Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Takashi
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Takashi Nefarious Mastermind

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Here is where I will keep all my combat characters for the arena.

Shinko Aroi - A flame-tossing kitsune martial artist.

Skrall Karak - A lizard man with bird powers.

Ziro - A mad scientist with genetic enhancements.

Talon - A bipedal dragon wielding dark magic.

Isaac Faust - A genetically enhanced computer geek with "shocking" powers.

Ryozan Tanzo - An ice-slinging kitsune samurai.

Brusk the Dreamer (WIP) - A big ol' dragon with a big ol' sword.

Garoth Brightwing (WIP) - A spirit hunting griffin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Takashi
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Takashi Nefarious Mastermind

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Shinko Aroi

Universe: Latrisia (original)

Race: Kitsune

Age: 28

Tier: Powered

Gender: Male

Height: 5'7''

Weight: 190 lbs

Appearance: Shinko has a strong, yet lean body with an overall unkempt appearance. His copper hair is thick and shoulder length in the back, and sloppily cut, likely by himself, in the front to keep it out of his bright blue eyes. Very seldom his he seen entirely clean, yet that doesn't seem to affect the air of vitality about him. As a kitsune, he has a pair of fox-like ears, claws for nails, elongated canines, and a set of six whiskers on his face; however, unlike most kitsune he has three silky fox tails with hair that seems much better maintained than that on his head. His attire consists of whatever mismatched combo of tunic and trousers he hasn't destroyed by his neglect just yet, but they are almost always severely weathered and often have rips and tears from a previous fight in them. His body also has various scars about it, telling the story of all the minor injuries he has sustained thus far from his lifetime of combat.

Skills: Fighting Prodigy - Shinko's formal martial arts training has given him strength and speed superior to a typical person's. While he has received formal training, Shinko has superb instincts and reflexes, which gives him an erratic natural fighting style. He has received formal training in Ayako-ryu, a martial art commonly practiced by the kitsune of his world, but fights best when not adhering to strict notions of style. He is also incredibly adaptable in combat, able to react to new situations on the fly as well as fall into a formal style when useful and quickly break out of it at will. He is also good at understanding how his opponents fight and is seldom flustered by new styles or strange powers.

Tail Power - Shinko has undergone intense strength training on his three tails, and they are effectively as strong as his arms, though far less dexterous and versatile. He can support his own body weight indefinitely on them, can use them as a sort of spring for a variety of leaps, catch himself from a fall, or deliver a moderately powerful strike. He can also grab on to certain types of terrain which provide a good grip, like pipes or tree branches; he cannot grasp ledges or sheer cliffs with his tails.

Mentail Discipline - As a part of his Ayako-ryu training, Shinko has spent time meditating and strengthening his mind. This allows him to process large amounts of information from all of his senses in a chaotic battlefield. It also allows him to resist psychic attacks that would attack his mind whether they attempt to confuse him, influence him, or attempt to read his thoughts. If he is given time to focus while resisting such an attack, the attacker will be redirected back to their own mind.

Heightened Senses - As a kitsune, Shinko has senses superior to that of an average human. He has particularly sharp vision, exceptional hearing, and an exceptional sense of smell.

Powers: Whiskers - Shinko's whiskers are attuned to the wind and can detect motion from the disturbances that physical bodies make in the wind currents. He can detect all motion within a 50 foot radius in open space, but large physical barriers, such as walls, negate this ability. He can detect motion around small physical barriers, such as rocks, trees, or pillars. If focusing, he can predict the trajectory of an attack the moment it begins based on the patterns of disruption it makes in the wind.

Flash - Shinko can emit a brief flash of blinding light from his tails.

Affinity for Fire - Shinko was born with an abnormally high affinity for fire magic. He is impervious to burns, can withstand extremely high temperatures, and can use his magic to warm his body in cold climates. He has also learned a variety of fire magic techniques:

Fire Plume - A rudimentary elemental attack. Shinko summons a ball of fire the size of a basketball that he can launch at any given target.

Fire Whips - By flicking his tails, Shinko can create thin ribbons of fire which he can either leave connected to the tips of his tails and use as whips (limited to 6 ft) or he can release them and use them as light projectiles. Less powerful than a fire plume, but more precise.

Ember Enhancement - Shinko can use his magic to enhance his physical strikes with fire. The result is a trail of embers behind each strike. Hits deal added fire damage, blocked attacks send a small plume of embers that retains the momentum of the initial strike, and dodged attacks leave a streak of embers about their trajectory.

Cauterize - If severe bleeding becomes a problem, Shinko can press his hand against the wound and, overriding his natural affinity, burn it shut. Naturally, this is extremely painful and causes severe tissue damage in the process, but it can thwart the immediate danger of blood loss.

Afterburner - By flicking all three tails in a sharp downward motion, Shinko can create a blast of fire with enough propulsive force to lift him of the ground. This can be used as a means of enhancing a jump, as a situational attack, or to give him a "double-jump" mid-air.

Form of Flame - Shinko can make his tails burst into flames at will. While in this state, his tails lose all physical substance. Once the flames are extinguished, by Shinko's will or otherwise, his tails return to their original state.

Hellfox Blitz - Shinko can summon a fox made of fire. The firefox moves according to Shinko's will, and has the strength and speed of an average fox. The firefox has physical substance to it, meaning it's claws and fangs can cut as well as burn, but also that it is susceptible to physical attacks. Shinko can summon multiple foxes at once, but the strain on his mind and body for maintaining them increases exponentially beyond the first.

Weapons/Equipment: Kitsune Claws - Shinko's claws are as sharp as knives. They cannot cut metal, but they can damage leather armor and can cut through flesh with ease.

Satchel of Bombs - Shinko carries with him a satchel contain 9 bombs, three of each of the following types. Smoke bombs burst into a thick white cloud of smoke with a 50 foot radius. The smoke is breathable, but obscures vision. Within the white smoke there are wisps of black smoke that simulate bipedal motion. Tar bomb are balls of tar that are activated by Shinko's fire magic. Upon being heated the ball will form a sticky goo for approximately 5 seconds. Then it will harden into solid tar. Sand bombs burst into a plume of coarse sand upon impact. The sand is sticky, and will adhere to the first thing it touches.

Bio: Shinko was born in a time of war. When he was 8, his village was one of the first to be attacked by the Nezgarian army, and by the time they were routed most of his friends and family were dead. He had survived through sheer luck, but was seriously hurt. He was taken to a camp by the kitsune army where his wounds were treated and he was given nourishment, but no friends or relatives came to claim him. It didn't help that Shinko's means of coping with the horrors he had just been through was by shutting out all of reality. It was a week before he so much as told the people who rescued him his name.

The kitsune were preparing to send Shinko to an orphanage, until a young captain caught an oddly lively glimmer in his eye. Shinko seemed to perk up when he saw the soldiers practice, particularly in sparring sessions, so the captain offered to give Shinko a lesson in an attempt to get him to open up. She could tell quickly that Shinko had a natural talent for fighting. Rather than sending him to an orphanage, she contacted a friend and arranged to send Shinko to a school, far from the front lines, where he could excel.

Fighting was Shinko's haven from the stark reality that had been thrust on him at so young an age. When he had to think about how to dodge that left hook, he didn't have to think about everything he had lost. Even so, Shinko grew up to have a short temper, and was frequently reprimanded for getting into unnecessary fights. This, combined with his introverted demeanor, made him few friends. Rather than spending time with people his own age, he gravitated towards teachers, never shy to ask them questions. Once they shooed him away, he would spend most of his time either sparring or training by himself.

Once Shinko completed his training, he left the school and wandered in no particular direction. He simply lives off the fat of the land, performs odd jobs if he needs some kind of good, and is always looking for challengers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Takashi
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Takashi Nefarious Mastermind

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Skrall Karak

Universe: Latrisia (Original)

Race: Komodian

Age: 32

Tier: Powered

Gender: Male

Height: 5'3''

Weight: 160 lbs

Appearance: Skrall is a bipedal lizard with dark scales covering his body. His face protrudes forward, forming a reptilian mouth filled with dozens of sharp teeth. He has a tail as well, and, unlike his mammalian counterparts, only has four fingers on each hand, each ending in a small claw. His eyes are a dark amber color. Skrall wears a cloak made of raven feathers, and has various bird related ornaments decorating his body, including two piercings through the bottom of his jaw. His other clothing is made of fine silk, and high-quality cotton. He goes barefoot though, leaving his rough, scaly feet exposed. His menacing appearance belies the jovial attitude that is revealed once he opens his mouth.

Skills: Expert Bird Handler - Skrall is as well versed in understanding and training raptors as a professional falconer. He can identify virtually any kind of bird by song or sight, knows how they behave, and can coordinate his attacks with them in combat accordingly. He also has a way of calming and ultimately taming wild birds, though outright training them takes quite a bit of time.

Expert Storyteller - Skrall's stories are the best. He tells them with such energy and gives exquisite details to enrapture the listener. He knows tales and songs from all across Latrisia, and has woven many stories of his own travels as well.

Powers: Shamanic Magic - As a wing shaman, Skrall can make pacts with birds, and make magical artifacts from pieces of their body (see weapons/equipment). These artifacts vary in power and grant Skrall abilities related to the natural abilities of the bird. As Skrall is the one who made the pact with the birds, only Skrall can use these artifacts.

Soul Tansfer - Skrall can temporarily throw his soul into a bird's body. While in this state, he perceives the world as the bird does. He can freely control birds that he summons (see summoning feathers), and can influence the behavior of wild birds. He also has full access to all of the bird's memories. While in this state, he cannot move his body, and is completely vulnerable. The soul transfer ends either at Skrall's will or if the bird he is possessing is killed. In either scenario, his soul bounces immediately back into his body.

Whirlwind of Feathers - Skrall can summon a small cyclone of feathers (8 ft. tall, 5 ft. radius). The feathers have sharp edges and act as so many swirling blades, but maintain the mass of actual feathers, so they do not cut deeply. Each feather dissipates once it hits a solid surface (wood, armor, a rock), but not when they cut living flesh. They will also dissipate regardless after 10 seconds.

Weapons/Equipment: Raven Feather Cloak - A shamanic artifact comprised of multiple raven feathers. This cloak shields Skrall from rough weather far better than a normal cloak. It blocks rainwater as if it is coated in a layer of wax, prevents skin damage from strong sunlight, and provides a decent amount of warmth in cold weather. It also allows him to glide through the air or gently float to the ground, though he cannot outright fly.

Raptor Gauntlets - In Skrall's travels, he encountered an eagle that had been mortally wounded by hunters. He made a pact with the eagle to care for its chicks until they could fend for themselves, and in exchange he fashioned a pair of powerful gauntlets from its talons. The gauntlets give Skrall immense striking power, allowing him to crush stone and even damage metal. They also give him eyes as sharp as an eagle's, allowing him to focus his vision to see clearly at incredible distances.

Owl Piercing - One of Skrall's jaw piercings is adorned with an owl feather. This artifact allows him to see in the dark, and twist his neck 180 degrees.

Gannet Piercing -Skrall's second jaw piercing is adorned with a gannet feather. This artifact reduces water resistance when he is swimming/diving, allows him to strike submerged targets with enhanced accuracy, and lets him dry off within seconds.

Penguin Necklace -Skrall found that the far south was much too cold for his reptilian blood, so he fashioned a necklace out of a crested penguin's yellow feather. This artifact allows him to tolerate extremely cold temperatures, albeit uncomfortably.

Summoning Feathers - Skrall carries on him a number of feathers that allow him to summon the associated bird. Once summoned, the birds will act according to his will. He can summon up to three birds at a time. If a bird is killed, it will turn into a wisp of smoke, return to Skrall, and reform as a feather, however, the feather must be repaired before it can be used again. If Skrall unsummons a bird, it will return to him as well and can be reused. Skrall has the following summoning feathers at his disposal: 1 parrot, 3 blue jays, 3 mocking birds, 2 spotted owls, 2 peregrine falcons, 2 vultures, 1 emu, 1 albatross, 3 crows, 1 raven, and 1 flamingo.

Bio: Born and raised in the Morohawa desert oasis, Skrall lived a privileged childhood free from conflict. However, unlike most of his brethren, who were content never setting foot beyond their native sands, Skrall possessed a natural curiosity about the world. So, he pursued studies in becoming a wing shaman, the one sect within the tribe that brings news of the outside world, as well as promotes komodian goods, which outsiders call "exotic" and pay top-dollar for. So, Skrall began his journey, learning as much as he could about the world, helping out those in need, and never failing to speak his mind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Takashi
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Takashi Nefarious Mastermind

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Ziro

Universe: Original sci-fi

Race: Genetically modified human (GMH)

Age: 22

Tier: Powered

Gender: Male

Height: 6'2''

Weight: 212 lbs


Skills: Scientific Genius - Ziro has vast knowledge in all fields of science, though his specialty is biology. He can typically understand how high-tech devices work upon seeing them operate.

Military Training - Ziro has been trained in the proper use of all major firearms, and is able to shoot with deadly accuracy. He has also received training in command sambo for unarmed combat.

Powers: GMH - As a genetically modified human, Ziro's physical attributes surpass that of an average human all across the board. He has enhanced strength, speed, stamina, agility, balance, and dexterity.

Tough Skin - Ziro has tough, leathery skin that offers better resistance against cuts and scratches than normal human skin.

Predator Splicing - Ziro has been given various predatory traits. He has elongated canines and a powerful jaw, his nails have been hardened and sharpened into claws, and his olfactory system has been given an overall enhancement

All-seeing Eyes - Ziro's eyes can focus to any range of the electromagnetic spectrum, allowing him to see radio waves, infra-red, x-rays, etc. at will.

Tentacles - There is a nasty-looking scar on the palm of each of his hands. These scars open up and unleash 10 ft long plated tentacles. Ziro has full control over the tentacles, just as he does any other body part. The tentacles are strong enough to crush bone and can pierce thin iron plating. The plates on the tentacles are made of small chitin scales.

Adrenaline Rush - Ziro can pump adrenaline into his body at will. This sharpens his already superb senses and reaction time, and dulls the pain of his injuries, but also dulls his intellect. During an adrenaline rush, Ziro fights more like a wild animal than a trained soldier.

Weapons/Equipment: X-ray Glasses - Ziro's glasses have a tiny button. When pressed, the glasses will emit X-rays, allowing Ziro to see through certain objects.

Knife Syringe - Ziro wields a custom knife. The blade can either lock into place to function as a standard knife, or fold into the handle revealing a syringe. The base of the handle acts as a pump for the syringe. There is also a compartment in the handle where he can put custom capsules (see below). He can either use the syringe to directly inject a substance into a target, or he can expel the substance with the blade locked in place to coat the knife. Naturally, the substances are more potent if injected directly. Each capsule is good for one attack. If the attack misses, the capsule is spent.

Custom Capsules - Pockets full of small capsules line the inside of his lab coat, some defensive, some offensive. He carries a total of 12 capsules:

3x Local Anesthetics - Upon entering the blood stream, this substance numbs the effected area. Effects range from complete limpness, to impaired control.

2x Antivenin Cocktail - A cocktail of antivenins that Ziro made that can negate the effects of virtually any venom.

2x Anticoagulant - A substance that reduces blood's ability to clot. Wounds that are contaminated with this substance will bleed profusely.

2x Pain Killer - As an alternative to his adrenaline rush, Ziro can inject himself with a substance that will temporarily relieve pain without sending him into an frenzy.

3x Nociceptive Stimulant - A chemical that does no actual damage, but triggers all pain receptors that it comes in contact with. The result is pure pain.

Bio: For several decades, GMH experimentation was banned by the government for ethical reasons. However, a private organization approached the scientist behind the project and personally funded the project, building a facility on Europa in the government's blind spot. The scientist ultimately made a clone of himself... with a few modifications. He called this clone Ziro.

Ziro was a perfectly healthy clone, displaying even greater intelligence than the accomplished scientist who created him, and greater physical feats than professional athletes. However, a smart guy like Ziro knew that once the organization was finished testing his capabilities, he would be spending the rest of his life in a giant test tube, serving as a template for the organization's future goals. So, Ziro killed the scientist and took his job. He now works two jobs: first as the head of the organization's R&D department, and second as the super-soldier prototype.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Takashi
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Takashi Nefarious Mastermind

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Talon

Universe: Latrisia (originial)

Race: Nezgarian

Age: 347

Tier: Powered

Gender: Male

Height: 7'4''

Weight: 400 lbs

Appearance: Talon is a bipedal dragon with red scales. He is bulky and muscular, but has a powerful set of wings that allows him to fly with ease, as well as two large spikes protruding from his back and a long, powerful tail. Occasionally, he will wear a black cloak made of a fibrous plant that grows in Nezgar which completely conceals his face and body.

Skills: Royal Assassin - Talon has been trained in the ancient art of Nezgarian assassination, a two-sword style with highly calculated strikes and defenses. The goal of the art is to strike vital organs. As such, part of the training involves learning the anatomy of various types of life forms.

Tail Combat - As a supplement to his standard assassin training, Talon has learned to use his tail as a deadly weapon. It is effectively another limb, able to grab, strike, and wield a blade. Talon cannot support his full body weight on his tail, but he can
lift a human.

Brutal Grappling - Talon has trained his claws and jaws beyond that of the average Nezgarian. He can grind stones to dust in his mouth, and crumple them to bits in his hands. Bones and living tissue that are caught in either of those can be shattered without any form of complex hold. All but the thickest metal plating will bend under his grip. To complement his brutal grip, he also knows a number of deadly ways of tossing his opponent to cause further damage when he chooses to let go.

Aerial Acrobatics - Despite his large size, Talon is fast, agile, and deadly in the air. His wings are strong enough to lift him with ease in an instant. He can accelerate rapidly, make hairpin turns, stop on a dime, and perform all manner of maneuvers. He can also use his fighting techniques effectively from any of these positions. The max speed he can achieve is 70 mph.

Dirty Fighting - Talon knows no honor in combat, though he knows many dirty tricks. He is adept at using improvised weaponry, including dirt and rocks if need be, and knows the proper pressure points of various species to bit and claw at in a pinch. He's a marksman with his spit, and has plenty of experience aiming objects at eyes and groins. False surrenders, duplicitous truces, and deceptive handshakes are not beneath him. He also has a very hard head and knows how to butt with it.

Goading the Enemy - Talon has an arsenal of generic insults at his disposal, and unleashes them with the same precision as his blades to piss off his opponent. If given any information about his opponent, those insults become personal; the more nerves his strikes, the better.

Powers: Nezgarian Physiology - Nezgarians are a race of dragons that have such high fire resistance that they can swim through magma with ease. They have highly acidic blood, which damages most blades once they are struck, and dissolves most substances that are toxic to those with mammalian physiology. They are also incredibly strong, able to hoist boulders over their heads and toss them. Likewise, they are highly durable, able to withstand the equivalent of a volcanic blast with only minor scratches. Finally, all Nezgarians have the ability to breathe fire and spit acid.

Riftmaking - Talon has access to a personal pocket dimension, where he stores books, materials, hostages, whatever he feels like. At will, Talon can reach into the pocket dimension and pull out what he needs. Likewise he can store any object he gains possession of in his pocket dimension (A person must be incapacitated for him to store that). Objects stored in the pocket dimension cannot interact with other objects in that dimension unless he wishes them to.

Necromancy - One of the many dark arts that Talon has learned is necromancy. He can resurrect a corpse and control it as a cadaver puppet. He can also conjure and communicate with spirits. He often uses his necromancy as a form of blackmail, offering to revive loved ones in exchange for some heinous service, or simply as a distraction.

Soul Bind - The cruelest aspect of Talon's necromancy. When he kills a victim, he binds their soul to him, and forces them to relive the moment of their death over and over again in their mind. As such, their hatred for him builds and builds...

Channeling Hatred - Talon can convert the emotional energy of his victims' hatred into magical energy. He has hundreds of souls currently bound to his own, giving him a massive well of energy to draw from. The limit is not so much what his victims can produce, as it is how much Talon's body can handle. When channeling a small amount of energy, Talon emits an aura of pure dread. Larger amounts of energy take the form of red lightening crackling about his body. He can then launch a bolt of this lightening, which scorches mind, body, and soul alike. The victim's flesh is singed as with normal electricity, their mind is assaulted with images of the carnage that Talon has caused, and their soul is assaulted with a feeling of utter despair. While using this technique, Talon is flooded with a feeling of euphoria, however, excessive use can plunge him into complete insanity and will render him completely exhausted.

Magma Burst - Talon can summon a column of magma to erupt from the ground, anywhere from within a 50 foot radius of himself. He can cause the eruption from the air, but it can only erupt out of solid ground. The ground can be granular like sand, but cannot be liquid; the ground needn't be connected to a planet or its core, it need only be solid. The columns are 6 feet in diameter and can reach a maximum height of 50 feet. He can summon a maximum of 3 columns at once, and can engulf himself without causing any harm to his body.

Acid Mist - Talon can manipulate his acid spit to surround himself in a acid mist. The mist slowly corrodes metal and eats away flesh. The maximum area of the mist is a 20 ft. radius.

Boneblade Detonation - Talon can detonate his boneblades at will (see boneblades below). The detonation can be so small it merely breaks a piece of the blade off, or it be a full-fledged explosion. Talon can detonate pieces of the blades even after they are shattered so long as a piece of it remains. The maximum explosion of a full boneblade is equal to ten sticks of dynamite.

Weapons/Equipment: Boneblades - The two spikes on a Nezgarian's back can be drawn and used as a sword. They are single-edged curved blades, are 4 ft long, and are used with one hand. Due to the Nezgarian's quicksilver-rich diet, the blades are even stronger than steel. They also carry significantly more mass than a steel blade, but Talon's strength lets him wield them with all the finesse of a rapier. After removing a boneblade, Talon can expend a bit of energy to have it quickly regrow, effectively making his body a natural armory. If he is too tired or injured to regrow them, he keeps a dozen spares in his pocket dimension.

Claws and Teeth - Talon's claws are powerful enough to tear through chain mail, and his teeth and claws are both durable enough to withstand being ground against stone.

Demon Hornets - In Nezgar, there is a species of hornets that lays its eggs in blood. Talon keeps six vials of such blood in his pocket dimension. Each vial contains 200 eggs. Talon can use his magic to force the eggs to hatch and instantly mature into a hyper-aggressive adult that will sting its target for 10 seconds straight, and then die. The venom is much like that of the bald faced hornet. The blood can be exposed to the air for one minute before the eggs die.

Spare Bodies - At any given time, Talon keeps 20 dead in his pocket dimension for him to drag out and reanimate as he needs. when animated, the cadavers are slow, shambling zombies. They can perform basic menial tasks, or can claw and bite at a victim. They are not powerful by any measure of the word, but can provide a critical distraction.

Random Gore - Talon keeps a huge pile of random organs, some rotting, some fresh, in his pocket dimension. Sometimes he just wants a snack. Sometimes he'll toss a liver into a crowd for the lolz.

Bio: Talon was appointed as one of Bladewing's generals after Bladewing's coup. He had always had a liking for the arcane, but dabbling in the black arts drove him half-mad. As if addicted to some kind of drug, Talon craves destruction. So, Bladewing ordered him to the Miluran mainland to do what he loves to do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Takashi
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Takashi Nefarious Mastermind

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Isaac Faust

Universe: Original Sci-Fi

Race: Genetically Modified Human (GMH)

Age: 23

Tier: Powered

Gender: Male

Height: 5'8''

Weight: 160 lbs.

Appearance: Very pale and lean, Isaac appears to be a typical nerd, however, a closer inspection reveals some significant muscle tone. He has short black hair, wears casual business attire when not in the lab, and usually wears a black vest. He has a relaxed, slightly slouched posture, and his face has sharp, pronounced features. He wears a pair of glasses as well with a thin wire frame.

Skills: Electrician - Isaac perfectly understands circuitry and how electric/electronic devices work. He is capable of wiring complex facilities and building precise electronic devices.

Computer Scientist - Isaac is an expert programmer who has experience creating algorithms for complex calculations as well as AIs capable of passing a Turing Test. He is an expert hacker, capable of exploiting any system's weaknesses as well as mentally encrypting/decrypting information.

Amateur Kickboxer - Isaac has learned the basics of kickboxing and can hold his own in unarmed combat, though any trained martial artist can outclass him in terms of technique.

Basic Arms Usage - Isaac has learned basic marksmanship with a handgun and knows basic self defense with bladed objects such as a combat knife, but any soldier with adequate training can outclass him in terms of technique.

Powers: GMH - As a genetically modified human, Isaac's physical attributes surpass that of an average human all across the board. He has enhanced strength, speed, stamina, agility, balance, and dexterity.

Human Capacitor - Isaac is immune to electrical shocks, and can store a massive amount of electrical energy in his body. He can draw electricity into his body if there is a source, such as storm clouds or a loose wire. He can also drain the power from a battery, but most batteries offer only a slight charge. Any excess electricity beyond his maximum charge simply flows through him and finds the shortest route to the ground.

Sixth Sense - Isaac can detect electric currents as a sixth sense. This allows him to to sense the flow of electricity through devices, as well as sense the neural firings through a living organism's body. He can use the flow of electricity in a device to determine its circuitry, and the circuitry to determine its function. The brain is too dense and active and appears as white noise to him, so he cannot read minds, but he can detect the difference between a conscious and unconscious mind.

Stun Strike - Isaac's blows are charged with electricity. In addition to the physical impact of each strike, he delivers 50,000 volts and .2 amps of electricity with every blow. He can also send this electric
shock through his body at any time. Each strike uses 1% of his maximum charge.

Battery Bomb - Isaac can use his powers to cause batteries of any kind to explode at will. Each volt of electric potential in a battery creates an explosion equal to one hand grenade. A battery bomb uses 1% of Isaac's maximum charge per volt.

Electric Arc - Isaac can release the energy stored in his body in a 100,000 watt (200,000V .5A) arc of electricity. Each second the arc is sustained drains 5% of Isaac's maximum charge. If his charge is completely depleted, he cannot use any of his electric attacks.

Psychic Scriptor- (Note: This ability is more relevant for story purposes than actual combat) The ability that makes Isaac feared across the galaxy. Isaac can psychically connect to any electronic system if he is within range of its wireless signal, or if a device that is a part of that system is within 10 feet. From that device, he can access any other device it is connected to so long as there is a flow of information or electricity. Within the system, he can freely alter any code or execute any functions. This ability requires intense concentration and so he cannot fight while using it, but he rarely needs to.

Weapons/Equipment: Carbon Fiber Vest - Isaac's vest appears to be a moderately fashionable piece of clothing, but actually contains a layer of carbon fiber protection.

Carbon Fiber Knife - Isaac carries with him a carbon fiber combat knife. Light weight, durable, and sharp as hell.

Glasses - Despite being a GMH, his eyes didn't come out so good, and so he needs to wear them. Without his glasses, he can still function, but he cannot read small print and he has difficulty recognizing faces from a distance.

20 AA batteries - Isaac carries these in the pocket of his vest. They're batteries, they're AA, and there's 20 of 'em. Each battery is 1.5V.

Bio: Isaac Faust was never supposed to exist. In fact, the plans for his birth were used as an argument against the GMH project. However, money often speaks louder than words, and a private organization got their hands on Isaac's "birth certificate," then immediately ordered their scientists to make him. He was given an education targeted towards maximizing the efficacy of his abilities. As a child, he was compliant enough, but as a teen he came to realize just how dangerous his abilities were. He wanted nothing to do with the military training they began subjecting him to, and so one night he used his ability to lock down the whole facility. Nobody could leave their rooms or move about the facility except Isaac; the young man deleted all records of his existence and hijacked a shuttle to earth, where he made a modest living as an indie game designer. The organization simply wrote him off.

One day, though, Isaac got bored. Like many people, he was sick of politicians, sick of corporate assholes, and sick of the sense of entitlement that so many people carried with him. So, he decided to change the universe. He started by deleting the stock market; "going paperless" proved to be its downfall. He then proceeded to delete the 100 largest bank accounts in the solar system, and caused all manner of inexplicable digital destruction, all while feeding the pigeons on a park bench. He left no previous states, no histories, not a single bit of information for his victims to go back to. For centuries, people had chanted "fight the system." He killed it in 30 minutes.

Isaac could have gotten away with the crime, but he decided to turn himself in. He wanted mankind's once great civilization to know the face of the man who tore it all down. They sent him to a high security prison on Charon, and for a while Isaac enjoyed the peace. But then one day he was approached once again by a certain organization...
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Takashi
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Takashi Nefarious Mastermind

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Ryozan Tanzo

Universe: Latrisia (Original)

Race: Northern Kitsune

Age: 23

Tier: Powered

Gender: Male

Height: 6'1''

Weight: 215 lbs.

Appearance: Ryozan has a muscular, though not bulky, build and carries an imposing stature. His face is stern and harsh, and he bears a scar across his right cheek and just under his left eye. As a kitsune, he has a pair of fox-like ears, claws for nails, elongated canines, and a set of six whiskers on his face, and a silky white tail. His snow white hair is long and well kept. He traditionally wears underclothes made of animal skin, a vest of thick, warm fur, arm warmers, and warm fuzzy boots, but when travelling in warmer lands than his home, he wears a dark blue kimono. His body has several scars from his younger days, revealing the strife that he endured.

Skills: Master Martial Artist - Ryozan has been formally training in martial arts his entire life, learning basic forms as early as 4 years old. He has participated in countless informal sparring matches, fought in formal tournaments, and has had many serious life or death fights outside of a dojo as well. His fighting style, Tanzo-ryu, was developed and passed down by his ancestors. It is similar to karate, focusing on powerful strikes and a sturdy defense with an emphasis on the upper body.

Master Swordsman - In addition to learning unarmed combat, Ryozan has also practiced the use of the katana from a very young age. His swordsmanship style goes by the same name of Tanzo-ryu and focuses on powerful efficient strikes. With his blade, he can tear through chain mail with ease and cleanly cut through bone.

Brute Strength - Even among the martial artists of his world, Ryozan has remarkable physical strength. He is able to crush rocks in his hand, punch through metal plates, and even toss wrestlers weighing twice as much as him out of the ring. Likewise, he has durability to match and can withstand blows just as well as he can dish them out.

Tracking - Ryozan is a proficient hunter, capable of stalking and killing prey in a variety of terrains, though his specialty is the woods, and his super-specialty is snowy woods.

Animal Handling - The northern kitsune are adept at handling various types of animals. His specialties are owls and moose, but he is also capable of capturing, taming, and training horses, raptors, and bears.

Powers: Cryomancy - The northern kitsune have a magical affinity for ice. They can withstand extremely cold temperatures, and can cool the air around them in particularly warm climates. Ryozan has learned a number of techniques that stem from his Cryomancy.

Blizzard Strike - Ryozan can summon a powerful arctic wind to accompany his strikes. The wind is -50 degrees Fahrenheit, travels at 50 mph, and is accompanied by shards of ice. The gust lasts only a couple of seconds.

Ice Armament - Ryozan can form ice around his body, having it take the form of blades or armor.

Frigid Touch - Ryozan can freeze an object that he is physically touching.

Ki - During his martial arts training, Ryozan has learned to harness his Ki, a spiritual force that enhances his abilities in several ways.

Hasaiken - The "crushing strike." By channeling his Ki into a physical strike, he can add an explosive impact to his already powerful blows.

Ki Infusion - Ryozan can channel his ki into a weapon that he his holding, giving it enhanced durability and keenness. When infusing his katana with his ki, he can cut through steel as though it were flesh. He can also infuse his Ice Armament with his ki to make it as strong as steel.

Gale Step - Ryozan can channel his ki into his feet and release it in a sudden burst for a quick, momentary burst of speed.

Weapons/Equipment: Shirogami - Ryozan's katana. Forged with Tanzo steel using the ancient sword making arts that were passed down for generations, this blade is as fine as any. It's sheath is a glossy black with no adornments, and the blade, though not magical, seems to glow white in sunlight.

Bio: The Tanzo family has been the ruling clan in the northern province of Ibino for over a millennium. They have avoid stagnation by invited talented folk of "lesser" blood into their family and adorning them with their name, and have maintained the respect of the region through virtue and action. However, when Ryozan was 17, his family arranged a marriage for him, which cut another clan off from their ambitions. Ryozan narrowly survived an assassination attempt, which sparked a civil war in Ibino. The Tanzo family eventually quelled the rebellion, and issued many pardons for the sake of peace, but the bloodbath that Ryozan took part in made him cold and harsh. He was sent out to see the world, a common practice among kitsune who come of age, in the hope that time away from home would ease his pent up anger.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Takashi
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Takashi Nefarious Mastermind

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Name: Brusk the Dreamer












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Takashi Nefarious Mastermind

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Name: Garoth Brightwing












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Takashi Nefarious Mastermind

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Takashi Nefarious Mastermind

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Takashi Nefarious Mastermind

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