Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Desire
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Desire Willpower, Faith, and a little Luck.

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Magica and Machina, if you are of some intelligence, should look very similar to Magic and Machine. This whole world revolves around these two things. The advances of magic and the arcane arts, and the advances of machines and technology. But like any polar opposites, it's a difference that drives this world apart. Now before we get onto what's happening now, we have to take a look into the past before we fully can understand what is happening now, and what lies ahead in the future.

Many hundreds of years ago, around 4728 ARH (After recorded history), one main kingdom had erupted from the terrors and conflicts surrounding this world. We call this world Earth. This Earth is similar to our earth in many ways, but it has also some differences that we have to keep in mind. One of these is the land. There is one large super continent, that lies on the equator that the natives call Gaia. Now Gaia hold most of the population of the earth, stretching both north and south to get a varying range of climates and landscapes. Now the central part of Gaia was by far the easiest place to live. There was a lake and river system that acted sort of the heart of Gaia, branching out to the ends of the continent where the rivers eventually emptied out to. This is where most of civilization was located.

The kingdom there was prosperous since it's erection in 4269 ARH, and was in a golden age. But the struggle for advances in society pushed, as there was still lots of unclaimed land outward, and human greed itself naturally inclines toward more power. How to get this power, was the heat of the argument. One side, called the Magi, wanted to advance through magic. Learning of the arcane arts, and harvesting nature and it's energy to perform magical feats. On the other hand, the Mach, wanted to use man's brain along with harnessing resources and using science to further technology and create inventions. After dispute and a civil war the Mach were exiled to the coasts of Gaia, while the Magi stayed at the center of Gaia. At the time, since there was no time to advance technology to a great extent, the Magi won out.

Years have passed and now two distinct empires are the two extremes of Gaia, and you guessed it, it's Magi and Mach. The Magi has furthered their advances in magic and created a stable community for themselves, relying on magic for most of their needs. There is a class system, with the least adept magic users being poor and having low-class jobs, to the most adept magic users running the place and being the wealthiest. The politics, religion, and way of life is strictly Magica, and Machina believers are exiled.

The Machs have migrated around the coast, spanning an empire that encircles Gaia, the outer edges, especially north and south, being the harshest climates. The north holds it's major capital, and the whole layout is all machines, technology, robotics and electronics in all spans of life. There is one middle class, the workers, who tend to and work these machines. However, there is an elite group known as inventors who are gifted in creating, developing, improving, and upgrading machines. The "chosen people" of Machina, blessed with these gifts. Any magic users or Magica believers are exiled.

Now these are the two biggest empires, each dictatorships. Now throughout the course of history other smaller countries have appeared. Let's make a scale:


The scale goes 1-7. The closer to one, the more magic adept. The closer to 7, the more machina adept. 1 and 7 are the extremes, where you are only very adept at Magica or Machina. 4 is the neutral, the balance, equally using both, but to a modest level. They are the most accepting, do not prefer either, and are welcoming to Magica and Machina. 3 and 5 share this, but lean towards Magica and Machina a little, where 2 and 7 are almost pure, prefer their respective side, but don't hate the opposite side as they somewhat use it.

Countries ranging from 2-6 are scattered between Machina and Magica territory. They are not as strong as the pure 1 or 7, but are still substantial and have the benefit of using both to some extent.

Now where do you come in? For some reason or another you live in the Neutral capital of Haven, which is accepting of anybody 1-7, living a very peaceful and democratic lifestyle. For some reason or another your character is drawn to this place. That is for you to decide. But the war between Machina and Magica is heated, and the forces are starting to advance toward each other, wanted purification of their own respective side. And they'll demolish all other numbers in the process. What will stop this chaos from consuming Gaia?

That, will come in do time. First you must weave your story, and then weave it with others so that the fabric of time can be woven into place. And a future awaits, as your decisions throughout will determine the outcome.

OOC- http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/86535-magica-and-machina/ooc
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scrapula
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Sounds fun! What kind of city is Haven? Can we have a basic layout of the place?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nrtashi
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flynn
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Flynn Magnificent Bastard

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Hm... I see potential. Interested!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Interest bottled, capped, and offered.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blackbeard
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Blackbeard But why is the rum gone?

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Potentially interested.
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Urbanliner A Certain Magical Lazy Student

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Conibear
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Right I'm hooked, so now it is the time to ask a few quick questions.

So first off when you say Haven is democratic, do you mean a Republic or a true Democracy?

And you mentioned Haven was a capital, but I see nothing really regarding their nation apart from that place, so it inclines me to believe it is just a City-state ala ancient Athens. So is it part of a nation or just a city-state? And if it is a nation, could we get details on that, such as how expansive it is, how those areas are function in the political system, quality of life and things like that.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

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@Conibear I think you hit the sweetspot there. The kind of "There is no real definition" part of any RP.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Conibear
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

What? There is a true definition for Democracy. If Haven is governed as democratic it is either a true democracy or republic.

The Democracy being done by solely it's citizens, which means every vote counts.
Or a Republic which means that the power of voting is held by representives who are supposed to act for the interest of its group.

So a Republic representative could vote opposite to say, how it's chunk wanted it to vote, because the rep thought its be better.

Meanwhile a Democracy is strictly popular vote.

It is important to note as it is how the government of this section functions.

So I'm wondering what exactly it is, since it was stated to be Democratic. Plus are there restrictions on who can vote or not? Background details like this are important.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mysaren
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Desire
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Desire Willpower, Faith, and a little Luck.

Member Seen 9 mos ago

@Scrapula Haven is the democratic capital of the 4, as mentioned. It is not as broad an expansive as the other two empires. Magi have their home bustling with nature, magic, more of a utopia setting. Glass buildings, magical protection, more free-lance. Think Utopia. Now Mach have their home as very industrial, machines run everything, robots bustling about, fast bullet trains speeding people here and there. A futuristic metropolitan relevant to New York City.

Now Haven can be seen to have their more "City" like area surrounding the capital hall. Like an Urban area. Outside of that are suburbs, and outside of that is rural. Haven being the capital has all these things and the Urban part is the most substantial and has the largest population. Outside of this there are smaller areas under Haven control that have more suburban and rural areas, with a few exceptions pertaining to small cities. There are 2.

Does that answer your question?

@Conibear I am truly glad you asked! I was actually going to explain this more in the OOC, but you have forced my hand (how dare you). Now I'm familiar with these terms as I'm currently taking a college course on government and politics. The ones surrounding the US to be exact. Although you're more interested in government.

It is indeed a Republic, but a Republic is a kind of Democracy, you see. A constitution has been written, and there is federalism to an extent as each subdivision of nations has it's own smaller government and so do the two smaller cities. There has been no need for an executive branch of government and that power has been bestowed upon the legislative branch, which is bicameral. There are two senators from each subdivision and a number of representatives based on population. Haven is directly controlled by the national government and the smaller subdivisions take care of personal matters to most of the extent besides money, defense, foreign affairs, etc. But the national has power over all subdivisions and can overrule them. Like a judicial review. Speaking of which there are court systems but they are under rule of the legislative.

I hope that answered what you wanted to know, if you need anything else, please feel free to ask!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Desire
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Desire Willpower, Faith, and a little Luck.

Member Seen 9 mos ago

And to all of you! I admire the interest and am glad my idea has not come to waste. Lots of interest though, so probably going to be a large group! (Or separate smaller groups. Decisions.) I will be posting an OOC probably tonight. It is Friday night, I have nothing better to do. I will be putting history, descriptions of each individual 7 (which emphasis on the extremes and the neutral), and a character sheet with directions. If there is anything else you would like included in this OOC you must tell me. I'm not a mind reader, and I need to know what you guys need to know about the story.

So send me feedback, PM me, post it here. I'll answer any questions and engage in any discussion. And as always, thank you.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Desire
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Desire Willpower, Faith, and a little Luck.

Member Seen 9 mos ago

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