Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Member Seen 19 hrs ago

NAME: Saranath

ALIAS: The Scaled Emperor


RACE: Avatar

APPEARANCE: fifty feet high, fifteen feet wide, the chromatic arrangement of his scales, be they many or in uniform placement, varies wildly from time to time; as a fully colored dragon, black, white, red ; sometimes being a shining Star Dragon, and sometimes appearing more like a massive blue dragon, with it's scales being far superior than the greatest steel.

HISTORY: Sauranath as the avatar was created during the invasion of Dragons that nearly became a full scale war. The Arch Dragon Lord soared through the winds on his massive wings, bringing with him tremendous power. He resides in the continent of Orabakh in the largest Dragon Lairs, when he doesn't travel around the world, seeing new sites and new things, new people and growing in knowledge of the land. He has not had battles, as there are few who even approach anything resembling a threat to him on the world. He is responsible for giving the name of Orabil on the world down below, where it was once just the name of a giant, sapient tree, because the Arch Dragon Lord Sauranath had destroyed the World Tree, not knowing it brought light to the world down below.

Sauranath is just as his other self happens to be. He seems to be a great helper to mortals on the world, saving villages and other such settlements from destruction by raiders and calamity. The Arch Dragon Lord is respectful and old, giving warning to the places on the world down below that become smitten with disaster before they occur.

ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Inuyasha
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Inuyasha 𝙫𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙞𝙣

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Name: Eroneus
Alias: The Prince of Bel-AIR Michael Jordan Birdbrother
Gender: Male
Race: Human Demigod

Godly Forme

Domain (Portfolio): Air (Birds)
Domain (Portfolio) Description/Explanation:

"Air. Waving zephyrs, supple winds, silents wisps... all of it is air. Air is light, yet also heavy; heavy and saturated by people's very own hopes and dreams. It pervades everything on earth. For a long way into the sky, and even in deep caves there is air; it is always there, just hanging on the horizon. Through the hazy sunshine and up to the flawless blue skies, there is air. Like fire, air is difficult to control or to capture. It is always free. It is free to go where it's soul is content to be.

A free bird leaps and grabs hold of the coat tails of the wind, a caged bird can seldom see through his bars of rage." - Eroneus to his disciples

Eroneus is fascinated with the wind, the air, and oh yes, the birds. He loves their free spirit, free to go wherever they please, to just leave and go wherever they see fit. Eroneus can always be seen with a random flock of birds encircling overhead, random albatrosses, doves, egrets, or whatever else perched beside him, and his favorite hawk perched on his shoulder. He can communicate with the birds, and as a result he can garner a wealth of information from his network of birds all over the world, giving a whole new meaning to the expression, "a little birdie told me." He also possesses control over the air in the world, meaning he can control up winds, fly, manipulate the air around someone to make something like "the Force", et cetera.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


Perhaps the best way to describe Eroneus' personality is to describe the antihero; a hero who lacks conventional heroic qualities like morality, courage, and idealism. It's not like Eroneus has ever been one to save the day -- or who knows maybe if he feels like it, or maybe you give him something in return -- though he's never been one to do unneeded harm -- or who knows, maybe he feels like it. That's the thing with Eroneus: he's like a box of choclates in that you never know what you're going to get out of him. He's a mixed bag of parlor tricks, an erratic assortment of feelings. Always smug, and wanting to be in control, Eroneus loves to be the puppet master, and pull the strings as he sees fit -- for better, or for worse.


Eroneus was a simple grain farmer, with his only abnormality being his affinity for birds. He kept all kinds of species of birds in the woods behind his farm as a young child, from Woodpeckers to the out of place Seagulls. Birds seemed to be attracted to him, always feeding from his hand. It was here, in his childhood, he earned the nickname Birdbrother, which he carried with him to godhood. As he grew up, and inherited the farm from his father, he began recieving visions of a god named Escre. It wasn't long before it became apperant that Eroneus was Escre's chosen one: destined to become a demigod.

Escre intended for Eroneus to spread air throughout this plane of existence, spreading the sustenance, the building block, of life. The relationship was mutually beneficial between Escre and Eroneus, Eroneus being able to learn what humanity has that it and its creations don't, as well as potentially getting a creative spark, and Eroneus could come to understand the greater things, growing more powerful in the process.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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Vec's Characterinos

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Member Seen 19 hrs ago

NAME: Mirtagn

ALIAS: The Glaring Serpent


RACE: Crystal Dragon

APPEARANCE: twenty five feet tall, eight feet wide, shimmering crystal like scales, bluish to water clear in color.

Mirtagn is an ancient dragon who rose to become a heroic creature even among his own kind. He is a medium level hero, but with Crystal dragons having the absolute power that any dragon brood can possess, it makes sense that Mirtagn is a truly fearsome rival even at level 12. His power is important to his history because he is revered among dragon kind, even the dragons who do not espouse to a high morality and ethical values like he practices respect him very highly, evil and creepy monsters included.

Mirtagn is a great creature capable of wiping out towns and villages, far better even than other dragons. Because of this important fact, it's hard to imagine him as anything other than vainglorious and pompous. He isn't. He spends far too much time studying the Magic and Wii of other races, and keeping himself in the knowledge of inventions and other kinds of knowledge to be puffed up and nearly insane like some egotistic dragons are. He loves reptiles the dinosaurs of Orabakh, finding the noble Tyrannosaurus, Crocodiles and King Cobras to be truly majestic, noble and powerful creatures.

ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by SrslyAnArtist
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SrslyAnArtist Badass Bitch / Struggling to live

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Whoops. Accidental Post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Serpent Men

Qualities: Serpent Men have hard scales, are far more durable than normal Humans, and have extra physical strength. They are just as smart as Humans but have harder scales and don't have venomous jaws. These live to one hundred and twenty to one hundred and twenty five on average, but the oldest who ever lived can be up to two hundred and a little over if they keep care of themselves.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Creations that don't belong specifically to any one God(FLUFF, ALLLL THE FLUFF.), go here. Black Forests, Ruhig kingdom, stuff like that.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by OldManWong
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OldManWong Senile Scholar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Member Seen 2 mos ago



Alias: The Eternal Sky; Storm's King; The First Gale; The Embodiment of Change; The Skylord

Domains/Portfolios: Change (Air)

Domains/Portfolios Description:

From the moment that the world was born and the First Gale billowed into existence, he decided for himself one great purpose (or perhaps it had been imbibed into his very creation; it matters not) : he would endlessly oppose all stagnation. The universe would ever be in motion, undergoing change, blown forward by the winds of time rather than steadfastly sinking into the depths of emptiness. Zephyrion proclaimed it so, and so it shall be. This force of change that Zephyrion contributed to the world's seed acts autonomously, but he can still wield those primordial powers that he helped create, and bend them to carry out his will.

The air with its wind and storms is change manifested physically, and as such it obeys Zephyrion's will before that of any other. As a result, lightning and storms in particular are some of the god's favorite tools and weapons. They are violent, sudden, unstoppable, unpredictable...all things that a divine should wield. Everything from blessing the driest deserts with rain and life to eroding the greatest mountains to dust fall under the realm of his domain. Change is a broad, ceaseless, and unpredictable thing, and so Zephyrion's powers are not so limited and he can work his will in a variety of ways. Just as the Storm's King can end a mortal's existence by revoking its very right to breathe, so too can the mightiest of raging infernos be brought to heed. Fire itself is a slave to the air that it must consume, and it is only another form of raw change. As such, Zephyrion's domain lends him some degree of control over even things such as fire, warmth, and cold.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Good and evil hold no power over the wind, whose only concern is blowing ever forward and carrying along whatever it will.


Such a distinction is meaningless and cannot describe a being like Zephyrion, whose nature is akin to the eddies and gales that the god controls. The wind is tumultuous, wild, and chaotic. At times it can bring rain that nourishes and heals, but at other times it is the dauntless force that uproots mountains and scatters them like pebbles upon the wind. It is strong, wild, and uncontrollable. Some might make of it a motherly and nurturing force, but for most, it is a crueler thing and more fit to describe as masculine.


Any description of him personality is a mere generalization; his attitudes, beliefs, and opinions are ever changing. In his bipolar nature many things that he might say or do are contradictory, and one might call him a hypocrite, but consistency in his own views and actions has never been a concern for the Embodiment of Change.

Like the air that is his lifeblood and very image, he shifts quickly and violently in temperament. At times he is aloof and at other times he is an inescapable and suffocating, meddlesome force. He is the breeze that is warm and gentle to those than earn his respect or friendship, and violent and frigid tempest to those that earn his ire. In general, he is prone to sudden and drastic changes in mood, though he is not all that unpredictable if you only stop to examine his patterns and thought process.

Like the sky he lords above all other things, looking down upon them from some throne of hubris atop the clouds. Also like the sky he is hollow; while he inflates himself to a tremendous size and soars at great heights, inside there is a emptiness, loneliness, and doubt; though any inferiority complex that he has would surely be masked to the most discerning of eyes by that thunderous and arrogant voice that he projects. In his dealings with beings of lesser stature, he is notoriously arbitrary.

More than anything else that stands out is his hot temper and willingness to fight over the most minor of perceived slights. Still, he is the vitriolic type that hold grudges forever. Thanks to the distraction of his ceaseless mood swings he will often move on sooner than most, forgiving and forgetting most minor quarrels.


As the force of Change made living, Zephyrion shifts his image on a whim, existing in a flux not unlike the sky. He has hundreds if not thousands of different forms, yet even he has a few favorites.

Often he appears as a colossal humanoid being composed of clouds and whirled winds, or as a phoenix of pure lightning that glows brighter than the sun. At other times he can simply dissipate into a great cloud of incorporeal air, or an unstoppable gale of wind.

In his purest form, Zephyrion is a living storm--a cyclone of unimaginable size and fury; the only recognizable feature would be his eyes, two great orbs of writhing, cackling lightning bolts that snake and dance around one another. Naturally, the very presence of a storm wielding such unadulterated power could erode entire planets and destroy civilizations in mere moments, so the First Gale takes on a more suitable form when he sees fit to interact with mortals in person.

Music Theme:

Theme 1: youtube.com/watch?v=dx6tXLq27hQ&list=P..

Theme 2: soundcloud.com/joncjg-420-69/arby-n-th..


To Zephyrion, life is somewhat meaningless. The purpose imbued into his creation was that he would ensure Change would blossom in the nascent world, for nothing could ever be without such a fundamental force. Naturally, in all his brilliance Zephyrion managed to imbue the raw power of change into the universe's seed, thus creating a force that would persist eternally and function autonomously.

In other words, his role has already been fulfilled.

This has led to him wondering what exactly to make of his ongoing existence. Rather than sinking into some sort of deep depression or apathetic slumber, the prideful god quickly decided that as a supreme being, he can make whatever he wants out of life and his own existence. He is Change; if something perturbs him, even if it be so fundamental as his purpose in life, he will change it. All things bend at the command of the personifcation of Change.

In any case, Zephyrion has decided that for the foreseeable future he will spend his time amusing himself by whimsically creating and altering the world in any way that he sees fit. Perhaps he will eventually grow bored of that and change his outlook, but he's probably got a few trillion years worth of potential entertainment before that day comes. Naturally, as the one who contributed the most important aspect to the world's seed, Zephyrion demands respect from both his fellow gods and mortals alike. He will not suffer their insolent petulance; to insult him is to risk your life.

Despite his lack of modesty (what need is there to be humble, when you are the greatest being?) he is not malevolent, and actually falls prey to his own loneliness at times. To most other gods he is at least tolerant if not gregarious. To mortals, his attitude varies; they are but toys in the grand scheme of things, but still, doesn't one love their favorite toys? If approached in the right way he can be befriended, though admittedly his bipolar temperament is probably offputting to most.
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