Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by yukisaa
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yukisaa The Evil One...

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Lady Madame walked through the doors of B.B.G.L. "looks normal" she mumbled to herself, while having a look around. she notice a young girl with glasses sitting by herself, she decided to ask if she can join her, being that she show no other seats available at the time. "by any chance, do you have other people coming to join you, or not, may i sit here?" asking.

@The ghost in black
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"oh... no I'm alone, it's fine if you sit" Erin said after she heard the woman, "may I ask who you are though?. As she asked this Erin slowly reached for the glass of juice, careful not to knock it over again, and took quiet sips of it while she waited for an answer.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by yukisaa
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yukisaa The Evil One...

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"you don't know me, and there i thought i was famous around the world. well no worries, I go by the name of Lady Madame and whom may you be *taking a closer look at the girl* or whom may the two of you be?" asking, hoping not to get the girl angry.

@The ghost in black
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Erin froze with her mouth on her cup when lady Madame mentioned there being two of them "wha-what do you mean the two of you?" she said as she put it down. "that's crazy as you can clearly see there's only me and you here. Erin said with a nervous laugh before taking off her glasses and setting them on the table.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by yukisaa
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yukisaa The Evil One...

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"sorry about that, don't mind me, i do that sometimes" saying, while the young waitress take my order.

@The ghost in black
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Damn it." Max cursed as he landed and unequipped his metallic like suit. As it resorted back into a wrist band he walked into his home quickly putting on some baggy jeans and a blue T-shirt that said "Screw it!" As a pun to his hero name. He put on a skull cap and hopped onto his moped driving towards this Billy's Dinner. "Damn why couldn't Blue iron man just give me his phone number!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"it's ok, well my name is Erin Ms. Madame" she said as the test on that she previously felt slipped away "oh god...that was so close" Kathren whispered to herself through the glasses but kept watching the mysterious person. "So what did you mean by being famous around the world?" Erin said trying to change the subject.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by mrambo90
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@King Tai @makarov
Zack,Pliskin /Sector2814/Manhattan, New York/ September,5th,2015
“I would never want to beat a lady to pulp that is just barbaric. “He said with tone like he had just taken a slap across the face. ”If you want to be beat to a pulp talk to a red lantern, but if what you say is true that put us in an interesting situation.” He announced as he lowered his ring but kept his shield up.” Now how am I supposed to know this is not a trap, a good start would be a little trust here?” announced Zack as he gave Zuy a hand signal to stand down.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by yukisaa
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yukisaa The Evil One...

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"you have never heard of my name? weird... Anyways I am A Magician" saying, as the young waitress bought me a tea.

@The ghost in black
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jayden and Violet eat their bounty of food at the B.B.G.L. as Jayden over hears a conversation in the diner. "Hmmm Lady Madam. One down, four to go." Jayden thought to himself as he ate. A girl walked into the diner and sat at the bar "What'll you have?" the waitress asked as the girl looked up "Uh coffee please. Hot" the girl said as the waitress nods and walks away. The girl lifts the collar of her coat to her face as if speaking into it. Jayden looked over to see the girl as he turned to Violet "Hey, that girl look familiar to you?" Jayden asked "She does actually now that you mention it." She replies. "Imma go say hi." Jayden said as he got up and walked over to the girl. "Hey there what's up. You seemed familiar so I thought I would come say hi." Jayden said as the girl was startled but calmed soon after "My names Jen Ciclmore." Jen said nervously "Why so nervous? I'm just a normal guy. Actuyally to be honest I can be a bit...abnormal in a ways." Jayden said as Jen secretly smirked. Jen pressed a button in her coat as a signal to some people waiting outside. "You know, you're actually really cute. Care for a little kiss?" Jen said as she pulled Jayden in a instantly kissed him. Jayden's face instantly went ice blue as his head was being frozen. Violet turned to see Jayden being frozen "JAYDEN!" Violet cried as Jayden feel to the ground. People screamed as they ran out of the diner while a group of men with freeze rays came out from various spots. "Alright so the people remaining here in the diner. Don't move you are to stay way you are and not try anything funny or get frozen by the sexiest piece of ice ever, Frostress!" Jen said as her body and hair began to go blue and her outfit began to change to a sexy blue outfit. Violet satin her seat watching them as her eyes panned to Jayden who was still laying there she then looked over at the two girls still in their seats.

@yukisaa @The ghost in black
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@King Tai @makarov
Zack,Pliskin /Sector2814/Manhattan, New York/ September,5th,2015
“I would never want to beat a lady to pulp that is just barbaric. “He said with tone like he had just taken a slap across the face. ”If you want to be beat to a pulp talk to a red lantern, but if what you say is true that put us in an interesting situation.” He announced as he lowered his ring but kept his shield up.” Now how am I supposed to know this is not a trap, a good start would be a little trust here?” announced Zack as he gave Zuy a hand signal to stand down.

Serena scoffed at the comment about red lanterns, but as the green lantern continued to speak she realized he might not be as gung ho about the law as the others of the green lantern corp, he lowered his ring and when he asked for trust she waited a moment and then made her SMGs disappear, "Do not make me regret this decision..." Before she could say anything she heard the sounds of people screaming and fleeing in terror from the building below, she looked back to the green lantern, "It would seem we must finish our talk later."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Zuy hung back as he just waited to see what was to happen next and what Zack wanted to do. He just kept a close eye at Serena but kept his composure. Zuy heard the screaming as well. turning back to Zack "What do you want to do?" he asked
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mrambo90
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@King Tai @makarov@NekoJordan @yukisaa @The ghost in black
Zack,Pliskin /Sector2814/Manhattan, New York/ September,5th,2015
“You try anything funny we will have some real problems.” He grunted at the yellow lantern as looked to the diner. He launched himself into a near collision course with the top of the diner and came to an abrupt halt and landed softly on the roof. Green light emitted from his ring as his shield shrank to a thin layer around his body; he willed himself onward and smashed through the roof into the diner in a cloud of Dust. He leveled his ring at the henchmen and their ringleader. ”You guys chose the wrong place!”He shouted as he kept his ring ready.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by yukisaa
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yukisaa The Evil One...

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

one minute the waitress was serving me tea, the next she was running away from the scene that was happening around us. "it would seem like there is trouble" saying to the other girl, taking a sipping my tea. 2 minutes from drinking my tea, "it would seem like i need other cup of tea *feels the stare from the girl across from me* Oh i must say, that is one nice battle outfit" liking the outfit from the girl.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@King Tai @makarov@NekoJordan

Just then a bright glowing blue portal appeared in the air fifteen feet above the roof of a diner and Raynard emerged through it. He had his arms outstretched in triumph.

"HELLO EARTH!" he shouted and then noticed that he was several feet up in the air and looked down. He then looked into straight into thin air and gave a goodbye wave at nothing and proceeded to fall straight into the building roof. He gave groans of pain and then pulled himself up onto his feet.

"I've got to stop doing that. Oh well that's magic for you, works one day and then screws up another" the anthropomorphic fox said to himself. He then hopped off of the roof and entered the diner. People stopped what they were doing to look at him weirdly, they had clearly never seen a trickster before.

"Hi buddies! Don't panic, your funny neighborhood Raynard is here to bring mischieve and laughter to your boring lives!" he said out loud as he unstrapped his magic bag from his belt. It was time to play some pranks and cause mayhem.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Erin stood staring in the direction of the disturbance and crossed her arms, "really Ms.Ice blower do you have to make so much noise?" she asked before taking a sip of her orange juice. She yawned at the whole monolog and began to attempt to walk to the restroom.
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