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Name: Jin John
Nickname: JJ
Approximate Age Range: Late 20's
Gender: MaleAppearance:
Attire:On an average day, Jin wears dark jeans and a cotton shirt underneath his signature leather jacket. The clothing is plain with no brand names or affiliating marks of any kind. His ensemble is monotone, ranging from shades of black to brighter hues of grey. The only outstanding piece of his wardrobe is the set of yellow converse. Jin isn't a fan of men's jewelry, but a golden cross dangles under his collarbone without fail - he never takes it off. All together, that's as fancy as Jin gets.
If you met this person on the street and didn't know them, what would your first impression be?Stay away. If 'resting bitch face' had a poster child it would be Jin. His mug is almost as deterring as his mohawk. One might say that he's an attention-seeking youth with nothing to prove, fighting a battle with anyone who might oppose his small opinions. Others might say he's a 'bad boy' with a past they'd rather not find out about. Most people would be too intimidated or turned off to find out, and that's the way Jin liked it.