From Desert to Tundra
The world of Mali is bustling with life, though the planet being a ball of water with one giant mass of land. In this singular continent, the biomes range from sand desert to freezing tundra and everything in between, making the world suitable for creatures and humans of all kinds. The mild deciduous and coniferous forests are more desirable than the harsh conditions that can be found in Mali's deserts and arctic plains, which inhabit little to no flora. The animals of Mali have been gifted with the ability to communicate with each other regardless of species, however this does not stop them from conflicting with each other (and sometimes may even worsen the strife.) Alas, the cycle of life must keep turning.
Villages in various sizes with a range of races can be found scattering the continent. Humans living in these quaint cities are often times found to be practicing some form of magic, whether elemental or simple herbalism. Battles, wars - they're not uncommon between territories. The people of Mali are generally mellow and peace-keeping folks, but as human nature is shown to be aggressive, conflicts are to be expected, while not encouraged by anyone.
Whatever your role in Mali, whether average human or far-out mythical creature, make your life here the best it can be.
- RPG standard rules apply.
- If you wish to join, submit your character sheet in the proper tab. I will mention you in the OOC tab if you are accepted or not. Do not post IC until you are accepted.
- Do not kill or harm other participants without first asking them via PM or OOC.
- While romance is allowed, try to keep it believable when it is involved between two creatures. Example: a mouse would not be in a relationship with an elephant.
- Keep it clean. Don't be raunchy.
- Cursing is allowed, but don't go crazy.
- If you start an undesired conflict with one of the participants, you will be removed from the role-play.