Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BurningCold
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BurningCold Magical Bastard

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@King Tai The Blizzard MK-2 didn't even flinch as some weird space ship flew by over head, eventually crashing into some other part of the city. "Well things just get weirder and weirder here every second don't they? Hopefully whoever flew that ship has their passport handy." Isaiah says to no one in particular as he begins calibrating his sniper rifle, obviously not planning on helping in this fight against Jesster.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mrambo90
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Zack,Pliskin /Sector2814/Bank of Manhattan/ September,5th,2015

“You guys seem to have this, I’m rooting for you.” Zack said as he chuckled at the bad pun as he saw the smoke trail of the ship, he flew as fast as he could trying to intercept the craft but was too late to catch it before impact and went into a hot pursuit of the craft. Hovering over the park he saw civilians gather” You all need to go we don’t know if that thing is hostile he said as he formed a bubble shield incasing himself and the ship to protect the people.
“Welcome to earth please make yourself known if you still alive.” He said as he closed slowly on the craft his ring ready.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

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As Jayden's rap ended he noticed the party grew to a much larger size from the simple 3 people that were there to start. He noticed the dragon girl begin to cast what seemed to be a spell as vines sprung up and wrapped around Jesster who was quickly subdued "Well I guess that works!" Jayden said as he threw his arms up. "Alright now who are all of you?" He said as he quickly noticed the ship... "That's a space ship on fire..." he said as he noticed the green lantern quickly following it. "...and that's a Green Lantern...Cool!" he added "Anyways why did so many heroes come to take down Jesster? I could have handled her! I always do! She's kinda one of my main enemies in this roleplay!" Jayden said as he wondered why he said 'roleplay' instead of 'hero gig'. "To start it off since I know you have the question! My names Burning Spirit! Jesster here is my enemy." He said as police took Jesster into a swat vehicle as he noticed a robot on a nearby roof with a sniper rifle. "..Also can the sniping robot please come down here before I slam your sorry tin can?" he added as he began emitting a strong heat as his anger was rising and rising.

@BurningCold @Slendy @2b3heart @The ghost in black
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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With the ship resting, tattered, on fire, Zuy stumbled trying to get to his feet from inside the ship. The entrance to the ship opened and he could hear someone talking but could not make out what this individual was saying. Looking in the direction of the entrance, Zuy slowly headed out to see who it was. The outside was very bright for his bronze eyes. Using his hand to shade his eyes and pulling out his dagger, he was in a hunched position, like that of a cautious hunter, he looked around to see these strange looking beings and this green force field surrounding him and the ship with a man wearing a green costume. Now, Zuy was speaking another language, which translated to him demanding where he was? And who these people were?

Cautiously stepping closer, He stared at the green lantern with his bronze eyes "You!.....take me back home!...where am I!?" He said with and intense look on his face "I will be slave to no one!"

Police could be seen coming up to the scene and looking to pull out their guns if a hostile action take place.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BurningCold
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BurningCold Magical Bastard

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@NekoJordan Isaiah cursed as he watched Jesster being helped into a swat vehicle. He'd missed his chance. Then, Isaiah noticed Burning Spirit. The MK-2 rose to it's feet as it finished calibrating the sniper rifle. In a synthesized voice it said, "Ah, the flaming wonder! You may not remember me well, my last model was white. I am Blizzard, and this is my Blizzard Mark Two!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 2b3heart

2b3heart Keyblade Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Seraphina looked over at the fiery elemental, staring at him blankly. She then cut off her spell, noticing a ship fall from the heavens. Rolling her eyes, Seraphina crossed her arms. "I was just trying to help."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by mrambo90
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Zack,Pliskin /Sector2814/Manhattan, New York/ September,5th,2015
“You are on the planet earth and I I’m a Green Lantern of sector 2814 of the green lantern corps an intergalactic police force, and I am here to help you.” He said as brought down his shield well bring himself down to ground level and placed himself between the being and police and civilian.

“Power level is at 4.65 percent.” Said his ring through his thought.

“I can’t take you anywhere but I have a couch you can rest on. “he said as some nervous laughter escape him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by yukisaa
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yukisaa The Evil One...

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the airplane had finally reached Manhattan. looking from the window, looking down at the city with all the different color lights. "well boys, um sorry to say, but this is my stop" I said, getting up from my seat and dusting myself.
"what do you mean madam, were still in the air" said the waiter, looking scared.
putting my hand on his cheek and caressing a part of his cheek, hoping to calm the waiter down.
"don't worry love, nothing going to happen to ya" i said winking and snapping my fingers making him sleep.
"well my work here is done" i noted, looking around making sure that i had everything, then teleporting to the other heroes. "the great and powerful Lady Madame is Here!" striking a fashionable pose.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

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With more people by the minute, them vines burst from the ground and entangle Jester, THEN a flaming spacecraft flies over head and crashes off in the distance. "AWWWW! I wanted to beat the bad guy!" Erin yelled through Kathren's glass blade "shhhhh! Erin keep it down we cant reveal you!" Kathren hissed under her breath directly at her own reflection looking almost crazy. Kathren flopped down on her butt and moved the sword so that the flat side was facing the multitude of people allowing her to see them but also closed her eyes to focus on the disc of Plexiglass having it roll to her and mom into an aglet which wrapped around her leg. The girl listened to the introduction of the robot and began to think of what she should call herself "Oooh I've got it! We're the mirrored maiden!" Erin said in their head "fine but don't be using that name around town, hello I'm the mirrored maiden I would have helped but you seemed to have stolen the glory." Kathren introduced herself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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Still a bit skeptical, Zuy kept his dagger drawn, pointing to the green lantern, he looked him up and down. The police were getting closer and had their guns out this time, still suffering the excitement of seeing a visitor from space. Zuy stared on "earth...green lantern...here to help?" He spoke. Making a sudden movement, walking two steps towards the green lantern, one of the cops shot at Zuy, hitting him in the shoulder as the bullet bounced off his skin. With a surprise attack, Zuy looked over with a pissed expression at the cop who shot at him. With his attention now on him, Zuy marched towards the direction of the officer to deal with him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mrambo90
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Zack,Pliskin /Sector2814/Manhattan, New York/ September,5th,2015
“Whoa not so fast cowboy, you can’t hurt scared people for doing their jobs.” Zack said with a Texan accent as a green lasso of energy erupted from his ring and flew around the waist of the being; well a energy bubble surrounded the ship.” Nothing to see here just move along!” ordered Zack as he took flight with the being and ship. “You got a name there buddy?” he asked as flew through alleyways as much as he could to avoid detection before setting down in an empty alley behind his apartment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Max took a deep breath and examined his surroundings one more good time to make sure he wasn't on some mystery drug. "Recap...DC human torch, weird kid talking to a piece of glass...who I should question later about enlisting her into an asylum, then we have a random ass aircraft...just what the hell...popping out of nowhere lucky the green lantern went to go handle that situation so we can cross that off the list of wtf's today, next Iron man and Mr. Freeze's offspring has joined the battle and what do you know is conversating with the torch man guy." Max shook his head at what he just wrote down and said aloud to himself. He seriously was thinking about walking away which he was pretty much about to do until...surprise motherfuckers! Another Hero has arrived on the seen. Max almost did a crat wheel. "Are you fricking kidding me! Is this super smash bros!? Is the sky just gonna keep shitting out heroes!?" He face palmed turning on his jetpack. Instead of having panic attack he decided might as well greet them. Max tried to not go insane as he descended to the ground and began to walk in the direction of Burning Spirit. "Excuse Me its nice to meet you...uh Toasty Spirit and what did you say your name was again Avalanche mark 2?" He asked smiling getting both of their names completely wrong.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BurningCold
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BurningCold Magical Bastard

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@Slendy @NekoJordan "Actually it's- Isaiah is about to correct this guy, but then stops himself. "Hmm... Avalanche... Not a bad name. But actually, it's Blizzard." Isaiah takes aim at the swat vehicle containing Jesster and fires, but it appears that nothing has come out of the barrel. "..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

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With his advances coming to an abrupt stop thanks to the powers of the the green lanterns ring. Zuy did not answer his question when he was carried to another location. As soon as he was set down, he looked upon the green lantern "what the hell do you want? You want to fight?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mrambo90
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Zack,Pliskin /Sector2814/Manhattan, New York/ September,5th,2015

“No not really, but I as I said earlier I am a Green Lantern you might not of heard of them but are role in life to protect people of are sectors and I don’t want you to make yourself an enemy of earth on your first day.” Said Zack as he scratched his chin and looked at the space craft. “What sector are you from and I can soon take you home.” he said as looked to the being.” I don’t know where you’re from or your methods but things are kind of peaceful here and you can’t act in aggression here, and you need to hide your ship we don’t need on lookers.” Zack ordered as he looked to his unused garage space.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Max noticed what...Blizzard was attempting to do and walked over to him. He jetpacked next to Blizzard and nudge his suit a bit. "Hey bud I see what you were trying to do there." Max said countinuing to nudge his suit. He stopped and waved his hand in the direction of the swat vehicle causing it to malfunction and possible allow Jesster to escape. Max leaned next to what he believed to be the machines head. "Between me and you that Jesster chick is kinda hot! I mean come on batman can't be the only one to have something for his villain right? Although Jesster isn't technically my villain but that just makes our chances of a relationship even better." Max grinned nudging Blizzard's helment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BurningCold
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BurningCold Magical Bastard

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@Slendy "I have already accomplished what I was attempting to do." The MK-2 turned it's mechanical head slightly to look at Max. "My relationship with my quarry is strictly platonic." For a moment, Isaiah's real voice is being transmitted through the robot. "But yes, she's hot as hell." Isaiah turns a knob on his rifle, and aims down the sights at the vehicle once again. "What did you do to the vehicle?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Max patted Blizzards back. "Your starting sound more like a human my robotic friend." He stepped back a bit when Blzard took ahold of his rifle. "Oh! I'm a technopath sooo causing certain parts in a vehicle to fall apart is almost like child's play. What about you what are your 'special traits?'"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

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Realizing that this green lantern was not a hostile, Zuy sighed while looking at the space craft he came in "I don't know what sector it is, I never been off my planet. I'm from Tyript. A harsh planet. I was captured by slave traders to fight." He said pointing at the ship "thats the slave trade's ship and there are dead ones inside. They could send more slavers to find me." Switching his head back and forth is if he were paranoid. "Tifo'li Zuy....."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BurningCold
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BurningCold Magical Bastard

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@Slendy "I could read your mind if I felt like it." Isaiah cocks his rifle. "Among other useful things. But giving all of my powers away would be foolish. You could be a potential enemy in the future. Or there could be villainous spies around. Sorry for sounding like a paranoid bastard."
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