Also yes, old stuff is a definite
BanchoLeomon was the one who took Duftmon down.
EDIT: And if by chance it's the Mercurymon event you're talking about, it was Ulforce and then Valdurmon purifying that fucker.
Got my post thought iut. Should have it up tonight ir tomorrow. Question, who took out Duftmon?
Also thinking of using the Character section to repost our original rp since I have it all saved. Yay or Nay?
2. Money issues mean that I have to withdraw all of my Paypal money, so I'm out of the commission idea, if that actually goes on.
<Snipped quote by Vocalia>
Oh, shit. Good luck with that!
Much appreciated. It occurs to me that, purely by fault of my own, having not read the IC materials to a significant amount when I hadn't joined, that I do not know the genesis of Zei's hydrophobia.