Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Hello there fellow role play fanatics (or fan-addicts) and welcome to the world of Mawei.A world that entirely depends on you!Yes you!You are elected as the new ruler of one of the 4 empires that newly arised.Your nation is small now and not very advanced.On the brink of the industrial revolution you will control your empire to make it the biggest of all. Support the research or wage wars against others.But most likely you will do diplomatic talk.YOu are all very welcome to post your nations appliances. Name it,tell who live in them (keep them humans and within the limits) and what they do.The more in depth the better.If you want something new introduced please post a picture of it and a description (like a new gun or machinery that doesnt exist IRL or that we know of).

I am looking for players who have nice ideas and those who are not afraid to go in depth and spend time researching about the topic. You cannot reach industrial revolution without signicant coal and research.

Please post your nations location on the included map ;D

The likns for the maps.Please refer from uploading them here as they are huuuge and the ywill be cut down.Refer to them in imgur links.

i.imgur.com/8XWXAJR.png - Nations map.Mine is the blue.Please note that I want 4 players so design your empire accordingly.

i.imgur.com/Ad0vHDS.png - This is for checking where you want to settle.Understandably hills are minerals and forests are wood.Grasslands and others are food.(tho you dont need hills to get minerals.YOu will only have less minerals avaible.)

Please introduce your nation to us if you want to be in. Be creative and hope you like the concept.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The Republic of the Northern Isles

Founded at the earliest of all the four empires the RNI is strong and stable empire. It is located on the Northern hemisphere in a wooded area.Including many smaller islands and huge tundra's the RNI lacks of minerla riches.This is compensated by their fast technological advance and good trade due to the ocean. Rich yet small in landmass the population is an average of 1.2 billion (remember thats before the industrial revolution!) This many people are all fed using the ocean and the vast grassland avaible. It's a well balanced peaceful empire that seeks technological knowledge.The people living here are muscular and smart but the fertility is very low.The have pale skins and speak an accent that is most similar to scottish.The people are usually happy but who doesn't have a bad day.Their military is small but well armed and are trained extensively.

That summarises the RNI mostly.Anything else thay may come up will be posted.

Glory to the Republic!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Im interested in this I'll put a CS either today or tomorrow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Sure thing.But post it here before putting it to CS
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

I have a declaration.After many hoursf of thinking I have a clear idea about the system.So please read this carefully.

Every player will play once per turn at a max of 4 pharagraps.A trun lasts until everyone made their action.The turns will go in order of joining.That means that I go first and the others come after me.It seems that eemmtt will be second in turn.For the first 4 turns there is a peacy treaty so no aggressive actions allowed.

Every small icon on the terrain map I posted shows the resource of that area.This a bit more complicated tho.
-None:Where there are no icons it is grasslands and is considered a food source.
-Swamp:Swamps have no resource values.They are not passable by ground forces so a good idea is to palce towns next to it.
-Hills:Hills provide Food,Wood,adn minerlas.They are the ace of deposits but they don't excel at any of theses resources.
-Mountains:Mountains provide an abundance of Minerals but nothing else.YOu cannot build on them and you get a huge movement debuff for every unit type.
-Forest:These palces provide some minerlas,some food,and moderate wood.
-Taiga:Lots of wood and moderate-ish minerlas.
-Jungles:Abundance of wood and moderate food.Almost no minerals are present here.
-Iceland:This land provides a similar debuff as mountains.No riches here.
-Bodies of water:Bodies of water grant an overall food bonus(and mineral if modern technology).This bonus is counted by all the Surface of water an empire has.There are no rough icon counting invlolved.(Which I will do do not worry guys.)
-Grasslands:The actual grasslands Icon provides more food that a place with no icon.Very important for Food resources.

Armies can be assembled using the resource income of a nation over turns.There is no stockpiling minerals.If you want better income you will nned more buildings that produce it.(reason behind this is that the abundance of materials are spent on coomerical means.)Armies always move in straigh lines to the designated spot.You can mark the movements on your CS profile with your version of map.Of course stealth and undetected movements shouldn't be showed.!!Metagaming is highly bannable here.Trust is an order.If you don't respect this you are not allowed in or will be banned from the post!!

Buildings can be marked in a similar way like cities.I will update my Imgur link every time someone builds something.The reosurces neeeded are roughly calculated by me depending on the building.Bigger things cost more turn depending on the income.They will most likely take from 1 turn to 3 but if you build something big it can take more.Only one building is allowed per pharagraph.

Every pharagraph is taken as an action.Anything that is not building or training is classified as lore or diplomatic moves.Most of the time you will use this unmarked one to communicate.You also have an extra pharagrpah availbe if you feel like you have to but if you do that to much it will be Powergaming.(EG if you have a way going on and you need to move armies and build,sou you wouldn't have time for diplomatics or lore you are permitted for another pharagrpah.Otherwise refrain from this method.)

If you have any suggestions on what I (probably) messed up in the system you are free to tell me.Exact materials and costs will be counted when you post the suggestion in OOC.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Inkdrop


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

How do I create a nation? Do I draw my borders upon the map and send it to you?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

The Irodien empire

The empire founded by the fierce mountain people of the vosta region. Based in the mineral rich western mountains and spreading into the lower foothills and valleys. The empires technological advancement has been stagnated in areas due to a 35 year long civil war. But the one area that the empire leads in is metallurgic technique. Allowing them to forge steel at a high pre-industrialist rate. With a population 500 million souls the empire trades its vast mineral wealth and steel for additional food. They are under the of a powerful rule of an imperial government lead by a powerful emperor advised by an imperial council the most powerful of them is usually the military advertisers called Governor-Militant. Expansionist and have a Machiavellian mindset using their military to intimidate or outright conquer there weaker neighbors. The empire military is a highly disciplined
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

You might wanna move your empire a bit more to the north for space purposes only.Otherwise your empire is approved,and you are free to post it in CS
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@InkdropYou create a nation by drawing a border on the mapo and putting down cities.Plase refrain from an abundance of cities.Mark a capital too.After that name your nation,post a flag and describe it.If you need help check the CS section for others nations.After you posted it I will take a look and tell you whether I approve your nation or not.Also I will upload the updated map when someone makes a nation.You can get the newest map here: i.imgur.com/9Z2aI9C.jpg Borders can meet for space purposes.You do have to include population amount and how do you support them.Currently the RNI has the most food income by resources.Also plan the location of cities as if you dont haev any near the ocean,it can cause you a huge disadvantage in the long term.Have a good time developing your nation :D
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Inkdrop


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ahh, I like pain. I think I'll make some smaller island or peninsula nation, because I am smart like that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Okay just be sure to make it realistic.And have resources.The more people you have the more research you acquire.But more people needs food.So have tons if sea territory if you are on a peninsula.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"Welcome to the Milita boys!"

The Commerical Milita of RNI

The RNI Milita is the first form of army structure the RNI had.Recruited from common townsmen and those wanted to defend their brave country,The milita was a large fighting force.Due to the large number of people avaible the army reached 500.000 constant soldiers.There were also nearly a million that could be called in any time.After the recruitement they are trained in many aspects of fighting.They exercise hard to be bale to carry more stuff,or run for more.Althought only every 1/5 goes into the actual NIFF the milita is a well trained army force too.This is compenstaed by the relatively common equipment they get.As guns with high efficency are hard to manufacture in big numbers,and require loads of material,they are issued to the the NIFF.The milita still has acces to some of the most accurate rifles.

"Here comes the cavalry"

The NIFF(Norther Islands Fighting Force)

The NIFF is the actual well armed and full time army of the RNI.Well trained,well equipped and selected from a few only they are a force to be reckoined with.Counting 200,000 active members they are a big military force capable of defending the territiry from most fronts.They have been deployed to help the governement forces in the Irodien Civil War,they made spectacular results.Equipped with the newest guns avaible in the Northern hemisphere they have an excellent accuracy.Their guns can also be reloaded from the back making it easier to rapidly react in battle.These guns are really big thought and needs an elite infantry to use it.NIFF forces are trained for a year before finally sent to battle.This makes them effective but any casualties are hard to resupply.

Hope you enjoyed the insight of my basic armies.These are the units I can use to actually do stuff with if I want to fight.Very soon of course new kind of things will be avaible with the industrial revolution going on.You should also make a few army forces that are avaible to send out.You will most likely get a few units of this type depending on your population and description.Note that the planet is huuuuuuuge to even think of with out stupid minds.As my calculations show the the Irodien empire is twice of the Alexandrian Empire in its golden days.This si how so many people can exist.Later you can post updates that depend on the new researches with guns and shit.I am currently har at work figuring out mechanics and resource incomes.But especiall with cost and the resources got per turn now hang in the air.We need all the empires so I can make a stable assumption using lore and territory.So expect a week of stop after everyone is done with their empires,so I can tell teh income and research.Till then enjoy yourself making your armies and empires.Also you can include cavalry and guns.Please post this kind of armies in CS too.This is just an example that I will post in CS.Hope I can see interesting lores and ideas.If everything goes right we will be having loads of fun with this RP.So any suggestions or problems that you dont like,turn to me I will do what I can :D
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Inkdrop


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The Kingdom of Stoludi

Also known as the Kingdom of the Southern Isles.



A mysterious and young kingdom that was founded hundreds of years ago after a group of pilgrims set sail in longboats, deciding to go drifting for a few months and seeing where they ended up. A month later, they landed on the shores of what would soon be Stoludi. Though it was, at first, just a handful of isolated tribes, the number of people ballooned and grew, until one Queen united them all. Queen Volkim brought the tribes together... some by force, some by bribery, others by simple talk. For over two hundred years, the dynasty Volkim started reigned peacefully. However, one day, a boat landed in the fledgling harbor of Katiraka. The strange man who disembarked promised wonderful things to the people of Stoludi... arms and armor, furniture, pumps, sewage systems, irrigation systems... he wormed his way in until Queen Ginholm V let him land dozens of fat, pot-bellied trade ships in the harbor of Haltien. Thousands of well-armed mercenaries swarmed out and overwhelmed the complacent Queen's Guards, then slaughtered Ginholm as she was getting dressed by her serving girls.

For the next forty years, King Tinnham ruled with an iron fist. The Kingdom withered and nearly died under his rule. Then a rebellion occurred. The proud people had enough of it, and overthrew Tinnham. He was slaughtered and fed to the sharks off the coast of Buxiang. The people cheered and danced and sang, heralding their new Queen as the harbinger of a new age. So she was. Over the thirty years of Queen Pictsun's rule, the country withdrew into isolation. Ships were turned back in the harbors or simply set upon by newly-constructed sea forts and warships. Travelers faced the same fate. The country went quiet for over a hundred years, refusing nearly all trade, ambassadors, and foreign travelers.

One hundred and ten years later, the heir to the kingdom, sixteen year old Annetan IX, began to repeal the laws and rules that caused the isolation of the kingdom. Slowly, the borders were open, and the flow of trade and people resumed. It's going to take a while for the people of Stoludi to acclimate, however. Annetan IX has reassured them that all is well, but they are still weary and distrustful, proud and anchored to traditions. They are a hard, roughly carved people, with pale skin and hard faces. They speak an odd tongue of warped symbols and pictograms, and have a singsong accent that utilizes the throat to accentuate letters (think of Norwegian accent tinted with Japanese). They rely mostly on the seas and the woods for food, hunting most of it, but also getting some from the more fertile Southern regions.

The technology of the Stoludian people is rather outdated, since progress stagnated during the century of isolation. It is catching up, but it is taking some time, so for now their cities remain huddles of wooden huts and other buildings, with log palisades being the main form of protection. This has slowed the population growth, and right now Stoludi has a population of around seventy million.

The people are proud and devoted, rooted in tradition and believing in the King. As a result of the isolation, the Government is still an inherited monarchy, with the Matriarch taking absolute power.

The Military

The Stoludian Army is small and poorly armed, but fiercely devoted, to a suicidal level. Your typical Stoludian infantryman will be wearing a green and brown uniform, thick and insulated to protect him from the harsh Stoludian cold. They are armed with flintlock smoothbore muzzle-loading long guns, and carry sharpened daggers at their sides as melee weapons. These flintlocks have awful accuracy due to their smooth barrels, and their outdated reloading system makes them very sluggish to fire. They are experts at melee combat, however. The Stoludian Army has about 100,000 regular soldiers.

The Stoludian Navy is much like the Army. Poorly armed, but fierce and proud. The Stoludian Navy has fallen far behind in ship building. They have no large sail ships. The largest ships they have might be considered small frigates in other countries... but they just don't know how to support a larger ship, or how to power her. Even their smaller ships are fragile and can be blown apart easily. Their cannons are also of... questionable, construction. They are extremely skilled sailors, however, and can utilize their outdated equipment to it's fullest potential.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

I have to say that is a very weird combo of stuff.Some tgings just dont match and shit.Like the outdated tech.Steam ships are not avaible for anyone yet.We need to wait until large scale use of the steam engines.Otherwise I say you are approved.Your small population could get you in trouble thought.And you dont have many minerals.It seems fit for you ti stay isolated as it is a good chance to catch up.As said with all my comments your nation is approved.The names are just as hilarious as mine are so thumbs up
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Also eemmtt your Cs post is fascinating.I'd like ti keep in touch with you all si you will see all these bullshit messafes if mine in OOC.A question tho.The only rifle in empire?There was time when I wrote bad so I know.But I can't quite get that one.The only *missing part* rifle?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Inkdrop


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I have to say that is a very weird combo of stuff.Some tgings just dont match and shit.Like the outdated tech.Steam ships are not avaible for anyone yet.We need to wait until large scale use of the steam engines.Otherwise I say you are approved.Your small population could get you in trouble thought.And you dont have many minerals.It seems fit for you ti stay isolated as it is a good chance to catch up.As said with all my comments your nation is approved.The names are just as hilarious as mine are so thumbs up

Do you mind telling me what else does not match up? I have changed the technological paradoxes to reflect your concern with the Navy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

You didn't have to make your Navy suck.You are welcome with big ass ships,but don't feel like I a dick so don't rewrite it.Technically if gunpowder wasnt discovered therr you would have no guns or like REALLY shitty ones.But for gameplay purposes and such your guns are OK.The guns you have were the basics at the time we play.Onky the RNI has acces to backloading rifles,at the cost of hard usage.Also you may notice the lack of cannons.Your nation is my favourite so far ,outmatching mine.You did a fine work and it was worth waitin for.My army gifted you a few Galleons k?Let this be our secret ;D
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Inkdrop


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@6slyboy6 Well, I had to make it suck, because that is the point. Hardware wise, Stoludi is out of luck and really quite screwed. I'm relying on the manpower to make it work, and at least the ships will be smaller and hard to hit. Thank you, by the way. I enjoy doing a good job. I suppose the Stoludians wouldn't mind a few capital ships for when they really need to make a point...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Yeah I know.I feel like I went overbkard with mine.But my country is like a "RNI,Fuck yeah!Coming to save the motherfucking day,fuck yeah!" country if you know what I mean.Peacekeepers that have power.Techically I could rewrite my shitty initial post and do a history too.But it would likely suck and be uninteresting.So I maintain the staus of what I always do i nation stuff.Have a technological edge.Like if you see the resource map I have no minerals.God kniws what I will do T_T Also enjiy the ships :D
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

A serious decision arises where I need your answers in.Should the system have all the data and resources included that I wrote down,providing a more realistic but slower and "boring" experience,or the less realistic light RP where the initial lore and your actions decide your nations fate.Pick sides lads and gents.
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