeteria too. Clearly some of the people didn't know much about the shifters. They could be really aggressive between themselves if they needed to be, just like dragons. But also some of them were talking about how much trouble the shifter was going to get in. Why would he get in trouble with Kajun for defending once of their members?

She blinked a little bit when Billie snapped a bit at the girls behind them for gossiping. Looking behind her at the girls too. They must have been in her group or something because they knew her, and were quiet after apologizing. She was very tempted to ask Billie if she was alright, however she didn't know Billie at all other than their time in the gym. So it seemed almost too personal. Luckily the hallways were pretty quiet once they left the cafeteria and when Billie let her into the dorm, Tiff couldn't help but look around the room quickly.

"I always thought you were the type to decorate more." Tiff said, curiosity clearly in her voice before Billie sat on the bed and asked where they wanted to start. Honestly, that was a question she wasn't sure of either. Sitting her lunch down on Billies desk she sat in the chair and sighed softly. "I would like to offer an alliance between our races. While I've tried to stay away from any feuds, it just seems logical for my group to join with yours." She said, before shaking her head and chuckling. "I'm not the best at being able to beat bushes." She made a slight face because that didn't quite sound here to her either.

"I'm aware that we are an extremely small group. But we don't have to follow a lot of the rules I understand your race does, and are very loyal. Not to mention we already have an alliance with the Shifter group. Even if they won't get involved in your feud, they can be extremely useful." Tiff said, trying to state her case. This was one of the first times that she had even tried to make an alliance, as the Shifters had started their alliance because of Jo.


After the Brook girl and whoever the hippie angel was left Erin kind of turned to Ez. "So, who is the hippie girl?" She asked, before they started talking about what craziness she had missed while she and Garret were gone. When Maggie said that Billie dated Devin she couldn't help but make a gagging noise. "What the fuck? Yeah why?"

Though the fact Glenn was gone was a definite good thing. She fucking hated his guys and he pretty much was up there with Devin himself. "Honestly Alex should have just killed him though. Like how dare he hurt Billie." She said, shaking her head. Wow, things really went to hell with her and Garret gone, it was ridiculous. Though the sucky thing was also the fact Randa must have been still handling the Colten situation when they got to the cafeteria.

She kind of gently nudged Maggie a little with a smile. "At least the three of us can start going on drunk adventures again though. I'm not going to lie, I fucking missed that last year." She said, trying to get Maggie's mind off the worrying that she just knew her enough, she could tell she was. Erin sighed a bit, clearly being dramatic after they got their food and sat down. "You guys would not believe how boring Ireland was without you guys. I swear, I'm kidnapping you two if we go back this year instead of staying in the states." She ranted on slightly, before grinning a bit. "I did totally bring you guys gifts back though."

She missed Randa coming in as the three of them sat and talked while eating their lunch. Though when she saw her wave to them and smiled a little waving back.


Kajun sighed a little at the amount of gossip that filled the rooms and cafeteria. This was the reason he had strong rules about starting random fights. This wasn't random, this was deserved, and honestly, he couldn't say he wouldn't do the same. Yet still it wasn't the fact that Devin popped Brooke's shoulder out of place that was talked about. No, it was the shifter that started a fight and they couldn't believe it. After getting his food he noticed a few other people were staring at him, only a few of them weren't shifters. Shaking his head a bit he took a seat avoiding the people clearly trying to gauge the emotion that he wasn't openly showing.

It wasn't a surprise that the other shifters didn't join him right away. He had been a little rough on random fights, but this was different and no one knew how things were going to go. He was a few bites into his sandwich when Colten came over and started apologizing to him. Though he didn't get a chance to answer before Randa sat with them too. He smiled a bit purring softly because the fact someone cared that much about his friend made him happy. "Of course, you're welcome to join us." He said, before looking at Colten.

"Honestly, I'm not even mad about this man. You're not the type to get in trouble. This wasn't some random fight, you were in the right, taking up for someone getting hurt. Not to mention, Devin harassed her last year and I wasn't able to prove and do anything about it. You probably helped her." He tried to reassure Colten. Soon Drake joined them and Kajun kind of laughed at the interaction between Colten and Randa.

When Randa started talking to Colten again and Drake started to leave, he kind of stopped him. "Hey man, what can you tell me about the new dragon girl in your group? I think her name was Ezra." He asked, trying to find out about the pretty girl that kept making him purr all day.

Once Drake and Randa left he looked at Colten when he offered to talk to Jackie when she came over. Kind of laughing at the name he had used. Because of course she would. He wasn't sure if the woman was that wrapped around Devins thump or just that fucking stupid. But of course she would. "No, I'll handle Jackie if she is stupid enough to come over here." He answered. It wasn't very long before a few other shifters moved to join their table, they had clearly been waiting to see if shit blew up. A few of them asked Colten if he was alright, a few of the new students commented on how badass it was once he answered. The general view of the table was that Colten had done the right thing though, before finally the talk turned into the normal banner.

It seemed like Colten was finally starting to feel better when Jackie made it to the cafeteria, and decided to make her way over to the table. The talking dying down at the unwelcome visitor. "Kajun, we need to have a talk." Jackie said, her tone very almost demanding.

Kajun frowned a little bit at her. "No, this isn't a conversation that we need to have." He answered, his voice soft despite the slight anger at being spoken to in such a tone.

"Yes we do, your little friend needs to apologize to Devin. There was no reason for this to go so far that he beat him half to death."

Kajun clicked his teeth a little before sighing. "Colten doesn't have to apologize, unless he wants to because this is a case of Devin getting what he deserved." He said flatly. "Not to mention you have no right to demand anyone in my pack to do anything. How about you go and just enjoy your lunch and let us do the same." He finished, getting a glare from her.

"Listen.." Jackie said, her tone getting slightly louder in annoyance. She was trying to work this out as civilly as possible but Kajun wasn't even giving her the time of day. Her next words came out louder and in a growl. "This isn't something that can't be lazily ignored by you. HE.."She pointed a finger at Colten "needs to be held accountable for what HE…."

Kajun stood up roughly before he could think to stop himself, hands slamming on the table, a deep growl coming from him. Which was followed by not only the growls of the others at the table, but also a chain reaction from almost every other table in the room, as well as one person still getting their lunch. Though Kajun wasn't the leader of all of the shifters in the school, due to their hybrid status, he had their respect.

"How dare you come to my table uninvited, growl at me, and demand an apology for Colten protecting another shifter!" He said feeling his eyes shift and he put his hands into fists to control himself as Jackie took a slight step down in surprise. "If anyone deserves an apology it's Brooke, the girl who had her shoulder popped out by the piece of shit that tournamented her all last year while you lazily sat with your thumb up your ass. Let's have his apology." He said, getting no response.

"No? Then shut the fuck up! We've stayed out of your stupid feud, but keep hurting our group and you'll see what how unlazy I can fucking be. Now fuck off!" The whole cafeteria had gone quiet by the time he had stopped talking, and Jackie stood there shocked at the fact Kajun had blown up all her. Before a lot of quiet whispering, took place of the quiet before Jackie huffed and turned away. Walking back to her table. Sighing, Kajun pinched the bridge of his nose trying to calm himself. That probably wasn't the best thing to do, though the fact his ears picked up whispering from the next table made him feel a bit better.

"Really? Poor girl...I cant believe Devin has been bugging her this long."

"Oh I can, he's so creepy. No wonder he got his ass kicked."

Kajun sighed a bit, even if this started a feud itself, at this point he doubted it would, but if it did then it did. He was tired from always having to tiptoe around the vampires and demons. After taking a bite of his sandwich he started the normal banner up again.


Cian smiled a bit when he came out of Long's office to see Azura, he actually wasn't too surprised to see her. After all, who else could pull both Julian and Robert's rage at once. Though he was a little surprised that she had taken the time not to scare him. "Honestly, with the way today uh is going so far I'm glad that you decided not to." He said with a bit of a clearly stressed chuckle. Cian sighed slightly when she said something about pulling rage from three people. "And this is only the second day, like I told you. This hasn't been the calmest school the last two years." He admitted.

She asked if he had some free time and said that her stuff was stuck in her room, and he chuckled. "Yeah, come on, I'll buy you some lunch and we can catch up." He offered before gesturing for her to join him before he waved to Robert and headed out of the gym. "Honestly, I'm surprised you opted for a roommate this year." Cian said, it was really nice to see Azura again, though they talked often, Cian, like some other teachers and students, pretty much lived at the school during off time.


Knox smiled as he entered the class room, Kingsley of course being the first one to greet him. Reaching down he scratched behind the cat's ear and under its chin. "Hey King." He chuckled, before looking at Reg and shaking his head. "Shit, I don't know if you would get through that pile before I showed up, man." He joked.

"Well you sent me the letters about how I should check this place out a few months ago," Knox shrugged "and you usually pick good places when you actually suggest them. So I looked into it, and it turns out I've met Aren before and he suggested I join as a student." He answered, before chuckling at King clearly not having got enough attention and meowing to get more.

"It's good to see you too, King." Knox chuckled before he reached over and ruffled Kingsley's hair a little bit. "Anyway, I'm not sure what classes I'm taking yet. I was supposed to meet with Aren, but some skinny weird smelling dude told me that our meeting was moved. And Aren would find me when he wasn't busy." Knox rolled his eyes. "So I've walked around this whole damn castle trying to find you guys."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by SirensCall
Avatar of SirensCall

SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 22 days ago

Julian kept hitting at the punching bags until he finally felt himself calm down the rest of the way. The weird thing was, he wasn't sure if the rage was pulled from him or if he had actually finished calming down on his own, all he knew was that the calm felt weird. He could feel eyes on him after he threw his last punch and he turned to see Samantha there with a few trays. He approached her after taking a deep breath and took two of the trays from her. "Thank you." he said, trying his hardest not to let the anger come over him again. "Bringing Aren his too? From what I heard, he's still in a meeting with a student that came in today." he said.

He waited only a moment for Samantha to start walking before falling in step with her. All he had hoped for at this point was that it wasn't Tony he was meeting with at present because there was no way he'd be able to handle that one. The Goodsons weren't known for being good. Sure there were the two children that disowned Tony and their father, Clyde, but the name was carried by Tony and Clyde. Julian knew Warren fairly well, but the girl, Jenna, he had only heard of in passing. He knew Tony had adored the girl when they were younger from what he could tell, but whenever she was brought up now, he seemed bitter to the fact she existed even. It was one of the things that had at least made him bearable at one point in time, but it seemed to have been ruined before he left too.

He looked over to Samantha as they approached Aren's office. "Has DeAndro found you with the latest 'new' student file?" he asked her. Now that he was thinking about it, he was curious.


Miles was drawn into his own thoughts. How could Michael actually do this? There was no way he didn't know that she was here. Unless that was the point, to hit him in the face with his own failure. He sighed, not realizing he was picking at his food until a voice came. He looked up and saw the girl he had mistaken for Professor Kane. He smiled a little and motioned to the seat. "No at all." he said. "Is it always so... chaotic?" he asked her. He thought she would be a good person to ask as she had been at the school for a while.

His eyes jolted up when he heard commotion from a table where a blonde girl was talking to a brunette guy, and he did not seem happy at all. Once things fizzled out he asked, "Do I even want to know what all the commotion is over?"


Ryan nodded a bit. "I avoided it too, I try to keep myself out of trouble, and the less problems I'm involved in, the better. Especially since my brothers aren't here anymore." She said. When the gossip started filling up the space around them, she sighed a bit and shook her head. "I don't know him personally, but my brothers said he was a reasonable guy. I just feel bad about the whole thing because now they're being put on blast when it's not really worth it, y'know? This is why I'm glad that I can just skate by without being noticed for the most part. I only get noticed when I want to be anymore. Safer that way."

She smiled when she saw Clary at a table, waving, and she waved back to let her know she saw her and waited in line. The sight of seeing Jackie and the shifter leader was one she didn't expect and Ryan frowned a little. "I really hate the drama. I hoped to get away from it when I graduated human high school, but I guess drama is just amplified with being supernatural."


Billie was more than glad to get back to her room and away from the cafeteria. The talk only bothered her so much because she knew Colten quite well, and while she didn't really know the shifter leader, she had never heard a bad word on him. Colten even mentioned they were good friends. Plus problems with the shifters were almost unheard of because their numbers, much like the dragons, outweighed even her groups. She kind of chuckled at Tiffany's comment about decorating. "Eh, I'm not personally into all of that, but there are some who are. I prefer clean over decor personally. Hence that slight bleach smell that lingers." It was a good way to break the ice, but she could sense something in Tiffany that felt uncomfortable.

Then it came. The offer of an alliance. "Alliance?" Billie repeated. She didn't dare interrupt Tiffany while she spoke. She may not have known much about the fae, but she also knew how hard it was to let pride get set aside. She was a proud creature herself and barely asked for help, and while this wasn't a direct ask, it was in a sense. She nodded. "Done."

Billie moved her food away from her after she had eaten about half of it and lit a cigarette and waved her hand to let the window open itself and she moved herself to smoke by it. "Sorry, trying to take into consideration not everyone is okay with the smoking thing, hence why I'm at the window." she said. "But as for an alliance, it's a good step for both of us to take at this point. I do apologize for what has happened for it to come this though." She looked down and sighed. "For the record, I tried very hard to reason my group's way out of this feud, but Jackie does not adhere to reason. It's part of why whenever there is fighting, actual fighting, for this feud, it's typically not demons that start it. I am still trying to prove that I want this handled sensibly, but it's past that point now."

She took a long drag and blew her smoke out the window. "One of my rules for my group is don't start the fight, but if it comes to you, finish it." she said, and she looked to Tiffany. "Granted, the vampires that tend to start shit fight dirty, and demons, while we could, try not to. I say try because there are times it is unavoidable." She studied Tiffany's face. "I only ask one thing of this alliance. There are some vampires that aren't bad and I don't want them involved if we can avoid it. I don't care about fights, your group will have mine at their backs if it ever ends up needed, but there are some that I don't want dragged into it."


Ez looked at Erin and chuckled. "That would be Cole. Drake kind of adopted her as a sister, and she's a sweet girl. A lot of people don't realize how much shit they'd be in if that girl wasn't a pacifist." she chuckled. She shook her head at Erin's reaction to Maggie telling them that Billie and Devin had dated, but couldn't help but to agree with it. It was disgusting and Billie could have had anyone she wanted.

"Like I said, ask Randa. You know they tell each other basically everything. Even if they didn't, Randa would still somehow know. It's creepy, but she does always somehow know." she laughed. She sighed when Erin said that. "Honestly, I didn't expect Billie to stop him. Honestly Alex killing Devin would have solved so many problems, and when Randa was telling me why she stopped it. I mean it made sense, she didn't want to see Alex get kicked out of the school, but at the same time they have a lot more pull than most and might not have even. Considering Lucifer oversees for them."

"Yeah, when I called Billie to check in right after it happened, she sounded like she regretted not allowing him to." Ez sighed. "I'm honestly surprised Billie didn't kill him."

"For as old as she is, I guess she doesn't have a body count yet." Maggie said and Ez looked at her surprised. "Yeah, Randa let that one slip when we were drinking. Billie has never actually killed anyone yet. Something in her always stops her, and plus she said Devin wasn't worth being her first kill."

"That's fair though." Ez laughed. They all began eating and Ez nodded to Erin's notion. "I missed it too, being surrounded by all of my siblings is always great, but I need a break from it all."

Randa slipped into a spot at their table and before she could say anything she saw the commotion over at the table she just left and she shook her head. "Well shit, I should have sat there longer."

"Is everything okay?" Maggie asked.

Randa raised a brow. "With Abs? Yeah. Kajun is cool as fuck from what he and Drake have told me. Plus from what I just saw. And he earns brownie points for putting bitchpire in her place." she laughed and she finally looked to Erin. "Hello beautiful, I swear next time you and your brother leave, Maggie and I are coming with you. I lost what little I had left of my mind without you two."

Ez gave a look. "That bad?"

"I mean, I got bored enough to be around to witness a great many of fights. Only actually got involved once, and the reaming I got from Harlow was awful, but hey a month's worth of detention was pretty worth the exchange. And Glenn punches like a bitch by the way. I've met literal children that could hit harder." she laughed.

"He hit you?" Ez asked.

"Story for when so many ears aren't around." she said with a wink.


Drake chuckled a bit at Kajun's question. "Ez? That's the leader I've been telling you about. Things at home are finally stable enough for her to stay here full time. If you want, I could introduce you too sometime." he said before heading off.

Colten nodded a little. "Alright, still figured I would offer." he said. He was glad to see the others come to the table not long after, and he answered them when they asked him questions, honestly just glad for the normal banter to be brought up. Then Jackie came over, and Colten didn't even fully expect for things to go the way they did. He wanted to be angry too, but he couldn't be. He was still in an eerily calm stat and he noticed Ravenwood come in just as Jackie huffed herself back to her table with the girl he and Randa had run into in the hallway. He got up. "I'll be right back, anyone want anything while I'm up?" he asked. A few of them said no, but he did have one of the newer, more timid shifters ask for something and he nodded. He was glad he managed to get in line behind the girl and Ravenwood. Once their conversation paused, he gently tapped her shoulder.

"Holy shit, you're way bigger than I actually thought you were." she laughed. "Sorry, sorry. What's up?"

"I'm... What is your name?" he asked.

"Oh right, I did kind of just ditch you and that girl in the hall. I'm Azura. Also, that eerie calm will wear off in an hour or two." She said. "Now, what is your name?"

"Uh... right, Colten. What did you do?" he asked and she laughed again. He saw her look up to Ravenwood.

"You know I live to confuse people, this year is gonna be fun." she said. "I pulled your rage from you. I have that gift. Plus, helps that it was righteous rage, that always feels better to feed off of."

He just gave a nod and saw her smile and go back to talking to Ravenwood. He got what the shifter has asked for and brought it back to them before patting Kajun's shoulder. "I'm gonna go find Brooke now. Thanks man."


Azura smiled at Cian when he said he was glad and at his sigh, her expression changed. "That bad already? I came at a good time then. I heard some shit about how things were going here and aside from needing to get away from Hell, my dad thought it would be good if I were to come here. He and Mark Martin I guess had talks about my particular talents and how they seem necessary now. Just from what I've seen, I don't disagree." She shook her head and sighed. "Better than Hell at present though. My dad and my aunts and uncles barely know what's going on. I was supposed to bring someone with me, but with the state of things here, its best they backed out last minute. I don't need this place breaking him."

She chuckled. "Thanks. Sounds lovely. And needed a changed, and Aren swore that my roommate wouldn't be affected by me. I had doubts until he told me that they were a giant. I didn't realize giants even existed in this realm, much less interacted with the lot of creatures." she said. When they got into the cafeteria she could sense the tension dying out, but she could still pinpoint its origins. She shook her head. "Looks like we missed something good here not long ago." she said. Soon the boy she had pulled rage from first was behind her and she smiled and answered his questions before seeing him head off. "I forget that not many encounter creatures that can pull literal emotions, much less rage."

Once they got their lunch, Azura smiled seeing Erin with a group of girls at a table, but she wasn't ready to make herself known to her yet. "So, your office? I'll get antsy in here with the lingering tension." she asked.


Reg smiled a bit and shook his head. "Well, glad to see you made it." He looked to the pile again, "I've had it added to at least three times just today. I've been ignoring it solely because it can usually wait until after classes." He chuckled at Kingsley's antics a bit before Kingsley finally shifted into human form.

"I told you that guy smelled weird." Kingsley said, off-handed.

"DeAndro I'm assuming. I don't care for him, plus from what the other teachers have told me about him, I'm not impressed. He seems somehow familiar to me, but I can't place him." Reg said, but shrugged again. "I still get lost here too. I rely a lot on Kingsley to be honest. He navigates here very well."

"I spent all summer exploring, what do you expect?" he asked. "Plus, still trying to decide if I want to take a few classes or not."

Reg motioned for Knox to sit down. "If you want, you are more than welcomed to sit in on my next class while you wait too. Aren has been extremely busy today with these meetings and I doubt he will get out of this one quickly from what I understand. I poked my head in this morning and he had a stacked plate."

Kingsley sighed. "I still want to know what this whole feud thing is that I've been hearing about."

"Been eavesdropping I see." Reg said, and Kingsley shrugged.

"My skills have helped before." he laughed. He looked to Knox. "You hungry? Now that I'm up, I'll go get us all lunch."
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
Avatar of Love Dove

Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 22 days ago

Samantha smiled softly when Julian saw she had been watching him. Well not in a creepy way, she had just come to a stop when he turned. "You're welcome." She said, the curtness in his tone not going unnoticed. She was about to ask if he was Alright when he said something about her bringing Arens to him too. "Yeah, I figured he was. I hate to leave it with DeAndouche, but at least he will get it that way." She said with a small laugh before she headed out of the gym with him following her. "Figured you would be the harder one to find. Are you okay?" She asked.

It wasn't the easiest to piss Julian off, and if this was something she should be worried about she would want to know. Hell, the last thing they needed was another feud to keep an eye on. And honestly shifters would be a hard race to keep an eye on. She sighed at her own thoughts she was lost in. Luckily Julian was lost in his own, so at least he didn't notice she was as well. She looked at him when she was asked if DeAndro had given her the newest new student file and she stopped just outside of the door. "No, he usually avoids talking to me unless I'm with another teacher." She said with a small shrug. "I'll get it while we are here." She added

When they went inside the office it was almost no surprise that DeAndro was sitting at his desk and looked almost surprised to see them. "Ah, Professor Kane. I left the newest student sheet at your office." He said and she put a fake smile on her face because there was a little blonde new girl sitting there waiting for her meeting. "Yeah Julian told me." She said, before the door opened and Tamika came out. Samantha looked at Julian as she walked out of the office and whispered. "Holy fuck, did Randa get ahold of her already?"

Smiling a bit to Aren as he came to the door she gave a little wave. "I grabbed your lunch for you so you could have time to eat."

Iris smiled as Miles said she could join him and took a seat. "Thanks, my table was already filled up before I got here and you're friendly." She said as she got her lunch sat up the way she liked to eat it. She couldn't help but chuckle at the question he asked. "Honestly this is calm compared to yesterday when the feuding groups went at it. Almost all of the group leaders got detention." She answered before shaking her head a bit. "It will get calmer, right now it's a lot of people that hate each other seeing each other again. And newbies that don't know group rules." Iris said reassuringly.

No sooner did she answer did Jackie piss off Kajun, and she couldn't help but watch because that was a rare thing. She shook her head a bit as Jackie walked off, looking towards her table for a moment to see Molly watching everything intently. She sighed softly and smiled a bit at him. "I mean do you?" She asked, before smiling at his answer. "Kajun losing his shit is a rare thing, so unless you're a vamp or shifter I wouldn't worry about it."

"So which classes are you planning on taking?" She asked, trying to change the subject from the drama going on around them.

Tiffany chuckled a bit at the response she got to her comment about decorating. "Now that you mention it. It smells really nice though." She said, before uncomfortably asking for the alliance. It felt a lot more pathetic to ask then it seemed like it would be in her head. Then when Billie agreed so fast once she went on her little speech in her head Tiff couldn't help but blink a bit. Part of her assumed it would take more talking with as small as her group was and as little as they had to offer. Her agreeing definitely calmed her discomfort though and she started to eat her food as Billie set hers aside and smoke. She shook her head. "I smoke too so it's fine."

She raised a brow at the apology Billie gave, because none of this was her fault if anyone was at fault it was the vampires. "I don't understand why would you be sorry?" She said confused before Billie started talking about how she had tried to reason with the vampire leader but she would not have it. This was honestly something she was familiar with herself, it was how the wars with the fae always started. But the difference was, and maybe Billie didn't really realize because she was in the thick of it. "You know, it was my first year when your….feud I think is the word, started. A lot of us can see who pushes it, and who is just protecting their people. Especially the races raised in war." Tiff said softly as Billie blew her smoke out of the window.

Billie went over her rule for her group, it was a good rule. Very honorable, and actually eased the last of any worry that she had that it might be a bad idea. Though her group were ready to fight at the drop of the hat, even Tiff preferred to not start unworthy fights. After all they were one of the first of their race a lot of people would meet. She wouldn't do their queen the dishonor of looking like they were the version of fae the Seelie told them they were. Billie was staring at her and she blinked realizing she had wandered off in her head. "I'm sorry, I was thinking about your rule and my brain…….paitkich." She said making a hand gesture of walking off because she couldn't remember how to translate the words she wanted. Billie continued and Tiffany nodded at her request. "Honestly, we prefer to not fight unless needed if possible as well. Even if we jump in as soon as the opportunity comes. Your rule is similar to mine for races other than Seelie. You will have us at your back also." She said after Billie made her request. "I don't understand what "fight dirty" means though. Why do they throw dirt at you? Does dirt hurt your race?" Power over the earth was the element new souls had, before plants. She didn't want to worry about harmful friendly fire.

"As for the vampires, if you have some in particular in mind, please point them out to me. I know Logan is probably one of them, yes?" She said with a small smile. "Um…one of my friends is in your realms class…..I hope it doesn't seem unacceptable to me guessing or bringing up. I think you two are cute, and it seemed untrustworthy to pretend I didn't know." She added with a small laugh, not sure how far was pushing the waters but she wouldn't lie and pretend she didn't know about it either. "I hope we can become friends." Tiff said smiling honestly because she honestly did. "If all of the black eyes are cool as you and Randa, this alliance will be an easy one." She said before looking at the door as someone started knocking at it.

Erin couldn't help feeling a little bad that she had been so busy handling Garret that she hadn't kept up with everything while in Ireland and she frowned hearing how bad it had been while she was gone. Not that they would have been to keep it from happening but maybe they could have helped somewhat. She was surprised to hear that Billie didn't have a body count though. "Damn impressive even I have a body count." She mattered before they all say down.

Erin smiled a bit when Ez agreed with her about being back. She loved Ez's siblings, they were so adorable. "How the lit'le brats doin'? Did yer sister like the present I sent her?" She asked before Randa joined them, and bitchpire got the nerve up to start shit. Honestly she had no idea who Kajun was but he definitely had a way to put people in their place. She smiled when Randa said hello. "Well hel'o gergeous." She said, before chuckling a bit and sighing. "Please do, swear I'm gonna kil' him if he doesn't off himself at this point." She couldn't help but laugh when Randa said she had been watching fights like they didn't all know she had probably started it.

She shook her head groaning. "Ugh he does everythin' like a child. Worst feckin' ex ever." She said laughing. He had always been too big of a bitch to hit her though. "Please tel' me you least beat the shit out him."

Kajun kind of nodded when Drake said who Ez was, why was that not surprising at all. She clearly was beautiful and intelligent. Why wouldn't she be a leader too. When he offered to introduce them Kajun managed to catch himself so the purr he let out was really quiet. "Yeah that would be awesome if you could." He answered before Drake left.

Then Jackie had to come over and be an utter bitch. Once he managed to calm down a touch, even he knew that he could have handled that better. A part of him felt a little bad for causing a scene. Though the alpha louder part was still a little angry about the fucking audacity that she had to talk to him the way she did. Not to mention that she didn't even care that Brooke got hurt for no reason. Not only was he mad but now his hands, mouth, and eyes hurt from almost rage shifting. Though the fact he didn't rage often was a good thing, it was also a bad thing because he couldn't learn how to handle it well when it happened. Colten said he would be back and Kajun simply nodded, but he kind of watched him when he walked away for a moment. More or less to watch his back, though when he saw him talking to someone with a teacher his mind wandered back to the banter at the table.

When he came back and said he was going to find Brooke, Kajun smiled a bit. "No problem man, she usually eats around the lake." He said before Colten took off, he looked at one of the other shifters when they asked if he wanted them to follow Colten. "No, but I might have you follow if any of the vampires get up though."

Brooke was so glad that she had managed to get into the lunch room pretty quickly after everything that had happened. She had been quick enough to get in and out before the vampires from the gym had even gotten there. So by the time she had got her food they were in the different lines for food and though there was whispering about what happened, she had slipped out without being bothered at all. Well other than the woman at the stand looking over her worriedly.

Once outside she couldn't help but smile to herself at the fresh air. Half way through last year she found out she could eat outside, and hadn't eaten inside ever since. There was even a perfect little spot in the wood line right behind the lake. The trees were thin enough to see if anyone was coming to bug her, but thick enough no one could see her until they got close. Looking around she made sure no one was watching as she slipped into the woods. She put her food on the little pulley tray system she made last year before struggling to climb in the tree. Brooke growled at herself before it was either climbing one handed or hurt her shoulder. The pain was worth it. Though it took her a little longer than she wanted she got up in her tree, pulled the food up and got to enjoy her lunch in wonderful peace.

Brooke had almost finished her lunch when she heard movement around the lake next to her, and saw the guy from the gym walking by it looking around. She watched him from the trees for a moment until he got closer to the trees. "Hi." She said kind of loudly before chuckling a bit at the reaction it got. "Up here in the tree." She said before waving a bit when he looked at her.

He nodded a bit when she said that it was better than Hell, and from what she had told him through their letters it definitely sounded like it. Though the fact that the drama had gotten bad enough to be noticed in Hell wasn't ideal, after all being noticed by the witches got them DeAndro. "Well, I'm very glad to have you back even if under rough circumstances. You were one of my favorite students and hopefully with you around it will be better this year." He said before offering to buy her lunch.

Azura brought up her roommate being a giant and Cian smiled. "Oh, must be Eskil, he's a pretty good guy. I think he said something being sent out by his tribe or something to see if they were ready to start coming out……a little hard to understand still." He said ending with a small laugh because he was pretty good at understanding most of them. Once they got to the cafeteria Cian frowned, he might not have been able to feel the tension, but seeing Jackie was walking to her table and Kajun was slowly sitting down. It wasn't hard to figure out. "Yeah, I guess the one vampire I had told you about, hurt a shifter girl and there was a fight in the gym." He said before shaking his head and quietly added "Honestly, half of the vampires in this school would get their ass kicked if I wasn't a teacher." He didn't notice Colten was behind them until he got Azura's attention.

Cian chuckled as he watched the interaction between Azura and Colten, and what she said to him. Once Colten left Cian shook his head giving a slight laugh. "To be fair I think you're the first creature I've met even." Once they got their lunch he nodded a bit about going back to his office. "Sounds good to me."

Things were a lot calmer in the halls since most of the others were in the lunch room or in classes. It definitely was a lot quieter too. "Have you thought about what classes you plan on taking? A lot of the teachers have traded out since you were here last." Cian said as they headed towards his office before chuckling a bit. "Gloria never came back after you sent her out crying in the middle of her class. Aren hasn't been about to get a mermaid to come back since." He unlocked the door and gestured for her to go first before following her in and putting the papers he was going over in his desk. "Hell, I think that was the last primal Primal history class that was held."

Knox laughed a little looking at the big stack of papers that Reg said he was ignoring until the end of the day. "I mean that seems pretty legit though." Kingsley started wanting attention and he chuckled trying to give him some before he went and shifted. "I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought so." He said in response to King, before nodding to Reg. "You know I'm not the best with faces, but he definitely smells familiar."

Knox laughed when Reg said he still was getting lost here and relied on King not to get lost. "Well that's not surprising though, one of those familiar things, being good at directions. You might as well take some classes since you're here anyway." He said before nodding to Reg and sitting down. Knox shrugged a little bit. "Sure, if you don't mind, I was just going to wander around and get lost anyway. Been a bit since I've seen you teach." He before pulled a little ruin out of his pocket. "Yeah, I guess I'm supposed to watch for this to light up to know when he's ready for the meeting." He said looking at the ruin before putting it back in his pocket.

He smiled at the little banter between the two of them. Oddly having missed it while he was out of country the last couple years. "Feud?" He chuckled a bit before nodding to King. "Yes please, do you pay actual money here? If so, I'll pay you back." He said, he then looked at Reg once Kingsley left. "It's good to see he is doing better than the last time I saw you guys. How are you doing? Enjoying being a teacher?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SirensCall
Avatar of SirensCall

SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 22 days ago

Julian looked to Samanatha when she asked if he was okay. That she figured he'd be the harder of the two to find, and he sighed a bit. "I'm okay, just a little on edge now." he told her. He didn't really elaborate much and asked her if she had seen the newest student file. Of course DeAndro was avoiding her, he usually did, but still he was almost glad she hadn't seen it yet. When they got into the office and DeAndro told Samantha her newest student sheet was in her office he sighed, but upon seeing Tamika coming out he shook his head.

"No," he whispered back, "But she's going to be pissed when she hears Goodson is back."

Julian remembered the whole thing revolving around him leaving the school. Things were bad, and had it not been for him and her father, Randa likely would have been kicked out. No matter how deserving Tony was of what he had gotten, and no matter that up to that point, Randa had never gone that close to actually killing someone in the school. It was a thing his niece struggled with. She could be extremely psychotic if left unchecked, but she hid it well, and she had the self control to keep it under wraps. It was something most of their family had in spades, self-control, but there was always something that could trigger them.

He shook himself from his thoughts when he saw Aren come and get his lunch. "Thank you." he said. He looked stressed, but he looked to DeAndro, "Give me a few minutes before sending the next one in, please. I hope to be through the lot today before sixth period." he said before looking at Julian. "Did you have to cancel your class or did you find someone to sit in?"

"Billie is going to run the lesson, she's my TA and she has a free period then, so she's just going to do it for me so they don't get behind." he said.

Aren nodded. "Very well." He could hear the phone in his office ringing, and he sighed. "Thank you again, if you'll excuse me." he said.

He walked over to his phone and answered it as he sat down at his desk, picking at his lunch. Julian looked to Samantha and motioned that they needed to leave the office, but before they did he could hear Aren say, "DeAndro, I need another new student sheet, please."

As they headed out of the office, Julian shook his head. "This year has been the worst year for late additions and arrivals that I've seen in at least a century." he said. "You want to eat in my office? It's closer."


Miles smiled a bit when she said he was friendly. Had it been years ago, he'd have laughed at that word being used to describe him, but now he was glad it could. Her answer about it calming down was welcomed. He knew these school settings were constantly filled with drama, but he didn't know it to begin at the beginning of the year. He chuckled a bit. "Thankfully I am neither, so I just won't worry about it. Thank you for answering my question though."

She asked about his classes and he took out his class sheet. "I have been to earth before, but it's been a long time, so I opted for the Coexistence with Humans. The rest were more or less recommended to me. Aside from the Coexistence class which I was told was a requirement, which I can understand." he said. "I tried to get out of the Language class, short of Human English and Angelic, I can't really speak any others. I can understand a little Demonic, but that's also newer and from what this sounds like, this is all the more ancient kinds."

When she was done looking over his class list, he was glad to feel the tension in the cafeteria had started to dial back. His aura sense was especially acute, having just come down from Heaven, so it was still a little overwhelming to be in this setting. He knew that it would only take time to get used to it, but he wished it would hurry up. He could feel his leg, that he had barely been aware was jumping, start calming down. He smiled to Iris. "So, what classes do you take? Would be nice to see a familiar face in at least a class or two."


Billie had dealt so little with Fae of any kind, she forgot how they could be. She smiled a bit when Tiffany said it smelt good in the room, and she relaxed a bit when she said she smoked. She could see the slight look of surprise on her face when she agreed to the alliance so quickly, but Billie also knew how these things could go. She remembered what she was taught when she was in War, and she did date quite a few history buffs in her time. She saw Tiffany begin eating which helped her relax. When Tiffany couldn't think of a word, she could see it, and when she used the proper word, she nodded.

"If you ever need to speak your native language, you can around me. I'm actually quite fluent in it, and I realize that some things just don't translate well." she said, and she nodded to her next notion. "I know, I just don't get to talk to those that were very often, so explaining up front always feels best."

And this was the part of the fae she was going to have to get used to. Taking things quite literally. She couldn't help but chuckle. "No, no. It's nothing like that. Um, what I meant was them fighting with more than just one on one or using some kind of weapon. The majority of them are bad about fighting dishonorably. The only time I've ever even used my own powers in a fight was when I was outnumbered."

When she brought up Logan, she couldn't help but to press her lips together and into a small smile, thinking about it. She chuckled. "It's okay, I'm honestly surprised that hasn't gotten around to half the school by now." She shook her head. "But he is one. Then there is Zach, he's the one I'm partnered with in Coexistence. Logan said he's cool, and then there is a girl named Rose. I have to actually have her pointed out to me first. She's fairly new herself."

Billie was glad for how well this was going and she smiled a bit and nodded to Tiffany. "I hope so too." she chuckled. "Most of us are, but there are some that aren't. They don't necessarily even consider themselves part of my group though. There's another demon around here, his name is Darren. He's a dick. He's actually who I challenged for leadership of the demon group. Very few left when he was overthrown." she said, "But that is more or less demon on demon issue, and that almost always gets settled right away. Aside from him, Garret is back now, and while he can be a dick, he's cool. He's probably going to give me hell for the choices I made last year, but eh, I'm expecting it." she laughed.

"So, speaking of friendship. I'm having a party here this weekend. It's a welcome back for Garret and his sister Erin, but if you wanted to come you are more than welcome to."


Maggie nodded. "I'm impressed too. I have a body count. Granted, small, but I figured she had a higher one than Alex did and Alex was a war." she said. Ez nodded a bit.

"They're good. All of them are finally going to be in school this year. And she loved it. She didn't stop talking about it for like two whole days." she laughed. "Josiah kept telling her to shut up."

Randa joined them not long after, but after seeing Kajun put Jackie in her place, Ez couldn't help but smile a little. That was the guy that kept purring around her in shifting class. He seemed so sweet, and seeing he had this side to him too just made her think he was hotter than she already though. She shook her head, barely realizing her eyes kept flicking over to look at him. It didn't go unnoticed, but Randa decided not to say anything.

"Shit, shove me in a suitcase and I'll pop out and scare the shit out of him." she laughed. She got a chuckle out of everyone, but she knew that Maggie had known she wasn't joking. She didn't make it known, but she had done circus work as a contortionist and could fit into a suitcase. When the fights got brought up, she couldn't help but chuckle herself.

"I have pictures of the aftermath." She laughed. "You know I did. Billie was so mad at me for that. Not even that it happened, but that she missed it."

Maggie nodded. "It's true. She went off on her for a solid ten minutes about not being able to wait until she was there because then she could have gotten video of it and they could laugh about how horrible his form was. And how when he hit it looked like a pansy in the wind." Maggie laughed. "It was the greatest ten minutes of Billie going off I've ever witnessed. Plus she was pretty drunk."

Ez laughed. "Oh, that sounds like it was hilarious." She said.

Randa nodded. "It definitely was." she said. She sighed, looking around and she saw how a few of the vampires were looking over at them, and Randa just rolled her eyes. "Do they not realize that staring is rude?"

"You'd think after last year, they'd have learned that lesson then times over." Maggie said. She saw Randa start fidgeting a bit, and she noticed that the vampires were still looking at them. "Randa, not worth it. Just ignore them."

"It's hard when I can feel them staring." she said. Ez patted her shoulder as she stood up and she walked over to the small group of vampire girls that had been staring at them.

"Hey." she said, letting her eyes redden and her fangs come out. "Stop staring. It's not polite."

"Why are you sitting with that trash?" one asked and Ez watched her hand scale over and they looked at her wide eyed.

"Because, unlike you dumb twits, I know who was in the wrong." she said, allowing her eyes and hand to return to normal. "And remember, if I really wanted to, I could run your group like I do the dragons, I've just chose not to."

The three girls began whispering amongst themselves and Ez returned to their table. She had caught very little attention, which was good, but she could tell she had still caught some. Like the shifters, dragons were known for their numbers, and pissing them off was not generally a good idea. Almost all dragon breeds, pure and not, fell under her umbrella and she made sure they had no conflicts unless it was needed. She already knew if issues started with the vampires, they'd back up the demons no problem, but she also knew if issues started badly enough, she would leave the dragons to Drake and she'd challenge Jackie for her spot. Most would see her as stupid for that, but everyone also knew who would come out on top. Jackie couldn't talk her way out of it with her, and she was sure a lot of people were waiting for that.

"Thanks, Ez." Randa said.

"No problem." she smiled.


It didn't take too terribly long for Colten to get outside and head down towards the lake, but he, unfortunately, didn't see anyone there. He did hear a voice say Hi, and when he looked around again, he heard a soft chuckle and then they said up in the tree. He looked up and sort of chuckled himself. "You know, you'd think by now I would just naturally learn to look up. Being friends with Kajun as long as I have been." He walked a little closer to the tree and climbed up the one next to it, and he looked at Brooke.

"Sorry if I'm interrupting you, or if you just wanted to be alone. I only climbed up so I wouldn't feel like I was shouting, but I wanted to check and see if you were okay." he said. "I would have tried to check on you sooner, but I needed to calm down some." he said. He could feel the soreness in his jaw especially still, but he was somewhat used to that. He tended to try partial shifting for his teeth and jaw more as that was where he started when he rage shifted, the few times he had. So he figured working on it would help when it did happen.

He looked down at the ground and then at her. "How's your shoulder?" he asked.


Azura smiled. "I'm glad you're still here, I might not have actually agreed to it had you not been." she said. It was when he started talking about her roommate that she nodded. "Yeah, that name sounds right." she said. When Cian went on about him, she smiled a but and chuckled. "To be fair, Cian, how many people have actually come across a giant? I think it's fair that he's hard to understand."

The tension across the cafeteria was a bit difficult to ignore, and she shook her head at hearing the explanation. "I know that's a fact. I'm honestly surprised they're stupid enough to not realize that themselves." she said. She was glad to have kept the interaction with Colten fairly brief, and soon she and Cian were on their way out. "Honestly, outside of what I've heard about one of my aunts, there aren't many beings who can. Sure, sins can, but they're not often associated with major emotion like rage. Other than my mother. And even then it's easier for me than it is my mother." she explained.

Once they made it back to his office, she smiled. "Well, I need a refresher on a few things. Aren told me that since I didn't need your class he wasn't going to put me in, but if you need, I'm always around for a tutor or whatever." she said. She laughed. "Oh come on, you can't entirely blame me for that one. She was giving her out of the ass opinion and trying to pass it off as a lesson in a history class. I get she had never done it before, but I was there when that history was made!"

"Doesn't surprise me though, mermaids tend to be big bitches." she said, "Surprised about that being the last primal history class though. That was so intriguing."


Kingsley smiled a bit, and sighed. "Familiar and weird. I don't like it, it's very off putting." he said.

"I can't say you're wrong. I don't like it either." he said. When Knox said something about him smelling familiar too, he shook his head. "That makes me wonder more, but I don't want to dig too deeply into it. There are enough problems as it is."

Kingsley shrugged a bit. "I'll talk to Aren after his plate isn't so full. I don't want to overwhelm him, and for now, I can be the class room cat. I can sit in sunbeams and annoy people, and get pets if I want them." he laughed.

Reg chuckled a bit. "I don't mind at all." It wasn't until Kingsley left that Reg sighed. "It's so good that he's doing better. Having that bond severed the way it was really messed with him, but he's actually considering possible binding to another now. I never thought he'd actually get there again. I'm doing well, teaching here is a task, but never boring."

"And that fued is between demons and vampires, so watch yourself. The shifters and dragons are both bigger groups, but demons and vampires are the more outwardly violent. Julian and Cian have filled me in on it. I know some, but I don't know all. I just know when the two clash it always ends up bloody. Said they've kicked out more than ten students for how bad the fights have gotten." he said. "So just be warned of that."

Kingsley got back not long after and set down everyone's lunches. "This year will be interesting that's for sure."

"What happened?" Reg asked.

"The female vampire leader pissed off the shifter leader." Kingsley said. "I just barely missed it, but they were still talking about it."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
Avatar of Love Dove

Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 22 days ago

Samantha's eyes widened a bit and she whispered back to Julian. "Are you fucking kidding me." This was why though she loved the fact DeAndro avoided her, it was fucking frustrating. She was surprised that Tony was even bothering to come back, he had barely been alive when he was rushed out. Randa was really lucky that Julian had some pull in the school and there had been proof of Tony playing in her head. Even then, Randa not being kicked out had caused Aren a lot of trouble and eyes on him.

She gave Aren a soft smile when he came and got his lunch. "You're welcome, I know you're busy today." He looked so stressed and she really felt bad that she couldn't help with his admissions. "How many more do you have left today?" She asked before him and Julian started talking about the meeting during the sixth period. Not that there was much time to talk before his phone rang and she and Julian left his office.

She shook her head abit. "It really does seem extreme this year. I mean it's good the school is getting more traction this year but still." She sighed a bit, poor Aren having to deal with it all himself. Samantha checked her watch at his question. "Probably be better if we go to your office, there isn't much time left." She answered before they headed to his office.

"Do you think if it keeps going at this rate Aren will hire more teachers?" She asked with a bit of concern in her voice. It wasn't often they hired new teachers in, and even less often they stayed. Which ended up being more paperwork all for nothing. Reginald had been the last out of a handful that had stayed this round.

She sighed softly as they got to his office and pulled one of the chairs up where she could eat. Before tying her hair up and leaning back in the chair for a moment, eyes closed. This was one of the first times she had got a moment to relax all day. Sure she only taught three classes a day, but they were massive classes, and when she wasn't in classes she was still dealing with the races of students she sat over. "So how has your day been so far?" She asked, sitting up to eat her lunch finally. "I heard one of the Shifters went off. How bad was it? I know Reginald took over that group's council."

Iris nodded a bit as Miles started talking about what classes he was in. She kind of wanted to ask him how long it had been since he had come to earth. But decided against it, she would try to wait until she knew him better so she didn't seem so nosy. "It is, but Kane is a really good professor. She's one of the reasons I came to this school." She said with a soft smile, before he continued on talking about his classes. She could understand him wanting to get out of the language class, it was one of the hardest ones in the school for her. As much as she hated to do it, she knew she would have to find a tutor for it once the library put the list up.

He asked about her classes after she had looked at his schedule and she smiled a bit. "Well…" She said before pulling the bag she had been carrying to her lap. "I have History and Lit with you." She said digging through her bag full of books and notebooks, before pulling out her schedule for him to see. "And I had to switch my CES and PE class around sadly because Kanes other TA needed to be with her sister." She sighed softly. "And I actually failed the language class last year so I have to get a tutor or I'm going to be moved down a class." She frowned a little bit.

"But the history of witchcraft is going to be fun, we have to find someone to enchant like they used to in trial times so I'm excited for that." She said smiling again before looking at him and chuckling softly. "Sorry I tend to rumble a bit when left unchecked." She said before eating on her food to stop herself from talking.

Tiffany couldn't help but be surprised when Billie said she was fluent in fae. "Really? That's impressive, it's rare that others know how to speak fae." She said before nodding at Billie saying some things didn't translate well. It really was true, there were words in faelic that there was translation in English. She nodded at Billie's notion that she felt better explaining about the vampire feud. She felt a little bad for Billie, she had to carry this weight on her shoulders from people she didn't even know in the first place.

She tilted her head a little bit at Billie's laugh, not really sure what was funny. "Oh…." She said as Billie explained what "fighting dirty" meant, before chuckling a bit. "Okay, I was worried about the earth fae we have." She explained her line of thinking before shaking her head a bit. "UnSeelie always fight with honor, so that won't be a problem. Though if they start to fight dirty we will try to help out."

Tiff laughed a bit when Billie wasn't upset about her knowing about her and Logan. "Well, there is that whole shifter thing taking up the gossip right now. Probably will be by the end of the day." She said before nodding as she named off a couple vampires that she put up for attacking.

Tiff made a slight face when Billie brought up Darren. She had had her own run with Darren last year after her really bad break up. "Yeah…I dealt with Darren my first year. He avoids me at all costs." She said with a small smile. She had heard stories about Garret, they weren't the best stories either. But Billie would know him better for sure.

She smiled at the invitation to join her party, it was a sweet invite. "Sure that sounds like fun. Um…I've been informed that parties are different from ours." She said before laughing a little bit. "Like the fact you don't dance around naked. That was an interesting revolution. Is there anything you would like me to bring?"

Erin couldn't help but chuckle a bit when Ez said her sister loved the gift she sent her. "Aww I'm glad she loved it."

Erin laughed at what Randa said shaking her head a bit. "Aye, migh' do dat next time. Be inte'estin' ta see ye pop out of dere. Feel like he would shat himself." Then the subject turned to the fights and Billie getting on to Randa for not waiting for her, she laughed at the words "pansy in the wind" because Billie was always hilarious and saying shit like that when she was drunk.

When Ez went over to deal with the vampires Erin couldn't help but smile a bit watching it. Partly before one of her besties was a badass and partly because well….Ez could definitely be hot doing it. Her actions only caught the attention of a few people, but Jackie was one of them. And the fact she didn't have the balls to even look at Ez cracked her up some.

Brooke laughs at what he said about looking up. "Up here is where I first met Kajun actually." She said watching climb up the other tree. She smiled at him when he got up closer to her. "Oh no you're fine" she sighs softly "I just really like to eat lunch up here. It's so much more peaceful than in the lunchroom." Brooke looked down towards the ground kicking her legs when he asked how she was feeling. "I'm okay, I was able to shift my shoulder back. And Cole was able to heal it after. Though it probably wasn't the best idea to climb the tree."

She smiled at him after a moment. "Thank you for helping me. I really appreciate it, Devin has been bugging me since last year. I know it probably wasn't all about me but still." She said before blushing a little bit. "Um, maybe I can treat you to dinner to pay you back?" She stuttered out rubbing the back of her neck, she wasn't the most experienced with asking people out, and he was very attractive. It was worth a shot though.

Cain chuckled. "I meant because of the accent, not the giant language."

It was nice to be able to get out of the drama of the cafeteria and back to his office without being really bothered. He nodded a bit when Azura said she was getting a refresher on some classes. "Actually if you're up for it, I could use a TA for me classes and teacher classes. I was having Julian help with my teacher classes but he has a lot on his shoulders this year." He asked, taking the ability to ask when her offer for help came.

He laughed, shaking his head a bit. "I mean I can't argue, we all kind of hated how she taught." Before shaking his head again, she was right about mermaids though, they were bitches beyond doubt. "Well, to be fair, the few people old enough to teach that class. Has the time, he has been trying to sweet talk Hades into it. But she is far too busy."

Knox laughed at Kingsley's notion that he was fine with being the classroom cat, because he got to annoy people and get pets when he wanted. "You make being a cat sound really good actually."

Knox couldn't help the look of surprise when Reg said that King was even talking about maybe finding someone to bond with again. "Wow…I never thought he would actually go back to that." He said, actually he was really proud of him for getting to that level of comfort again. "That's really awesome, I'm really proud of him. That's huge." Knox nodded when Reg said it was a task but never boring teaching. "As long as you're enjoying it, it's worth it though."

"Shit, it sounds bloody. Makes me glad I'm not either of those races." He made a little bit of a face. Ten students being kicked out wasn't the most extreme but still more than you would expect from a little feud. "I suppose I should probably figure out who the shifter alpha and dragon leader is here. I've already been warned about the witches here." He said before Kingsley got back, and what was said about the vampire and shifter leader made him sigh a bit. "Maybe I should have waited another year to join here." He mumbled to himself.

It wasn't too long before the lunch period was over and Knox could hear the halls start to fill and moved to the end of the room. Taking the table closer to the door. He felt a few eyes on him as the room filled, probably because he was clearly new. When someone chose to sit by him, it took him by surprise and he smiled at the person. "Hello."

Tiffany laughed a little bit as they left Billie's room and walked through the halls. "No, it's not really like that. We just tell people that, to weird them out. The whole plant sex thing is almost strictly a Nymph thing." She shook her head enjoying the less intense conversation. Once they started actually talking, she found she rather liked Billie.

As they walked past the cafeteria Billie headed to see if she could catch Randa and Tiffany told her she would catch up with them in a moment. Using the moment to head towards Long's office, seeing the guy he was talking to blend back into the crowd. "Professor Long." She called, stopping from going back to his office. "Sorry, I just wanted to ask a question. I heard that you put out equipment for people to work out in the gym after classes. I was wondering if you had a…." She frowned a little trying to remember the word before sighing. "Air hoop?"

She had just finished talking to Long when Billie and Randa walked through, and when they looked at her, she took that as an invitation to join them. "I hope you're okay." She said to Randa as she fell intro step with them.

It took Erin a little longer than she expected to get to her class. Though most of the walk while Ez and Maggie was Maggie trying to talk her into switching her History so she could have it with her and Randa. She was seriously considering it. Now she would have to wait until after class to talk to this teacher because she wasn't going to do that in front of the whole class though. Especially since she didn't even know this teacher.

Her eyes glanced over towards the professor, and couldn't help but check him out a little bit. He was definitely hotter than she expected a ln history professor. Shaking her head a little bit and took the seat next to Billie. "Dam' if his arase is as good lookin' as his face I'm gonn' be failin' dis class." She whispered as she sat.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by SirensCall
Avatar of SirensCall

SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 22 days ago

“I wish I were kidding.” Was all Julian could say when Samantha reacted to finding out about Tony coming back. It was going to cause issues, but as long as Randa was told before she came across him, things would have time to set in for her. That and it made it less likely for her to go off the rails. He knew how much trouble that whole thing caused, but his pull helped a lot there. Tony had no right to be there to begin with, but the school had to accept him.

“It's hard to say as I keep getting calls for more. When I can, I'll fill you in on a few. We have a few more of a particular family coming in.” Aren said. He was gone after that, and Julian couldn't help but to wonder. He knew he had his nephew coming, but a few of a family? It clicked with him when he and Samantha got back to his office and sat down. He didn't say anything right off though. She asked about Aren hiring more teachers, and he gave a thoughtful look.

“It would be wise if he did, but finding ones that will stay has definitely been an issue. I'm very glad Reg stayed, he seems to be comfortable in the position, and once he gets a better feel for the shifter group, I feel like he'll be one of the better additions we've had.” Julian said. “I'm hoping we can get at least one more solid teacher, it would lighten the load immensely. Hopefully one for one of your groups so your plate isn't so full, if Cian and I weren't working so hard at keeping our groups from killing each other, I'd try to help more.”

Once he sat down and poured himself some iced tea from a pitcher behind him, he offered some to her before he began eating. “It's been alright so far, and yours?” He asked. He sighed. “Unfortunately, Cian has to deal with it. Lively is on his shit again. Long was not happy that he had to punish MacAddams for defending Brooke, especially since she had problems with Devin last year, but we both know how Long’s detentions are for people he feels didn't really deserve it. Honestly, he may be a bigger problem this year than last.” He shook his head a bit and leaned back in his chair. “And with the Scottsons coming back, it's going to powder keg eventually. Garret is predictable enough to know that, but at least he's friends with Billie and Alex.”

Julian noticed a page get slid under his door and he walked over and grabbed it and he blinked at the name before he smiled. “Sterling? I didn't know he was…” he trailed off a bit before showing the page to Samantha. “You remember me telling you about the boy who Mark helped raise? Looks like he's finally going to come to the school. This is honestly huge, in more ways than one, but Sterling I think you'll enjoy as a student. Now I've really got to get a hold of Mark.” He chuckled a bit. He remembered all the trouble they had convincing Sterling to come out of the cages, but it seemed that someone finally got through to him. Whether it be Mark or someone else, this was going to be good for him.

Miles smiled when she said they had a couple of classes together. That would be nice to have a familiar face and he nodded to her notion about Samantha. “I already like her, she wasn't like most others usually are when they meet an angel coming down from Heaven. It's rare any of us come to a school setting, but she wasn't nasty with me like I've heard others can be.” He said. He sighed about the language class. “I'll likely need a tutor too, especially for them being the ancient dialects. I've only ever met one person in my life who was fluent in more than one of them, and honestly, their knowledge was kind of scary.” He chuckled.

He could only smile as she rambled on about her history class and he waved a hand. “Don't apologize about it, that sounds really cool. I've read a bit about trial times, and it seems like it would be cool to see. If you need, and I'm available, I'd let you try it on me if you wanted to.” He had to admit, seeing how excited she got about him made him happy. It had been a long time since he'd seen someone light up like that, and it was something he wished he saw more.

It wasn't too long after that the bell rang and Miles gathered up his things. “I guess we should be getting to class then?” He asked.

Billie nodded. “I got really into studying languages when I was younger, there aren't many I'm not fluent in honestly.” She said. She could only nod at her concern. “I don't think there is need for that kind of worry, but I have been wrong before. But I do appreciate that, seems like things are going to come to a head before long, and I just hope to avoid it for as long as we can. The demons are always ready, but with how it gets, a lot of them won't have a good handle on themselves. When I actually fight, I'm surprised that I can have a handle on myself sometimes.”

Billie laughed, “Probably, but oh well. That whole thing with them should pass quickly, I think. I don't know the leader personally, but I've heard enough about him to know he doesn't want conflict. Will get involved if necessary, but doesn't want it. Honestly, seeing Colton lose his shit has me concerned though, he's calmer than most.” She said. She smirked when she said Darren avoided her and she nodded. “Its probably a good thing he does.”

When she accepted the invitation to the party, Billie was glad, and she laughed. “Oh, but those kinds of parties sound like a riot. But yeah, they're different. Not to say someone won't end up naked, someone usually does.” She shook her head. “You don't have to bring anything unless there are specific snacks you want. I have alcohol covered and I've already got an order ready for food from the cafeteria.”

When Brooke told him that this was where she first met Kajun, all he could do was chuckle. “Sounds about right. I met him when he came up on the cave that I was sleeping in back towards the waterfall.” He said, motioning his head back when he got in the tree. He nodded at her notion about it being more peaceful. “It definitely is. I can see why you eat here.”

He nodded when she said she was able to shift it away and get it healed. “Hey, I get it though. Just don't hesitate to ask if you need help getting down. I can help you.” He said.

Colten smiled a little and nodded. “Anytime. We've got to look out for each other, and honestly he needs to learn boundaries.” He said. He turned his head to her when she invited him to dinner, and he smiled a little. “That sounds nice.”

It was cute how she was acting, and he could feel himself blushing a little. He was used to getting asked out, sure, but it was always a lot more forward and not at all like this, and he had to admit he liked the change of pace. He took a deep breath and looked down from the tree. “So, did you find this place by accident or were you looking for some place peaceful when you found it?”

“Oooohhhh!” Azura laughed. “Can never be sure anymore.”

She took a bite of her food when they got settled into his office when he mentioned needed a TA. “Of course. I have no issues with that, I've always enjoyed helping out with the teacher classes when I can.” She said. “I can imagine you both do, just from what I've picked up on since being here. A lot of drama. I didn't realize that the vampires and demons could have such a bad fued, they're usually very good at coexisting.”

She smiled when he brought up Hades. “I sooooo wish she would. She would make a great teacher. I'll sit in her office with her after I'm done seeing my dad and my aunts and uncles down there. She really is busy, but she could use a break from it too sometimes. Teaching something like that would be so refreshing for her I think.” She said.

She sat back a little and looked at him. “How are you doing? I can tell you've got a lot going on here, and honestly, sounds like I picked a good time to come back around. You know I can help whenever you need me to, just have to tell me. And make sure you put me on your tutor list, might not make sense to a bunch of them, but they'll learn. I'd try to help with the vampires, but I don't think that would bode over too well.” She said. “But again, I'm here to help if you need it.”

“Because being a cat is fun.” Kingsley chuckled.

Reg nodded to Knox. “It really is. I'm so proud of him. I just hope when he makes that step, that it's someone like her. It will help him bond with them and he'll probably be more comfortable.” He said. He chuckled. “Yeah, it is worth it. I'm the only new hire that stayed from that group. The PE teacher has been a huge help, his name is Long.”

He nodded a bit. “I don't blame you there. I don't envy Julian or Cian for having to deal with it.” He said. When Knox brought up the shifter alpha and dragon leader he smiled. “The shifter’s name is Kajun, and I've only heard of the dragon leader in passing. She's back in the school this year, and both groups tend to stay out of drama. The witches here are very… different that's for sure.” He said. He noticed the next class begin filing in after they all ate, and he began getting everything ready, but he noticed DeAndro coming in with more pages for him.

He took them and put them on his desk as he got everything else ready for class to begin. He noticed Knox took a seat towards the door and he smiled a little before seeing Kingsley going around in cat form and jumping up in front of the girl named Clary who happily petted him. This would definitely be a good class.

Billie couldn't help the laugh that came from her. “You know, not going to lie, I'm glad for that because it sounds so weird.” She said. She was really enjoying being around Tiffany, and she honestly wished they could have met on better terms, but she wouldn't complain. They walked through the halls and she saw Randa before Tiff said she'd catch up to her and Billie headed off after Randa.

Long was sitting in his office when Tiffany came in, and he nodded. “Oh hello, how can I help you?” When she asked about working out after classes, he gave a look at what she was asking for. It clicked after a moment and he opened the supply closet behind him and he pulled out one of the metal rings he hand. “These? How many do you need put out? I can start hanging them today and they will be ready for you by tomorrow afternoon. I want to have someone test to be sure they're secure before I let you up on them.” He said. “If you were looking for something for today though, I do have trapeze bars set up. There is a girl here who likes using them, and I'm sure she wouldn't mind telling you the basics. Her name is Randa, I think you and your partner were with her and Billie earlier.”

Billie and Randa walked up as Tiffany left the office and Randa looked at Tiffany and smiled. “Me? Oh yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for the concern though.” She said. “So, Billie said we're in an alliance and you're going to be joining us this weekend. Be ready for a fun time.”

Billie laughed. “Just watch her, she's kinda known for grabbing ass.”

Randa slapped Billie’s ass and laughed when Billie shot her a look. “Hey, you opened up for it.” She said. “If you're not cool with it though, I'll refrain. You do have a nice ass though.”

Billie laughed. “Forward as ever, aren't you?”

Randa laughed. “Of course. But hey, my class is this way, and I don't really want a Morgan detention already. Catch you guys later!”

Randa headed off and Billie shook her head. “See what I mean, you will never have to worry about her not being straightforward with you.” She said. She parted from Tiffany with a wave when she got to history and sat down. She couldn't help but to smile at the voice that came from beside her.

“He really is one of the better looking teachers.” She said. “Did you guys get in this morning?”

Reginald cleared his throat. “We're going to start in a minute, so please get your books turned to page 47.” He said.

Billie smirked a bit but sighed when she saw the lesson change. This topic would be so boring for her. That much was certain.

The seats filled up faster today than usual, Drake thought, and when he and Sal got into the history class, he saw someone sitting at the back table they usually sat at. “You want to sit with them or me?” Drake asked him, quietly.

“I will. Their aura isn't alarming.” Sal smiled, and Drake helped Sal get set up before sitting in the seat beside Clary at the next table. Sal turned towards the person he was sitting with. “Hello, I'm Sal. What's your name?” He asked, going to offer a hand. “Sorry, it's hard for me to see, so if I need to move my hand more let me know.”

Sal was glad that this person's aura wasn't alarming, and he just smiled to them. “You definitely came at a fun time around here, I can sense that you're at least part dragon. My brother is half dragon too, so it's easy for me to see it in your aura.” He said before chuckling. “Sorry, sometimes I ramble.”

“Sal, it's okay.” Drake said from his other side. “I'm Drake, it's nice to meet you man. Don't mind Sal, he tends to apologize a lot.”

Clary leaned over, rubbing behind Kingsley’s ears. “Hiya! I'm Clary. Sal is super sweet though.” She smiled. She turned forward when Reg called attention to the class and she giggled when Kingsley rubbed up against her. Sal turned to his book and frowned a bit as he got closer to it to find the page.

“I really have to remember to ask for a book written in a different language.” He mumbled to himself.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Love Dove
Avatar of Love Dove

Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 22 days ago

To say that Tony was coming back was a shock was definitely an understatement. As well as a disappointment. Both that he was coming back and in Aren for allowing it. Of course what did she know, apparently DeAndro was smarter than her to be made the next Arch Mage. Honestly though Tony was a hassle before Randa snapped at him and he would probably continue to be when he came back. Samantha couldn't help but sigh a little bit at how busy Aren was. Though she understood of course. It sucked a little that she wasn't able to help him more, plus she really had more time to talk to him those last few days. She had no idea who this family he was hinting at coming in was but Harlow got quiet at the thought of it so she assumed he probably did. Oh well she would see after Aren was done with his meetings.

Once she and Julian got to his office she asked if he thought they were gonna hire more teachers. She agreed that it would be wise to try and find more, the less case load on them better and while she didn't mind having so many to look over. It would definitely be less off her shoulders. “Plus usually we have a one in three turn over rate it seems.” She said, sighing a little before nodding when he spoke about Reg. She was really thankful for him, the shifter race honestly took up as much of the school as dragons. “I know you would, honestly having Reg take over the Shifters and us talking Janet to be the school's alpha has helped a lot.” She said taking a glass of tea.

“My day has been pretty good thankfully. Other than showing that angel around, it's been uneventful.” She said smiling a little, the uneventful days would get so few and far between as the year went on. She tried to enjoy it while she could. When Juilan confirmed her fears that the fight in the gym was over Brooke she sighed. Though she had tried so hard to help her last year, she too was powerless on the fact there was never any proof. “He is only going to get worse with Tony coming back. But I'm so glad someone finally kicked his ass over Brooke. Poor girl.” She said shaking her head though it was nice to know Long had Colten for detention for this. The mention of the Scottsons coming back made her frown. “Honestly not excited for that one to come back either.”

When Julian got the paper that was slid under the door and excitedly showed her, she took it from him looking over it as he spoke. She smiled to herself a little. Yes, she remembered him telling her the story of Sterling some time last year. He was as passionate in his pride for the boy as when he talked about his nephew Zed. She could help the soft look she gave him as he stared off after talking excitedly about him coming to the school. She didn't get a chance to say anything before the bell rang interrupting their lunch. Sam gathered up the empty trays. “I can't wait, I'll get to meet both your nephews I hear so much about.” She said before turning and giving his arm a soft squeeze and leaving his office.

Iris gave a genuine smile when Miles said that he liked Samantha. A lot of students had issues with her and her take no shit personality. She was Iris's friend though, so it was nice when people saw that wasn't all she was. Plus Iris was pretty sure from the things she said that Sam had dated on both sides of the wars. “Well I can talk to the teacher's aid for you too, if you want. She is really cool and I'm sure she wouldn't mind.” Iris said, trying to be reassuring. Sure she was going to leave out the part about Billie being a demon, but Billie had a reputation for being civil with the fallen angels.

It was so nice to have someone to talk to that didn't try to shut her up or get annoyed when she rambled on. When he said she could try to enchant him when the time came she smiled. “Really? Oh I'm not sure if it would work with you being an angel.” She said with a thoughtful look. “But if it could, that would be amazeballs.”

It wasn't very long before the bell rang and she gathered up her things, before walking to class with him. “You really need a bag for your stuff. I have been doing bookkeeping for the school store since its witch ran. I can get you a deal if you want. Um…just don't tell Molly if you meet her.” She offered, because seeing Kajun up ahead of them.

“Oh!” She looked excitedly at Miles. “Hey Kajun! Hold up!”

Kajun looked behind him to see who was trying to get his attention, before slowing down so she and her friend could catch up to him. “Hey Iris, what's up?”

Iris smiled as they caught up. “Hi hi! Nothing much, I just wanted to introduce you to my new friend, Miles. He's new this year. Miles, this is Kajun. He's the leader of the shifter group.”

Kajun chuckled at the excitement in Iris’s voice. “Nice to meet you man. I promise the school isn't usually this much of a drama filled shit show.” He said, before getting shoulder checked on the other side. He frowned seeing it was Devin, heading into the same class.

“How the shit is he even back up to go to class?” Iris said snapping Kajun attention back, and he just sighed and muttered something about being too tired for this.

Looking towards the waterfall that he motioned to Brooke chuckled a bit. From what she knew about Kajun, those kinds of stories were how a lot of people had met him. He agreed that her place in the tree was peaceful and she smiled. She knew it was of course, but it was nice to hear someone else say her tree was peaceful. He asked how her arm was and she nodded a bit at his response. “Okay, if you wouldn't mind helping me down. I'd appreciate it.”

If it wasn't for the fact Brooke knew he didn't even know who she was before today, his answer about having eachothers back would have made her back down. Of course though he didn't know she existed before the gym thing, and she barely him. Still she asked him out before she lost what little nerve she had. He said yes and she let out a tiny squeak without noticing it before looking at him, to see him blushing. The blush mixed with his aura was so adorable, and she smiled at him kicking her legs a bit more. “Oh um, I'm Brooke by the way.” She added realizing she still hadn't actually given him a name.

“Actually, my aunt showed it to me. I don't know if you knew her, Kajun said he didn't, her name's Emily. She's a monkey shifter, she left at the beginning of last year.” She waved a hand. “Anyway, she used to eat in that tree..” she pointed at a tree a few off from them “while she was at school. My first class of the year I had a vision that sent me into a fit and she brought me here so I could calm down and shift out. It was just so peaceful I claimed it as a lunch spot.” She said before realized he probably didn't want to know all of that.

Their peaceful quiet was interrupted by her watch beeping and she looked at it. “Can you help me down now?” Brooke asked and by the time Colten was on the ground the dulled sound of the bell ringing could be heard through the trees. Brooke blushed a little when he sat her down after catching her. “Thanks. What class do you have next?” She asked before turning to grab her bag while he answered. “Oh cool me too, I'll walk with you.”

Azura had surely no way to know just how thankful Cian was when she agreed to be his TA. His class wasn't an easy one to teach, or even to get through sometimes. Finding a reliable TA was very hard to do. “I really appreciate that Azura.” He said, before sighing at what she said about the drama. “I wish I could say it was just the beginning of the year drama. People that hate each other seeing the other again. All the crap we tell new years.” He said with a slight laugh. He shook his head. “They used to coexist here too, unfortunately the two female leaders hate each other. A piece of shit vampire that doesn't know what no means only makes it worse.” He pinched the bridge of his nose before clearly changing the subject. He had classes still and he didn't want to get himself upset.

Cian chuckled at how she reacted to him bringing up Aren trying to get Hades to teach. “Aren seems to really want her too.” He said before nodding a bit. “Well Lucifer is at the school for a visit. So I'm sure she will pop in too. Maybe you could help Aren sweet talk to her.”

He sighed, closing his eyes, he couldn't lie to Azura, she could see right through him. They had been friends for years. Still he felt bad bringing her into the drama and issues of his own. “I've definitely been better. Having you take the TA spot will definitely be a weight off my shoulders. And honestly if any of the vampires have an issue with it, they can fail my class. I don't feed into this stupid feud of theirs.” He said, when he opened his eyes they were red for a moment before they slowly faded back into green. “Not ta mention I have to find said vampire dat doesn't know what no means someone to follow him around. Actin like a fuckin new blood at his age.” Cian shook his head a little bit.

He looked at the clock as the bell rang, before looking at Azura. “Do you have plans or would you like to sit in on my class?”

Tiffany laughed a little bit at Billie's reaction. “I don't Jo and Will's mother swears it is better pleasure than men.” She joked before they parted ways and she went to see Long about the hoop she needed. Her eyes sparkled with excitement when he understood what she was meaning and pulled out the large hoop. “Yes, that's exactly what I was talking about. I only need one I think….but maybe two if you have them? Just in case?” She answered, before nodding when he said it would be out tomorrow afternoon. That was reasonable. “Oh I've never done that, I'll ask her if I get a chance. Thank you so much.”

Tiff smiled softly when Randa thanked her for the concern. “Of course.” She simply nodded when it was brought up that they were now in an alliance. She would be sure to send a message to the other fae while she was in this next class. They probably were expecting it already but even still.

“Grabbing ass?” She asked with a confused look on her face, before chuckling at the two of them. Though Randa’s compliment of her ass made her blush and give an awkward laugh. “Thanks.” That wasn't a compliment she wasn't used to getting from women.

She nodded a bit to what Billie said when Randa had left. “I see what you mean, I kind of enjoy it though.” She said before waving bye to her and heading to class.

Erin smiled a bit at Billie's reaction and nodded to her words. Oh he definitely was. Or at least she really hoped so. It would be such a shame for an ass like that to go to an ugly man. “Ye, would've got in earlier but I wasn’ gettin’ on one of these planes these humans have. Feck dat.” She answered before adding “Garret has ta have meetin’s before he can do classes.”

The teacher turned and got their attention, giving her a chance to get a better look at him. Before he spoke with that southern accent, Erin sighed, shaking her head. “Feckin A, I'm gonna be failin’ dis class.” She muttered to herself before looking at Billie's book.

“Mind sharin’ wit me? Still have to get mine.” When she agreed Erin looked at the page she was on, and sighed for a different reason. The rest of the class seemed to catch up around then because around then was when the rest of the room groaned too.

Knox smiled when the boy introduced himself, though he almost was hit by the hand offered to shake. “Nice to meet you, I'm Knox.” He answered just readjusting so he could shake the hand. He could tell by Sal's eyes that he was losing his vision, he definitely wasn't the first seer he had met, it was just easier that way.

“Oh?” He chuckled a little as Sal didn't really give him a chance to answer his ramblings. This little guy was just adorable. He nodded to Drake and Clary who was petting Kingsley. Little pet whore. “Nice to meet you both, I'm Knox.” He reintroduced before nodding to Clary saying Sal was a sweetheart. “I can tell.” He said to her, with a smile, before looking at Sal.

“Technically I'm not enrolled yet because my meeting with Aren got moved. I'm just sitting in the class.” He explained before Reg called everyone's attention and he saw Sal having trouble finding the page beside him. Reaching over he quietly turned the page for him before looking at the subject and back towards Reg.

He was a little surprised at the groans the subject matter brought through the class. “I thought we were on vampire werewolf wars. Everyone here has had this shit drilled in their heads.” One of the other students complained loudly, a dragon from the smell of him.

“Damn, they really don't care for demon history here do they.” Knox mumbled to himself.

A couple knocks to the door woke Logan from the nap he one hundred percent did not mean to take. He groaned, hurting a little bit from the way he laid spread all across the bed. “Yeah, yeah hold on.” He grumbled when more knocks came. Getting up he answered the door to see one of the siren girls from the music club he was in, and it took him a moment to remember her name. “Oh hey Chrissy, what's up?”

“Hey, um, the rest of the club noticed when you missed the whole fight in the gym and lunch….” The blonde hair beauty started.

“Wait, what fight?” He asked and when he didn't get an answer he chuckled slightly. “Eyes beautiful, eyes.” He said softly, making the girl blush and snap back to attention. “What fight?”

“Oh, one of the vampires grabbed a shifter girl in the gym and hurt her. So that hot hunky one kicked his ass.” She stated and Logan clicked his tongue at the news. “Then Jackie demanded Kajun make McHunk apologize, and that pissed Kajun off, he snapped at her.” She continued as Logan sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Anyway, Mike wanted me to make sure you were okay since you didn't show up to the club room either.”

Logan took a deep breath before opening his eyes. It wasn't Chrissy's fault all of this happened and he wasn't going to take it out on her. “Yeah, yeah, I just passed out for a little while.” He chuckled lightly though his eyes were crimson giving away his anger. “Do me a favor and let Mike know I'm gonna go ahead and get something to eat so he can start without me. I'm fourth anyway.” The girl nodded and headed off and Logan sighed. Now to find where he threw his shirt when he thought it was trying to kill him.

By the time he had got himself something to bring with him to eat and got to the club room he was the last to practice. Though their club president wasn't too terribly upset. Mike was a vampire that had a love for the cello and when Logan explained what happened. Mike was more interested in the weed that Logan high than the fact he was late. Since the club rooms were so far from the classrooms, their practices always ended a few minutes before the next period. So he was a little thankful Kajun was getting out of class around the time he was walking through the halls

Maybe Logan would be able to patch up whatever he had missed, stop the issue before it became one. Or at least that was the hope until he got distracted by Devin, being the piece of shit he was. Attacking Kajun, hitting him in the back of the head with his books. Kajun got up quicker than Devin must have expected and grabbed Devin and started punching him.

Well fuck. Logan made his way to watch Kajun kick Devin’s ass, he had no intention of breaking up the fight. Plus there were already a few people running to get teachers. He got to the front of the crowd as Kajun was pulling Devins teeth out of his arm. They didn't even get all the way out before Kajun pulled him off, bashed Devin head into the hard floor. Leaving a large and deep bleeding gash down Kajun's arm. Though from the look of Kajun, Logan was pretty sure he had lost it already by then and didn't feel it. He was already starting to rage shift, when Devin reached up grabbing Kajun's wrist and Logan heard the break. Only for Kajun to grab his head with the other hand and bash his head into the floor again. He saw one of Devin's friends start to go to get involved, but he stopped when he saw Logan shake his head. No, this was what Devin wanted. Plus there were more shifter eyes on the vampires more than their leader.

The sound of high heels echoed slightly in the empty halls of the school, as the woman with short black hair walked through the halls towards the Arch Mage's office. Her gray eyes weren't even watching where she was going but glued to her phone as she looked through her emails on her phone. Even when she was top side, she had businesses to keep track of after all.

The girl with wavy brown hair behind her was quite the opposite. Her brown eyes looked over everything they pasted, peaking in the class windows from a distance as they walked by. Both out of curiosity and nervousness. She had never been top side. Now here she was in a school uniform, with a bag full of books for classes she had signed up for. “You know…” Her voice filled the silence. “I'm not saying I have second thoughts about this or nothing but….maybe I should have stayed with the hounds and cats.”

“The hounds and cats will be fine, Demi. Besides, you were right before. You need this, it's good for both you and the hounds you train to experience Earth.” Hades said reassuringly as they continued walking.

“True, but what if Lucifer needs me. Then I'll be stuck here.”

“And I'll come get you dear.”

“You are so busy though, I don't think you would have the time. Then..” Demi was stopped but almost bumping into the woman she was following.

Hades stopped and sighed before turning and putting a hand on Demi's head. “Stop worrying, you proved you are worthy of working close to Lucifer despite everything. You can handle Earth, of all things.” She said softly, getting a smile from Demi before turning and going back to her work. Once they got to the office she came to a stop. “Go ahead and tell the secretary you're here for your meeting. I'll be in after I get through this inventory report.”

It only took Demi a few moments to come back and Hades raised a brow at the annoyed looking girl. “I guess my meeting has been moved to sometime tomorrow.”

“Some time tomorrow?”

“Yeah, I guess Aren will come find me. I even told him that Aren had set up the meeting himself, and his response was. I know, Aren sets a lot of them up and moved them last minute.” Hades laughed and put her phone away before heading into the office. From the greeting she got, Aren must have given the heads up that she would be coming.

“I would be doing better if the girl I brought me didn't have her meeting moved without notice.” She answered, still keeping her tone polite. When he gave her the same excuse as Demi, only nicer and not blaming Aren for the miss up. “Hmm oh nooo, I get it.” She said with clear fake pity before looking at Aren's door when it opened. Smiling when he saw and greeted her. “Aren dear, it's so good to see you.” She said, kissing both of his cheeks.

“Well I brought Demi in for her meeting, but apparently you changed the meeting time for some time tomorrow. Since…what was he telling you?” She glanced back at Demi for a moment. “Aren set up a lot of meetings and moved them last minute.” She glanced at the paper on DeAndro's desk with the meeting times. “And not important ones too from the notes….” She looked at the guy behind the desk and shook her head. This was who they set up to take over after Aren? Right?

Once Demi was in her meeting Hades stepped back outside, honestly she needed away from the fool behind that desk. If she did Lucifer's paperwork like that, all hell would literally break loose. The halls were pretty full now, though she probably had missed hearing the bell over Aren and DeAndro. The students pretty much moved around her other than giving weird or shocked looks though, so at least she didn't have to move out of the way. Her name being said pulled her attention from her phone though, a bored look on her face before seeing it was Billie.

“Billie.” She said with a smile before hugging her and kissing both of her cheeks. “Pos eísai agápi mou?” She asked, letting her go. Though she didn't get to enjoy the moment very long before four of the teachers ran through the students, Samantha ran into Aren's office and back out with Aren. Then Billie took off too. Sighing, she went back into the office and took DeAndro's. “Well come on, you're going to be the Arch Mage next aren't you?” She said before pulling him out of the office and where they had headed.

It wasn't clear if it was the class itself, or the subject. But either way Erin was sure that history class had been three periods long at least. She gave a little wave to Billie when she asked if she wanted her to wait. “Nah, I havta talk ta the teacher anyway.” She answered as she took her time to gather up her things, she wanted to wait until the class cleared one. Once it was down to her and one other guy in the back she headed up to the teacher's desk.

“Hey dere, I'm Erin.” She said when he looked at her. “I was lat’ gettin’ her a day. Aren told me he had ya set a book back fer me and ta get yest’rdays homework.” She told him, before looking at the cat now sitting on his desk and letting it snuff her before petting it. Though her eyes were definitely on the cat. She took the book from him when he handed it to her nodding along at the homework assignment he told her about.

“Ya hav’ a really nice accent. Wer’ are ya from?” She asked when he had finished telling her. Absentmindedly picking up the nameplate on his desk. When he answered the question she smiled a bit. “Ya know, I wouldn’ mind her'in’ da accent over dinne’ some time. Somethin’ ta think about mayb’.” She said before turning and heading out of the class before she gave into the urge to see if he was laughing behind her.

Needless to say when she came out to Ez and Maggie waiting for her, she sighed loudly putting her head on Ez’s arm. “I'm such A feckin dumbass.” She said before telling them what she had done as they started to walk. “I swear though, I don’ care if I pass or fail that hist’ry class. I'm gonn’ enjoy. Swear ta Lucifer I'd give dat man's ass an A+.” She chuckled before seeing Julian coming toward them in a hurry. But it was the name he called to get his help with some fight that made her almost freeze.
Hidden 8 mos ago 8 mos ago Post by SirensCall
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SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 22 days ago

Colten smiled a little, “I'm Colten.” As she told him about her aunt, he thought for a moment. He recognized the name, but not much else about her, so he just nodded. “I heard her name before, but I don't think I ever met her.” He said.

He helped her climb down, and he was glad they were both heading to the same class. He took her bag from her before she could protest as they headed that way. He knew she had been healed and all, but still, he knew she had to at least still be sore and her book bag wasn't all that heavy to him. He sighed. “Do you understand what we’re going over because honestly, it's all kinda confusing to me.” He asked.

Azura looked at Cian. She could tell just how much this stuff was annoying him and she raised an eyebrow at what he was talking about with a vampire who was old enough to know better. “Does he need a babysitter? I might not be a vampire, but you know I play the babysitter part well. All you ever have to do is ask, and maybe overlook a few of my methods.” She asked, with a chuckle, summoning a bit of smoke and playing with it in her fingers.

“I'll sit in on your class. Be nice to see what kind of students will likely be asking for a tutor.” She smiled as the bell rang.

Aren sighed as he sat at his desk as he continued to fill out paperwork. His meetings were all over the place today, and he knew for a fact he was meeting Demi and Hades here soon. He didn't need to look at the schedule for that, but he looked up at the time and began to wonder why they weren't being sent in. He was glad for the moment to breathe, but this meeting was important.

When he walked out of his office to ask, he smiled when he saw Demi and Hades there, but his brow furrowed at what Hades told him. He cast an angry look at DeAndro and ushered Demi to his office. “I'm sorry that my assistant told you wrong, come in, I've been expecting you.” He said. Before they could get started though, Samantha came running in and he sighed. “I'm sorry, this is pressing, I'll be back as soon as I can. Please look over the class list and think about what classes you may like to take. Just know the two that are required are listed in bold at the top.” He said as he followed Samantha out.

Reg hated how everything was going with this class. He hates having to rearrange his lesson plans, but he understood. “I know that this subject matter isn't what we were going to be covering, but let's just bite the bullet and get it over with. The Demon-Angel wars are an important part of supernatural history too, and yes they are prominently taught for that reason.” He explained, though it was obvious he didn't want to have to say anything on the subject change.

Sal smiled a little when Knox helped him get to the right page. “Thank you.” He said, quietly. He sighed at Knox’s comment. “It's very prominently taught, so I understand the disdain, but it is important. Plus, we are lucky enough to have people in the school who were there, students and teachers, and one of them is in this class.”

Sal gently pointed towards where he saw Alex’s aura. “That's Alex Sanders, he was in the first war, I believe he said. He doesn't talk about it much, but he knows a lot about it. He didn't fight the second though because of his sister.” Sal pointed towards Billie’s aura. “That's his sister there. Her name is Billie. She's a language expert if you ever need help with that.”

As the class dragged on, Kingsley made rounds through the class and would make sure everyone paid attention, and by the time class let out, he was glad. He sat on the window ledge, bathing in the sunlight as Reg straightened up his things. Once he had, he hopped over onto the desk and looked at the girl talking to Reg.

“Ah, Erin Scottson, right?” He asked, his southern drawl coming out. He handed her the book and sighed when she brought up the homework. “Don't worry ‘bout the homework. I had to move that lesson back, s’long as you've got it done by the time we get back to that lesson, I won't care.”

When she commented on his accent, he laughed. “From the South, ‘round New Orleans origin’ly.” He was a bit surprised at her forwardness, but he smiled and nodded. “Careful now, might take you up on it.” He said, realizing she was already out the door by the time he thought to answer. She was pretty and had a nice accent herself. He could hear his name being called by Julian from outside the door.

“Reg! Come on! Devin and Kajun are fighting and it's bad. Cian and Samantha and a few others are headed there now.” Julian said and Reg nodded, following after him. Kingsley shifted back and saw Maggie, Ez, and Erin outside the door and ushered them back into the history room.

“Come on, you guys stay in here. They've got enough help and I can write you guys notes for being late to your next class.” He said as he grabbed Sal and Clary as well when they started getting pushed into the crowds pulling towards the fight.

Maggie gave him a look. “Only teachers can write us notes.”

“Yeah, I write all of Reg’s for him, otherwise you can't read them.” Kingsley said, motioning to the board as he continues to pull students into the history classroom so they wouldn't get hurt in the crowd.

Billie was already heading to class after Erin said she didn't need her to wait, especially since she had promised Harlow she'd teach his sixth period class for him today. She sighed as she walked down the hall when her eyes caught Hades and she smiled. “Hades!”

She hugged Hades and kissed her cheeks as well but before she could answer her, she noticed Samantha running into Aren’s office and then they both took off. Something was deeply wrong. She took off too, looking behind her and laughing to herself when she saw Hades dragging DeAndro as well. She was too far back in the crowd to see what was going on, but she managed to get to Randa. “What happened?” She asked, but she didn't get an answer. Colten was next to Randa with the girl from before, Brooke, and all the shifters were watching carefully.

Randa gave Billie a knowing look, and Billie shook her head.

Azura smiled to Cian as his class let out. “That was enjoyable. Maybe I should skip my free period and come sit in on your classes.” She laughed, but she saw Julian poke his head in as he was running.

“Cian, Devin and Kajun are fighting near the lit classroom, and it's bad from what I've been told. I still have to go get Reg.” He said before he took off. Azura looked at Cian and they both headed that way, and Azura could feel the rage even before they got there.

“Cian, this rage is damn near primal.” Azura said, and before he could say anything she pushed her way through the crowd and she got between Kajun and Devin, placing a hand on Kajun and pulling his rage from him. “Easy there big guy, he's not worth it.” She whispered to Kajun and she heard Devin grumble something and she shot a glare at him. “You must be the problem child around here.”

She rolled her eyes and she saw Colten come over and stand with Kajun. “You again?” He asked, and Azura smiled.

“Me again. Helping out an old friend.” She said as she looked to Cian. “Don't worry, I'll take good care of your friend here, I'm going to bring him to the nurse.”

Azura gently placed a hand on Kajun's back and she saw Reg coming to walk with them. “What happened?” Reg asked him.

Something about this place felt weird, Sterling thought as he moved through the shadows in the hallway, finding a huge cluster of them and watching the fight from beneath. He was surprised when he saw Azura, but it also wasn't too surprising from the brutality of it all. He sighed and moved more, finally coming out of the shadows when he saw Hades and some weird guy there. He appeared out of Hades’s shadow and shook his head.

“Hades?” He asked. “Who's the weird guy?”

“I'm DeAndro.” He quipped and Sterling rolled his eyes.

“Anyways, have you seen Julian? It was hard for me to tell if he was in that crowd. Too many people.” He asked. “I decided to get here early to visit him. I haven't seen him in a while, plus Rans and Mags are supposed to be here too.”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 22 days ago

Knox nodded a bit listening to Sal As he explained why everyone was so annoyed about the lesson. While it made sense, it seemed a bit insulting to a major piece of world history. His eyes glanced at the people Sal pointed out. Alex and Billie Sanders, making sure to note that for personal knowledge.

Once Regs class ended he kept in the seat not really being in a rush, until Aren got back to him, he had nowhere to go. A small chuckle coming from his lips as he watched his best friend being so brazenly hit on. It was a cute moment before chaos started.

Erin grumbled a bit as some guy pulled them back into the history class. "Da feck even is dat guy?” She asked Maggie and Ez after he went out to get more classmates to pull in out of the chaos.

“He's the cat that keeps wandering around.” Knox said from the seat he was still sitting in.

Cain laughed at Azura's words about skipping all her classes to sit in on his. “Now don't go getting me in trouble with the other teachers. Know for a fact Julian and Samantha would have my ass.” He joked back. Though honestly he would take it, it was nice to have one of his best friends back at the school.

All he could think when Juilan came to get him was how he was about over this bullshit, he was seriously thinking of setting up a meeting with Aren over Devin's bullshit. Put in motion Devin being expelled. It wasn't something that he liked to do. He had only done it twice in his years teaching here. If this thing he set up with Azura babysitting him didn't work. He would.

He didn't even try to stop Azura from running through the crowd to get in between the fight. Knowing there was no point with as much as she loved primal rage. While she and Reg tended to a very hurt Kajun, Cain dealt with the dumbass Devin.

Kajun wasn't in his right mind. He wasn't normally one to be violent or get into fights. But this mother fucker. It was taking all of Kajun's strength, that little bit of his control left not to rip Devin's throat out. The hand on his side made him hiss loudly at the girl touching him. Teeth bloody from ripping in Devin.

Then all of the sudden all of the rage and adrenaline was gone. With its disappearance was nothing but pain. His human form was definitely messed up. Both wrists were broken, probably a few of his ribs. His body sinking to the floor in pain. Fur wet with Devin's blood. When Reg asked what happened he growled showing his teeth as he looked towards Devin. Before the pain overtook him and he passed out.

Hades couldn't help but be worried about Demi coming here when a fight this brutal was going on in front of her. That weird motherly instinct kicking in that she felt towards Demi, Rebecca, and Billie. But at the same time she knew better, before like all her adopted daughters, Demi was strong.

Now all she needed to do was have a long chat with Aren about his little assistant. Because this stupid little man was nowhere as fit to take over as Samantha. Even if Lucifer told her to stay out of it.

“Sterling darling.” Hades said with an easy smile as he got her attention. Before looking at DeAndro and back to Sterling. “He isn't important. I think Julian is dealing with the aftermath of the fight. I haven't seen Randa or Maggie yet.”

This definitely seemed like a good time for him to come back to the school. Nothing better to return to than chaos. He had managed to catch the big fight between Devin and some shifter that beat his ass. “Serious, I feel like half da shit I've been hearin’ ‘bout. Wouldn't get dis bad if I hadn' been kicked out man.” The man with short black hair drawled out with his thick irish accent. Before taking the joint passed back from Robert.

After the fucking meeting with Aren and Juilan, he needed to get high. Because he was one more Don't do anything stupid Garret from being the asshole everyone knew he could be. He kept the last of the smoke keep in his lungs instead of blowing it out. “Dere ain’ nothin’ a good wrack in da back of da head or gettin’ someone high can’t fix.”

He let out a sigh as the joint burnt out, looking at Robert. “Speakin’ of people needin’ a wrack in da back of da head. I'm gonna go find Billie. Let her know I'm back.” He said giving Robert a pat on the back before heading towards Alex and Billie's dorm.

Molly's whole room smelt like blood, the coppery smell filling her nose. The furniture in her large dorm room pushed against the corners to make room for the large drawing in blood across the floor. After all, breaking someone out of the Hell cells wasn't an easy feat without going to Hell. And she couldn't do that. She also couldn't pass up Hades and Lucifer both being topside.

Her bare feet stepped carefully in the right spots for her spell, the blood wasn't herself, but the blood of Azrael's son and daughter made the spell stronger. Her lips moved to recite the spell as her magic pulled at the blood and power within it. Closing her eyes she used the blood magic to almost summon Azrael, though not to the school but somewhere on earth where he would be safe from the hell Knights.

Stepping into the center of the circle, she cut her own hand letting the blood drip to the center. Before opening the little vile of Azrael that he had sent as a necklace and dripping it into the center as well.
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