It once said that humanities fate was beyond earth. That since we first took steps we have gazed to the stars wondering what lay out there. As we grew and evolved from simple hunter gatherers fighting for survival, to an all consuming force. Earth could no longer sustain us so a space race began, To find a new planet to sustain us all.
In the year 2034 the spaceship "UEC HOPE" Left Sol with its crew of 56 brave Souls that all volunteered. All knew this could be a one way trip and each one knew this was for the greater good of humanity. This Voyage was to last 10 years while at every possible chance relay the information back to The United Earth Committee.
with the information on 3 possible planets to inhabit.
In The year 2042 UEC HOPE Relayed an urgent message straight back to Earth stating they have made contact with an Alien race Humanoid insect race that appears to be friendly. They much like humanity have looked to the stars to survive. They was called the Otisha.
An alliance was formed that year With the UEC and the Otisha empire for ever lasting peace and that both races would help the other survive.
In the year 2076 after several years of exploration 14 more races had joined the Alliance and the First Galactic Alliance * had formed each race was responsible for its own species actions. Thus any form violence such as civil war would have to be dealt internally. But those that threatened the other races the alliance would have far reaching backlash. This alliance purpose was to survive not wage war.
Between the years of 2100-2123 the 4th race to join the alliance what the humans call Yeena. Started a bitter internal conflict, A group of rebel fighters known as the Yumori set out to other throw the Elitist hierarchy that kept the poor people poor and the rich people in power. This 23 year war resulted in over 200,000 deaths on both sides. But the fight was favored for the the Yumori and a new system was put in place. one that benefited everyone.
In the year 2125 reports of ships from most races being attacked started to come in - threat unknown. And for the next year the attacks grew and grew.
In the year 2126 Alliance high council meet to sort out the unknown threat All races present and the decision to form the First alliance Fleet. Each Race must provide a total of 15% of its total space faring fleet to the alliance. Apart of this fleet was a special operations fleet. Code name Sigma.
with the information on 3 possible planets to inhabit.
In The year 2042 UEC HOPE Relayed an urgent message straight back to Earth stating they have made contact with an Alien race Humanoid insect race that appears to be friendly. They much like humanity have looked to the stars to survive. They was called the Otisha.
An alliance was formed that year With the UEC and the Otisha empire for ever lasting peace and that both races would help the other survive.
In the year 2076 after several years of exploration 14 more races had joined the Alliance and the First Galactic Alliance * had formed each race was responsible for its own species actions. Thus any form violence such as civil war would have to be dealt internally. But those that threatened the other races the alliance would have far reaching backlash. This alliance purpose was to survive not wage war.
Between the years of 2100-2123 the 4th race to join the alliance what the humans call Yeena. Started a bitter internal conflict, A group of rebel fighters known as the Yumori set out to other throw the Elitist hierarchy that kept the poor people poor and the rich people in power. This 23 year war resulted in over 200,000 deaths on both sides. But the fight was favored for the the Yumori and a new system was put in place. one that benefited everyone.
In the year 2125 reports of ships from most races being attacked started to come in - threat unknown. And for the next year the attacks grew and grew.
In the year 2126 Alliance high council meet to sort out the unknown threat All races present and the decision to form the First alliance Fleet. Each Race must provide a total of 15% of its total space faring fleet to the alliance. Apart of this fleet was a special operations fleet. Code name Sigma.
>>Note that these are mostly just suggestions. If you wish to command a vessel not listed, please ask me and give a description and i will say yay or nay <<
Dreadnought - X1 (extremely costly and rare to find)
The Dreadnought is a massive ship, typically 1.5-3 Kilometers long, with a crew numbering at least two to three thousand, and sometimes used as a Flagship in a fleet. The DN, in sublight speeds, is amongst the slowest in the entire Alliance navy. Due to its sheer mass and inertia, it’s often difficult to pull complex maneuvers in this type of vessel. However, due to it’s sheer amount of guns and armor, a common tactic is to just park it in front of an opposing fleet and have a slugfest, throwing heavy hits and receiving heavy hits, tying down the opposing fleet, and allowing more maneuverable vessels to flank around. DN’s are a type of ship that has not been developed in a long time, many DN’s currently in service are very old, from an age of war long ago, refitted with modern technology. Recently, Alliance shipyards have relearned how to recreate these massive vessels, and have only made a few so far. Most Dreadnoughts contain hangers.
DN's are slow and have a wide turning angle. But can take and deal a lot of damage. they Cannot enter a planet's gravitational pull as it will instantly mess with the ship's systems and possibly the planet itself.
Carrier - x1 (no fleet needs more than one)
This Ship ranges in size (.9 -1.4 kilometers) and typically are lightly armed. but have a vast Small ship arrangement. The carrier's main job is to move to a location and deploy its fighters bombers and other ships that are apart of its roster.They never engage in frontline combat due to their light armament but are a crucial part to any operation.
A captain of the Carrier must have great strategic capabilities as modern technologies allow the captain to simultaneously set up orders from the pilots in real time overview.
All carriers are quite slow and have a large turning circle.
Colony Class - x1 (due to most being decommissioned)
These ships are old. When most races started exploring the stars Colony ships were used to transport those across the great expanse. as they are from a time before FTL drives. They was fitted so that entire cities could board and live in comfort while they drifted upon the stars. They had everything from refineries, assemblies, medical facilities, hangers to drop civilians on the planets etc etc. in their original form they had little in the way of weaponry they did have point defenses against meteors.
But today most of the colony ships have been decommissioned, the few that are still in service have been retrofitted. Mostly as a supporting vessel for smaller ships and ground forces if needed a support mobile repair unit to help in the aftermath of battles.
Battlecruiser - x2
(size: .5 - .8 kilometers) Unlike their shorter-range battleships that are tied to the main fleet, the Battlecruiser is designed to take the fight to the enemy territory, and even their homeworld. With this mission, the battlecruiser would have spare part and ammunition factories, larger crews, full sick bays, and larger cargo bays, along with the best FTL system in the fleet. To deal with all tactical situations that would arise, the battlecruiser would be armed with a vast array of weapons. Due to how much a battlecruiser carriers The hangers upon Battlecruisers are limited. having room for a few transport ships and a couple of small escort ships.
Battleship -
While the battlecruiser is made for long-range combat away from the support of their bases, the Battleship is the main short-ranged ship killer. These would be mainstay of any fleet, these ships would be armed with Light Anti-ship cannons, and the armor to take a pounding. These ships would be the largest produced of any warships in the fleet.
they have room for smaller shuttles and drones in the hanger
Frigate -
The Frigate Class ship would mostly be used in stealth ops escort missions and suppression. While this ship wouldn't be able to go toe to toe with anything larger. A Frigates Job in open warfare would to be to support the larger ships and Smaller ships with suppressing fire. These ships only have room for a couple of small suttles and a couple of drones.
Frigates would also be used for boarding parties. as their smaller size and speed would allow them to get close to hostile ships thusly allowing for troops to be inserted faster and safer.
They are extremely common and the easiest to reproduce.
Assault Ship
These would be a multi-role warship that mounted the weapon systems to deal with other combat ships and cargo ability to transport marines with light armored vehicles and shuttles to the planetary battlefield. These most likely would be your Running ships that dealt with any planetary operations.
they would also be used in restocking friendly ships with Ammo should the need arise.
Depending on configuration these ships would either have lots of storage or one large hanger that "stores" equipment needed for ground assaults
Heavy Cruiser
- A heavy cruiser being the traveling and fighting companion of the battlecruiser, being a long-range warship that is cheaper than the battlecruiser. These heavy cruiser would be the massed produced ships, and mostly likely the first warship on the scene.
A heavier Cruiser would mostly act on the attack keeping the fire away from the other ships. They have a midpoint when it comes to armor and speed, often used as the main assault force of any fleet.
>>Any ground based vehicles you wish to use please list in your hanger roster If you wish to add any other type of ship just ask me with details and i will say yay or nay<<
Scouts probes - These probes would be used to scan a system quickly and report back to the main fleet. As probes are smaller and cheaper to produce than ships they would be likely unarmed and unmanned with limited FTL Capabilities
Drones - Lightly armed and armored mass produced. the idea of these are to swarm the Hostiles and dig away till they get through.
Drop Ship/ troop - These Ships would be used to insert Marines onto planets and other ships. with a capacity of 20 + three crew they would the largest of all the small ships
Support Drop ship - This ship would be similar in design to that of the troop drop ship, however the Troop hold would be replaced a lifting capability for supplies and vehicles.
Bomber - A large, multi crew ‘bomber’. Harkening back to the bombers of WW2, the crew of a bomber would likely consist of a pilot, bombardier, navigator, and several gunners.
Fighter Bomber - Fighter Bombers are smaller than normal Bombers, and only consist of a pilot and navigator/copilot. As a result, they carry a smaller load, but are maneuverable enough to fly without an escort.
Fighters - These ships would be heavily armed and armored with a capacity of 2 crew. they would escort the other small ships closely
Interceptor - Interceptors are extremely fast, extremely maneuverable, often single seat fighters designed to take out other Interceptors, Fighter Bombers, or bombers.
Shuttles - multi role. Shuttles are very cheap and reliable, they can be fitted with small caliber/low energy weaponry. can be used to drop of explosive devices. troops (6 max), supplies. they are used for the smaller class ships as they are only 9 meters long
Dreadnought - X1 (extremely costly and rare to find)
The Dreadnought is a massive ship, typically 1.5-3 Kilometers long, with a crew numbering at least two to three thousand, and sometimes used as a Flagship in a fleet. The DN, in sublight speeds, is amongst the slowest in the entire Alliance navy. Due to its sheer mass and inertia, it’s often difficult to pull complex maneuvers in this type of vessel. However, due to it’s sheer amount of guns and armor, a common tactic is to just park it in front of an opposing fleet and have a slugfest, throwing heavy hits and receiving heavy hits, tying down the opposing fleet, and allowing more maneuverable vessels to flank around. DN’s are a type of ship that has not been developed in a long time, many DN’s currently in service are very old, from an age of war long ago, refitted with modern technology. Recently, Alliance shipyards have relearned how to recreate these massive vessels, and have only made a few so far. Most Dreadnoughts contain hangers.
DN's are slow and have a wide turning angle. But can take and deal a lot of damage. they Cannot enter a planet's gravitational pull as it will instantly mess with the ship's systems and possibly the planet itself.
Carrier - x1 (no fleet needs more than one)
This Ship ranges in size (.9 -1.4 kilometers) and typically are lightly armed. but have a vast Small ship arrangement. The carrier's main job is to move to a location and deploy its fighters bombers and other ships that are apart of its roster.They never engage in frontline combat due to their light armament but are a crucial part to any operation.
A captain of the Carrier must have great strategic capabilities as modern technologies allow the captain to simultaneously set up orders from the pilots in real time overview.
Assault Carrier - while their role is vastly the same, Assault carriers will have a larger array of Armaments for space combat and sometime space - planet side combat.
however this comes at a cost - they are unable to carry the same amount of smaller ships. This is due to the housing of the weapons themselves as well as the space needed to store the ammunition
however this comes at a cost - they are unable to carry the same amount of smaller ships. This is due to the housing of the weapons themselves as well as the space needed to store the ammunition
All carriers are quite slow and have a large turning circle.
Colony Class - x1 (due to most being decommissioned)
These ships are old. When most races started exploring the stars Colony ships were used to transport those across the great expanse. as they are from a time before FTL drives. They was fitted so that entire cities could board and live in comfort while they drifted upon the stars. They had everything from refineries, assemblies, medical facilities, hangers to drop civilians on the planets etc etc. in their original form they had little in the way of weaponry they did have point defenses against meteors.
But today most of the colony ships have been decommissioned, the few that are still in service have been retrofitted. Mostly as a supporting vessel for smaller ships and ground forces if needed a support mobile repair unit to help in the aftermath of battles.
Battlecruiser - x2
(size: .5 - .8 kilometers) Unlike their shorter-range battleships that are tied to the main fleet, the Battlecruiser is designed to take the fight to the enemy territory, and even their homeworld. With this mission, the battlecruiser would have spare part and ammunition factories, larger crews, full sick bays, and larger cargo bays, along with the best FTL system in the fleet. To deal with all tactical situations that would arise, the battlecruiser would be armed with a vast array of weapons. Due to how much a battlecruiser carriers The hangers upon Battlecruisers are limited. having room for a few transport ships and a couple of small escort ships.
Battleship -
While the battlecruiser is made for long-range combat away from the support of their bases, the Battleship is the main short-ranged ship killer. These would be mainstay of any fleet, these ships would be armed with Light Anti-ship cannons, and the armor to take a pounding. These ships would be the largest produced of any warships in the fleet.
they have room for smaller shuttles and drones in the hanger
Frigate -
The Frigate Class ship would mostly be used in stealth ops escort missions and suppression. While this ship wouldn't be able to go toe to toe with anything larger. A Frigates Job in open warfare would to be to support the larger ships and Smaller ships with suppressing fire. These ships only have room for a couple of small suttles and a couple of drones.
Frigates would also be used for boarding parties. as their smaller size and speed would allow them to get close to hostile ships thusly allowing for troops to be inserted faster and safer.
They are extremely common and the easiest to reproduce.
Assault Ship
These would be a multi-role warship that mounted the weapon systems to deal with other combat ships and cargo ability to transport marines with light armored vehicles and shuttles to the planetary battlefield. These most likely would be your Running ships that dealt with any planetary operations.
they would also be used in restocking friendly ships with Ammo should the need arise.
Depending on configuration these ships would either have lots of storage or one large hanger that "stores" equipment needed for ground assaults
Heavy Cruiser
- A heavy cruiser being the traveling and fighting companion of the battlecruiser, being a long-range warship that is cheaper than the battlecruiser. These heavy cruiser would be the massed produced ships, and mostly likely the first warship on the scene.
A heavier Cruiser would mostly act on the attack keeping the fire away from the other ships. They have a midpoint when it comes to armor and speed, often used as the main assault force of any fleet.
Small ships
>>Any ground based vehicles you wish to use please list in your hanger roster If you wish to add any other type of ship just ask me with details and i will say yay or nay<<
Scouts probes - These probes would be used to scan a system quickly and report back to the main fleet. As probes are smaller and cheaper to produce than ships they would be likely unarmed and unmanned with limited FTL Capabilities
Drones - Lightly armed and armored mass produced. the idea of these are to swarm the Hostiles and dig away till they get through.
Drop Ship/ troop - These Ships would be used to insert Marines onto planets and other ships. with a capacity of 20 + three crew they would the largest of all the small ships
Support Drop ship - This ship would be similar in design to that of the troop drop ship, however the Troop hold would be replaced a lifting capability for supplies and vehicles.
Bomber - A large, multi crew ‘bomber’. Harkening back to the bombers of WW2, the crew of a bomber would likely consist of a pilot, bombardier, navigator, and several gunners.
Fighter Bomber - Fighter Bombers are smaller than normal Bombers, and only consist of a pilot and navigator/copilot. As a result, they carry a smaller load, but are maneuverable enough to fly without an escort.
Fighters - These ships would be heavily armed and armored with a capacity of 2 crew. they would escort the other small ships closely
Interceptor - Interceptors are extremely fast, extremely maneuverable, often single seat fighters designed to take out other Interceptors, Fighter Bombers, or bombers.
Shuttles - multi role. Shuttles are very cheap and reliable, they can be fitted with small caliber/low energy weaponry. can be used to drop of explosive devices. troops (6 max), supplies. they are used for the smaller class ships as they are only 9 meters long
(other races may have different names for the classes but will follow the same style)
Officer - Used to command forces while on the ground (squad leads and platoon leads)
Breacher - Used for assaulting bases and ships CQC/B
hackers - Used for hacking systems
Recon - Mid to long range scouts
Anti tank - taking out ground based vehicles
Anti air- Taking out shuttles
Combat lifesaver - First aid and field dressings
Sapper - Explosive specialist
Officer - Used to command forces while on the ground (squad leads and platoon leads)
Breacher - Used for assaulting bases and ships CQC/B
hackers - Used for hacking systems
Recon - Mid to long range scouts
Anti tank - taking out ground based vehicles
Anti air- Taking out shuttles
Combat lifesaver - First aid and field dressings
Sapper - Explosive specialist
>>Note that these are mostly just suggestions. If you wish to use a weapon not listed, please ask me and give a description and i will say yay or nay<<
Particle Beam - Both jokingly and affectionately called Phasers, these weapons have the best power expended-to-damage inflicted ratio. Although the damage isn't tremendous, it’s often enough to disable or severely cripple enemy ship systems. A skilled gunner could target fuel tanks, or munition stores to cause secondary explosions, taking down an enemy ship in less hits. Particle Beam emitters are often laid out in a strip, allowing a single strip to cover a large arc of the ship, and be able to fire from different points from the strip. Particle Beams are both capable anti-ship and point-defense weapons.
Laser - Lasers are a weapon of extremes. It is either low-powered, and thus used as point-defense, or high-powered, used as large lance like weapons. Medium sized lasers are not used as much, as Particle Beams fill this role pretty well.
Kinetic - Kinetics cover a very large variety of weaponry. From small caliber flak, working as point defense, to larger caliber anti-ship weaponry, to massive anti-Capital Ship railguns.
Torpedo - Torpedoes are a popular way of delivering a highly destructive payload to the enemy ship. Torpedoes are often fired out of torpedo tubes, and are somewhat tracking. Although they don’t have the maneuverability to hit smaller targets like fast Frigates, or small craft. Different kinds of Torpedoes do exist, although standard issue torpedoes are the most common.
Missile - Missiles are similar to Torpedoes, but typically carry a smaller warhead and are much more agile. Allowing them to track and destroy smaller ships that would normally out-fly a torpedo.
Particle Beam - Both jokingly and affectionately called Phasers, these weapons have the best power expended-to-damage inflicted ratio. Although the damage isn't tremendous, it’s often enough to disable or severely cripple enemy ship systems. A skilled gunner could target fuel tanks, or munition stores to cause secondary explosions, taking down an enemy ship in less hits. Particle Beam emitters are often laid out in a strip, allowing a single strip to cover a large arc of the ship, and be able to fire from different points from the strip. Particle Beams are both capable anti-ship and point-defense weapons.
Laser - Lasers are a weapon of extremes. It is either low-powered, and thus used as point-defense, or high-powered, used as large lance like weapons. Medium sized lasers are not used as much, as Particle Beams fill this role pretty well.
Kinetic - Kinetics cover a very large variety of weaponry. From small caliber flak, working as point defense, to larger caliber anti-ship weaponry, to massive anti-Capital Ship railguns.
Torpedo - Torpedoes are a popular way of delivering a highly destructive payload to the enemy ship. Torpedoes are often fired out of torpedo tubes, and are somewhat tracking. Although they don’t have the maneuverability to hit smaller targets like fast Frigates, or small craft. Different kinds of Torpedoes do exist, although standard issue torpedoes are the most common.
Missile - Missiles are similar to Torpedoes, but typically carry a smaller warhead and are much more agile. Allowing them to track and destroy smaller ships that would normally out-fly a torpedo.
>>Note that these are mostly just suggestions. If you wish to use a technology not listed, please ask me and give a description and i will say yay or nay <<
Replicators - An advancement of 3D printers, Replicators use some advanced technology mumbo jumbo to create anything from food, to Ammo to repair parts . The only limitation of this technology was it requires massive amounts of power - 3X what the latest ship systems could produce - as such Replicator use is limited to those ships that sync-power thus sharing the load.
AI Technology - Many ships come with some sort of AI, some play a more active role, others don’t. The AI is primarily used for calculations, that sort of thing.
FTL Drive - There are many types of FTL drive. Such as the Warp Drive, Hyperspace Drive, and more. All are similar, and have slightly different variations to each other.
These can jump very far however have a long recharge time.
Sublight Engines - Like FTL technology, there are many types of sublight engines available. Such as the Ion Engines, or Impulse Engines. And like the FTL Drives, they are all similar, with slightly different variations.
These can jump short distances and have a fast recharge time
Blink Drives- used for combat scenarios these Drives are mostly fitted in the frigates and similar classes, the jump is limited to 9km
theyre recharge time is extremely fast however they require a lot of power and will draw from other systems such as shielding and weapons to jump.
Shielding - From gel layering to energy shielding. shielding has many forms but all with one purpose.
Radar Systems - Both local and interstellar, the longer range the more distorted the the readings will be.
Experimental Systems - Quantum technology, Dark Matter/Dark Energy technology, can blow up if not careful!
Replicators - An advancement of 3D printers, Replicators use some advanced technology mumbo jumbo to create anything from food, to Ammo to repair parts . The only limitation of this technology was it requires massive amounts of power - 3X what the latest ship systems could produce - as such Replicator use is limited to those ships that sync-power thus sharing the load.
AI Technology - Many ships come with some sort of AI, some play a more active role, others don’t. The AI is primarily used for calculations, that sort of thing.
FTL Drive - There are many types of FTL drive. Such as the Warp Drive, Hyperspace Drive, and more. All are similar, and have slightly different variations to each other.
These can jump very far however have a long recharge time.
Sublight Engines - Like FTL technology, there are many types of sublight engines available. Such as the Ion Engines, or Impulse Engines. And like the FTL Drives, they are all similar, with slightly different variations.
These can jump short distances and have a fast recharge time
Blink Drives- used for combat scenarios these Drives are mostly fitted in the frigates and similar classes, the jump is limited to 9km
theyre recharge time is extremely fast however they require a lot of power and will draw from other systems such as shielding and weapons to jump.
Shielding - From gel layering to energy shielding. shielding has many forms but all with one purpose.
Radar Systems - Both local and interstellar, the longer range the more distorted the the readings will be.
Experimental Systems - Quantum technology, Dark Matter/Dark Energy technology, can blow up if not careful!
Humanity- Bipedal humanoid mammals from the planet earth- omnivores - breaths a mixture of oxygen Carbon Dioxide nitrogen and argon.

Otisha- Humanoid Insect race from the planet - Ouri- dry arid planet - soloy breaths on Carbon monoxide and can photosynthesise.

Yeena- quadruped amphibious race- From the moon of Trisharu - sulphur swamps and lakes cover the surface- breaths sulphur and oxygen (tho with difficulty)

Hypharin -the Hypharin are a bipedal race that hails from Etrian, their home planet which has a rather lusciously green geography, made out of forests and jungles that span across the planet. They breathe in carbon and oxygen.
The sixth race to join the Alliance,Their reason for taking off to the stars in hopes to discover a new habitable planet, maybe even a new race? To sate their curiosity.

The Fa’nay are artificial constructs built by a now extinct empire that used these mechanised warriors to war with each other, only to result in their entire race’s demise. The Fa’nay or ‘Vanguard’ which their name later evolved to plan to expand their own empire and create mass Data Hives to further their processing abilities.
Despite being tool of war from a hateful race, the Vanguards, much to the surprise of humans and other sentient lifeforms, the Vanguard actually treasure organic life and will stop at nothing to protect it, risking their own safety to do so.

Otisha- Humanoid Insect race from the planet - Ouri- dry arid planet - soloy breaths on Carbon monoxide and can photosynthesise.

Yeena- quadruped amphibious race- From the moon of Trisharu - sulphur swamps and lakes cover the surface- breaths sulphur and oxygen (tho with difficulty)

Hypharin -the Hypharin are a bipedal race that hails from Etrian, their home planet which has a rather lusciously green geography, made out of forests and jungles that span across the planet. They breathe in carbon and oxygen.
The sixth race to join the Alliance,Their reason for taking off to the stars in hopes to discover a new habitable planet, maybe even a new race? To sate their curiosity.

The Fa’nay are artificial constructs built by a now extinct empire that used these mechanised warriors to war with each other, only to result in their entire race’s demise. The Fa’nay or ‘Vanguard’ which their name later evolved to plan to expand their own empire and create mass Data Hives to further their processing abilities.
Despite being tool of war from a hateful race, the Vanguards, much to the surprise of humans and other sentient lifeforms, the Vanguard actually treasure organic life and will stop at nothing to protect it, risking their own safety to do so.

>>Note for balance purposes i will only allow one dreadnaught/equivalent ship<<
Please include weaknesses- if your ship is really fast and agile it won't have vast amounts of armor and vica versa
Ship Designation: (Most prefixes will be GANS, Galactic Alliance Navy Ship.)
Ship Registry: (Normal ships will have the NS prefix, Experimental ships will have the NX prefix. Typically ship registry numbers are in the thousands.)
Ship Class: (see list above)
Ship Size: (Length size is enough. Gives me a better idea of how to picture the vessel.)
Ship Crew: (The typical amount of crewmen.)
Ship Weapons: (see list above)
Ship technologies: (include everything from radar to shielding to warp cores etc)
Ship Appearance: (Image or description)
Notable missions: (if you have any notable missions place here)
Other: (include weaknesses here and any other notes you wish to include here
Ship Designation: (Most prefixes will be GANS, Galactic Alliance Navy Ship.)
Ship Registry: (Normal ships will have the NS prefix, Experimental ships will have the NX prefix. Typically ship registry numbers are in the thousands.)
Ship Class: (see list above)
Ship Size: (Length size is enough. Gives me a better idea of how to picture the vessel.)
Ship Crew: (The typical amount of crewmen.)
Ship Weapons: (see list above)
Ship technologies: (include everything from radar to shielding to warp cores etc)
Ship Appearance: (Image or description)
Notable missions: (if you have any notable missions place here)
Other: (include weaknesses here and any other notes you wish to include here
These are for your shuttles and fighters in your shuttle bay (also include ground vehicles)
Ship Designation: (Sometimes just called Shuttle 1, Shuttle 2, etc. If you want to give it a special name, you can.)
Ship Class:
Ship Crew:
Ship Weapons:
Ship Appearance:
Ship Designation: (Sometimes just called Shuttle 1, Shuttle 2, etc. If you want to give it a special name, you can.)
Ship Class:
Ship Crew:
Ship Weapons:
Ship Appearance:
Again be realistic. list like you would the hanger. Grunts do not need to have names.
(Include any important personal you wish or just captains)
Race: (Please keep races realistic - if you do not wish to play human please include some background upon the race and i will add it to the roster)
Rank: (Mostly everyone will be a Captain. If you wish to make another sheet for important crew members in your ship, that is also acceptable.)
Skills: (If you want to list specific skills.)
Away Mission Equipment: (If your character will ever get off the ship on an 'away' mission, on a hostile world.)
Personality: (This will be explored more as the Rp progresses - short paragraph is acceptable)
Quick-Bio: (This is a quick bio. A two paragraph is acceptable)
Race: (Please keep races realistic - if you do not wish to play human please include some background upon the race and i will add it to the roster)
Rank: (Mostly everyone will be a Captain. If you wish to make another sheet for important crew members in your ship, that is also acceptable.)
Skills: (If you want to list specific skills.)
Away Mission Equipment: (If your character will ever get off the ship on an 'away' mission, on a hostile world.)
Personality: (This will be explored more as the Rp progresses - short paragraph is acceptable)
Quick-Bio: (This is a quick bio. A two paragraph is acceptable)
- I will be posting missions in the IC which will be clearly displayed written in lightblue (if this is an issue due to colour blindness or other issues let me know and i will change it
- Please read the other Character sheets because we do not want similar CS's and it will help with the RP
- Please post the Character sheets below for approval
- Please spread out the ship types. i do not want all super powerful ships. Have support class ships have medical Just keep things balanced i have put a limit on the larger ships!
- Don't be OP have flaws in both ship and characters
- i will allow you to create your own race if you wish - please provide some lore if possible
- Rp's tend to have a drop off in posting speed - While i know life gets in the way please let me know if you are pulling out or are busy if possible,
- If you have any suggestions or complaints about the story and/or characters message me privately and we can sort it out.
- Teamwork is necessary in this roleplay! communicate with other people, Move to assist and cover each other.
The Mission set ups
You captains have been selected to join the Special operations fleet Codename Sigma
Missions will be sent from Titan HQ. with a brief tactical plan on the mission.
While it will ultimately be up to all of you to formulate a plan of attack.
Sigma Is beyond top secret with only the councilman/women knowing the operations. This fleet is one of interspecies relations, so any distrust for one another must be left out of operations.
Missions will be sent from Titan HQ. with a brief tactical plan on the mission.
While it will ultimately be up to all of you to formulate a plan of attack.
Sigma Is beyond top secret with only the councilman/women knowing the operations. This fleet is one of interspecies relations, so any distrust for one another must be left out of operations.
Captain: (Prime) Ghost
Ship Designation: GANS - Reaper
Ship Registry: FnyHNS - 0091
Ship Class: Hive-Ship (Dreadnaught)
Ship Designation: GANS - Reaper
Ship Registry: FnyHNS - 0091
Ship Class: Hive-Ship (Dreadnaught)
If you have any suggestions on story or things to add to formations please do so. Any weapons/technologies/ship classes that you add i will also add to the lists!
Please post the CS bellow and i will move them across the the CS tab