Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

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He nods at Williams as he passes. "Activated the anti-gravity field. That should stop us from sinking any further at least." Flynn walks to his locker, opens it and puts on his backpack, grabs the hilt for his sword and finally attaches his SMG on his belt and his sniper rifle on his back. He turns to Williams and beckons him to follow. Flynn leaves the locker room and makes his way to the air lock. He pushes some buttons and pulls a lever. The door slowly opens with a hissing sound. As soon as the door is far enough open, Flynn jumps out, making sure he jumps on a solid bit of land.

The landing area was one of the few areas on Typhon not totally covered in forest. Though that did not take in account, that this particularly area was a swamp. Flynn turns around to take a look at the state of the Argo, and let's out a sigh. The ships landing gear is partially stuck in swamp and part of the wings apparently got stuck in some lianas. "Well bugger... This is gonna take some time to fix."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Williams double checks his gun's safety,and the zeroing on the Forst pistol then puts em in his pockets.Taking a moment to asset the situation an the cargo bay,he looks back at the went before finally jumping out the ship.He lands near Flynn but he catches some mud on his gun. "Just great!My day to shine." Let's go Flynn the ship is not leaving anywhere!We can fix it later.With this he starts cutting the thick vegetation,heading for the tallest tree. "Tell me where we have to go.I can scan the area to have at least some directions....Fucking mud!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

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Flynn takes one last look at the Argo before turning his attention to the datapad in his hands. He swipes some messages away and brings up the mission details. "According to the coordinates, we should be close by. It's a few clicks to the east. Apparently the group we're dealing with is a well known terrorist group that has made exploration and trade in this system very difficult. They are called... Hold on, let me look that up on the web."
As he brings up some more information, he follows Williams as he hacks a way through the jungle. "Ah. Here it is. They are called the Space Wolves. Pfff, lame name. Anyway, they are holding the target in a abandoned MK-1 colony building. You know, the ones they usually send down first to see if the planet is habitable. Pretty large things from what I've heard." Flynn takes one last look at some information before putting the datapad away and focusing on his surroundings. "Let's just hope the wildlife is sleeping or something." He slaps a fly on his arm that was about to sting him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

William cuts through a weird looking wine,that resembled a baseball bat with teeth.Wine after wine,bush after bush,he started to feel like he was lost.He chechkecd the sensor but they are going the right direction according to his HUD.He slightly bumps his helmet to chechk if it wasn't a ontact error,but with a sad sigh he aceepts that it isn't.They still have to go nearly 2 miles Eastwards, and even his scanners seems blocked by some local interfernece.After a short stop,and assesment of the situation,Williams sees something interesting in the Radio Comms.

"Hey Flynn!" William shouts for Flynn who is checking his terminal,laying next to a tree. "Can you check the Radio Frequency from 800Mhz to 5 Ghz.There seems to be a weird anomaly in my sensors." With that he sits down on a trunk as Flynn nods and starts doing his magic.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

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Flynn brings up his holographic visor and pushes a button on the side of it. Then he brings up his arm, where he adjusts his radio settings on his Portable Tool*. "Weird... That's a rather large frequency for a radio signal. It must be... Wait." He focuses on the incoming signals and raises an eyebrow. "Sounds like a distress signal or something, but... stronger. It's coming from this way." He runs towards some vines, pushes them aside and disappears behind them. "Aaaaaaaaah! Oh dear lord. Williams! Help me up!"

3Y3, who was left behind on the ship to assess the total damage, finally caught up with the tw-... well, one, and let Williams know of his arrival with a set of chirps and beeps. He notices the absence of Flynn, but then registers the cries for help.

*((Omni Tool basically))
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Williams looks at 3Y3 who just arrived,and gestures a follow signal as he runs towards where Flynn disappeared a second ago.He stands up so fast he gets dizzy,and falls in the mud. "Bloody hell!This fucking mud I say." He tsnads up ashamed as even 3Y3 lets out a happy chirp. He cuts a few vines and leaves in is way runnig towards the voices of Flynn. "Hold on buddy!I am coming" His legs get stuck in vines.And even more crawling up to him. He quickly swings with his knife leaving a few green chunks behind that look like sushi.He is only mere meters away from Flynn and he is looking at his HUD but the jamming is still on.Whatever is this distress signal it is blocking his Radar and Heat vision.With haste he almost falls in the hole where Flynn is.3Y3 chirps and boops with cheer as he sees Flynn,then it bumps into a tree. "Even his sensors are blocked.Wait a sec buddy!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

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What at first seems like a small hole, is actually a cliff that plunges directly into the sea. Flynn managed to grab one of the ledges as he was falling. He looks up as he hears his companion arriving. "Oh thank god. Get me up! I don't like this. Too high..." He looks down and quickly regrets his decision. "My grappling hook has malfunctioned. Shoot yours down or something!" As he tries to find a more stable footing, some of the rocks slip away, making him loosing his grip for a mere moment. "And quick!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Williams looks down where Flynn is,then quickly tries to grab onto something.He manages to get 3Y3 who with angry chirps falls on the ground with the man. "Too--High!" With shaking legs he stands up and heards Flynn shouting for help.He takes a second to asses the situation. "Time to test out my new mod!Just you wait Flynn." With his famous Slap on his chest the Spartan Mk.I activates with mechanical fizzle and hydraulics snapping plates in place. He shoots the grappling into a tree and takes a big breath. "Here we go!" Willaims tightens his muscle and takes a running jump off the cliff.

He overshoots Flynn,and lands a few meters below him as he is hanging on a small unstable rock. "Don't look down Williams.Don't look down....Wait a second Flynn." (Acion music intesifies on YouTube) With a his breath held back William activiates his gloves.With a flash they turn green and he could hear a small click,as the grips tighten in the glove.The Climbing Gloves are functional.With a strong slam on the rock,his glove is firmly holding onto the rock.One slam after another he climbs higher and higher not looking down. "Oh man this is so funky.Flynn let's never do this again.!" With that he grabs Flynn just as the rock 9is about to give up.He activates the Grappling hook and it shoots them up the hill.Both of them fall in the mud,not even caring to move. "Let"s NEVER do this again!" With that Williams lets out a bursting laugh.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

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Flynn get's up and dusts of his jacket. He is not laughing. "I... quite agree on that. Though I'm afraid we -do- have to do it again." He opens his Omni-Tool and scans for the signal once more. "The signal is coming from that direction." And he points down at the sea. "It is also aligned with the coordinates from the colony building where these terrorists are holding up. Misplacement of the base, or a first try of oceanic colonization?" He looks over his shoulder at Williams and shrugs. "Thanks for the rescue though mate. That would have been quite the lame way to die after all we've been through."

3Y3 bumps against Flynn as his sensors are still blinded. "Hey, what's wrong buddy? Signal interfering with your optical sensors? I should've updated that interference shield ages ago." The little droid makes a sad chirping sound as Flynn pets him. "So... Any ideas on how to get down there and how to survive the water? I don't like water... Who knows what might be in there." He looks over the edge of the cliff and shivers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

William lays still on the ground, trying to recover from the shock this adrenaline pumped action gave him. With the sun still high on the horizon, laying on the hard floor is quite the uncomfortable experience. Williams could even see the mud drying up. He gets up, swiping all the mud he can, down from his armor, and starts to walk in circles. "Well we can always swim, but as you stated there is no proof that there isn't a giant fucking sea monster, waiting to get us." He walks another circle, then sits down on a trunk, and takes his helmet off. He looks at the plexi on the front then throws it the mud. "Or we could try to get the ship out of that mess, but with the sensors gone haywire, we hagve 2 problems. First we have to find the ship, and second, fly the ship almost blindly and hope that there is a place to land."

William stands up and sits on the edge, carefully scouting the rocks below them. It is a rough climb either way he looks at it. Then he spots a small slide somewhere in the distance, on the side of the cliff. He stands up and puts on his helmet. "Flynn I think I have an idea! Follows me!"
He starts running next the cliff, quickly disapopearing in the vegetation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

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Flynn shrugs as he sees Williams disappearing in the vegetation. "As long as it doesn't involve swimming, I'm game." He turns around to 3Y3, attaches the droid with a little wire to his backpack and slowly follows Williams back into the jungle. He pushes aside some thick plants as he makes his way. "Wait up! I'm escorting a blind droid back here!"

Suddenly a tug from behind. He turns around to find 3Y3 stuck in some vines. Flynn let's out a sigh, brings up his arm and let's a small arm blade extend from his wrist. He starts hacking away the vines so that 3Y3 cane move once more. The droid let's out a thankful beep and continues following Flynn as the human quickly goes back to following Williams. He had quickly lost sight of him, but luckily the heartbeat monitor still worked on his HUD.

After a couple a minutes of wandering through the jungle and following the bleep on the heartbeat monitor, he finds Williams and taps him on the shoulder. "So. What's your plan then?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Williams is watching a weird animal close by ready to shoot it, if it does anything funny ,when he feels a tap on his shoulders. He quickly turns away, pistol ready, just to see Flynn escorting 3Y3. "Thats a funny way to tow a droid. Why didn't you simply hold him, instead of cutting through the forest?" William turns back and notices that the animal is gone. "Anyways, follow me!" He now slowly walks through the vegetation, making way for the group. Soon they arrive at a clearing, which gently descends into the ocean. There is a herd of alien animals drinking and swimming happily at the beach. "Tada! Our way to the signal." After he sees his mate's face he explains it. "Can you see those animals? Look at how easely they swim! If we can get a few to carry us to the signal, we don't have to swim! It would be bumpy but it could do the job. Or we start making a boat out of the forest around us. So are you in?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

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"Taming the wildlife huh? Never knew you were such an animal freak." He let's out a snicker and takes a better look at the animals. "So how do we know these animals won't simply rip us to shreds as soon as we get closer? And what if we have to go underwater? These beasts don't look like underwater creatures to me..." He pauses for a couple of seconds before letting out a sigh. "To be honest, I have no other ideas, so let's just go with it. If we fail with this, we might as well get the Argo and try it that way. I think I installed a submersible mod on that ship ages ago. Never got around to using it though."

He takes a small leap and glides down to the beach, scattering the alien creatures as he lands on the sand. He quickly raises his arm, aims for the creatures and shoots a sedative dart at two of them. They go down with a thump while the rest of the animals swim and run away as fast as possible. He walks to the creatures and inspects them. "Yuck... Slimy. Dips on the Blue one!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"You can't call dibs on wildlife!" Williams lets out a childish snicker and slides down to where Flynn is.The other animals can still be seen, now all on the shore running away. William goes to the weird grey colored beast that Flynn sedated. He pulls the dart out and gently grabs the animal. It's skin is slimy and sticky, but not to an unbearable level.They could easely ride these. He getnly pushes the creature to it's belly, being careful not to block up their nostrils. "Ok well this is how far I got in my plan. I rode horses before but these are different. I have no idea wher to mount them. Anyways, Flynn go get some vines from the forest, and a few of those big juicy leaves that are so irritating to cut. Let's make some saddles!" He inspects the creature to find a good spot to sit on.There is no similarity with horses whatsoever. It takes quite the time for him to find a spot, with careful pushes, to find a spot where the creature has it's ribs, and can be sat on.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

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Flynn grins and says: "Let's hope they don't like meat. That would be bad for us. Hey, I'm leaving 3Y3 here and gather that stuff for us." He unties 3Y3 and throws the small leash to Williams. Luckily, the hill they slid down wasn't that steep. The annoying part was that sand was terrible to climb. Flynn let's out a sigh and begins the climb, occasionally slipping away in the sand and risking falling on his face and sliding back down. But after a solid 5 minutes of climbing he finally set's foot on solid ground. He turns around and waves down at Williams to signal he made it back up.

Flynn extends his wrist blade and starts hacking away at the vegetation. Vines and big leaves fall before the might of the steel blade. After a while Flynn turns around to see at the path he carved. With a smile on his face he starts picking up the vines and leaves that Williams asked for. "Yuck... These are kinda sticky. Will have to wash my jacket after this." He shakes his head and makes his way back to the beach. Williams was still there, checking the beast over. He slides down the hill and greets Williams with soft kick against the shins. "Kinda got my hands full. Hope you didn't make love to that poor beast."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

With a laugh William greets Flynn "I hope the forest is still in one piece my friend. Or did you gamble it away?" With a small snickers, he looks at all the leaves and wines on the ground. "Let's see. With a small sigh, he begins to sort the pile of vegetation for long vines. After a while he finds a few strong one, that have weird purple tint to them. He goes to the beast and puts 2 vines right next to it. "Flynn help me with this!" The 2 man united push the sedated animal onto the vines, and roll it over, so they can see bott end of them. He ties the ends and lets out a snicker "This is like wrapping a present. Oh what a present this will be for the kidnappers. Flynn do that with your beast too."

After a few minutes of tying the 2 vines together with even more vines, and putting on leafs as the saddle they are ready. They give each other a high five and even 3Y3 chirps happily. "Now all we need to do is wait for the beasts to wake up. Oh and also Flynn. Stand next to the animals with 3Y3.They guys gonna love it at the "Drunken Drum" " With that William sets a timer on his helmet and puts it on the ground. He goes over the beast and gestures a thumbs up, just as the helmet takes a picture with a small flash.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

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Flynn posses while rolling his eyes and smiling but quickly turns back to the beast as soon as the picture is taken. "Right, we should probably roll them in the water. And wake them up of course. An unconsciousness isn't going anywhere." With that said he begins to push his beast towards the water. As soon as the beast touches the water, it's eyes go straight open. It starts to flap around, trying to get deeper into the water. "Wow there buddy. Take it easy!" Flynn quickly jumps on the makeshift saddle and pulls the leashes. The beast bucks around for a bit but quickly losses his wild temper and simply let's Flynn be.

"That was... easier then I thought. I guess these beasts had no real form of contact with us yet, and never really knew to fear us. Come on, get on yours and we'll be on our way. According to my HUD, the signal is a coming from that way." He points towards the ocean and frowns.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Seeing Flynn trying to tame the beast in the water, William takes a different approach. Using some of the leftover leaves he makes a makeshift bucket. He goes to Flynn and fills the bucket. "Watch this" With swift steps in the sand he runs back to his sleeping beast. He jumps in the saddle, and makes him comfortable. "Here we go!" He pours all the water on the animal and it suddenly springs into life. With a wild roar it starts jumping around. William tightly holds and pulls the lashes. The beast suddenly stop, and whilst still very anxious, stays still. With another pull it starts to go in rounds, until Williams stops it. "See Flynn? This is how a real Texan does riding!" With that he kicks the side of the animal and runs off towards teh other side of the beach, leaving many small footsteps in the sand.

Williams holds onto the saddle and gallops towards the other side of the beach. The stone wall is quckly approaching, and the beast is running faster than Williams expected. He pulls the lashes gently and the animal slows down. "Calm down buddy." He looks towards Flynn with a proud look, to find his companion still trying to control thze beast. With small snickers he turns his ride back towards the others. "I will call you Thunder buddy. Is that OK with you?" Williams slightly pats the animals side, and it lets out a happy squeek. "I think that's a yes." With that he slowly rides Thunder back to Flynn.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

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"You do know there is no way in a million years that I'm going to let these things on the Argo, right?" He looks at Thunder and frowns. "Way to slippery." Flynn shrugs and steers his beast in the direction of the deeper waters. He beckons Williams to follow as the beast begins to swim faster then any human have could. Flynn holds the leashes tightly, for fear of slipping off. The beast quickly reaches his maximum speed, which is quite something.

He keeps an eye on his HUD, watching the meters tick down. As soon as the meter hits 0, Flynn halts his beast, making it swim around in circles as to not sink to the bottom of the sea. "According to the tracker it should be here, but..." He looks around, seeing nothing but water and Williams.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Williams leasurely halts the beast, and yawns. "Flynn I am not even surprised" He chechks his scanners, but the jamming is so strong that only the basic HUD functions are working. "If you were a Jamming/Distress Signal, would you simply float on top of the water? Flynn did we have any mission where it was this easy?" He lets outa small laugh, and leans backward pulling the lashes. The beast suddenly starts swimming, and a hilarious scene appears. William kicks Thunder and pulls the lashes until it slows down. He is a good 50 meters from Flynn who is clearly snickering at it. He pulls out a pair of respirators from one of their pockets. "Here you go Flynn! Take on of them, We are going underwater." With that he puts on one of the respirators and turns of the helmets flashlight. With a thumbs up he dives into the water.

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