For those of you that dont know what Red vs Blue is then...where has your internet been these past 10 years. Red vs Blue is a Animated Series made by Rooster Teeth Entertainment, set in the Fictional world of Halo. However it follows the Story of two teams of Simulation troopers - the reds and the Blues. However before the Reds and Blues there was Project Freelancer. a group of Badass Super Soldiers who would shoot you before you could say hi. Freelancer Agents all had Codenames which were named after the American States. there are 42 Active Agents in freelancer. However in Red Vs Blue we only see 11 of the 42 and even then they only do 2 missions. this Rp would be focused mainly on some of the other freelancers, but will contain the 11 we see in the Series. it will be based on other missions and their off time between those missions.