Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

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<Snipped quote by Lugubrious>

I feel like the IC has progressed too much for me to jump in. Characters are starting things with other characters, and I feel like my guy would be a pest to your guys. Plus I can't think up a good introduction post. :S

There's been almost no progress whatsoever, your character is very welcome, and you did already make an introduction post. http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3000706
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GreatSalmon
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GreatSalmon The Salmon

Member Seen 11 mos ago

There's been almost no progress whatsoever, your character is very welcome, and you did already make an introduction post. http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3000706

I did, but it conflicts with the GM's rules. :(

I'll see if I can't think up a new one.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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Grey Star

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I'm trying my best balance everything to make things go slow enough for everyone to hop on while fast enough for people not to lose too much interest. It's much harder than it looks, eheh. But yeah, there's still quite a lot of opportunities for the King to hop in.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LuciansMentor
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LuciansMentor The Writer Who Ruminates

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I'm goin in.

Jax, The Grandmaster at Arms

Universe: League of Legends (Or more specifically "Runterra")


*Personality: Jax is a wondering superhuman powerhouse going to wherever the fight brings him to do so. Honing his own mind and body over the course of years, he respects every opponent (and or friend) he runs into. Jovial at best, Jax seems to always be happy and optimistic. He lets nothing stand in his way to achieve his goals and is used by most Summoners who have the patience to farm and deal with a bunch of crap before later in the match.
Though he may not look like it, he's very intelligent and will use whatever's available to him in order to clear an obstacle. Whether it's a battle or a drinking contest, you're in a for a challenge because unlike most fighters Jax doesn't give up that easily. He's a very stubborn and very crafty fighter, bruisers who have never even faced the man claim him to be a worthy opponent wheras people who have had a lamppost shaped mark blown into them say he's a living nightmare. Whatever the name, Jax's notoriety has been strictly obtained through combat and by friendships throughout all of Runterra itself.
And although some people say that the Grand Duelist loathes him, some rumors have been speculating that as of recent the two have gained a new found respect for each other and by that regard- even more rumors of Jax's "soft-side" have been spread. A passionate man, and a a very Zen one, Jax has been and always will be a staple of the League.

Powers/Skills: Jax wields the power of practicality, and strength. He is an absolute beast in combat, countering blows, hitting foes, gettin those K.Os you get the picture. But he is a very strong and able fighter even earning himself the title of "Grandmaster" by the entire League of Legends itself. He can empower his strikes, spin his staff around which has a chance to dodge physical blows and even toughen himself up to resist magic. But what most people find so devastating about Jax is his famous "Grandmaster's Might" an attack which the master himself has refined and trained over many years. It is a devastating third blow that targets the opponents vitals and makes it so they take extra damage. But this isn't really relevant unless he's in a fight now is it? Speaking of which Jax, though he may not seem like it is also very muscular- able to wield multiple weapons, lifting up heavy things and even without a weapon he's still very dangerous.

Jax also has the ability to change his appearance once every day, it is called "Skins" and it is what every champion in the League uses to become a bit more fashionable. In Jax's case his outfit is changed and so is his weapon for the day.

(For those who need info I can link the skins if needed: Here they are anyway: http://www.lolking.net/models?champion=24&skin=0)

Brief Bio: "It is seldom the case where a champion is defined by his actions after joining the League of Legends rather than before. Such is the case with Jax, for whom the argument could be made that he is the most prolific tournament fighter currently at the Institute of War." - High Minster Ashram of the Institue of war. Jax was born and raised in Ionia when he was a kid he never reall stuck out as much. He would always train with the man who was most important to him- his father: Eikyō. Jax's mother had originally been a commander of the Ionian Military, a strong willed woman who would go headfirst into fights like a champ. One day, during a mission to the Ionian outskirts- she was captured by enemy forces and never head from again. His father was devastated and resorted to drinking in order to cleanse his sadness.
Unintentionally, this caused the young Jax to become more independent. He would start going to school, he picked up boxing as a passtime and eventually went into Geography to learn more about Runterra's structure. Jax was in every sense of the word, "strong" he'd purposefully pick fights with the school bullies and beat them to a pulp, he would demolish outdated sectors of the town and he even killed a strong boar who was terrorizing the town.
When Jax turned 16 his father fell out of his druken haze, saw what his son was doing and immediately had a meeting with him. While in the meeting his father profusely apologized for not being their for Jax when he was a child, he apologized for not doing the right thing as a father and failing his wife as a husband. But today was the day, that he would make things right.

"Son?" Eikyō said eyeing his only flesh and blood he had left.

"Yeah dad? What's up? You seem different today." Jax responded, looking up at the tall man, a confused frown was plastered across his face.

"Your mother, was a strong woman. She and I would always stick up for what Ionia- no- What WE believed in. I quit the army five years before she was captured. I felt awful that I had quit when I had found out she was taken. Had I been there..." His father was tearing up. "Had I been there she would've lived!"

"Dad. Dad!" Jax said punching his old man in the jaw.

"Ow! But uh... What Jax?"

Jax merely looked back up at his dad, with an expression of joy and understanding. "You stopped drinking!"

Eikyo tearfully embraced his son for the first time in ten years, "Yeah Jax. I guess I have." Wiping the tears from his face he began to remember what he had called Jax here for, "Jax!" he boomed.

"Yeah dad!? What is it!?" Jax said eagerly.

You have potential. I've heard about your adventures in town, your schoolwork and your brawling. You've made this old man proud! Now I may not be in the military anymore but I am in my own right one hell of a fighter! Jax!" Eikyo said looking at his son eye to eye, "I want you to carry on our family's legacy! Fight and Adventure till the end!"

Now this was a lot for the young Jax to take in, not even eightteen and his father lays this on him. But in that moment, Jax's mind became clear- he knew he was up to this and bravely said. "Alright old man. I'll love you no matter what y'hear? Bein a fighter huh? Well then- Let's do this."

For five years Jax trained under his father with a resolve of pure iron. Many challenges faced the young boy including rigorous climbs, being left alone to fend for himself in a nearly impossible climate to do so, fighting monsters who were nearly twice his size, proper eating and table ediquette, fighting with multiple weapons and even sometimes barehanded. Jax went so far as to hike for a week and come back feeling fine.
Then it came time for the boy's final test. One month in a place forbidden to every Ionian- The Shadow Isles. It was a cold and dark place, filled with terror, death and god knew what else. Nearly anyone who ever went there has never returned except for his own Mother and Father. But Jax had no fear, and willingly went to the Isles in order to train himself.
Now his father had explicitly said to stay on the Isles for one month. Jax however was gone for Two Years. Two years of not hearing from his son made Eikyō hysterical. He had wondered if he had made the right decision or if he had killed his only son. Then on the night of Harrowing Jax returned home, he had various cuts all over his body and his eyes were gashed so hard that they were welded shut, but he still managed to find his way home against all odds. Eikyō was grateful, proud wouldn't even begin to describe the immense joy he felt for his son.
In order to fix him up Eikyō took his son to the city of Piltover, a booming metropolis of the finest technology available. It was there that Jax's eyes were mended, and he received a special mask to wear made by none other then Cecil. B Heimerdinger- the lead inventor of Piltover. Finally returning to Ionia Jax received one last memento from his father, a special robe made for Jax by his father's own hands. It was crafted using fibers from a beast known as "The Wielder of the Immortal" who was apparently part of a race of fierce creatures who were condemned to live in a pits. They were known for being strong and having the ability to not only block out magic, but to slam multiple foes around them.
It was all Eikyō had left and in his old age he had nothing else to give to his son. Three days later, he passed on. His grave still stands at the very center of the Ionian plateau with the words. "Here lies Eikyō. A true warrior, a fine husband and an even greater father." With that done Jax fought his way through many challenges, moving all around Ionia and even the world. He gained so much notoriety as a mercenary and as a warrior that soon the League of Legends caught wind of him.
At first the League was a bit skeptical about the Legend of, "Jax, the Grandmaster at Arms". But after seeing him in the flesh and openly signing up for the League, their skepticism was silenced and would later be removed entirely. When Jax entered the community of Champions nearly every one of them refused to fight him. Why? Because he already HAD. Literally before entering the League Jax had faced all of the forty champions that the League had to offer.
So with their champions not fighting, High Councilor Ashram devised a solution: Weaken Jax. However this plan was scrapped when Jax caught wind of the meeting after hearing fellow champion Tryndamere talk to him about it.

"If it's a handicap they want. It's a handicap they'll get."

In protest of this plan Jax fought with the only thing he deemed would be fair to the other champions, a Brass Lamppost he had taken from an Ionian Garden upon the first day of him leaving the country. And when he did use the lamppost, most champions agreed to fight him on equal terms and thus, the League was once again in balance. However later on, more champions joined the League and the old ones proceeded to get stronger. Ashram told Jax he could remove his handicap and fight once again with whatever he wanted because of this development. But Jax didn't care, he simply replied, "I like this thing. I'll fight with it, but thanks for the offer- I might change one day."
Since then Jax, armed with only a lamp and sheer intellect has managed to single-handedly defeat every champion in the League at least once. He became friends with the Champion Gragas and the two became best drinking buddies. He impressed mutliple summoners Earning him a rightful spot in the Institute of War as: "The Grandmaster at Arms."

TL:DR: Jax grew up as a young boy with a dead mother and a depressed father. He became independent and later on his father saw what he was doing and trained him by putting him in harsh conditions. Later he sent him to the Shadow Isles, he came back after two years, he got himself fixed up, his father died, he made his grave and then went on to become a Brass Lamppost wielding badass who overwhelmed the odds of the entire League of Legends.


Brass Lamppost: - Taken from an Ionian garden, this instrument of battle has become well worn over the years and is Jax's iconic weapon.

Hockey Stick: - A hockey stick that was given to Jax as part of a celebration. Apparentley something about somewhere known as "Canada" something about the "Olympics"? It doesn't make sense.

Plank of Wood: - A simple plank of wood with a nail on the end of it. It would hurt if Jax did an overhead swing but he never does.

Cardboard Tube: - A giant roll of cardboard that is more dangerous than it looks. It was once used by a certain Samurai.

Fishing Rod: - Once belonged to his mother, a favorite passtime of hers and a dangerous weapon to any potential- ahem. "Aquatic" enemies.

Solari Halberd: - Given to Jax after he spent time with the Solarian Prince: Joe in his last moments. Jax appeared at his funeral and said the Prince's favorite quote: "Here's to you kid." It apparentley is infused with the sun's power.

Wushuu Halberd: - Stolen by Jax after an invasion of an Ionian complex. He literally took one of the Daimyo's own clothing and used it as his own. It's a very powerful weapon with a red sash hanging from it. (The Daimyo's clothing is how "Temple Jax" came to be.)

Varasong: - Arguably the Grandmaster's most feared weapon the Varasong is a morningstar that Jax acquired during his travels to Shurima. It doesn't do much in the League except add new effects and possibly more damage to the Master's abilities.

Summoner's Cup: - Given to Jax along with an SKT T1 outfit as part of him being summoned for the League's third World Championship in which summoners from across the world compete in teams to win the fabled summoner's cup. It makes a clunk when it hits something.

Prosopiko: - Jax was given it after the Summoner's Rift was revamped. It represents the blue side of the rift. It is a beatiful iron staff that gives an emerald hue when the Grandmaster gracefully spins it around.

Robe of Immortals: - Really Jax's only robe, changes with his Skin apppearance. It is woven from fibers of a mythical beast that increases his resistance to magic and physical trauma. It also gives him enhanced regeneration when he's out of combat.

Hexadecimal Optical Perceiving Exoskeleton or H.O.P.E: - A mask made specially for Jax by Heimerdinger that doesn't really do much other than increase his awareness only slightly. It is cool though.

*Others: Imagine if he'd had a real weapon.

Also this a really long post! Took about Half an Hour to write.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GreatSalmon
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GreatSalmon The Salmon

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Jax, The Grandmaster at Arms

That's not Mole Knight and/or Super Galaxy Rumble at all!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LuciansMentor
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LuciansMentor The Writer Who Ruminates

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by LuciansMentor>

That's not Mole Knight and/or Super Galaxy Rumble at all!

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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Grey Star

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@LuciansMentor Jax is accepted if you nerf the "can block any physical blow with lamp post" ability. But yeah, Ranma would like the guy. Seems like his cup of tea.

Also GM post incoming either tonight or early tomorrow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LuciansMentor
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LuciansMentor The Writer Who Ruminates

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@LuciansMentor Jax is accepted if you nerf the "can block any physical blow with lamp post" ability. But yeah, Ranma would like the guy. Seems like his cup of tea.

Also GM post incoming either tonight or early tomorrow.

Oh yeah! Didn't mean to sort of godmod like that lol. Alrighty then.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Member Seen 13 days ago

@LuciansMentor Jax is accepted if you nerf the "can block any physical blow with lamp post" ability. But yeah, Ranma would like the guy. Seems like his cup of tea.

Also GM post incoming either tonight or early tomorrow.

I usually imagined that ability as being like 'the lamp-post is practically indestructible'... but things can go around it >3>

On a side note, yay, a post! :D I was worried the RP had fallen into the stalling pit of 'someone waiting on someone's post who's waiting on someone else's post' leading into redundant infinity until it's been a week and everyone's left.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ToadRopes
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ToadRopes The Diggersby King

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3x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ToadRopes
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ToadRopes The Diggersby King

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Vampires, overlords, knights, and maybe concrete mixers, oh my.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

What's your stance on introducing random characters as NPCs to interact with, Gray Star? You did it with the Russian woman, but it could always be a GM-exclusive power.


Vampires, overlords, knights, and maybe concrete mixers, oh my.

Oh yeah.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GreatSalmon
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GreatSalmon The Salmon

Member Seen 11 mos ago


Accept or Riot.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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Grey Star

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Lugubrious In the near future, I'll allow players to suggest small areas of the City to explore and if it makes it through with GM approval, said players can have sub-plot relevant NPCs that asks people to do side quests for them.

@LuciansMentor In that case, accepted. He can still block with the thing, it just can't outright nullify any physical attacks, okay?

@ToadRopes Before I accept, I'm gonna ask if you're serious or not. Cause this is a pretty dangerous land for an innocent cement mixer.

...God, that was a sentence I never expected to say.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GreatSalmon
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GreatSalmon The Salmon

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Okay okay okay, finally got a new introduction post up. I'm a bit iffy about the comprehension, as I was rushed to make it. If something is wrong with it, or if people are confused, please let me know and I'll edit and/or rewrite. >_>
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

DIO is now open for interaction with another character in his area.

Okay okay okay, finally got a new introduction post up. I'm a bit iffy about the comprehension, as I was rushed to make it. If something is wrong with it, or if people are confused, please let me know and I'll edit and/or rewrite. >_>

Looks good to me!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LuciansMentor
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LuciansMentor The Writer Who Ruminates

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I'm not sure what to post lol, everyone looks like they're doing their own thing. Other than that I'm ready to have Jax enter, when the time is right.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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Grey Star

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Mostly everyone's just reacting to being randomly transported into a strange land, trying to get info.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LuciansMentor
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LuciansMentor The Writer Who Ruminates

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Mostly everyone's just reacting to being randomly transported into a strange land, trying to get info.

Alrighty then! I'll have mine up in a jiffy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ToadRopes
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ToadRopes The Diggersby King

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Grey Star

I'm actually serious about this, and I understand completely that I'm pushing the envelope and that the setting of this roleplay will likely present a difficult position for Dizzy. I believe that playing a character such as Dizzy in this type of environment presents me an interesting writing challenge in how she would respond to the situations presented in the narrative.

also people seem to think Dizzy will elicit some pretty funny reactions and I intend to deliver


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