Nation Name: The Imperial Gothic States

Type of Government: Semi-Independent states that form a united Empire. Each of the 5 state has its own elected Council and Governor, but they are legally superseded by the Nation-elected National Congress, and a hereditary Emperor known as the Kaiser. The 5 states can override a decision by the National Congress or the Kaiser by way of a majority vote. The Kaiser holds the power to declare war or peace, but these can be vetoed alongside any other decision.
Head(s) of Government: The ultimate head of the Empire is the Kaiser, currently Sebastian Nesselrode I. The 5 states are each led by their respective governor.
Economy: The Gothic Empire is a relatively wealthy nation, with decent access to most resources. Wealth struggles to reach the working class, however, with industrious landowners seeking to buy their way into the next election via offerings of increased wages, and lack of social welfare and other working-class benefits. Railroads are heavily developed here, and unite the states via trade routes
Primary Species: The Gothic Empire has an overwhelming normal Human Majority in terms of population, due to societal dislike for subspecies, and a former 'purification' movement in most of the states' histories.
Population: Approx. 46,000,000 and growing. A recent housing boom has led to population increase dramatically rising in recent years.
Culture: The Five Gothic States: Rochsburg, Mapprechts, Sindhub, Windhorst, and Sainscheid have varying cultures, but all are fiercely nationalistic, to both their state, and the greater Empire as a whole. Rochsburg is the largest state, and a military powerhouse, producing the most soldiers and officers. Thus, it is home to many parades, marches, and army rallies, as well as the Kaiser's Palace. Mapprechts is very trade-oriented, and as such is many people sell and buy as much as they can. Just about everyone in Mapprechts owns some form of shop, market, or trade stall. Sindhub is the most independently-minded state, and in accordance, a man from Sindhub will claim loyalty to Sindhub before the Empire. Windhorst is the 'artistic' state of the Empire, home to many concert halls and art galleries. Many people from Windhorst have at least tried to paint, write, act, or play music. Sainscheid is home to many farms, and as such, mindset tends to be a bit more 'backwards' than other states. Active killings of sub-humans, though illegal and discouraged, is still rampant in many parts of Sainscheid. Overall, The Gothic peoples tend to be very nationalistic, and sometimes even outright hostile, when around foreigners.
Religious and other Beliefs: The most common spiritual belief in the Gothic States is that an all powerful being known as "der Aufseher"(The Overseer) guides the human race with a stern, but fair, hand. Those who do good deeds, are honest, just, and noble will gain special precedence in His afterlife. Those who are deemed unworthy of the afterlife are reborn, continually forced to relive humanity until they learn compassion.
History: TBD. Will need help figuring this out.
Territory: The section of the Western Continent above Kuldarra
Climate: Primarily a temperate climate, with colder-than-average winters in the northern half, and warmer-than-average summers in the south. Being an effective peninsula means many beaches are present, with the climate of these differing from their region due to the presence of ocean water and oceanic weather effects.
Cities, bases, etc:
Katsdorf - The National and State Capital in Rochsburg, the middle state, is home to the Kaiser's Palace, the Imperial Military Academy, and the National Congress.
The Imperial Military Academy - The Premier headquarters for both active and training army and air forces in the Gothic Empire. Built up around the Kaiser's Palace, it is a nigh-impenetrable fortress, and the largest military base in the land. It is also home to the R&D teams dedicated to establishing new ground and air military technologies for the Empire.
The Imperial Naval Academy - Located in the center of the large 'cove' of the Empire's eastern shores. This is the central naval training and military headquarters for the Empire. Here is where the largest of the Imperial Fleets is stationed, and the R&D teams for the navy.
More to come as things are decided
Agriculture: Agriculture in the Empire is primarily focused on in the state of Sainscheid, with each of the other states having lesser levels of farming. The prime crops grown are wheat, potatoes, carrots, apples, grapes, and onions. Common livestock primarily consist of cattle and hogs, with sheep still used as a source of clothing material.
Industry: The three common industrial exports from the Gothic Empire are military arms and equipment, automobiles, and steam engines for use in trains or ships. Industry for other goods is common as well, but not generally exported in massive quantities.
Military: The Imperial Gothic States maintains a standing army of approx. 1,000,000 ground troops, armed with bolt-action rifles, machine guns, and artillery cannons. They have the resources to mobilize up to 100 zeppelin airships for bombing raids, several hundred fighter aircraft, and the largest Imperial Fleet of 157 ships. Fighting Honorably is an important aspect of Gothic military society, so much so that if a soldier has been deemed an unhonorable man, he can be court-martialed and removed from service.