Ash McShane

19 year old human from Barilla.
Role: Ash is a front-line fighter through and through. Without access to ranged weaponry, he'll invariably take the vanguard despite lacking a Font.
Weapon: Ash's weapon is actually a pair of weapons-- a broad, bladed shield able to be used as a slashing weapon or a defensive tool, and a thin sword, equally capable of cutting and piercing. They can be combined together to form a sort of greatsword/spear hybrid, as the sword's hilt can be extended. Both the sword and shield have vents built into them that allow resonant to coat the blade.
Strengths:- Adventurous - Ash comes from a long line of sea-farers, people who built strength and agility out of necessity to survive, and to explore. Adventure is in his blood, and as such he's got a natural propensity for building muscle and stamina.
Weaknesses:- Zealot - Ash is very religious, and has a natural distaste for the other two religions in Chroma. He has trouble working with Circle or Omnigaia believers, and will often pick fights with them over the groups treatment of Feren.
- Poor Leader - Despite being the kind of person to lead the charge, as an actual leader he's very poor. He doesn't think well in terms of team strategy, doesn't offer the best advice, and is liable to break off solo.
Skills:- Intermediate Swordsman - Ash is fairly familiar with swords. Not just his own unqiue weapon, but any bladed thing meant to be swung around for self-defense.
- Beginner Jack of All Trades - There's little Ash hasn't dabbled in, though there's also little he's gotten any real practice in. He has basic knowledge of most hobbies, but nothing worth noting really.
- Beginner Athlete - Ash is a fit man, used to running, jumping and lifting heavy objects. While not particularly acrobatic, he can definitely outrun the average person in most terrains.
Personality: Ash can be a brash kind of guy. While generally he's not rude or overbearing, he is assertive, confident and can even be a bit aggressive. While he means no harm by it, and often means WELL by it, his younger years of rebellion and rambunctiousness haven't totally exited his system. He's the kind of guy who might punch you in the arm a little too hard, or rush you into a situation you're not comfortable with. But he's also the kind of guy who'd drop what he was doing to help you move, and even try to get others involved, or stand up for you against an authority figure.
While stubborn to a fault, and has trouble asking others for emotional help, he isn't entirely immature. He's good at dealing with loss in a healthy way, and that's actually about the only subject he offers good emotional advice on. He's the kind of person who can't stand being in the same place-- going a long time without change leads him into a depressive and easy to anger state, so he's got a deeply ingrained need to travel, and to try new things. If, for some reason, you're the one offering him to do something dangerous or wacky instead of the other way around, he'll pretty much invariably say yes. Over all, he's a good friend, if you can manage to reign him in when he takes a step too far.
Background: Ash's story starts with his parents, Harold McShane and his wife Amelia Smith. The two were ardent Children of Gaia, who found each other through the religion and fell in love. For their honeymoon, they made a pilgrimage to an important religious site-- the Korstone, found in Barillia. They sailed from their home of Shindan to Barillia, and though it was a rough journey, it was well worth it. While originally they were enamored with just the Korstone, they found a deep beauty in Barillia and its people. After Ameilia found herself pregnant, the two decided to settle in Korstone.
The child the two had was named Ash, and he was a rambunctious sort. Even at a young age he was active, and ever so slightly rebellious. It did not help that he grew up around Feren-- while he would grow to appreciate the cultural context when he was older, at a young age he was frustrated he didn't have the animal features all of his friends had, and bothered by their questions. After all, no kid likes feeling 'different.' He wasn't even particularly attached to the church, despite most of his friends being from there. However, a string of two events lead him to becoming deeply religious. Firstly, was the time the church helped save his friend Corban from a group of Omnigaia Pact cultists. Soon after that event, Edward's father Harold fell ill, and the church came together to help him, raising funds and going out of their way to try and treat him. While eventually he did pass, it was peaceful and painless, and Ash knew he was indebted to the church, and to the Starmother herself for giving Harold a life he was happy with.
Ash grew up quickly after his father passed, transforming into a fine young man. Where he was once withdrawn, was a want to help others in his community. He never stopped 'adventuring' per say, but now rather than exploration or fun for its own sake, he would gather things for people from more dangerous places. However, despite his transformation, Ed found himself often wanting a bit more. He had explored all of Korstone in his time their, and he wanted to truly get to know the world Gaia had made for him. That was when he decided to join Echo. He could make his community proud by eliminating the Lost, and also explore the world. Despite moving away from his friends and mother, Ash believes he will be much happier traveling and doing good.