{~-~} Nefarious Values {~-~}

adjective: nefarious
(typically of an action or activity) wicked or criminal.
"the nefarious activities of the organized-crime syndicates"
adjective: nefarious
(typically of an action or activity) wicked or criminal.
"the nefarious activities of the organized-crime syndicates"
Ask any teen what they want to do in Asheford, and most of the time they'll have two replies: One, fuck you, and two, getting wasted or going against authority. So it's not surprise that Asheford isn't exactly the best city for most people. It's stamped along the edges with chaos and mayhem, rotting to it's core with violence and drug abuse. All because of one word. Youth. The majority of those bastards see it as a glorious opportunity to defy any laws they come in contact with. And for the ones that aren't? Well, they're not exactly weak but usually outcast from the norm. Living in Asheford isn't for the weak or sensitive; most people desensitize themselves and are victims of idiotic decisions everyday.
So if you have any nefarious values, it's the perfect city for you.
Going to school isn't exactly necessary. If you want to skip... Sure, go ahead. However don't think you'll get off exactly scot free. Any officer would enjoy arresting you if you're caught tardy or skipping. Police patrol units usually scan the city for an hour or so, and then call them off. If you're arrested during one of them you'll either be escorted back to school or given detention. If you make this a habit you'll be sent to one of the programs.
In the midst of all the crime stands the programs designed to change lives. Instead of jail, if your character commits a serious offense and it's found out, you'll have such a blast. You can choose if that phrase was sarcastic or not.
In Asheville, it seems like crime is contagious. Not just within youth, even though the little bastards are responsible for most of it. There's adults too that guide the little lambs to the dark pastures. It's a playground for cyber hackers, muggers, robbers, cons, street racers, drugs - shit, most criminals are planning bank robberies everyday.
1. Any regular RP rules apply. (Godmodding and such.)
2. I'm okay with the vast majority of crimes according in the RP. However, if you feel like it breaks the Guild's rules or if you still want to just ask, feel free to P.M me about it.
3. Don't expect to commit a large-scale crime and get away with it.
4. This is a bitter, real life centered RP. Life isn't fair. But all actions have consequences.
5. Profanity, racism, homophobia, basically prejudice is allowed. But please keep it all IC.
6. Violence is allowed, but both people must consent to it fully.
7. Please respect everyone while you're OOC.
8. Save any very, very graphic scenes for P.Ming.
9. Drugs are allowed, and so are gangs/factions.
10. Have fun and fuck shit up. Unless you don't want to... That's fine too.
11. 'Good' characters are allowed, and character's don't just have to be teens.
Character Sheet