The Magic Of the World Has Been Long Forgotten.
Magical Monsters Left To Roam The Lands Unsupervised.
Then One Day An Old Archaeologist Stumbles Upon A Cavern Of Wonders.
A Cavern Revealing To Him All The Secrets Of Magic.
This man knew at once what he must do. He must teach these secrets to the people of the world. Knowing this he used his new-found knowledge to summon the ancient campus of the ancient school of magic back into the world above the cavern of magic.
He then searched the world recruiting. After he established the basis of the school (the staff, the rules, and the lessons) he then sent out a beacon to the world. Any person with any magical talent can feel the beacon and many will come searching for answers.
And they will have them answered...
(as I have had some confusion with the periods please note assemblies count as a period)
Please keep it PG13 (im not to sure with americas way of doing things but i believe this is right)
Character Application Format
Preferred Beast:
First Weapon Type:
Side Class Choice:
Magical Monsters Left To Roam The Lands Unsupervised.
Then One Day An Old Archaeologist Stumbles Upon A Cavern Of Wonders.
A Cavern Revealing To Him All The Secrets Of Magic.
This man knew at once what he must do. He must teach these secrets to the people of the world. Knowing this he used his new-found knowledge to summon the ancient campus of the ancient school of magic back into the world above the cavern of magic.
He then searched the world recruiting. After he established the basis of the school (the staff, the rules, and the lessons) he then sent out a beacon to the world. Any person with any magical talent can feel the beacon and many will come searching for answers.
And they will have them answered...
Courses available for main study:
Elemental's (The power of elemental's comes from controlling the forces of nature to wield its power as your own):
Elemental Sorcerer: Professor Hillbury. An elemental sorcerer gains uses all four elements in complete balance. Although this means they are unable to use some of the individual elements more arcane and powerful magical abilities due to their other magical forces cancelling them out they do have the most varied magic which can come in useful.
Storm Mage: Professor Haelstorm. Otherwise known as Air Mages the Storm mages use the power of the air, lighting and thunder to achieve their goals.
Fire Mage: Professor Fyreoh: Flame mages use the deadly power of fire to burn, explode and melt their way through any situation. Magic is unstable when in water.
Water Mage: Professor Ike: Otherwise known as ice mages water mages use the elemental power of water to affect the world around them.
Earth Mage: Professor Rockehorn: Solid and tough earth mages use their connection with the earth to perform magnificent feats. Their magic is stronger with a connection to the earth (e.g. if a mage is in an aeroplane their magic would be much weaker than standing on the ground with shoes on. And an even stronger connection would come from standing barefooted on the earth’s surface.
Classes of Adept:
Dark Artist: The Dark Lord: Not to be mixed with necromancy (although some parts overlap) this includes many kinds of black magic. But this is not the easy path as people say in stories, you could fall prey to the monsters you summon, you surround yourself with such darkness beings of darkness find you and kill you or even the darkness itself drains you.
Life Mage: Professor Finch: The aura of life surrounds all living beings. Life mages are masters at arcane healing and are one with nature, the plants the animals and the people.
Diviner: Professor Thoth: Uses aura magic. You cast spells to reveal information. You can see the invisible, detect magic, spy on people from miles away without them knowing, can craft other people’s magic, the ability to shoot tendrils of energy the ability to make blink portals, the ability to make portals and much more...
Star Sorcerer: Lady Gemini: Otherwise known as a Celestial Wizard. These sorcerers use objects in the sky to
power their spells, whether it be horoscope and star sign magic or changing the tides it is all celestial magic.
Eastern Master: Master Uundaulida. The Eastern Masters are more concerned with the workings of the human mind than any other school of magic. Because of this their minds are the most powerful parts of them and they will use it there advantage. They also have great skill in divination although it can be wrong and more often than not useless. They can heal most things just by thinking.
Witch: The extremely matriarchal order of the witches survived the fall of magic and went into hiding. Slowly there numbers fell. Then one day they felt the pull of the beacon and investigated. Once they discovered what was there they found what could save the art of the witch, so they asked the head teacher if they could move into the school and teach witching. Wanting all aspects of magic available to the school he said yes. The building the witches teach in is the newest place in all the school.
North American Shaman: Professor Artula. North American Shamans understand the power of the spirit. They can separate the spirit from the mind, fight on a spiritual level, commune with dead spirits, dream catch (the ability to enter somebodies dream and can control the dreams of others and draw power from them) and many more. They normally focus their power on an item, such as a totem. They are also adepts in potion making and healing.
Beast Speaker: Professor Lady Amelia and Professor Ti. Beast speakers learn to control the different types of animals, but it doesn’t stop there, as the Beast Speakers progress they learn how to take animal attributes and make them their own (e.g. gain the speed of a falcon, the sight of an eagle, the claws of a tiger) and even full morphing into an animal shape.
Sigal Sorcerer: Professor Smith. Sigal Sorcerers use Ru’nes (the ancient language of magic) to achieve their goals. With the right rune anything is possible.
Myth Mage: Professor Smith. Myth is imagination. The power of the mind, and everything it can create, drives myth magic. It is an illusion and dreams made real. If the mage can conceive it, it can be brought forth and even brought to life. Beware though for when imagination becomes to fanciful and whimsical dreams can escape control and run wild. Myth Mages use a type of magic called naming to summon creatures by memorizing and calling out their True Name.
Arabian Sage: Sage Muuf: The pursuit and love of knowledge is the true path of the Arabian sages. They are masters of spells concerned with animation and creators and collectors of beautiful and unusual magical objects. They also have powerful abilities concerning flight able to make magic flying carpets (and other items) with ease. They can also summon magical creatures and bind them (e.g. genies).
Necromancer: Professor Kular: The aura of death fuels these mages power. They can command it, control it and become it. Also shadow magic is also taught within this class.
Shapeshifting: Professor Grlllth. Although most classes of magic have the ability to shift into certain things only this class masters the art. As students progress they will be able to morph into whatever they imagine and even be able to send parts off of themselves (like spikes flying off of them) and even control them when they are detached (although this uses most of even the most powerful wizard’s energy. When they reach a certain point they can even morph into another object (e.g. become one with a wall.). The more mass your body needs to add/take away drains your energy more. As well as this the more drastic the change (e.g. becoming metal from human) the more it takes energy.
(Subclass)Darwinian: Professor Darwin (title). A subclass of shapeshifting but a very different type of magic is used in this class. Instead of thinking about what to morph into your body changes subconsciously to adapt to the situation. (e.g. a lake is in front of you and you need to swim to the other side your body grows gills and changes your body so it is most suited to complete the task.) The more times the body needs to adapt to a scenario the easier, more instinctual and quicker the process gets.
Killer Sage: Warrior. In an old building filled with tunnels in the school the arts of the Killer Sages is taught. They learn the most effective, quickest, most painful, slowest and many more ways to kill people and make them suffer.
Elemental's (The power of elemental's comes from controlling the forces of nature to wield its power as your own):
Elemental Sorcerer: Professor Hillbury. An elemental sorcerer gains uses all four elements in complete balance. Although this means they are unable to use some of the individual elements more arcane and powerful magical abilities due to their other magical forces cancelling them out they do have the most varied magic which can come in useful.
Storm Mage: Professor Haelstorm. Otherwise known as Air Mages the Storm mages use the power of the air, lighting and thunder to achieve their goals.
Fire Mage: Professor Fyreoh: Flame mages use the deadly power of fire to burn, explode and melt their way through any situation. Magic is unstable when in water.
Water Mage: Professor Ike: Otherwise known as ice mages water mages use the elemental power of water to affect the world around them.
Earth Mage: Professor Rockehorn: Solid and tough earth mages use their connection with the earth to perform magnificent feats. Their magic is stronger with a connection to the earth (e.g. if a mage is in an aeroplane their magic would be much weaker than standing on the ground with shoes on. And an even stronger connection would come from standing barefooted on the earth’s surface.
Classes of Adept:
Dark Artist: The Dark Lord: Not to be mixed with necromancy (although some parts overlap) this includes many kinds of black magic. But this is not the easy path as people say in stories, you could fall prey to the monsters you summon, you surround yourself with such darkness beings of darkness find you and kill you or even the darkness itself drains you.
Life Mage: Professor Finch: The aura of life surrounds all living beings. Life mages are masters at arcane healing and are one with nature, the plants the animals and the people.
Diviner: Professor Thoth: Uses aura magic. You cast spells to reveal information. You can see the invisible, detect magic, spy on people from miles away without them knowing, can craft other people’s magic, the ability to shoot tendrils of energy the ability to make blink portals, the ability to make portals and much more...
Star Sorcerer: Lady Gemini: Otherwise known as a Celestial Wizard. These sorcerers use objects in the sky to
power their spells, whether it be horoscope and star sign magic or changing the tides it is all celestial magic.
Eastern Master: Master Uundaulida. The Eastern Masters are more concerned with the workings of the human mind than any other school of magic. Because of this their minds are the most powerful parts of them and they will use it there advantage. They also have great skill in divination although it can be wrong and more often than not useless. They can heal most things just by thinking.
Witch: The extremely matriarchal order of the witches survived the fall of magic and went into hiding. Slowly there numbers fell. Then one day they felt the pull of the beacon and investigated. Once they discovered what was there they found what could save the art of the witch, so they asked the head teacher if they could move into the school and teach witching. Wanting all aspects of magic available to the school he said yes. The building the witches teach in is the newest place in all the school.
North American Shaman: Professor Artula. North American Shamans understand the power of the spirit. They can separate the spirit from the mind, fight on a spiritual level, commune with dead spirits, dream catch (the ability to enter somebodies dream and can control the dreams of others and draw power from them) and many more. They normally focus their power on an item, such as a totem. They are also adepts in potion making and healing.
Beast Speaker: Professor Lady Amelia and Professor Ti. Beast speakers learn to control the different types of animals, but it doesn’t stop there, as the Beast Speakers progress they learn how to take animal attributes and make them their own (e.g. gain the speed of a falcon, the sight of an eagle, the claws of a tiger) and even full morphing into an animal shape.
Sigal Sorcerer: Professor Smith. Sigal Sorcerers use Ru’nes (the ancient language of magic) to achieve their goals. With the right rune anything is possible.
Myth Mage: Professor Smith. Myth is imagination. The power of the mind, and everything it can create, drives myth magic. It is an illusion and dreams made real. If the mage can conceive it, it can be brought forth and even brought to life. Beware though for when imagination becomes to fanciful and whimsical dreams can escape control and run wild. Myth Mages use a type of magic called naming to summon creatures by memorizing and calling out their True Name.
Arabian Sage: Sage Muuf: The pursuit and love of knowledge is the true path of the Arabian sages. They are masters of spells concerned with animation and creators and collectors of beautiful and unusual magical objects. They also have powerful abilities concerning flight able to make magic flying carpets (and other items) with ease. They can also summon magical creatures and bind them (e.g. genies).
Necromancer: Professor Kular: The aura of death fuels these mages power. They can command it, control it and become it. Also shadow magic is also taught within this class.
Shapeshifting: Professor Grlllth. Although most classes of magic have the ability to shift into certain things only this class masters the art. As students progress they will be able to morph into whatever they imagine and even be able to send parts off of themselves (like spikes flying off of them) and even control them when they are detached (although this uses most of even the most powerful wizard’s energy. When they reach a certain point they can even morph into another object (e.g. become one with a wall.). The more mass your body needs to add/take away drains your energy more. As well as this the more drastic the change (e.g. becoming metal from human) the more it takes energy.
(Subclass)Darwinian: Professor Darwin (title). A subclass of shapeshifting but a very different type of magic is used in this class. Instead of thinking about what to morph into your body changes subconsciously to adapt to the situation. (e.g. a lake is in front of you and you need to swim to the other side your body grows gills and changes your body so it is most suited to complete the task.) The more times the body needs to adapt to a scenario the easier, more instinctual and quicker the process gets.
Killer Sage: Warrior. In an old building filled with tunnels in the school the arts of the Killer Sages is taught. They learn the most effective, quickest, most painful, slowest and many more ways to kill people and make them suffer.
Side Classes:
Dragon speak
True sight
Beast Training
Monster Slaying
Time Playing
Dragon speak
True sight
Beast Training
Monster Slaying
Time Playing
Each school is also known as a ‘house’ people will be awarded house points for doing well in interschool events and such things.
Day Structure:
(Introduction day 1)
Arrive at the school.
Get shown around. (Get given meals in a cafe)
Get a dorm or buy a residential building in the residential zone
(Introduction Day 2)
Pick a school.
Meet your school teacher and learn about your school
Find a beast
Go to dorm or residential zone
Day 1:
Main Course
Side Class Choice
Side Class Choice
Main Course
Independent Studies.
Go to dorms or residential zone
Day 2:
Main Course
Improvisation (The teacher gives you a task and you have to solve it however you wish)
Side Class Choice
Main Course
Independent Studies
Go to dorms or residential zone
Day 3:
Main Course
Side Class Choice
Beast Training
Side Class Choice
Side Class Choice
Main Course
Interschool Competition
Go to dorms or residential zone
(Introduction day 1)
Arrive at the school.
Get shown around. (Get given meals in a cafe)
Get a dorm or buy a residential building in the residential zone
(Introduction Day 2)
Pick a school.
Meet your school teacher and learn about your school
Find a beast
Go to dorm or residential zone
Day 1:
Main Course
Side Class Choice
Side Class Choice
Main Course
Independent Studies.
Go to dorms or residential zone
Day 2:
Main Course
Improvisation (The teacher gives you a task and you have to solve it however you wish)
Side Class Choice
Main Course
Independent Studies
Go to dorms or residential zone
Day 3:
Main Course
Side Class Choice
Beast Training
Side Class Choice
Side Class Choice
Main Course
Interschool Competition
Go to dorms or residential zone
(as I have had some confusion with the periods please note assemblies count as a period)
Interschool events:
Chariot racing
Magical mundane sports
Magic duelling
Capture the Flag
(More added if needed)
Chariot racing
Magical mundane sports
Magic duelling
Capture the Flag
(More added if needed)
At the beginning of your school time you will chose your first beast, the only beasts that will be in the beast cave will be newly born (common ones found in the beast cave are Will Dragon’s ((classic western dragons)), fire cats, skeletonal dragons, non-magical animals, phoenixes and the Lygo Sea Serpent although others with permission may be permitted). Later on you will be able to get more beasts. (when this happens ask in OOC if you are allowed that species)
At the beginning of your school time you will chose your first beast, the only beasts that will be in the beast cave will be newly born (common ones found in the beast cave are Will Dragon’s ((classic western dragons)), fire cats, skeletonal dragons, non-magical animals, phoenixes and the Lygo Sea Serpent although others with permission may be permitted). Later on you will be able to get more beasts. (when this happens ask in OOC if you are allowed that species)
Please keep it PG13 (im not to sure with americas way of doing things but i believe this is right)
Character Application Format
Preferred Beast:
First Weapon Type:
Side Class Choice:
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