Avatar of Kafka Komedy
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Check out ma bugs bro roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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Still back, bitch.

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@Dark Cloud A more comprehensive list of the factions/forces important to life in Anor Londo, and the world at large. Organizations or people that could reasonably have an effect on ones backstory, and also how the player characters might be connected. I assume this isn't just an open world and the main characters would generally be vying for or against something specific ye?
Treasure Hunter Charlotte

Place of Birth: The name of your homeland.

Gender: Male or Female.

Appearance: A picture of your character and/or a short description of your characters appearance, if you want tell us what they look like as a hollow as well.

Status: Unhollowed or Hollow.

Biography: A few sentences or more describing your characters past up to the present. You don't need to write me a ten page essay, write at your own pace and have fun crafting your characters story.

Personality: A description of your characters various ideals, quirks and other defining personality traits.

Skills: A few of the various skills your characters possess, please be reasonable with your characters skill choices..

Equipment: Wooden Shield
Prism Stones

Other: Anything else that you think deserves to be added.
I wanna see a little more about the setting before throwing out a character, though I know I wanna have them be a sort of progenitor to mild-mannered Pate.
Oh, I wanted to ask, are we all going to be undead? Or could we be regular humans, or maybe even other races like giants?
Oh boy, you should not have let me contribute I am gonna throw so much fanservicey shit out here. Feel free to take whatevers actually usable.

So we know Gwyndolin survives DS1 no matter what the chosen undead does, maybe he eggs on the cult? Also, Yorksha's Dark Moon Knights could be a thing, since we know it was an actual knighthood pre-DS3.

Corvians should totally be a thing, though given all we really know about them is a connection to the Painted worlds, I have no idea how they would integrate at all. Maybe the Chosen Undead entering the painting sort of 'unlocked' it and the Corvians from there could go back to Anor Londo? Maybe Priscilla too, since Gwyndolin is clearly much better about halfbreeds than his dad.

Ornstein also survived DS1 and journeyed a while before finally finding Archdragon Peak. Maybe him leaving his post caused a power vacuum or something?

Maybe the start of the wolf blood cult that would become the Undead Legion of Farron? Or the backstory of the women who would go to found the Sable Church of Londor could be part of the plot? Also we know that by the time of DS3 (and probably even DS2) very few demons remain. Maybe there was some kind of genocide? Also, Rosaria was most likely a god and was probably born by post DS1 so she could show up, pre-corruption.

Jude Styles

Interacting with: Klein, Finbarr @The Man Emperor
Ashton, Flame, Natasha @Letter Bee

Jude was one of the last to enter the portal back to the ship, only doing so after they confirmed everyone else had either already left, or were right behind them. Once they, and everyone else, were on the ship, Jude finally let their guard down. A metallic, rattling, harsh sigh escaped from what approximated their mouth, probably terrifying anyone who could hear it, as Jude sat down on an errant loading container. If it were possible for a day to go from 'the best' to 'the worst' this would definitely be a top 3 contender. The group broke slightly away, after Ashton's roll call. All Jude offered during that was a sort of mumble-grunt, and their raised hand.

Jude hung back on the sidelines, like they always did, and observed the conversation Ashton, Flame, and someone Jude didn't recognize were having. 'Klein' was their name, and from what Jude could glean from the conversation, they were a deserter at the least, though clearly more if even Ashton wanted him to submit to a full mental and digital shake down. Such an intense breach of privacy didn't sit well with Jude, even if they didn't know the full story, but they kept their mouth shut for the moment as more people were speaking. Natasha Zhang, for one. Jude was to be under her command now that he was transferred to this squad. She invited them and Klein to introduce themselves (after running down what else had gone poorly today). As Klein was occupied with his other conversation, Jude opted to speak for them a small bit.

"I'm Jude Styles, from another branch of Moonstrike. I was sent to check in on the other Star Marines, a bad time I guess... That one is Klein I think." Jude replied, turning back to the other conversation. Finbarr and Narvia joined in as well. Apparently they were dating, but more importantly, they shared the same opinions on Klein-- he should be being treated better, as an eager addition to the team. Even if a scan was justified. As for where Phi went, Jude shrugged. Maybe that was part of why he was sent here. If so, they chose a poor person to try and relate to others, or do anything socially, really.

Finally, Klein spoke up, and his reasons for returning mimicked Jude's exactly. They both simply wanted to see their families again. It was not a noble goal, probably not one 'deserved.' But Jude would fight for that right, and earn it through good deeds. They'd earn Klein's family back too.

"I know this isn't my place, but you should take Klein in." Jude suddenly said, hopping off of their box. "And also, I'd like to formally transfer here. And, and I don't wanna take no for an answer on that!... Okay?"
I'm also eager to hear more! Since this is pre-DS2, would it be possible to have a character that's an ancestor to one of those characters, like Alva or Raime?
Ash McShane

Just as Corban and Ash had finished their catching up, and resumed leaning against the wall, a few more people entered the room. Two Feren women, and another human boy like Ash. Actually, the boy looked pretty dang similar to Ash really. Red-orange hair, broad shoulders, fairly similar skin tone... He was probably from Shidan ethnically too. He didn't have anything in particular to note about the wolf feren woman, but the other bird feren he also recognized. It took him a moment to remember exactly from where, but as he scanned her up and down it clicked. She was also a Child like Corban and Ash were, though he didn't interact with her too much. She was an orphan and, as such, probably didn't have the best life, so she always seemed awful gloomed up whenever Ash was around. But, maybe he had misjudged her.

She introduced herself up front, talking just fine. Corban took the lead in doing the introductions, oddly, giving his name and Ash's. Maybe the people in his life he almost left behind were growing faster than he gave them credit for. A small pang of guilt rose up as he realized he would have been leaving these people to their own problems even if he knew them, and was even friends with Corban... but he tucked it back down to deal with for later, speaking up to ease his tension.

"Yeah, like Cor said, I'm Ash. You remember me? We went to the same church as kids, the three of us." Ash said, gesturing back to Corban. "We didn't talk too much but, I'm glad to see another Child of Gaia. As for that 'questionable' note..." Ash mentioned, turning back to the wolf girl, "Me an' Cor got it yeah, the other human is probably right about all of us training together, though that probably doesn't start until this Efran joker gets off his ass and gets in here."
Ash McShane

Ash was already there when Corban had opened the door, tapping his foot impatiently against the stark white floor as he leaned against the wall. Ash, when he first got the idea to head for Echo, was excited. Excited to put his energy towards something righteous, excited to go out and see the world, excited to be able to meet some friends who could keep up with him. But that excitement slowly transformed into frustration over the course of his first week of 'training.' He had to take some boring tests, he ate with an ever shifting group of people that he knew he wouldn't be seeing much of again, and worst of all he always had to wake up early for the whole rigamarole. If it was for REAL training, he wouldn't be happy about waking at the crack of dawn, but he'd get it. He did not get waking up that early for a personality test. How would that even help in their fight against the Lost?

But he had hopes today would be different. They were actually meeting in a room labeled 'training' for one, and the note about it was gruff, clearly from a new instructor called Efran. Ash assumed he was the kind of person to really kick things into gear, start really working on taking on the lost, so Ash followed his instructions. Got to the training room a little early, in-fact, eager to start. But he was getting frustrated fast. The room didn't hold anything, or anyone, in it when Ash first entered, except for a mirror and some weird beeping box. Ash didn't want to investigate, having broken something similar fairly recently on the ship trying to understand it. So, he just sat against the wall, and tapped his foot.

When the door opened, Ash was about to exclaim "Finally." However, it still wasn't Efran. Ash recognized this person, it was Corban. At the least talking to them would pass the time, even if it definitely wouldn't excuse the teacher of demanding they all be their on time and missing the date himself.

"Hey, Corban!" Ash greeted, easing off the wall and walking over to his raven-feathered acquaintance. "You been hating all this red tape stuff as much as I am? We've been here a whole week and haven't even gotten put into teams for the real training yet!"
Ash McShane

19 year old human from Barilla.

Role: Ash is a front-line fighter through and through. Without access to ranged weaponry, he'll invariably take the vanguard despite lacking a Font.

Weapon: Ash's weapon is actually a pair of weapons-- a broad, bladed shield able to be used as a slashing weapon or a defensive tool, and a thin sword, equally capable of cutting and piercing. They can be combined together to form a sort of greatsword/spear hybrid, as the sword's hilt can be extended. Both the sword and shield have vents built into them that allow resonant to coat the blade.

  • Adventurous - Ash comes from a long line of sea-farers, people who built strength and agility out of necessity to survive, and to explore. Adventure is in his blood, and as such he's got a natural propensity for building muscle and stamina.

  • Zealot - Ash is very religious, and has a natural distaste for the other two religions in Chroma. He has trouble working with Circle or Omnigaia believers, and will often pick fights with them over the groups treatment of Feren.
  • Poor Leader - Despite being the kind of person to lead the charge, as an actual leader he's very poor. He doesn't think well in terms of team strategy, doesn't offer the best advice, and is liable to break off solo.

  • Intermediate Swordsman - Ash is fairly familiar with swords. Not just his own unqiue weapon, but any bladed thing meant to be swung around for self-defense.
  • Beginner Jack of All Trades - There's little Ash hasn't dabbled in, though there's also little he's gotten any real practice in. He has basic knowledge of most hobbies, but nothing worth noting really.
  • Beginner Athlete - Ash is a fit man, used to running, jumping and lifting heavy objects. While not particularly acrobatic, he can definitely outrun the average person in most terrains.

Personality: Ash can be a brash kind of guy. While generally he's not rude or overbearing, he is assertive, confident and can even be a bit aggressive. While he means no harm by it, and often means WELL by it, his younger years of rebellion and rambunctiousness haven't totally exited his system. He's the kind of guy who might punch you in the arm a little too hard, or rush you into a situation you're not comfortable with. But he's also the kind of guy who'd drop what he was doing to help you move, and even try to get others involved, or stand up for you against an authority figure.

While stubborn to a fault, and has trouble asking others for emotional help, he isn't entirely immature. He's good at dealing with loss in a healthy way, and that's actually about the only subject he offers good emotional advice on. He's the kind of person who can't stand being in the same place-- going a long time without change leads him into a depressive and easy to anger state, so he's got a deeply ingrained need to travel, and to try new things. If, for some reason, you're the one offering him to do something dangerous or wacky instead of the other way around, he'll pretty much invariably say yes. Over all, he's a good friend, if you can manage to reign him in when he takes a step too far.

Background: Ash's story starts with his parents, Harold McShane and his wife Amelia Smith. The two were ardent Children of Gaia, who found each other through the religion and fell in love. For their honeymoon, they made a pilgrimage to an important religious site-- the Korstone, found in Barillia. They sailed from their home of Shindan to Barillia, and though it was a rough journey, it was well worth it. While originally they were enamored with just the Korstone, they found a deep beauty in Barillia and its people. After Ameilia found herself pregnant, the two decided to settle in Korstone.

The child the two had was named Ash, and he was a rambunctious sort. Even at a young age he was active, and ever so slightly rebellious. It did not help that he grew up around Feren-- while he would grow to appreciate the cultural context when he was older, at a young age he was frustrated he didn't have the animal features all of his friends had, and bothered by their questions. After all, no kid likes feeling 'different.' He wasn't even particularly attached to the church, despite most of his friends being from there. However, a string of two events lead him to becoming deeply religious. Firstly, was the time the church helped save his friend Corban from a group of Omnigaia Pact cultists. Soon after that event, Edward's father Harold fell ill, and the church came together to help him, raising funds and going out of their way to try and treat him. While eventually he did pass, it was peaceful and painless, and Ash knew he was indebted to the church, and to the Starmother herself for giving Harold a life he was happy with.

Ash grew up quickly after his father passed, transforming into a fine young man. Where he was once withdrawn, was a want to help others in his community. He never stopped 'adventuring' per say, but now rather than exploration or fun for its own sake, he would gather things for people from more dangerous places. However, despite his transformation, Ed found himself often wanting a bit more. He had explored all of Korstone in his time their, and he wanted to truly get to know the world Gaia had made for him. That was when he decided to join Echo. He could make his community proud by eliminating the Lost, and also explore the world. Despite moving away from his friends and mother, Ash believes he will be much happier traveling and doing good.
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