Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 2 hrs ago



To Whom Much Is Given

| GM: Lord Wraith | Genre: Superhuman, Modern Fantasy | Type: Linear, Sandbox |

"Everyone to whom much was given, of them much will be required;"
~Luke 12:48


[*]hagroden as Chris Dimnic


| F.A.Q.: |


[B]| NAME: |[/B] 
[INDENT]Your character's name as stated on their birth certificate.[/INDENT]
[B]| NICKNAME(S): |[/B]
[INDENT]Any preferred name that your character may go by.[/INDENT]
[B]| ALIAS(ES): |[/B]
[INDENT]The future alias(es) your character will go by.[/INDENT]
[INDENT]Acquired within the first arc of the RP, please indicate your desired abilities as well as a clear set of limitations (IE, how much can a character lift) and weaknesses (An electrokinetic might short out standing in water.). Your ability can be described in as many or as few words as you wish but the limitations and weaknesses are non-negotiable.[/INDENT]
[INDENT]Please write a post in character as your character at any point in time (childhood, present, empowered etc) indicating their personality and your personal style. Preferably this sample will be written in third person, however a well written first person post will be considered equally.[/INDENT]
[B]| NOTES: |[/B]
[INDENT]Any reference points you wish to make for yourself or other players to read.[/INDENT]
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


| NAME: |
Alexis Calleigh Grimm


| ALIAS(ES): |

STAGE ONE: Upon receiving her initial abilities, Alexis' senses will be increased to the point where she can smell the blood flowing beneath a person's skin. Her eyes are able to see in perfect darkness and her ears are able to isolate a sound over a mile away. Additionally Alexis' metabolism is increased meaning her body not only processes food much quicker but also requires more of it on a more regular basis. Lastly Alexis will be able to walk up walls and along ceilings. At first she'll do this on all fours but as she gets a hang of her abilities, Alexis will be able to simply walk or run along the surface as though it was the ground. Lastly, Alexis develops retractable fangs, which emerge whenever she is enraged, hungry or horny.

STAGE TWO: Upon entering Stage Two of her abilities' development, Alexis will be able to levitate several feet above the ground allowing her to glide short distances, as well as stop a descent from causing her any harm. Furthermore, her balance has increased to superhuman levels, with Alexis being able to involuntarily right herself if falling upside down or otherwise turned. Alexis' abilities will further develop as she finds her strength, speed and reflexes all increasing to superhuman levels.

STAGE THREE: Continuing to develop, Alexis' strength, speed and reflexes will continue to enhance with her becoming both stronger and faster. Furthermore, Alexis will develop psychometry, an extra-sensory perception characterized by the ability to make relevant associations from an object of unknown history by making physical contact with that object. This allows Alexis to quickly learn about her surroundings in a way that very few others ever could.

STAGE FOUR: Entering into the final stage of her development, Alexis gains the ability to transform into mist under the shadow of night. This intangible mist form, grants Alexis the ability to enter spaces through small cracks and crevices in the wall that would have made entry otherwise impossible. Additionally it allows her to avoid harm. Alexis will also find her levitation has upgraded to full fledged flight, allowing her to soar through the night sky with total disregard for gravity. Lastly her senses have been further enhanced, granting her eyes almost a telescopic view as well as the ability to see through infrared, tracking foes by their heat signature. Her hearing, taste and sense are further upgraded with better range and perception.

LIMITATIONS: Alexis' limitations depend greatly on the last time she ate and more specifically, the last time she ingested blood. Thankfully all blood is equal and a rare steak counts just as much as biting someone in the neck, the only difference being the volume of blood in the meat. At worst, Alexis can lift five hundred pounds over her head, but she's easily able to lift a ton at her maximum abilities in stage two, and up to three when her abilities further develop. Likewise her speed ranges from moving at thirty miles per hour to at first a maximum of fifty miles per hour and later a maximum of eighty. Alexis' reflexes at worst are five times faster than a human's, and originally at best are twenty five times better. This later develops to being nearly fifty times better allowing Alexis to even side step a bullet. Her levitation allows her to hover indefinitely but only up to five feet above the ground, it should be noted however that were she to descend from a higher height, her levitation still allows her to slow the fall and the five feet limit acts as a cushion to stop her from hurting herself. In terms of flight, Alexis can fly as high as she can handle the cold, thereby meaning if had the proper equipment she could fly as high as she pleased.

WEAKNESSES: Alexis has numerous notable weaknesses, the first of which is her need to include blood in her diet. This blood however does not need to be human blood, but human blood often tastes the sweetest to her. Sunlight causes irritation to Alexis' skin but is not fatal in limited exposure. Alexis simply burns much quicker than an average human, gaining a tan in record time if left unchecked. However were she left out in the sun without protection for an extended period of time, it would result in an escalating scale of burns which would eventually kill Alexis. Likewise, fire is also extremely harmful towards her and as such she has a fear of it.

Silver burns upon contact with Alexis' skin and a weapon made with silver would cause burning wounds of extreme agony. Likewise wooden weapons are very harmful to Alexis, especially those made from oak. It would be redundant however to state that staking Alexis through the heart is lethal as Alexis is not a member of the 'undead' and as such does still have mortal limits. She has two rather minor weaknesses that were developed from her abilities including allergic reactions to garlic and a rather severe case of arithmomania. As such, Alexis has a rather compulsive need to count either her actions, her surroundings or both which at times can lead to her being quite distracted.

The pub was particularly packed this Friday evening as the live music echoed through the small establishment while the waitresses in their tight black tops ran around bringing drinks and towering plates of wings to the many awaiting tables. Normally Alexis would have been working behind the bar but with the 'Stein and Cauldron' overcrowded, Serena had asked Alexis to take to the floor. The smell of alcohol permeated the room while various wing sauces added accents ranging from sweet to tangy to the thick smoke smell of barbeque. Walking up to a table with her notepad drawn, Alexis looked down only now realizing that perhaps the pleated skirt she had worn tonight wasn't the best choice as even the mandatory server apron was longer than it.

"What'll it be boys?" Alexis said as she clicked a pen and put it down on the pad while looking at the four men before her. Looking at each of the men they appeared to meet the standard 'frat boy' stereotypes. 'V-Necked' Shirt on one, popped collar polo on another, one was still wearing his sunglasses indoors and had enough grease in his hair to a make a McDonald's grill blush. Alexis looked up as she heard of them obnoxiously clear his throat as the man in the polo began to speak.

"Another round of MGD, bottles for each of us Sweet Cheeks. And a platter of the suicide wings. I only like things that are smokin' hot." He said as he leaned back, looking Alexis up and down, his tongue sliding across his lips nearly causing Alexis to gag in her mouth. Despite sitting in the middle, his arms still had tremendous reach as he stretched his hand out, the man with the popped collar winked at his friends while nodding towards their waitress and her short skirt. Turning to walk away, Alexis felt a smack as her skirt was briefly lifted. Biting down on her lip, she felt her face go red as she paused before speaking.

"You Sir, get a sandwich on the house!" Alexis said in a 'valley girl' like tone, forcing herself to release the death glare from her face, replacing it with a freshly painted and much forced smile while turning to the man who had slapped her behind. He looked up at her smugly, a look of pure amusement in his eyes as he sat surrounding by his snickering 'brothers'. It took all of Alexis' restraint to not take his beer and beat him over the head before shanking him with it till he bled out on the floor.

"Oh yeah, well why don't you hurry and make it for me Sweet Cheeks?" The man said as he swigged his beer, nearly falling off his chair laughing while his gathered friends all joined in on the mirth. Alexis' grin grew from forced to genuine as she realized just how much she was about to enjoy administering her own brand of justice on this depraved excuse for a man. She had lived among rough men before but none of them would have dared touched her. Placing her tray down on the table beside her, she nodded to the table nearby as she excused her actions in advanced.

"Oh but I already have it right here for you." Alexis' tone was sweet and innocent only to be broken as she suddenly pulled her arm back and swung hard. The echoing of knuckles colliding with a hollow skull echoed through the 'Cauldron as the man hit the floor, his beer shattering as glass and alcohol spread across the floor. "I hope you like 'knuckle'." Alexis quipped as she turned her back and headed for the bar amidst the cheers and hollers of the other patrons. "I still expect a tip." Alexis called back to the frat boys which only served to elicit more laughter from the 'Cauldron's patrons.

| NOTES: |
Parents are Katherine and Patrick Grimm
Is dating Zebulun Michaels, son of Charles and Drew Michaels.
Cherry Coke!
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 4 days ago

| NAME: |
Maximilian Nicholas A. Darwin

Max - The Maxinator.

| ALIAS(ES): |


STAGE ONE (Sparky):
Having just received his ability, Max is able to generate fair amounts of electrity, being able to taze someone on physical contact, or charge his phone with his hand. He's also able to absorb electricity from low level currents, such as double A batteries.

STAGE TWO (Sparky Sparky Boom Boom):
His powers are amping up, allowing him to produce actual lighting now, sending out electricty that has the kinetic energy of him tackling someone. He's able to absorb and generate higher amounts of electricty.

STAGE THREE (Electro was so 2013):
Able to generate massive amounts of electricty, Max can now with time generate real lightning bolts able to cause massive damage on hit. He's able to sense strong electrical currents, allowing him to feel wiring inside of a building, for instance.

STAGE FOUR (Zeus is my bitch.):
Max has reached the pinnacle of his abilities. He's gained full control over his abilities and has enough power to black out several blocks with ease, able to toss lightning bolts like baseballs. Generating forcefields and the like with ease.

Limitations and Weaknesses:
Max is susceptible to water to short circuit his powers and in fact make them backfire on him. He generates only small amounts of electricity by himself, and thus needs outside sources to power him, such as batteries, fuse boxes or power plants. However, the biggest limitations on his powers are himself, as he lacks the knowledge and intelligence to utilize his powers in the most efficent way possible. He's a grunt at heart, not a tinkerer. He thinks that all his powers are good for is smashing things, instead of the near endless possibilities they truly do posses.

He was on the field, the match was about to end, twelve seconds left on the clock and they were losing. He had to make a play happen. "Blue 19! Hut!" He shouted, as his teammate, John, threw the ball back at him, the runner, Will, were already running down on the side. In the corner of his eye he could see the opponents coming for him. Taking a breath he saw Will sprint. "Go deep!" He shouted, as he brought his right arm back, the ball in it as he was getting ready to throw it.

Nine seconds left. The big burly opponent clad in orange was coming for him. He could hear the steps as blood rushed in him. Clenching is teeth, he swung his arm back forward, sending the ball flying in the air, over the field. And as the ball left his hand, he was tackled to the ground by the 320 pound beast of a teenager that Carl Barnes, who had just tackled him, was. Hitting the ground he could feel the air escape his lungs as he hit the ground he skidded, his back feeling like it was ripped in half. His eyes went shut, and a moment later, he opened them again to the sound of the clock stopping, and the crowd cheering.

Will had caught his pass, it was a touchdown. They had won. He had won. They were now the champions.
And he was proud of today, as he laid there and his teammates coming to check on him.

| NOTES: |
A Super Jock, kind of a idiot.
Comes from the Shallows.
Raised to a single mother, his father died when Max was a child.
Coca Cola's one hell of a drug.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 10 days ago

| NAME: |
Maria Calissa Costello

Just Costello

| ALIAS(ES): |
The Spider

Biological Constructs.
The power is basically a form of shapeshifting, or body manipulation, that allows Maria to create organic structures out of a unique biological material. These structures can take many shapes (primarily ones that'd be more natural), to densities. From tentacles, to extra limbs, to shields, to etc. Though, I should note that this power works best with making tentacles or tentacle like structures. And Maria can create a lot. As her power advances, she'll be able to create larger and more complex constructs, along with more of them. These constructs are a sickly dark-green color, that appear to be made of an exoskeleton. To the contrary, the constructs, if touched, are very smooth and slimy, somewhat soft. Where ever they are created, they leave behind a thin green mass that takes the appearance of webbing on her skin. Maria can control these constructs like they're an extra limb - technically they are. They have nerves (Meaning she can feel through them), muscles, pseudobones... etc. At most they can throw around a grown man effortlessly. These limbs are self repairing, and will quickly regenerate any damage done to them. Once she's done, she can just absorb them back into her body. Along with the ability to create them on other surfaces. You see, if Maria touches the ground with bare flesh, she can create an organic mass on it (Think of Dead Space) and spawn a construct out of it, being capable of remotely controlling it. However, it's exclusively limited to tentacles, and any of the sort.

  • (Abomination State)
    In a state of extreme rage/fear, or if she's put on the verge of death, Maria will lose control of herself, and transform into a hideous eldritch abomination. This creature is massive, not in terms of height, but sheer mass. It takes a similar appearance to a squid in terms of shape. A massive body with the girth of a UPS truck, and will have four thick tentacles, along with plenty of smaller tentacles. All lashing out against whoever is nearby. This is Maria's strongest stage, though she can't access it at will, nor can she really control it. It's basically a hulk state. After it's over, Maria will be unconscious, and naked, for quite a while - with all her wounds healed.

Look above, there is a set amount of constructs that Maria can have spawned at a single time (Depending on the stage). She can't have a lot of different constructs spawned at once either. If she goes with tentacles, a lot of them are going to be tentacles, and if she goes with limbs - well, you should get the picture. Maria also finds it really hard to create anything that isn't a tentacle, or that really complex. Also, they really lack dexterity, and precision. They can be cut through quite easily with a blade - not saying you should stab them, but if you whip out a katana, they'll drop like flies.

Hydration. Whenever Maria creates these constructs, they have to constantly absorb water, or eventually, they'll weaken, and wither away. Or, if she really wants to keep them going, they drink some of her water supply, and eventually leave her dehydrated (which isn't great). Her abomination state suffers from the same weakness, and simply depriving it of water will cause it to dry up, and she'll revert back to normal (albeit, severely dehydrated). Energy based attacks deal extra damage to Maria's constructs.

| SAMPLE POST: | Hypothetical situation where Maria discovers her power... and her abomination state

The bathroom door swung open, and Maria stumbled inside, a foot fiercely kicked the door shut behind her. She slid over to the sinks, and turned the knob, and hot water came out of the nozzle. She ran her hand (which... wasn't right) under the water, and her free hand heavily pushed down on the soap dispenser. Until a nice glob of soap nearly encompassed her hand, and the first thing she did with the soap was angrily rub it against her hand. Every second it was there, she grit her teeth, and tried scrubbing harder. Until she can completely rubbed the soap into her skin. Maria balled her fist, and slammed it into the sink right next to her. "What the fuck is this!?" She shouted, staring at her hands with her teeth bared.

A dark-green mass of biological material had covered the area of hand below her first knuckle. It looked disgusting, and was slowly spreading out to the rest of her hand. Maria just had to get this shit off of her before it takes her over! She resorted to driving her nails into the stuff, cutting herself in the process, and trying to rip it off. The more she pulled, the more she felt a stinging pain - like trying to tear off your own skin. She hissed, taking a moment to pause. Before trying again, using every muscle in her upper body to pull some of this shit off. The alien matter was being ripped off her flesh, forcibly. It stung even more than before - but left flesh exposed to the elements. Maria didn't stop, she kept pulling, and with a few more strokes of her muscles, she felt it getting looser (and much more painful). A large strand of the matter was completely pulled off, and Maria let out a sigh of relief. She leaned forward, and put her arm on the sink in front of her. Panting, over and over again. She still had a lot to-

"... Hey lady, this is the boy's bathroom." A man, middleaged and balding, said as he walked into the room. He took one look at Maria's hand, and took a few steps back - pushing the door closed with his backside - and put his arm up to his chin. "What?! You're a freak!"

"Wait, no!" Maria shouted, putting her hand up... only to see first hand that the matter had returned and covered her entire hand. Quickly going down her arm. "What?! No!" She loudly shouted, as she finally started going dark. She passed out on the ground.

... That's when she turned into it.

| NOTES: |
  • Maria is Spanish to her bones - she's Puerto-Rican.
  • A Cheerleader at school
  • Seventeen years old.
  • Adventurer and beachgoer

Icetea, since soda is for scumbags.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The Roman07
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The Roman07

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

| NAME: |

Roman Petrovick



| ALIAS(ES): |



Stage one- Roman notices that his body has become much more fit and lean. His eyesight is 20/20 and his overall self feels like he could run a mile and not break a sweat. Bruises heal hours a day and minor cuts are healed in 24 hours. All previous scars and bruises as a kid have dissapeared. (Even his cavities and fillings have fell out and filled in.) Hes about as fit and athletic as a tri-athlete in his prime.

Stage two- Romans body seems to adapt to harsh conditions. If its cold out his body heat raises to compensate, if he accidentally cuts himself, the area affected hardens slightly so it cant be cut again as easily, If hes drowning his body slows down oxygen intake, etc.

Stage three- The changes to his body are much more drastic and his regeneration factor has increased slightly. Minor cuts and bruises heal in hours, major cuts and broken bones are brand new within a day. If Roman is in any physical danger, his body will react almost instinctively to the situation. (Exe: set him on fire and his skin turns fireproof and gives off a reflective shimmer. Throw him in the river and he gains webbed hands and feet, if hes in there long enough he will gain gills.)

Stage four- Romans body has fully adapted to any situation, he no longer needs to get hurt, cut, or shot for his skin to scale or harden, he can do this at will for a short amount of time. His body will completely reform to preserve itself. He can be shot into space without a suit and survive for three days, meteor back to earth and walk away from the impact site.

Weakness-  Although his powers may make him seem immortal, he is not. Especially during his first few stages a bullet to the head is still a bullet to the head. Major wounds are still deadly if he bleeds out and any kind of danger that involves stopping the heart AND brain is death. His body is designed to adapt to the situation he is currently in, therefore he must be submitted to a certain kind of danger before the adaptation takes place. He needs to get burned before his skin becomes fireproof and he needs to be drowning before he grows gills. This applies for all his adaptations. Although he regenerates faster than most, its not "wolverine" standards and can very well bleed out before he heals or adapts quick enough. At max level Roman can adapt to any situation as long as there a supply oxygen and nourishment (food, water, etc.). His Adapting abilities can prove his demise if he needs medical attention as well. If he needs a blood transfusion or emergency surgery his body will fight any and every unnatural occurance along the way. Forget a scalpel and needles after the first cut or injection...AED machines or Shock paddles might just turn him into a giant electric conductor.

"Hey what are you doin Roman?-"
"Shhh shut it Nadia!" Roman stuck his hand over his sisters mouth as he stuffed another box of toothpaste underneath his hoodie. A vengefull glare from Nadia came peering through her bright blue eyes and her wild and matted blonde hair. "You know this aint right... Karma will catch up with you." she whispered as she watched nervously over the store aisle for anybody to catch them. "If they catch you you can forget goin back to school, and mom will-" "-And mom will WHAT?!" Roman sneered back cutting off his little sister. "What? Stick another needle in her arm and forget we are even alive? Like what she does every day? Forget to pay the bills and leave us in a cold house with no heat or water while shes out screwing everybody to get her next fix?" Roman tucked in the toothpaste and proceeded to grab a handfull of granola bars from the other shelf. "She has a problem you know that, shes not well... After dads accident." Nadia quickly shut up when her brother gave yet another fierce glare. Talking about dad was off limits, it always got him fired up and this was not the time to bring that up. Instead she grabbed the granola bar from Romans hand and stuffed it in her shirt, Roman giving a suprised look as well as some slight dissapointment at how quickly she gave in. She was always the voice of reason yet even a fourteen year old girl can see the situation they were in.

"You know im not going to let her keep doing this to us, my birthdays next month and once i turn eighteen im leaving and taking you with me..." Roman smiled attempting to fix the mood, he hated seeing her upset and the look on her face told it all. "Mom will be upset..." "Mom will understand! Shes got no choice!" Roman accidentally snapped back. Stuffing the last granola bar in his hoodie he took Nadia's hand and made his way for the convience stores canned goods. "HEY!" inches away from the canned peas sat an overweight indian man hunched over the counter looking eerily at the two trying to figure out what them two were up to. Both of them stopped dead in their tracks and looked up at the burly man. Their gaunt faces and faded oversized clothing told their story before they could say a word. "Well are you gonna buy something or just waste my time and electricity? Stores about to close and im sweating my ass in this heat waiting for you two to buy something already or get the fuck out." He sneered already knowing they had no money, figuring they could hang out here and waste his time. "Sorry, were leaving." Roman looked up at the guy with the most pathetic and innocent looking face he could muster, hopefully he would feel sorry and not give them lip next time. Grabbing his sisters hand he rushed towards the exit but as he pulled her hand the box of toothpaste slipped out and fell neatly by the mans feet. Looking up in disgust the man bolted forward reaching for Romans hoodie shaking everything loose. "You lil fucking thief ill cut your hands off!" "RUN NADIA RUN!" Roman screamed pushing the man into the aisle knocking canned carrots and peas everywhere. Nadia darted off out the convienence store as Roman wrestled with the man on the floor. As Roman dug his hands out of the mans shirt attempting to escape he heard the signature bell ring from the entrance followed by the sounds of a cars tires screaching and heart stopping THUNK... Romans eyes grew wide as he prayed it wasnt her. He stopped fighting and the second he let go a swift right hook cocked him in the left temple. Roman fell backward and hit the cold linoleum floor. Flat on his back he could see out of the corner of his eye just outside the store lay a lump of cloth and blonde hair laying lifeless on the ground with a man on a cell phone calling 911. The body still clutching a granola bar in her hand.

| NOTES: |

(The tears of my enemies) XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Optio
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Optio Calamity Incarnate

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

| NAME: |
Jacob Mackoy

Jay (J)

| ALIAS(ES): |


Stage One(Mimic):
With a touch Mimic transforms to look like/be the person he is touching. (The transformation is instantaneous, reality 'ripples' and he is changed).

Stage Two(More Mimic):
Mimic gains the power of anyone he mimics if they have one. (He won't know how to use it so would be stuck at Stage One of their power).

Stage Three(SUPER Mimic):
When Mimic mimics someone he keeps their memory for as long as he is in that form, once he changes form the memories start to fade. (With their memory he would be able to operate their power at the level they can).

Stage Four(Eye mimic):
Mimic can mimic someone through eye contact.

Touch or later eye contact is required to Mimic someone.
If he mimics someone the limitations of their power come aswell as the power.
At first Mimic must maintain skin on skin contact for around 10 seconds to mimic someone, as he learns more about his power this time decreases culminating in the ability to mimic someone with eye contact.
Every time Mimic touches someone he will be tempted/urged to mimic them, If he is forced into contact for long enough (At the start say 30 seconds, as he grows more powerful the time increases) he will mimic them involuntarily. (This also applies when he is asleep or knocked out).
Mimic is highly allergic to Wasp stings and thus terrified of them.


"Jacob Jacob Jacob.. why do you make me do this to you?"
Through the dizzy fog of concussion Jacob heard the mocking tone, the gloating voice of Davey Knickleson standing over him.
Enraged he pushed himself off the floor and launched a solid punch towards the blurry form of his current nemesis, Davey sidestepped and Jacob found himself sprawling past in no position to resist as Davey grabbed a handhold of his dark brown hair and using Jacobs own momentum dragged his face along the rugged brick wall of the small alley.
As he hit the floor there was a moment of bliss and then the scraped and gouged skin of his cheek burned its presence into his mind.

A shadow, his shadow fell across Jacob.
"If I find any more of my possessions in your bag I'm turning you in Jacob, You might be my sisters friend, you arn't mine."
This was punctuated by a sharp blinding pain in Jacobs stomach as a booted foot slammed home. On the floor he writhed in his agony, desperately drawing breath in great gasps. When he finally recovered enough to look about Davey was gone.

He took his time standing up, the blood on his face was drying and the sharp twinges in his stomach every time he made a sudden move told of deep bruising. Still he hobbled over to his backpack and upon finding only school books he filled the air with vile curses, Davey had taken his whole weeks collection! Food was going to be scarce for the foreseeable future.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 10 days ago

| NAME: |
Tanya Liberty Lamont

Smoking Liberty

| ALIAS(ES): |
The Bird of Paradise

Bird of Paradise.
I don't feel like doing the stages thing, so I'm just going to straight up describe the power.

To summarize, this power is basically Avian Physiology and Aerokinesis mashed together. Tanya has the ability to transform into a bird-human hybrid with an appearance similar to harpies. Meaning, primarily, her arms and legs will be transforming. Her arms will morph into fifteen-feet long wings, with massive feathers. Now, these won't be normal feathers - no, no. These feathers appear to be a glowing gaseous energy, like a fire, or a plasma. Primarily glowing a green color, with other colors shining in. When she flies, she leaves behind a trail of various colors. Her eyes will also glow a white color that leaves no trace of her original eyes. I should note that she won't have any hands in this state, but Tanya's wings will be flexible enough for her to grab things. Her legs will similarly be covered in variously colored feathers, but she'll have four large talons on her feet, and her legs will be covered in rough, black, keeled, scales. These talons are very strong, and capable of grabbing objects. A kick from her would not be great. Tanya has a tail, technically three long tail feathers that glow with the same energy as the rest of her body. There are feathers and scales in other parts of Tanya body.

Now, the first ability this grants - flight - is obvious, but works in a different way than you'd expect. Instead of flapping her wings, she's capable of a more supernatural flight that's assisted by the aforementioned Aerokinesis. She can do everything you'd expect a flier to do, but she can hover in the air. While in the air, she's incredibly fast and agile. Capable of complex aerials maneuvers and outrunning everything on the ground. That isn't to say that Tanya isn't capable of traditional flight - in fact, it's nearly on par on her aerokinetic flight. Now, I have to cover the aerokinetic aspects. Tanya has a limited control over air (Or more accurately, wind) using her wings. To put it in simple terms, a strong flap of her wings and send a gust of air so strong that'll send the unprepared flying. She can control the force and size of these blasts. She can use this power in order to give herself a burst of speed in any direction. She's also capable of creating miniature twisters using the same method. Twisters that tear the surrounding area to pieces for a couple seconds. At most, she can create one large one, or three smaller ones. The final ability that Tanya has is that she can fire off her razor-sharp feathers at high-speeds like daggers using her aerokinesis to put uumph behind it. While they don't have the weight or density to really penetrate anything armored, they can give someone a nice cut.

A few of her abilities transfer back to her human form. First and foremost, Tanya's skeleton is hollow, and makes her remarkably lightweight. Which allows her to pull off greater feats of agility, and more. Though, this works against her just as much. Secondly, Tanya's movements are faster, and more flowing, and she's capable of pulling off greater feats of agility. Jumping higher, landing slower, and doing acrobatic feats like backflips.

Tanya's power is connected to the feathers on her body. She'll be constantly losing feathers in her BoP form at a rate so slow that it won't really matter. However, once she starts using her aerokinesis, she'll start losing feathers at a fast rate (and the same goes for shooting them). The less feathers Tanya has, the weaker she gets, until she's so powerless that she might as well switch back to human form. It'll take her awhile to regenerate feathers, at least two hours.

Tanya's bones are mighty brittle, both in and out of human form. While they won't shatter when hit by say, a punch by a fully grown man; they will break when hit by a baseball bat, or a super strong punch. The same goes for falling. Using her aerokinesis also causes breathing problems. The second she shoots a gust of wind, she's going to have a severe case of shortness of breath, and she'll need a moment or two to recover. Overuse will eventually cause her to suffocate, and die to death. Also, she doesn't have any extra bird senses, her senses will remain at human levels. So she's going to have a very hard time seeing while going at high speeds. This is obvious, but it'd be hard as hell for her to grab stuff.

The shiny feather reflected sunlight as Tanya examined it, casually. She was leaning back in her chair, with her feet kicked up onto the desk. Thank God the class room was empty, Mr. Winglington would shit if he saw her. Especially with her shoes off. She was wondering where did this unique feather come from. It just... fell off of her. This was truly unlike anything she's seen before. Well, it'd be pretty bitching glued to her guitar case! Holding onto the feather, Tanya pulled her feet off the table, and then put them onto the floor, sliding them into her sandals. She stood up, and looked down to pick up her guitar, lazily leaning up against the desk chair. She slung it over her shoulder by the strap, and slid the feather into the breast pocket of her dress shirt. She looked down and adjusted her black skirt, and began walking out of the room. Immediately being bombarded with the noise and chatter of the crowded hallway. She casually smirked as she pushed through the chaos without a single soul paying her any mind. They were busy, and so was she.... relatively speaking. She'd need to head over to the other side of the school to the dorms.

She stepped out of the Educational building, facing the front of the school (With students all over the place), and was hit with the sly autumn breeze... Another reminder that Summer was looooong pushed out. She enjoyed it actually. Her toes curled on top of her sandals as she took one step, two steps, three steps, looking around, seeing not a soul she associated with, or wanted to talk to. Tanya shrugged as she moved forward towards the dorms.

A strong breeze interrupted her stride as the feather she found flew out of her breast pocket. "Hey! Get back here!" Tanya said, in a thick Jamaican accent, (to the feather) as she quickly chased after it. The feather landed at some young girl's feet, and Tanya quickly put her foot on the feather, and reached down to pick it up. She smirked as she stood straight up - but didn't realize that she was standing in front of someone. Who was probably just enjoying their evening. Well, looks like she'll have to say something to her.

"Oh, hey there, girl. How ya' doing?" Tanya chuckled, her accent was thick. "I was just trying to catch this thing." She presented the glowing feather to the girl, a wide smirk on her face. "Cool, isn't it?"

Their conversation went on from there.

| NOTES: |
  • Jamaican
  • 17
  • Daughter of two indie muscians from Jamica.
  • A musician herself. Good with a guitar, and has a great singing voice.

I'm still waiting for my fucking icetea, Wraith
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Horrid
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Horrid aesthetic.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

| NAME: |
Booker Clayton Rhodes.


| ALIAS(ES): |

FIRST STEP (Tactile Psychokinesis): Booker is able to project and manipulate a field of telekinetic energy to his immediate area and objects that he touches. Projecting a weapon requires that a physical 'base' be used, and be in his grasp at all times (eg. using a piece of rebar as a basis for a PK bat). At this stage, the field barely extends beyond being a thin skin-like layer. Able to be shattered with moderate or elongated bouts of force. Can lift as much as your average hard-labor worker at maximal effort.

SECOND STEP (Extended Psychokinetic Projection): At this step in progression, Booker is able to project his abilities in the form of simple constructs. Usually extensions of his body-parts, such as fists and feet. Barriers and shield-walls become possible. His range of influence increases up to 5m and lifting ability increases to around a competitive strongman at maximal effort.

THIRD STEP (Ego Boost): The range and potency of Booker's psychokinesis increases significantly, lending to enhanced physical attributes and stronger constructs. Complexity is still limited, so simple constructs must be utilised but he no longer requires an object to be the 'base'. His barriers become able to withstand much harsher treatment before being shattered and range increases to 10m. Booker gains the potential to lift beyond human capabilities at maximal effort, around a ton above his head before risking damage.

FOURTH STEP (Manifest Ego): Booker's ability peaks at being able to manifest a projection of his own psyche, literally his ego. The projection possesses a personality somewhat, but mostly its there to lend extra sets of fists to the combat equation. Complexity is still limited, but potency accelerates phenomenally, turning Booker into a psychokinetic powerhouse. Strength beyond strength as he becomes able to lift 2.5 tons and throw it about with some effort. Construct range remains unchanged, instead trading in for being able to manifest his 'ego'.

LIMITATIONS: In addition to those already listed, Booker's abilities are limited by the effort needed to multi-task both a personal barrier and supercharging his physical actions. When he is throwing a punch or jumping in for a mighty kick, he is more open to retaliation or a counter than ever. To be caught off guard is a potential end to his combat. Likewise for holding up a barrier, he can either strike or he can guard. He cannot do both at once. Additionally, both his constructs and his barriers, personal or otherwise, are subject to being shattered or completely bypassed if battered hard enough or for long enough. Shattering or throwing out too much PK energy can lead to exhaustion and other side-effects such as reduced strength, slowed reflexes, drowsiness and if pushed hard enough, a complete inability to use his powers for an indeterminate time.

WEAKNESSES:Booker's constructs and concentration both can be disrupted by outside factors. One of the major contributors is loud, grating or otherwise distracting/harmful noises. High-pitched whining and feedback from speakers are his personal worst nightmares, able to disrupt or dismiss his power entirely if loud enough. A lot of Booker's power comes from movement and extending from his own body, and as such, being bound, trapped or having his movement otherwise debilitated severely limits his options as to how he can utilize his abilities. Heat and electrical activity also weaken his powers due to the effects they have on molecules and their local atmosphere. Vibration caused by heat can cause his constructs to destabilize, whereas there seems to be a strange nullifying effect when they come into contact with electricity.

Booker looked up at the moon, shining over the lake sprawling out before him. The hood of his car was cold beneath him, gathering condensation and icicles as the wind bit at his nose and cheeks. His father had said it was too cold to go out at this time of night, but he was already halfway out the door as he spoke up. Book couldn't help but look down at his car, standing up to his full 6' height as he surveyed the damage. His Mini had seen much better days, that was for sure. Dented bumper, door keyed, one wiper broken clean off. He could even see the burger wrapper stuffed between the center console and the driver's seat, white and yellow design glaring up at him. Booker's sigh reached no one but the torn leather interior as he walked around to the side of the car and gripped the handle. His reflection looked back at him from the window, and he stopped dead.

He looked terrible. He was pudgier than he'd ever been. Sure, HE knew he wasn't fat, but it sure didn't look that way from the outside. His outfit could have been much better, but when you have to get gone there isn't really any time for a costume check. His stretched-out varsity jacket with no letter over his XL Decepticon logo t-shirt. Cargo shorts, mustard stained, over his 2012 Air Jordans. His pride and joy, and it was a pair of shoes. The influence of hanging out with a bunch of sneaker-heads, he guessed. He shook his head as he tugged on the handle and sat back in the car. The driver's seat was molded to his impression by now, cushion deformed and warped by his weight. His thick fingers went to the dashboard and ran across it slowly, dipping as they traveled over the indentation he made with his fist just a few weeks prior. He had got into a fight whilst out with his friends and got tangled up with the police. When his father came from walking the beat to bail him out, he fought with his father too.

"Book, I'm worried about you. No job, no prospects, but you still go out every night and come back with a new mark on your record. You could be so much if you just applied yourself. Mom always dreamed big things of you, but now that I'm turning 60 and she's... gone, I'm having more and more trouble thinking like she did. You're my kid, my son. My blood. But you need to get your act together. I can't keep bailing you out." Book tried not to grind his teeth, but remembering the old man's words made it difficult. Right as he was trying to leave for a night out with his friends. Adjusting the rear-view mirror, he saw his tired eyes staring back. The felonious son of a police officer. It would have made him chuckle if he wasn't so sick in his stomach about it. Not sick because of how he acted, sick because he'd have to go and face him again.

Booker sniffed and cleared his throat, rubbing a hand over his bald head before reaching to start the car up again. He gave the clutch a few good pumps as he turned the key. It started with a sputter and a cough, but it started all the same as his phone vibrated in the coin-compartment. A text message, from his friend Joseph.

Jojo: ay big-b, squad tryna roll and we need a drivr, u in??

A few taps on the cracked screen later and he sent off a reply.

Big-B: rollin out

He threw his phone back into the coin-compartment and smiled. As good a reason as any to avoid another argument. Maybe even have some fun.

| NOTES: |
His father is a cop. His mother is deceased.
Just water for me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Enarr
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Member Seen 3 mos ago


| NAME: |
Joseph Marino

Joe; Joey

| ALIAS(ES): |
Ignition; Vulcan

Stage One: Following exposure, Joe's skin seemingly produces greater melatonin, tanning. This is not the case. In actuality, it is the buildup of a biological substance unique to Joe, a sort of cell that can kick its temperature into overdrive, warming him and selectively increasing the temperature of a selected segment of skin up to six hundred degrees. Naturally, he is resistant to high temperatures, his skin refusing to burn nearly as quickly as it previously would've. As an example, he'd be perfectly comfortable resting on a four-hundred degree oven rack for around five minutes. Also, his nails lose their pink color, turning wholly white and gaining a point. They can extend on a whim to become three centimeters long. All of this requires a high dietary intake of protein that only increases in further stages. Otherwise, he will suffer from malnourishment as his body depletes its nutrients producing sufficient protein for his DTS.

Stage Two: Joe continues to develop resistance to high temperatures, and his skin darkens further to give the appearance of a brazen tan. At this point he is wholly fire-proof, at least in the range of what he can be expected to be exposed to. He will not develop a burn of any sort unless he is exposed to a flame nearing five-thousand degrees. More interestingly, the dynamic-thermal substance (DTS) beneath his skin spreads to be found in all his body, even in his sweat, tears, blood, and exhalation. This results in him being able to breath, sweat, cry, or bleed fire, even setting himself fully ablaze. This requires conscious effort however, but not the sort he will tire from (think: lifting a finger). Also, when he closes his eyes, he can visualize nearby thermal radiation, giving himself thermal vision wherever he turns his head.

Stage Three: At this stage, his skin has a sparkly dark golden tone as he is saturated with DTS, although it offers no greater benefits beneath the skin. On top of his skin, he can secrete enough of it to create a jet of flame, acting either as a weapon or, when he's moving, as an afterburner to boost his speed or slow his descent from a fall. At long last, he gains the ability to extend a pair of bat-like wings off of his back as though he were a dragon.

Stage Four: Joe can grow a mighty exoskeleton that will spring out of his skin, capable of distributing the impact even of a rocket powered grenade. This is the condensation of the DTS and as such, it can burst into flame. He can create superhot DTS constructs, such as a sword or a hammer. Lastly, he can telekinetically maneuver any smoke or flame that he generates.

Weakness(es): Starvation is the easiest. He must eat at least a salmon's worth of protein a day at stage one before ill effects become obvious. To calculate the increased need, just put the stage number into servings of salmon. He will either run out of his signature secretion or manufacture more, robbing his muscles and causing him to weaken. Otherwise, a biological catalyst could be engineered to counter his thermal substance's volitility, causing him to expend his energy on manufacturing a nonfunctioning bodily substance. Also, a cut on his body will result in losing various amounts of the DTS from the bank beneath his skin just as it will cause blood loss. This will result in a lower supply to draw from, setting his ability to warm his skin or make secretions back significantly.

Fire. I could spot it from a mile away.

I guess.

Cruising the highways on his motorcycle, Joe was a quick trip away from the bar his family frequented most. It was almost inappropriate then, how he was surprised by the sight of Uncle Mike's General Lee inspired transport burning like a match on the side of the road.

Looking between the blazes, Joey caught the signature jacket his uncle always wore. He may have to explain this later, but for now he'd come up with an excuse like he had a fire extinguisher or somethin'.

He dismounted his motorcycle and threw the crowd gathered around his dying uncle to the ground. A pillar of flame was dancing on the hood of his uncle's Charger and the flames had boxed him in. The other gangs, the Russians maybe.. Someone sabotaged the engine and stuffed accelerant in the car doors. Figure that out later, he decided. The rain was coming down hard but it was doing next to nothing to help put out the fire.

Joey stood directly in the blazes, feeling them lick his face, his eyes, as they reached off the car. So Joey put his fist through the driver's window, fiddling his hand around before finding the door's lock. His fingers ripped on the door handle and then he stepped back, dragging it wide open. He shimmied around and snatched his uncle's armpit, using his claws to secure his hold by getting a longer reach before dragging his limp body on the damp asphalt beneath them.

| NOTES: |
-Joey is the son of the Marino crime family's head and is the illicit heir designate
-Having been exposed to violence at a young age, Joey is comfortable in melee, willing to use improvised weapons
-He has soaked up a knowledge and intuition regarding the criminal underworld as well as their activities
-Organized criminals know him by name
-He's not necessarily a superhero or villain by design, I intended to have a lot of room for character development either way

Cherry coke at the moment. Thought I didn't read the rules, didn't you? Nah, I just forgot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WanderBug
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

| NAME: |
Ashley Kim


| ALIAS(ES): |
(The) Weaver


His power is in line with the sublime state of collective consciousness (If you’ve ever watched Sense8, it’s the same idea).

1. At the most basic state, he’s very emphatically inclined to other living beings, able to grasp onto their feelings, motives, and subtleties. He’s also naturally good at persuading people to feel or think a certain way, although not to a perceived ‘supernatural’ extent—-like a natural social psychologist.

2. The more supernatural aspect of his powers comes in the form of accessing the collective consciousness in varying degrees. This implies various things; first, it means he can manipulate the minds of others (not only humans!) through inception—planting idea seeds, subtle pushes or pulls of thoughts, or strong implantations of emotions. Secondly, he can directly connect with other living beings, linking to their conscious in what is known as limbic resonance; the experience is likened to fusing two identities to become one, and can be a hugely personal/invasive or subtle experience, depending on context. He has the most influence on a person in this state, but the other being from doesn’t have the same access to his conscious self as he does, theirs. This is due to how the process works. Imagine it like this: a string represents a conscious, and in limbic resonance, his string coils around another, instead of melding into it. This means there will be some parts of his string that can’t be accessed by the other. To be clear, this is not a mental takeover; however, there are degrees of influence—-from merely seeing through another person's eyes to having their physical faculties be puppeteered if consented (this goes both ways). The applications of limbic resonance will be further explored/explained the more he uses it.

3. Weaknesses/Limitations: He can only be in limbic resonance with one living being at a time, and no longer than 1 minute for humans (longer for beings with a lesser conscious), although this can increase as his emotional intelligence and mental protection strengthens. The reason being, in limbic resonance, both participants are at risk of losing their senses of identity (which dangerously increases if he tries to exert too much of his will on another person or vice versa). Also, while in this state, his physical body is vulnerable, and he really can’t do much.

Ash picked at the various dishes with his chopsticks, and felt his stomach churn—-he didn’t want to be here. The red envelopes from the evening were limp in his pockets, and he wanted desperately to run away from the dinner table. As he watched his parents mingle with his siblings, Ash remembered why coming back was a bad idea; he lowered his head and shoved food in his mouth as fast as possible.

“Ashley, have some more noodles,” his mother chided.

He looked up and his lips thinned, ”No thank you.”

“Mom, his name is Ash,” his older brother chimed in from the left with an awkward smile.

“Right, that.” His mother laughed uneasily, as if indulging in a bad joke.

The atmosphere became frigid, and Ash glanced to his father, who continued eating as if nothing was happening. But he knew better-—his father was boiling underneath the curtain of stillness, and wanted nothing better than to see him leave the room. Ash resumed eating as quickly as he could while the conversation picked up again. It seemed so long ago when he could call this place home.

He ate at the last pieces of noodles stuck to the ceramic and laid the chopsticks atop his bowl. Ash managed a smile and stood before saying, “I have to get going. Thank you for the dinner.” He grabbed his coat from the chair and turned to leave--


His father slammed a fist onto the table, cups and plates clattering against the wooden surface. Everyone stilled and Ash tensed, his shoulders rising and falling. He spun around and matched his father’s gaze, silent with rage. They stayed like this for a moment before his father looked back down at his meal and continued eating. In the silence, Ash looked at the other faces around the table—his mother’s looking at him with the same angry disapproval, his sister’s gaze burning a hole in her lap, and his brother’s staring up at him with apology etched in the lines.

He kept his head high as he left, shutting the door behind him with a final click.

Ash uses He/Him pronouns and is male passing, which means he looks and sounds like a dude. Talents include computer programming/hacking and hustling. My fav drink is Jasmine Milk Tea
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ogFarnsworth
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

| NAME: |
Samuel James Rawlings


| ALIAS(ES): |

Living Paint
Stage One - Sam can paint brilliant paintings in real life using just his hands. The colors and work appear directly in front of him as he performs. Everything he paints is strikingly realistic and vibrant although it does not take him very long to make things. When the painting is completed the object becomes real and functional. At this stage only smaller objects can be completed like keys, rocks, books or knives. Only a small number of paintings can exist simultaneously but he can dissipate them at will.

Stage Two - Sam's paintings can now be medium-sized objects such as guns, furniture, mannequins or small walls. He can also now make food and drinks that do not count towards his maximum limit and never disappear making it as nutritious as real food. The limit on his paintings is increased and it takes less of a toll on him to create.

Stage Three - By putting part of his life into his work, Sam can paint small living things. When he makes a plant or animal, it will not gain life until some of Sam's blood touches it. For something like a flower or spider, no more than a few drops is required. However, for a dog or cat, the minimum is raised substantially. Sam's connection with these beings is powerful and telepathic communication is no issue. Only one living creature can be under command at a time.

Stage Four - Sam's skill has grown considerably. He can now paint objects the size of a small bus or creatures as large as a gorilla. He can also give life to some inanimate objects, like a sword or golem. Larger living things are more taxing, but if the life form is small enough Sam can now control multiple paintings. His speed and limit have increased considerably.

Limits: Each painting is taxing on Sam, both physically and mentally. He can only paint so much in a short period before he's exhausted, and the amount of paintings he can have in reality at one time is not many. While he is very fast when he works, it still takes him a few moments to finish a painting. The larger the painting the longer it will take. Anything alive requires a blood sacrifice, and anything bigger than a wolf will pose a real risk to Sam's own health.

Weakness: Besides the above, Sam has no capabilities of his own. He is a normal human in every aspect besides his 'conjuring' ability. Any of Sam's paintings that touch water will also start to dissipate. The effect is not instant, but the more water that is applied, the runnier the paint gets until the object no longer resembles what it used to, and so is destroyed.

Rays of sunlight filtered through the drawn shades. As the dust lazily floated through the bands of light the aura of peace was encompassing. On the walls hung art of all kinds, from pencil sketches near the windows to the two large murals on the far wall. The room itself was well-lit in part to the natural sunlight. Lining the edges of the room were countless cabinets and storage shelves holding supplies and other pieces of student's work. The center of the room was occupied by four large wooden tables, designed for multiple kids to work at each one. Near the open door was an empty teacher's desk, and in the corner of the room were three art easels. Two were blank and unoccupied. One was not.

A boy sat in the cheap wooden stool in front of one of the easels. His outfit of worn sneakers, jeans and a blue t-shirt was pretty typical of an NLCA slacker. He dipped the brush he was holding into the paints next to him and continued to stroke the canvas. The sound of bristles on paper was music to his ears. The landscape on the easel was magnificent; a hidden green oasis surrounded by miles of empty desert. The style was strikingly realistic yet had the spark of originality that drew in the eye. The student was no amateur, for sure.

"Sam? Why are you still here?" came a voice from the doorway. The boy visibly flinched and whipped quickly around. His eyes were vibrant green and wild before they recognized the art teacher at NLCA, Ms. Decker. Sam relaxed in his stool and put the brush down. He ran his hand through his short brown hair before answering, leaving a small trail of blue and yellow color.

"Sorry Ms. Decker, I didn't feel like going to English Lit today," Sam replied sheepishly, refusing any attempts at eye contact. The young teacher smiled and stepped in the room. Sam was still as she approached and took one of the stools, planting it next to him. Neither said anything for a few long but comfortable seconds.

"You really got the reflection in the pool right," she remarked. Sam usually did not listen to praise about his work but was forced to agree. The comfortable silence returned. Unease flickered on the face of Ms. Decker before she started again. "Sam, you're an incredible artist. I know it, you know it, and I know you know it. And that's why you're here. You've been given an incredible opportunity! This scholarship isn't given out every day."

The McAdams Scholarship. Sam received it to attend NCLA free of charge because of his excellent art. Otherwise there wasn't a chance he and his family could afford it. "You can start your life off right, Sam. A real job," Ms. Decker continued softly. She paused and placed her hand on his shoulder. "There is no money in the arts, sweetie. You need a real career."

The silence made another return without the accompanying comfort. Sam gazed blankly at his painting, seeming to look through it instead of at it. Finally he spoke. "I hear you, Ms. Decker. I should probably go catch the last half of Lit, huh?" The teacher smiled and stood, leaving the stool out of place. "I think that's a wonderful idea, Mr. Rawlings."

Sam stood and grabbed his small and pitifully light backpack. He left his painting on the easel, left the art room, and went home.

| NOTES: |
Nothing much, just let me know if anything needs fixing. This is my first post on here but I'm pretty excited to get going haha! Also I am a big OJ guy, start your morning off right.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Roman
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Roman Grumpy Toad / King of Dirt

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

| NAME: |
Elwood P. Dowd

Nothing he'd want you to use.

| ALIAS(ES): |

Lupine-Bestial Transformation
The ability to transform parts or the entirety of ones body to a larger, more ferocious lupine-form beast, with greater strength, resilience, speed, reflexes, senses and fury.

Currently, Elwood finds it very difficult to dictate when he may transform, or where, or the extent of the transformation - for the moment, he is completely unable to transform consciously to any measure. Furthermore, while any part of Elwood is shifted into his beast-form, Elwood's rational, 'human' mind finds it harder to maintain control, losing ground to Elwood's instinctual, 'animal' mind, concerned only with the base needs and survival - Elwood's animal mind is also less resilient to psychic offense, and the more control it has, the more vulnerable Elwood is to mental attacks. A full transformation is almost a complete surrender of Elwood's rational thought, and it will last until he is killed, exhausted, or the beast believes itself completely out of danger (a rare occurrence at best).

Elwood's beast-form is, while tougher and physically superior, still susceptible to damage, and while it takes more punishment, it does not heal its wounds any quicker, and grievous wounds sustained by Elwood's beast-form will be transferred to Elwood himself should they remain at the time of the transformation wearing off. Equally, while Elwood's human wounds are lessened upon a transformation, they are not lost completely. When fully transformed, Elwood can lift a maximum of between one or two tonnes, and reach a sprinting speed of 40mph.

Elwood does not receive any physical boons or mental boons to his natural human self as a secondary result of his powers.

"I still expect a tip."

Well, 'sweet cheeks', ya ain't gettin' one from me and the boys. Elwood turned back around in his seat to face the table and the aforementioned boys seated around it, his hand lifting his beer to his mouth and back down again. He tuned back in to the conversation.
"How the fuck does she get away with that. Ain't there laws against assaultin' yer patrons?"" Asked Block - big guy, tall, wide, meat of the group. He was answered by another opposite - Roy, weedy like Elwood but without the sharpness.
"Are you fuckin' serious? She's Serena's golden girl, pretty and witty and very careful about bein' 'badass'. One of those 'strong women' types, y'know?"
"Second-hand mommy's little princess. Almost a bonafide talent." Elwood interjected befoer taking another drink, the boys muttering amused agreements before lapsing into silence.

"'Ere, Elwood, did y'hear about Mack?" Roy asked, and Elwood shook his head. "Fucker got nicked, eh?" Elwood shood his head again, this time in mock-disbelief. Mack was dumb too.
"What for this time?"
"Possession, intent to supply. I hear they might even gun for production."
"Fuckin' retard." Elwood said, and Roy nodded.
"Got blown wide open by a sleeper. Can you believe it? PD are getting bored, bustin' kids on givin' away some fun."
"PD are getting lazy, Roy. Mack's an easy target. Guy wasn't subtle."
"You're jus' pissed 'cause he was your supply. Never get prices like that from anyone else, Woody." Said Stoney - fancied himself something big, Stoney did, but he'd never amount. Elwood shot him down with an acid glare, for both the remark and the nickname.
"Didn't buy fuckin' coke off the dick'ed, Pebble. Only weed on the regular, occasional E pill. Fuck knows what he cut his coke with."
"Whatever. Doesn't change that we gotta find a new botanist."
"Big word, Stoney." Roy said, flashing a smirk. Stoney stared back, sullen and unamused.
"Who gives a shit. Get weed off any johnny. Stand up in this pub and shout pot, you'll have thirty baggies in the air. It's E that's the problem. Everyone else knows how much it should be goin' for." Elwood thought. "I'll give Dove a ring."
"Dove's still gunnin' after you, Elwood." Block said, scratching his stubble. Elwood met his gaze. "You still owe him 50 for the last lot - before Mack started droppin' to you." Elwood stared a bit harder. "...or so 'e reckons, at least."
"Well, I'll have to convince him that all our account were settled." The boys nodded to themselves, and then looked up and past Elwood's shoulder. Elwood sighed.

He could feel the presence. Smell the night air on him, so different to the pub atmosphere - crisper, more gasoline fumes. The cold ebbed off him too. Elwood turned, shirt pulling tight against his body as he rotated awkwardly.
"ID, please. All o'ya." He asked, and Elwood lost his smile.
"You let us in, didn't you?" He asked. "What, you think jus' because this pub's like stepping back thirty years, we've gone with it?"
The bouncer stayed silent, taking Roy and Block's liscences as Stoney fumbled for his. Elwood scowled at them.
"Bet it's Block's boyish looks. Wanna make sure he's legal, don't ya?" He said, and this time Block scowled.
"Shut up, Elwood."
"Listen to your mate, Elwood. ID." Elwood grunted and reached into his pocket, pulling out his card and handing it over. The bouncer looked at it and handed it back. "Fake. Get out." Elwood's face flashed with anger.
"Fake? What, good enough to let me in and spend some money but not good enough to make sure I have a nice night out with the lads? You doubtin' your own checkin, now, boyo?"
"Elwood..." Roy started, but Elwood shut him up with a hand.
"Seriously, I wanna know. Your job to ruin someone's night with shitty allegations? Ain't my fault if you doubt your compentancy in your job role." Elwood snapped, and the bouncer's face went from bored to dark.
"Didn't help your case by loudly talking about who your next drug dealer is gonna be, boy. Get out. Of my pub."
"Oh, your pub? Well, sorry Serena, didn't recognize you without heels and a low-cut dress to show off your cleavage. But hey," Elwood gestured to the bouncer's chest, "honestly, I'm still impressed."

The bouncer put a hand on Elwood's shoulder, hard and tight. "Last chance. Leave."
"Or what, sucker punch me? Guess that's in the employee contract, eh, smack anyone who's tryin' to have a laugh?" Elwood met the bouncer's gaze and they stared for a good long moment. Elwood got up from his seat, quickly, throwing his hands up to knock the bouncer's arm away.
"Whatever. I'm fuckin' leavin'. Got better places to be than this rat's nest anyway." With that, the boys stood up, Elwood took his coat off a hook and threw it over his shirt, and they all left. They had a beer crate in Stoney's car, and both Elwood and Roy were holding something to smoke.

It probably would have been better for the town as a whole if the bouncer hadn't kicked them out.

| NOTES: |
-Possesses a mean temper.
-Possesses a desire to prove himself, though he's not sure what of.
-Does not necessarily associate himself with the 'right crowd'.
-Does not particularly care about who he associates himself with, 'right crowd' or no.
-Enjoys Japanese lagers as his drink of choice, as do I.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tyler
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Tyler Me. I Am Tyler... / The Elusive Auteur

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

| NAME: |
Matthieu Olivier Lacroix


| ALIAS(ES): |

Invisibility & Forcefield Projection
Matthieu is able to render himself completely invisible. Whilst in this state, he cannot be seen by humans or animals, nor will he show up in photographs, video recordings or reflective surfaces. He is only undetectable by sight, and thus his location can still be identified or estimated by use of sound, heat or simply by observing the environment for clues such as footprints. He does not cast a shadow. He may be detected by the abilities of some hyperhumans, particularly psychic types.

He can only stay invisible for short periods before he begins to experience pain. This manifests as a severe burning sensation all over his body. Though it causes no physical harm, it is enough to break his concentration quickly and force him to return to visibility. With time, he will likely learn to remain invisible for longer periods of time, as well as turning other people or objects invisible.

He will also develop the ability to project forcefields. These orb-like constructs are near indestructible and are impervious to most energies. However, there is a great amount of mental strain involved with maintaining a forcefield and this is intensified in accordance with the amount of physical force used against it. Great amounts of force or prolonged exposure will likely cause Matt to fall unconscious and the forcefield will dissipate, leaving him vulnerable to attack. Energy-based attacks are 'absorbed' by the forcefield and whilst they do not strengthen it, Matt does not feel the same strain from these as we would a physical attack. Matt is not protected from mental or psychic attacks by his forcefields.

Forcefields are static constructs and thus, when Matt is inside one, he cannot move. This can be problematic as it binds him to one spot, meaning that some opponents may simply wait for the forcefield to eventually dissipate, at which point Matt is completely vulnerable. This is an inherent drawback of his power that he cannot overcome; he will never be able to 'learn' to roll around in a forcefield, for example. He will, however, learn to exert great control over his forcefields. This can include projecting forcefields around other people, protecting them or trapping them as he sees fit, as well as causing forcefields to burst outwards as an aggressive attack.

A blur of grey slowly consolidated, introducing more tones and hues as the image became clearer; then inched back into blurred territory. Matthieu tutted in frustration, and twisted the wheel back in the opposite direction ever-so-slightly, bringing the dull seascape back into focus once more as dark grey waves crashed unforgivingly against the cold, hard rock. Click.

Matthieu had always loved photography, but as he checked the snap on the screen of his camera he sighed loudly and scowled at the image. To an impartial eye, the photograph would have been magnificent; the sea was captured mid-air, roaring upwards as though reaching for the sky as it collided with the cliff. The pale beam of a solitary lighthouse in the distance was caught by the encroaching fog, giving the image a certain element of drama. But all Matthieu could see was the way one of the seagulls' wings was blurred as it flapped vigorously in the wind. He deleted the image.

He'd been trying for a good twenty minutes to get something he liked; something that made him feel. The biggest inconvenience of being a crippling perfectionist was that nothing ever seemed to satisfy him. He closed up his camera and let it hang solemnly around his neck in defeat, as he took a piece of his long, brown hair that had blown loose in the wind and tucked it up into his bun. He struggled to light a cigarette in these coastal conditions, but managed eventually and placed the thin white Menthol between his lips, inhaling deeply as he wrapped his dark fur coat tightly around his slender frame.

| NOTES: |
Matthieu is of French origin and lived in Paris for most of his life. He speaks great English but has a definite accent. He is very much a "riches to rags" story: after relationships with his wealthy family broke down, he crossed the pond alone and has found himself living in a small studio apartment on the outskirts of The Shallows. He doesn't mind it too much as he finds the surrounding cliffs and swamps very photogenic. He is about to start his first term at the New Lilith College Academy. He is not 'gothic' or emo or whatever (he doesn't really subscribe to any subculture), but he does wear a lot of black and dark colours purely out of preference for darker tones. Contrary to his image, he is not really a dark and brooding type and is fairly laid back. He likes to keep his cards to his chest and even if he is feeling down will put on a cool and untroubled facade.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by hagroden
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hagroden Atomic Angel

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

| NAME: |
Chris James Dimnic

Ved, or Hop

| ALIAS(ES): |
Ved Bright

Other than his claims of superhuman rapping capabilities, his truly extraordinary abilities are his manipulation of light. Using other lights within eyesight, he can create orbs of light in varying degrees of intensity (Dim to painfully bright). Later on in life he will discover he can create projectiles or beams of white-hot light that originate from his palms. The downside to Ved, is the fact that he has manic depression, anxiety, a terrifying phobia of darkness, and genuine difficultie in getting along well with others. His other capabilities are limited to a below average human, being skinny and tall, the strongest and fastest things on him are his lyrics. With his abilities limited, if an electrical shortage occurs, or he is caught in the dead of night without a flashlight or a phone on him, he is utterly defenseless. His biggest adversaries are people with a control over electricity, or water (using water on electronics will render them lightless, and useless to him), but when with a teammate he has great ease facing off against the common criminal, or perhaps in battle against a pyrokinetic. He is most effective when partnered with others, during the daytime or in well lit areas. His best tactical advantage is to be used as a distraction or to blind a small area.


His head bobbed slowly as he pinched his upper lip, closing his eyes and feeling the rhythm of his buddy Ray's newest rhythm, he adjusted his headphones over his ears, positioning them comfortably.
"Yo man, I got this." He murmured as he ran his fingers down to his chin, rubbing slowly as he took in a shallow breath.

"Yeah I know I'm just another nigga tryna rap, but between you an me I got bitches in the back. So set that shit on repeat and kick it to this track, while I'm dropping niggas with my verse that's a fact!"
His hands moved in circles, gesturing and using his hands to say just a much as his mouth. This kind of bullshit had been his life for the last six months, and no matter how creative he got with his lyrics, nobody would drop more than a five in his hat.
"And fuck yo weak raps man that shit act got me pulling hair out my hand on the back now c'mere SMACK, I sick an tired of theses niggas try be acting cool when really you just givin our name to fools because everyone around me now thinks I'm a tool because I used to fuck around with clowns like you! I really don't give a fuck about the next thing you do, as long as you keep it far from here dude.
He took another heavy breath, a faint glowing in his hands concerning him.
"Turn this shit off, I can't spit in these conditions man."
He complained, which wasn't surprising given the leaks in the roof. It hadn't rained in three days yet somehow there was still water droplets hitting the half-full pans. He pulled off the headphones,setting them down and taking a drink from the half-empty pint of Jack.

| NOTES: |
Arnold Palmer, a mix of lemonade and sweet tea.
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