I would love to see another person in here, and with the word OPEN in big letters in the title, I expect Vahir feels the same way.
@Eschatologist Speaking of pre-battle stuff, will Claes be sending Myra and friends orders at some point as to how to take the gatehouse? Maybe after Ryan or Vahir posts again?
I see this has already taken off. Do you have space for one more interested roleplayer?
I would love to see another person in here, and with the word OPEN in big letters in the title, I expect Vahir feels the same way.
Before I go off and do something that contradicts what has already been set down, could someone give me a basic rundown of the weapons that are being used?
Could we maybe say the Empire is tinkering with the idea so I don't have to rework Typhus and Aliden's backstories? They hate elves because their hometown was destroyed when the Margrave of the South tested cannons on the Emperor's behalf by blowing up their village. Maybe the cannons never worked again after that?
It is going to be robust. Also, I think if I manage to get a post up before Lex, Gordon is going to have a chat with Oromis. I need to start laying seeds for the Claes/Oromis ideological discourse, and what better way then to have one of the few blindly loyal people in the entire setting go chat with him about political philosophy the state of the war.
So, if we were to have a conversation with a character that does not belong to us, how would we go about having them?