During the earlier years of the West Coast based superhero team, The Teen Titans, there's always been a desire for young superheroes on the other side of the country. Young superheroes who strive to become better heroes and by extension, better people. Learning and teaching by each others side.
They are..

Gotham City:
The two fighters were trading punches, heavy weight chapmionships were on their way and the two boxers wanted the belt more than anything and were pushing themselves to their breaking points. It was round seven and they were both very weary. Panting they stepped around in the ring, sweat running down their face and down their torso, barely able to hold their guards up, blood running down their faces as both of them had busted eyebrows and lips. They would move towards one another and the man wearing blue shorts, Jackson, would send his fist towards the man in orange, Curtis, Curtis would take the hit right on his jaw and he would stumble backwards. Man in blue sent another two jabs at Curtis whom now could barely stand, and just as Jackson's final hit would knock him out, Curtis's iris would get filled with a green smog, invisible to the cameras but seen by Jackson. The smog inside of his body revitalized him, and with one uppercut he sent Jackson' airborne, out of the ring and towards the fans, whom all moved out of the way as the boxer landed with a heavy crash. The crowd was flabbergasted but soon burst into cheering for the new champion.
Heading out of the ring and to his locker his manager came and patted him on the shoulder "Crazy fight there Big C! Didn't even know' ya still had one of those rocket punches left in ya'."
"Guess I had one left." Curtis responded, his mannager cheered "Well, now you're the new champion. There's a paartay later tonight, and you should be there."
"We'll see." Curtis said, heading into his dressing room he got into the shower for a few minutes, before he got out of it again and dug into his backpack, the wounds he had gotten from the fight were bleeding again because of the water, but from his bag he got out a pack of white patches with a green logo on them. Taking one he got it out and slapped it on his bicep, the patch ingrained itself in his arm and he let out a loud grunt as his wounds all closet up and his iris turned green for a split second.
He headed out of the changing room once he had gotten dressed and would be out on the streets again, heading to that party.
Titan Tower, New Castle
The young man ran his fingers through his hair as he looked at the consoles in front of him. It was difficult to allocate all the data he needed. On one of the consoles he was watching the newscast from the west coast, intergalactic bounty hunter Lobo had made a mess out of chinatown in San Francisco, but the Titans had kept him at bay untill the Justice League could assist by knocking him out of the park. While another half of the league had been helping in Africa with a recent earthquake. It was all very good work. But here in Delaware? Nothing was happening. It was all so quiet.
"Ugh." The senior titan groaned, stretching his neck as he yawned out of boredom. His name was Mal Duncan, semi pro athelete and ally of superheroes for a hobby. Well, he used to be, till he started to wear the yellow and blue armor that made him Guardian. Now he was wrapped up in this Titan Business weather he liked it or not. Normally, he didn't like Godzilla attacking town, or the Kwasisians sending a intergalactic armada for earth to enslave them all, but today he'd do anything for a alien, or a terrorist threat, or a supernatural threat.
He just wanted something to do. Seeing the console he was looking at light up his attention was directly attracted to that, a robbery in progess? Cool. "Titans, we have work to do." He said relived, but as soon as he had given the order the alarm went away, the cops had the situation under control. Putting his hand on the telecom he groaned. "Titans, at ease, false alarm."
Could this day get any more boring?
Julian was sitting in his quarters tinkering with a piece of tech he himself had constructed, he was a pocket sized forcefield, so he wouldn't have to always don his full combat gear whenever he needed a decent shield. In his hand he held the screwdriver, holding the piece of tech on a remodeled selfie stick with his teeth. He would use his robotic arm, but it was currently being repaired by his micro drones after a previous malfunction with the laser. Turning the screwdriver he let out a happy sigh, putting down the tool he took the stick out of his mouth and held the gadget in his hand, pressing a button in the middle, putting it down in front of him. He leaned backwards, up on the shelf he sat next to, getting out a little metal piece. Dragging his fingers on the metal piece it was revealed to be a butterfly knife.
With masterful grace he turned the knife upside down in his hand, making the edge point down towards the floor. With force he jammed the knife to the machine, but before it collided with the machine it was blocked by a blue energy field. Julian pushed harder, and while it held for several moments, the shield finally broke and the knife almost hit the machine until he stopped his hand. A light grunt was heard. He had to come up with a better power source, for the gadgets and for his arm, he figured.
Standing up he put away the knife, taking off the protective shirt he wore that prevented him from getting electrecuted or burnt, he headed to his wardrobe where he hung the shirt up and got a dress shirt out instead. He was wearing fine dress pants but bare feet. Getting out a pair of black leather converse, he put the shoes on and then the shirt, being asymetrical wasn't so bad if it wasn't for buttoning, it had been really hard the first few months with that, but now he could do it with finesse. Looking himself in the mirror he made sure to tuck his right sleeve up almost all the way up to the end of his arm, making sure it still covered the stump he had left from his arm.
Hearing the telecom with Mal's voice made him let out a groan. He was gonna have to change again, wasn't he?
Luckily, it was a false alarm. Leaning over the mirror he had he got into the drawer under the sink, where he put regenerative cream on his face, over the scars he had since his accident, the cream was supposed to help the scars heal, but they were still as red as ever. With a grin he looked over himself, his hair was getting longer, soon he'd have to get styling gel, he figured. The thought amused him.
Heading for the door the door slid open, letting him outside. He headed to the main hall where Duncan was. "You enjoying yourself, Mal?" Julian asked. "Like you wouldn't believe, Cobalt. I've got minesweeper and everything over here." he retorted sarcastically. "So, would you fancy a game of chess, then? I always find the challenge refreshing." Julian asked, where as Mal chuckled. "Find someone else to hustle, Brainiac." Julian smirked. He would head for the elevator and up into the tower, traveling out of the bunker and to the top floor, where the kitchen was. He wanted something to eat.
Opening the fridge he found a powerbar that he gladly took for himself, sitting down he found a book to read, was a recently published physics book by Ray Palmer.