Zeke Carter & Stella McGuire

Location; Zeke's home then Olympus Academy.
Interacting With; Stella McGuire & Zeke Carter
Stella was enjoying the ride as she loved the scenery that her neighborhood had to offer. She smiled softly to herself then started to hum a song that Samson had taught her to hum when she was happy. Samson hummed along with her as they both chuckled whenever they were finished. She still smiled and couldn't wait to get back to Olympus Academy to take about her Summer with the others. Her phone chimed as she slid her finger acroos the screen and opened up the message from Zeke, reading it.
"Hey, Samson, mind picking up my brother, Zeke?" She asked him politely as he tipped his hat then made the turn towards his home.
"Thanks." Stella smiled while leaning back in her seat now, her bright blue eyes still glaring out of the window.
To: Zeke
From: Stella
I hope you are ready and that we do not have to wait. Please tell me that you are ready.
She sent the message then looked back out of the window as she loved where Zeke lived as well. Nice, friendly neighborhood it seemed like. Samson pulled up into Zeke's driveway as Stella got out of the limousine and straightened herself out then cleared her throat before walking towards the door. Three knocks was all she did as she wanted to finally be reunited with her dear brother, Zeke, once again.
"315...316...317..." muttered Zeke as he continued to do his push-ups. Suddenly he heard his phone go off. He quickly did 3 more push-ups, to get a more even 320 and propped himself back up. He checked his notifications and saw that he got another text from his sister.
Before he could even reply, he heard a familiar three knocks. Why was it always three? He grabbed a paper towel on the counter to wipe his sweat then went to answer the door.
"Hey Sis, hold up let me get my stuff," he said, rushing back inside the living room, grabbed his bag and rejoined his sister at the door.
"Okay, I'm good. Nice to see you again."Awkwardly standing there for a moment, Zeke was unsure whether or not he should hug her because they haven't seen each other in a while. He never had a sibling before, nonetheless a
sister. He ended up giving her a simple nod and opened the car door so that she could get in first. Once she was in, he went around the other side to get in himself.
"Hey Samson, how are you?" he greeted the driver politely. Samson was a cool guy in Zeke's book, a bit formal though.
"Greetings Mr. Zeke. I am fine, thank you for asking," Samson returned.
"Oh and thanks, you guys, for picking me up and all. I honestly didn't know how I would be getting to school today if you guys didn't. My car is still in the shop," Zeke admitted.
Stella didn't really stand at the door long, which surprised her since her brother was usually doing something rather important like excerising or something of the like. Her eyes gleamed towards his as she couldn't help but smile and give her brother a small hug but broke it instantly since they had to get a move on it. Stella watched as her brother went to go and grab his bags then peeked her head inside for a moment, only to have her brother reapper in front of her within a matter of seconds.
With the turn of her heel, she walked alongside with Zeke and even helped him place his baggage in the trunk with hers as she checked her nails to make sure she didn't break one. She was good. With a swift hairflip, she looked at Zeke as he opened up the door for her and she thanked him while getting in, waiting for him to do the same.
"Oh, Mr. Zeke?" Stella mocked as she laughed then listened to his admittedly story about his car.
"You don't need money to get it out, do you?" Stella inquired with a raised brow then eyed Samson.
"Samson, step on it! Sheesh." She was a bit amped to be going back to the Academy as she couldn't wait any longer to get there.
"So, are you just as excited as I am to be going back?" She asked him while leaning up and opening up her portable, mini fridge and grabbing two drinks, handing on to Zeke before popping the tab off of hers and taking a sip.
Zeke bit his lower lips as his sister began to question him about his car. His eyes began to gaze out the window.
Pssshh... no. I just have to wait until I get paid this weekend is all," he scoffed, still avoiding his sister's eye contact. He was relieved that the subject was changed quickly as Stella told Samson to 'Step on it'. He wasn't lying though, he was going to get paid this weekend but it definitely wasn't enough to pay for the car repairs. Not that he was going to ask for money anyways. That kind of thing hurt his pride. Especially if it was from his wealthy, older sister.
He accepted the drink graciously, and popped the tab off.
"Honestly? I could live another day without going back to school. Or even forever. Too much nagging teachers, homework and tests. The only good thing about school are the sport teams and I guess the food there is better than human school." he replied, then took a sip.
"Why are you so excited anyways?"Of course, Stella was a good detector of lies especially Zeke's but she left that matter for another time for when she can use it against him. She grew quiet after his lie then continued on listening to him ramble on about going back to the Academy. Her ears twitched at his question as she turned to face him now.
"I want to see if these Demigod children have stepped their game up this year. Honestly, I am in for some rematches from last Spring." With those spoken, she pounded her fist into the palm of her hand then eyed Zeke, giggling a bit.
"In all seriousness, I just want to see my friends and mortal enemies again." That was true. Stella smirked as she felt the pull of Academy. That means that they were slowly approaching it as nothing but trees could be seen now.
"We're almost there, Zeke. Get excited, at least." Her eyes were glued to the scenery, once again as she saw the campus and her eyes had fireworks in them. Olympus Academy, here comes Stella, once again. And Zeke, too.
Yes, Zeke too; reluctantly.
"Yay," he cheered sarcastically.
"I guess there are some things I can look forward to... he sighed as he thought about all those insanely hot Aphrodite chicks.
Eventually, the car came to a complete stop and Samson smiled at the two demi-gods. "Have a great day at school, M-m... I mean... Stella and Mr. Zeke."
Zeke jumped out of the car, taking the Academy in.
"Thanks for the ride again, Samson!" He opened the trunk and got out his luggage and Stella's too.
"Need me to take your stuff to your room, Princess?" he joked as Stella got out of the car.
He flashed a smile at a few girls that happened to be walking by, and they waved back, giggling like a bunch of school girls. Well, they were school girls, but that's besides the point.
"Yup, I totally change my mind. I'm glad to be back too," he smirked mischeviously.
Stella felt the car jolt to a stop as she saw Zeke jump out of the limousine and immediately went to getting their luggage.
"Some gentelman you are, leaving me to open my own door and get out of the car without taking my hand." Stella joked towards Zeke then looked at him with a slight smirk.
"Hm, yes, you can take my baggage to my room. I shall show you the way." She trailed off, hoping that Zeke was following but it seemed like his mind was elsewhere.
Her eyes looked at Zeke as she shook her head.
"Oh, you do not need that filth. I'll hook you up with someone, bro, don't worry." She punched his arm playfully with a wink then wiggled her fingers for her to follow him to her room. But of course, Stella was sort of Queen Bee of the campus and everyone knew her so she stopped and madee conversation with almost everybody.
"Oh, Zeke, just leave me my bags. You go mingle with others." She basically pulled her luggage from him then waved him off as if he was another human. Stella didn't mean it though as she was just simply caught up in the moment. After having a brief conversation and catching up with others, she dismissed herself and made a trek towards her room so that she could unpack and get ready for the assembly.
Zeke groaned; he was joking about carrying her bags to her room. He didn't expect her to take him seriously. He was going to look so lame, like a servant or something. But she was older and they were both Zeus' children. One of their egos, most likely his, was going to get bruised.
"Hop off, I don't need your help to get a girl," he grumbled as he picked up her luggages and followed her.
It was annoying. She kept stopping and talking to everyone until finally she decided to set him free. He was going to say bye or something but it was like he didn't even exist to her anymore. Oh well, it happens and he's free now. He still had to put his bags away though so he sped over to his room, dropped them off, then went back onto the campus. He still had time before the assembly and he wanted to see if he could go flirt with some of those girls he saw earlier.